
  • shawnaes91
    shawnaes91 Posts: 60 Member
    Chinese food is my ultimate weakness. I had a cheat meal on wednesday and one thursday. I shouldnt have but I was in line to have my kids see the easter bunny for 2 hours and when we were finally done I was starving.
    I gained backed 3 pounds. Two pounds are what I lost this week. I'm hoping its water weight because I really haven't drank water the last few days. I've been living off coffee, monsters, and diet soda.

    Damn chinese food and my lack of will power. I can do without sweets but I can't pass Sakura up.
  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    Talkradio wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Confession: I changed my profile picture for a challenge, and I don't like it.

    Meanwhile I am here, much like Petunia Dursley, sad because I didn't get in haha.
    Oh, I'm sorry :( Also, I didn't mean I don't like the challenge (it hasn't even started yet) I meant I don't like the profile pic. I'll change it when I can find something better.

    Incidentally, I've wondered this: for those who have a proper profile picture of your face, do you not mind that someone in real life will see you on here? I don't think I would like that, which is why I don't put a photo. This is not a criticism - I'm just interested.

    I never knew there was forums when I joined...and now that I have jumped in I wish I had picked another user name (instead of my real name) for this very reason. I very rarely post on FB or tweet on Twitter (though I have accounts and follow others posts/tweets) because I don't want a record. And I always stay really neutral. I just couldn't stay out of this thread! And have exposed some stuff. So, yes, I wish I had picked another name. And you'll never see a face picture...I hate how I look. You might see me riding. From a distance. Likely it.

    I'm afraid to confess anything too earth shattering, just in case someone I know irl wanders in here and recognizes me :neutral:

    I totally get this. I've considered confessing something a few times, but am afraid to put it on the internet!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    dearmrsowl wrote: »
    Confession #1 I wanted to go to bed an hour ago but couldn't because I wanted to finish reading all the comments in this thread.
    Confession #2 When I get paid next week I will spend way too much on that White Chocolate Peanut Butter due to me living in Germany and having to order it online. Even though I don't know what it tastes like I'm craving it.
    Confession #3 I'm afraid to jump in on this thread because this is my first post ever on MFP and an English speaking community.

    I've stayed up later than I intended because of this thread.

    You're in good company, I'll also be spending way too much to get a jar of that stuff. I've had white chocolate Reese's PB cups and LOVE them, I'm sure I'll love White Chocolate Wonderful too. Oh, and I'll be getting pumpkin Pop Tarts as well, which just compounds the madness.

    Welcome to the warmest, fuzziest, most therapeutic thread on MFP!

    Nice arm post! Looking good! The sit on the floor weight workout is working!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    Today's confession - I went to Fast & Furious 7 today, and I totally cried at the end. Fast & Furious 7, seriously. But I follow Vin Diesel of FB, and he was broken up when Paul Walker died, and the way they dealt with it (no spoilers) was so tasteful, it just hit me right in the feels.

    Before this the most embarrassing movie to make me cry was Cool Runnings.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    dearmrsowl wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Confession: No idea who Ron Swanson is.

    This makes me sad, @quiksylver296

    I know, @MoHousdon . I thought we were complete twinsies. My excuse is that I don't watch much TV.

    I don't either, but Parks & Rec was one of my favorites. I'm sad it's over and I will rewatch all episodes on Netflix and cry all over again.

    I felt embarrassed about crying as much as I did when Leslie and Ben got married.

    I never, and I mean NEVER, apologize for how emotionally involved I get with fictitious characters. I bawled like an infant when Parenthood ended. My husband was concerned. I can't help it. I feel like I personally know these people and I'm personally invested in EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEIR LIVES.

    I am STILL upset that Parenthood is over! I didn't cry at the finale though.

    On a semi related note, I will not watch a show casually. I will go back and watch something from the beginning online to catch up to something I want to start watching, but I will never ever just watch a random episode of something. Either from the pilot or not at all!

    Same here!
    Today's confession - I went to Fast & Furious 7 today, and I totally cried at the end. Fast & Furious 7, seriously. But I follow Vin Diesel of FB, and he was broken up when Paul Walker died, and the way they dealt with it (no spoilers) was so tasteful, it just hit me right in the feels.

    Before this the most embarrassing movie to make me cry was Cool Runnings.

    I love Cool Runnings.

    Confession - I tried to burn so many calories this week to make up for PMS and tomorrow, I overdid it and messed up my hip. So now I need to rest today and maybe tomorrow to make up for it :(
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,370 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    dearmrsowl wrote: »
    Confession #1 I wanted to go to bed an hour ago but couldn't because I wanted to finish reading all the comments in this thread.
    Confession #2 When I get paid next week I will spend way too much on that White Chocolate Peanut Butter due to me living in Germany and having to order it online. Even though I don't know what it tastes like I'm craving it.
    Confession #3 I'm afraid to jump in on this thread because this is my first post ever on MFP and an English speaking community.

    I've stayed up later than I intended because of this thread.

    You're in good company, I'll also be spending way too much to get a jar of that stuff. I've had white chocolate Reese's PB cups and LOVE them, I'm sure I'll love White Chocolate Wonderful too. Oh, and I'll be getting pumpkin Pop Tarts as well, which just compounds the madness.

    Welcome to the warmest, fuzziest, most therapeutic thread on MFP!

    Nice arm post! Looking good! The sit on the floor weight workout is working!

    Thank you! :)

    It's a really easy way to fit in a nice little workout... I think @BZAH10 should copyright it, make a workout DVD and rake in $$ :p
  • I ate Taco John's grilled stuffed taco and large potato ole yesterday for lunch. I was tired and cranky and feeling deprived. Turns out that was not enough so I had a medium chocolate caramel truffle blizzard for dinner. Damn hormones! I am not proud of it, but it happened. I logged every bit of it.

    Today I am cleaning my apartment and going for a long swim. Then it is steamed veg and lean protein for food. The kicker is that I don't mind eating the healthy food. I just also really want fatty fried things every single day of my life. This is my struggle.

    Also, tomorrow is Easter and there is chocolate everywhere. I will eat a chocolate bunny head first.
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    Today's confession - I went to Fast & Furious 7 today, and I totally cried at the end. Fast & Furious 7, seriously. But I follow Vin Diesel of FB, and he was broken up when Paul Walker died, and the way they dealt with it (no spoilers) was so tasteful, it just hit me right in the feels.

    Before this the most embarrassing movie to make me cry was Cool Runnings.

    I saw it yesterday and nearly cried. It took everything I had to keep it together. I confess the movie I cried the most in the theater was Ladder 49. I left the theatre balling my eyes out which continued into the car. I was literally sobbing.

  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    dearmrsowl wrote: »
    Confession #1 I wanted to go to bed an hour ago but couldn't because I wanted to finish reading all the comments in this thread.
    Confession #2 When I get paid next week I will spend way too much on that White Chocolate Peanut Butter due to me living in Germany and having to order it online. Even though I don't know what it tastes like I'm craving it.
    Confession #3 I'm afraid to jump in on this thread because this is my first post ever on MFP and an English speaking community.

    I've stayed up later than I intended because of this thread.

    You're in good company, I'll also be spending way too much to get a jar of that stuff. I've had white chocolate Reese's PB cups and LOVE them, I'm sure I'll love White Chocolate Wonderful too. Oh, and I'll be getting pumpkin Pop Tarts as well, which just compounds the madness.

    Welcome to the warmest, fuzziest, most therapeutic thread on MFP!

    Nice arm post! Looking good! The sit on the floor weight workout is working!

    Thank you! :)

    It's a really easy way to fit in a nice little workout... I think @BZAH10 should copyright it, make a workout DVD and rake in $$ :p

    I'd buy it! I totally intend to start doing this!
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    The saddest movie I have ever seen is "Hachi". I tear up in a lot of movies, but this one had me full on sobbing, like gross snotty crying. It's a good movie, but so heartbreaking if you are in any way an animal lover. I sobbed through pretty much the whole thing and for about 3 weeks after any thought or mention of it would have tears welling up. I've only seen it the once and haven't been able to bring myself to watch it again.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,370 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    The saddest movie I have ever seen is "Hachi". I tear up in a lot of movies, but this one had me full on sobbing, like gross snotty crying. It's a good movie, but so heartbreaking if you are in any way an animal lover. I sobbed through pretty much the whole thing and for about 3 weeks after any thought or mention of it would have tears welling up. I've only seen it the once and haven't been able to bring myself to watch it again.

    Good to know... that's another movie I'll avoid.

    My friends are pretty good at warning me off movies with sad animal stuff, like Eight Below and John Wick. I actually was hoping to see John Wick until I heard about the puppy. :'(
  • lydiakitten
    lydiakitten Posts: 132 Member
    Random confession:
    I am really competitive towards my fiance when it comes to fitness. I want to be substantially leaner than him. It's petty and pathetic and I'm not sure why I feel that way, but I do.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    I ate Taco John's grilled stuffed taco and large potato ole yesterday for lunch. I was tired and cranky and feeling deprived. Turns out that was not enough so I had a medium chocolate caramel truffle blizzard for dinner. Damn hormones! I am not proud of it, but it happened. I logged every bit of it.

    Today I am cleaning my apartment and going for a long swim. Then it is steamed veg and lean protein for food. The kicker is that I don't mind eating the healthy food. I just also really want fatty fried things every single day of my life. This is my struggle.

    Also, tomorrow is Easter and there is chocolate everywhere. I will eat a chocolate bunny head first.

    Is this good? Worth the calories or no?
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    WORST movie ever that makes me cry is Marley and Me. I hate that movie for how sad it is.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    Snoopy Come Home
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    81Katz wrote: »
    WORST movie ever that makes me cry is Marley and Me. I hate that movie for how sad it is.

    Oh yeah, even if I expected because I had read the book.

    In another genre... Grave of the Fireflies. Yikes. I was bawling. So sad.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,370 Member
    edited April 2015
    Yep, I'll never watch Marley and Me either.

    I pretty much cried most of the way through reading A Dog's Purpose. If it ever gets made into a movie... ain't watching that one!

    edit: It's irking me that MFP cropped part of my avatar pic out. The original has my forearm showing, just like my Shoulder Guru's does (I won't tag her again, lol) as I was deliberately posing to mirror hers.
  • dearmrsowl
    dearmrsowl Posts: 151 Member
    edited April 2015
    Confession: To pay for college I work part time in retail. Today a customer asked iforan item in a certain size somewhere.I knew exactly I didn't and told them so but they insisted several times that I'd go and check againn. So I went into the back and did some squats to warm me up instead because I was freezing.

  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    Confession 1: Im afraid when I meet someone awesome everything will go great until they see my body without clothing. Im afraid they will be so disappointed seeing all the sagging loose skin and even if they say "its okay i like you no matter what" or something like it they will always wish I was hotter.
    Confession 2: 3 major binges since the end of March and this weekend I really want to just eat whatever I want. Not necessarily binge just eat what I want and not worry about calories or anything at all
  • melodyis4reals
    melodyis4reals Posts: 186 Member
    I waited until midnight to have a snack so I wouldn't go over my calorie budget.