
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited April 2015
    I think it will be gray all day here but the rain has moved off the coast according to radar. There is an important meeting of the mounted police support group I belong to tonight. May just bandage really well over the vaseline and go; honestly, this dr. seems too conservative; I'd be doing more at this point if I had a heart transplant. A bored yanniejannie is not a happy yanniejannie!!!! I won't lie, anxiety sets in with boredom and I'm eating my frustrations.........hence, no food logging lately. Enough of this!

    Carey.......Read your link on sleep this am; should have read it at 2am; I did know a lot of it..Dr. Oz suggested the socks on his show and I've worn them at night ever since and feel they really do help.

    Lesley........I didn't realize that a dogs ear position changes as they age! Guess I never thought about it, thanks, I learned something new.

    Katla......Congrats on the new size, I too, hope they don't shrink for you. Sorry going to the gym didn't work out. Frankly, on my less than patient days, I've been known to just leave the gym if I can't find a parking space my first drive around the lot.........I figure it wasn't meant to be.

    Sylvia........Hope your test is over, went well, and they solved (or at least found out) your problem.

    Heather.........YAY for book progress!!!

    Janet.........Oh, wow......a three inch loss........that's quite a lot......welcome to petites.

    Naiomi......"Centering" thoughts being sent for a report you are happy with!

    Sassy......AAAHHHH........sweet pics!!! Both DH and DD can pick up things with toes; mine are too short and stubby.

    Joyce.........I did remember to ask the MA who numbed me if they do a frozen section; he didn't seem to know the term.

    Gilly.......Kudos on your swim!!!!

    Anamika...........You stay awhile, you hear? We miss you!!!!!!!!!

    Cynthia..........Feel better!!!

    Cranky and impatient today, probably lack of sleep,

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Wednesday ! ! !

    Today is the first day I have lost my post :o Just hit a random button while talking, and it disappeared. So, I'll start over (maybe it won't be as wordy this time, but not likely).

    Gilly - congrats on the exercise. I admire how long you can exercise in the water. In fact, I admire anyone who has an attention span for exercise that is longer than my 10 minutes.

    Naiomi - Congrats on the extra walking. I'm also at a desk job, and I sometimes stand up and walk around just to get off my duff. I know you can do this !

    I would like to join the ranks of people who pick up things with their feet. I find it less painful than bending or squatting. Plus it's fun to see if I can "throw" things because it makes me laugh at myself.

    Regarding kids and their (in)dependance. I think at any age we like to know that our parents will "save" us. Plus, I think some parents like to feel needed. I know my Dad is that way, because whenever we go to a concert or something together, he always tries to pay for everything. But I do choose carefully how I will help 24 y.o. DD. I will send her a gift card for groceries, or make her car payment, but I won't send her cash, or any direct route for buying cigarettes.

    Lettuce - I think I like them all, but I don't think I like anything called "leaves". I try to eat kale, since it is supposed to be anti-inflamatory, and DS likes romainne, so I buy that a lot, too. DH thinks he only likes iceburg on a taco, but I usually give him romainne and he hasn't said anything yet.

    I hope someone will share their low fat/low calorie muffin recipe again for me. DH and I went to different stores at the same time on the same day one day, and both bought bananas, so I need to use them up soon, and the thought of banana muffins in the freezer sounds appealing. Thanks in advance. :D

    I see a few people have posted since I started this, so . . .

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee (drizzle and 37 degrees)
  • Vivi6530
    Vivi6530 Posts: 5 Member
    Ciao. I am Viviana from Milan (Italy) and I am 49 (becoming 50 on Sept 30th) so I hope I can join anyway.
    I am struggling to succeed but I hope you can help me with some motivation.

    April Goals:
    - Stick with the plan for Mon to Saturday, one reasonable free meal on Sunday.
    - Workout 3 days/week, ie mon/wed/fri, from Apr.10th on.
    - Find an healthy low carb cookies recipie to use when I carb cravings at breakfast.

    Wish me luck! A looot of Kilos to go!!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    edited April 2015
    Welcome all the new people! :flowerforyou:

    Anamika - Soooooo good to see you. Come back more often!

    Katla - Love it that you are in a medium! Happy dance!
    I wear socks all the time - in bed as well. It is OFFICIALLY a heat wave when I take my socks off. :laugh:

    Sassy - ooooohhhhhh beautiful bunny! :love:

    DH has given the grass its first cut of the season. We have had an estimate from the lawn man and I think DH will accept it. The man seemed very honest about what was worth doing and what wasn't. We tidied up a bit more of our troublesome bed. I think we will put some annuals in there for colour.

    I haven't heard from DS#1 at all about the cover. I am getting worried about him. In the absence of anything from him I had a little play with a photo this pm and, to my amazement, actually produced something half decent. Never tried anything like it before. I also wrote my author bio for the endpapers.
    "Heather Eyles is the author of several books for children, including "Well I Never" and "The Trouble With Herbert". This is not a children's book."
    DH said, "You're right there!" :laugh: >:)

    Must get on with my Chinese fish.
    I love all salad leaves, especially the ones that look like weeds! I like the spicy ones best and I adore rocket, (arugula)

    Love you all and I thank you for your patience with me about my book crisis. :love:

    Heather UK
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Ok ... I'm definitely out of sorts today ... posted a rant reply on some big facebook post about food stamps ... I'm sure it would have been lost among the hundreds of others, but then I went back and deleted it to be sure. I'm not sure why I just didn't leave it ... my thoughts about the subject didn't change, but I know I'm among the minority on the subject.

    Was talking to a nurse at older son's doctor's office ... the nurse asked a question on a medication change. We had just dropped from (7) 125mg capsules to (6) 125 mg capsules. The nurse couldn't figure out how many mg total he was taking. I said ... multiply 6 times 125 ... the nurse shook his head and said I can't figure it out ... let's just say my confidence took a nose dive ...

    Now off to infusion center for younger son's migraine ...


    Beth in WNY
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    edited April 2015
    Beth - I thought all young people had a calculator on their phones! :noway: :*:'(
  • donna7763
    donna7763 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello All,

    I'm new to the community. I'm crazy busy, but I think this is something I need--a little accountability and encouragement.

    April Goals (only 3 weeks left)

    Cardio--3x week
    Body Pump--2x week
    yoga--1x week

    Stick with it, even when I have a weak day in terms of eating. I'm SOOO impatient and easily frustrated with this kind of stuff.

    Keep a positive attitude.

    I'm 7 pounds away from my goal, so I'm hoping to lose 1 pound/week (3 pounds)
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,868 Member
    Happy Wednesday. It is a deary day, been trying to rain and all we are getting so far is mist. I am working an 8 hour shift today so planning to walk home. I am feeling better today as got about 7 hours sleep last evening.
    When we got home from work last evening the neighbors were moving out. Happy Dance!!! I was concerned as with the weather warming up I was afraid of all night partys and beer bottles in my yard. But not have to worry about it now. I just hope the next one that move in are better. In the 12 years since we bought our house this is the first time we have had trouble with the people living there.
    DS and family from Iowa are coming to visit this weekend. They are to be here tomorrow evening and stay till Sunday. So I am hoping that DS and I can get along the whole time they are here. He knows how to push my buttons.
    Joyce--I use cinnamon sticks all over my kitchen and I keep them there year round and having no problems.
    Katla--I agree I can not do a good cry. There are times I wish I could, only thing I do well is get pissed!. I decided this morning to take another apporach. I emailed her and offered to help do the schedule since she has so many new things to learn. She said that would be fine and after talking since this one is late coming out she is going to use the one the old boss and I did yesterday and the next one we will work on. So hoping this will make things better. I know for now I feel better about it. Congrates on the NVS smaller size.
    Damit--our boss above my superisor doesn't have a clue. He had knee surgery so was off most last week and this week he is doing only half days. He has no idea what goes on down here. He is mostly doesn't want to know.
    sweetnsassy--What a cutie!! Thanks for sharing.
    Well ladies have a good evening and remember we are not in this alone.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE

    1. Log everybite
    2. No snaking after 8 pm
    3. No computer after 9 pm
    4. Look for Joy and Blessings in each day
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,196 Member
    edited April 2015

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,196 Member
    I am not even going to try to catch up! I have been off track and off MFP since my last post here in March. Too much going on in my life!

    Good news, I sold my house in TN (tentative closing date 4/24/15)--- Bad news is I will need to pay in at the closing (losing money)---Good news is that I will take a 'vacation' to attend the closing and visit my daughter and BFF in TN.

    Good news, my son has been clean for almost 3 months now.

    Bad news/good news -- consolidating all my credit cards to get my finances back on track so I can retire at 65 (in 6 years!)

    Good news: my colonoscopy came back with no problems!
    Bad news: my DH had his done for first time and 9 pre-cancerous polyps were removed---- good news is that it saved his life!

    Quick updates. I am at work and have to get back to it. I love my job but it has been hectic for the last month!

    Goals for March were met at about 75% so not entirely off track.
    Rita in CT

    Words for the year:
    Determination and Moderation

    April Goals:
    Finalize TN house sale (tentative closing date: 4/24/15)
    Exercise at least 12 times this month (not even once since 4/1)
    Eat 4 veggies a day, and 2 fruits a day (not bad so far)
    Record what I eat. (again, not once since 4/1)

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Welcome newbies; keep coming here, posting and let us get to know you!

    Oh, Beth........I certainly qualify as out of sorts today!!!!!......I soooo wish we could sit and have a cuppa and be out of sorts together!

    Heather........Loved reading all about you getting this book written and ready!!!! Hope your DS does get in touch. We will mow this weekend too for the first time..

    Terri........My DD is going to be 23 this July, but she's sort of in a financial limbo with all the school still in front of her. We are currently paying her phone, her car/life/health insurance, and she's driving my 03 Toyota with me taking care of maintaining it. It looks like these bills will continue to be ours. While working three (part time) jobs, I have to say she's not saving nearly as much as she should..........and, she has NO clue what's ahead financially for her.......she will be borrowing at least 20,000 a year and trying to pay by herself for the rest of the yearly tuition and then there will be her rent, gas, groceries, dog expense etc.......all supposed to come out of what she's saving during this gap year, lol. This kid is in for one BIG wake up. I figure that if she can afford to have wine or other alcohol drink almost every night, she simply doesn't qualify for any extra money from me. Then, last night, DH speaks up and offers to pay for her to have dog training sessions with Gemma........good grief!!!!!!, ALL that is common sense and consistency or can be found on youtube or elsewhere the web. The dog listens to me, no problem. I just wanted to tape the man's mouth shut. Well, this sure turned into a rant.

    Made up my mind to go to the meeting tonight before I throttle someone here. I need to see other people.


  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Yanniejannie - I understand how frustrating it is (((((hugs))))). That's why I put my foot down with my DD about cash. If she can get tattoos and body-piercings and buy cigarettes, she should be able to pay her own bills. It just makes me feel better to pay for the "necessities", like I'm NOT contributing to the tattoos or cigarettes (even though I know I am assisting in a round-about way). I guess this is my brain's way of helping without enabling. I could be wrong, but it works for me. I'm confident that my parents felt the same way when I was in that age group (I was the sensible yet crazy eldest child in my family). My DH would stand beside me and tell me to NOT give her any money (it shouldn't matter, but he is the step-dad, and he's VERY cheap). But her biological Dad gives her everything anytime, and I suspect he plans on keeping her dependant on purpose (he sabotaged me every chance he got when we were married, because he was afraid I would leave - guess what? I did!) And I noticed that his Mom was the same with him Give him enough lead, but not so much that he becomes completely independent. It's a fine grey line, and you have to do what works best for your situation. Thanks for ranting. I hope it helped, and continues to get to whatever you consider better. (((((Hugs ! ! !)))))
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Rita - I am SO happy to see your post! I had made up my mind that I was going to check in on you tonight since I knew you have been having a "dark" time and I wanted to see how you were managing. Looks like you're managing pretty well!
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Rita ~ loved your good news/bad news writings. Glad you and your DH got the tests done. I need to have one but am too chicken at the thought of drinking the yucky liquids. I gag at the thought of taking Milk of Magnesia.

    Yeah for me! I called Comcast and a very nice customer support rep helped me get my wireless working. I had to reset the modem to factory settings and use a different wifi name. Now, we can see Netflix on the television.

    My Pom is hating the hotter weather. He laid in front of the air vent in the bathroom today hoping cool air would come out....the air is not on yet. He's also developing more sores which I think is due to the pollen.

    JaneMartin ~ hope you get moved without any more trouble.

    Vicki ~ glad you are beginning to get the work schedule worked out.

    Jan ~ continued good thought for a quick healing. I don't know why the dr's advising you to curtail all activities although I think overexerting could be bad. I'm sure that feeling upset and antsy could make you want to eat more.

    Today, my neck, hip and knees are hurting. May be the weather.

    Carol ~ GA

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    I want to go to Beth's and YannieJannie's BMW party!

    Welcome back, Kevrit. I enjoyed your post. If reminded me of that old routine from HeeHaw. That's good, no, that's bad, that's bad. No, that's good.

    You guys rock!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    The good news is that the test is over and they didn't find anything serious. The bad news is the still didn't find what's causing the problem. So, I have to go in on Friday for an X-ray with contrast, looking for narrowing in the small intestine. They did find several polyps and diverticulosis, which apparently is common in us "older" people. In the meantime I'm ok to eat anything I want again, including raw vegetables. Yippee!

    Had a new experience today. The nurse was trying to start an iv and gave up on the back of my hand, then tried the crook of my elbow. She missed the vein and was digging around in there and must have hit a nerve because bolts of what felt like electricity shot all the way to my fingertips. She gave up and called in another nurse and said she couldn't do it because I'm too sensitive and I jerk around. Gee, I wonder why. The second nurse got it in one try.

    I'm one of those who loves iceberg lettuce. I like the sweetness and crispness, and it's not totally devoid of nutrition. I can add other things like tomatoes, peas, fruit, etc, and I never use dressing, so I want it to taste good. I hate spinach and kale, but can tolerate romaine. I remember a few years ago, during a visit to hubby's sisters, one of the sisters was planning to make dinner and asked me what kind of lettuce I liked and I said iceberg. She was aghast, and relayed the information to the other sister, right in front of me, like I wasn't even there, saying it was completely useless, nutritionally. I felt humiliated, but she asked me what kind I liked, not what kind I thought was good for me. I noted that in the end, she did NOT serve iceberg, but spinach. (I didn't eat it.). Told me a lot about my new SIL.

    Rita, we've missed you!

    Viviana, welcome! Tell us what it's like to live in Italy. I can't imagine trying to lose weight in a place with so much delicious food! I love Italian food!

    Heather, my feet are always cold too. Even in summer.

    Well, I'm just on page 13, and think I missed part of page 12, and now I see that page 14 has just popped up, so I've got more reading to do.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's joke of the day:


    As a butcher is shooing a dog from his shop, he sees $10 and a note in his mouth, reading: "10 lamb chops, please."

    Amazed, he takes the money, puts a bag of chops in the dog's mouth, and quickly closes the shop. He follows the dog and watches him wait for a green light, look both ways, and trot across the road to a bus stop. The dog checks the timetable and sits on the bench. When a bus arrives, he walks around to the front and looks at the number, then boards the bus. The butcher follows, dumbstruck.

    As the bus travels out into the suburbs, the dog takes in the scenery. After awhile he stands on his back paws to push the "stop" button, then the butcher follows him off.

    The dog runs up to a house and drops his bag on the stoop. He goes back down the path, takes a big run, and throws himself -Whap! - Against the door. He does this again and again. No answer. So he jumps on a wall, walks around the garden, beats his head against a window, jumps off, and waits at the front door. A big guy opens it and starts cursing and pummeling the dog.

    The butcher runs up screams at the guy: "What the hell are you doing? This dog's a genius!"

    The owner responds, "Genius, no way! It's the second time this week he's forgotten his key!"

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Pip, you are shootin' blanks. :)
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Thursday morning here and a GOOD sleep. Blaize slept ALL night in his dog bed
    Blaize was named by the shelter as he has a white chest blaze. He responds to that but husband calls him rascal.
    Let him out in garden at 6.30 am then he ran straight in and jumped on Stan's face in bed, HOWLS from Stan, not a way to be woken up, He shouted at Blaize who ran away and then crept back on his belly oops. Gave Blaize his breakfast
    He is now on 100 g meat, cooked veg and 50 g biscuits for breakfast and dinner.

    My food = 1811; training = Wii boxing, JJ's Circuit B, JJ's belly Blast and 20 minute dog walk = 456 cals.

    Going to doctor this afternoon to report on new meds, all OK; then Sport's Nutritionist for official weigh-in

    Went to neighbour Susan's yesterday and Blaize ran around with her 2 dogs. Boy can he run fast and hold his own with the 2 dogs. He got extra meat last night. Wore him out ha ha

    Lesley in Tasmania