
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Monday and woke to RAIN, DH was going fishing but is in bed still.
    Wii Biggest Loser Fitness shortly and something else
    We had a lovely drive yesterday. We drove up to Savage River mine site where I worked for 6 months to early 2005. Has changed LOTS and glad I no longer work there.
    I am on Tom Venuto's Inner Circle and he says to have Sundays as re-feed day and only walk and enjoy family time. Suits me to a tee but I do NOT go mad
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,161 Member
    Oh forgot to mention, lost 3 more lbs! Could be water, so I am not recording it yet.... Maybe burning 807 yesterday and over 1k today had something to do with it! I am going to treat myself with some hard cider!
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Great job, Pip! What is Jacobs Ladder?
    Sylvia - I'm glad you had a good visit with your family.
    Alison - You need to clone yourself!

    I ended up working the front desk by myself today because the young man who was supposed to partner with me didn't show up. I handled everything okay. I really prefer working alone if we stayed as quiet as we were today. I get frustrated with these young people who are always on their phones! I don't want to tell the "boss" because then I will be a "snitch". What would you all do?

    Everyone have a great evening.

    OPPORTUNITY awaits you.....
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi all. Just popping in; the DGD is actually here! SHe's a chub-ette!

    Katla: happy anniversary

    Sylvia: I'll let you know what the cousins say about doctors in Joplin. I think there's a definite difference between younger and older docs. I really prefer the younger ones because I think they are more up to date, but the older ones seem to have better communication. I do think you are too young for a geriatrician.

    Well Benny's meds are weird. He is supposed to have decreased enthusiasm for eating and drinking now. Well he doesn't really want to eat, so that is working but he is still drinking like crazy. So I guess it' s not really working as planned. We'll see what the vet says tomorrow.

    Take care all. Meg from Omaha where it is gorgeous.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,821 Member
    I have pretty much wasted an entire day playing with my new iPhone ... after years of carrying a basic pay as you go Tracfone, it is a novelty!

    Had a long talk with myself and decided to get back on track today!

    Cheryl ... you always look so happy when you're on a horse ... my look would be one of terror. Glad to see you're back!

    Beth in WNY
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Yannie, thanks for the welcome back. I finally got to sleep about 2:30 and got up about 7:00 so got some sleep. Got home, ate lunch at 1:30 then took a short nap after unpacking. So tomorrow back to a normal schedule.

    Cindy, A Big congrats on the weight loss and moving down to O and out of morbidly. That is a huge step! (*) With the week you had, I would hope you are very pleased. And you get a “At A Girl” for the mini exercising throughout the day. Every little bit helps.

    Wessecg, Welcome back and you’d better stay with us this time. You had me laffin’ about what your horse was thinking. LOL Your horse’s expression does make me think she’s thinking, “How much longer is she going to stay on me?”. But you look wonderful so I don’t think that was on her mind at all. So sorry that you lost your doggie. That is so hard. Beautiful puppy!!! I love the Lab face. What’s her name?

    Katla, I hate to hear that your DH now has that bug. It’s good that you will wait to celebrate when you are both well enough to enjoy it. I still can’t believe DD knew they were still sick and didn’t tell you. 

    Toni, I remember watching Zorro but don’t remember how long it was after we got the TV. Could have been years later, with my memory. The Ed Sullivan show was a family get together, but then most shows were.
    If the young people are all (or many) using their phones at work and neglecting their jobs, I’m just the sort that would have to say something to the boss. I’d probably start by asking if it’s okay? I mean a quick call home for something is one thing but a conversation is not for the workplace. Many places have hard and fast rules about cell phone usage. Anyway, I digress… I would probably suggest that the boss pay a little more attention as it seems to be getting out of hand. That’s just my 2 cents. >:)

    Kwilson, welcome. This is an excellent place for support and information as many of the women here have hit their goals and been on maintenance for a good while. Come often and join in. Please put a name at the bottom of your posts (whatever you want us to call you) and a general location. Do tell us a bit about yourself to help us get to know you.

    Heather, I know you are happy to be home. I hope you get a good night’s rest.

    Allison, my heart goes out to you with all that you have going on. Glad to hear that DFIL had a good week. That must make the visits a little easier for you. Praying for DB and all of you. Just be sure to take care of yourself while you are taking care of everyone else.

    Pip, Way to go to get all those calories burned! Are you sure you aren’t 25? Hey, remember I said we didn’t want you getting all skinny on us. Can you afford to lose any more weight? But good for you if that’s what you wanted. :#

    Sassy, I loved the picture and all the discussion about what you were holding. It was very entertaining.

    Sylvia, I have loved the jokes. I trust you are feeling better?

    Mary, I hope you enjoyed your night in the “fancy” hotel room. (Puny huh?)

    Suzy in Wis, Welcome. What part of Wis are you in? I lived in Milwaukee for 10 long cold years but loved the city.

    Barbie, I hope that cold is about over? What a drag. Get well soon. <3

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    We had a good time at the convention but I’m happy to be home. DH and doggies missed me too. As I’ve said before, I don’t enjoy eating out very much because I find it so difficult to eat healthy and stay within limits. I just love food and I am weak, what can I say? I will weigh in the morning to see what the damage was, but more importantly is to get back to my full workout routine. I feel sluggish from missing it for 3 days.
    I am pulling for all of you that need it and cheering for all that deserve it. My wish for you tomorrow is to have a wonderful, healthy and happy day.

    My word #1 is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    #2 is opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,165 Member
    :D I had a great visit with a group of friends this afternoon that included veggie pizza. I decided ahead of time to have pizza but didn't touch any of the other "goodies", It was probably a week's worth of sodium so my weight will be high tomorrow and probably for a few more days.

    :'( Cheryl, I am so sorry about you dog, but happy to see you back. Stay with us.

    B) Janet, I don't like eating in restaurants and avoid them whenever possible. My sweet husband asked me if I wanted to go out to lunch on my birthday and I told him no. I asked him to wash my car instead.

    <3 Allison, take care of yourself. Your brother is his own worst enemy and you shouldn't suffer because of it.

    :D Beth, I love my Smart Phone and spent a lot of time learning about it when I got it. Now it is a useful tool and helps me in so many ways that I had never thought possible.

    :D Had a fun day today that included laundry, 20,000 steps of dog walking and a nap with the pets. Life doesn't get any better than this.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Called a friend and went to see Marigold 2 movie today; Richard Gere still has it; be still my heart, that man is handsome! We shared a steak and salad and then I joined DD at dog park to watch Gemma play.

    Got a phone call that one of my nursing home cousins passed away; she was in her late 80's. She used to be a great reader and we shared and compared many books; one of my favorite relatives. For me, being an "only", staying at her home was heaven.......she had five kids from my age down.

    On favorite tv shows: American Bandstand (Philly, of course), Sky King, Sea Hunt, Twilight Zone, Alfred Hitchcock, Fury, Lawrence Welk, Ed Sullivan, Bertie the Bunyip, Sally Starr, Chief Halftown, Lassie, Mickey Mouse Club (loved Spin and Marty!!!), Perry Mason, Loretta Young, 77 Sunset Strip, Roy Rodgers, Lone Ranger, Dobie Gillis, Maverick, The Real McCoys, Wagon Train, Rin tin tin, and Sargent Preston of The Yukon.

    Cindy........Kudos on your hard work and reaching a new milestone!!! My DD looked at the vet school on PEI; I'll google and show her the snow she's missing.

    Cheryl.......Welcome back; how's your daughter doing? Great puppy!!

    pip........WTG on that loss!

    G'nite all,

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Sylvia: here are two names to try: Chris Roberts 620-783-5326 and Jana Allison 417-347-2525. The first one is a male, but this particular cousin has fired every other dr. she has seen but rates this one "top notch' so I figured it was worth sharing. The cousins also say there are lots of new docs at St Johns (? name) which apparently opened today. Let me know how these work out for you Meg
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Thanks everyone for welcoming me back. I am not leaving again.

    Cheryl, from North of Chicago
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,161 Member
    Damnit- realistically, I could not use mfp anymore and I would b fine. Apparently my ideal weight for my height and age is 128 lbs right now I am at 130. My goal weight has been 135 so I am below my goal weight
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    This is my 3 week update for stronglift 5x5.

    Squats - 12.5 lb to 65 = +52.5
    B press - 22.5lb to 55= +27.5
    BB row- 22.5lb to 55 = +27.5
    OH press-17.5lb to 32.5= +15
    D lift - 22.5lb to 60 = +37.5

    Measurements -
    I measured 15 areas on my body.
    Total loss = 8 in
    Waist. - 1 in
    Hip bones. - 1 5/8 in
    Hips. - 1 1/2 in
    L thigh. - 3/8 in
    R thigh. - 1/2 in
    L arm. - 3/8 in
    R arm. - 3/8 in
    Above bust. - 1/2 in
    Under bust. - 1/2 in
    Above L knee. - 1/4 in
    Above R knee. - 1/2 in
    L calf. - 1/4 in
    R calf. - 0
    L Ankle. - 1/4 in
    R Ankle. - 0

    Weight. - 4.4 lbs

    I have eaten pretty much the same calories at 1260 to 1300. I have decreased cardio on Strong Lift 5 X 5 days to 45 min instead of 2-3 hours. SL takes 30 to 45 minutes. I have decreased cardio on off days as well. My plan is to decrease cardio from 2-3 hours on off days to 0- 1 hours then down to 0. And only working out SL 5X5 3 days a week 45 minutes a day.

    I took pictures and can see a slight visible change in my waist and hip area which is reflected in the measurement loss.

    I will be updating again in 3 weeks. Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Yanniejannie - Wow you thought of so many great shows! Yes! Spin and Marty were special (and Annette, of course). I, too, love Sky King. My dad was an exec with Cessna so that show intrigued me. My family always gathered for Ed Sullivan as well.

    Janet - Welcome home! Thanks for the advice. These kids are texting when the boss is not in the building. About half of the hours I work are when there is no supervisor in the building. I think I will talk to my boss. Just not sure how to approach it. One girl has an important position as Senior Adult activity coordinator. She should know better!

    Barbie - I ask for those kind of presents, too. In fact my car needs washing right now.....
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Toni......Yes, It's a wonder I had time for school.........lol
  • wings651
    wings651 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi everyone, I am not new to MFP, just returning after two years. I just turned 50 in November, and looking for support, motivation, etc. I need to lose about 100 lbs, and I have some challenges with bulging and herniated discs in my lower back. Today is day one, and I have met my goals for the day with both food and exercise. I love to cook, which presents it's own challenge, and I'm always looking for healthy recipes.

    I am married, no kids, have a dog and a cat, and work full time as a Customer Service representative. I have a fitbit which I have charged and ready to begin on that tomorrow.

    Anyway, I hope you all had a good day, and a good weekend. I am ready for Monday!

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,700 Member
    Lillian – sounds like you did a bunch of stuff! Far more than “nothing”

    First TV we got a small one, black and white, around 1965…. My mom who is very straight laced called it the boob tube. And we could only watch 30 minutes a day…. I remember Captain Kangaroo, and one time my grandma got me on the Miss Nancy show… Father knows best…Flipper and Lassie

    Pip – 1000 calorie burn… wow! I am so pleased with 500 or so via the fitbit counting my steps – thanks for the link to Jacobs ladder -- it looks like a torture device!

    Alison – take care!

    Wessecg – sorry to hear about your Older pup, but congrats on the new baby… and you had me LOLing at the horse’s thoughts

    Heidi – welcome for great healthier recipes check out skinnytaste.com

    March goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday
    Eat slower
    Plan and do a fun thing every week

    Kim from N. California
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Lesley - what is Tom Venutos inner circle? I could go along with relaxing and family time. What does refeed mean?

    Pip - congratulations on the -3! You deserve the hard cider! Even though you don't really need MFP for maintaining what would you do without us! So glad you stay here and inspire us :)

    TNToni - I would suggest only 1 person work if not busy and need a lead person if 2 are on, with chores to do if slow. YOU could be the lead person and tell the phone player what to do. Do you work at a hotel?

    Meg - we need to see a picture of the chubette:)

    Beth - have fun with your new phone! I use mine for MFP and I like spider solitaire.

    Janet - I am glad that you had fun at the convention! it is nice to get away. Our hotel room was modest and the hot tub almost as tiny as a bath tub but I brought ebsom salt with and we had a relaxing evening.

    Barbie - good friends and pizza sounds wonderful! We still have to enjoy our lives and that is a great way to do it:)

    Yanniejannie - sorry to hear about your cousin. It sounds like you have fond memories of time you spent with her and her family.

    I know this wasn't a show but I remember the "Geratol" Comercial. I liked the Green Lantern. Anyone say Mr Ed?

    This morning right before the Basketball game we got a call from DD and her DH was doubled over in pain my DH'S ex drove him to the hospital and we met DD to pick up the boys for the tournament. Ended up he has kidney stones. DGS'S team took 4th and all is well!

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    I remember my sister and I running home from school so we could watch the "Edge of Night". Wow hey, now, I really do not like soap operas...!! I remember Maverick, Perry Mason, Bugs Bunny and Road Runner....

    Good thing the weekend is over... I really don't feel like I accomplished anything. Dreadful feeling for me.. I will have to work on that. Walked my dog - so he is happy.

    off to bed - 5 a.m. and off to work. the roads will be yucky - snow again ...

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Lillian, it sounds like you did a lot. You took care of yourself emotionally and socially which are very important.

    TNTtoni, I want to see that movie. I think I caught the first on TV. I can't remember if it was on regular TV or when Directv offers us free premium weekends. So I don't know if I saw the whole ting or an edited version. My youngest daughter would be a hoarder of dogs if she could. But she has a postage stamp size yard and has 3 dogs already an one of the is a boxer so her yard isn't worth anything right now. As far as the phones, I would say 'park your phone and you can have it at break and lunch. But I haven't worked since 1997 and normal people using cell phones was kind of rare then.

    Cindy, I would love to follow you around for a day at work. I would have loved to be in the research division of the medical field but my nursing degree was only a diploma degree which was a 3 year program. Plus bedside nursing was a passion. Congrats on the step down. It kind of gives you a huge adrenalin rush

    Cheryl, sorry about losing you dog, have you told us how he/she died? I love, love, love your new puppy. I just love the expression of expectation in his eyes. Boxers are the same. I love seeing your hair flying in the breeze as you are riding on your horse. My husband would love for me to have it that long. I have the 'Baptist choir lady' hairstyle!

    Katla, I think poverty helps early on in a marriage. You have to learn how to lean on each other.

    Beth, I went from one of those Tracfones to a 'real' phone. It's an android and I still don't use it to it's full potential. In fact I rarely use it to call anyone. Neither one of my girls have enough money to have phones with unlimited minutes and we text each other frequently

    Heidi, love the name. You will find that several of the girls here are very creative cooks to stay on a really good nutritious meal plan. I am not, not at all. I can boil an egg.

    As far as a TV, I remember we had one when I was in elementary school. It was rarely watched though. HMMMM, I wonder if Mom secretly watched it while we were at school and Dad at work??? Some of our favorite shows as the years went by Mister Ed, Dobie Gillis, Green Acres, Beverly Hillbillies, Ed Sullivan show, hatted Lawrence Welk show, I love Lucy, Lassie, Captain Kangaroo, and when I got older Perry Mason. With that one, I would watch the 1st half hour when all the action was and then go outside and play in the yard with my little brothers. But the commercials were better than some of the shows.

    I don't know if any of you get the Parade magazine in your Sunday paper but today they had a write up on the author of The happiness project. She talked a lot about some of the things that were in the book. I can see now how several of you like it. I finally got up early enough to go to Sunday School before church. I don't feel I am in the fellowship of the church as much as I want to be. We have a couple in our church that is celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary this week. My parents had been married for 56 years when Dad died. It's 43 years for us, 45 for my sister, and I think 35 or so years for my brothers. I am one of those that I feel like if it wasn't for you guys dragging me along, I would be here, so keep dragging me.

    Joyce, Indiana

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Meg: your DGD is at your house? Or have I missed something?

    Not much to say today. Still having trouble with my back; I think I will press charges against that woman after all. I hope that doesn’t backfire, since she lives in the area and knows where my horse lives (so she knows where I am once in a while). I have seen her a couple of times since the incident.

    Anyone knows why builders start at 7:30 a.m., make a lot of noise, and then are quiet for a while after 8? Why don't they just start later? <gnashing of teeth>

    Hope we all have a good day.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,036 Member
    edited March 2015
    morning all,
    I woke up tired which I dont think is a good thing.. fitful nights sleep, and then woke up late so I am rushing around trying to get dinner and lunch done before I go check on DFIL and Faith (Jeans mom) then to work.. I know I need to take care of myself, but right now ,I will take it a day at a time...
    when I was young we watched,Captain Kangaroo,Hap Richards(local show)
    Bozo,Mickey Mouse Club,later it was Gilligans Island,Green Acres,Beverly Hillbillies,Brady Bunch,and all those type shows.. we would go to our grandparents ,both in the same town, one on saterday,one on sunday,,
    we would watch Lawrence Welk at my maternal grandparents,on sunday, my paternal grandmother who owned a nursery school would make us dinner,and we would play all day, and get in our footie pajamas, and watch Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom,will Marlin Perkins, and then wonderful world of Disney, then home we went.. had a wonderful childhood
  • kwilson51
    kwilson51 Posts: 10
    Good morning to you all. Thank you Janet, for your kind welcome. I did not have much time yesterday to give much info about myself….
    My name is Kim and I live in Central PA. The snow has finally melted but it is still too darn cold. I have been married 34 years; I have 7 kids and 9 grand kiddos. They are the loves of my life.
    I have always been on the thinner side until this crappy menopause kicked in in my mid 40’s. Now unless I am at the gym 6 days a week and watch very carefully what I eat and drink…..well let’s just say my pants keep shrinking in the attic.
    So here I am again, I have about 20 lbs. to lose and I am hoping I can accomplish this before summer. I started back to the gym and hubby and I are now trying to walk 4 days a week. Got lots of veggies and fruit last week (by by chicken wings – boo) Still need a glass of wine/beer every now and again but will try to limit it to one a week.
    I hope to check in very day and follow your successes and gather advice and support from you all. Thanks for letting me join your journeys.
    Have an amazing day!
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    I was a TV addict even as a toddler. Did any of you watch Armchair Playhouse? It came on every day after the noon news and played movies. Loved the Loretta Young show and all the Abbot and Costello movies as well as Topper. Also, loved all the Shirley Temple movies and Mickey Rooney.

    We had an antenna on top of the house and I remember climbing up a tree to the roof to adjust it hoping to get a better picture.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning! I'm off to be squashed and prodded. I am quite anxious since I seem to have to have a surgery every time I have a mammogram. I'll try to do a bit more catch up later.

    Carol in NC
  • Hi. I wasn't sure how to join this group. Good luck today
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,650 Member
    Good morning all!

    Welcome new Kim and Heidi. :flowerforyou:

    Cynthia - the bylaws over here don't allow building work to start before 8 am. It used to make me laugh in London as it always started dead on to the second!

    I've recovered from my tiredness with a good night's sleep. I was out like a light by 10pm. Didn't even hear DH coming to bed! Back to normal routine today - 600 cals exercise and editing my book.
    Today I'm making skinnytaste.com 's Easy Crustless Spinach and Feta Pie. One of our favourite things. Yesterday I bought an enormous bunch of dill at a Turkish shop. The pie (not really a pie, really a savoury cake) is lovely with a lot of fresh dill in it. In the summer I grow it, but at the supermarket you only get a little for your money. I can freeze the rest.

    Left a paperback at my son's house. I hope they will post it to me. I waited a whole year for the book to come out in paperback. Both of us enjoy the books about a French detective in the Dordogne area so I don't get it on Kindle.

    Sunny here today, but chilly. Got the Saturday paper to finish off. I'm hoping my yoga friend won't cancel our trip and lunch out on Wednesday. I'm still smarting from my London friend cancelling, but I'll get over it. :ohwell:
    Got to pay the balance on the rental for our holiday in Wales in May. It's in an area called the Gower Peninsula. JOYCE! Have you got your ipad out? Really beautiful beaches and moorland. Dylan Thomas country.

    Love Heather in Hampshire UK
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Good morning ladies. Hubs and I spent the weekend working on our "fixer upper" house. Sanding all the trim woodwork and installing new interior doors. Nothing in the house is square so having to do a lot of adjusting. Dust everywhere. Today is the last of the sanding I hope. Then we caulk and paint.

    I was sick last week and still not quite up to par but better than I was. Change in seasons always seems to bring on a cold for me. Expecting one last woosh of snow today.

    Down several pounds last week which is encouraging!

    Have a great week everyone!
    Diana in NE Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,036 Member
    its been a day already,DFIL ate thank you lord, went up and did the drill with my SIL,then went to see my DB,who decided the sign himself out of the hospital..... looked in lobby, and he wasnt there, but called SIL and we both got there at same time. he started swearing at me so I left, will find out what goes on later on...and now to work...
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,161 Member
    momkim - you're right, it is a torture device.
    fanncy - that 3 lbs? ended up being sweat/water. i am at 133 as of this morning.

    usually, Monday is the day when I take more stuff to leave at work for the week. this time I had extra stuff to take (bananas, protein powder, cereal, fiber bars, etc...) so riding to the gym and then the train station would have been a bit harder. I would have probably had to borrow his pannier and ride w/two. so I got smart and drove to work and dropped the crap off yesterday so I wouldn't have to tow anything this morning... smart huh!

    I hear people talking about old tv shows.. well... I was brought up in a very traditional, strict Mexican household so there are a lot of shows I didn't watch as a kid. I do remember being made fun of because I liked the Lawrence welk show; the reason was I they thought I was trying to be or act "white" lololol...I didn't watch sesame street as a kid which is very popular, oh well.

    today, took it easy on the workouts.