Who wants to start Jillians 30 Day Shred with me?



  • k_ewilliams
    k_ewilliams Posts: 43
    thats what I did too. So I just started over.
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    After taking a week off in pure protest, I'm back at it. Level 3, day 1 done. After seeing no positive results in Levels 1 and 2, I'm hoping that level 3 will produce something. DH swears I'm smaller, but since the scale went up and the tape measure hasn't moved at all, I think he's just delusional. Does anyone else get irritated when someone is trying to convince you that things are changing and every bit of evidence (my eyes, the scale, the tape measure and my clothes) all say that nothing has gotten any better? As much I love him for trying to encourage me, I'd like to hit him in the head with the CD case!
    I'm very stressed and a bit on the cranky side, so I'm trying to just smile and keep quiet instead. Wish me luck!
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    L3D8 - yesterday

    Just got done with L3D9. I won't be shedding tears tomorrow. No weight change, my measurements haven't budged. I've gone from squishy to way more solid than a woman has a right to be so I know change happened. Oh well.

    Ladies with higher levels of testosterone might want to think twice before starting this program. :-) Those obliques that Jillian was saying in L2 were hard for women to obtain? It feels like I have a VERTICAL RIB along each side down to my hip bone. X-) I'm not thin, so it isn't visible, but I had the husband feel it last night while I laughed about it.

    I must agree. The only change I've noticed so far is gaining weight and my shoulders/back are even broader than they were. I'm not sure that Jillian is the right workout for women who tend toward a more masculine build, unless that is what they are going for. I think after this I'll try pilates/fluidity. Maybe it will help with the longer, leaner look I want.
  • missangel81
    missangel81 Posts: 4 Member
    what is 30 day shred? im keen to join up but havent heard of this as only been doing MFP for 2 days
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    what is 30 day shred? im keen to join up but havent heard of this as only been doing MFP for 2 days

    It's a workout CD by Jillian Michaels. It's 3 levels, done for 10 days each. Many, if not most, people see really good results with it. Some stay on each level longer, which may be one key. I wanted to do it in 30 days, because I had a specific goal I was trying to meet. I dropped my cardio and only did the shred. I think I would have seen better results if I had used the shred in the morning and still hit the treadmill in the evening. That is what I'll be doing for the next 2 weeks, along with The Firm's Tank Top Arms CD after the gym at night. I do recommend the shred, it's a major workout and you'll feel like you've done something really good for yourself. You can buy it at Walmart for about $10, so it isn't a major investment like some of the workout series. Welcome to MFP, I hope you love it here as much as I do!
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    L3D6 Done... cant believe i only have 4 more days!
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    Currently I am pouring sweat. As this is day 30 for me I did levels 1, 2 and 3. At 20 minutes each, that's a full hour of putting up with Jillian.

    Out with a bang.

    Lemme get the tape measure..

    Neck Before: 13" Now: 13"
    Waist Before: 31" Now: 30"
    Hips Before: 40.5" Now: 39.5"

    Weight Before: 191 (probably point something - going off my progress chart here)
    Weight Now: Been stuck at 185 every morning for over a week.

    Before Pic: 11b7o8h.jpg
    On Mother's Day: 2dtxbh0.jpg (starting to look scary)
    Now: 1251g1i.jpg Proving that the Shred ain't makin' ya pretty. :-D Still all sweaty an yuck from the workout. :-p

    Later: 15yybvb.jpg It's my four year old's birthday. Tie Dye Cake. I earned it.
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    donika, gotta change the IMG to img in the code, pics are too big
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    Side shot now: 2925rh3.jpg
  • ShawnaMama
    ShawnaMama Posts: 105 Member
    WTG donicagalek!! You look fantastic!!!

    I just finished Level 2!!!! Onto Level 3 tomorrow :)
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    Wow donika, great results you look amazing.

    Good luck Shawna, i personally like level 3 much better then level2!
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    I know I was praising all the summer exercise I can get, but after seeing it rain for about 90% of the last two weeks I thought I'd err on the side of caution and get JM's No More Trouble Zones and Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism which appear to be longer videos of circuit that's a lot like The Shred.

    It's always good to have a back up. :-D
  • luvmykid28
    luvmykid28 Posts: 185 Member
    donicaglek, you look great. All your hard work will pay off.
  • luvmykid28
    luvmykid28 Posts: 185 Member
    Day 17 complete. I didn't push myself as much tonight. I just wasn't into it...
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    Wow donika, great results you look amazing.

    Good luck Shawna, i personally like level 3 much better then level2!

    I know, right?! L1 and L2 both had a "I Want To Kill Myself" final circuit ab exercise. L3's was relaxing (ok, I was following Anita, but still...). I wound up stepping it up with what Anita was doing (because I don't have the strength to follow Natalie for that move) by lifting my top leg along with raising my hips off the ground. It was the perfect middle ground.
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    what is 30 day shred? im keen to join up but havent heard of this as only been doing MFP for 2 days

    It's a Jillian Michaels three level 30 day circuit training program. You do L1 for ten days, L2 for ten and then L3 for ten. The circuit training in the video is customized to take you from out of shape on day one to strong and fairly toned (depending on how overweight you may be to begin with). Each level is about 20 minutes of circuit.

    Level 1 concentrates a lot on basic cardio to bring up your endurance and help you shed some pounds. It also introduces your core muscles to some training to help prepare for what it has in store in the next levels.

    Level 2 moves on to cardio mixed with strength moves that *really* build your core, arms, back and shoulders. Basically it concentrates more on upper body.

    Level 3 brings a *lot* more leg work. My thighs were on fire for most of it.

    She doesn't say that this level does this and this level does that, but you definitely can feel what she's trying to do and after the third or fourth day of each level you start to *see* it. Don't start the Shred thinking that it's a weight melter. Most of us didn't lose a lot (if any). Go by measurements. Go by feel (your core, even if hidden under fat, will get rock-like). And be sure to take good measurements. I wish I had taken arm and leg measurements.

    And take a few before pics in different phases of nudity. When you're done with the thirty days and can compare your before and afters you can decide what's appropriate to share. I wish I had better "before"s of my arms and shoulders. :-/
  • fayella
    fayella Posts: 10 Member
    hey girls ive done day 24 and it day 25 today so 6 more workouts and im done still pushing through
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    Good job fayella! Today will be day 27 for me. I see the end insight!!
  • StephanieJ82
    StephanieJ82 Posts: 233
    OK so TOM finally came... omg I am so glad. I was wondering what was wrong with me. I had no energy, felt fat and just wanted to eat junk. I am really glad there is a good reason for it all. So anyways I am starting the shred over again in a couple days. I feel like poo for not making it the full way :( But I am not giing up, just trying again.
    You girls that are almost done have done so GREAT!
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