
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    i have added fresh fruit into every meal...whether it be a sliced apple, banana, grapes, etc. i make sure i eat fruit everyday....i also try to eat fresh veggies whehever possible....canned ones are good, but i try to have fresh over canned when i am able....having diabetes has totally changed my life..and my eating
  • letsgetserious
    letsgetserious Posts: 140 Member
    does anybody know how many calories is in homebrew about 95%>>> I know, I know,,,,,,, dont judge me... just give me calorie numbers...
  • SiouxPrincess
    SiouxPrincess Posts: 35 Member
    2. Bring the color blue into your life more often. There’s a good reason you won’t see many fast-food restaurants decorated in blue: Believe it or not, the color blue functions as an appetite suppressant. So serve up dinner on blue plates, dress in blue while you eat, and cover your table with a blue tablecloth. Conversely, avoid red, yellow, and orange in your dining areas. Studies find they encourage eating.

    I think this is so true! The inside of our house is painted baby blue & our plates, bowls & cups are all blue. I think all of this helps me to say under my calories, it helps keep me calm and helps me with my stress/emotional eating.

    and I stay under my calories by eating soups & it helps to plan my meals first thing in the morning, so I am ready to start the day. When I don't have it planned out I usually add more than I want to because I am hungry & will want to eat whatever is close :blushing:
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member
    seein how my mom bought me big square red plates for christmas, I'm goin to buy small round blue ones tomorrow! and m y kitchen decor is red - maybe why im always lookin to snack on sumtin when I'm in there!...using smaller plates helps me to eat smaller portions, just like using a carrier instead of a cart at the grocery store helps me buy less crap! :laugh:

    I prepackage snacks - cut up apples (which you can buy bags of them cut up at the grocer), baby carrots, etc. I also count out things to track calories i.e. 12 almonds, 25 pretzels,etc and I write the # calories it is with a sharpie on the ziplock bag. I drink a whole glass of water before a meal to feel fuller, and I eat the veggies, salad, whatever first - that way I'm usuallly full before getting to the heavier foods on the plate!
  • SLIM195
    SLIM195 Posts: 133 Member
    My Goals for the challenge are as follows:

    Battle of the Bulge Summer Weightloss Challenge

    SW - May 16, 255.6

    Week 1 - May 23, GW: 252 Actual:
    Week 2 - May 30, GW: 248 Actual:
    Week 3 - Jun 06, GW: 244 Actual:
    Week 4 - Jun 13, GW: 240 Actual:

    Week 5 - Jun 20, WEIGH-IN GOAL: 235
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member
    When I don't have it planned out I usually add more than I want to because I am hungry & will want to eat whatever is close :blushing:

    Oh yeah - at work when I get hungry I reach for whatevers close - so if its a jar of candy you can easily rack up the cals! I put a bag of slices apples in arms reach and a huge bottle of water so when I get hungry or feel like snackin BAM! I've got apples and water :happy: Also, out of site is out of mind...I put candy, sweets, etc in cubbards I hardly go in and out of site - that way I dont eat sumtin just because it "looks:bigsmile: " good
  • soshotout
    soshotout Posts: 115
    What are ways you stay under your calories? Share some of your healthier snack options.

    I bought new measuring cups and spoons and that has helped stay under my calories and accurately measure serving sizes. I also try to plan at least one day ahead about what I will eat. Keeps me from wandering around the kitchen too much. Also, I do not eat out. I prepare all my own food and stay away from any type of fast food, soda, etc.

    Some healthier snacks you may want to try are the Special K Crackers and Cracker Chips. They are delicious and the serving sizes / calories are great for filling you up and keeping you under your goal!
  • samvanz
    samvanz Posts: 122 Member
    Definately agree with soshotout and siouxprincess - PLAN!

    I pack lunch the night before, and add up the calories. I usually allow enough calories so I can have a coffee while I'm out, that's my treat.

    I'm actually following Michelle Bridges' "Crunch Time" menu plans, so that's all pre-tallied, but I do make a lot of changes - usually only stick to the dinners and cooked breakfasts on weekends. It helps to plan what you're eating in the morning or the night before, that way there's nothing you need to improvise!
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member
    Speaking about being under calories, here's a helpful blogpost from a fellow member that could be helpful to some newcomers regarding how MFP determines your calories you can eat and why you should eat as many of them as you can:
  • talysshade
    talysshade Posts: 273 Member
    Yay! Easy challenge for the day! Lol.. i had planned to eat less today because i'm going out to an all you can eat buffet tomorrow.. meaning the days around it have to be low days for me, because i just want to enjoy myself tomorrow.

    Admittedly, it's a wok buffet, so everything is stir fried and nothing is deep fried, and there's a lot of vegetables and lean meat, so it could be worse. But today i'm going to have trouble REACHING my calorie goal, since besides dinner and breakfast i would have to eat another 800 calories.. HOW lol.
  • bhsnow
    bhsnow Posts: 3
    I want to do this! How do I join, friend, or whatever I need to do? (I'm still learning how this works, obviously!) I've been working at this for 2 weeks with NO success, so I really need help.
  • IamBrande
    IamBrande Posts: 208 Member
    This challenge for me will be easy, I have yet be to able to get 'enough' calories!!!!!

    ***Please Note my MFP name change***

    Thanks!! =)
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    My kitchen is red too (and brown)! Damn you, vibrant color!

    I do the plate idea too. I went to Color Me Mine (a place where you can decorate your own plates, cups, etc..) and chose a smallish plate for myself. I decorated it with a blob of color for each item. So for example, the meat, I put the appropriate sized blob for what size my meat should be. It's a fun way to make you want to use it and eat smaller portions!

    I pre-plan my lunch and snacks every day too. I like string cheese, fruit and Chicharróns!! I make sure my string cheese is torn apart and put in a standing cup in my fridge. I wash all my fruits and place them in those green tupperware things. The chicharrons I put in snack baggies (I sacrificed Mother Earth during my diet. Just for a while...). It's annoying to me to think of things to snack on and what to eat for meals, but once you get it going and it's done, it makes the week so much easier!!

    I have a wedding to go this weekend, so everyone wish me luck. I've been really strong, but..... THEY'RE HAVING A SPAGHETTI DINNER CATERED!! *cries*
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    This challenge for me will be easy, I have yet be to able to get 'enough' calories!!!!!

    I have that problem too. Ugh..
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    I want to do this! How do I join, friend, or whatever I need to do? (I'm still learning how this works, obviously!) I've been working at this for 2 weeks with NO success, so I really need help.

    If you go to our website for the group, it has all the rules, regulations and some tunes!

    Copy and paste this into your browser:
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member
    I went to Color Me Mine (a place where you can decorate your own plates, cups, etc..) and chose a smallish plate for myself. I decorated it with a blob of color for each item. So for example, the meat, I put the appropriate sized blob for what size my meat should be. It's a fun way to make you want to use it and eat smaller portions!

  • What helps me stay under my calories is always eating a salad before me lunch and dinner. This fills me up and I eat less, and usually stay under or within my calories.
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    So, some of the ways I stay under calories include:

    1. Drink Lots of water to keep feeling full.
    2. Eat slowly, giving my stomach enough time to realize I'm full, before over-eating.
    3. Add more exercise when I think there's a possibility I might go over.
    4. Eat low calorie foods (fruit rather than fruit juices, for example)
    5. Eating a salad with low cal dressing with my dinner (usually eat this first to help fill)
  • Hannahrenee86
    Hannahrenee86 Posts: 183
    Some of the ways I stay around my calorie goal:
    ~I limit the snacking.
    ~I try not to eat after 8 pm. (So hard especially when husband gets several snacks. He made himself a yummy sandwich the other day at like 10:30pm)
    ~I am trying to limit sodas/alcohol
    ~Drink lots and lots of water plus I work out 6-7 days a week 1-2 hrs a day.

    Some of my healthier snack options:
    ~String Cheese
    ~Bell Peppers/ Carrots/ Celery/ Grape Tomatoes
    ~Romaine Lettuce
  • aportillo8
    aportillo8 Posts: 35 Member
    Battle of the Bulge Summer Weightloss Challenge!!:
    Starting weight 195
    Week 1 - 5/23: GW:194
    Week 2 - 5/30: GW:193
    Week 3 - 6/6: GW: 192
    Week 4 - 6/13: GW: 191
    Week 5 - JUNE 20 WEIGH-IN GOAL: 190
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