

  • ethim
    ethim Posts: 134 Member
    My first day of work went great!

    I work at a restaurant that actually has some healthy choices and I get a free meal every shift so that was nice! I calculated the calories for my meal that I wanted a few days ago so it was really nice. I spent eight whole hours not constantly obsessing about food, I felt productive and feel like now I can actually reach my goals without constantly focusing on them

    *high fives everyone who reads this*

    High fives indeed!
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    edited April 2015
    peleroja wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    I love that so many of you are on board with my quiet salon idea. And I agree that I'd love the concept at a dentist's office too. I'm not antisocial or anything, but I don't warm up to strangers quickly.

    My confession today is that I am kind of freaking out about my wedding, even though it's teeny-tiny and there's not much at all to be done now. It's just the whole idea of having to do it. I would have been happy to skip straight to the "married" part and skip the wedding, but we decided we couldn't do that to our parents so I'm suffering through a 25 person event and hoping I don't hyperventilate walking down the aisle or say something stupid or trip or start laughing or something. For the past week I've been absolutely fixated on it and it's not for another three and a bit weeks. It sucks. I'm practically hyperventilating now just typing this, haha.

    And it's probably exacerbated by the fact that I'm hangry as hell because I ramped up the deficit in hopes I won't look at my photos and just see fat arms and too much cleavage. I really hope I can lose five pounds, which makes a pretty big difference at my size, but it definitely means three more weeks of being hungry a lot. Ugh.

    Congratulations on your up coming wedding. Don't worry about the ceremony. The music decided not to play at mine and I walked down the aisle to silence....... It wasn't bad and everything else just went as planned. Enjoy the day.

    Thanks for the kind words, although I think "enjoy" is too much to hope for. I hate doing stuff in front of people and having to be the centre of attention all day sounds like my own little personal hell. But I'll get through it, probably with a champagne-Gravol cocktail in hand and some deep breathing exercises.
    I hate having Happy Birthday sang to me. I always feel so self-conscience like I want to start crying. It's so weird. :blush:

  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Confession time!

    I avoid letting people I socialize with know that I'm dieting. I'm visibly significantly overweight and I hate having to deal with comments like: Already lean people saying things like "Oh, you're SO LUCKY because when you have THAT MUCH to lose, it just falls off! I've been trying to lose these last 3 pounds for months, etc etc!" (or alternately, "I should diet too, I just feel SO FAT when I get over 110, it's disgusting..."), condescending "Good for you, honey!" type comments, non scientific advice about 'good carbs'/paleo/vegan/faddietoftheday, general discussion of my eating/body/fatness, and how I have "a pretty face" and am "going to be so cute once I lose the pounds!" Somehow just being fat doesn't bring about this conversation, but anyone getting wind that I'm trying to lose weight does.... I don't get it.

    I skip social situations or save up calories so I can eat what other people are eating, just to avoid having these conversations.

    Every day on these boards I read about all the insensitive and rude remarks people make to others and now it's making me believe that any health and nutrition education needs to be supplemented with some manners courses and common sense training. Too bad that will never happen.

    It's so true. People have no filter. I don't understand how so many people missed the lesson that you don't have to say everything that pops into your head out loud, especially if it's unkind.

    A guy in my sister's dorm laundry room told her, "If you were skinny, I would ask you out because you have a gorgeous face. You are really beautiful for a fat girl."

    As if she is an anomaly because only thin girls are pretty.

    I feel so bad that she gets stared at in the gym because gyms are only for people who are already thin, right?

    Wow, he's an azzhole. Did she respond?

    No, she didn't say anything. She saw him again a couple of weeks later and he tried to apologize and ask her out, but she told him she has a boyfriend, which she does.

    that makes me even more enraged! it's like "a few weeks ago i didn't think you were good enough for me, but after being rejected by everyone i've approached over the past few weeks, i guess something's better than nothing!" i want to stab him in the eyes.

    I feel so bad for a friend of mine. She keeps trying online dating sites, but she's kind of naive about how willing people will be to screw with the fat girl for their own entertainment. She'll get all excited about this guy or that guy, and they'll lead her on for a few weeks, then it'll all fall apart for what she sees as no reason. She forwards me what they've written, and to me, it seems obvious it was all catfish. One went so far as to make dinner plans, then stood her up and messaged her to say he just didn't think he could date a fat girl.

    Wow. I really don't understand the motivation behind that. That's just evil.
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    If you are a praying person, I am asking for some right now. If not a praying person, maybe send some good vibes. My sister's sister-in-law is 30 weeks pregnant, after 5 attempts at IVF. On Sunday, she was having issues with her kidneys, so yesterday they decided to go and put in some drains. While under anesthetic, she vomited and aspirated. Due to lack of oxygen, she is now in a coma and has been placed on life support. The family was all called last night and the Dr's basically admitted they were keeping he alive as long as they can for the baby's sake, but there is little to no brain activity. Now a baby that was wished for, for so long, is likely not going to have a Mama. Miracles do happen, and we could really use one today!

    @ladybuggnorris how is your sister's SIL & baby doing?

    SIL has some swelling on the brain, but it is going down. She has a long road to recovery, but they think she will make it. Unfortunately, she had some blood clots in her brain and they had to give her blood thinners in order to save her life and the baby did not survive. We are all feeling very blessed, though, that the wisdom and quick thinking on the Drs' part saved the SIL's life. If they hadn't acted quickly, they would have likely lost both of them. We will all help her on the road to recovery and some day, when the time is right, they can either decide on a surrogate or adoption. One step at a time. Thank you for your continued well wishes!

    I'm sorry to hear about the babe, but glad that you SIL is okay. That's a terrible thing to happen. Still keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    confession: it drives me absolutely nuts (ie. totally jealous) when ppl whine about NOT being able to eat 1,000 calories in a day. i never say anthing out of fear of being destroyed in the forums, but it's mind boggling to me. are you living on cotton-balls soaked in vinegar? what am i missing?! tell me how to not be hungry all the time!
    This is me very rarely, when I'm super super stressed. Yesterday I only had an iced cappuccino from Tim Hortons and did not feel an ounce of hunger, just nausea. Not recommended :P

    A while back people were talking about Tim Hortons and feeling like the only Canadians who didn't like it. I'm American, but I agree that they don't have very good donuts. I CRAVE KRISPY KREME UP HERE! I do, however, like their iced capps. Mmm.

    see, i'm the total opposite, i'm a stress eater. a massive stress eater...omnomnom

    i actually....hate krispy kreme *hides*
    i think the glaze is gross.
    we have a regional (i'm in northeast PA) donut chain called curry donuts. they are made of yum, and unlike dunkin, you don't end up with that later of grease goop on the roof of your mouth. woot!

    I use to love Krispy Kreme in high school. My bio teacher would bring in a few dozen once a month. But I went one a few years back and it really sucked. I was so disappointed. There is a local shop here that makes delicious donuts, we have gone there 3 times in the last 5 weeks and I have not been exercising restraint.

    Also I hate dunkin, don't get the appeal.
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    The world is a better place because ranch dressing exists. Mmmm.

    I think I was introduced to ranch at too late an age, because I'm not the biggest fan. I do eat it with hot wings though.
  • Lefty1290
    Lefty1290 Posts: 551 Member
    81Katz wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    I love that so many of you are on board with my quiet salon idea. And I agree that I'd love the concept at a dentist's office too. I'm not antisocial or anything, but I don't warm up to strangers quickly.

    My confession today is that I am kind of freaking out about my wedding, even though it's teeny-tiny and there's not much at all to be done now. It's just the whole idea of having to do it. I would have been happy to skip straight to the "married" part and skip the wedding, but we decided we couldn't do that to our parents so I'm suffering through a 25 person event and hoping I don't hyperventilate walking down the aisle or say something stupid or trip or start laughing or something. For the past week I've been absolutely fixated on it and it's not for another three and a bit weeks. It sucks. I'm practically hyperventilating now just typing this, haha.

    And it's probably exacerbated by the fact that I'm hangry as hell because I ramped up the deficit in hopes I won't look at my photos and just see fat arms and too much cleavage. I really hope I can lose five pounds, which makes a pretty big difference at my size, but it definitely means three more weeks of being hungry a lot. Ugh.

    Congratulations on your up coming wedding. Don't worry about the ceremony. The music decided not to play at mine and I walked down the aisle to silence....... It wasn't bad and everything else just went as planned. Enjoy the day.

    Thanks for the kind words, although I think "enjoy" is too much to hope for. I hate doing stuff in front of people and having to be the centre of attention all day sounds like my own little personal hell. But I'll get through it, probably with a champagne-Gravol cocktail in hand and some deep breathing exercises.
    I hate having Happy Birthday sang to me. I always feel so self-conscience like I want to start crying. It's so weird. :blush:

    Haha, same. I especially hate it at restaurants when the staff does it because EVERYONE stares.

  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    My first day of work went great!

    I work at a restaurant that actually has some healthy choices and I get a free meal every shift so that was nice! I calculated the calories for my meal that I wanted a few days ago so it was really nice. I spent eight whole hours not constantly obsessing about food, I felt productive and feel like now I can actually reach my goals without constantly focusing on them

    *high fives everyone who reads this*

  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    I love that so many of you are on board with my quiet salon idea. And I agree that I'd love the concept at a dentist's office too. I'm not antisocial or anything, but I don't warm up to strangers quickly.

    My confession today is that I am kind of freaking out about my wedding, even though it's teeny-tiny and there's not much at all to be done now. It's just the whole idea of having to do it. I would have been happy to skip straight to the "married" part and skip the wedding, but we decided we couldn't do that to our parents so I'm suffering through a 25 person event and hoping I don't hyperventilate walking down the aisle or say something stupid or trip or start laughing or something. For the past week I've been absolutely fixated on it and it's not for another three and a bit weeks. It sucks. I'm practically hyperventilating now just typing this, haha.

    And it's probably exacerbated by the fact that I'm hangry as hell because I ramped up the deficit in hopes I won't look at my photos and just see fat arms and too much cleavage. I really hope I can lose five pounds, which makes a pretty big difference at my size, but it definitely means three more weeks of being hungry a lot. Ugh.

    Congratulations on your up coming wedding. Don't worry about the ceremony. The music decided not to play at mine and I walked down the aisle to silence....... It wasn't bad and everything else just went as planned. Enjoy the day.

    Thanks for the kind words, although I think "enjoy" is too much to hope for. I hate doing stuff in front of people and having to be the centre of attention all day sounds like my own little personal hell. But I'll get through it, probably with a champagne-Gravol cocktail in hand and some deep breathing exercises.
    I hate having Happy Birthday sang to me. I always feel so self-conscience like I want to start crying. It's so weird. :blush:

    Haha, same. I especially hate it at restaurants when the staff does it because EVERYONE stares.


    I remember there was a restaurant where they'd offer to do the short version, backwards version, or short backwards version. Short they'd get on their knees, backwards they'd turn and face away from your table, short backwards they'd do both. I think a lot of people asked for backwards solely to lessen the embarrassment.
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    dellison18 wrote: »
    My fiancé decided to bring home chick fil a today... Original chicken sandwich and a large fry for each of us. I ate it and then entered it into my food log and saw it was over 1,000 calories for that and the packet of chick fil a sauce I used. I knew it was bad, but I didn't know it was THAT bad. I'll do better tomorrow.

    I love Chick fil a, mostly the chicken, I hope you enjoyed it. I guess the number makes sense because of the fries, but fast food calorie counts make me sad.

    Yes I know, I can just "fit it in my calories" but still.
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    I love that so many of you are on board with my quiet salon idea. And I agree that I'd love the concept at a dentist's office too. I'm not antisocial or anything, but I don't warm up to strangers quickly.

    My confession today is that I am kind of freaking out about my wedding, even though it's teeny-tiny and there's not much at all to be done now. It's just the whole idea of having to do it. I would have been happy to skip straight to the "married" part and skip the wedding, but we decided we couldn't do that to our parents so I'm suffering through a 25 person event and hoping I don't hyperventilate walking down the aisle or say something stupid or trip or start laughing or something. For the past week I've been absolutely fixated on it and it's not for another three and a bit weeks. It sucks. I'm practically hyperventilating now just typing this, haha.

    And it's probably exacerbated by the fact that I'm hangry as hell because I ramped up the deficit in hopes I won't look at my photos and just see fat arms and too much cleavage. I really hope I can lose five pounds, which makes a pretty big difference at my size, but it definitely means three more weeks of being hungry a lot. Ugh.

    Congratulations on your up coming wedding. Don't worry about the ceremony. The music decided not to play at mine and I walked down the aisle to silence....... It wasn't bad and everything else just went as planned. Enjoy the day.

    Thanks for the kind words, although I think "enjoy" is too much to hope for. I hate doing stuff in front of people and having to be the centre of attention all day sounds like my own little personal hell. But I'll get through it, probably with a champagne-Gravol cocktail in hand and some deep breathing exercises.
    I hate having Happy Birthday sang to me. I always feel so self-conscience like I want to start crying. It's so weird. :blush:

    Haha, same. I especially hate it at restaurants when the staff does it because EVERYONE stares.


    Yea, that was only fun in high school when we were scamming the restaurant for free dessert.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    My son's birthday is Saturday. He wanted a "survival" themed party. Sweet. Kids go play in the pasture, then we'll roast hot dogs in the fire pit. I bought some bunny Peeps, so the kids can roast "rabbits" and make smores out of them. This may be the easiest birthday party ever.

    Last year we went to a park, and I had Domino's deliver pizza to the park. That was a easy and fun birthday party, too.

    I'm kicking myself for not buying some of the Party Cake Peeps when they went on sale so I could roast them over a campfire.
  • shannonbun
    shannonbun Posts: 168 Member
    I went running outside for the first time today, cos y'know, I was feeling good about myself... while running through campus, someone yelled out of their car, "RUN, FAT GIRL!!" I wanted to flip off the chick who yelled so badly, but she was in a car, so obviously she got away.

    Come say that to my face and we'll see just how fast you can run. Grrrrr...
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    The family went to Cheesecake Factory to for one of the nieces birthdays and seeing the waiter hand out ice cream as the free dessert was just depressing. You'd think a place called CheeseCAKE Factory would offer up something better.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Confession time!

    I avoid letting people I socialize with know that I'm dieting. I'm visibly significantly overweight and I hate having to deal with comments like: Already lean people saying things like "Oh, you're SO LUCKY because when you have THAT MUCH to lose, it just falls off! I've been trying to lose these last 3 pounds for months, etc etc!" (or alternately, "I should diet too, I just feel SO FAT when I get over 110, it's disgusting..."), condescending "Good for you, honey!" type comments, non scientific advice about 'good carbs'/paleo/vegan/faddietoftheday, general discussion of my eating/body/fatness, and how I have "a pretty face" and am "going to be so cute once I lose the pounds!" Somehow just being fat doesn't bring about this conversation, but anyone getting wind that I'm trying to lose weight does.... I don't get it.

    I skip social situations or save up calories so I can eat what other people are eating, just to avoid having these conversations.

    Every day on these boards I read about all the insensitive and rude remarks people make to others and now it's making me believe that any health and nutrition education needs to be supplemented with some manners courses and common sense training. Too bad that will never happen.

    It's so true. People have no filter. I don't understand how so many people missed the lesson that you don't have to say everything that pops into your head out loud, especially if it's unkind.

    I'm pmsing & yesterday I brought in some shopping carts since the store I work at was low & I had an older man that said can you handle that? Good way to lose weight! Ugh I wanted to throat punch him. I should've yelled I already lost 150 pounds.
  • almondbutterbay
    almondbutterbay Posts: 221 Member
    shannonbun wrote: »
    I went running outside for the first time today, cos y'know, I was feeling good about myself... while running through campus, someone yelled out of their car, "RUN, FAT GIRL!!" I wanted to flip off the chick who yelled so badly, but she was in a car, so obviously she got away.

    Come say that to my face and we'll see just how fast you can run. Grrrrr...

    Wow that's so incredibly rude what she said!!!!! It makes me angry.

  • Lefty1290
    Lefty1290 Posts: 551 Member
    The family went to Cheesecake Factory to for one of the nieces birthdays and seeing the waiter hand out ice cream as the free dessert was just depressing. You'd think a place called CheeseCAKE Factory would offer up something better.

    Now, that is lame.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    amvition wrote: »
    I ate a whole loaf of bread yesterday telling myself it was okay because it was whole grain bread :| my binges are getting better though, my worst moment was at night a few months ago, i ate 5 croissants, a whole cake, a bag of chips, a loaf of bread and an avocado

    Glad to hear they're getting better.

    I think my worst binge was the day I ate around 3-4 pints of ice cream or 4-5 protein bars.

    My binging is always worst around my period.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    confession: it drives me absolutely nuts (ie. totally jealous) when ppl whine about NOT being able to eat 1,000 calories in a day. i never say anthing out of fear of being destroyed in the forums, but it's mind boggling to me. are you living on cotton-balls soaked in vinegar? what am i missing?! tell me how to not be hungry all the time!

    I'm sure a lot of those people eat way over 1,000 & don't accurately measure their portions on a food scale. With people who need to lose a larger amount I am sure they think that they need to drastically cut their portions & when it fails they binge & give up.
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    Kind of stressing, still haven't heard about the interview and while on Indeed this evening, I noticed the job posting is active again, it's the same listing as it's said that it's saved and I've already applied, but it wasn't there for over a week and now it's back.