

  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    I was craving something sweet the other night but had absolutely nothing in the house that would satisfy me except some hot chocolate. So I ate two spoonfuls of the powder. Two spoonfuls. Of the powder.

    Someone mentioned a few pages back what it might feel like to be the person who started this EPIC thread, but I'm pretty sure that THIS post has been the one quoted the most. Anyone else notice that? Thought it was funny.

    I have noticed that! And I remember her coming back and mentioning how weird it is. Turns out, it's a lot more common than she ever thought.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Ceci_O_K wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    Confession #1 It really wasn't a typo. My 2 1/2 year old is a sponge these days. Last week, my daughter, my dog and I were going outside to play and the dog was hopping around like crazy because, well, she's crazy. So I threw her frisbee in the yard to get her out of the way & she jumped right up the 5 foot rock retaining wall. I said "holy crap". Guess what the next 2 words out of my daughters mouth were. I'm really watching my language now

    When my daughter was about that age, we were looking out the window and our dog ran by. She said, "Where the hell does he think he's going?!" To which her dad replied, "Wonder where the hell she got that from." You definitely have to be careful, everything will be repeated, many times, at the most inopportune moments.

    It's funny how moments like that stand out in my memory. She's 21 now!

    Yep. Told my son we could not stop for ice cream on the way to day care (7:45am) the other day and he stared forlornly out the window. Under his breath, barely audible, I heard, "Dammit."

    My language when I'm in the car can be *ahem* salty. When my son was like 3 I was relaying a story to my husband about another idiot driver and my son pipes up, "That guy was a douche, right mom?" I still struggle with my car language and he's 9 now.

    Hahaha, these are both so awesome.

    One of my mom's favorite* stories of me when I was around 2ish was when she had her new boss over to the house for lunch. I was playing with a stack of blocks when it tumbled down and my natural reaction: "Ho-wee *kitten*"

    *Favorite now. Completely mortifying then...for her.

    When I was younger, there was a kid a couple doors down that had a hard time saying R's. So when she asked for a drink, it came out as "can I have a dink?". It was hilarious because I was about 8 at the time.

    And one of my cousins would say S as F when he was a kid. "Snow" was one of my favorite things for him to say, because the first couple letters were so nasally. It was even funnier one time when he wanted a sucker. ;)

    My mother once got called into the school to meet with the principal because my brother said "sucker" on the bus. My mom told the principal that was BS that he got in trouble for that. LOL

    Wait, got in trouble for saying "sucker", or for saying "sucker" where the S sounded like an F?

    Oh no, said "sucker". My mom repeated it to the principal and asked why that was a problem. She said the principal practically fell out of her chair and said, "Sucker" is a bad word! No, no it isn't.

    Times have changed since the late 70's when that happened, I guess.
  • DistantJ
    DistantJ Posts: 155 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    DistantJ wrote: »
    I'm extremely excited that Fox Mulder and Dana Scully are coming back to TV this summer. Also, I watch too much TV. Also, I haven't worked out for months. Also, I feel fat today. Also, I work from home and was still an hour late for work today. Um...anything else?

    I've read that on facebook you longer have the option of saying "I feel...fat" as fat is not a feeling and it's offensive to overweight people. Anyone who has facebook noticed this? I don't have it but I found it to be a interesting article!

    I haven't seen that, but I think it's kind of funny! Just one more thing for people to get offended about. I guess as a fat person, I am allowed to feel fat and not be offended.

    Another confession: I roll my eyes at EVERYTHING that people decide to get offended about on Facebook. And chuckle a little bit. :)

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Confession 1: For the first time ever, I decided to get some movement in on my lunch break at work. I am sure I burned extra calories, as I was going "faster" than the video because I was so paranoid someone would come back from lunch early and see me. (I am the only female in a 16 employee workplace)

    Confession 2: I do not understand peoples' obsession with beards (no offense "Tincan"...I think you are great and one of the main reasons I come back every day). When I see posts with actors pre and post beard, I ALWAYS think they are way better looking without the beard. Just not a fan, I guess. That being said, I haven't seen my husband without a goatee (not a REAL beard, I know) for over 12 years.

    I've NEVER seen my husband without a mustache and we've been together for 15 years. I think it would be really weird! Can't even picture it, really.

    I've pretty much had a full beard the entire time I've been with my wife, with the exception of some brief unbearded goatee periods and Halloween '02 when I dressed as Day-Before-Dead-Elvis. The only variation has really been trim line and length. One time, I went to Texas by myself with a big, giant full beard and it was really hot, so I trimmed it down to a goatee. When my wife saw me, she was glad I was home but kinda mad because the bearded person she'd been missing didn't come back.

    Good thing you're able to grow it back! I find it interesting how some men are so distinct and defined by their facial hair and wonder at times what made them to decide to grow it (and keep it) in the first place? I don't believe I've ever asked my husband what made him grow and keep a mustache at all times, but neither his older or younger brother wear facial hair. Hmmm... something to inquire about.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I'll never understand people who say that they are not hungry for dessert.

    @Francl27‌ You and my daughter would get along famously! She ALWAYS and I do mean ALWAYS has room for dessert. Especially is ice cream is involved.

    I've eaten dessert knowing without a doubt that I will end up regretting it physically. The most recent case was Applebee's with the Apple ChimicheesecaKEOHGODGETINMYMOUTH...sorry... I knew when I ordered it that I had already overeaten on dinner and anything more was going to make me feel bloated, but damn if I didn't near lick the plate. Couldn't move from the recliner when I got home. It was awful...awfully tasty!

    When my kids were little, Applebee's was one of the few places to go out to eat in the small town where we lived. There were times where we had Applebee's dessert instead of dinner.

    It's a wonder I never won mother of the year.
  • HeavyMetalHeavierWeights
    When obese friends and family post on FB "checking in" at a restaurant or posting pics of their food and drinks - I annihilate their character and will power, in my head. And when my "fit" friends post about something healthy, I sit there and completely analyze their post on how wrong it is or their terrible form/programming etc...

    I fantasize about "calling them out" on their 10lbs of muscle gained in a month or their 10lbs of fat lost in 5 days...I'm a horrible person
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    There's a new muscle vs fat thread, and a certain user there makes my blood boil. If I ever see that user in public, I'd stare at him or her very angrily.

    Muscle vs Fat

    ^^^ and that is how you link to a thread when you reference one, so everyone can see the train wreck unfold.

    I refuse to even read that thread.

    Confession: I'm going in!

    Me, too!

    And...I'm out. That wasn't even fun dumb, it was just dumb.

    Agreed. I tried some minor trolling, but I feel bad using ninerbuff's helpful advice to start *kitten*.

    Yeah. I would never troll on one of ninerbuff's posts. He's too awesome.
  • selena_teresa
    selena_teresa Posts: 110 Member
    DistantJ wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    DistantJ wrote: »
    I'm extremely excited that Fox Mulder and Dana Scully are coming back to TV this summer. Also, I watch too much TV. Also, I haven't worked out for months. Also, I feel fat today. Also, I work from home and was still an hour late for work today. Um...anything else?

    I've read that on facebook you longer have the option of saying "I feel...fat" as fat is not a feeling and it's offensive to overweight people. Anyone who has facebook noticed this? I don't have it but I found it to be a interesting article!

    I haven't seen that, but I think it's kind of funny! Just one more thing for people to get offended about. I guess as a fat person, I am allowed to feel fat and not be offended.

    Another confession: I roll my eyes at EVERYTHING that people decide to get offended about on Facebook. And chuckle a little bit. :)


  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I'll never understand people who say that they are not hungry for dessert.

    @Francl27‌ You and my daughter would get along famously! She ALWAYS and I do mean ALWAYS has room for dessert. Especially is ice cream is involved.

    I've eaten dessert knowing without a doubt that I will end up regretting it physically. The most recent case was Applebee's with the Apple ChimicheesecaKEOHGODGETINMYMOUTH...sorry... I knew when I ordered it that I had already overeaten on dinner and anything more was going to make me feel bloated, but damn if I didn't near lick the plate. Couldn't move from the recliner when I got home. It was awful...awfully tasty!

    I have an opposite confession.

    One time I was out to dinner with my husband and wanted dessert. He did not. Although he offered advice on what I should get (think it was the molten chocolate cake?) I ended up rebelling and getting something with tons of ice cream. I'm talking, ice cream for 4 people, tons. It was a cold night. We were seated outside. My husband makes fun of me for ordering something that was definitely not as good as his suggestion AND would make me colder. Being the defiant 5 year old that I am, I kept insisting that it was the most delicious thing I'd ever tasted.

    Ate every single terrible, cold, not even good bite. Got nauseous, but wouldn't admit it. And waddled all the way home still insisting that was the most delicious thing ever and I was still glad I ate the whole thing. My pain was evident.

    Never again.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    This thread so makes my day.

    Ok, confession: I ran on the treadmill for 30 minutes straight yesterday at a good pace and was quite proud of myself since I am NOT a runner.
    Anyway, beautiful day today, decided to go to the park and try to run there... couldn't bust out more than 15 minutes at a mere jog, ugh, such disappoint.

    It sucks, because I have such great stamina... well for ddr anyway. I can play that game on heavy mode for hours straight and not get tired.

    Fun note though, did find an awesome bike trail and did get to walk on a giant log over the river. Terrifying, but AWESOME. oh yeah...and pricker bushes. >.< nuuuu

    I am the exact opposite. I can run for miles outside, but put me on a dreadmill and I'm fighting to do 1.5 miles.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    This thread so makes my day.

    Ok, confession: I ran on the treadmill for 30 minutes straight yesterday at a good pace and was quite proud of myself since I am NOT a runner.
    Anyway, beautiful day today, decided to go to the park and try to run there... couldn't bust out more than 15 minutes at a mere jog, ugh, such disappoint.

    It sucks, because I have such great stamina... well for ddr anyway. I can play that game on heavy mode for hours straight and not get tired.

    Fun note though, did find an awesome bike trail and did get to walk on a giant log over the river. Terrifying, but AWESOME. oh yeah...and pricker bushes. >.< nuuuu

    If you love DDR, you need to watch "The FP"

    Alright, confession: I watched the trailer for the FP and I just cringed.

    Puts to shame what the actual DDR community is and how to even play hahaha omg I can't stop laughing, that was great.

    If you wanna see a real "match" :


    I know I've been reading the forums too long when I watch that and wonder if the people who get mad about someone holding on to the treadmill would complain about that, too. Also wondering if I'd be able to do it if I did have a railing. I've only tried the console version, and my back says hell no.

    @AgentOrangeJuice, I'm trying to comprehend what a "grit stick" would taste like, or even the texture. Please explain.
  • cdragony321
    cdragony321 Posts: 6 Member
    I ate a sleeve of Thin Mints on my cheat day and didn't even feel bad about it... Ok maybe a little bad, but anything with the name "thin" in it can't be all that bad, right?? :)
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I'll never understand people who say that they are not hungry for dessert.

    @Francl27‌ You and my daughter would get along famously! She ALWAYS and I do mean ALWAYS has room for dessert. Especially is ice cream is involved.

    Isn't there a 2nd stomach for dessert?

    As a child I always told my mom that my stomach was divided in two for supper and dessert!
  • ddrhellbunny
    ddrhellbunny Posts: 119 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    This thread so makes my day.

    Ok, confession: I ran on the treadmill for 30 minutes straight yesterday at a good pace and was quite proud of myself since I am NOT a runner.
    Anyway, beautiful day today, decided to go to the park and try to run there... couldn't bust out more than 15 minutes at a mere jog, ugh, such disappoint.

    It sucks, because I have such great stamina... well for ddr anyway. I can play that game on heavy mode for hours straight and not get tired.

    Fun note though, did find an awesome bike trail and did get to walk on a giant log over the river. Terrifying, but AWESOME. oh yeah...and pricker bushes. >.< nuuuu

    If you love DDR, you need to watch "The FP"

    Alright, confession: I watched the trailer for the FP and I just cringed.

    Puts to shame what the actual DDR community is and how to even play hahaha omg I can't stop laughing, that was great.

    If you wanna see a real "match" :


    I know I've been reading the forums too long when I watch that and wonder if the people who get mad about someone holding on to the treadmill would complain about that, too. Also wondering if I'd be able to do it if I did have a railing. I've only tried the console version, and my back says hell no.

    @AgentOrangeJuice, I'm trying to comprehend what a "grit stick" would taste like, or even the texture. Please explain.

    You'd be surprised. All the old school players get mad at the new players when they hold the bar for songs. Now, don't get me wrong, I am a no "bar"er too, but some songs.... man the foot speed needed to complete them is just.... you'd be hard pressed to find a player that could quad a song like that, let alone pass it.
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Confession 1: For the first time ever, I decided to get some movement in on my lunch break at work. I am sure I burned extra calories, as I was going "faster" than the video because I was so paranoid someone would come back from lunch early and see me. (I am the only female in a 16 employee workplace)

    Confession 2: I do not understand peoples' obsession with beards (no offense "Tincan"...I think you are great and one of the main reasons I come back every day). When I see posts with actors pre and post beard, I ALWAYS think they are way better looking without the beard. Just not a fan, I guess. That being said, I haven't seen my husband without a goatee (not a REAL beard, I know) for over 12 years.

    I've NEVER seen my husband without a mustache and we've been together for 15 years. I think it would be really weird! Can't even picture it, really.

    I've pretty much had a full beard the entire time I've been with my wife, with the exception of some brief unbearded goatee periods and Halloween '02 when I dressed as Day-Before-Dead-Elvis. The only variation has really been trim line and length. One time, I went to Texas by myself with a big, giant full beard and it was really hot, so I trimmed it down to a goatee. When my wife saw me, she was glad I was home but kinda mad because the bearded person she'd been missing didn't come back.

    Good thing you're able to grow it back! I find it interesting how some men are so distinct and defined by their facial hair and wonder at times what made them to decide to grow it (and keep it) in the first place? I don't believe I've ever asked my husband what made him grow and keep a mustache at all times, but neither his older or younger brother wear facial hair. Hmmm... something to inquire about.

    I've been growing facial hair of some sort since about 8th grade. It's just something I've always liked to do. I've never thought of any particular style as my permanent look, and I'll lop all of it off at a moment's notice. Sometimes I don't even know I'm going to do it until I'm standing in front of the mirror, although ever since the Texas Incident, I give a holler to the wife if I decide to cut it off.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    sometimes i make my diary private when i know im going to pig out on food so others wont see what ive eaten. no judgement though right

    My diary is open but I stopped publishing the 'has completed her diary' posts. Quite sure nobody ever looks at my diary now.

    False. I stock most of my MFP's diaries. My husband calls me a stocker. :blush:

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I'll never understand people who say that they are not hungry for dessert.

    @Francl27‌ You and my daughter would get along famously! She ALWAYS and I do mean ALWAYS has room for dessert. Especially is ice cream is involved.

    I've eaten dessert knowing without a doubt that I will end up regretting it physically. The most recent case was Applebee's with the Apple ChimicheesecaKEOHGODGETINMYMOUTH...sorry... I knew when I ordered it that I had already overeaten on dinner and anything more was going to make me feel bloated, but damn if I didn't near lick the plate. Couldn't move from the recliner when I got home. It was awful...awfully tasty!

    I did that when we went to a local Easten European restaurant months back... I was actually too full for dessert but I refused to leave without trying some... I seriously thought I was going to throw up, and the whole meal wasn't even that good. I'm never going to that place again!

    I actually never get dessert at Applebee's because the calories are too high to make it worth it for me. I only get dessert at local restaurants that don't have calories anywhere... that way I can lie to myself that it's only 500-600 calories and not 1000+.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    edited March 2015
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I'll never understand people who say that they are not hungry for dessert.

    @Francl27‌ You and my daughter would get along famously! She ALWAYS and I do mean ALWAYS has room for dessert. Especially is ice cream is involved.

    Well that's because ice cream slides in between all the other food.

    ETA: except for the incident WillLift4Tats mentioned
  • JulieAnneFIU
    JulieAnneFIU Posts: 125 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I really wanted Cold Stone today and I chose the 800 calorie Peanut Butter Cup Perfection. Dead set on burning it off I biked for an hour (500 calories) and then went outside to run for an hour. Fifteen minutes into it I sprained my ankle. So determined was I to burn those calories, I hobbled the other forty five minutes. I have twelve spare calories left in my day. Worth it.

    I have a big ice cream sundaw with a waffle bowl, whipped cream and caramel sauce in my near future.

    Unfortunately I only burn 220 calories an hour on the bike.

    I'm a maniac on the bike. I jack up the burn by playing techo and waving my arms like a crazy person on the highest resistance level. I inhaled that ice cream. I should have got a large.
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    edited March 2015
    JPW1990 wrote: »

    @AgentOrangeJuice, I'm trying to comprehend what a "grit stick" would taste like, or even the texture. Please explain.


    looks like that, served with a bacon aioli. cheese and corn inside.

    edit: 21 posts until my 666th all the terrible things I've done.