

  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    I confess, while trying not to judge, that I am annoyed that so many posts on this thread have become novellas. There are several posts that are a half page long...and ain't nobody got time for that. I may just be cranky because I am trying to catch up since Thursday!

    I've been the opposite. I've had quite a few times the past few days where I'm sitting reading on my tablet while I'm waiting for water to boil or waiting on my computer to reboot/update/reboot. The thread would've been a lot shorter without the long posts.

    Confession: I have an aversion to walking/running outside because of a very near miss I had with a very dead raccoon on the side of the road. I've been once this year so far to the walking trail, because I know it's "safe" in that regard, but I still had an almost overwhelming irrational fear on the sections that are near the woods. Think I'll stick to the treadmill a while longer.

    I was walking on the trails near my home one day about a month ago and two foxes ran out of the brush and across the trail about 2 feet in front of me... nearly gave me a heart attack!

    I confess it's my dream to see a fox in person. They're adorable! I'm sure the surprise would give me a heart attack too though, which reminds me of a similar story.

    My husband and I were running a trail through a natural area last summer when we heard all this racket coming from the right of us. We stopped just in time for a male deer to run right in front of us across the path. We laughed hysterically from the surprise and our doubly increased heart rates.

    We have a few "resident" foxes (ie: known dens) in the woods behind my house. We see them occassionally in the yard - and once on my patio! - but we HEAR them all summer. For something so cute and fluffy, they hardly ever shut up! :)

    Sorry... have to.... So... What DOES the Fox say?

    That was my first thought :joy: But seriously, what do they sound like??
    A female in heat sounds like a woman being murdered. It's seriously creepy. We used to live in an area with lots of foxes and if my dog heard it at night, she'd put her tail between her legs and head for home.

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    That cheerio thread was mind-boggling. It's closed now. :disappointed:

    I barely made it through the first page or two. Did the OP ever answer WHY she doesn't just take an iron supplement?! That would've made much more sense. I didn't understand it at all.

    It was a mixture of not being able to swallow pills and hearing bad things about infusions or shots. There was a lot of stuff going on in there. I didn't quite follow it all.

    Thanks for the info! Still doesn't make sense, but it never ceases to amaze me how something so mundane (plain Cheerios) can turn into a 28+ page thread here.

    Can't eat cheerios? Crush them up and snort them, problem solved.

    As someone who was formerly a stupid kid who did bad things...OW

    I bet Smarties hurt more than Cheerios. >:)
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    A female in heat sounds like a woman being murdered. It's seriously creepy. We used to live in an area with lots of foxes and if my dog heard it at night, she'd put her tail between her legs and head for home.

    That's what I was going to say. The sound used to freak me out as a kid!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    edited April 2015
    Confession: One of secretaries at work coughs...constantly. It's a medical thing. She doesn't have a cold. I've been here six months. Seriously, she coughs every day, all day. My confession is that I want to strangle her! People close their office doors during the day and I am convinced it is because of her coughing. I wish the bosses would fire her just so I wouldn't have to listen to her cough. She's a nice lady and I feel kinda bad, but...
  • Lefty1290
    Lefty1290 Posts: 551 Member
    Confession: One of secretaries at work coughs...constantly. It's a medical thing. She doesn't have a cold. I've been here six months. Seriously, she coughs every day, all day. My confession is that I want to strangle her! People close their office doors during the day and I am convinced it is because of her coughing. I wish the bosses would fire her just so I wouldn't have to listen to her cough. She's a nice lady and I feel kinda bad, but...

    My mom and dad constantly cough, too (smokers). It drives me insane.
  • fitfatty88
    fitfatty88 Posts: 273 Member
    Confession: One of secretaries at work coughs...constantly. It's a medical thing. She doesn't have a cold. I've been here six months. Seriously, she coughs every day, all day. My confession is that I want to strangle her! People close their office doors during the day and I am convinced it is because of her coughing. I wish the bosses would fire her just so I wouldn't have to listen to her cough. She's a nice lady and I feel kinda bad, but...

    My boss has the same issue. Coughing and clearing his throat, all day. Plus his breathing sounds super labored when he eats because he's eating too fast. Then he slurps EVERYTHING he drinks. It could be cold coffee and he's slurping. Misophonia is no joke, I'm ready to throttle him on a daily basis. I feel for you.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    I confess, while trying not to judge, that I am annoyed that so many posts on this thread have become novellas. There are several posts that are a half page long...and ain't nobody got time for that. I may just be cranky because I am trying to catch up since Thursday!

    I've been the opposite. I've had quite a few times the past few days where I'm sitting reading on my tablet while I'm waiting for water to boil or waiting on my computer to reboot/update/reboot. The thread would've been a lot shorter without the long posts.

    Confession: I have an aversion to walking/running outside because of a very near miss I had with a very dead raccoon on the side of the road. I've been once this year so far to the walking trail, because I know it's "safe" in that regard, but I still had an almost overwhelming irrational fear on the sections that are near the woods. Think I'll stick to the treadmill a while longer.

    I was walking on the trails near my home one day about a month ago and two foxes ran out of the brush and across the trail about 2 feet in front of me... nearly gave me a heart attack!

    I confess it's my dream to see a fox in person. They're adorable! I'm sure the surprise would give me a heart attack too though, which reminds me of a similar story.

    My husband and I were running a trail through a natural area last summer when we heard all this racket coming from the right of us. We stopped just in time for a male deer to run right in front of us across the path. We laughed hysterically from the surprise and our doubly increased heart rates.

    We have a few "resident" foxes (ie: known dens) in the woods behind my house. We see them occassionally in the yard - and once on my patio! - but we HEAR them all summer. For something so cute and fluffy, they hardly ever shut up! :)

    Sorry... have to.... So... What DOES the Fox say?

    That was my first thought :joy: But seriously, what do they sound like??
    A female in heat sounds like a woman being murdered. It's seriously creepy. We used to live in an area with lots of foxes and if my dog heard it at night, she'd put her tail between her legs and head for home.

    Oh...yea. That sounds terrifying and awful. I remember hearing neighborhood cats in heat when I was a kid and it's downright nightmare inducing.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    That cheerio thread was mind-boggling. It's closed now. :disappointed:

    I barely made it through the first page or two. Did the OP ever answer WHY she doesn't just take an iron supplement?! That would've made much more sense. I didn't understand it at all.
    bkhamill wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    I confess, while trying not to judge, that I am annoyed that so many posts on this thread have become novellas. There are several posts that are a half page long...and ain't nobody got time for that. I may just be cranky because I am trying to catch up since Thursday!

    I've been the opposite. I've had quite a few times the past few days where I'm sitting reading on my tablet while I'm waiting for water to boil or waiting on my computer to reboot/update/reboot. The thread would've been a lot shorter without the long posts.

    Confession: I have an aversion to walking/running outside because of a very near miss I had with a very dead raccoon on the side of the road. I've been once this year so far to the walking trail, because I know it's "safe" in that regard, but I still had an almost overwhelming irrational fear on the sections that are near the woods. Think I'll stick to the treadmill a while longer.

    I was walking on the trails near my home one day about a month ago and two foxes ran out of the brush and across the trail about 2 feet in front of me... nearly gave me a heart attack!

    I confess it's my dream to see a fox in person. They're adorable! I'm sure the surprise would give me a heart attack too though, which reminds me of a similar story.

    My husband and I were running a trail through a natural area last summer when we heard all this racket coming from the right of us. We stopped just in time for a male deer to run right in front of us across the path. We laughed hysterically from the surprise and our doubly increased heart rates.

    We have a few "resident" foxes (ie: known dens) in the woods behind my house. We see them occassionally in the yard - and once on my patio! - but we HEAR them all summer. For something so cute and fluffy, they hardly ever shut up! :)

    Sorry... have to.... So... What DOES the Fox say?

    *applauds *
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    jennlaw89 wrote: »
    my confession?? I am constantly finding myself running my hand over my new found bones.. collar bone,cheek bones, knees, hip bones etc... I cant help myself Im amazed at their arrival haha

    A couple years ago I was dating a guy and went to a wedding with him and his family. After the ceremony we went to his parents house. These people were boring, and they wouldn't put anything interesting on TV. I had also recently started heavy(ish) lifting and was noticing some changes in my triceps. The guy's mom asked if I was cold and wanted a sweater because I kept rubbing my arms. :blush: whoops.
  • TheVogonVegan
    TheVogonVegan Posts: 75 Member
    Confession- I am infatuated with a tv charector. I know the season is like way way way over, but I loved/love "Tate" from the first season of American horror story. Even though he is supposed to be the bad guy. And dead. And a teenager.

    I was half in love with him too...even after I knew everything he did. I blame Evan Peters incredible adorableness. *sigh*
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member

    Today I am cleaning my apartment and going for a long swim. Then it is steamed veg and lean protein for food. The kicker is that I don't mind eating the healthy food. I just also really want fatty fried things every single day of my life. This is my struggle.

    This is 100% the story of my life. If I had an autobiography it would be titled, "I Love Eating Healthier Foods, but I Also REALLY Want Those French Fries and That Fried Chicken."

  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    I buy unsalted almonds. But then I pack them in the same baggie as my pretzels so they get salt on them.
  • TheVogonVegan
    TheVogonVegan Posts: 75 Member
    lilawolf wrote: »
    I confess that I have not been keeping up with MFP. I'm learning Mandarin, reading books that intelligent people should have read (like 1984. Next up is The alchemist followed by Lolita), reducing procrastination at work, lifting 2x a week, martial arts 2x a week, eating more fruits and veggies and eating out less, being more social, hiking more, my first 5k is Saturday...AHHHHHHH!!!!! Counting calories has been dropping pretty low in my to-do list especially since I'm happy with my body (though I'm always trying to improve).

    I also confess that I have a HUGE drawer full of food/snacks at work. I think I might have a bit of starvation anxiety for some reason. I almost always have a piece of really good chocolate (screw hersheys seriously) at 3pm(ish)

    Learning Mandarin is awesome and fun! Just always remember "Learning Mandarin is a five year lesson in humility." I've been studying for about five years now's a very true sentiment. Five years in French and I was reading novels and writing huge Chinese I can read children's stories on a good day. -_-
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »

    Today I am cleaning my apartment and going for a long swim. Then it is steamed veg and lean protein for food. The kicker is that I don't mind eating the healthy food. I just also really want fatty fried things every single day of my life. This is my struggle.

    This is 100% the story of my life. If I had an autobiography it would be titled, "I Love Eating Healthier Foods, but I Also REALLY Want Those French Fries and That Fried Chicken."

    All of those things are a part of a healthy diet. My bacon cheeseburger and pizza are just as important as the fruits, veggies, yogurt, lean meats etc. They are what fuel my lifting and martial arts. It's all good!
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    lilawolf wrote: »
    I confess that I have not been keeping up with MFP. I'm learning Mandarin, reading books that intelligent people should have read (like 1984. Next up is The alchemist followed by Lolita), reducing procrastination at work, lifting 2x a week, martial arts 2x a week, eating more fruits and veggies and eating out less, being more social, hiking more, my first 5k is Saturday...AHHHHHHH!!!!! Counting calories has been dropping pretty low in my to-do list especially since I'm happy with my body (though I'm always trying to improve).

    I also confess that I have a HUGE drawer full of food/snacks at work. I think I might have a bit of starvation anxiety for some reason. I almost always have a piece of really good chocolate (screw hersheys seriously) at 3pm(ish)

    Quite an impressive list of goals! I aspire to do similar, as I'm always trying to improve myself as a person, but I'm not nearly this ambitious. Plus, I read The Alchemist last year and was disappointed that I did not have an awe-inspiring reaction to it or whatever it is supposed to do. I guess I didn't "get it"? Perhaps I should re-read it. I get discouraged when I really try to expand my horizons and fail miserably. The next book I read was Joan Rivers "Diary of a Mad Woman". Now, THAT I "got"! Hilarious.

    I listen to audiobooks! There is an app called overdrive that connects to your library and you get all the books you could want for free right on your phone. Now I am getting two things done during my commute, while cooking, doing dishes etc. Makes all of it more enjoyable. Maybe I won't like the alchemist. Who knows? Atlas shrugged was a SLOG.
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    A female in heat sounds like a woman being murdered. It's seriously creepy. We used to live in an area with lots of foxes and if my dog heard it at night, she'd put her tail between her legs and head for home.

    That's what I was going to say. The sound used to freak me out as a kid!

    They also just sound like slightly bigger yippy dogs, when they're just having a good time. Females also bark at their kits a lot, which is the same as human moms, I guess. Sometimes kids just won't listen. ;)
  • shawnaes91
    shawnaes91 Posts: 60 Member
    I finally got a food scale. I always thought people or so full of it when they say weigh out everything.
    5 oz of tilapia looks a lot different then what I always thought. Wow I was over eating on healthy foods all the other times I tried trying to loose weight.

    So heres a confession. On easter I saw my brother and sister in law for the first time in months. My SIL has gained a ton of weight and she was wearing jeans and a t-shirt that had to both be two sizes too small. All I could think was thats karma in action.

    I say this because when I started to gain weight after dating my husband she would talk about me behind my back about my weight and ask my husbands parents if I was pregnant since I was so big. This went on probably the first two years we dated.

    It feels nice to know shes not as perfect as she tries to make herself seem.
  • AshZie
    AshZie Posts: 49 Member
    I confess I just read through the entire Cheerios thread. I couldn't was such a train wreck! I think I lost brain cells.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I ate my whole wedding myself...yes that's right the WHOLE cake...chocolate tier, lemon sponge tier and fruit tier! When my mum asked for some to give to family I blamed my calorie limit sticking husband. To this day they call him the cake chomper...sorry not sorry it was amazing

    *hat off*
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited April 2015
    Double post again sorry :(