

  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Jan, I looked up the BCC and it seems very treatable. I hope they will get you in quickly so you can quit having to worry about it.

    In my late 20's I had a growth that was brown and felt like rubber. The dermatologist called me to let me know he had to take more off and he seemed very concerned. I've never had anything more like that but do have a raised scar that bothers me as it is right in my hairline. I have had many pre-cancerous lesions removed (dry ice) and a place on my elbow left with a scar from the doctor cutting what he called a likely pre-cancerous area. All of this was due to going to the lake and boating when I was young and no one thought of sun screen. One time my I had blisters in my scalp from the sun burn.

    I am feeling really bloated so need to cut back on carbs.

    Welcome to Newbies. It is so much fun to be a part of this journey.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Allison - I forgot all about my footy pajamas! You did what you could do now the rest is up to your DB.

    Heather - that spinach and feta pie sounds delicious. I love reading your posts on what you are going to be making. hopefully your friend will keep your Wednesday lunch appointment. Thanks, I will be updating again in 3 weeks.

    Carol - I'm hoping everything goes well with your appointment today. let us know how things turn out, we are all here for you!

    Pip - that was a really good idea of bringing your things the day before to work! taking it easy is a good idea especially with your strenuous workout. it is hard to do though, I am having a hard time cutting down to only one cardio exercise a day.

    Janet - yay! One and a half pounds is a great loss. I know what you mean by arthritis hurting your joints on rainy days. I don't have that but I had a deer tick born illness called Anaplasmosis which really affects joints and acts just like arthritis. that is why I like to do Kenpo X, it seems to move every joint including my fingers. And besides, it is nice to sleep in on rainy days!

    Katla - I'm sorry to hear that you are still under the weather! Headaches can really keep you down. hopefully the lady will be able to fix your seat this time.

    MNMargaret - I'm sorry to hear about your friend. I like the idea of leaving a message on her phone. How is your niece and baby doing? You and your family are still in our prayers. Isn't it nice to finally be able to get outside and enjoy the weather!

    Yanniejannie - I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis. That is hard to take in and we are here for you when you need us. I also have had little bumps appear and have had one by my eye for years. Now I think I might go in and have it checked out. so thanks for the information.

    My DSIL fast one kidney stone in the evening and haven't heard anything since no news is good news. I had a lot of cardio scheduled for this morning then I remembered that I was only going to do one cardio exercise everyday which is very dramatic. I am stressed out a little bit, because I I am worried about gaining back all that I have lost. I only did 45 minutes of Kenpo X. I normally do 2 to 3 hours of cardio. Now I have a lot of extra time on my hands I hope I won't spend it shoving food in my mouth! Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,728 Member
    I am sitting here freezing my *kitten* off at work!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a long sleeve shirt on, a pullover sweater and a fleece jacket on. I kept my fleece lined bike pants on, quilt on my lap and a little mini heater at my feet. do I not have any blood in me??? i'm the only one in here like this... all I need now are gloves and ear muffs!!!!!
    having soup instead of my protein shake. where are hot flashes when you need them.. it is fricken brrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Sesame Street first premièred in 1969. It was not the show I watched most as I would have been about 7 then... Mr. Rodgers was the show I remember! He was such a gentle soul and he resembled my dad!

    Jan ... more deep breaths ...

    Carol ... good luck with the mammograms today.

    Just a quick pop in ... will check back later.

    Beth in WNY

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,818 Member
    I Loved Mr Rogers....i watched his life time acceptance speech,brought me to tears
  • ellefenton
    ellefenton Posts: 12 Member
    Hello fellow travellers; I'm just starting on a quest to get more fit. My doctor has taken me off work and I'm trying to do my part to get healthy. I'm 57 and terrified I won't make it to my intended retirement in 2 years.
    I've started today keeping track on here of my intake. I rode the stationary bike for 10 minutes & did 14 strength training exercises with 3 lb weights, 2 reps of 8. Now I've got my new rescue cat sleeping on my ample belly
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,368 Member
    When I was a child in the 50s we had a lot of American shows on our tv. I loved I Love Lucy and of course all the cowboys, The Cisco Kid, Roy Rogers, Champion the Wonder Horse. I thought Hopalong Cassidy was too old though! ! ! ! Davy Crocket. My brother had a Davy Crocket hat! We also played "Red Indians" in our feathered head dresses. How politically incorrect!! ! ! I had a teepee.
    My absolute favourite though was Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. It seemed as if we had one of their films on every weekend. I knew all the songs. " I joined the Navy to see the world . .........." We would sing them in the car on long journeys.

    Heather UK
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Good afternoon friends

    I am skipping my study group today. Tummy is a little "off" and my back needs some TLC I plan to start a Bible study tomorrow at a church nearby. A Y friend goes there and is leading it. I haven't done anything like that in years and am really looking forward to it.

    Gosh you all are reminding me of some great shows. MofO Wildkingdom, Loretta Young and Dobie Gillis. I had such a crush on him. Did anyone watch The Donna Reed Show? In love with her son... In my youth I must have planned to be a bigamist because of all these crushes.

    Yanniejannie - I am so sorry to hear about the diagnosis. It sounds like you have a well trained doctor. One of my friends recently had the Mos procedure on her face and she did quite well.

    Peach - I was such a sun worshiper. I would get so sunburned the first weekend the pool was open I would literally get sick. Anybody else do iodine in baby oil? On your face? What were we thinking?

    Mary - I'm looking forward to hearing about this body project of yours. Keep up the wonderful work. I work at a YMCA on the front desk part time.

    I had a 2.4 weight loss at TOPS this morning. YEAH! Getting closer to "onederland". A member shared an article about emotional triggers. It wasn't geared toward emotional eating but was very applicable. It suggested that we handle a trigger with self love and affirmation. Choose kindness - especially to yourself.

    So I'll leave you with that thought. Have a wonderful day.
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Monday ! ! !

    YannieJannie - Hugs (and prayers) for the diagnosis. I hope the surgery is soon, quick, and successful!!!!!

    Carol GA - I know exactly what you mean about riding in a car with DH. We discussed it at length in counseling, and he is now a little better, but I have to remind him often what my personal rules are when I am a passenger in his car. In fact, twice I screamed "stop the car, pull over and stop the car, quick" then got out and started walking the opposite direction. We are completely vulnerable when we are passengers, and it is unfair and unloving of them to make us feel fearful while in a situation for which we have absolutely no control. When DH starts getting that way again, and not listening to my "rules", I drive my own vehicle and make DS ride with me. I would rather arrive alive than quickly. (I have been rear-ended at stop lights twice, never been in a true accident, and DH was in 3 accidents, all his fault, in 2 days).

    My favorite shows from childhood are Lawrence Welk and Petticoat Junction.

    Thank you to everybody for reminding me about taxes. I have to get my sister's finished, and I always have to jump through hoops either remembering or getting her log-in and password.

    Another weekend of bowling (he threw 633 at team event, 1971 for the whole team), basketball, and baseball. DS will be seeing the physical therapist 6am on Thursday for his shoulder. All these activities have been too much for his growing body, and I had to put kinetic tape on his shoulder for bowling yesterday (it didn't help his bowling - he only thew 528 and 511).

    I did good with my eating until I was in the car at 4:00pm yesterday and had only eaten breakfast, so my brain told my hunger that it was an emergency, and I was too hungry to argue back. I bought a bag of pretzel sticks that my DS shared, but he didn't have any of the cheese dip cup. After getting home and eating a nice big healthy salad, those stupid pretzels and stupid cheese cup kept calling to me from the kitchen, and I was again too weak to resist. I know better than to even have it in my house, so I can only blame myself for poor planning (yes, there is a ziploc baggie with sugar snap pea pods in my fridge that stayed there because I forgot them).

    But today - back on track. Put 2 big boneless skinless chicken breasts in the crock pot with a fennel bulb. When I weighed it today it was 11.7 oz, so I ate 1/3 of it on my salad for lunch. Back to oatmeal for breakfast, and I still have more salad at home for supper tonight. DS favorite meal is a protein and a fruit, so if DH is not eating with us, I can put some fish or chicken on the Foreman grill. I also got DS out of the house in time to work out this morning. 10 minutes on the bike, then another 10 minutes on the hand bike hill program during lunch. I can really feel the hand bike program working on the muscles in my mid to upper back. It is getting easier to maintain a good posture.

    I finally went shopping at Whole Foods and bought some hemp hearts. They were good on my salad. They were also good in my oatmeal. Thanks for the suggestion. Although I'm not sure when I will be returning to Whole Foods, because it is huge and pretty far away during rush hour traffic on the highways. Maybe on a lazy weekend (haha, that made me laugh).

    The snow didn't last long, and now it is a sunny 31 degrees.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    edited March 2015
    Hello Ladies,

    Just a quick note as I'm at work and taking a little break. It was a beautiful weekend and my DH and I managed to get in a leisurely 7 mile bike ride on Saturday.

    deborah99 - Welcome. You joined us by posting so please come in and tell us a little about yourself. If you sign with whatever name you like and your location it helps.

    Yanniejannie - Sorry to hear about your diagnosis but at least now you have a plan to take care of it. I had a little spot just above my upper lip that looked like a small bump. After awhile I noticed the top of it was getting rough no matter how much lotion I put on it. Went to the dermatologist and had it frozen. It was a little ugly for awhile but cleared up. She said if it came back she would biopsy it but if not than it was ok. So far so good. I was one that would lie in the sun covered in baby oil. Never would tan but sure could burn! We would peel our skin off in big pieces. Ended up with sun poisoning one summer.

    Carol - good luck today with your appointment. Waiting while they go and look at the results are always the hardest part. Usually, they either say they aren't sure or they think they see 'something' and I end up with an ultrasound the same day. I wish they would just start with that and be done with it. I could do without the first exam.

    Allison - sorry to hear your DB is deciding to handle his issue this way. My DH works with alcoholics and says the only thing you can do is offer encouragement. The hard part of actually doing something about it is up to them and some take a long time to realize it and some never do. In some cases the best thing for them is to hit bottom as quickly as possible so they can start working on getting back up if they choose. Making things easy for them often prevents them from really getting the help they need but in the end they still have to want it more than anything else.

    Ellefenton - Welcome. I volunteer with animal rescue and always love to hear about anther animal rescued. I'm sure that is one grateful kitty.

    Time to get back to work for anther 30 minutes and then start the long 1 1/2 hour commute home.

    Tina in Maryland

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Oh my goodness! I'm so far behind! I just have a few minutes before I start off to get the kids from school. Today I've had what I call a "bad brain day" where I can't seem to focus or think. Needless to say, I have not gotten much accomplished. I did spend a lot of the morning trying to find a new doctor. (Thanks Meg for the help. I got this doc through the St. Johns/Mercy doctor finder.) I think I have narrowed it down to one, and now have to begin the paperwork to get it all switched over. What a pain.

    I walked the kids to school this morning for a the first time this spring. It was nice, but I was more tired at the end than I thought I would be. I was glad that our town put in new park benches along the main drag.

    After school I have to take them to get new swim suits, because swim lessons start tomorrow. I know the suits they had last summer are not going to fit, as they were too small even then.

    Wednesday night is my granddaughter's birthday party here at the studio. I made up little invitations for her to take to school today. I was supposed to be cleaning the studio today to get ready, but it never happened. Tomorrow I have an appointment with the gastro guy in Jopin at 2:00, so that will eat up much of that day. At some point I have to make a birthday cake. Good grief!

    I bought her a couple of cute little skirts with shorts to go underneath, but couldn't find any cute t-shirts to go with them. She is on the large size, and the XL.14-16 shirts are really too small now. So, I found some pretty colored t-shirts in the boys department at walmart (pink, purple, red) and they had some in size 18, so I bought those and some glittery t-shirt paint. My plan is to decorate the front of the shirts with some simple designs and try to pass them off as girls shirts. We will see how that turns out. She wanted a chemistry set for her birthday, but they don't really have good chemistry sets anymore. We got her a little book with experiments that use household items and a pocket microscope. Hubby (who teaches chemistry) said he will help her with some experiments too. She also wanted a drum set, but her dad put his foot down on that one.

    By the way, I have been feeling better lately. Once I finished my course of heavy-duty antibiotics, the nausea stopped, so I think that is what was making me feel sick. The tummy pain is all gone, with just a tiny bit of soreness when I get tired. I'm staying on that low-residue diet at least until I talk to the gastro doc tomorrow. I hope he gives me the ok to do more fiber.

    Well, it's time to go get the kids. I hope you are all having a great day!

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's joke of the day: (think about it)


    A married couple rushed to the hospital because the woman was in labor the doctor asked the couple, "I have invented a new machine that you might want to try, it takes some of the labor pains away from the mother and gives it to the father."

    So the married couple decided that they would try this. The doctor hooked the machine up and put it on 10% of pain switched from the mother to the father and the husband said "I feel okay turn it up a lot more."

    So the doctor turned it up to 50% and the husband said "Why don't you just put it all on me cause I'm not feeling a thing."

    The doctor warned them, "This much could kill you if your not prepared," and the husband replied "I'm ready."

    So the doctor turned the machine up to 100% but the husband didn't fell a thing so they went home happy with a pain free labor.

    When they got home the mailman was dead on the front porch!

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    This one was yesterday's joke:


    A man and a woman who have never met before find themselves in the same sleeping carriage of a train.

    After the initial embarrassment, they both manage to get to sleep; the woman on the top bunk, the man on the lower.

    In the middle of the night the woman leans over and says, "I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm awfully cold and I was wondering if you could possibly pass me another blanket."

    The man leans out and with a glint in his eye said "I've got a better idea ... let's pretend we're married."

    "Why not," giggles the woman.

    "Good," he replies. "Get your own blanket."

  • dia_nruf
    dia_nruf Posts: 112 Member
    edited March 2015
    Sorry I have been MIA for awhile. I have not felt good enough even to read the post.

    Just got back from dr's appointment. Now I have influenza A. I have the trifecta. (First sinus infection then bronchitis and now the flu). Whoppie!!!

    Dr told us we need to quarantine ourselves till our symptoms are gone. That really is going to be hard when you are self employed!

    There is a rainbow to all of this..... I have lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks.

    Beth in Kennebunk Maine
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,658 Member
    Read everyone, but not commenting...just no time...but had to vent... today was blood work, pap and mammogram... between blood work and pap was 30 minutes so I dashed to starbucks and grabbed a coffee. Headed back went to the wrong place so hurry up and down 3 flights of stairs - go into the pap and they take my blood pressure it's high - no surprise, they tell me they will take it after the pap, but by then I am running late to mamm. so not done - and they are going to report me to "medical" GRRRRR I had my pressure taken 1 week ago and it was fine... it seems to me that hurrying around up and down stairs is the wrong time to take this....
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    I love Gidget! and I'm trying to remember the show with the twin girls one from England and one from the US they were cousins and played by the same girl, anyone know the show that I'm talking about?

    Pip - you're probably cold because you no longer have a layer of fat!

    Elefenton - welcome! I hope you are successful. you will have a good chance if you come here and get the inspiration and support from the ladies on this thread!

    TNToni - congratulations on your loss! Good. On the self love and affirmation when a trigger for overeating hits!

    Terri - I know what you mean about being fearful when someone else is driving and you have no control over how fast or how close they get to another car. my DH is always driving up on someone's rear end and wanting to pass all the time. if I say something he does get a little upset with me. he is starting to be a little bit more careful and relaxed well I am in the car. I told him I would not ride with him anymore if you continue to drive like that. I hate it when food calls our names from the refrigerator! good for you getting back on track.

    Sylvia - it sounds like you are going to have a very special birthday for your DGD I am sure that she is going to love the t-shirts and glitter. you might just want to give her the t-shirts and the glitter as separate gifts and you and her can decorate them together or she can do it by herself. I sometimes babysit for one of the large resort here and we have a t-shirt decorating station, and all the children love that. I am so glad to hear that you have a new doctor that you will be seeing tomorrow. let us know how that goes. Both of those jokes were hilarious! thank you for doing that for us. I don't know about the other ladies but I always share them with my husband and others!

    Maryfrom Minnesota

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,728 Member
    fancy - LAMO!!!!!!!! - that's what they tell me here too!!!!!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,818 Member
    Fanccy~ I know it was Patty Duke that played the twins ,cant remember the shoe, of course there was Leave it to Beaver , and the Flying nun,Sister Patrile..
    long day,rough day..
    DB is home, went to regular GP,he has 2 more appts with him this week, will be starting outpatient rehab next week ,being treated for both alcohol and anxiety..
    on a full liquid diet, and then to brat diet, and then slowly back to normal diet..
    I am emotionally drained after this morning and stress ate..
    going to bed in a bit, and less stress tomorrow
    Sylvia~ that joke was priceless lol
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    The show with the twins was just called The Patty Duke Show. Thanks, Beth, for looking up when Sesame Street started. I knew that not only was I too old for it, but so was my brother who is seven years younger than I. We didn't have TV when I was a toddler, but I remember him watching Romper Room and Captain Kangaroo. My father ruled the TV when we did get one, so my favorite shows were The Real McCoys, The Virginian, and Bonanza.
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Good evening Ladies and Happy Spring!
    I got back from my weekend to NJ a little while ago and read some of the posts I was behind on but could tackle them all yet. Will do later when I have more time.
    The weekend was great but I did run into a really nasty snow storm on the way down. I am confident of my ability to drive in the snow here in MA but not so much in NJ. They are known for their crazy drivers and they don't treat the roads as well. It was not my idea of the first day of Spring. Ironically it was not snowing at my house! But I got there safely and had a very good weekend. My best friend decided to accompany me to see my mother and I went with her to see her father who just moved into an independent living facility. The visits went very well. My BFF and I grew up together so we knew each others' parents well. We have been friends since we were 11 years old. BFF's husband is a gourmet cook so I ate extremely well, and healthy, all weekend. She has a fitbit also so we had a challenge going and did alot of walking. I am so fortunate to have her in my life.
    My back is still not back to normal so I have to stay away from the elliptical and weights. I don't want to do any permanent damage so I have to be patient, not something I am good at. I can't believe I miss the exercise so much.

    Gotta go, hugs to everyone.

    Chris in MA