The joys of office broscience - misguided food/nutrition advice



  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    Russandol wrote: »
    I just had to sit and suffer through overhearing a coworker go on, ad nauseam through my cubicle wall, how eating carbs after dinner will mean they don't get digested but get immediately turned into evil evil adipose! Apparently everything else if fine, just not doze evil carbz.

    The evens that I can't = all of them

    Sorry, just had to spread my misery. Anyone have any other overheard gems to share?

    I don't have anything of value to add to this thread, OP, I just wanted to tell you that I love you so damn much for spelling "ad nauseam" correctly. <3

    haha, oh how I love meeting fellow spelling/grammar nuts
  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Pisces diet: Fish, water, and magic.

    I shudder to think what the scorpio diet would be lol
  • dammitjanet0161
    dammitjanet0161 Posts: 319 Member
    In my immediate office I work with four guys. The amount of misinformed rubbish I hear on a daily basis about protein supplements, pre-workout supplements, what's the best exercise for what body part and what's the best way to lose weight far far outweighs what I hear from an office full of women (and most of the women on my floor are into the usual parade of fad diets).

    The worst culprit is a guy in his late 50s who is permanently trying to lose a stone, but no matter how many times you try to explain CICO and that not having a bottle of wine with his dinner every night might do more good than bouncing around 5:2, low carb, raspberry ketones and creatine shakes all the space of a couple of weeks. My eyes are permanently rolling so much that I make myself dizzy.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    mkakids wrote: »
    Lizzy622 wrote: »
    I know someone who became a vegetarian but hated vegetables. Yes she was in the hospital after about 2 months due to fainting spells.

    Thats my cousin. She has been vegan for at least 20 years (since she was 7years old - by her own choice). She only eats grain based things (bread, pasta, etc..) and fruit.

    We had a friend's kid staying with us for a few weeks. She decided she was vegetarian any time she didn't like what was for dinner. To her, vegetarian = can have cereal for dinner. She was miraculously cured of her vegetarianism when we had pepperoni pizza, but it came back the next night when we had chicken.

    This reminds me of my old office--which was largely Jewish, even, although the catering staff obviously was not--where a vegetarian friend of mine kept complaining that they'd never have any vegetarian options at lunch. During one such interaction he was informed that the salad was a vegetarian option, and he pointed out that it had bacon bits. Apparently the catering manager seemed flabbergasted that bacon bits counted as meat.
    Did he realize that bacon isn't Kosher either?

  • CandiceMcD
    CandiceMcD Posts: 115 Member
    belgerian wrote: »
    cnadiger wrote: »
    CandiceMcD wrote: »
    HA, I just looked up the military diet & I am confused as to how hot dogs and saltines are supposed to help you get healthier. I mean, I have had MREs that have been more nutritionally balanced. Not to mention, I gained like 20 lbs the first year I was in the military because of my love for the chow hall and daily grilled ham and cheese sandwiches.

    Same here, I don't know anyone who lost weight the first couple of years in the military - unless they were already overweight and put on restrictions. :D

    I was overweight and not put on any restrictions (dunno what you mean by restrictions anyways) we all ate at the same time at the same chow hall and the same food at the same time (in basic anyways). I knew plenty of ppl who lost weight in basic. I would say the majority lost some.

    I was a peanut when I joined, so I didn't lose anything in basic - I gained muscle. The gaining came when marching to school & running after did nothing to curb the grilled ham & cheeses & little Debbie overload.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    The ladies in my office spent a week drinking some concoction of grape juice, apple juice, and vinegar that was supposed to make them shed weight and have the same benefits as exercising without actually having to exercise. It's called jogging in a jug.

    One lady in the office heard green tea was good for weight loss so she starting bringing bottles of Lipton sweetened green tea to work every day and drinking those instead of the water she had been bringing. The same lady also wanted to eat healthier after having a stroke so she starting having Ramen noodles for lunch.

    One of my guy friends scoffed at another friend who was on a 2000 calorie diet saying that it was impossible to eat that many calories in a day....meanwhile he would eat a pound of bacon at one time divided among 2 sandwiches with mayo. The same guy also used 3 lbs. of butter in less than two weeks time cooking only for himself.

    Just today a friend posted on Facebook about rubbing Vick's and coffee grounds on your stomach and wrapping it in plastic wrap to lose weight. She also noted that the coffee "activates" stretch marks which kind of sounds more like a bad thing to me! lol
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I walked into one of those stores at the Mall last night. It took all my strength not to laugh. All the "fat burners" and "muscle builders" and quick fix products all over the place. I just went to look for a basic unflavored, no sugar added protein powder to add to my morning smoothie.
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    anglyn1 wrote: »
    The ladies in my office spent a week drinking some concoction of grape juice, apple juice, and vinegar that was supposed to make them shed weight and have the same benefits as exercising without actually having to exercise. It's called jogging in a jug.

    One lady in the office heard green tea was good for weight loss so she starting bringing bottles of Lipton sweetened green tea to work every day and drinking those instead of the water she had been bringing. The same lady also wanted to eat healthier after having a stroke so she starting having Ramen noodles for lunch.

    One of my guy friends scoffed at another friend who was on a 2000 calorie diet saying that it was impossible to eat that many calories in a day....meanwhile he would eat a pound of bacon at one time divided among 2 sandwiches with mayo. The same guy also used 3 lbs. of butter in less than two weeks time cooking only for himself.

    Just today a friend posted on Facebook about rubbing Vick's and coffee grounds on your stomach and wrapping it in plastic wrap to lose weight. She also noted that the coffee "activates" stretch marks which kind of sounds more like a bad thing to me! lol


  • rushfive
    rushfive Posts: 603 Member
    anglyn1 wrote: »
    The ladies in my office spent a week drinking some concoction of grape juice, apple juice, and vinegar that was supposed to make them shed weight and have the same benefits as exercising without actually having to exercise. It's called jogging in a jug.

    One lady in the office heard green tea was good for weight loss so she starting bringing bottles of Lipton sweetened green tea to work every day and drinking those instead of the water she had been bringing. The same lady also wanted to eat healthier after having a stroke so she starting having Ramen noodles for lunch.

    One of my guy friends scoffed at another friend who was on a 2000 calorie diet saying that it was impossible to eat that many calories in a day....meanwhile he would eat a pound of bacon at one time divided among 2 sandwiches with mayo. The same guy also used 3 lbs. of butter in less than two weeks time cooking only for himself.

    Just today a friend posted on Facebook about rubbing Vick's and coffee grounds on your stomach and wrapping it in plastic wrap to lose weight. She also noted that the coffee "activates" stretch marks which kind of sounds more like a bad thing to me! lol

    HAHA.... love this...
    Where do people hear these things !! (internet)?
    Makes me (sortof) want to start a website for weight loss...costing 50.00. You would probably make money with little advice. (I would never do this)

  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited April 2015
    earlnabby wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    mkakids wrote: »
    Lizzy622 wrote: »
    I know someone who became a vegetarian but hated vegetables. Yes she was in the hospital after about 2 months due to fainting spells.

    Thats my cousin. She has been vegan for at least 20 years (since she was 7years old - by her own choice). She only eats grain based things (bread, pasta, etc..) and fruit.

    We had a friend's kid staying with us for a few weeks. She decided she was vegetarian any time she didn't like what was for dinner. To her, vegetarian = can have cereal for dinner. She was miraculously cured of her vegetarianism when we had pepperoni pizza, but it came back the next night when we had chicken.

    This reminds me of my old office--which was largely Jewish, even, although the catering staff obviously was not--where a vegetarian friend of mine kept complaining that they'd never have any vegetarian options at lunch. During one such interaction he was informed that the salad was a vegetarian option, and he pointed out that it had bacon bits. Apparently the catering manager seemed flabbergasted that bacon bits counted as meat.

    We're they Bacos? Coz they're vegetarian!


    Nope, actual bacon.

    The vegetarian complained about the bacon but the Jewish workers did not? A catering manager that clueless needs a new line of work.

    The people who really kept kosher wouldn't eat the food for multiple reasons, and I'm sure it wasn't supposed to be kosher. It was just extra funny in context that the bacon was presumed to be obviously unobjectionable. (The vegetarian in question actually did grow up in a kosher home and was kosher when I first met him, but was no longer kosher by this point. The weirdness of the catering service was kind of an office joke.)
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I had my first public run this past Saturday and showed up way too early. To entertain myself until the race started (and preserve the battery on my iPhone), I picked up the Mosaic (woo) magazine and annotated the thing with my own comments.

    Articles ranged from the generally harmless to completely freaky. How about a four day vision quest in the Amazon jungle, drinking woo juice, fasting and sleep-deprived? The expedition founder makes few claims, and warns that the revelations in this spirit quest are unpredictable. I wrote "cult" and "Jonestown" in the margins.
  • longshadows17
    longshadows17 Posts: 32 Member
    My favorite is from one co-worker who was lamenting my "fast metabolism" and how it was so unfair she didn't have one too. But her sister did! Which was also unfair that she had a fast metabolism, because "she ate like a bird, and works out religiously..."

    I asked if maybe if her sister was thin BECAUSE she ate like a bird and worked out a lot.

    "Nope! She just got the fast metabolism, and I didn' is so unfair"

    Also, the time I checked vegetarian options for a sandwich, and was handed a turkey sandwich.

    I said, this is meat... and was told, "It isn't meat. It's turkey!"
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    My favorite is from one co-worker who was lamenting my "fast metabolism" and how it was so unfair she didn't have one too. But her sister did! Which was also unfair that she had a fast metabolism, because "she ate like a bird, and works out religiously..."

    I asked if maybe if her sister was thin BECAUSE she ate like a bird and worked out a lot.

    "Nope! She just got the fast metabolism, and I didn' is so unfair"

    Also, the time I checked vegetarian options for a sandwich, and was handed a turkey sandwich.

    I said, this is meat... and was told, "It isn't meat. It's turkey!"

    The turkey bit reminds me of one of my all time fave movies ever, My Big Fat Greek Wedding


  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Also, the time I checked vegetarian options for a sandwich, and was handed a turkey sandwich.

    I said, this is meat... and was told, "It isn't meat. It's turkey!"

    Yeah, when did people start claiming that poultry or "white meat" isn't meat? Having to explain that fish is meat (yes, I know it doesn't count as meat during Lent), was bad enough, but I've only recently run into this weirdness and it makes me crazy.

    (I'm not even a vegetarian, but just be sensible!)
  • AmazonMayan
    AmazonMayan Posts: 1,168 Member

    Also, the time I checked vegetarian options for a sandwich, and was handed a turkey sandwich.

    I said, this is meat... and was told, "It isn't meat. It's turkey!"

    I've made more than a few people upset when they tell me "poultry and fish aren't meat.(and some have included this next part) It even gets its own place in the supermarket."

    I tell them "I wasn't aware you plant chickens and fish. Are they animals?" Them, "Well, yes." Me, "Then it's meat."
  • 3bambi3
    3bambi3 Posts: 1,650 Member
    There was this guy the other day at work who told me eating is "all about calories in calories out. It doesn't matter about what kind of food it is". You can feed your body anything and your body "is smart enough to sort all these things out".

    I took everything within me not to let my jaw drop on the floor. Esp when he subsequently complained about not being able to ever get rid of his pot belly and complaining about taking all his medications for his chronic illnesses.

    Office broscience. Sometimes scary.

    He isn't incorrect. For weight loss, all that matters is CI<CO. For body composition and hitting your macro/micro nutrient goals, then food types matter. But if he was just wanting to drop a few pounds, he would be correct.

    For coworkers, I once worked with a lady who did the blood type diet. And she made her husband do it as well. Except he was a different blood type so she was buying and cooking two separate sets of food. That didn't last long.
  • harpsdesire
    harpsdesire Posts: 190 Member
    A random stranger on a train once stopped me and told be that I wouldn't be so fat if I just ate more cucumber, because of the 'essential minerals'.

  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Also, the time I checked vegetarian options for a sandwich, and was handed a turkey sandwich.

    I said, this is meat... and was told, "It isn't meat. It's turkey!"

    Yeah, when did people start claiming that poultry or "white meat" isn't meat? Having to explain that fish is meat (yes, I know it doesn't count as meat during Lent), was bad enough, but I've only recently run into this weirdness and it makes me crazy.

    (I'm not even a vegetarian, but just be sensible!)

    I still don't know why fish is okay to eat during Lent, but not other meats. Is it because of the fishes and loaves miracle?
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Also, the time I checked vegetarian options for a sandwich, and was handed a turkey sandwich.

    I said, this is meat... and was told, "It isn't meat. It's turkey!"

    Yeah, when did people start claiming that poultry or "white meat" isn't meat? Having to explain that fish is meat (yes, I know it doesn't count as meat during Lent), was bad enough, but I've only recently run into this weirdness and it makes me crazy.

    (I'm not even a vegetarian, but just be sensible!)

    Around the time the study of the week declared that red meat is evil, and everyone starting pretending turkey bacon tastes like bacon.