

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 396 Member
    Wednesday noon in sunny WNY and I am happy of report that as of 2 minutes ago the scale had me as overweight and not obese for for first time in many years! That was my mini-goal of the week so I can start on the next mini-goal of one more pound down by Mother's Day. Did anyone else get a thrill about reaching this goal? Hope you all have a marvelous day!!! Hearing your stories for the past couple of months has really helped me.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,324 Member
    edited April 2015
    Bkrimpet - woooooohooooooo! ! ! ! Many congrats! I remember that milestone very well. Seeing "obese" on my doctor's monitor was one of the triggers I needed to start losing. :D

    Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,667 Member
    Good morning -
    Home for a bit after proctoring and chillin' until I leave for work at 12:00. Thanks for the well wishes on our anniversary. I snuck hubbies card into the bathroom so he would find it when he got up in the middle of the night. It had a frog couple on it (I collected frogs when I taught and still have a few). Inside it said "I will love you until I croak!" This morning I found a note from him in the kitchen that said if I would love him until I croaked he would love me "until the cows come home". So sweet.


    "Pip - Vegas trip sounds fun. I would love to see you but you need to let Kirby monopolize your time in July. Do you really mean it will be your last trip anywhere ever?????? What if you live to 125? Just sayin'"

    well, we agreed on no more yearly trips that will cost serious $$$. we have a lot by the ocean in Ocean Park Washington that we will stay there for a week as our "vacation" but we want to start saving up for retirement. he's a big planner and I am glad for that. and I kinda doubt I will live 2b 125, just sayin
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Good morning Ladies, I have been keeping up but haven't had a chance to post. Phew! You ladies make me tired!

    Janet...I used an app that really helped me when I stopped smoking. It's called "Since i Quit". You enter the date you quit and it keeps track for you. I love numbers, which is why I love MFP, and it helped for me to see the progress. It also keeps track of the money you have saved and I am using the money to go on a trip to Cancun in August.

    Lisa... I am so glad you shared that you underwent bypass. I don't have a good understanding of what a person who has undergone the procedure goes through mentally. I have a dear friend who had gastric bypass almost 2 years ago. She didn't tell anyone except for close family members until a month before the surgery even thought she had been going to physical and mental preparation for about a year. Unfortunately she had terrible complications and was very ill for almost a year. She did lose the weight but at a very high cost. Now almost 2 years later she has gained a significant amount of weight back. I don't know what to do for her. I invite her to walk with me and do non food related things but she rarely takes me up on them. Any insights would be helpful.

    Love the Daffodil picture...they are just begining to bloom here.

    I've been to Vegas a few times. My son lived there for a couple of years. I always called it Adult Disneyland and have had a great time there. I don't really gamble but found so many interesting things to do. The last time I went was for my birthday in July and they were having a heat wave, about 130F. The water in the pools was too hot to swim in. I would love to go again.

    I am thrilled to report that I have lost 5 pounds this month!! That is a huge amount for me, I typically lose 3 lbs./month. I'm not quite sure what changed, it's like my metabolism has been revved up. Can it be the exercise band I bought for $1.04, or maybe it's because I began a relationship with you Ladies this month? I have lost 31 lbs. since September and can't believe I am this size. After not buying new clothes unless absolutely necessary for the past decade, I am having a grand time shopping, of course seeking out the bargains. I even put a full length mirror in my bedroom. The mirror I used to use was in the bathroom and stopped at my waist. This new found vanity has given me the motivation to stay on track, eating well and EXERCISING (which I HATED before). I am 12 lbs. away from my goal and may get there by the time I go to Cancun. You ladies have taught me that I will have to continue being vigilant about my eating and exercising for the rest of my life, but that's OK, I have a great support group.

    I didn't get the job I was hoping for. It was a big disappointment initially but I think something better will come around.

    I am hosting my book club this Friday evening and planning on making individual peanut butter cheese cakes. I will have to find out what the calorie count is and plan accordingly. I figure what isn't eaten can be frozen and saved for future company. I see that Heather also freezes alot of her culinary creations.

    Gotta run...
    Everyone have a great day.

    Chris in MA
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    I forgot to mention that the bad thing about losing all this weight is that MFP suggested that I decrease my calorie intake by 200/day. I will so miss those 200 calories! I have been increasing the exercise to compensate.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 396 Member
    Thanks, Heather! There is something downright evil about the way that word "obese" looks, isn't there? And good work on the 5 pounds, Chris in MA! I have only lost 8 in over 2 months, but those 8 pounds were the just the hardest I ever lost, so I know this is going to be a really slow process for me. But today I celebrate!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,667 Member
    bkrimpet wrote: »
    Wednesday noon in sunny WNY and I am happy of report that as of 2 minutes ago the scale had me as overweight and not obese for for first time in many years! That was my mini-goal of the week so I can start on the next mini-goal of one more pound down by Mother's Day. Did anyone else get a thrill about reaching this goal? Hope you all have a marvelous day!!! Hearing your stories for the past couple of months has really helped me.

    yeayyyyyyyyyyy congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,667 Member
    mikesmom - yeayyyyyyyyy for u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is an awesome loss!!!!!!!!!! keep it up, don't stop!!!!!! and as far as not getting that job, I always say, if it is meant to be, I will get it, or it will happen, if it's not or I don't get it; it wasn't supposed to happen. the right job will find you. and that 200 calories?, ain't no thang chicken wing!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Mufflana
    Mufflana Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks for the welcome! I am a fifty+ girl living in the south of England, mother of two lovely grown up girls and one granddaughter. Need to get a grip again as have ambitions to be around to maybe meet a great grandchild or two! Good luck to everyone on your own journey
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    bkrimpet wrote: »
    Thanks, Heather! There is something downright evil about the way that word "obese" looks, isn't there? And good work on the 5 pounds, Chris in MA! I have only lost 8 in over 2 months, but those 8 pounds were the just the hardest I ever lost, so I know this is going to be a really slow process for me. But today I celebrate!

    I was also thrilled when I hit "Overweight".
    8 pounds in 2 months is great!! I have lost 2.8 lbs./month this year on average, so in 2 months that would have been only 5 1/2 lbs. It just seems so slow but it's great when those lost pounds add up.

  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    mikesmom - yeayyyyyyyyy for u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is an awesome loss!!!!!!!!!! keep it up, don't stop!!!!!! and as far as not getting that job, I always say, if it is meant to be, I will get it, or it will happen, if it's not or I don't get it; it wasn't supposed to happen. the right job will find you. and that 200 calories?, ain't no thang chicken wing!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Pip, you always make me laugh!!! Thanks!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,667 Member
    Mufflana wrote: »
    Thanks for the welcome! I am a fifty+ girl living in the south of England, mother of two lovely grown up girls and one granddaughter. Need to get a grip again as have ambitions to be around to maybe meet a great grandchild or two! Good luck to everyone on your own journey

    grip it, grip it good!!!!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,667 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    mikesmom - yeayyyyyyyyy for u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is an awesome loss!!!!!!!!!! keep it up, don't stop!!!!!! and as far as not getting that job, I always say, if it is meant to be, I will get it, or it will happen, if it's not or I don't get it; it wasn't supposed to happen. the right job will find you. and that 200 calories?, ain't no thang chicken wing!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Pip, you always make me laugh!!! Thanks!

    glad to hear it!!, I am kinda funny huh! you oughta b around me in person, I would make u p your pants!!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,667 Member
    oh, forgot to mention, Kirby asked me if I wanted to do another marathon (26.2mi) and it would be the same one last year in November. :/ I told him... uhhhhh I dunno.. my goal on that one was to run w/o stopping and I did it, butttttttttttt, I don't know if I wanna do another one..
    I have pros and cons to think about.
    -I did it in a 10.32 minute mile (4hr 36min 8sec) and I could see if I could beat it
    -I would get to fly back home and have family there again
    -I would get another medal, shirt, n sweatshirt
    -if I do it again, I could try those compression socks and modify what I did last time to see if it will help this time
    -I would have to start training again..... whaaaaaaa
    -MY CALVES ARE GOING TO KILL ME AGAIN..... whaaaaaaaaaa
    - would have to start training again..... whaaaaaaa
    - would have to start training again..... whaaaaaaa
    oh, I forgot to mention - i would have to start training again..... whaaaaaaa

    alternate thought
    we could do the 1/2 marathon instead (13.1mi)
    -training for that ain't no thang, I could run that now
    -I could NOT do ANY run and just be his cheering section!!! but then if I did that, I would wish I was out there running with him and I would kick myself in the buttocks if I didn't
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    By the way, at the end of my visit this morning my eye doctor very carefully asked me how much weight I had lost. I told hm 130 and he was suitably impressed. He said his wife mentioned to him that she thought I had lost a lot, but she was afraid to ask. Some people think they are being rude for asking, but I like it. It shows that they noticed.

    Another little NSV...Every morning I used to put deoderant in the big rolls of fat on my sides. All three of them. Just the other day I noticed that those rolls are all gone. I'm going to save a fortune on deoderant! :D

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,667 Member
    By the way, at the end of my visit this morning my eye doctor very carefully asked me how much weight I had lost. I told hm 130 and he was suitably impressed. He said his wife mentioned to him that she thought I had lost a lot, but she was afraid to ask. Some people think they are being rude for asking, but I like it. It shows that they noticed.

    Another little NSV...Every morning I used to put deoderant in the big rolls of fat on my sides. All three of them. Just the other day I noticed that those rolls are all gone. I'm going to save a fortune on deoderant! :D

    so happy for you. really.. :0)
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Carol--sounds like you had a fun and busy weekend.

    Pat--Welcome, you have come to a great place for support and friendship.

    Beth--I agree it is simple and hard to do at the same time. Important not to give up.

    Jane--Sending prayrs and hugs for you and your mom. It is not easy seeing our parents ill. Great news mom going home. I know all my mom wanted was to go to her own home and bed.

    Terri--I agree that you did good with DS and making him do his part of labeling the cookie dough. I thnk that is the place DS and DDIL stayed when they went out there last Fall. I know that they took lots of pictures on Fremont street.

    Janet--keep up the good work. Everyday without puffing is a great NSV. I did see that mom, I think at least she is paying attention and helping to teach him right from wrong. I can not understand what makes them think they have the right to destory things. do they not realize they are hurting more people then anything. It gets me so MAD!!

    Marlene--Welcome. This is a great group. Come often.

    Carol--The job you and DD do sounds interesting and a good way to spend time together. At the same time doing a public service.

    Lisa--I agree with Beth and Carey. We all are here to make a better lifestyle change. Welcome and glad to have you join us.

    Meg--Glad the news from the doctor was good. Glad to see you back.

    Joyce--Sorry to hear about your back, Pray you feel better soon.

    Toni--Thanks for the smile sharing your Ann cards.

    Sylvia--great NSV on the loss of your rolls.

    Yepppy!!!!!!!! I am caught up once again. It is to be in the 70's the rest of the week. Today is my 8 hour day so planning to walk home when I get off at 3. DH had to go out of town for a meeting this afternoon so will be later when he gets home. I do think I am going to go home and start mowing the lawn. DH fixed the sprinkler head I ran over last time with the mower. So check that out. I also have to get the meeting agenda ready for our meeting Friday night as I work until 5:30 the next couple days. Tomorrow night our DGD has her school spring concert. Loving life.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Wednesday ! ! !

    Lisa (Texas) – I have known plenty of people who had the surgery, mostly for health reasons, and some have put the weight back on, others have kept it off. The problem as I see it from the outside, is that it fixes your stomach, but doesn’t change your “head”. You still need to make the lifestyle change forever (I have not succeeded: yesterday I allowed my Dad to talk me into grande nachos instead of a lettuce wrap). I echo what many others here have already said: I hope you find here the support you need. I hope we can go through this lifestyle change together.

    Janet – Yes, Fremont Street is a shuttle ride away from the strip (pretty far for walking, and could risk walking through unknown or bad neighborhoods), but I’m pretty sure there are multiple shuttles throughout the day and night. I was just planning for the walking/dancing/pool aspect (not to mention cabana boys for Michele). Many travel Websites have different deals for flight+hotel, so it would also be fun if we all stayed wherever we wanted, and travelled around the town together, visiting all the different locations. I have only ever stayed on the Strip, and visited Fremont Street, so I’m looking for something new-to-me. But I am flexible. Problem is I have won so many things from the radio stations lately, and saved up to use so much vacation time, that I am down to only 23 hours available, so this year may not be an option for me. Next year DH wants to go, but he’d be okay with me ditching him for significant blocks of time. Since I am always looking to escape the bad winter weather, I vote for November - February, when it is bound to be at least 50 degrees warmer there than here (sorry Leslie, that it would be your summer, but I'd be up for visiting you during my winter, too).

    Katla – thanks for the info on the step count for my phone. I will try to get DS to sit still long enough to teach me a few things. DH tries to teach me, but just ends up doing it for me, which is no help at all. I’m sure DS can figure it out for me. I’m not even sure how to use MFP on it yet, but I think I’m getting close. At this weight and time in my journey, I really shouldn’t be eating back my exercise. I’m certain I am still doing something wrong in my food diary, because my weight has not been changing at all lately (except for the 2-3 pounds that fluctuate naturally). I’m not going to be able to lose 14 pounds by June 1 in a healthy way, but I will keep trying to figure out where I am going wrong.

    Left for lunch, now back again. Let’s see where I left off . . .

    Bkrimpet – Congrats on “overweight”. That is a wonderful accomplishment, and I hope you are as proud of yourself as I am for you.

    Pip - Good luck deciding about that marathon. I can't run at all (knees have OA, & herniated disc in back, & body has RA), but I admire the fact that you would even consider such an endeavor.

    Welcome to everyone new. Congrats to everyone with successes. Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Tonight should be 55 degrees or so, which means we will finally have our first Little League baseball game. DS hit well in the batting cages on Monday, so I look forward to a fun game. I also look forward to seeing the smiling faces of the boys who just moved up to the full-size fields, when the make a good play. And of course, my DS will be dirty, that just always happens. I bought a few inexpensive snacks to sell during the game, because at this level the boys play at a County Park that does not have any concessions, and there are always a few boys who forget how thirsty they can get when playing baseball when it is not hot outside.

    The movie last night was funny - more so for the boys. It amazes me how long 3 teenage boys can talk about normal body functions (farts). I just don't find that subject interesting, but, they are boys . . . .

    Back on the wagon again today. I intended to ride the bike at work before my shift, but my lotion bottle exploded all over my uniform and bathroom, so I didn't get here in time after cleaning the mess and changing clothes. But I did get on the hand bike at lunch, and will be walking at least 1/2 mile to get to the ballfield. And I bought a huge container of organic mixed greens, so I have plenty of "salad fixin's" to eat for awhile, hoping that will turn around my lack of control and loss.

    Tomorrow I plan to make ribs in the crock pot. I bought a new seasoning, so I'm hoping to give them a good dry rub.

    Hugs again for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Sylvia - Hooray for the NSV's ! ! ! :)
  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
    Just a quick morning update-

    30 minutes of walking
    23 minute video - Classical Stretch

    Carol - very difficult decision for your DS since he was doing so well at UNC. I'll say a prayer for guidance.

    Goal for today is to carefully track food.
