barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
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It's a brand new month for all of us who are committed to making healthy eating and exercise a way of life.

The name of the thread is Women ages 50+ but all women are welcome to be part of this supportive and encouraging community.

If you had goals for March, how did you do?

What goals have you set for April?

This thread has been around for a long time and there are many of us who have changed our lives as the result of reading and being part of this community.

Sign your post with your name or alias and your geographic location so we can get to know each other better.

1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif smiley-happy093.gif

March Resolutions (with end of the month comments)
*walk 19,000 steps a day (only missed a few days when I was sick)
*strength training twice a week smiley-sport017.gif (missed a lot of time because of traveling and illness)
* find and use two new low sodium recipes (yes)
*finish sorting the slides (will have to finish next month)
*don't expect praise or recognition (yes)

April Resolutions
*15,000 steps a day--fewer than before so I can spend more time with strength training and garden puttering)
* strength training twice a week--same as last month smiley-sport017.gif
*finish sorting the slides
*don't take things personally

The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

My word for 2015 is "now"---I won't wallow in the past or waste time worrying about the future


  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Thanks, Barbie!! I'm first?
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,081 Member
    Thanks Barbie for keeping us going. Goal is to just spend time with mom this week. Will get back to health goals next week. I did take a two mile walk in a Nature Preserve today called Powder Valley after seeing mom. It is not very green here is St. Louis. Crab apple trees and Magnolias are blooming. Did see a red headed woodpecker on my walk.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member

    I feel like I'm misbehaving by posting in the April thread while it's still March.
  • readyornot1234
    readyornot1234 Posts: 1,027 Member
    Hi all. I first joined MFP in 2012 and lost 30 pounds. Then I became a tad bit addicted and had to delete my account. Short story: have chronic illness, meds and inflammation make weight loss and keeping it off tough, came out of remission last March and can't seem to get back into it, had unrelated hysterectomy last September, turned 50 this month, and gained back the 30 pounds last year, 15 after the surgery. I need to lose about 50 pounds. Have extremely stressful job and trying to decide if early retirement might be warranted based on health issues but concerned about the financial impact of retiring at 50. Ahh, that's a discussion for another day.

    So that's the bad. Now for the good. I am a pretty positive person and I know I can beat these things. Far too many people are in far worse predicaments. I will be a first time grandmother in September which will involve lots of travel since my daughter and her husband live thousands of miles away where it doesn't snow. I just registered for a mindful meditation program that starts at the end of the month. I am back to the gym. I ordered a food scale today because I don't wear my glasses when I eyeball portions (double whammy!). Although, despite the fact that my eyes are getting far worse then they already were when I was 10, I can't see the dust on the furniture anymore. Spring looks like it might be coming which means golf, kayaking, hiking and did I mention golf? Oh, and I get to pull my tractor out of the barn.

    I can already smell the grass growing.

    So, for April I plan on taking things slow. I tend to get overexcited and overdue it. I will be good. I am looking for 2 pounds to go away.

    Massachusetts, USA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,667 Member
    I'm there, here, whatever
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,667 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »

    I feel like I'm misbehaving by posting in the April thread while it's still March.

    U naughty girl!
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,395 Member
    So during this month made positive progress and crossed into Onederful land. The last couple days, my weight is trying to bump back up. Today was 2 lbs more than yesterday, same old everything. This morning I had 1000 calories and have held off the rest of the day, so with bike riding, hopefully it will balance out. However, this mindless response is what I am working on changing.

    Emptied 6 crates of stuff in the garage.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Another 90 minutes until April but wanted to mark my spot. Ate badly today--unexpected and unprepared for treats jumped into my mouth (yeah, right!) BUT I walked over 15,000 steps today and beat those calories DOWN!! Ended the day with about 100 left over. Tomorrow is another day and another chance to get it right...

    Happy April!

    Carol in NC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    Did an hour of incline intervals on the treadmill today. Tomorrow's plan is to go to yoga and then take the deep water class.

    After exerising, went to WalMart, fortunately they still had their asparagus on sale. Then volunteered at the Green Room (got 3 magazines read! We weren't busy at all), then to ceramics where I put 2 coats of paint on the shoulders of the praying mantis and the final coat on the wings. I'll probably go there again Thurs where I'll put 2 coats on the head and the final coat on the shoulder. While there a lady asked me to go to the movies with some of the other gals. Well, she also invited me to her sister's jewelry show and I suspect going to the movies will be a lot cheaper than buying jewelry (not like I need any, either).

    OK, Ladies - let's take bets. How long do you think it'll be before Lesley adopts another dog? She's going to the animal shelter now. So it's just a matter of time.....

    Kim or anyone
    - do you have something that stink bugs will not cross? Now that the weather is getting nicer, Vince likes to open the screen-in porch for the cats. The flooring is just planks, spaces between them. No matter what I do, it seems that I'm always finding stink bugs around the house. Is there some sort of "barrier" for them? We have a Lowes Home Improvement and a Lowe's Food Store.

    They had a celebration at ceramics for everyone whose birthday was in March. I brought a citrus cheesecake. I only had a VERY VERY SMALL piece, just a mouthful. Then I had 3 baby carrots.

    After ceramics stopped at Lowe's Foods. Got 2 lbs of butter, on sale and with my coupons they cost me $1 each. They also have the silken tofu. Don't know if the firm type will work. Does anyone use anything other than silken in a smoothie?

    - welcome and congrats on the loss

    Still haven't had time to read the paper today

    pip - I'm the same way when I'm at the gym, I'm there to work out. I may socialize when I'm done, but that's about it. lol rosesex

    - many is the time when I will have a clementine (or apple or pear) while I'm getting dressed before exercising. I need something in my stomach. Then after exercising I can come home (or upstairs) for a decent breakfast.

    - you rock girl with your food choices at the pub. If I'm going to have a cupcake, I want one homemade, same for a cookie or cake. Store bought just don't have the right flavor.

    - it's never too late to join! Welcome

    - how wonderful for your son! I'm so sorry that happened to your hubby

    Beautiful day here. Now if we only get a few more like it

    Chris - I like the thrill of a bargain, too. It has to be something that I really need and like, tho. Yea for those size 10 jeans! You can get some really good bargains at the Salvation Army, especially name brand clothes. I love Talbot clothes, just don't love their prices (at the store)

    terri - what a wonderful surprise that those pants fit. You're doing awesome! What a great surprise, aren't they the best kind? How great that you are rubbing off on your workout buddy

    Ethel - awesome weight loss. We'll be only too happy to have ya join us.

    tn - the Y in FL was this rinky-dink little one room building. Then one year they became part of the Central Florida YMCA, which gave them access to more money. they still don't have enough, but one year I literally almost drove past the place, they had expanded so much

    Ree - welcome

    Michele in NC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Happy April! Thanks for all the well wishes for our trip. We are not from Missouri, but my DH is very romantic and thought that the precious moments chapel would be the best place to propose. I will check back with my goals and March update tomorrow.

    Pip - I was talking about swishing coconut oil.

    Janet - I hate coconut, but I thought I would try it because of the benefits. Both my DH and I consider it tasteless. Can't taste coconut at all. The other 2 oils are sunflower and safflower, but they don't whiten or work as well.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,131 Member
    Bump........ <3

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Heather, dinner sounds scrumptious. What time do you want us to arrive?

    Carol, Way To Go! OMG how excited I’d be if I lost 3 pounds in a week. Good for you.

    Sylvia, that is terrific for your DS. It is really nice to have the time to move things a little at a time.

    Yannie, I’m so pleased that the surgery will be this week and you don’t have to sit around dreading it for a long time. That is the way they do that surgery here and it’s good to know that they have it all. I’m sure Gemma enjoys the runs as much as your DD.

    Cindy, it sounds like you are definitely making progress. Keep up the good work.

    NMMargaret, I use to love O’Charley’s too. We don’t live near one now, so that’s probably a good thing.

    Chris, I’m glad you are getting nice weather. A big Congrats on a size 10. That is very exciting! I’ll bet you were doing a happy dance.

    Carey, Wow, and a big Congrats to you on 1.8 lbs. That is terrific! Way to go. A happy dance for you!!!

    Terri, That is fantastic! Don’t you just love it when smaller size fits and you didn’t even expect it? Doing yet a third happy dance. Y’all are going to have me get in my exercise today with all the great NSV’s. I’m so happy for all of you with victories. You sound wonderful. Glad DS gets his buns moving in the morning and you are able to get a great start to your day. Feeling “empowered” is strong. Good for you!!!

    Carol, I’m with you on the size thing. I’ll be happy if / no, when I get down to a 14. I did go shopping again today and found that the 18’s are all too big. A few of the 16’s are tight but I now consider that my new size. So even though it may take a good while, a 14 is in sight.

    Naiomi, congrats on conquering that dreadful sewing machine. I got my DD’s when she moved across country and sold mine in a yard sale. I started to try hers a couple of weeks ago and couldn’t get it threaded. I wear glasses but I just couldn’t see it well enough to get that big fat thread in that tiny winy hole. ?? I hope it works if I ever get it threaded.

    Ethel, welcome and just come on over to the new month. Good for you on your terrific weight loss. Tell us a little more about yourself and join in whenever you like.

    Pip, are you trying to start trouble again???? Ro-sex??? Really. Lol But I know what you mean, because I often look at something someone has posted and read it totally different than what they typed. It must be our twisted minds. >:)

    Beth, good for you on the re-commitment! Sorry for your snow…Good Grief, Charlie Brown. Set goals that you can meet and you can always add to them as you go. We can do this. Just like the “little train that could”.

    DrKatie, Shame on you for misbehaving!!!

    Ree, Welcome to April and to this great group of ladies. We’re glad you are going to be good. Just remember this is a lifelong commitment so you don’t need to over-do in the first month. We are happy to have you with us.

    Cory, Congrats on reaching Onederland!! Woo Hoo It’s a great place to be and stay. High stepping Happy Dance for you.

    Carol, don’t you just hate it when food jumps into your mouth. Good for you on burning it off.

    Michele NC, I can’t wait until the praying mantis is finished and we get to see it. I know it’s going to be awesome. Gosh you got some great bargains today. I’m surprised DH didn’t get in on that butter deal. We also have a Lowes Food and Lowes Home Improvement store and they are at opposite ends of the same shopping center. Good for you on that tiny bite of cheesecake. I am sometimes finding I’m better off not having the first taste. My willpower seems to be losing power.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Wow, I need to stop and get this posted before there are more to respond to. Barbie, thank you for a new month. o:) I didn’t do as well as I should have in March, but April is another new beginning. I will work on my goals and wish you all a good night and great month ahead.

    My word #1 is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    #2 is opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,650 Member
    I caught up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah…. So posting this and off to bed.. no really good reason, just exhausted.

    Pip – Are you flying to CA on May 14th? SF? If so I am just around the corner if you need anything.

    DrKatie – might want to try lemon juice/water on the doily, it will lighten it up if left in the sun after wetting with the mixture of lemon juice and water

    Sassy – well said on celebrating keeping the weight we have released off.

    Jane – glad you have found a cute house…

    Mary –coconut oil mouthwash- YUCK!!! I did 6 minutes and could not stand it – slime! Not sure I can give it a good try.

    Toni – Darn! So sorry to hear the Y is closing…. Could you afford to retire?

    Lillian – 1800 acres! What crop (s) are you growing, do you and hubby do it all, or a staff? I have friends here with acres of Almonds, not quite as many as you, I love to go visit.

    Lesley – so glad you heard from your daughter!!! And a new doggy, I was only 4 months between dogs when my last one passed away – I needed the company and the love.

    Joyce – I googled cinnamon and toxic to cats… and the ASPCA says no.

    Heather – I did not know that was what mushy peas were… sounds a bit like the consistency of spilt pea soup.

    Karen – welcome

    Diana – just don’t make it too comfortable my brother went home in his late 20’s and Mom made it so comfy he is still there at 49… I’ll probably have to be the meany and evict him when my mom passes (hope that is a long time from now)

    Sylvia – I am so glad for you son and grand kids!!! My dog rule is no human food, food from dish only. And treats are not done in the kitchen, mostly given on the back deck.

    Yanniejannie – so glad the doc put you at ease, and that DH is taking the day off, I’ll be thinking of you on Friday.

    Ree – welcome!

    Michele – we don’t have stink bugs in CA so that is the fix, move to CA LOL

    March goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday
    Eat slower
    Plan and do a fun thing every week

    Kim from N. California
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Wednesday here and done 738 training calories. Higher food calories too.
    We are looking, on line, at the dogs for adoption BUT need to go to New Norfolk first, then will visit shelters in Burnie and Devonport. Yes missing walking with a dog
    Tom's Love your Body challenge finishes on Saturday, new Summer challenge starts in May. I have to be MAD! WOW only one month to regroup
    Went to see neighbour Susan and played with her 2 dogs and watched the horses tear around
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited April 2015
    Happy first day of April!

    I already reviewed my March goals and have set “new” goals down for April. They might seem just a bit familiar. :bigsmile: I’ve left some exactly as they’ve been for a long time, and tweaked some to be a little more specific. This seems to work for me.

    I hope you will find goals that are effective for your own life and situation.

    I have core strength and yoga on the schedule for today. I am really getting a lot of good out of both classes. I want to focus attention on improving my back strength and flexibility. I get a sore spot just above the place my bra strap crosses my back. I want to work at making that spot stronger, more flexible and less likely to ache.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    April Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I hop if anyone is part of an April fools joke today that you laugh long and hard! I saw a face book post of a foil wrapped baking pan with big chocolate brown 'E's hanging out of it. It said it was a pan full of brownies!

    Mary, have fun on your trip. Sounds so romantic for him to take you back to the place where he proposed. Yes, there are some husbands who are still romantic, I jsut don't know of any. How in the world are you going to do without those Minnesota winters???

    Diane, that is such a healthy way of viewing your sons yo yoing in and out of your house. It is 'part of them finally becoming fully independent men'.

    Yanni, good luck on your surgery. But 3-5 hours under local????? That would be the hard part for me. Having to stay still like that and be awake.

    Lesley, I truly believe that Mildred Beagle has already found that new puppy for you. He knows how loving you are and that you need a very special dog. Good luck and have fun with the whole process.

    Chris, doing the happy dance on those size 10 jeans!!!!

    Finally got the taxes done and e-filed. For some reason my printer will often, well very often show that it is offline. But the next day when I log on it prints. So all this stuff I did better print tomorrow. I think it is amazing that not long after I pushed to finish I got an email saying both federal and state was accepted. Of course as usual we owe nothing but no refund from federal but owe state. It is almost the exact total as last years, $1 difference.

    Charlie finally got his blood thinner today. It was ordered last Tuesday but when the pharmacy tried to fill it insurance said it had to be pre-authorized by the doctor. Well what in the world is the prescription??? It is an order from the doctor. I have never seen a triangle shaped pill before. I reminded him again that it is a blood thinner and he will be more prone to bruising. He has to be easier on the walls.

    Today was wonderful, I mean super wonderful weather. But our mean weatherman says it will be the last day this week that is nice. My daughter who is moving is usually in the same weather pattern we are on. I sure hope it is not raining Thursday when they are moving. Oops, that reminds me, I still haven't made the hotel reservations for Thursday. Better go!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    edited April 2015
    Good morning everyone!

    Thanks for the new thread, Barbie!

    Sylvia: Sorry about the dog fight. I’m a firm believer in never giving anything from the table. That doesn’t mean no leftovers, but if mine gets something it’s after we’ve eaten (that’s important) and in his own bowl in the kitchen. I suspect this was a one-off thing with Spot and Molly and the food. My suggestion would be to try giving them the leftovers in their own bowls wherever that place is; that doesn’t seem to have been a problem. It might be that simple. I see that’s Kim’s philosophy too. Keep us posted! Agree with Chris; make sure the bite doesn’t get infected. If it’s any consolation, I tried to break up a cat fight once and got bitten too. It’s not that they’re attacking you, it’s just that you’re in the way…

    Cindy in MD: if you think of good strategies re travel and busyness, please share them!

    Carol: always glad to see you!

    I April fooled my guy. Last night when he was ready to get in the bed (the lights were already off) I told him I was proud of myself for getting a spider out of his side of the bed, but was not sure I got it all because it looked kind of funny. He freaked out, turned the lights on, and wanted to strip the bed. B)

    Here are a couple of photos of the colt born at our boarding farm two days ago. (Not my horse and not my farm, just to be clear.)
    The one in the stall is when he was 12 hours old. The ones outside were when he was a day old.


    Hope we all have a good day.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:


  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! Happy April!

    My goals this month are:

    Stay out of hospitals...
    Resume daily walking goal of 10,000 steps...
    Resume weight training, starting off below where I was when I got sick...
    Work in the studio every day making pots...
    Goof off less (spend less time playing games)...
    Read all our posts, not skim...
    Lose 2 pounds.

    Gotta go. Have a great April first.

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies :flowerforyou:

    Thanks Barbie <3 !!!

    Cynthia :) thanks for the laugh this morning, did your guy forgive you for such a great April Fools prank :laugh:? What fabulous pics of the baby <3<3 !!!!

    I don't get to post very often :'( , but I do read and keep up with everyone! I'm wishing everyone a very happy and healthy April!

    Hugs, DeeDee in gorgeous NC B)