Fifty plus (or so) support group



  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    I'm Joanie, but "jb" works just fine :tongue: I'm 60, guitarist, songwriter and teacher. I lost 65 lbs using MFP, gained a little back last year so here goes nuttin', I'm back at it. I live in the PNW, probably not far from you, Tami. I walk my dogs daily and grow a verrry large vegetable garden, so I'm always busy with that, but I'm not able to do much intense cardio since I hurt my knee not long ago. Dang, I can't fly after all, lol. O how I love dancing and doing jumping jacks, but neither of those things love my knee! Bottom line for me is to cut the calories. I do ok for several days, then I goof off and up goes the scale. Funny how it works that way. Or not funny, lol. Nice bunch of peeps here, I'll check in again! :flowerforyou:
  • SuzyH
    SuzyH Posts: 196 Member
    Butbygrace206, you are my hero! :smile: that's perseverance for sure! It's seeing the little (and not so little) accomplishments that others like you make that give me hope and encouragement!

    Missipkippi & jb, let me be the first to welcome you! I'm just getting going on this group and I've found everyone here to be great!

    Spring in Wisconsin is just that this year! Back and forth! Was enjoying warmer temps and was able to get some biking in but today snow with accumulations is being predicted. So tired of this... But that is March for you! Better weather just around the corner!

    Happy day,
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Recalling little victories this morning as I plan my day and consider my progress. I do believe there's still a piece of huckleberry pie from last Sunday in my fridge (we had company) and vanilla ice cream in the freezer. A full week and I didn't touch (or even think about) either? What's become of me. [Amazed]

    Even if victories are small ones, they're worth noticing, embracing, and jumping for joy over. Frustration ruins everything (ask me, I know), so let's get rid of it and focus on the good stuff!

    "Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you'll look back and realize they were big things." -- Robert Brault

    jb :smile:
  • beach2ocean
    beach2ocean Posts: 5 Member
    Stop active?
  • beach2ocean
    beach2ocean Posts: 5 Member
    Sorry...still active? Looking for a supportive group
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    Morning everyone :D Welcome everybody new and my PNW neighbor JB! Bracing for another rainy day...... But the roof repairs from our terrible windstorm are almost done, and since there isn't a roofing company in the area that can even put me on their schedule for 8 weeks, I've done quite well on my own with the help of my oldest son and a friend <3.

    GREAT job avoiding the cupcakes Butbygrace :D. My weekend has been a mixed bag of success and utter failure :s. Went swimming Friday (Woohoo) , came home and all was good in my little corner of the world. Then for some reason, I grabbed a small little handful of nuts.... Which led to another and another! The next morning I went to log it all and realized if I sucked IT all into one day I'd have no calories left so I spread it over three. (I focus on weekly totals rather than daily just in case something like this happens...* face palm* ) I could have lived with that......

    Except I went shopping last night for a birthday gift, a baby shower gift, and of course the Blazers were on sooooo my sweet fella decided we should stop in at Buffalo Wild Wings. We were actually good and ordered the Naked Tenders and I had 2. No problem. Then later in the evening we were heading to the other side of town and he had to stop at his favorite calimari place. I knew I'd be a little over for the day on calories but what I didn't expect was to TRIPLE my sodium intake for the day. There's just no redeeming that number :\ And I've been so good! Copious water heading my way because I have my blood work and stuff on Wednesday! Duh!

    Despite being a swollen sodium bomb this morning, I'll finish on a high note LOL. I'm at that middle size where I kinda skipped over on my way to gaining weight last year so I had no jeans that fit. There was a thread about hitting consignment stores to fill in with things so yesterday I found an awesome store and scored a brand new $90 pair of Ann Taylor jeans for $7.99 and another for $12.99. Seriously, the tags were still on them!!!!! So as you find yourself needing a little something as you make your way down in clothing size, I would definitely recommend a visit to a consignment store ;)

    Have a GREAT Sunday!

  • butbygrace206
    butbygrace206 Posts: 394 Member
    My diary is open if anyone wants to add me. I am pretty active, I just can't seem to stay on track for very long. Need help

    Glad to have you on board :) very helpful group here :). I will try and add you. If it doesn't work, add me and I will accept.
  • butbygrace206
    butbygrace206 Posts: 394 Member
    PegJens wrote: »
    SuzyH wrote: »
    Good morning, all! I just want you to know how you all make me smile! From the cupcake discussions to motivational quotes! You are all wonderful and I'm so glad that I "found" you! I try to keep up with all your posts and you don't here from me much, but I am following along!

    Glad to happened along :). Always nice to have friends to chat with.
    And I must add that today was the bridal shower and I didn't eat one cupcake. I was so excited.

    Good job on the cupcake standoff! I would have not been so lucky, love the desserts!

    I was excited I won that challenge :) but I don't dare keep that stuff in the house.
  • butbygrace206
    butbygrace206 Posts: 394 Member
    SuzyH wrote: »
    Butbygrace206, you are my hero! :smile: that's perseverance for sure! It's seeing the little (and not so little) accomplishments that others like you make that give me hope and encouragement!

    Missipkippi & jb, let me be the first to welcome you! I'm just getting going on this group and I've found everyone here to be great!

    Spring in Wisconsin is just that this year! Back and forth! Was enjoying warmer temps and was able to get some biking in but today snow with accumulations is being predicted. So tired of this... But that is March for you! Better weather just around the corner!

    Happy day,

    Thanks Suzy , I def did the happy dance.
  • butbygrace206
    butbygrace206 Posts: 394 Member
    Sorry...still active? Looking for a supportive group

    Yes, yes,yes! Come on in, the waters nice :). Just had to say that cause of your name :)
  • stealthytiger
    stealthytiger Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 51years old. I've lost, then regained and now loosing again. I've done fairly well, actually. Only gained 30 back after a 2.5 year injury stopping my excersize. Now, I've been binge free as well for a little over 2 months.. Some of that is mental training... Realizing that the food artist make all the food look way better than it is, and reminding myself of that. The other is the possibility of undiagnosed IBS, which is making balancing food choices difficult.
    Would love to hear if anyone else is dealing with these problems and what tactics they use to deal. ☺
  • butbygrace206
    butbygrace206 Posts: 394 Member
    Morning everyone :D Welcome everybody new and my PNW neighbor JB! Bracing for another rainy day...... But the roof repairs from our terrible windstorm are almost done, and since there isn't a roofing company in the area that can even put me on their schedule for 8 weeks, I've done quite well on my own with the help of my oldest son and a friend <3.

    GREAT job avoiding the cupcakes Butbygrace :D. My weekend has been a mixed bag of success and utter failure :s. Went swimming Friday (Woohoo) , came home and all was good in my little corner of the world. Then for some reason, I grabbed a small little handful of nuts.... Which led to another and another! The next morning I went to log it all and realized if I sucked IT all into one day I'd have no calories left so I spread it over three. (I focus on weekly totals rather than daily just in case something like this happens...* face palm* ) I could have lived with that......

    Except I went shopping last night for a birthday gift, a baby shower gift, and of course the Blazers were on sooooo my sweet fella decided we should stop in at Buffalo Wild Wings. We were actually good and ordered the Naked Tenders and I had 2. No problem. Then later in the evening we were heading to the other side of town and he had to stop at his favorite calimari place. I knew I'd be a little over for the day on calories but what I didn't expect was to TRIPLE my sodium intake for the day. There's just no redeeming that number :\ And I've been so good! Copious water heading my way because I have my blood work and stuff on Wednesday! Duh!

    Despite being a swollen sodium bomb this morning, I'll finish on a high note LOL. I'm at that middle size where I kinda skipped over on my way to gaining weight last year so I had no jeans that fit. There was a thread about hitting consignment stores to fill in with things so yesterday I found an awesome store and scored a brand new $90 pair of Ann Taylor jeans for $7.99 and another for $12.99. Seriously, the tags were still on them!!!!! So as you find yourself needing a little something as you make your way down in clothing size, I would definitely recommend a visit to a consignment store ;)

    Have a GREAT Sunday!


    Your energy amazes me :). And yes, a few more pounds and I will be hitting the thrift stores or consignment shops. Just a few more pounds :)
  • butbygrace206
    butbygrace206 Posts: 394 Member
    I'm 51years old. I've lost, then regained and now loosing again. I've done fairly well, actually. Only gained 30 back after a 2.5 year injury stopping my excersize. Now, I've been binge free as well for a little over 2 months.. Some of that is mental training... Realizing that the food artist make all the food look way better than it is, and reminding myself of that. The other is the possibility of undiagnosed IBS, which is making balancing food choices difficult.
    Would love to hear if anyone else is dealing with these problems and what tactics they use to deal. ☺

    Congrats for getting back on board and for doing so well the past 2 months. I, too, have had to retrain my brain to "eat to live". I loved comfort food. Actually, any food was comfort food. But slowly it's coming around to a healthier way of thinking :)
  • lmramos44
    lmramos44 Posts: 13 Member
    davebarron wrote: »
    I am just turned 55 and retired. I lost about 50 pounds a few years ago - for health reasons - but have had the last 15 or so to get rid since then with no success. Every birthday, holiday, family visit, vacation, etc. seems to be an excuse to overeat, and then I have to lose those few pounds again. Could really use some motivation and support to get rid of the last 15.

    A bit about me:

    I aim to log everything I eat. I have to be brutally honest with myself or I go off the rails pretty quickly, like eating way too many cookies and bars at Christmas because it's a holiday and I am visiting family and not logging. Self discipline is key but goes AWOL now and then.

    I am pretty good about cardio, but am looking into starting some sort of strength training. I live in rural northern Canada so there are no gyms near me - it's a 4 hour walk to the nearest store to buy milk :) But there is lots of free snow shoeing and cross country skiing in winter, and swimming and hiking in summer, and I have an elliptical trainer in front of the basement TV for bad weather days (like -32C last week!!)

    As far as strength training goes, until I retired I was always in a desk job and never did any, and unfortunately it shows. Right now all I do is split wood for the fireplace - heating with furnace oil costs $800 per month in winter, so splitting firewood for heat saves tons of money and is my new part time job. Anyhow the wood splitting only takes about 15 minutes a day and the ax does most of the work so I haven't noticed any difference after a few months. I have purchased dumbbells but don't know how to use them and Google search returns a confusingly huge list. Oh well I have lots of time to figure it out :)

    Please feel free to add me as a friend and tell me about you!


  • SuzyH
    SuzyH Posts: 196 Member
    Sandcastle61, maybe it was something going around.... I had a great "food" Saturday, but totally, totally blew it yesterday.
  • SuzyH
    SuzyH Posts: 196 Member
    Okay. There was a lot more to my post and it's not showing up. Don't have time now to finish it. Have a great day everyone!
  • butbygrace206
    butbygrace206 Posts: 394 Member
    lmramos44 wrote: »
    davebarron wrote: »
    I am just turned 55 and retired. I lost about 50 pounds a few years ago - for health reasons - but have had the last 15 or so to get rid since then with no success. Every birthday, holiday, family visit, vacation, etc. seems to be an excuse to overeat, and then I have to lose those few pounds again. Could really use some motivation and support to get rid of the last 15.

    A bit about me:

    I aim to log everything I eat. I have to be brutally honest with myself or I go off the rails pretty quickly, like eating way too many cookies and bars at Christmas because it's a holiday and I am visiting family and not logging. Self discipline is key but goes AWOL now and then.

    I am pretty good about cardio, but am looking into starting some sort of strength training. I live in rural northern Canada so there are no gyms near me - it's a 4 hour walk to the nearest store to buy milk :) But there is lots of free snow shoeing and cross country skiing in winter, and swimming and hiking in summer, and I have an elliptical trainer in front of the basement TV for bad weather days (like -32C last week!!)

    As far as strength training goes, until I retired I was always in a desk job and never did any, and unfortunately it shows. Right now all I do is split wood for the fireplace - heating with furnace oil costs $800 per month in winter, so splitting firewood for heat saves tons of money and is my new part time job. Anyhow the wood splitting only takes about 15 minutes a day and the ax does most of the work so I haven't noticed any difference after a few months. I have purchased dumbbells but don't know how to use them and Google search returns a confusingly huge list. Oh well I have lots of time to figure it out :)

    Please feel free to add me as a friend and tell me about you!


    Welcome Dave! Wow you do live in remote Canada. If you got 50 off you can def get this last 15 off. It's all about being honest with yourself and logging accurately. So beginning today, do just that! The weight will begin to melt off.
    Stay warm!!!
  • SuzyH
    SuzyH Posts: 196 Member
    I've been binge free as well for a little over 2 months.. Some of that is mental training... Realizing that the food artist make all the food look way better than it is, and reminding myself of that.

    Wow! That's a great accomplishment! I agree that it is mental training, but unfortunately, I have not mastered that. Any other tips?
  • SuzyH
    SuzyH Posts: 196 Member
    davebarron wrote: »
    I have purchased dumbbells but don't know how to use them and Google search returns a confusingly huge list. Oh well I have lots of time to figure it out :)

    Welcome Dave! About 5 years ago I bought Beach Body's "Power 90" (not as crazy as the other DVDs). It is a combo strength/cardio program. (If referencing a certain program is against the rules, please let me know). At the time, I really wanted to work out at home and it was just what I needed. You might be able to pick it up online pretty inexpensively now that it is an older DVD, but I really liked it. Good warm ups, workouts, and cool downs. Keep up the good work! You've done great!

  • Loz220662
    Loz220662 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm 52 - 53 this year & glad to make it this far! But I want to make it past 80YO Want to be a grandad but not a couple more years apparently? Somethings you have no say in! If i can reclaim half the fitness levels from my 30's then that will do.