everything in moderation? i respectfully disagree



  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    Healthy foods in moderation are good. As the person above said, 1200 calories of carrots a day probably isn't a good idea. But when people say "everything in moderation" they usually mean junk food. For me, if I eat McDonalds in moderation, I crave it until I eat it again. If I were to eat a Snickers once at the end of every month, I would probably have a craving for a Snickers all month until I got it. Cutting that stuff out all together gets rid of the cravings, at least for me. I used to eat Debbie snack cakes every single day, but now that I've completely cut them out, the thought of them makes me sick. Same with McDonalds. I've done this with a lot of the junk food I used to eat. I'm still working on a few things, like Chipotle, but I don't really even get cravings for junk food now. It's great. :)

    I TOTALLY believe you have a good point here! If I eat alot of a particular food high in carbs/sugar, I really have a hard time getting back on my plan over the next few days. Alcohol is especially bad for me for this reason. While I'm drinking, I want cake, candy, anything sweet. It's better for me to limit it. Alot less painful!!
  • brndygrl98
    brndygrl98 Posts: 196 Member
    I have been reading this post off and on all day, watching it grow and grow and tons of people getting offended and sounding off. I'm not really going to think too much about it after I post this because it's not worth it. We're all here trying to help better ourselves and increase our lifespan and/or way of life. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. So, here's mine. There are probably less than 2% of the population of any modernized society who truly live "organic" or "clean". The tap water is contaminated through both the chemicals put in it to purify it for human consumption and by the years and years of prescription medications flushed down the toilets. The food that you put in your body be it meat or plant has taken in water in some form or fashion. Can you believe without a shadow of a doubt that the "organic" farmers of the world are watering their plants and animals with reverse osmosis filtered water? I don't think it's realistically possible. Even if you grew your own vegetables and watered them that way, do you know what was put in the soil in your garden before it was yours?? Every story, every issue, each and every problem with anyone or anything has two sides to it. Why can't we all just try to do what is best for ourselves and our families/friends and live out our lives no matter how long or short they may be? If I eat a Big Mac and it kills me 2 days later, does that personally affect you and your life? Will you even know or care?? I commend each and every one of you trying to lose weight and better your health and your lives no matter how you do it. :flowerforyou:
  • leslielove
    leslielove Posts: 251 Member
    Yeah, honestly I feel like $200 is pretty average, at least where I live (Toronto, Canada).

    Just wondering where you live.... here you can't get organic chicken breasts for $1.77/pound. Regular chicken breasts on sale go for about that much. I've been buying my chicken from a butcher who sells meat from Mennonite farms, and it's $7.65 per pound.

    didn't say it was breasts. thighs are often much cheaper and the dark meat is good for you. i'm currently running on a crop of breasts (wow, that sounded terrible haha) that i got from the sprouts chain at $1.77 a pound back in, december maybe? i honestly don't remember. i live in southern california :)

    girl that told me to be considerate, read the rest of what i wrote. i'm living in very much the same circumstances. just because i don't have $400 in gas costs doesn't mean i make more money than you do. i don't even MAKE $400 a month most months. you have a freezer, tupperware, and kitchen cabinets yeah? bam. storage space. bulk doesn't mean 50 pounds of beans at once. it means shopping from bulk bins where its cheaper.
  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    I'mma let you finish
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  • lauz45
    lauz45 Posts: 243
    edit: double post
  • lauz45
    lauz45 Posts: 243
    It's a nice idea but I could not live my life like that, mainly because I don't know a single person in the world who doesn't eat processed food once in a while. I stick to my calories, i've started exercising, but I couldn't stick to a perfect, unprocessed, all organic diet or i'd go crazy!
  • Aylilth
    Aylilth Posts: 125
    Wow glad I left my bio-dome to read this LOL

    Interesting points on both sides, but excuse me I need to finsish planning my son's Bday party at McD's next weekend. I guess that makes me a pretty bad person hey?? Feeding about 18kids McD's and Ice Cream cake?? Forget about the happy day my kids will have and the rest of the kids........

    Maybe I'll cancel it there have it at my house with homemade burgers and nuggets served with soy mayo, just water no fizzy drinks. And for t he Bday cake well there will be none of that as all the sugar in it my goodness.

    Ok I'm off to go in my Bio-dome now I feel the chemicals of the world starting to hurt me now * cough * cough* car exhaust fumes are the worst, and that bloody sun with the UV rays trying to give me cancer eeek!!
  • jmgj27
    jmgj27 Posts: 531 Member
    I love food. I do my best to eat healthily and usually succeed but I do have one cheat meal a week. Today it was casserole with spelt and a bit of cheese, followed by a slice of cheesecake. I feel pretty damn virtuous!

    I was worried about the effect of aspartame on me so I cut it out (largely because I was totally addicted to diet coke and had been for over a decade). I can't say I feel any different so I've stuck to not having it because it's cheaper!

    I'm not going to feel guilty about having the occasional chocolate bar or piece of cheesecake. I've learned to view those things as treats and not everyday food and I've also learned when I'm having a genuine craving or when I just fancy something.

    There has been a lot of chat in Britain about raising taxes on junk food (like Macdonalds). Given that a lot of places (like Boots or the supermarkets) now do cheap, healthy ranges of food, I think this would be fair. I actually don't eat at Macdonalds because it makes me feel queasy but I have no moral objection to the people who do. I just think people would be more inclined to see it as the treat it should be if it cost £3.00 for a burger instead of 99p.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    At least everyone on here is trying, in their own ways, to live a healthier lifestyle. In my not so humble opinion, preaching at people makes them turn against the message you're trying to get over.


    I have really enjoyed reading this thread, because it has shown me which MFP members to be friends with.....and which ones NOT to.

    For that, Thank you, OP. As for the judgment, preachiness, condescension, you can keep those.

    I have never met a vegan who didn't behave this way, btw. I think the lack of protein makes them loopy, LOL
  • Aylilth
    Aylilth Posts: 125
    Besides I'm not going to spend my life in fear of whats in our food, while millions end their night hungry. Im glad it works for you though.

    This. This is perfect. Thank you for giving a great perspective!

    You know what I love this quote too.

    While some of you put down processed food asa poison, I dare you to take it to a 3rd world country and see if they think it it poison..... or if they are just happy to finaly have a full belly for a change and not sleeping with hunger pangs while listining to babies cry b/c theey are so hungry.

    We should all be thankful that we can eat and have choices unlike so many others....... be it organic soy filled stuff or that highly proccesed burger from a fast food chain.
  • lovediets
    lovediets Posts: 375 Member
    Wow, you said it very eloquently! It really makes sense. I am trying to do better about eating healthy and thinking about what I put into my body. Thanks for the post.
  • cupotee
    cupotee Posts: 181 Member
    i'm not saying everyone should cut out desserts or treats, not at all. you can absolutely indulge in chocolate, cookies, pancakes, etc in moderation.

  • futiledevices
    futiledevices Posts: 309 Member
    i'm not saying everyone should cut out desserts or treats, not at all. you can absolutely indulge in chocolate, cookies, pancakes, etc in moderation.


  • lorisowers
    lorisowers Posts: 64
    But if anyone sees me eating an oreo .................sssssshhhhhhhhh

  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    Wow glad I left my bio-dome to read this LOL

    Interesting points on both sides, but excuse me I need to finsish planning my son's Bday party at McD's next weekend. I guess that makes me a pretty bad person hey?? Feeding about 18kids McD's and Ice Cream cake?? Forget about the happy day my kids will have and the rest of the kids........

    Maybe I'll cancel it there have it at my house with homemade burgers and nuggets served with soy mayo, just water no fizzy drinks. And for t he Bday cake well there will be none of that as all the sugar in it my goodness.

    Ok I'm off to go in my Bio-dome now I feel the chemicals of the world starting to hurt me now * cough * cough* car exhaust fumes are the worst, and that bloody sun with the UV rays trying to give me cancer eeek!!

    Haha. :laugh:
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    This thread did not disappoint. :) I should have eaten some popcorn covered in butter whilst reading it. :)
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    Yeah, honestly I feel like $200 is pretty average, at least where I live (Toronto, Canada).

    Just wondering where you live.... here you can't get organic chicken breasts for $1.77/pound. Regular chicken breasts on sale go for about that much. I've been buying my chicken from a butcher who sells meat from Mennonite farms, and it's $7.65 per pound.

    didn't say it was breasts. thighs are often much cheaper and the dark meat is good for you. i'm currently running on a crop of breasts (wow, that sounded terrible haha) that i got from the sprouts chain at $1.77 a pound back in, december maybe? i honestly don't remember. i live in southern california :)

    girl that told me to be considerate, read the rest of what i wrote. i'm living in very much the same circumstances. just because i don't have $400 in gas costs doesn't mean i make more money than you do. i don't even MAKE $400 a month most months. you have a freezer, tupperware, and kitchen cabinets yeah? bam. storage space. bulk doesn't mean 50 pounds of beans at once. it means shopping from bulk bins where its cheaper.

    Oh yeah, that makes sense. Thighs are way cheaper. I used to live in Cali too, actually I found that groceries were way cheaper there in than in TO. Unfortunately we don't have a huge amount of organic-type stores here so there isn't enough competition.
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    This thread did not disappoint. :) I should have eaten some popcorn covered in butter whilst reading it. :)

    As long as it was microwaved with extra trans fat
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    Yeah, honestly I feel like $200 is pretty average, at least where I live (Toronto, Canada).

    Just wondering where you live.... here you can't get organic chicken breasts for $1.77/pound. Regular chicken breasts on sale go for about that much. I've been buying my chicken from a butcher who sells meat from Mennonite farms, and it's $7.65 per pound.

    didn't say it was breasts. thighs are often much cheaper and the dark meat is good for you. i'm currently running on a crop of breasts (wow, that sounded terrible haha) that i got from the sprouts chain at $1.77 a pound back in, december maybe? i honestly don't remember. i live in southern california :)

    girl that told me to be considerate, read the rest of what i wrote. i'm living in very much the same circumstances. just because i don't have $400 in gas costs doesn't mean i make more money than you do. i don't even MAKE $400 a month most months. you have a freezer, tupperware, and kitchen cabinets yeah? bam. storage space. bulk doesn't mean 50 pounds of beans at once. it means shopping from bulk bins where its cheaper.

    First of all, let me clarify that bulk purchasing is buying products in large quantities at a lower price per item, or unit price, than is available for smaller quantities.

    And $400 or less a month pays for your rent as well as your groceries and other living expenses? Must be nice.

    I read what you wrote. Look back on it.. Can you see how it came off as, "it's so easy! Everyone can pull this off; there are no excuses! I have so much to pay for and such little time and I can still do it!"?

    Eating healthy and staying away from fast food and junk, yes, I agree that there are many cases in which it's possible. I try to eat my healthiest, and it doesn't always work out, but I make a strong effort. But if you're wholeheartedly agreeing with OP with eating everything organic and so on, I'm calling BS on your insinuated claims that it's possible for everyone. Think about those who have an entire family to feed and are working multiple jobs with little time to rest. It isn't realistic.
  • Eyoung8
    Eyoung8 Posts: 107 Member
    why would anyone want to put anything unhealthy into their body, ever? i mean is it ok to poison yourself in moderation?

    Because it tastes good, it is pleasurable, it is socially inclusive and sharing food with friends and family is one of the most fundamental, cross cultural bonding experiences there is.

    It's a question of costs v benefits. Little cost if eaten in moderation in comparison to the above benefits, high if eaten in excess. In addition flexible dieters tend to keep weight off more successfully in the long term and have less issues with eating disorders, many of which stem from feelings of guilt and shame attached to perfectionism applied to food intake.

    Where do you draw the line? By your logic I should stop brushing my teeth with toothpaste as it contains fluoride and fluoride is more toxic than lead. I won't because I like my mouth being minty fresh. I also like having teeth...
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