Vegan hate



  • Vixenmd1
    Vixenmd1 Posts: 146 Member
    Well I am one and have been for 25 years. I know very few LONG term vegans who try to make anyone feel bad for what they eat.
    PRMinx wrote: »
    I've never met a vegan who didn't try to make me feel bad for eating meat.

  • lydiakitten
    lydiakitten Posts: 132 Member
    I generally don't mind at all, and will gladly accommodate a vegan no questions asked if I have to cook for them/invite them, just as I will accommodate someone who is Jewish and doesn't eat pork, or someone who is Hindu, or someone who has an intolerance. I have a good friend who is vegan, and my partner is vegetarian.

    But I have had vegans telling me "I don't really care for my dog because if I was serious about liking animals I would be vegan" or that "I am as good as a murderer", and when that happens, I get pretty angry.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Vixenmd1 wrote: »
    Well I am one and have been for 25 years. I know very few LONG term vegans who try to make anyone feel bad for what they eat.
    PRMinx wrote: »
    I've never met a vegan who didn't try to make me feel bad for eating meat.

    Good for you. You must have cool friends.
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    LydiaZ36 wrote: »
    I am going to tell you why. A lot of people will disagree, but this is true. Subconscious guilt is why. You don't have to say one word, but immediately, they assume you are attacking them in your head. They assume you are judging them silently, and they begin to defend themselves out loud to the attack you NEVER made. They feel the need to tell you why it is ok to eat animals when you NEVER said one stinking word about it. I've been vegetarian since 1999 and have listened to more attacks about why I should be eating meat then the other way around BY FAR. Are there preachy vegetarians? Sure, but there are way more meat eaters that will attack you for eating meat. Every once in a bit, I've had someone confess in a conversation like this, yes, I do feel bad about it, but I don't have the will power. Well, there you go...

    Yep, you've discovered the conspiracy; the world is against vegans and vegetarians.

    Tell me, how do these bad people, who "attack" you, know that you don't eat meat if you don't say a word about it?
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    I find it very difficult to believe that people actually get "mad" at vegans.

    Unless of course these vegans are telling ME what I should and should not do, while I'm eating my steak/chicken/pork chops. Then you deserve it. Because it's not your business.

    Otherwise, I think you're overreacting or imagining hostility that isn't there.
  • Vixenmd1
    Vixenmd1 Posts: 146 Member
    The worst is when I was younger (and nonone knew a vegan but me since I have been one for 25 years) I would be subject to having people stand over my lunch say at work and pick it apart. It was so rude. I multi times said " look I know a lot of things about your lunch that you likely would be offended if I decided to tell you while you were eating it so I am asking for the same respect which is mind your own business and let me eat in peace.
    moesis wrote: »
    Not meant to be a grumpy response at all. It's just annoying. How would meat eaters feel if a vegan walked around and asked them where they were getting their vitamin a, vitamin b, etc. Its just an overall rude annoying question.

  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Vixenmd1 wrote: »
    The worst is when I was younger (and nonone knew a vegan but me since I have been one for 25 years) I would be subject to having people stand over my lunch say at work and pick it apart. It was so rude. I multi times said " look I know a lot of things about your lunch that you likely would be offended if I decided to tell you while you were eating it so I am asking for the same respect which is mind your own business and let me eat in peace.
    moesis wrote: »
    Not meant to be a grumpy response at all. It's just annoying. How would meat eaters feel if a vegan walked around and asked them where they were getting their vitamin a, vitamin b, etc. Its just an overall rude annoying question.

    Just FYI - responses should go after the quotes. It makes it easier for people to track what you are saying.
  • Vixenmd1
    Vixenmd1 Posts: 146 Member
    Which frankly as a 25 year vegan has happened to me MANY time. When people have picked up food and waved in my face thinking isn't this funny. Don't you miss it ect picking up every piece of meat at a table. Never once have I pushed my food choices on anyone. Many people think it is ok to make fun of veg's and vegans. It isn't. It is our choice and it should be respected.
    stixypix wrote: »
    It only matters if you are pushing your diet on them

  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    Oooooooooooooooo so in for this one!!!!

  • graywi123
    graywi123 Posts: 19 Member
    I admire everyone that has the discipline to not eat certain foods. My biggest problem is that I don't need to be educated on why most people do it. I know. I don't live in a bubble. I simply enjoy bacon. Don't make others feel inferior because you don't kill living things. Watched an episode of "Chopped" and the vegan kept talking about why....Spare us!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    PRMinx wrote: »
    LydiaZ36 wrote: »
    I am going to tell you why. A lot of people will disagree, but this is true. Subconscious guilt is why. You don't have to say one word, but immediately, they assume you are attacking them in your head. They assume you are judging them silently, and they begin to defend themselves out loud to the attack you NEVER made. They feel the need to tell you why it is ok to eat animals when you NEVER said one stinking word about it. I've been vegetarian since 1999 and have listened to more attacks about why I should be eating meat then the other way around BY FAR. Are there preachy vegetarians? Sure, but there are way more meat eaters that will attack you for eating meat. Every once in a bit, I've had someone confess in a conversation like this, yes, I do feel bad about it, but I don't have the will power. Well, there you go...

    Yep. See this OP? This is why people hate vegans.

  • Vixenmd1
    Vixenmd1 Posts: 146 Member
    I would encourage every meat eater to given vegans the same respect they are asking for. Many of you turned the OP question on why she is being attacked into how ALL vegans attack meat eaters. How about you treat us with the respect you are asking for. NOT one of the vegans in this thread attacked meat eaters but over and over people who ID as meat eaters keep saying things like spare US.
    graywi123 wrote: »
    I admire everyone that has the discipline to not eat certain foods. My biggest problem is that I don't need to be educated on why most people do it. I know. I don't live in a bubble. I simply enjoy bacon. Don't make others feel inferior because you don't kill living things. Watched an episode of "Chopped" and the vegan kept talking about why....Spare us!

  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Vixenmd1 wrote: »
    I would encourage every meat eater to given vegans the same respect they are asking for. Many of you turned the OP question on why she is being attacked into how ALL vegans attack meat eaters. How about you treat us with the respect you are asking for. NOT one of the vegans in this thread attacked meat eaters but over and over people who ID as meat eaters keep saying things like spare US.
    graywi123 wrote: »
    I admire everyone that has the discipline to not eat certain foods. My biggest problem is that I don't need to be educated on why most people do it. I know. I don't live in a bubble. I simply enjoy bacon. Don't make others feel inferior because you don't kill living things. Watched an episode of "Chopped" and the vegan kept talking about why....Spare us!

    LOL. But, seriously, can you please learn how to use quotes. It will help your cause, I promise.

    And, yes, one of your vegan buddies did attack meat eaters. Apparently, we are all subconsciously guilty about our meat-eating ways.
  • stiobhard
    stiobhard Posts: 140 Member
    i have been fighting with this for decades....
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,645 Member
    It's not exactly like being vegan as it wasn't my choice, but I'm a white, male southerner (born in a hospital named after Confederate president Jefferson Davis, ironically), so I can empathize with others in your group causing disdain from outsiders.
  • Vixenmd1
    Vixenmd1 Posts: 146 Member
    SO if a woman attacks one man it is license for all men to attack woman? I think not. I do not care if one person said something that does not give a bunch of other people a opening to attack a whole host of others. Yes, I am ignoring what you said about quotes. It isn't that I did read it so you can stop repeating it.
    PRMinx wrote: »
    Vixenmd1 wrote: »
    I would encourage every meat eater to given vegans the same respect they are asking for. Many of you turned the OP question on why she is being attacked into how ALL vegans attack meat eaters. How about you treat us with the respect you are asking for. NOT one of the vegans in this thread attacked meat eaters but over and over people who ID as meat eaters keep saying things like spare US.
    graywi123 wrote: »
    I admire everyone that has the discipline to not eat certain foods. My biggest problem is that I don't need to be educated on why most people do it. I know. I don't live in a bubble. I simply enjoy bacon. Don't make others feel inferior because you don't kill living things. Watched an episode of "Chopped" and the vegan kept talking about why....Spare us!

    LOL. But, seriously, can you please learn how to use quotes. It will help your cause, I promise.

    And, yes, one of your vegan buddies did attack meat eaters. Apparently, we are all subconsciously guilty about our meat-eating ways.

  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    _John_ wrote: »
    It's not exactly like being vegan as it wasn't my choice, but I'm a white, male southerner (born in a hospital named after Confederate president Jefferson Davis, ironically), so I can empathize with others in your group causing disdain from outsiders.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Vixenmd1 wrote: »
    SO if a woman attacks one man it is license for all men to attack woman? I think not. I do not care if one person said something that does not give a bunch of other people a opening to attack a whole host of others. Yes, I am ignoring what you said about quotes. It isn't that I did read it so you can stop repeating it.
    PRMinx wrote: »
    Vixenmd1 wrote: »
    I would encourage every meat eater to given vegans the same respect they are asking for. Many of you turned the OP question on why she is being attacked into how ALL vegans attack meat eaters. How about you treat us with the respect you are asking for. NOT one of the vegans in this thread attacked meat eaters but over and over people who ID as meat eaters keep saying things like spare US.
    graywi123 wrote: »
    I admire everyone that has the discipline to not eat certain foods. My biggest problem is that I don't need to be educated on why most people do it. I know. I don't live in a bubble. I simply enjoy bacon. Don't make others feel inferior because you don't kill living things. Watched an episode of "Chopped" and the vegan kept talking about why....Spare us!

    LOL. But, seriously, can you please learn how to use quotes. It will help your cause, I promise.

    And, yes, one of your vegan buddies did attack meat eaters. Apparently, we are all subconsciously guilty about our meat-eating ways.

    Ok. Well, out of the two of us, who here is being more nasty? I'm just trying to help you since you haven't been posting as long. But, by all means, if you don't want to use the quote function the right way...have at it with your badass ways.

    I haven't attacked anyone here. I have no idea why you are being so rude to me. Maybe you perceive everyone as "attacking" you? That might be a bigger issue.
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,645 Member
    Just conform and eat meat. Problem solved.

    at least conform and post replies after the quote you are replying to...
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    _John_ wrote: »
    It's not exactly like being vegan as it wasn't my choice, but I'm a white, male southerner (born in a hospital named after Confederate president Jefferson Davis, ironically), so I can empathize with others in your group causing disdain from outsiders.
