
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Good afternoon,

    I've had a very busy day today. Tai Chi, grocery shopping, prescriptions, and other errands. Fortunately DS#2 was available to be my chauffer. The dizziness is making it impossible for me to drive. For those of you who have difficulty sleeping here's a link to an article that was posted recently (just in case you missed it.) blog.myfitnesspal.com/9-ways-to-cope-when-you-cant-fall-asleep/

    Thought for the day: “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” – Winston Churchill

    Carey - Edmonton
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hi, everybody. Bits of sun but mostly gray here. Rain coming.

    Saw the dr. today because I felt a stitch "pop" in my neck when I turned over and stretched in bed this am. They say the outside line looks good, healing well, and it must have been an internal suture, no damage done. I am to let the bandage off and smear vaseline over the suture line. Then I have to pin the hair up or I have clumps of greasy hair.......and that just draws attention to the healing mess of bruises and sutures. I suppose time is the cure, I'm kind of enjoying this staying home and have the perfect excuse to do so. Appt. is 3/24......but think I'll be bored and breaking the "postop rules" well before then. Today I read, walked down to see a neighbor, watched Netflix, and sat in the back yard watching the dog play and kicking a ball for her.

    Margaret........Lovely, lovely pics......that child is so cute.

    Carol.......Hope your treated spot on your face heals quickly. I really identified with your feeling like your "feet are tied together" !!!!

    Lesley........Fabulous dog!!!!! He looks a lot like Gemma, except she has ears that stand up and less white. Hope you have many great years with him!!!

    Sylvia..........I'm awful for colonoscopies too.........hate them hate them hate them. Good luck to you. Great jokes! I am so sorry about the situation with your son ((((((Hugs)))))))

    Lillian.........My guess is a girl named Alexandra.

    Heather..... Glad your cry made you feel better. Sometimes that's just what we need.

    Didn't take notes but read all and thinking of everyone and wishing you all well....... I feel I may be in a bit of a Netflix zombie-like haze.


  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited April 2015
    drkatie.......Add to Joyce's (?) or was it Janet's a couple more suggestions on "UP" music......."Happy" by Pharrell Williams (he went to my DD's high school!!!!) or "Walking on Sunshine" by Katrina and The Waves.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
    dia_nruf wrote: »
    I am happy to report I accomplished my goal of riding my exercising bike for 30 minutes.

    Sylvia: may you sleep though the whole procedure and not remember a thing.

    Beth in maine

  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Wednesday here. Blaize gives me the incentive to get up early. Walk him round the garden, give him his breakfast, then walk round garden. Vet nurse told me to put his canned meat down to 50 g and add cooked potato, carrot, rice and pasta and 50 g biscuits for his breakfast and dinner, and give him a bone to chew on. NO tidbits I want him SLIM not a fatty. I am sure his ears will perk up when older, he is about 12 months old, gets car sick poor love.
    Food = 1972
    Training: Wii boxing, jeannette Cardio sculpt thios morning 2 mile walk after lunch, soup, roll, nashi pear and hot chocolate
  • maddow
    maddow Posts: 11 Member
    Feeling inspired by others goals. Have fun everyday and no computer after 9pm are fantastic goals. Going to start small, though

    1. Log food everyday
    2. 120 min of weight lifting/week
    3. Try out new bootcamp class. Go for 4 weeks before making a decision about it.
    4. Continue to avoid added sugar where possible
  • Thanks Barbie for keeping us going. Goal is to just spend time with mom this week. Will get back to health goals next week. I did take a two mile walk in a Nature Preserve today called Powder Valley after seeing mom. It is not very green here is St. Louis. Crab apple trees and Magnolias are blooming. Did see a red headed woodpecker on my walk.

    :heart: MNMargaret

  • Hi! I've just joined your group and My Fitness Plan. I'll be 55 on the 29th and losing weight is harder as one gets older! Thanks, Barbie for you encouraging words and ideas! I'd like to lose at least three lbs by the end of the month. My goal is to lose 16 lbs.

    Shari, Bakersfield, CA
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Carol: I can’t help wondering if Comcast is deliberately sabotaging Netflix. They could be considered a competitor for the entertainment portion of Comcast’s services. I’m not actually accusing, just wondering.

    Sylvia: Good luck for tomorrow! (I didn’t like dark chocolate before MFP, either. I discovered a product that is 92% cocoa and is portioned in individual 50 calorie pieces wrapped in packets. I nibble one piece when I need a little boost, and have gotten to like it.) I love today’s joke. I read it to DH and he laughed, too.

    Heather: Chili over roasted butternut squash would be a treat. I’m putting it on my list for a future meal. I can’t recall ever experiencing “a good cry.” I have trouble releasing stress and tension so I envy your ability to let it go.

    Lillian: Guessing the gender and name for the new member of the royal family is a fun idea. Gender comes from the male side of the family. Charles was the father of two boys so it seems quite likely that William inherited a propensity for males and the new baby will also be a boy. If so, I’ll bet they don’t name him Charles as a first name. Maybe Phillip.

    Barbie: I love the elimination diet. Thanks for sharing.

    Beth in ME: Congratulations on your exercise bike ride.

    85kurtz: Welcome. Tell us about yourself.

    Vicki: I’m sending good thoughts to your supervisor. I hope she takes the suggestions to heart and gets the schedule fixed.

    Carey in Edmonton: I love today’s quote: “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” – Winston Churchill
    Thank you for sharing.

    Jannie: I’m so glad to hear from you. I’m happy the popped stitch wasn’t a problem.

    My neighbor was sick this morning but I decided to go to the gym anyway. I was over an hour early, and went back home without even signing in. I needed the rest. Later in the day we went shopping for some new clothes to wear at the gym. I bought sized medium pants! This is a first for me. I haven't had pants this small since Junior High. I’m not lighter, but the workouts are helping me to be leaner. Wahoo!

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    April Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.


  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Jan, I hope you heal quickly. It doesn't sound like fun, but I'm glad you caught it and took care of it. Do they think you will need any further care for it, other than removing stitches?

    Katla, how I would love to buy some Medium pants. Maybe someday. I've actually sort of put losing weight on the back burner till I get this digestive thing figured out. For now I'm just trying to maintain.

    I've been through one round of prep already and dreading the second round. It's like drinking a liter of salt water. Makes me gag. I very nearly did not keep it down. You have to drink about a cup of the nasty stuff every 15 minutes for an hour. Then 16 ounces of water. Yuck!

    Hubby took the kids to swim lessons tonight, which DGS must have loved. He really adores his grandpa.

    Good night everyone. Sleep well.

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Best cure for the blahs -- DS got a new job. Maybe I can actually make it thru May without having to buy him a tank of gas or a few groceries. Still claiming the scripture, "train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." My only question is: how old is old? Please, please, please tell me it is not more than 35!

    Making some progress on the to-do list, but too many items from last week are still unchecked. Cleaned out and decluttered the bathroom vanity. There's actually empty space under there, got half a big black trash bag full of junk to throw away.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 14.07min, 12.6mph 2.9mi WINDY - 115c
    elliptical machine - 40min, , 100stridespmin, interval setting, 2-5/3-10, 4.69mi - 329c
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.41min, 12.8amph, 1.4mi - 59c
    ride dome 2 tan- 17.04min, 10.2amph, 2.9mi - 172c
    ride tan 2 hm- 5.23min, 11.4amph, 1mi - 66c
    total cal 756
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Heather, I once told my doctor about not sleeping well when my back was really hurting and he instructed me to take a pain pill on those nights. I normally try to limit them to one a day. What do you take for pain and is it something you can take before bed time? You know that a good night’s sleep is important to our health.

    Pip, with all the calories you burn, I’d think you could eat 3000 calories a day with no problem.

    Katla, yay is right on the taxes. The way you talked I thought you hadn’t even started on them. Now you get to move on the next project. I hope it will be more fun.

    Barbie, I’m enjoying the extra daylight too. I wish it would stay all year.

    85kurtz, welcome to this group of supportive and informative ladies. Tell us a bit about yourself so we can get to know you. Come often and you will find out all kinds of great things. Good luck with your journey.

    Sylvia, loved the joke. :D I wonder if she looked good? What time is your procedure tomorrow? I hope the prep isn’t too bad. I’ll be thinking of you.

    Vicki, I’m just wondering where the supervisor’s boss is? Do they realize the problems? Hopefully things will improve soon. Good for you on not stress eating. I hope you can rest better tonight.

    Carey, thanks for the article on sleep. It was interesting.

    Yannie, I’m glad there was no harm with a popped stitch. I hope you can enjoy your time off. Think of all the times you would have liked to be off and couldn’t. lol Yes, I love the song “Happy” too.

    Shari, welcome. We are happy to have you join us. Yes, it’s harder to lose when we are a bit older, but this works so good luck. Come often and join right in.

    Katla, Great NSV on the tiny pants!!! It has been about 105 years since I wore a medium. I know that had to feel great! Who cares what the scale says when the smaller sizes fit. Keep up the great work.

    DrKatie, Congrats on DS’s new job. I know how you feel. And don’t you feel great when you finish a project like the bathroom vanity and now can see an empty spot? That always gives me a lift and I love throwing away the junk that I seem to be keeping for no reason.
    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I’ve been 5’6” tall all my life but hadn’t measured in years. I measured recently and knew I’d be shorter but I am only 5’3”. Boo hiss, that means I have much farther to go to get out of the obese range. Wow, I wish I hadn’t measured! I even had DH double check my measuring but that didn’t make me any taller. At least I don’t feel that short, so all my friends must have compacted too. :|

    Thought for the day:

    The best view
    comes after
    the hardest climb.

    Have a happy and healthy night and day. <3

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,477 Member
    Did 1 hr of HIIT on the elliptical (sprint 30 sec @ 200+ steps/min, recover 45 sec @130 steps/min). The plan is to do a step DVD tomorrow.

    After exercising, took a "rinse off the sweat" shower and then went to the church to count the money from the collections (and took it to the bank), then stopped at Bi-Lo for items on sale that I had coupons for, then to ceramics where I now state that the praying mantis is DONE. I did find out that it can be fired and if there are any places where the paint is "streaky", I can put another coat of paint on that part, then put the clear coat on and it can be refired. Didn't know this. So that's what I'm going to do.

    Sylvia - when I made the ladybug, after it was fired there were places where it was "streaky". One person told me that I'd have to use these stains (which don't exactly color match). I'm really not happy with this "touchup". One lady who is in charge of the ceramics place said that I could bring the ladybug back, re-stain it, then they spray it with some sort of acrylic. Now another lady told me that even tho it was clear coated, I could put a coat of the glaze on and then a coat of the clear coat. that this would be OK. What has your experience been? She told me that she has done it (re-glazed) and it came out fine. I don't know...sounds too good to be true in a sense. Can you?

    After ceramics stopped at Lowes Foods to check to see if the butter is still on sale (it isn't) and get a few other things that I can only get at that store.

    - what a great suggestion to drink the jello. I can do that. Wonder if you can add some of that miralax stuff? Nah...that'll just make the jello taste "yukky".

    - I'll post a pic of the tree skirt, but it may be a while. I still need to finish it, then do something about the backing. I'm really thinking that maybe my idea of cutting it like one row shy of the edge where the yarn starts, then sewing that part to the underside, then putting the rubber backing on. This will keep the stitches in place (I think)

    Oh, I do hope MFP gets this "bug" cleared up. It's such a pain to have to scroll over to read an entire post

    terri - I'm good for starting a project and then not finishing it. Example in point ... I have these placemats that I've been crocheting for, oh at least 10 years now. You'd think I'd just finish them up.

    Joyce - I very seldom have a salad with lettuce at a buffet. Usually they only have the iceburg lettuce which is so "blah". I do fill up on the veggies, tho like tomatoes, mushrooms, cucumbers, etc., etc.

    katla - good for you going to spin even tho your neighbor can't get to the gym. You rock, girl. woo hoo on those pants!

    Page 12 doesn't seem to have the problem where you have to scroll all the way across the page just to read it. I really think it has something to do with the pictures.

    - you have this knack of making me drool

    Beth - good for you riding your bike!

    85kurz - welcome. Personally, I think you set some great goals for yourself

    - welcome! Great goal, you can do it!

    Sylvia - when I had to do my prep, I found that I could choke down that cleansing stuff by holding my breath while I was drinking. They said that if you mixed it in Gatorade, you wouldn't taste it. Gave the Gatorade a horrible taste.

    Michele in NC
  • naiomi2015
    naiomi2015 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    MollywhipperGood job taking good care of yourself. My husband says the prep for the colonoscopy is the worst part.

    cityjaneLondon gotta try the chilli over the butternut squash. Never tried the Palestinian spice you mentioned... Not sure if I can find it in This part of MA hard for me to think of geraniums as weeds. The garden shops certainly price them high enough to be flowers. LOL

    Lillymay2Hoping we're all done w/snow. We've had it April but usually just a freak storm. Hope what falls in your area just melts away.

    Barbiecati have a great appreciation for OA. I lost weight but just as importantly I learned a lot of things that helped me heal emotionally. In some ways this thread reminds me a lot of the support offered in OA.

    Grandmallie Naps... I never appreciated them until I became an adult.

    Dia_nruf Cheers for your 30 min.

    85krutzWelcome the cat graphics made me smile.

    It's been a long day. 1report done- 1 to go. One meeting w/some difficult people out of the way 1to go. I think that the week will get easier once tomorrow's work day is complete.

    After yesterday's 10k steps I thought I would be much more sore. Glad that was not the case. I sat for
    Most of the day writing my report , answering e-mails and returning calls. Still need to work at getting up every hour to move around a bit. Well I'll try again tomorrow. Stayed w/in my calories and brought a sandwich for dinner w/me when I left for work. Happy about doing both of those things. Now for some zzzzzzs.

    Naiomi2015 from 37F but dry Massachusetts

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
  • sweetnsassyfied
    sweetnsassyfied Posts: 110 Member
    Good morning Everyone! :flowerforyou:

    Welcome to all the new ladies! You will love this thread! !

    Margaret you look fantastic! The children looked absolutely enthralled by your reading renditions.

    Pip your healthy habits are so deeply ingrained by now that anything different is just good for the soul. It's all about balance. You and Kirby look so happy together! It's a joy to see.

    Sylvia I hear if you survive the prep the rest is easy peasy. lol I hope they get this figured out for you and fast.

    Katla WOOT! What a great NSV! Bet you won't have any trouble getting to the gym tomorrow.

    In answer to your questions both. There was no fluid cartilage left between the arch bone so they fused those plus the long bones from beneath my first and second toes. They also trimmed some of my toe bones down because they were so long. I told my ortho I took great pride in those long toes! I have yet in all my adult life, had to actually bend over to pick something small up from the floor. I would just grab it with my toes and lift my foot to me. Thankfully I still have that ability though I don't often choose to use it anymore. Because you know... fitness. ;) lol

    Lesley Blazie is adorable!! Did you name him or did he come to you named? I am seriously giving this fostering rescues a lot of thought. As each day passes I get closer and closer to making that call.

    Beth I am so happy to hear you're feeling better.

    Carol in NC it's so nice to see a pep back in your step, all 16,000 of them! Way to go you!! We celebrate Easter Sunday & Easter Monday here too! Sunday is the quiet religious part followed by a lovely meal with the immediate family. Then on Monday we gather with all the rest of them to feast and exchange baskets. Having a long weekend just heightens the festivities.

    Cindy enjoy your time in Knoxville!

    Michele everyday you're on the go from one place to another. Where do you get the energy? I can't wait to see your bug! I am unable to spell the type of bug it is ... sorry ;) . lol

    DammitJanit I hear you on the pain control. It's a lot easier to control it then it is to control. I believe that is why our doctors tell us; "Don't wait until you need it. "

    YaY for recognition!! I am thrilled they have finally seen you for svelte goddess that you are becoming! You know what I found that is even better then the questions of how your did it? Is the look on their faces when you tell them! lol Everybody is always looking for the easy pain free way, the magic pill, or bullet. I tell them water. lol

    Heather I am definitely trying chili over butternut squash that sounds delicious! My mom always served it over macaroni noodles, so basically chili mac. I am always surprised by the itty bitty amount of macaroni you get for a serving. Couple with the calories being so high for so little. It just made me sad. But butternut is my favorite of all squashes! Thank you for making my chili eating a joy again! :)

    Alex ( my hubby ) left for Poland on Tuesday and will be gone all week. I tell ya, I could NOT motivate myself to do anything on Tuesday! It was horrible! I finally had enough of the cagey squirreliness and my brain rebounding with Nahhh. I came here to MFP for a kick start and got it! Thank you ladies for being here for me when I wasn't! I truly appreciate you kicking my sassy pants onto the bike. You saved my day. :)

    Today I am so ready to get at it! Thank goodness it was only a 24 hour bah-humbug. lol Leaving you you with the gratuitous Grandma photo titled: "Some Bunny stole my heart, but its okay he can have it!"

    "If you do not consciously form good habits, you will unconsciously form bad ones."
    Sassy aus Austria
    • If you want it, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse.

    • Being Fat is Hard.
    Losing Weight is Hard.
    Maintenance is Hard.

    Choose Your Hard.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michele, I know I should like all the other kinds of lettuce greens but I just don't. They don't seem as crisp and as easy to cut as iceberg, some look like dandelion weeds. So I stick with my iceberg and just make sure that what I add to it is good rather than detrimental. Also by chopping it up like I do I use very little salad dressing.

    Sharon, I have a nephew that is continuously breaking up with his girlfriend. They now have 3 children together and live in a 2 bedroom apartment so during the time they are 'broke up', my nephew sleeps on the couch and his partner has the bedroom. I just don't see how it works.

    Allison, you get well. We need you!!!!.Good for you in taking care of you for the day. And yes, you needed it! Not just because you don't feel good but you run yourself ragged.

    Janet, NC, Yes, I used cinnamon sticks. I didn't want to be trying to sweep all that cinnamon off the floor. I'm not sure it worked though. I have checked all day and there have been no ants coming from the door. But the bucket (with lid) we have the food stored in was just full of ants. The bucket is an old Tidy Cats litter box that the litter comes in. For anyone who knows the Tidy Cat brand, the lid has a break in it where you just lift up part of it to scoop your litter. I guess we have used this box long enough that they found a tiny break in the hinge because that's where I saw this whole convention of ants to moving in. There were no ants in her food bowl, I guess they figured out that since there was so little food in the bowl, go right to the main source. So what food that was in there has been thrown away, box thoroughly cleaned out, re-filled and now has a spot on top of the refrigerator. We have kept the sugar canister up there for years now and have no ant problem in it. Cleaned all the surfaces so now I hope the problem is behind us. I will leave the cinnamon sticks in front of the door though. I used to be 5'6 1/4" and noticed that I looked shorter so I measured myself and it looked closer to 5'4" so I made sure they measured me at the doctors office and am now 5'4 1/4". So that put me back in the obese range as far as the BMI scale :'(

    Heather, is it time to break down and ask for help from a tech person who can help you download this book? Do you have a university nearby that has a class on it. With our universities in town they have classes that a senior can just sit in on the class and not actually take it. But seniors do get discounts if they take classes. Also a library might help.

    Carol, Ga, My husband also has problems with Netflix. He connects to the internet through his Wii. It works probably 95% of the time and then just knocks him out. I can be upstairs on my laptop or my iPad so I know it isn't the router that isn't working right.

    Sylvia, now you know you will continue to do things with the kids. You enjoyed it to much. Good luck on the colonoscopy. When I was much, much younger (can I add a few more muches to that) I had trouble crying. I remember when my sister died, I briefly went into my bedroom and shed a few tears. During the funeral my sister was so mad at me because I was so 'composed'. I was mad at her because she was crying. I wanted, I needed to get it out but it just wouldn't come. I tease my husband, it wasn't until I was married that I could cry. Now I cry at anything!!!! Last night on Dancing with the stars when the celebrities were telling their stories I cried!

    Dr.Katie, the hardest part of that scripture is 'the way he should go'. We know the way we want them to go but each child is an individual. They all don't conform to what we think is right. My oldest nephew was quite a h**l raising child. But he finally got it all worked out and now he is the most model citizen anyone could ask for. He just had to reach adult hood in his own way.

    Rained, rained, and rained some more today. A lot of areas had straight lined winds that act like a tornado. We had a couple of small limbs down but that is all. Tomorrow I get my every 2 month hair cut. My husband swears it was just cut 3 weeks ago. So I made him initial tomorrows date on the calendar and will have him initial when she gives me my next appointment. Well 37 years ago I was in the hospital in labor with Christina. You know by the time that 9th month rolls around you are just so tired of being pregnant and stretched to the limit. The doctor said I was ready to deliver at anytime so I took some castor oil, had Charlie take me for a nice long drive over the bumpiest roads so could go into labor. I had my first labor pain around midnight, left for the hospital at 2 and delivered at 4:08 AM on April 8th! With Michelle the labor was even shorter!!! I delivered her 12:10 AM on December 10th!! Don't know how I managed that. But I was in labor with her for about 90 minutes. I told Charlie that if I could emotionally be a surrogate woman I could have made a lot of money.

    Have a good day everyone, Joyce, Indiana
  • Gilly139
    Gilly139 Posts: 67 Member
    I am so far behind and sorry to anyone that I miss but my computers have been very nasty to me and would not let me post anything at all.

    Beth - love the minion joke!

    Pip - plates of food looked great and the view wasn't bad either.

    Lesley - Blaize looks as if he has fitted right in - enjoy!

    Yanniejannie - Hope everyday means you feel a little bit better.

    Carol - well done and all those steps and the food choices.

    Sylvia - why are boys so difficult and hard to please? Any why do we have to fit in with their plans but they could not possible alter something to fit in with us??? I know my mum would say girls are as bad especially as it has taken me four relationships before she approves of my choice!

    Lillian - I can't believe you are still getting flurries of snow - you must have had all of ours as we have not had any. I swear that is because I bought some boots LAST january incase of snow and still have not had to wear them!

    Vicki - Congrats on weight loss despite all the work problems. Hope you are managing to sleep better.

    DrKatie - Good luck on not having to buy gas or food for your son, bet he will still need something!

    Janet - It is soooo unfair that we get shorter, must be all the worries on our shoulders, if only we could put them under our feet, we could claim a couple of extra inches!

    Sassy - I am so envious of your Alex going to Poland. I expect for him it is just work, but I have wanted to go there for a long while but my weight and the fact that nobody fancies going with me has held me back. Maybe I will go for my BIG birthday. And what a gorgeous little bunny!

    Joyce - I am with you on the lettuce debate - Iceberg the only one for me!
    I wish I had been able to deliver my boys as quickly as you. When I was in hospital having my first son there was a 'screamer' and I was so scared that
  • Gilly139
    Gilly139 Posts: 67 Member
    carry on from where the computer decided I had finished when I had not!!!
    Joyce - I was so scared that I did not believe I was in labour because it was not so painful it was making me scream - phew!

    Well I managed my 1 mile swim and actually done it in 75 minutes which made me very happy. Still unable to walk many steps at all but am going to try to make myself do a bit more every day.

    I also think that Kate and William will have another boy but have not a clue what they will name him!

    Gilly, Suffolk UK