
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    uptownplum wrote: »
    This thread is cheaper than therapy.

    Sometimes, a little voice in the back of my head tells me not to bother losing weight because I have a very large wardrobe, thanks to a retail job in college. I shudder to think how much it'll cost to replace it all if I drop 5 or 6 sizes. (I try to remind myself that being fat costs more, but dammit, it's hard.)

    Start shopping for consignment stores. The one I go to knocks off her commission on stuff I buy with store credit instead of cashing out. The front half is all designer, a lot with tags. The back half is more run of the mill Kohls/Penneys/Walmart type stuff. I stick to the back half until I get down to goal, then I'll do my last shop in the front when I'm there again.
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    I really hate trying to figure out ounces into grams and inches into millimeters and the like, seriously, multiply by 25.4? who the hell came up with 25.4 drives me blargh.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    MerinneW wrote: »
    Confession: I've had to give my wallet to my boyfriend. He thinks this is weird, and I had to really beg him to look after it for me, because if I have access to money I WLL cheat on my diet.

    3+ years of 'dieting' at home, whilst having an at-work affair with packets of biscuits, bars of chocolate, cakes an bread. I am still slightly horrified at the amount of time and money I have wasted by not committing to this properly.

    So, he has reluctantly agreed to mind my wallet. And I'm losing weight. Last night, I had to pop to the shop to buy some bits, so I asked him to give me some money; but I also told him "Ask me for the itemised receipt, and the exact change". Because otherwise, I know what I would do.

    I'm extremely embarrassed that I have to co-opt someone else's willpower to achieve this simple, small weight loss. But hey, I suppose self-knowledge is the first step towards self-improvement...

    I think its brilliant that a) you're strong and brave enough to ask your boyfriend to help you in this way and b) that he does it to support you.

    I wish I could get over my shame/embarrassment/humiliation and ask my partners to support me in similar ways (slap cakes/chocolate/ice cream/junk out of my hands) and that they would do it. My girlfriend says she's trying to support me, but she doesn't really get it. My boyfriend makes no comment, on anything. probably for fear of getting his head bitten off. Not that i would. I need their help.

    I haven't even confessed to either of them that I have a medically diagnosed eating disorder and was seeing a counsellor for it before i moved in with them, over a year ago.

    Maybe you should explain to them exactly how to support you? Maybe they just do not know HOW to do it, but are willing??
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Talkradio wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Talkradio wrote: »
    I had a day out yesterday, and I had so much sodium. My friend said to eat lunch before we met up, so I had Taco Bell on the way, then when I got there she hadn't eaten yet. So I ordered nachos. Snacked on some fried food out of her order. Had a piece of pizza. Changed locations, ate more pizza. My hands were so puffy this morning that it hurt to make a fist, and I feel all kinds of bloated.

    Well, that's silly! What did she do that for?! I retain water very easily and I HATE that feeling so I have to be very careful with my sodium intake, which is hard because I really only like salty / savory foods.

    I know... It's hard being friends with chronically late, running behind people. I should have just anticipated that she'd come late and hungry, but as an on time rule follower, I assume others will be the same.

    Oh, I share this same curse! I have finally learned to only be on time when it matters: work, doctor's appts., etc. Everything else? I have an "I'll get there when I get there" attitude.

    Almost everyone arrives late for holidays and family events and I was tired of being there way ahead of everyone else (this is my husband's fault as well; he likes to be earlier than I do) because I felt like we were the "welcoming committee". Then we'd be there the longest waiting for all the other stragglers to show up. So annoying.

    My husband still insists on being there first, so most times now I just drive separately and get there with the rest of the bunch.
    *Steps on GRUMPY OLD PEOPLE'S soapbox*
    I blame cellphones. Because it's so easy to text "Running 10 mins late", people do. I find it rude and inconsiderate.

    Yep, it makes it much easier to be disrespectful of the time of others. I have a smartphone, but I am NOT "on call" 24/7. I carry it with me, but I only check it when I feel like it or have time, even if I hear a text come in. It's my way of attempting to set some boundaries.

    If someone texts me that they will be late and I don't read the text until later? Too bad. I will carry on without you!

    I am the same way. I even set my phone to quiet hours from 9 pm to 730am. My phone will auto reply calls and texts during that time. It also enables when I have events in my calendar (like my massage).
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    A FB friend added me to a group for people who use essential oils - and dont' get me wrong, I use peppermint oil to deter bugs and it does seem to work, I don't hate the oils themselves - however, when I see someone post "my daughter has a fever and a sore throat, what should I use?" I want to post TYLENOL in all caps like that. Someone burned themselves the other day and they posted a picture of it looking pretty infected, asking which oil they should put on it. SMH. I have to stay out of the group because it takes all that I have not to post things like "Use Neosporin", "Go to your doctor, what are you thinking?".

  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Talkradio wrote: »

    I've started making my own tzatziki at home, and my toddler loves it. He's supposed to dip his chicken or whatever in there, but he just eats it with his fork. I'm pretty proud of him.

    What do you put in it?
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I am chronically late. My family will tell me something starts an hour earlier than it actually does so at least there's chance of me being on time.

    Me too, I totally run on CP time. However, I generally run like 5-30 minutes late, but I have several friends that can literally be more than two to three hours late for things.....

    Then I have those friends that are usually on time and get stressed out when I wander out five minutes late. My boss sometimes claps if I am close to being on time for work......

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    IAmTheGlue wrote: »
    uptownplum wrote: »
    This thread is cheaper than therapy.

    Sometimes, a little voice in the back of my head tells me not to bother losing weight because I have a very large wardrobe, thanks to a retail job in college. I shudder to think how much it'll cost to replace it all if I drop 5 or 6 sizes. (I try to remind myself that being fat costs more, but dammit, it's hard.)

    Me too! Seriously, I have beautiful clothing that I truly love and I'm 27ish pounds down. My old clothes is starting to fall off of me. I know in my heart that I'm supposed to donate it or get rid of it but... I love it! It feels so dumb to admit that but it is true.

    I'm still committed but I'll be sad to see some of my lovely clothing go.

    I have had my favorite stuff tailored. If it's good quality it's worth it.
  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    brandi9172 wrote: »

    I agree, I think MFP should allow you to choose what it announces for you. Protein would be a big one for me!
    It actually does.

    Go to Food > Settings
    Then you can choose nutrients tracked and have what works for you. :) You can also have more than three meals, and call those meals anything you choose.

    Confession: My meals are named after the mealtimes that Hobbits use in Lord of the Rings (Breakfast, Second Breakfast, Elevenses, Afternoon Tea, Dinner, and Supper) and I usually have something at each of these times (though I have a tendency to log my afternoon tea under second breakfast out of laziness)

    Confession: I've been meaning to name my meals after those, but I've been too lazy. Thanks for reminding me :D
  • theredhead77
    theredhead77 Posts: 35 Member
    I cannot keep fake powdered cheese products of any sort in the house (except Kraft Mac and Cheese). Examples are Pirates Booty, cheese corn, cheese pringles. I will eat the entire bag. I recently ate the entire bag of the bacon cheddar corn from Trader Joe's. It wasn't that good, not "worth the calories" but once I start I cannot stop. If the urge it too great in the store I'll pour a portion then pour the rest in the trash.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I have not idea what mindcraft is and also did not know that Amazon sold food....just finishing page 286 lol
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member

    BZAH10 wrote: »
    I'm getting back into running after an injury and have been doing jog/walk intervals - the jog part never stops until a car passes me, though. Can't be seen to be whimping out and walking, nosirree :D

    Hey, now, walking is NOT a wimpy workout! I'm a speed / incline walker. I can't jog or run due to an ankle and neck issue. Just giving you a bad time! Whatever keeps you out there and active, go for it!
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    In the past, I've eaten an entire jar of White Chocolate Wonderful peanut butter. It's my drug of choice. Literally.

    My store was out (said some was supposed to be on the delivery truck scheduled to arrive the next day), I couldn't wait, so I drove to 3 other stores in town with no luck, then drove 45 minutes to the next store that carried it!

    I've never heard of this stuff before now and certainly haven't seen it in any stores... but of course now I'm going to be on the hunt for it, probably my next trip to the US.

    I see BZAH10 has put up a new shoulder/arm avatar to taunt inspire and motivate me. Lol. I'm glad she posts so often in this thread so I get to see my Dream Shoulder regularly. :)

    Hahaha! Thanks for noticing! I only posted a new picture because I was really white and pale in my other picture. Been outside recently and have a bit of color, so I thought I'd update it.

    I've been toying with the idea of posting my own shoulder pic just for laughs (which will be totally meaningless to anyone outside of this thread) but it would definitely out-pale your old one as we're on our fifth month of winter here... snowing outside as I type.

    I get confused when people change their avatar lol. Someone had your llama pic in a Facebook group I'm in, and I was like "you can't use that picture! That's @ythannah! ".

    In other news, we're supposed to get a bit of snow tomorrow too.

    Lol! That's what I get for putting up a pic poached from the net.

    And if I'm not mistaken, somebody recently changed her avatar from a masked purple-haired girl to a very pretty brunette...

    Thanks... The picture is actually a year and a half old, but I haven't changed much lol

    It is a great picture of you!

    And snow? Where do you live? I live in South Carolina and it is 76 here today.

    Northern -ish Alberta. It's supposed to be +16 today (about 60F), then we might get a couple centimetres of snow tomorrow. The weather changes quickly here lol

    Where in AB... I am in Edmonton

    I grew up 95% in and around Edmonton and my folks and sisters (plus brothers in law and 2 nieces and 3 nephews) all still live in the area. Watching the Oilers on Center Ice right now.
    It's too bad there isn't much to watch 5-1 Anaheim... here is my shocked face :o (stupid never ending rebuild...)
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Talkradio wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    The need to be right on the internet is annoying. I see this a lot here and other boards I've posted on. I'm like yeah ok, rock on with your bad self. :wink:

    I don't get the need to argue either. I've posted my opinion (on a FB group). The other person posted theirs and I just said we'd agree to disagree and it was done. Someone else came along looking for a fight and completely derailed the post.
    What's the point in arguing with some complete stranger online? My opinion isn't going to change because of them and I doubt I'll change theirs so let's just be adults and move on.

    I unfollowed my brother-in-law on Facebook because he spends 90% of his time arguing with random people on Facebook, and the threads kept popping up on my timeline. He made me so mad once that I deactivated n my Facebook for a while, just to get away from it. We get along in person, but I can't stand him online.

    My fb is blowing up today because of that pizza place down in Indiana that's refusing to cater gay weddings. It's an hour or so from here, but their local news is our local news, too.

    I would lose my fkn mind online if that came across my newsfeed.......what a bunch of asshats! My sister lives in Indiana and she is so not impressed about this foolishness!
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    Confession... on Sunday I pretended I was sleeping when the cat was scratching the wall at 5 a.m for his food (I am up at 5 during the week) so my husband had to get up and feed him. My husband can't go back to sleep once he is up....I proceeded to sleep to 830.

    Second.. on Sunday I posted that I was making chocolate chips cookies with no regrets. Well...I made them really big and ended up with 2 dozen 250 calorie cookies. I haven't been able to stay on track all week. Can't wait until they are gone....

    I am considering ordering some of the peanut butter you guys keep talking about
  • Lefty1290
    Lefty1290 Posts: 551 Member
    My mom works until late and she usually brings fast food home for herself and sometimes she'll bring me food. She got Taco Bell and got me nachos. I wasn't even hungry and I ate them anyway (within my calories). Bah.
  • M4mcguff
    M4mcguff Posts: 6 Member
    To Angelfire365. I also have dove that. I feel it's a bit better than a half a bag of cheese curls.
  • M4mcguff
    M4mcguff Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for all the laughs, you fun people out there!
  • M4mcguff
    M4mcguff Posts: 6 Member
    I went almost a month without eating any vegetables or a single piece of fruit. I am terrible and have to force myself to eat them... lol.

    Have you ever hears of Juice Plus. I know someone who sells it, and basically you get all the vitamins and minerals of 4 veggies and 4 fruit in the capsules. A little pricey but maybe worth it if you don't eat either. Try google-ing "Juice Plus".
  • M4mcguff
    M4mcguff Posts: 6 Member
    ovinas1 wrote: »
    I slept with my cousins wife last month. Its was fun then but its eating at my soul. I feel awkward with them now and so does she.

    Keep practicing. It gets a lot less awkward.

    I drank directly from the orange juice bottle.

    Keep practicing what? Sleeping with her cousins husband? I'm not following.
  • M4mcguff
    M4mcguff Posts: 6 Member
    My confessions:

    1) When it comes to discipline, I am aces at getting my butt to the gym pretty much every day of the weak. But when it comes to food, I fall woefully short. I feel as though I fell off a cliff starting with the holidays. Pizza and brownie batter have become my Saturday evening staples. :'(:'(:'(

    2) I really only partake in cocktails once per week, but when I do I tend to hit it a bit hard. I often wonder if that makes me a functional alcoholic.

    3) I am not sure I will ever be truly happy with my body/how I look no matter what. I can always find room for a lot of improvement. I am not sure if that is a good, motivational thing or a self-deprecating thing.

    Do you eat breakfast? I find that it does help me not to binge int the eve as much. I've never been a breakfast eater but I'm trying to change because evenings are so hard if I didn't eat brkfst. Good luck!