

  • eMka11
    eMka11 Posts: 106 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    paulaviki wrote: »
    Today I had broccoli oven roasted for the first time, I always just usually boil it. It was bloody gorgeous! And then I mixed tuna with avocado for my sandwiches tomorrow instead of mayo. Also bloody delicious. How have I not eaten these things in this way before!

    Mmm good stuff!! I could eat avocado mixed with anything :)

    I have been wanting to try avocado lattely, never have and not sure what to do with it!
    Slice and add it to salads, mash it and use for sandwiches as butter replacement (avocado and ham must be my favourite), mix with chopped tomato and splash of cream to make guacamole and use with crisps or ryvita...
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    jnr007 wrote: »
    Confession, bought iced oatmeal cookies (the soft and chewy kind *drool*) my kids later asked for a few. I lied and said I couldn't find them and we must've left them at the store. In truth, I ate the whole package while cooking dinner. Not like I meant to, I looked down and thought hmm, a few won't hurt since I'm not eating the dinner I fixed. Went to put them away and surprise, surprise it was empty. :neutral:

    I haven't had those in a long, long time. They have always been a favorite! My best friend, that passed away 13 years ago, and I would buy a package of those, each get a big glass of milk, go to my bedroom, and eat the whole thing! Good memories!
  • IAmTheGlue
    IAmTheGlue Posts: 701 Member
    annette_15 wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    I was never a soda drinker and definitely not a diet soda drinker. I always thought it was gross. A few weeks ago I got a craving for something carbonated so I had a diet soda. Then I had another. Now I'm wanting one every day, for the purpose that it alleviates my hunger and takes my mind off of eating for awhile. I have a hard time breaking habits so I'm a little worried. Nothing wrong with diet soda but I would rather not be drinking it every day and using it to stave off hunger.

    I dont see anything wrong with it, I like my diet sodas *shrug*

    Me too! I'm not giving up diet soda. I do try to drink more water now (4-5 bottles a day) but diet soda is my favorite and I'm not abstaining completely from it
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    I am now going to bed irritated like I do nearly every single Mothers Day. :|

    I'm sorry! Why?

    Because my family sucks sometimes lol

    My daughter, whom oddly enough is the one that causes me the most stress by far, normally does good for Mothers Day, like yesterday,.....she doesn't have any money really right now cuz she just finished her Uni year and started work today, but she made me a nice homemade card and put 10 little hearts with vouchers in it for things like foot rubs, laundry service, baked goods etc. I LOVED it.

    My son, who is 17, and I still get up nearly every morning to see him off to school, and cook HOT food for him at because he works a LOT and goes to school full time, plus other things, I do a lot for him that kid's his age do on their own like laundry and I always make sure there is hot food for him before/after work/school etc. He, got me a piece of cheese cake he brought home from his work late last night. I was upset that he did not get me a card mostly, because I feel his gifts are never heartfelt, and I have told him this before. His reply is "Well, you know I love you." I do not doubt he does, and he is a great kid, like seriously, my friends tell me all the time they would love a kid like him, he is hard working (and a good saver, which is odd for a kid his age, he has been working since he was 9 and routinely lends his sister money cuz she is terrible.....we always joke that by the time he is done Uni he will have saved enough money to buy a small island), he is a great student, and I never have to ground him or anything, like literally never. But it is upsetting to me that he could not take the time to write me a card.

    My SO, is the WORST out of the group. We have the same argument nearly every year. Again, I will say overall, my SO is wonderful. We almost never fight and he is very good about doing nearly all the cooking and cleaning when he is here (which is only on weekends, and not every one), never once has he ever yelled at me, called me a name, or said something nasty to me. He is loving and affectionate, and a great handy man, does everything from household repairs to hand washing laundry and sewing. However, I am lucky to get "Happy Mothers Day" said to me, or any holiday really. Some years I have gotten small gifts, and to be quite frank, most of them sucked, like he does not know me at all. But it is not about the money, I would be happy with a card, again, and a small token like a movie ticket or something. The worst part is, like I said, we go over this every single year, and it's like by the next time, it never crosses his mind again.

    Then I go to work the next day, and 500 people will say things like "Oh, I bet your family spoiled you", or talking about what their families did. Yes, yes I was spoiled, I got a piece of cheesecake :|

    It is just disappointing that they never learn how I feel. Like I have said in other posts, my mother was a huge *kitten*, so I try really hard to be a good mother, and it hurts my feelings because I feel like they do not care.

    End of rant!

    Well, I do have to say that I never appreciated my mom when I was younger, but now that I have kids I realize how much she sacrificed when we were younger. Give your kids a couple years, and they'll come around.

    I'm sorry that your husband doesn't get it, but I would forgive my husband for everything if he did laundry and helped with the cooking! But, I understand that everyone has different needs and wants.
  • fliesdonotbelong
    fliesdonotbelong Posts: 109 Member
    I ate chocolate chips and animal crackers in the middle of the night... and have no idea how much.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Spent the weekend coming to terms with the idea that I might not get under 200 ever again. Down another shirt size, legs still aren't budging. I need to look into getting a DEXA and see how much of what's there I can realistically do anything about.

    *Hugs* Awesome job on going down another shirt size.

    Where do you get a DEXA taken at?
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    edited May 2015

    @Italian_Buju My mom did my laundry for me today(I did not ask her to and had every intention of doing it myself). So I plan on making her breakfast when I get home. She didn't really get spoiled on Mother's Day either and later this week has to head up to Dallas to take care of my cousin Sherry who is on her third battle with breast cancer.

    I know she feels very unappreciated but I make an effort to show her I love her and I make her coffee every morning as soon as I get home. She always asks me, "Why don't you change out of your clothes first?"
    She is more important and a few coffee stains only add authenticity to the security uniform anyway. :wink:

    Side note: [expletive] Cancer!

    Is this supposed to make me feel better about the fact that the males in my family suck? Cuz it doesn't.
    The key difference here is that you make an effort, if you recall, that is what I am upset about, no effort.

    Also not sure about the laundry, why you mentioned it, but there is also a difference in her doing yours once in a while while you had the intention in doing it yourself than if she worked her schedule around doing laundry for you two days a week because you never do it yourself. I literally never make plans on a Thursday evening past 7 because by then he needs some laundry done (I do the rest of the laundry, with his again, on Sunday). This was also only an example of one of the things I do for him that the average 17 year old does himself.

    One more thing, like I said it is my SO that I am most upset with, my son runs close second though.

    I did not get upset because I was not 'spoiled', I got upset because it was largely ignored that it was Mothers Day at all.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    I don't understand Pinterest either. I signed up, pinned some stuff, didn't really know what else to do with that site. I haven't logged back in, in at least a year give or take (?)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    getup25 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Confession: I hate Pinterest! It's not organized enough for my OCD brain!

    Me too!! I thought I was the only one! Pinterest FAIL.

    You can count me in that group as well. I don't like how it's organized.

    And me. I see a recipe that looks good and click on it and all I get is a picture. Sorry but WTF, it's annoying as hell. Take me to the **** recipe! Plus you don't get reviews so it might be disgusting...

  • CynSearly
    CynSearly Posts: 23 Member
    Today's confession is that this discussion is both making me crave bad foods, and making me feel better about myself at the same time.

    I will avoid the bad foods, I will I will I will....
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    OK, I'll confess right here: I love Pinterest. LOL It speaks to both my short attention span and my need to put things into groups.
  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    81Katz wrote: »
    I don't understand Pinterest either. I signed up, pinned some stuff, didn't really know what else to do with that site. I haven't logged back in, in at least a year give or take (?)

    Nor me. I signed up after people were obsessed with it and have never really used it because I just didn't get it.
  • hulme
    hulme Posts: 2 Member
    Confession.. I binged so badly on the weekend. Ate all nasty things... Chips, chocolate, dougnuts, pizza.. Up until then I'd been doing really well and losing weight at a slow but steady pace. I feel a bit peeved with myself for munching through an extra 3000 calories. Hoping i can be real good this week!
  • ohgeeque
    ohgeeque Posts: 224 Member
    Just a sip. Can I have a bite? Let me taste it. It is on my finger, I have to lick it off. Someone should finish it. A little one won't hurt.

    It turns out, these tiny bits can really pile up. Yesterday, I finally stopped to add them together and, as near as I can figure, it was 200 calories worth of nothings.

  • CynSearly
    CynSearly Posts: 23 Member
    A diet confession...I often will take a bite of something and if it not delicious and truly worth the calories, I will spit it in the trash or a napkin (especially, any candy or dessert!).
    I have never spit anything out, but I have not finished something when it wasn't worth the cals. This is how I judge whether a cheat is worthwhile. Based on the joy it will bring me, I may or may not consider it.
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    edited May 2015
    Confession: I have a sinus headache, which usually kills my desire to eat, and I'm not-so-secretly glad about it.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Confession: I have a sinus headache, which usually kills my desire to eat, and I'm not-so-secretly glad about it.

    I'm one of the unlucky people who never loses her appetite when she's sick, unless it's a stomach bug (and even then...).
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    I'm having a bad day. We are going climbing in Brecon at the weekend, as preparation for the Ben Nevis challenge. I need a new coat. My boyfriend has been pulling out of various cupboards a collection of goretex coats. I have very subtly been telling him not to bother, i'll find my own, that i like, that fits properly etc. Last night he made me try on all of these coats. Not one of them fitted around my hips. It was a long exercise in humiliation. His comment was, 'oh you need one the same size as me then'. It didn't help. I went to bed and cried. Yes, i know I'm fat. I don't need to parade that in front of the people I love. I'm beginning to think this whole Ben Nevis idea was ridiculous. A woman my size has no business trying to climb mountains. Apologies for the self pitying rant. Feel very low today

    I totally know how you feel. I hate getting handed lab coats on site visits and knowing there's no way it'll do up and having to get get one that drowns me most places to do up over my hips. My favourite situation is when they apologise that they only have xxl or something and they're too big for everyone.

    You can definitely climb that mountain though. Go out and get a coat you feel comfortable in and you can do it!

    Yeah my hips are frigging massive :( Although 3 inches down on size from last month). The problem is, the high street outdoor shops don't cater to coats in my size (that have to accomodate my gargantuan hips, a wicking top, a mid-layer fleece and a top fleece). Anyway, out of hurt and anger this morning, I've ordered a £200 coat from Berghaus to try, in cherry pink!
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    I'm having a bad day. We are going climbing in Brecon at the weekend, as preparation for the Ben Nevis challenge. I need a new coat. My boyfriend has been pulling out of various cupboards a collection of goretex coats. I have very subtly been telling him not to bother, i'll find my own, that i like, that fits properly etc. Last night he made me try on all of these coats. Not one of them fitted around my hips. It was a long exercise in humiliation. His comment was, 'oh you need one the same size as me then'. It didn't help. I went to bed and cried. Yes, i know I'm fat. I don't need to parade that in front of the people I love. I'm beginning to think this whole Ben Nevis idea was ridiculous. A woman my size has no business trying to climb mountains. Apologies for the self pitying rant. Feel very low today

    Oh my gosh you so have to climb it! I would love to climb it, but my SO isn't into that kind of thing so you have to climb it for me! And what are you on about "woman my size", you can be the first woman your size to climb it then :wink: Don't let a coat put you off the idea, once you do the challenge you will realise a coat is a coat and it is totally worth getting it in a slightly bigger size. About 8 years ago (and 3 stone lighter) I travelled around Borneo for a month and I climbed Mt. Kinabalu which is 4,095.2m or 13,435.7ft above sea level and I was 13st which is... about 170lbs. It was a struggle but it was damn worth it once you get to the top!

    I am really excited about the climb (it was people here that persuaded me i could do it) and I'm so looking forward to it. My boyfriend has now decided he is going to do it with me (its an overnight climb, in the dark, on behalf of the alzheimer's society). I don't have a problem with having to get a bigger sized coat, i have a problem finding a bigger sized coat, and i have a bigger problem trying on a succession of coats that don't fit and having to say to my partners, nope, too small and generally feeling like crap about myself (my problem, not theirs). Outdoor shops do not cater to 15 stone women who want to climb mountains.

    I will climb it for you Lois :) I'll be posting pics and videos on my justgiving page (which you can get through my profile) so you can experience it yourself ;)

    I wouldn't have said either of my partners would do this either, although my boyfriend used to be in the army, those days are long gone. But after i signed up to climb Ben Nevis, my boyfriend decided he would too, which I think is great for him, because its encouraged him to go to the gym and get fitter. My girlfriend won't do it, says she couldn't, but is coming climbing in Brecon at the weekend, so we've found an activity that we all like to do together, that isn't sitting in front of a screen.

    Yea I completely get that. I despise clothes shopping and I despise changing rooms even more. If I have a good day I'll pick up all the clothes I'm brave enough to try on and then face the corner of the cubical changing until I'm dressed. I cannot bear to look at myself when I get dressed. Even at home I face away from the mirror until I'm done. So many times I've gone clothes shopping and ended in a puddle of tears because nothing fits.

    I'm sure your girlfriend will change her mind after the climb this weekend. It would be good if you did it as a threesome, and it's great you have found something to do. Is it climbing as in wall climbing or climbing as in hiking? If its wall climbing you will have amazing arms!

    Thank you for climbing it for me! I might have to Photoshop myself into a picture of the top! lol
  • BobOki
    BobOki Posts: 245 Member
    I have logged on MFP for 1104 days.... but I hardly ever log all my day. It has made me eat correctly and I still stay in/under my cals mostly, but I just hate logging now. Also, I don't log my beers :(
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    So basically, I found out at my current job that they're making the most lazy do nothing manager on our property a Director, which means he'll get paid more to do even less.

    I'll also be giving my notice to my current employer today. Things should get real interesting.