Things That Make You Irrationally Angry



  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    a.Leaving the microwave without canceling the timer (if one got out the food before the time was up)
    b.Not covering food while microwaving, or not wiping it down after spills

    a.Taking mobile phones (and worse, talking on) into the loo
    b.Not washing hands post-loo use
    c.Not “mercy flushing” if one is going for a long-call (thus choking and/or needing a gas mask if in
    neighbouring stall)
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    bepeejaye wrote: »
    a.Leaving the microwave without canceling the timer (if one got out the food before the time was up)
    b.Not covering food while microwaving, or not wiping it down after spills

    a.Taking mobile phones (and worse, talking on) into the loo
    b.Not washing hands post-loo use
    c.Not “mercy flushing” if one is going for a long-call (thus choking and/or needing a gas mask if in
    neighbouring stall)

    A hundred times, YES! I thought I was the only one the microwave thing bothered. Jerk faces do this at my work all the time. It annoys me more than it should.

    Also, other people not washing their hands after using the restroom, is the #1 reason I don't touch anything with my bare hands after having washed them. I'll use paper towels or my shirt or something to not have to touch the door handle.

  • ladykate26
    ladykate26 Posts: 1,134 Member
    I also despise the microwave timer thing.... Just press cancel, it's not that hard!!!!!

    I also can't stand it when people hang their toilet roll on backwards and it hangs down the back. It should be pulled from the front and I will switch it around in other people's houses!
  • RunTimer
    RunTimer Posts: 9,137 Member
    edited April 2015
    When people say "literally" when they are speaking figuratively
  • Huerita_Sarinana
    Huerita_Sarinana Posts: 1,048 Member
    Pots and pans making noises -___-
  • cdh2015
    cdh2015 Posts: 57 Member
    When people write "loose" instead of "lose"...
  • ladykate26
    ladykate26 Posts: 1,134 Member
    When people say 'Pacific' instead of 'specific'
  • RunTimer
    RunTimer Posts: 9,137 Member
    "intensive purposes" instead of "intents and purposes"
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    ladykate26 wrote: »
    I also despise the microwave timer thing.... Just press cancel, it's not that hard!!!!!

    I also can't stand it when people hang their toilet roll on backwards and it hangs down the back. It should be pulled from the front and I will switch it around in other people's houses!

    Drives me crazy when it doesn't hang down the back! I had an Aunt visit once and she would turn it around just to bug me! ;)

  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    ladykate26 wrote: »
    I also despise the microwave timer thing.... Just press cancel, it's not that hard!!!!!

    I also can't stand it when people hang their toilet roll on backwards and it hangs down the back. It should be pulled from the front and I will switch it around in other people's houses!

    ^^This! I would rather it hang from the front.

    Also those that do not replace when it is almost gone, and leave just a little tiny sheet on there

  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    edited April 2015
    Snooty, judgemental nurses and diabetic educators who probably have been size zero their whole lives and talk condescending to people who have weight problems.

    Smack Down!

    I had one literally treat me like I am mentally challenged. I almost had "medical manic rage", she is lucky there were no objects in my reach. I considered bashing her with the food log, wishing it was a substantial redwood log. I quashed the random thought and focused on her chirpy voice, high pitched, like a small rodent. And considered my response to her question, "Did I understand "CICO"?".
  • DaneanP
    DaneanP Posts: 433 Member
    ^^^^just ask to work with someone else. If anyone asks why, be blunt and honest about it.
  • TheonlyMrsRobinson
    TheonlyMrsRobinson Posts: 1 Member
    Making sandwiches
  • cheryld12001
    cheryld12001 Posts: 34 Member
    It tears me out of my frame when people who are able to work sign up and receive disability!!!!! That's what's wrong with our country.Too many handouts!
  • DaneanP
    DaneanP Posts: 433 Member
    If you are aware of anyone committing fraud with regard to SSD, TANF, SNAP, Section 8 Housing, or any other government program you can report it to the authorities. I think the problem with people thinking there are "too many handouts" is that people like to complain about fraud but never do anything substantive about it.
  • cheryld12001
    cheryld12001 Posts: 34 Member
    Options one person can make a difference with the hundreds of thousands who are committing fraud daily.
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    wolfsbayne wrote: »

    Why do I become irrationally angry over Nutella, you ask? Because it's freaking candy masquerading as a food option. Do I care if everyone eats candy for every meal? No, that's the ideal. I frigging love candy.

    But don't sell the candy as a healthy food option to get kids to eat breakfast and whatnot. "My kids would never eat breakfast and were totes starving. Then I found this magic spread called Nutella, and now the little chubbers* won't stop eating breakfast. It's a miracle!"

    You know what else is a breakfast "miracle" when your kids won't eat? Ice cream. But does ice cream do this nonsense? Of course not. Ice cream is honest about its intentions. Nutella needs to take a note from ice cream and just be real about itself.

    Nutella, you are not a breakfast staple. Get over yourself and just be the delicious treat that everyone wants.

    That Nutella thread totally inspired this.

    *No, I'm not saying that eating Nutella will make you fat if you are in a deficit, etc., etc.

    Nutella makes me angry for another reason. I refuse to eat it because of the hoopla surrounding it. I did cave to the equaling hoopla around Quest bars though.

    Confession: I have never eaten Nutella because of its lieeessssss. I have eaten other similar products due to their tastiness. If Nutella would act right, then maybe we could be together. But ATM, nope, Nutella.

    Nutella :love: I just eat it because I like it.

    Me too. I like it with Ritz crackers the best I think. I have also filled crescent rolls with it and baked them then sprinkled them with cinnamon and sugar. I did not pass this off as a health food though. I called it what it was, dessert. A delicious warm, crunchy, gooey dessert.

    Holy crap! With ritz crackers??? Yes please!

  • DaneanP
    DaneanP Posts: 433 Member
    Options one person can make a difference with the hundreds of thousands who are committing fraud daily.

    Well, not if everyone felt like you did. If everyone did something instead of just complaining, then yes a difference could be made.

  • kristen_wino
    kristen_wino Posts: 67 Member
    edited April 2015
    When I'm in someone's kitchen, and I see mismatched coffee cups. And when ppl drag there feet when they walk, when I'm in my workplace. Pick up your feet!!
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    When I'm in someone's kitchen, and I see mismatched coffee cups. And when ppl drag there feet when they walk, when I'm my workplace. Pick up your feet!!

    I have mismatched coffee cups. I have the ones that go with my dishes, but then I have the ones I always use that are mismatched.