Admit it.



  • I am still scared of the dark, soon to be 50. And sleep with a night light. :bigsmile:
  • SayLiLIG
    SayLiLIG Posts: 197 Member
    Love this post.....

    I am 29 and still watch things only teens should watch regularly (Thank God for DVR) this includes:
    -Almost everything on the CW, especially One Tree Hill, Gossip Girl, Vampire Diaries, Hell Cats and the new 90210 (yes I love the old one too)
    -ABC Family, The Secret Life of an American Teenager, Make it or Break it, Pretty Little Liars
    -Teen Nick-Degrassi ( I have watched this show for YEARS like when the original was out in the 80's I couldn't help but watch it when they remade it with a next generation ( this was before Aubrey Graham became Drake. Instant Star (so sad this went off)

    Which brings me to my next issue I am addicted to DVR and it keeps me from going to bed when I need to trying to catch up with shows. So I can delete old ones to tape new ones lol.

    I'm so Ashamed :blushing: LOL

    OMG I love Secret Life, Make it or Break it, and Degrassi!!! lol I was upset they ditched Instant star too.. I really liked that show :(
  • SayLiLIG
    SayLiLIG Posts: 197 Member
    My secrets are

    - The Disney Channel, Nickelodeon, or ABC Family is what is mostly on my tvs in my house. Oh, and Nicktoons

    -I think I sing pretty good and when im watching celeb singers on award shows i think to myself "I sound so much better than that"... But i refuse to sing well in front of ANYONE unless I'm drunk. I dont like to be judged. lol

    - I have wedding fever. I want to get married so FREAKIN bad. I already have the two dresses i want to try on picked out, the ring, my colors.. Yeah its pretty bad. Ive been with my boyfriend for almost 3 years, and i've known him for 5... We have already talked about it... But no ring yet. Im sad :(

    - The rare moments of being alone at my house I turn on and dance and sing my heart out.

    - I play Xbox 360. Not just for Dance Central and EA Active.. But im a pretty B.A. Call of Duty player. Mind you im not awesome on all my games, but the majority im pretty beast. AND I DONT CAMP. lol

    - I also have to sleep with a fan on, and i have to have the tv on or i cant sleep.
  • sherri31
    sherri31 Posts: 80
    I took my daughter to see Justin Bieber and i never told anyone i enjoyed it. I also have some of his songs on my ipod. I also watch my daughters shows and they crack me up. i love putting on my headphones and sing super loud i could only imagine what the guys downstairs think.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    I will admit that the more I drink, the smarter and better looking I become.

    I will also admit that I LOVE listening to Hollaback Girl when I am riding my bike. And know all the words..
  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member

    I will also admit that I LOVE listening to Hollaback Girl when I am riding my bike. And know all the words..

    I don't think I would have admitted that..... :happy:
  • xXAlana21Xx
    xXAlana21Xx Posts: 183 Member
    my husband and i want children but im afraid of putting back on all the weight i have lost
  • JellyJaks
    JellyJaks Posts: 589 Member
    I complain all the time about my children watching Spongebob but secretly enjoy it and watch without them too :blushing:

    And high five on knowing all the words to Hollaback Girl TDGee. My husband knows all the words to most of the Lady Gaga songs since he's been subjected to listening to them while I work out :smile:
  • lilac01
    lilac01 Posts: 180 Member
    I also admit that I cried like a baby when I listened to Never let You Go by Justin Bieber. And I got laughed at when I told a couple of friends.
  • kristarablue
    kristarablue Posts: 702 Member
    1. Terrified of Vampires since the first grade when I saw Saloms Lot. Wanted to wear a neck brace to keep them from biting my neck (because apparently in my young mind that would work)… this lasted into adulthood until I read Twilight (the series is like know it is not good for you to read, but you just can’t stop and derive so much pleasure out of it)

    2. Serious Snake Phobic

    3. Watched the movie Grease 2 about 20 times and I sooo want a “Cool Rider”

    4. In sixth grade I was so in love with Michael Jackson that I would sign my name Kristara Jackson
  • Jeepinmom4
    Jeepinmom4 Posts: 298 Member
    I can only think of 2...first one is that I LOVE zombie movies,BUT every damn time I watch them I have nitemares! I mean come on what's worse that something that's allready dead!!!??? The second is that I HATE clowns, not so much the clown but the thought that it could be ANYONE under that big fake smile...:X...
  • justkelley
    justkelley Posts: 53
    i brush my teeth in the shower and after i'm finished i spend at least 5 mins cleaning my toothbrush. i don't like any left over toothpaste. and I have a strict shower routine. hair washed a specific way. shave starting with the left side. brush teeth. soap up. rinse and rinse and rinse. I spend like 45 mins in the shower on a good day :)
  • pixietoes
    pixietoes Posts: 1,591 Member
    I have seen every episode of Gilmore Girls, a couple of times over.
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    I cant swim:(

    Super embarrassed about this!!!!

    I can't swim either :frown:

    I learned to swim at 37 - thirty full years after my first lessons at the Y.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Has enough time passed that we can start making fun of the confessions?
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    I cant swim:(

    Super embarrassed about this!!!!

    I can't swim either :frown:

    I learned to swim at 37 - thirty full years after my first lessons at the Y.

    Yeah I could probably drown in the bathtub.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I volunteer to teach all the non-swimmers how to swim.
  • Diana061
    Diana061 Posts: 118 Member
    I like to sleep fully covered up with only my nose sticking out of the blanket.

    I have slept with the same pillow for 31 years.

    I am OCD about many things and definitely have adult ADHD or ADD

    I am super shy but most often it comes across as me being just a snob

    I wrote in a diary every day for 21 years and only stopped last year.

    I love the smell of gasoline and felt markers.

    I was a 26 year long nail biter.....finally quit 13 months ago.

    I love the smell of gas, felt tip Sharpies the ones that are sqeaky.. also fresh tar !
  • ambalam
    ambalam Posts: 35 Member
    I am obsessive compulsive about my hair. I want "a messy look that is cut perfectly and can be styled in seconds." Like this is THE thing that makes me beautiful. And it's the only thing I over obsess about.

    I love watching RuPaul's Drag Race. They're just so pretty!

    I sing and dance while I'm at work pushing the buffer and scrubber machine. Idk if anyone sees/hears me. idk if I care tho... : )
  • Talako
    Talako Posts: 79 Member
    I volunteer to teach all the non-swimmers how to swim.

    I'm not terribly sure whether that is good or bad...
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