

  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    annonm wrote: »
    The first time i tried to eat healthy was when i tried kale.........there was a bug in it so it ruined veggies for me. :
    The first time I tried to eat oysters, one of them was still alive - I could see its little heart beating. I couldn't do it, so my friend happily scarfed it down instead.

    It was in France. Knowing nod.
  • Lefty1290
    Lefty1290 Posts: 551 Member
    I would estimate that most of my wardrobe comes from the thrift stores (GoodWill & The Salvation Army) & Wal-Mart/Target.

    Yep, me too. I've gotten so many nice clothes from thrift stores. Definitely helps stretch my budget.

    I love when I can find a name brand or designer item for dirt cheap.

    My favorite is finding things that say new with tag for around $20.00 & it's something that looks like it's been sitting in someone's closet for 10-15 years.

    My mom finds all sorts of brand name new clothes with the tags at thrift stores. I don't mind shopping there.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I love Modcloth but I wouldn't dare spending so much without trying them first, and with my luck my cat would destroy it in a day or something anyway... so I go cheap instead.

    Confession - I had gelato at lunch so I would resist buying some tonight when we go to the ice cream place for a school fundraiser but my willpower is wavering and I might end up getting some anyway... been craving a good old sundae with caramel and whipped cream in a waffle cone pretty badly. And there's no way it's fitting in my calories today.

    And we decided to go to the food truck festival tomorrow so it's fair to say I will probably go over on my calories this week again (I only have 400 saved up this week, although I've been more active so with some luck my TDEE is higher now).

    The Food Truck Festival sounds amazing.

    I've read that Modcloth has a pretty lenient return policy.
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    I feel deeply uncomfortable around rich people. Upper middle class even. If they were poor growing up, and became well-off, I am okay. We have a shared experience. If they are rich plumbers,nurses, electricians, or mechanics, I get along just fine.

    But if they were born into wealthy families, with college educated parents, and like, that sort of stuff, I have no idea how to talk to them. What could we possibly have in common? I just cant relax, and avoid them whenever possible.

    Sort of like when my husband was in the military. There were enlisted, and there were officers. We did not mingle. The officers wives kept their distance, and we enlisted's wives kept our distance from them as well.


  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    I just bought the party size bag of dark chocolate M&M's from Costco.. I should know better as I will be lucky if they last the week. I just sabotaged myself :neutral:

    We have Sam's club. That place is like a crack house for me. I don't go too often and when I do I only try to buy the stuff I really need. In the past I let my guard down and came home with loads of bulk candies, poptarts, cakes/cookies, etc. "It was not a good day" (as Marie Osmond would say LOL)

    We have a tendency to eat at the café when we go there because it's so incredibly cheap. A ginormous piece of pizza and a 32 oz. soda for $1.99. Yes, please! Plus, my husband and daughter LOVE the 4 berry frozen yogurt sundae and it's only $.99!
    is this cafe called costco?
  • Lefty1290
    Lefty1290 Posts: 551 Member
    Today, I will be in the green for the first time since 4/6. Yay.
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    lalabrucey wrote: »
    The sound of heavy breathers irritates me. I know I should be more tolerant but there is a woman at one of the supermarkets I visit who is scowling permanently while scanning groceries and all I hear is 'hmphhhh hmphhhh humphhhh...' almost in a perfect rhythm - drives me to distraction!
    I am very anxious about annoying people with my breathing, for some reason. I used to have a friend who was a very heavy mouth breather, and I sometimes saw people giggling at her in the halls at school. I sometimes hold my breath in for long periods of time to avoid making any sort of noise. I'm probably just breathing normally, but I'm so blasted paranoid of annoying people hahaha! It gets to the point where I give myself massive headaches. I'm also scared of appearing out of shape by over-breathing, if you get what I mean... so in the winter when it is cold enough to see your breath, I hold mine in if people are around to see how much I'm breathing. DUMB, I know!

  • shawnaes91
    shawnaes91 Posts: 60 Member
    Ugh I've been eating terrible this week. I keep ending up in the red even with exercise. I met my goal of one pound lost this week but still I need to get my eating in check. I feel terrible because I know I need to control myself.
  • lalabrucey
    lalabrucey Posts: 244 Member
    lalabrucey wrote: »
    The sound of heavy breathers irritates me. I know I should be more tolerant but there is a woman at one of the supermarkets I visit who is scowling permanently while scanning groceries and all I hear is 'hmphhhh hmphhhh humphhhh...' almost in a perfect rhythm - drives me to distraction!
    I am very anxious about annoying people with my breathing, for some reason. I used to have a friend who was a very heavy mouth breather, and I sometimes saw people giggling at her in the halls at school. I sometimes hold my breath in for long periods of time to avoid making any sort of noise. I'm probably just breathing normally, but I'm so blasted paranoid of annoying people hahaha! It gets to the point where I give myself massive headaches. I'm also scared of appearing out of shape by over-breathing, if you get what I mean... so in the winter when it is cold enough to see your breath, I hold mine in if people are around to see how much I'm breathing. DUMB, I know!

    Oh gosh, don't do that o:) ... its the *really* heavy breathers that catch my attention not just a bit of audible sound - thats normal B) . I'm talking if you had just run for 20 minutes and then tried to breath only through your nose while you slowed your heat rate down.

    Oh no, I'm horrible!
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    lalabrucey wrote: »
    lalabrucey wrote: »
    The sound of heavy breathers irritates me. I know I should be more tolerant but there is a woman at one of the supermarkets I visit who is scowling permanently while scanning groceries and all I hear is 'hmphhhh hmphhhh humphhhh...' almost in a perfect rhythm - drives me to distraction!
    I am very anxious about annoying people with my breathing, for some reason. I used to have a friend who was a very heavy mouth breather, and I sometimes saw people giggling at her in the halls at school. I sometimes hold my breath in for long periods of time to avoid making any sort of noise. I'm probably just breathing normally, but I'm so blasted paranoid of annoying people hahaha! It gets to the point where I give myself massive headaches. I'm also scared of appearing out of shape by over-breathing, if you get what I mean... so in the winter when it is cold enough to see your breath, I hold mine in if people are around to see how much I'm breathing. DUMB, I know!

    Oh gosh, don't do that o:) ... its the *really* heavy breathers that catch my attention not just a bit of audible sound - thats normal B) . I'm talking if you had just run for 20 minutes and then tried to breath only through your nose while you slowed your heat rate down.

    Oh no, I'm horrible!
    No, I'm the one with the problem there :P I think it just goes hand in hand with my anxiety. I know what you're talking about... and heavy breathers can actually annoy me too, along with people who chew with their mouths open. HUGE pet peeve! :persevere: You're not horrible at all!

  • lalabrucey
    lalabrucey Posts: 244 Member
    lalabrucey wrote: »
    lalabrucey wrote: »
    The sound of heavy breathers irritates me. I know I should be more tolerant but there is a woman at one of the supermarkets I visit who is scowling permanently while scanning groceries and all I hear is 'hmphhhh hmphhhh humphhhh...' almost in a perfect rhythm - drives me to distraction!
    I am very anxious about annoying people with my breathing, for some reason. I used to have a friend who was a very heavy mouth breather, and I sometimes saw people giggling at her in the halls at school. I sometimes hold my breath in for long periods of time to avoid making any sort of noise. I'm probably just breathing normally, but I'm so blasted paranoid of annoying people hahaha! It gets to the point where I give myself massive headaches. I'm also scared of appearing out of shape by over-breathing, if you get what I mean... so in the winter when it is cold enough to see your breath, I hold mine in if people are around to see how much I'm breathing. DUMB, I know!

    Oh gosh, don't do that o:) ... its the *really* heavy breathers that catch my attention not just a bit of audible sound - thats normal B) . I'm talking if you had just run for 20 minutes and then tried to breath only through your nose while you slowed your heat rate down.

    Oh no, I'm horrible!
    No, I'm the one with the problem there :P I think it just goes hand in hand with my anxiety. I know what you're talking about... and heavy breathers can actually annoy me too, along with people who chew with their mouths open. HUGE pet peeve! :persevere: You're not horrible at all!

    Haha yea know exactly what you mean. Open mouth chewing *and* talking at the same time....I need a cup of tea I think!
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    Is this thread about diet and exercise confessions, or just about anything? (I wasn't going to read through 411 pages to see when it changed).
    - I don't measure my portions, I just guess, so I am pretty sure my calories are not right.
    - oh, and I HATE beets! Just typing this gave me the huzzes.

    It can be Anything!

    I was at work reading this thread and didn't get a chance to look at all the dresses from modcloth and 1861 so I spent a few hours after dinner. I love what I saw but feel that I need to hit my gw first (I don't want to buy fancy stuff only to shrink more and it become too big). I was also browsing all the leggings and tights from sock dreams. Now all I want to do is go on a massive shopping spree for dresses, leggings/tights, and cute shoes.
  • Noelv1976
    Noelv1976 Posts: 18,948 Member
    Sometimes, I go to to check calories on restaurant menus :s
  • hotjacki85
    hotjacki85 Posts: 287 Member
    I weigh myself weekly but only if i lost weight. If I gained my pride is too hurt to log ut
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    Noelv1976 wrote: »
    Sometimes, I go to to check calories on restaurant menus :s
    I'll check calorie king or Walmarts website if I want to double check a database entry.

  • FromAshes2Beast
    FromAshes2Beast Posts: 114 Member
    Work pretty much ruined my whole day. So now it's time to down a bunch of whiskey.
  • lalabrucey
    lalabrucey Posts: 244 Member
    edited April 2015
    Noelv1976 wrote: »
    Sometimes, I go to to check calories on restaurant menus :s
    I'll check calorie king or Walmarts website if I want to double check a database entry.

    Is there an equivalent to show kilojoules? New Zealand or Australia would be ideal if anyone can suggest a grocery site displaying this info :)
  • lalabrucey
    lalabrucey Posts: 244 Member
    Noelv1976 wrote: »
    Sometimes, I go to to check calories on restaurant menus :s
    I'll check calorie king or Walmarts website if I want to double check a database entry.

  • overlook237
    overlook237 Posts: 160 Member
    I sometimes check the "missed connections" section of Craigslist in my area in the secret hope that someone will post about seeing me, thinking that I was cute, and wishing that they'd talked to me. It's silly, I know, and if anyone actually did post anything that I thought was about me, I'd never answer. But still...

    I blame all the romantic comedies that I'm hopelessly addicted to. :)
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    I just bought the party size bag of dark chocolate M&M's from Costco.. I should know better as I will be lucky if they last the week. I just sabotaged myself :neutral:

    We have Sam's club. That place is like a crack house for me. I don't go too often and when I do I only try to buy the stuff I really need. In the past I let my guard down and came home with loads of bulk candies, poptarts, cakes/cookies, etc. "It was not a good day" (as Marie Osmond would say LOL)

    We have a tendency to eat at the café when we go there because it's so incredibly cheap. A ginormous piece of pizza and a 32 oz. soda for $1.99. Yes, please! Plus, my husband and daughter LOVE the 4 berry frozen yogurt sundae and it's only $.99!
    is this cafe called costco?

    Sam's Club. I guess it's like Costco.