
  • angels2013
    angels2013 Posts: 31 Member
    I will contribute add me
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    edited April 2015
    Good eve,no real news here. Yesterday was soggy,tho nothing but warmer & sunny forecasted.
    Had country style ribs,greenpeas & salad today.Everything tasted good.

    Looks like I need to find a new purse,old one bit the dust.....just when I thought it would last forever. :/ Hate shopping for a purse...know what I need & will look till I find it. Thought I did,but had to return it. Two zippers were sewn in wonky.

    Michelle,there seems to be a ton of Painted Turtles listed.

    Someone couldn't find Borax....in Walmart,it's 20 Mule Team Borax,sold in laundry dept.Better close now,or will be cut off. Pat
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Hey, DeeDee - I would love to meet up. I'd even drive to you in NC! Of course it would have to be a weekend for me. :/

    Yes, fully physically recovered from the surgery. Need to get my head back in the game though, and am finding motivation lacking! The cardio / weight area of Y has been closed all this past week while they put in all new equipment. That will be v-e-r-y nice!

    We've decided on a week's vacation in the New Orleans area before too long. We have a friend in Breaux Bridge and DH has loads of others down there. Will spend a couple of days in the city. (If I have to listen to endless cajun and zydeco music DH will have to humor me at a couple of gardens, walking around, etc.) He's a foodie so it will be paradise for him!

    We have also talked about bringing my older brother/his wife to ATL for a visit later in the year. They'd never spend the money themselves, and it would be less expensive than us going where they are. (I am a woman focused on paying off the mortgage these days.)

    Gail, metro ATL
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    smiley-happy110.gif This has been a perfect day. Jake had a class in the morning that ended with a potluck lunch so I had the house to myself from 9-2. Did my strength training, household bookkeeping on QuickBooks, laundry, time on the exercise bike, and a lunch of foods that Jake doesn't eat. I watched old episodes of "Grey's Anatomy" from 2005 while I did my chores. The dogs got walked a lot (18,000 steps). When Jake got home we all took a nap to be ready for a meeting tonight that will keep us up later than our usual bedtime.

    <3 Barbie
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did an hour of yoga for strength and flexibility DVD today. The plan for tomorrow is to do a bit of pilates, hold my plank, and then do the Jari Love Get Ripped and Chiseled DVD. Then need to go to the church to count the money from the collections, will take it to the bank and meet dh who needs to mail some packages (the post office is across the street from the bank)

    You know, yesterday it was rainy and today it isn't rainy but it is chilly. I'm going to ask (they probably won't let me but I'll ask anyway) if on Thurs I can take home some of the paint for ceramics and then bring it back on Monday. I'm not very hopeful, but it certainly can't hurt to ask. The worst they can say is "no".

    Found out a while ago that the Y near me is planning to get a rowing machine. Can't wait. There is one at another branch, but I rarely go there. It'll be cool to have it at the branch near me

    Janet - why would I need a vehicle to where we are transported? What if I want to go somewhere to exercise?

    Carol in NC
    - good for you getting out! I'm proud of you

    Mary from MN
    - Actually, the recipe is for brownies with marshmallow cream. I just found that no matter what I did, the marshmallow always came thru the brownies. So I just eliminate it. There's flour, cocoa powder, salt, butter, chocolate, eggs, sugar, vanilla and chocolate chips on top. No icing, but they do come out quite gooey. I've cut them up, will take them out of the pan tomorrow and take them to ceramics tomorrow night in case I don't get there Tuesday

    Alison - I used to love Sicilian pizza, but lately it hasn't appealed to me at all. Not crazy about all that crust. The other difference between a Sicilian and regular pizza is that on a regular pizza the cheese is on top of the tomato sauce. In a Sicilian it's the other way around. But it's still good. Just looked at my phone and it's 80 down at our place in FL. Which air museum are you going to? My father was in the Air Corps and they have a museum in Windsor Locks.

    DeeDee - you go boss those guys, they need it!

    barbie - I wouldn't expect to be doing anything else except walking (well, maybe biking) after we get to our destination on the transporter.

    Finished the Christmas tree skirt. Here's a picture of it. Now to start on the next tree skirt. Hope I haven't bitten off more than I can chew!

    Margaret - the picture looks truly fantastic! I like it better the new way than the old way.

    Gail - how wonderful it would be to have family close by!

    mdhoskins - welcome! You CAN do it!

    DeeDee - has the sun decided to shine by you? It hasn't by me.

    Lisa - welcome! Impressive chart. Thanks for posting it

    drkatie - you'd make a wonderful facilitator. Go for it!

    angels - welcome!

    Michele in NC

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Desktop connected for the moment so much easier to type and to take notes as I go. I love all the chatter about the Battle of the Ants. I hope the ants are the losers in this one. They are so pesky.

    Katla, your fuchsia sounds lovely. I would move it to a spot with less wind. We seem to have a wind tunnel between our house and the neighbor also. That is where DH goes to cool off after he’s been mowing. There always seems to be a breeze there, if not a down right wind.

    Peachstategal, sorry about the blouse not fitting, but at least you got the message that you need to lay off the pizza for breakfast. :'(

    Heather, I have never made fondant icing, only seen it used on some of the cooking shows. A cake like you are making is what most of us have to pay for someone else to do. What a talented lady.

    Carey, good for you on getting out the bike. And for sure, any exercise is better than none. I hate to be like this, but if I take a trip for any reason,. It has to be someplace warm. I only mentioned Vegas, because you can get there easily from anywhere.

    Margaretturk, the painting looks great. Is there a significance to the missing tacks around the frame?

    Allison, so glad you and your Dad enjoyed the air museum. I think you deserve to put your feet up after all that walking.

    Gail, how nice to get to visit with your cousin and her hubby. When we lived in Atlanta, we often had friends fly through but sometimes the layovers weren’t worth the drive from Dunwoody. Get those bills paid and share the irises with us.

    Lisa, welcome. This group is great for support and information. It sounds like you know what you are doing and off to a great start. MFP just makes it easier. Come often and post when you feel like it.

    Katie, it sounds like you enjoy staying busy? The job does sound right up your alley. Keep us posted when you can find the time.

    Angles, welcome. Please tell us a bit about yourself so we can get to know you. Good luck with your journey.

    Pat, good luck with finding the right purse. I find them all the time when I don’t want to buy one. Of course when you do want one that is when you can’t find them. I bought a new one recently (wasn’t looking for one then) and when I got home, realized I had two almost new ones very similar to it. Needless to say, it went back.

    Gail, have fun if you go to NO. It has so much to offer that everyone should be happy. I’m with you on paying off the mortgage. We’ve just put a plan in place to do that, although it’s going to take some time.

    Barbie, nice to hear that you had another lazy day, sitting around eating bon bons. LOL :D You are gonna walk those dogs to death! Glad you got to enjoy the day and hope the meeting doesn’t last too late.

    Michele, the transporter will gladly transport you to the transporter room, eh, ah, I mean exercise place. The tree skirt came out great! I know you have to be pleased with it.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    We had the installation of officers at the Moose this afternoon and it was very nice. I'm taking on a minor roll that doesn't require a lot of extra time other than being at the meetings twice a month. Afterward food was served, brought by the members. I had a tiny spoon of German Potato Salad and a sandwich made on 1 large piece of wheat bread. They had deli meats that were yummy. I so rarely eat sandwiches any more so it was a nice treat. I resisted all the high carb sides that were served. I wasn't going to even look at the dessert table but someone kept talking about some peanut butter something so I went and got a small spoon of it. O M G, it was to die for!!! I don't know what all was in it, but seemed to have a pudding base, a layer with p b something and topped with whipped cream and caramel drizzle. Oh yes and a graham cracker crust. I could have eaten at least 2 cups of it as rich as it was. But I stopped with my one little spoon. yeah me. I got tons of compliments on my new outfit and how much weight I'd lost. o:)

    I hope all you special ladies have a wonderful day and week ahead. <3

    A Touch of Humor:
    Grant me the senility to forget the people
    I never liked anyway,
    The good fortune to run into the ones I do, and
    The eyesight to tell the difference.

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Janet - I am happy that you looked great in your new outfit! All the sacrifice and hard work feels worth it when others acknowledge that they see a difference. Congratulations on the NSV!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • lattequeen2
    lattequeen2 Posts: 59 Member
    CynthiaT60 wrote: »
    Good morning everyone!

    Thanks for the new thread, Barbie!

    Sylvia: Sorry about the dog fight. I’m a firm believer in never giving anything from the table. That doesn’t mean no leftovers, but if mine gets something it’s after we’ve eaten (that’s important) and in his own bowl in the kitchen. I suspect this was a one-off thing with Spot and Molly and the food. My suggestion would be to try giving them the leftovers in their own bowls wherever that place is; that doesn’t seem to have been a problem. It might be that simple. I see that’s Kim’s philosophy too. Keep us posted! Agree with Chris; make sure the bite doesn’t get infected. If it’s any consolation, I tried to break up a cat fight once and got bitten too. It’s not that they’re attacking you, it’s just that you’re in the way…

    Cindy in MD: if you think of good strategies re travel and busyness, please share them!

    Carol: always glad to see you!

    I April fooled my guy. Last night when he was ready to get in the bed (the lights were already off) I told him I was proud of myself for getting a spider out of his side of the bed, but was not sure I got it all because it looked kind of funny. He freaked out, turned the lights on, and wanted to strip the bed. B)

    Here are a couple of photos of the colt born at our boarding farm two days ago. (Not my horse and not my farm, just to be clear.)
    The one in the stall is when he was 12 hours old. The ones outside were when he was a day old.


    Hope we all have a good day.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:


    love your horses Cynthia
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    <3 Michele, your tree skirt is great....I love penguins...it will look perfect under your tree.

    :) Janet, I never eat sandwiches at home so very rarely I'll have a sandwich at an event if the bread is really great.

    smiley-sleep012.gif Barbie...home from the evening meeting and off to bed later than usual
  • naiomi2015
    naiomi2015 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Home from convention. All went really well. Meet seemed productive. Although I still have one staff member that owes me a report.

    My workshop went well. I was not able to see the presenter notes for my keynote presentation. It's apple's version of power point. Still the workshop went really well. I got positive comments from our National Office's 2nd in command. I was so pleased and humbled because the topic of the workshop falls into his area of expertise. My bosses retirement event went just as we had hoped. Although I could not hold back the tears.

    I stayed close to my calori
    Count limit although it is hardes to tell when eating all hotel food. Yesterday and today my ankles and legs are swollen. It's only happened 1x before. That time I was on a train for 15 hours.

    Today is better than yesterday. However when I got home from a 2 1/2 hour ordination service the swelling was back and I had a lot of discomfort. Checked my blood presure and I was normal. Thinking it's a likely result of all the industrial food during the convention. Well something for me to keep an eye on.

    Sylvia Glad to read the good new re:your son.

    Thanks for the encouragement especially while I was at the convention. It really helped. I've caught up on reading posts will comment more diligently tomorrow PM.

    Naiomi2015 from 46F night in Massachusetts.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michele, your Christmas tree skirt is lovely. The only one I have ever made is one I made for my sister. I took the pre-quilted material from craft store in a maroon color and counted cross stitched several different scenes form a nativity scene all over it and then just sewed green bias tape on the edge to keep the quilt from fraying since it was one of those pre-made things. She loved it and that's what counted. I didn't turn out as fancy as I wanted it to.

    Sylvia, you have such grand ideas in the middle of he night. You might want to check what you are eating late at night. I only know how to skype or face time one person at a time. As far as each person making a meal. Well I don't think anyone wants to watch me make scrambled eggs. I made that for supper tonight. Yes, that's right, I cooked a meal. Yesterday was supposed to be very bad weather in the evening. so I planned on cooking supper last night, hoping that electricity would be on. I love scrambled eggs and breakfast stuff for supper. So I bought the Oscar Meyer carving board ham and some frozen hash brown patties. Well the weather didn't happen as they thought it would so husband convinced me that we could go out since Michelle was with us. So as we sat there at Bob Evans the storm came in and we watched it come in and then go away. So today he asks me if I wanted to make that supper tonight. I love it when I do that because when we go out, he thinks we have to 'beat the crowds' by eating at 5 PM. That makes my stomach go a long time between supper and my bedtime mini meal. He wants it earlier but if I am cooking he just has to sit and wait. So after the Hallmark movie was over at 6 I started. It was quite good.

    Janet, sometimes I have to read a book a second time to really get the jist of what the plot is.

    Katla, for some reason my ants didn't arrive this morning!!! After supper their country cousins did just to check out what was leftover in my sink from the dirty dishes in there. I looked at your link and that is the same brand as I bought last year and it didn't phase them at all. They just walked right over the traps and went to find their food for the day.

    Heather, did I catch that right???? You are writing another novel???? Do tell!!!!

    Margaret, the lady did a wonderful job on your old picture. I think it even highlights the picture more than the original, unless it is the lighting.

    Allison, I liked your picture you had on face book of him in the cockpit of one of the planes. Also the one of him playing the video game. Glad you had a good time. One for the memory book.

    De Dee, how do you back up an iPad? All I have on it that is that important is my pictures and the messages between my 2 daughters and me. We have a good time in those messages!

    Still the same weight today. That's OK, I rode my bike 7 1/2 miles (according to the bike) instead of the 7 miles I had been doing. Also I had a high sodium meal last night for supper. Michelle's work won some sort of award and the company is treating them to a day at our local amusement park Holiday World and Splashin Safari. She and I have always had a good time, well except high school and the next two years, and she told me that she would like for me to go with her. We always go in August to celebrate husband and oldest grand daughters birthday. One roller coaster ride a year is enough for me. I do enjoy that ride though. It's on a wooden coaster and you are thrown around and jostled quite a bit. But this year they have a new one called the Thunderbird and it is winged coaster so you aren't sitting on the track at all. You are on it's wings. It isn't winged. I am looking forward to it. If anyone is in this area with some young ones and want a good amusement park, this is a good one. Free parking, shuttle service, free drinks and sun screen. They have one first place internationally on many aspects, including this one wooden coaster, cleanliness and friendliness of staff. Plus it doesn't cost you an arm and a leg. One reason Michelle likes me to go with her is that with my scooter I have to ride, you go up through the exit to get a time to come back and then just go into the handicapped entrance when that time comes and get straight on. Plus where you enter is at the front so we usually get front seats! And the water park is wonderful. They have this wonderful water roller coaster!!!! We all went to Haunted Houses together. I taught them how to laugh at the haunted houses instead of being scared. All the friend liked to go with us because they weren't as scared. That's where I 'frisked' one 'mannequin' until I found out it wasn't a mannequin!!!! Gave him quite a feel!!!!

    Oh, my oldest daughter finally decided which of my dishes from my china cabinet she wanted. She wants the ones that had the most chance to gt money from an antique sale! But that's OK, she dearly loved my Mother and they were Mom's. She has never had a china cabinet or nice things. Now just getting them to her. Charlie is sure we can fit our cabinet in the back of our minivan. HMMM, doubt it.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,992 Member
    Morning ladies~
    Slept well.. and I think I finally fixed the darn Fit Bit..
    any of you that are friends with me on Facebook can see the pictures I posted.. I think my dad really enjoyed the day.. I have to try and do things with him more often.., I take all my time with everything else and he is what is most important.. maybe will see if I can get him down to Florida for a week at Christmas..will check flights now..dont work until 12:30 so will go take care of Faith and DFIL this morning
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,597 Member
    edited April 2015
    Good morning ladies!

    I have just sent off an email to the local radio. I'm trying to do something every day for publicity.
    Joyce - I started a book before I had breast cancer and it ground to a halt. Now I have to decide on another project I am considering whether to get back to it. I haven't written much of it as I couldn't decide which direction it was going in. I am choosing between that, my memoir, or publishing another of my 'back catalogue' :laugh: If I can get some ideas going I quite fancy carrying on with the book as it got off to a good start. :)

    DH at the cricket. On the way there I told him he was going too fast through the village. Ooops! ! ! ! Why are men so sensitive about their driving? :laugh:

    Thinking about what to wear and take with me to Nottingham on Wednesday. My friends I am seeing for lunch on Thursday have offered to have me stay with them, but I think I fancy staying in the hotel, even it is expensive. Quite a luxury for me! :D DS#1 says he will try to get off work a bit earlier. I haven't booked a meal yet, but I might ask him about that today. We have been texting, (miracles!). He told me his father has nearly sold his parents' house, so there might be the possibility of seeing my legacy soon. We both say we will believe it when the money is in our bank accounts. His mother died nearly 10 years ago. :noway: :sad:

    Margaret - the picture is lovely and the change in backing colour is perfect!

    Love to all. The blossom on the fruit trees in my garden is gorgeous. :bigsmile:

    Heather in sunny Hampshire UK

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Sunny day here. Off to gym soon for ladies stretch and light aerobics. Azaleas and dogwood trees are glorious right now. Still have not heard from friend and neither have other female friends; figure she is holed up at one of their vacation homes.

    Margaret....... That painting is so much brighter in the color of the new matting. She did a marvelous job!

    My mood is still "off", so I'll take myself to the gym and see if things do not improve.
    Best to all.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,202 Member
    Good Morning,

    Alison love the picture of your dad.

    Cynthia gorgeous horses.

    Janet the frame is over a hundred years old. If I make it that long I might be missing a few parts too. LOL
    The painting and frame would have more that likely been tossed when they cleaned out my mom's house.

    Unfortunately I now know I have other works of art I got from my mom that need new matting and glass. They did not start using acid free matting and uv glass consistently until the 80's. Adding it to my list of projects. What looks like water damage on the daffodils was actually caused by the matting. I know I will ask for Laura to do the reframing.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Thanks to all for the greetings... cooling down from 45 minutes on the elliptical (330 cal. burn, not that I trust the machines, didn't ask me if I was even male or female) and sipping coffee in my hotel room. Appreciate the welcome from all of you, and the support. Waiting until I see my NP before I decide how to set my goals for May.

    I may be TOO aggressive at this point. MFP is yelling at me every time I'm below 1,000 calories a day. Gah.

    Sorry. Too cranky for words this morning, hate being away from my husband. But... they flew me over here to make business relationships happen, so...

    I'm going to go get in the shower and wash off all the sweat and yesterday's travel and the weird looks from all the yuppies with their ties and cufflinks in the hotel breakfast room as they watched the odd little sweaty, chunky lady get a cup of coffee this morning... (OK, I might have imagined that). And I'm washing on my smile and businesslike demeanor.

    And I'm going to go out and kick some business butt.

    Yay me. :wink:

    Lisa in rainwashed East Texas and yearning for sunny West Texas and home

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Not much time to write this morning. Going to take the middle DGD to the dentist in Kansas City today. It's a consultation about "sedation" dentistry, because she fights the dentist so bad otherwise. They are planning to pull two teeth, put in spacers, do two fillings, and remove a steel crown that some idiot put in her mouth at the school. Poor kid had never had dental work done before and her first experience with it was really bad.

    My keyboard seems to be on the fritz this morning. It keeps skipping letters and refuses to back space.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning everyone! it is a beautiful day here I am going to be getting ready for a moving sale on Friday. Even though we haven't sold our house yet we are going to try to downsize and get rid of everything that will not be coming along with us.

    Naomi - it sounds as though your convention went really well. it is hard to hold two years back when someone special is not going to be around as often. You might be a good idea to get the swelling in your legs and ankles checked out. Welcome back!

    Joyce - it sounds like you have a very fun amusement park. I used to love going on all of the rides. Now I get dizzy and sick. I guess as you get older your brain shrinks and because of that you can get dizzier. so mine must have shrink!

    Allison - it sounds like you really enjoy the time you spend with your dad. Your D FIL is also fortunate to have you in his life.

    Heather - you lead such an exciting life it is interesting reading your post. Especially since you live in a different country. I love hearing about all of your adventures. no wonder you are such a good writer you have a lot of inspiration around you.

    Yanniejannie - I'm sorry about your friend. she probably just needs some time alone to think and grieve. You probably feel a little off because you are unable to console her. (((Hugs)))

    Lisa - yeah they say that you should never go under 1200 calories or your body will go into starvation mode and you won't be as successful so MFP will always yell at you! We are trying to sell our house so we can move down to Lubbock Texas. How close are you to that area?

    Well everyone have a great day! I am going to do my exercises then start with getting the moving sale organized.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • lattequeen2
    lattequeen2 Posts: 59 Member
    Hi everyone I am new here but not to losing weight
    I did lose 50 lbs last year by walking on treadmill but gained 4 lbs

    so I am here