
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    Sorry I sometimes don’t have time to answer to everyone directly. But I enjoy everyone’s comments – always something to learn. And the pictures – love the dogs and one of these days I will post my dog picture….as soon as I learn that.

    Joyce in Indiana – Reflexology feels sooo good. And I don’t think it would hurt to try it for depression. I have had it several times and I always feel good afterwards.

    Sharon in Lethbridge –“ I only care about the size of her heart” That is very nice. I’m sure glad you are my friend here. ((((((hugs)))))) and I get to spend tomorrow with DGD too!! Bought some Easter egg making things – we will see how that goes… 

    Janet – please don’t sweat the small stuff!! But yes I know what it is like when anything happens with the computer…I have a battery backup hooked up to my computer. I has 30 minutes on it and if I am not home it will shut the computer down properly (Brand – APC).

    I am off work for the rest of the week... burning off unused vacation days. Sorry people ...but not going to work is a vacation for me. I am perfectly happy staying home because I have so many things I would like to do - hobbies - visiting with friends - and you people.... walking outside in the sun....

    AND yup...back to the basement.... one small room full of boxes to move and put new shelves in to hold the IMPORTANT stuff....

    Take care everyone
    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Afternoon Ladies,

    Sharon, your visits sound wonderful. How fantastic to see a friend after 30 years. I know you look forward to the July vacation. I think half the fun is looking forward to it.

    Allison, I'm glad the tree didn’t do any damage. It’s always a shame to lose a mature tree. Now for the clean up.

    Barbie, so glad you are feeling a bit better. Keep up the healing.

    DrKatie, your bowls are cool and yes you did a great job of incorporating them with your teapots.

    Heather, I know the editing and publishing will be quite a job, and no pressure (tee hee hee) but you know that we are all following your project and won’t let you quit. Now that you have gotten this far, I can’t imagine that you would let yourself sabotage things. Keep up the good work, and like you said, One Step At A Time.

    Carey, love your quote for the day. Bacon…yum yum

    Sylvia, I’m not familiar with “cuttlefish swimming” but laughed as I read your post. Then I looked in the mirror and said, “ohhhhh, those cuttlefish”. :s

    Pip, you are such a pip. <3

    SSC, I can’t even remember the last time our power went out. That is why the second outage was such a surprise to me. But thanks for the suggestion.

    Carol NC, how wonderful that you get your GYN appointment so noon. No time to dread it. Hope you like the new doc. Will send up prayers for your DD. So you can interpret teenage boy grunts? Cool.

    Terri, when I was going through menopause, I got to the point that I would cry if anyone looked at me and sometimes when they didn’t. On one of my gynecologist appointments, the doctor (that I loved) came in and asked me how I was doing and the bottom fell out! The tears were streaming so hard I could hardly talk but told him about how emotional I had become. As he patted me on the knee, he said I should have called him, that it doesn’t have to be that way. He was soooo sweet. At any rate, I went on a mild antidepressant and it literally changed my life. I’ve been on it for a number of years now. I never felt depressed but was just overly emotional and it helps level things out. Plus DH is not good around crying women and especially for no reason. :'(
    Good for you with your son. At some point they have to learn to be responsible. We as mothers drive ourselves crazy trying to get them to do things and where does it get us? More gray hair. You are being a good mother by making him do what he needs to do. I just think so many young people today have no consequences to their actions so they don’t have to make the effort.

    Chris, I have thought about clear duct tape for my upper arms, too. I think duct tape is the answer to so many of the world’s problems. o:)

    Speedracer, Welcome. You are not interrupting and we’d love to have you join in. Please tell us a little about yourself and if you’d be so kind, please sign your post with the name you want us to call you. It makes it easier to respond. This is a very supportive group of ladies and we hope you come often.

    Pip, so nice to see you!! You are a very handsome couple. Thanks for sharing, you pip.

    Bedfordd, welcome. Yes, this lifestyle definitely had a learning curve for me. It’s a wonderful journey and we are happy to have you join us. Please tell us a little about yourself.

    Lillian, I truly rarely sweat the small stuff. That is one of the things I enjoy so about my age. Over the years I have mellowed (like a fine wine?) and am usually the one to defuse my friends that get bent out of shape over insignificant things. You are getting so much exercise moving all those boxes! Are they all going to have to be moved back?

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Friends, thanks for letting me vent. You will be happy to know it worked. The rest of my morning has gone great and at the moment I don’t even feel like I have a cold. I took a Cold-eeZe last night and another this morning. Those things work wonders for me. I hope you all have a great day. (*)

    My word #1 is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    #2 is opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,697 Member
    Katla – LOL my dog is officially an English Springer Spaniel, but on StPat’s day we are all a little bit of the irish!

    Joyce – I love your idea for Alison to leave a gift in the place under the desk… a tiny bit passive aggressive, but nice, and hard to find fault with… and it could be something with a double meaning like a nice box of chamomile tea, to help calm that woman down.

    Mary – you could transfer to N. CA and we could met in real life!

    Sharon – take care, sorry your vacation was so up and down…

    Sylvia – the bowls are stunning, and the poster idea was great!!! You are still having an upset tummy??? Grrr --- is everything thing else working on a regular schedule? If not CALL THE DOCTOR now… not soon but NOW

    Carey – I had a blue I was trying to match years ago and returned too many things! Finally went to a paint store got some chips and found the one that matched, and was able to carry a chip in my purse so if I saw something I could compare before I bought. You might want to try Target too they carry some drapes/curtains.

    Diana – take care!

    Pip – Love your sense of humor!
    BKrimpet - you did not gain weight or get out of shape overnight, and it will take a while to lose weight and get in shape, but the good side of the slow process is you have time to learn new habits so when the weight is gone your new habits will help you keep it gone… Someone here called it not Losing weight but RELEASING weight, as when you lose something you want to find it again.

    Sassy – great pic, you look about 30!

    Carol – sending good thoughts to you and DD! A job at Duke, will be a great resume builder, bill payer, and emotional boost! The 3 B’s!!!!!

    Terri – so proud of you! Your son needs you to be his mom not his friend – he’ll be upset now but as a 20+ year old he, his friends, and employers will be so glad he had a mom who let there be reasonable consequences to unreasonable behaviors.

    Speed racer – welcome, you are not interrupting… come on it and join in!

    Pip – great picture!!!!! You are a handsome couple!

    Bedfordd – welcome, broth – yuck! How about a salad? Dressing is the killer for salad calories, but I just use salsa, and that works for me.
    So I have to tell a story about loose skin, Aunt MaryAnn had loose skin under her neck and she hated it so when ever a picture was taken she would reach behind her neck and pull the skin back… So all the pictures for years and years had one arm up with the arm pit facing the camera… well into her 80’s Aunt Mary Ann passed away, and trying to find a picture for the Obit and for the program without her arm pit showing was a huge challenge, finally we took the best picture and had her arm photo shopped out and cropped the picture at her shoulder other wise it looked like her arm had been amputated… So my advice to all is just have your pictures taken, it is a favor to your family!!!

    Although we did take some pictures at the funeral with everyone pulling their neck skin back… VERY funny.

    March goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday
    Eat slower
    Plan and do a fun thing every week

    Kim from N. California
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    NCCarolb and Janet - thanks for the support regarding my son. Since he is capable of riding his bike to the same school during the summer for his baseball games and basketball camps, and it was 39 degrees this morning when I left, I was more feeling guilty than worried about him.

    Regarding mood swings: After losing my grandpa, mom, sister, and father-in-law within the span of 3 years, and my husband's - well lets call it MidLife Crisis - I started on a lowdose prozac. I now only take 5mg every other day. I guess I'm nervous to stop completely. I would never have called myself depressed, although DH has most of the symptoms. But I did tend to lose my temper, especially at DH (not dear in this situation). He is working on his communication skills.

    DH is the same as teenage boys. He will actually try to talk to me with a mouthful of Listerine, grunting replies in the pattern that he hears himself in his head, then gets frustrated when I ask him to repeat it when he is done. In fact, when we used to own the restaurant, I told new employees "If he grunts at you he heard what you said. He is not mad at you unless he starts swearing." His dad was the same way; 1 or 2 word responses were a full-blown convesation. Luckily, I talk enough for all of us. :D

    Time to get back to work. See, I type like I talk. :p

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
    oh, momkim and damnit - I am looking rough there, no makeup and just rode 80 miles... hair's lot longer now.. had to grow it out after a couple of people told me I looked like my mom....
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Kim, love the chamomile tea idea and the Aunt Mary Ann story about the neck skin.

    Pipcd34, love the pic. Both you and your DH are looking good. I love short hair, but am letting mine grow a little, too.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,619 Member
    Janet - DH read about a third of my book today and he didn't throw it in the garbage! In fact he said it was "very good". ! ! ! ! ! ! I know it has its faults, but I am trying to hang on to the thought that I wrote it over 30 years ago. It's good in parts - that's my professional opinion! ! ! :laugh:
    - I wish I wasn't such a wimp about sending it out into the world.
    - When I wrote my published children's books I had the cushion of professional publishers' validation. To some extent this is just a vanity project.

    Love the hubby pics! <3

    Hesther UK
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Happy Tuesday to all!

    I cannot get caught up on the posts so won't comment on anyone. Reading bit by bit.

    I am feeling a lot better this week. Not so depressed and down. I am trying to log again without being obsessive.

    Went to see my mom on Tuesday and took her out to lunch. She had a steak, huge baked potato with all the works, a roll, a large salad and a glass of wine. She ate all of it and this made me happy because she has lost so much weight over the last year. Putting the wheel chair in my card was still difficult but I am learning.
  • catoibin
    catoibin Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I'm new to the group. so here's a brief intro: 55 married (two kids, 2 grandchildren in Louisville, KY) and I live in San Ramon California. Been gaining weight due to knee injury, then surgery on knee, then surgery on foot, then issue with sciatic nerve on same leg over last 4 years. Needless to say I have picked up weight that "has" to go. Time to start doing things to make that happen.

    March 2015 Goals
    * record all of my food
    * drink at least 8 cups of water a day
    * attend water aerobics at least one a week
    * do daily rehab exercises for

    Christine - San Ramon, CA
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,872 Member
    I am so upset. I just need to vent. I did not get the job and I am OK with that, but they gave it to a girl in my dept that is only 30's never worked full time in her life and picks and chooses what she wants to do now. She has been there 13 years I have been there 28. I filled in for the boss everytime she was gone. I have taken their leadership trainning programs everytime they wanted me to. All I know is she best not put me on night shift. And I am not doing the things I have done that are on her job sheet. I know that is not the best attitude, but is s####. I should of known something was up, but they can control her. Thanks for being here. Vicki GI NE
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Janet - go ahead and rant all you want! Just think with all of that bad stuff happening it has to get better throughout the day! I hope your cold goes away. It is no fun to be sick. (((hugs)))

    Pip - I love the hot tub idea! I do have a hard time not doing some type of work out. I'm glad to see I am NOT the only one. Aw, what a great picture of you and hubby!

    Bkrimpet - Happy Birthday! Enjoy celebrating your special day! I know what you mean about the reply box. you must have hit quote under somebody's post and it will put it in that reply box until you actually post something. I'm hoping to see some of my perennials sticking their heads up out of the soil real soon.

    Sassy - what a cute picture! I'm so glad to see such a happy couple!

    Carol - I hope you feel better! it sounds like a lot of people on here are or were under the weather lately. take care of yourself!

    Terri in Milwaukee - how old is your DS? I had similar experiences with my son and daughter growing up. I told them that I was not going to say anything to them in the morning and at the time I need to leave I will. I don't think it took more than once or twice and they were ready everytime since then. it is so stressful enough when you have to get up and go to work let alone try to get another person to move when they are not even trying to cooperate. I hope you have a better rest of your day!

    Chris - since I've been doing pushups and now stronglifts 5x5 I noticed that the loose skin on my arm is beginning to tighten either because it is becoming more elastic like or my muscles are increasing in size. however, I think my arm look smaller not bulky or too muscular. it takes one to two years for skin to shrink back to where it needs to be.

    Speed Racer 13- welcome to this site! tell us a little bit about you and what you would like to be called and where you live.

    Bedford - welcome you will enjoy this group of ladies they are very supportive and encouraging! What would you? And where do you live?Lillian - any day off of work is a vacation! my husband likes to take staycation lots of times. it is nice to get some things done around the house and just relax.

    Kim - California would be a nice warm place to retire! Very funny story about your aunt Mary Ann! The do you have clear tape strips that I saw on an infomercial that will hold your skin up so that it looks smooth. lol

    Heather - congrats on your book being finished! now think of it as perfecting all of your hard work. I really admire you.

    peachstate gal - it is so nice to hear from you that you are feeling better! It is really hard to keep up with some of these posts isn't it. I've been busy and got on today and there were 24 for me to read and try to respond to. isn't it nice when you are able to take your mom out for an enjoyable time!

    Well I have been very busy getting ready for the three Realtors yesterday and we need to decide on which one to go with. Not quite sure yet the needs to give us their presentation in writing. we also get to do our taxes tonight ugh I hope we don't owe anything. because of my husband cutting his wrists with the chainsaw and getting hearing aids this year we're hoping to be able to have a medical deduction.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Vicki - I am so sorry to hear about you not getting that job!. it definitely doesn't make any sense, you sound much more qualified than the other gal. (((hugs)))

    Mary from Minnesota
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Mary - Thanks for the support. Payne just turned 14, he is a freshman in High School. I actually did this to his dad (hubby) a few times, too. Don't think he learned yet though. We'll see. Work has been good today. Tonight, baseball meeting, grocery shopping, and DS has baseball practice. Now, close office in 3 minutes. yay. Love early days ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee (used to live in Winona MN)
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi everybody, I read everything but I'm so tired after my first day of the new job (plus knee, hip and back pain) I'm just going to wave, mentally hug those who need it and say thanks for the photos. Working tomorrow, so will be tired again, and have to take the horse to the clinic on Friday, so that's three long, physical days in a row. Not used to it. Hope I will be able to comment better soon.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Vickil57 wrote: »
    I am so upset. I just need to vent. I did not get the job and I am OK with that, but they gave it to a girl in my dept that is only 30's never worked full time in her life and picks and chooses what she wants to do now. She has been there 13 years I have been there 28. I filled in for the boss everytime she was gone. I have taken their leadership trainning programs everytime they wanted me to. All I know is she best not put me on night shift. And I am not doing the things I have done that are on her job sheet. I know that is not the best attitude, but is s####. I should of known something was up, but they can control her. Thanks for being here. Vicki GI NE

    I am so sorry.
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Vicki,there is so much %#}^%^* going on in too many work places.Maybe there is a better job out there for you,but if not,you have handled the situation with class.
    Someone mentioned the bathrm skylight we had installed. Going to try & send 2 pics of before & after.....both taken around noon on a cloudy day. Btw,we have 2 skylites in family rm installed before we bought this house. Builder did a great job,installed them on South/North roof. Makes a ton of light,but only get 20 mins of sun on one chair in summer.

    Hope the pics are small enough.....Patsw3574s8czdm.jpg
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
    Vickil57 wrote: »
    I am so upset. I just need to vent. I did not get the job and I am OK with that, but they gave it to a girl in my dept that is only 30's never worked full time in her life and picks and chooses what she wants to do now. She has been there 13 years I have been there 28. I filled in for the boss everytime she was gone. I have taken their leadership trainning programs everytime they wanted me to. All I know is she best not put me on night shift. And I am not doing the things I have done that are on her job sheet. I know that is not the best attitude, but is s####. I should of known something was up, but they can control her. Thanks for being here. Vicki GI NE

    YOU GOT ROBBED!!! I'd be hella pissed too!!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,478 Member
    Can't respond today. Had a cortisone shot in my thumb and now it's completely numb. Will catch up tomorrow. It's amazing the things you use your thumb with. Fortunately, it's on my left hand and I'm right handed.

    Michele in NC
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Thursday and woke to miserable rain again. Happy I dragged out the Wii and NOT thrown off Biggest Loser. 2 nd week today.
    Food = 1527, OK with that
    Training: Wii Biggest Loser Fitness and Jeannette Bikini Boot-camp.
    Hopefully a walk if rain stops this afternoon otherwise rain gear
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    <3 Vicki, I am sorry to hear about your disappointment with the job you wanted.

    smiley-cool05.gifI'm still dragging a bit with this cold. Jake suggested that I stay home from dance today to rest so I'd be sure to be OK for the class I teach on Friday. Staying home from a dance class never sounds good to me so I agreed instead to rest after class. Jake went out to lunch and I took a nap with the pets and have been taking it easy since. I even sat and talked to a friend during the break at class instead of going off to the side and practicing dances.

    <3 Barbie