55-65 year old women's success?



  • cowleyl
    cowleyl Posts: 169 Member
    sodakat wrote: »
    I participated in the last 2 but am passing on this one, if you mean the Team challenge. I don't lose at a regular pace anymore and hate to "hurt" my team. If you like weekly challenges you'll like these Biggest Loser challenges because someone usually comes up with something that everyone on the team is encouraged to do.

    Kendalslimmer is leading the challenge @cowleyl so you can "find" her under the member search and ask for an invite to the group.

    Thanks. Will do.
  • trina1049
    trina1049 Posts: 593 Member
    Trina - you are awesome! Thank you so much for posting your very inspiring story. It really started my day off right. I have also found that limiting carbs has been essential to my weight loss. I do a lot of weight bearing exercise (boxing, pilates, barre, belly dancing), and lately i have also tried to increase my cardio, which has made a big difference.

    Thanks for kind remarks! I guess us oldies/goldies have to watch the carbs. I originally had my macros set to MFPs default settings but I found I was hungry all the time. Hated it. After I read a few of the posts for newbies I realized I could change them and the rest is history. The 35% protein/35% fat/30% carb split is much better for me; no hunger.

    I also did a ton of cardio but had to back off because it hurt my knees/feet - even the low impact stuff; I think it was the quick, turning movements. I can manage the elliptical 3xs per week for 30 mins. each time before my feet start protesting.
  • cathy120861
    cathy120861 Posts: 265 Member
    Bonnie -- That is so great! Your hard work is really paying off in the most important ways.
  • bonniepwest
    bonniepwest Posts: 30 Member
    Boy, this group's been quiet lately. I hope that doesn't mean that everyone is feeling discouraged. I haven't been as careful as I would have liked in the last few days, but I'm trying not to let it get me down. I did have a situation the other day where I ended up going through the drive-thru for lunch, getting a hamburger and french fries which I knew was not my best choice. I had taken 3 or 4 bites of the hamburger when I realized I forgot to take the bun off. I took the top off and left the bottom on, but I never noticed before how sweet the bun is. I guess my taste buds have finally changed. That was a positive moment in that I was able to stop a behavior before it went too far (even though I did eat every french fry!)
  • trina1049
    trina1049 Posts: 593 Member
    Boy, this group's been quiet lately. I hope that doesn't mean that everyone is feeling discouraged. I haven't been as careful as I would have liked in the last few days, but I'm trying not to let it get me down. I did have a situation the other day where I ended up going through the drive-thru for lunch, getting a hamburger and french fries which I knew was not my best choice. I had taken 3 or 4 bites of the hamburger when I realized I forgot to take the bun off. I took the top off and left the bottom on, but I never noticed before how sweet the bun is. I guess my taste buds have finally changed. That was a positive moment in that I was able to stop a behavior before it went too far (even though I did eat every french fry!)

    I'd consider that a NSV - non-scale vicory! Good job.
  • jenwrite
    jenwrite Posts: 89 Member
    Hi, I am 60, will be 61 in June. I joined the group 60 and over here at MFP, but then got sidetracked and never really got too involved. Recently, however,
    I joined Nutrisystem and have lost 11 lbs, with another 8 to go. While I have never been severely overweight, I have been playing with 10, 15 or 20 lbs
    since I was a teenager. Now I am ready to get to the weight I want to be and just maintain already! LOL. Like others on this thread, I am finding the weight loss goes
    really slow now. I used to be able to lose weight so quickly, but not anymore. I really like the idea of finding support with others experiencing the same thing in
    my age group. --- Jen


  • hispraiseinme
    hispraiseinme Posts: 69 Member
    I'm thinking of trying nutrisystem. I bought the 5 day starter kit. To see if I'll like the food before buying a 28 day supply. I'm a little nervous to try it. I hope it doesn't taste too much like diet food. Marie Osmond says it's wonderful. I'll be trying it out tomorrow.
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    I'm thinking of trying nutrisystem. I bought the 5 day starter kit. To see if I'll like the food before buying a 28 day supply. I'm a little nervous to try it. I hope it doesn't taste too much like diet food. Marie Osmond says it's wonderful. I'll be trying it out tomorrow.

    You have to do what is right for you. If it works, that is great! Fantastic, how ever you can accomplish it.

    For me MFP, and eating food that I can eat the rest of my life works. I started on MFP at 290# in March of 2012. I have lost over 160# and been maintaining @ around 130# for almost 18 months now. For too many years, I bought into the "it is harder to lose weight over 40" myth, which turned out to be untrue for me, and many others, telling myself, "why even try if it is so hard?" I did try many times over the decades but never lasting long. Usually 2-3 days. The longest time was 3 weeks, until now. I am in the best shape now, that I have been for most of my adult life. For me, it is sustainable and I can live with this the rest of my life. It is all about portion control, not over eating, and moving more. Before, I was out of breath from walking up a flight of stairs. Now, I go to the gym every day, plus, I go for walks up and down the hills of our woods most days, regardless of the weather (I live in MN). At age 63, if I can do it, most anyone can, that has no existing health issues. I work full time. Have a 45 minute commute one way, but I make the time for me, and we all should, because we are definitely worth the effort!

    Best of luck to all! You can do this too!
  • trina1049
    trina1049 Posts: 593 Member
    I'm thinking of trying nutrisystem. I bought the 5 day starter kit. To see if I'll like the food before buying a 28 day supply. I'm a little nervous to try it. I hope it doesn't taste too much like diet food. Marie Osmond says it's wonderful. I'll be trying it out tomorrow.

    You have to do what is right for you. If it works, that is great! Fantastic, how ever you can accomplish it.

    For me MFP, and eating food that I can eat the rest of my life works. I started on MFP at 290# in March of 2012. I have lost over 160# and been maintaining @ around 130# for almost 18 months now. For too many years, I bought into the "it is harder to lose weight over 40" myth, which turned out to be untrue for me, and many others, telling myself, "why even try if it is so hard?" I did try many times over the decades but never lasting long. Usually 2-3 days. The longest time was 3 weeks, until now. I am in the best shape now, that I have been for most of my adult life. For me, it is sustainable and I can live with this the rest of my life. It is all about portion control, not over eating, and moving more. Before, I was out of breath from walking up a flight of stairs. Now, I go to the gym every day, plus, I go for walks up and down the hills of our woods most days, regardless of the weather (I live in MN). At age 63, if I can do it, most anyone can, that has no existing health issues. I work full time. Have a 45 minute commute one way, but I make the time for me, and we all should, because we are definitely worth the effort!

    Best of luck to all! You can do this too!

    I tried Nutrisystem and lost weight but put it back on once I stopped eating the Nutrisystem food. I also thought the food tasted wonderful. I remember thinking the portions were really, really small, LOL. I had no idea what a single portion looked like! If it works for you, hispraiseinme, that's great. It doesn't matter how you get there, you just have to do it.

    I have to agree with snowflake930 that for me MFP and eating food that I like for the rest of my life works. I'm almost to maintenance at 133lbs. (looking to drop about 5 more pounds) down from 179lbs. I lost my 46lbs very steadily and slowly over a year and a half. I, too, am in the best shape now than I have been in years. When I began my weight loss I was at the gym almost every day, but I've cut back to 4xs per week and found my sweet spot for exercising and what I can comfortably maintain.

    It really is about making time for yourself and changing the way one looks at food. Food fuels my workouts now; a change from my previous relationship with food -- a love affair that had to end because it was affecting my health, especially now in my 60s. My taste in food has dramatically changed over the last year and a half. I'm done with the overeating!

    Let us know how you like the Nutrisystem food and keep us posted if you continue with it.


  • alison2429
    alison2429 Posts: 236 Member
    I see that this post is quite old but here goes....I'm struggling to lose any weight (this time around!) and I put a significant amount of blame on my age. I'm 50 this year but I seem to have been or am going though the menopause. It's difficult to tell! I have been using MFP again for about 3 weeks and have gained weight every week! I exercise 3 or 4 times a week and rarely use all my calories. It genuinely seems to be harder to lose weight the older I get - is that a proven medical fact? I'm going on a holiday of lifetime in September to celebrate my 50th and I NEED to be able to fit into my summer clothes and want to be able to enjoy looking at the photos when I come back! B)
  • mk2fit
    mk2fit Posts: 730 Member
    I'm 56. I quit smoking 3 years ago. After about 15 months, my taste buds came back and, boy, did I eat. I gained probably 60 pounds. I did not have a scale, but I went up 6 pant sizes. My doctor recommended counting calories and told me about MFP. The only other time in my life I tried to lose weight was after my kids were born. I started here last October and have lost 44 pounds and have one more pant size to go. I exercise every day - mostly walking and elliptical with a little exercise dvd and some strength work thrown in for variety. I don't think it is any harder to lose weight in my 50s than it was at 29-30, but I have had to work at it each time. I am almost to maintenance so we shall see what happens then. It is nice to see a thread for us older gals. Keep up the good work, ladies. We CAN do this!!! PS it helps to have a supportive spouse, at least for me.
  • shycie750
    shycie750 Posts: 10 Member
    Really enjoyed reading through some of these posts and feeling so inspired by such lovely, powerful women! I am 51, menopausal, and slowly but steadily losing weight. I have many young friends on MFP that are losing 2-3 pounds every week and just yesterday I was ready to throw in the towel because my numbers aren't like that. But I went in my closet, cried a little, said a prayer and came out able to leave the food that had been calling my name alone. Today I am more determined to continue on the path I've chosen that IS working for me and compare myself to myself and no one else! I really would welcome friends in my life situation... Please add me or accept if I friend you! Thank you in advance for your support!
  • hispraiseinme
    hispraiseinme Posts: 69 Member
    edited April 2015
    I thought people on here were doing Nutrisystem. That's what I read somewhere. I'll be trying my first real meal with it tonight. I had the chocolate muffin for breakfast. It was okay. Then a bar and large salad for lunch. Snack of almonds and dried cranberries for afternoon snack. Mid morning I had greek yogurt and blueberries. Tonight is the actual dinner. A little nervous about it. I decided to do the 5 day kit you get at Walmart. I just need something to get myself back on track. So I can get back to my healthy eating. It for sure has to be a lifestyle change. I just want to get the weight off. I do find since I hit 50 the weight came on a lot faster.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,760 Member
    patty1138 wrote: »
    Can I plz join your grp?

    Link to 60+ group

    Several members are maintaining, many more are within 20 lbs. of goal, and others are just starting or starting over. Female hormones etc. do make it harder. We do have some members who are male, but they post rarely.

    I had lost successfully during menopause and thought I would never have to loss again, but life happens and I am back doing it again, less than 20 lbs to get to my goal finally, I had a false start but I am back for good now. I have learned to log and eat more than 1200 cals. I am 5'3" so I will not be able to eat a lot more than that but 1400-1500 cals are a lot easier to live with than 12K (this is why I fell off the wagon my first time here).

    I also have found Fitbit keeps me moving and that has helped a lot. Even though I am closer to goal I am losing more consistantly and eating those extra calories. What ever works :)
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    So great to see everyone continue with the positive aspects of this thread!!!

    @hispraiseinme, regarding Nutrisystem being used here, I read in another thread that many of the people from the Nutrisystem forums moved to MFP recently because the Nutrisystem forums are being discontinued (apparently). That may be what made you think MFP members were primarily using Nutrisystem.


  • hispraiseinme
    hispraiseinme Posts: 69 Member
    Kathy, I didn't think that. I thought I read this thread, 55-65 someone was doing NS. Apparently not
  • StrawbC
    StrawbC Posts: 167 Member
    I was thinking of starting a group for women our age, where we would choose a fitness challenge every week and offer each other support and encouragement. some of the challenges that occur to me would be adding an hour more exercise than you usually do, or cutting down on carbs, or cutting out night time eating; the people in the group would take turns choosing the challenges. we could define "fitness" very broadly and include any health related challenges that interest us.

    anybody else interested?

    I would.. I'm on a slippery slope toward old bad habits, though I've had a great start to the year with 12kgs or 26.5lbs lost I feel like I'm stalling and in need of some revitalization of my motivation and goals and challenges may be the way to go so count me in. Let me know if you start a thread around this I will join for sure.
  • Jewels211
    Jewels211 Posts: 184 Member
    alison2429 wrote: »
    I see that this post is quite old but here goes....I'm struggling to lose any weight (this time around!) and I put a significant amount of blame on my age. I'm 50 this year but I seem to have been or am going though the menopause. It's difficult to tell! I have been using MFP again for about 3 weeks and have gained weight every week! I exercise 3 or 4 times a week and rarely use all my calories. It genuinely seems to be harder to lose weight the older I get - is that a proven medical fact? I'm going on a holiday of lifetime in September to celebrate my 50th and I NEED to be able to fit into my summer clothes and want to be able to enjoy looking at the photos when I come back! B)

    I did find it harder this time around at first. I'm 54 now & like you am in the midst of going through menopause. What I've found is that I HAVE to be more active now. I've been a slug most of my life, so for me that just means I put in 15-20 min twice a day on my treadmill. I use one of the preset interval walk sessions. I've lost 53 lbs since last fall, over 30 since I was diagnosed w T2diabetes the 1st part of Dec. I'm now off my diuretic & if my b/p stays as low as it has been, dr will take me off the other b/p med soon. I'm controlling the diabetes w diet & exercise, no meds, & my #s are really good. I started in a size 20, am now in 14 bottoms & large tops. So it CAN be done.
    Are you maybe getting too much sodium, hanging on to excess water? Or are e there hidden calories somewhere, like you're guesstimating quantities eaten? Weight loss really can be wonky though as your body starts adjusting to change. Make sure you measure yourself b/c sometimes the tape measure shows love even if the scales don't.
  • lollye51
    lollye51 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi everyone!
    Enjoyed reading all the posts. Me? 54 and looking for mates. Been on MFP two
    weeks now. Enjoying taking charge of my life again, I welcome the challenge
    of a new phase in life!
  • ukjanetm
    ukjanetm Posts: 3 Member
    Hello all - joined yesterday, 55, been working on losing weight since the end of February. Things were progressing pretty steadily at about 1 lb/week loss, but I've been completely stalled for the past 2-3 weeks. I do wonder if it is related to the fact that I took up a 'Couch to 5K' running program at about the same time. Although I take regular brisk walks, I'm now adding bursts of running/jogging into it. Wondering if I'm a) building up muscle, so still losing fat but it isn't being reflected on the scale, or b) not eating enough because of the additional calories burned. Anyway, my mother always told me it is easier to lose weight when you're young; wish I'd listened. :smile: But it can be done, I'm sure of that.
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