20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • benians
    benians Posts: 6 Member
    Ugh, I'm not the proudest of today. We went out to eat at a Mexican restaurant. I could have done worse, but at the very least I exercised a bit today and I think I hit roughly around my calorie count. I'm so ready to go back to school where counting calories and planning meals is easy!
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    May I join you banians? I was asked by my husband if I could make a banana cream pie for the captain of the boat he works on. And of course I don't believe in opening a box of pudding mix so I made the pie. I accidentally had about a cup too much mix. It was absolutely delicious. And for the first time since I started using MFP i CHEATED.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, losers! Happy Thursday!

    Esther...not cheating..you indulged in something you don't normally have! It was not dishonest as the word "cheat" implies. :D

    Benians..today is a new day..you owned it, log it, and move on! (*)

    Faye..rants are welcomed...we are here for you. <3

    Ray..."that was then, this is now" is mindful thinking! o:)

    Okay, losers..the scales were in my favor this morning. I'm down .06, and I'm taking it as well as posting it! I weigh myself daily and track, but record on Tuesday. Well, things are going to change since my losses are so few and far between. When I have a loss, it's getting posted! So there! ;)

    This brings my total for the challenge to 11.6 I may not lose anymore before April 6th, but I am here for infinity and beyond!

    Have a great day, friends, and stay strong!

  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    Connie--Yay for .06 loss; every movement of the scale downward is cause for celebration, so good for you! And 11.6 pounds is really significant and wonderful! Just think how much more you'll add to it on the way to July 4.

    We're in your cheering section, so keep on pushing forward. :)
  • beszmytke
    beszmytke Posts: 73 Member
    Checking in really quickly, and so happy to see new faces and all the hard work and challenges we are overcoming! I had my weigh-in on Wednesday, and was down .6 so I will take it! That was after the buffet the night before (where I did have part of a piece of cheesecake, and a small bit of corned beef :) ) so that's ok.

    Good luck with the smoothies, Faye - I have been doing two smoothies a day, and I love them. Not seeing a lot of weight loss, but I do feel much better. I have lost 2.6 since starting again 5 days ago.

    Hurray for you, Ray, for walking past the ice cream sale! g52cmxscbcz1.jpg
    We have friends in the UK who sent us Easter candy (Cadbury, oh my!), and I have not touched one bit of it in the week it has been here! I will have some on Easter Sunday, but will save the calories for it...

    Wishing you all a wonderful, healthful Thursday!

  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    connie, that is great news!! something is working and with a cheat meal and all. need to try and keep your calories up, it's important.

    becky, great job!! you must feel awesome

    Belinda, great loss with cheats and all!! actually staying the same is a positive as well!! I would like to try the candy, haha!!

    tomorrow is weigh in day today, so I am hoping for positive results. have a great day!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Connie how wonderful I made it just fine on the accelerated plan yesterday. no problems. I really think tis is a good plan for my health. Hurray for the 11.6 lbs. total lost. I hope to see mine start moving soon. We are so blessed to have you on our team. And I know you will carry us thru on our new 4th of July challenge.

  • Kenea993
    Kenea993 Posts: 63 Member
    Congrats Becky on finishing your smoothie challenge! I'm sure that was hard and you made it!

    Ray good for you on passing the chocolate. I love that saying you said.

    So this morning u decided to made a smoothie. I found one that is a chocolate peanut butter banana smoothie and went with it cause I want sure how to add protein to fruit smoothies. Who knew a measly quarter chip of peanut butter had 420 calories -_-
    I'm chalking it up to good calories rather than 400 calories of something like candy our ice cream. Next time I'm going to be a littLe bit more careful with my smoothie

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Connie, Way to go!!! All your hard work has to show up on the scales at some point.

    Congrats to all of this weeks losers.

    Marie, Your day will come when the scales become friendly. You work so hard to stay
    on plan and at some point the scales have to show a loss.

    Have a great day.


  • eatless83
    eatless83 Posts: 158 Member
    Well done Connie - take and log everything! A loss is LOSS! And thanks for the support!

    Marie I am sure the scales will start to go down soon - keep the faith :-)

    Just had my first smoothie for dinner and absolutely loved it - Apple Strawberry!

    I kind of new I would as raw veg is right up my street!

    I think I will struggle finding the frozen fruits in my supermarket (they only had strawberry) but I will try and venture further out at the weekend to see if can find others!

    Silly question but is it okay to freeze fresh fruit and then blend it that way and thus get my frozen fruit?

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Well done to all losers!

    One dinner down, I ordered steak and it came with mashed potatoes, green beans and two glasses of wine. No dessert, decaff cappucino instead.

    The next dinner is Saturday night. I will check out the menu before I go.

    I got in a 40 min walk this morning even though it was 35F but sunny. :D

    Ontario, Canada
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Faye..I used to freeze my bananas. Peel, cut in half if large, put in individual freezer bags. I guess you could also chop in small pieces if you want.
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Faye, I use frozen fruit when I don't have fresh a available. Just make sure it doesn't have added sugar if you buy the frozen.
    I think it dose really well for smoothies.
  • cristina0000
    cristina0000 Posts: 111 Member
    edited March 2015
    Hello everyone!

    Well its been awhile since I posted. Glad to see that everyone is still in good spirits! :D

    Since I have been home from my trip ( I was on a work trip for 4 months), I haven't been on the same workout or eating schedule. Unfortunately I can tell by the scale. I have been fluctuating up and down the same couple pounds for the last 3 weeks! I used to have 2 smoothies a day but lately I've been lucky to get one in. I did so much better when I was out of town!!

    So it is my goal to put more effort in staying focused. I thought I would have gotten to the 150's by now :\

    As of yesterday, I started back on my green smoothies. I have 2 social events to attend this weekend, which I have already decided that I will just try my best to choose healthy options and workout more to burn off what bad choices I make.

    I was running behind this morning and forgot to weigh myself, so I will have my stats tomorrow.

    I did have one positive thing happen...I got a call from the Veterans Administration Hospital ( I'm retired from the Marine Corps after serving 20 years) and they told me that they are dis-enrolling me from their weightloss program. I have been enrolled in their program for 3 months and I have lost 18 lbs. So I was told I was successful!!

    I had lost weight before I joined their program and have plenty more to go! I just don't have to checkin with them any longer.

    Well hopefully everyone enjoys the rest of their day!!

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Cristina.. Thank you for your service to our country! Congrats on the VA releasing you from their weight loss program ...that's something to celebrate! (*)
  • cristina0000
    cristina0000 Posts: 111 Member
    Thank you...Connie!!
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Cristina- congratulations on your good news on your weight loss program. You have done a great job over past few months.
    Shirley- you are one busy lady, you have alot of engagements with friends, sounds like alot of fun. Keep making good choices and you'll be fine.
    Connie-glad you seen a loss, I dont have a certain day for weigh in, we have to take the loss when we see it.
    Ray and Belinda-great job on passing on the candy and ice cream. Sometimes we just need to do that, even though its okay when allotted, to prove we can walk away.
    Nancy and Connie -I have always heard the frozen fruit was really great for smoothies, a pina colada flavor, orange pineapple julius,and strawberry sound good.
    I hope everyone has a good day.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    All I got to say is this a great bunch. Can hardly wait till we post our total loss. it is going to be a whopper. say we are a highly successive bunch of ladies, everyone last one of you. And I do hope we have some gents to show up on the total loss I know we have lots of lookers that read our post. and don't post here. But do wish they would post their lost since reading our posting.,
    sincerely yours, Marie

  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Belinda, oohhhh Cadbury, yum! I have pretty much the same plan for easter, I'm going to eat some things I wouldn't on a normal day, and I'm going to be ok with it.
    Kenea993 wrote: »
    So this morning u decided to made a smoothie. I found one that is a chocolate peanut butter banana smoothie and went with it cause I want sure how to add protein to fruit smoothies. Who knew a measly quarter chip of peanut butter had 420 calories -_-
    I'm chalking it up to good calories rather than 400 calories of something like candy our ice cream. Next time I'm going to be a littLe bit more careful with my smoothie

    Get some peanut butter powder! It typically has 45-50 calories per 2 tablespoons. It's not as rich as regular peanut butter(since there's no oil), but it sure does let you have more of it for much fewer calories.

    Also, freezing bananas the day before for smoothies is just about the best thing ever. (*)
  • Kenea993
    Kenea993 Posts: 63 Member
    I've never heard of peanut butter powder do I find it in the weight loss section or do I need to go to a special stir or us it right next to the peanut butter?

    Zumba was a good work out tonight :) can't go on Saturday cause I work, so I'll have too fit in sine elliptical time either tomorrow or Saturday to make up for it.

    I think their next big thing I want to try is adding some smoothies throughout the week and fruit water. I'm seeing all kinds of things about adding fruit and sometimes herbs to chilled water that it has added nutrients and fat burning effects. though I'm not sure can I eat the fruit? And how would I count the calories off I don't eat the fruit? Any one have experience with this?