May 2015 MOVE Challenge



  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Jeannie!!! Hugs right backatcha, my sweet friend! You make me tired too! You do more in the first half of your day that I get done by 8:00pm! :D Check out those numbers you are posting... Wowza, is all I can say.
  • mandybaker100
    mandybaker100 Posts: 17 Member
    Good evening everyone, I can't believe how everybody's miles are adding up and it's only the 12th.

    Another 75 minutes of Zumba this evening, I am sure I have a pedometer somewhere, I need to find it and check out how many steps I put in doing a zumba class

    May to date - 65.3 miles and 210 minutes zumba

  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    edited May 2015
    Beginning to think it'll take me a while to become a cyclist of any repute!!!

    Cycling - 1.75/10 hours (17 miles so far)
    Walking - 19/50 miles (includes anything above 1 mile showing on my fitbit)
    Swim - 0/100 laps
    Lindy Hop class - 1/4 times

    Total miles 36
  • bjdavidson964
    bjdavidson964 Posts: 266 Member
    New and excited about this thread! 100 miles is a bit ambitious for me but will give it a shot. Here's where I am so far ...

    5/2: 3.11 mile jog (my first 5k!)
    5/2: 1.38 mile walking dog
    5/3: 6.70 mile jog
    5/5: 3.52 mile jog & 0.68 mile walk
    5/7: 4.25 mile jog
    5/8: 2.40 mile jog & 3.82 mile walk
    5/9: 13.50 miles stationary bike
    5/10: 6.12 mile jog & 1.00 mile walk
    5/12: 3.60 mile jog & 1.00 mile walk

    Total: 51.08 miles of 100 miles
  • ScrAgnX
    ScrAgnX Posts: 368 Member
    5/11: Recovery Ride: 3 miles
    5/12: Week2 Day3 C25K: 2.3 miles

    The recovery ride was mostly to move my legs a bit, and join my wife on a short trip around the block.

    May 2015 Total to Date: 77.0 miles
    Walk/Run: 14.8 mi. (Target: 25 mi.)
    Cycling: 62.2 mi. (Target: 200 mi.)

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,446 Member
    edited May 2015
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    March Cycling: 409.33 km (254.34 miles) = 21 hours 55 min
    March Walking: 80.47 km (50 miles) = 16 hours 9 min
    March Total: 489.8 km (304.3 miles) = 38 hours 4 min

    April Cycling: 384.15 km (238.7 miles) = 20 hours 35 min
    April Walking: 107.79 km walking (67 miles) = 22 hours 31 min
    April Total: 491.94 km (305.6 miles) = 43 hours 6 min
    Machka9 wrote: »

    01 Fri - 3.2 km walking (35 min)
    02 Sat - 37.43 km cycling (120 min)
    03 Sun - 31.04 km cycling (100 min)

    So ... my goal is to move 500 km or as close to it as possible again. :) Little bit more challenging now as this is a busy month with work and university ... plus it is winter, and darkness falls on my way home from work now.

    04 Mon - 4 km walking (50 min) ... all utility walking, commuting to work, walking between work and uni

    Plus I did a 35 min stair climbing workout in the evening. My yard is full of little sets of stairs. The longest one is 7 steps so I mainly focused on that one, up and down, up and down, but I also jogged between the others and did them too for some variety. In total, just over 1000 stairs climbed.
    Plus 10 min upper body weights workout.

    05 Tues - 4.8 km walking (60 min) ... again, all utility walking.

    Walking: 12 km (7.4 miles)
    Cycling: 68.47 km (42.5 miles)
    Time: 365 min (6 h 5 min) walking & cycling + 45 min stairs & weights

    Hmmm ... I haven't logged in here in a little while ...

    06 Wed - 2.8 km walking (35 min)
    07 Thurs - 5.3 km walking (65 min)
    08 Fri - 3.8 km walking (45 min)

    09 Sat - 27.5 km cycling (85 min) ... relatively flat ride on the Cycleway
    10 Sun - 41.03 km cycling (120 min) ... hilly ride up behind our place 764 metres of climbing.

    Walking: 23.9 km (14.8 miles)
    Cycling: 137 km (85.1 miles)
    Time: 715 min (11 h 55 min) walking & cycling + 45 min stairs & weights

    11 Mon - 5.7 km walking (70 min)
    12 Tues - 4.6 km walking (55 min)

    Walking: 34.2 km (21.25 miles)
    Cycling: 137 km (85.1 miles)
    Time: 840 min (14 hours) walking & cycling + 45 min stairs & weights

  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Gooooood Wednesday morning! Looking forward to yet another soggy warm Spring day. Not a horrible thing. The garden is looking well. :)

    42.95 total miles
  • mandybaker100
    mandybaker100 Posts: 17 Member
    Cycled to and from work today, lovely bright sunny day on both journeys

    May to date - 83.7 miles and 210 minutes zumba

  • amylynn194
    amylynn194 Posts: 10 Member
    Will there be a June challenge? I'm new and Mays halfover , I'll definitely still try though!
  • greengladiol
    greengladiol Posts: 23 Member
    I'll like to joy the group . Hope is not to late I'm starting goal for the month is 50 ml may be and hope more
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    Having dropped a load of scaffolding on one foot and caught the other on a corner of a trolley on an old injury I was limping to my Lindy class. And then found out all my peers have moved up a class!! :( feeling despondent, but now determined to be a better dancer than the lot of them!!

    Cycling - 1.75/10 hours (17 miles so far)
    Walking - 21/50 miles (includes anything above 1 mile showing on my fitbit)
    Swim - 0/100 laps
    Lindy Hop class - 2/4 times

    Total miles 38
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,794 Member
    Hang in there girlinahat! We all have our up's and downs. It is that we dont let our downs get the best of us!!!

    jesiann I do get a lot done in the warmer months. I dont have a garden per say. I have ONE Tomato plant, ONE Red Sweet Pepper Plant and ONE Eggplant. I mostly do flowers. I prune/trim a lot. We have a chain link fence around the yard so I trim back things that like too grow inside from the outside! lol...I finally got all the leaves raked from around my flowers and bushes today.. We had a few low areas in our yard so we are hauling dirt and trying too level out. Today I walked the girls, raked up leaves from around plants , Got husband up for breakfast and shoveled and leveled . Prepared lunch, washed up the dishes, Rested for 30 minutes, went out and shoveled and leveled more Yard work may not produce FAST steps but trust me I WORK HARD! I am one tired puppy this evening....YES Warm weather keeps me BUSY.. <3 .....You know i gotta make up for the two months I was mostly DOWN with my neck and

    TODAY 3.0 Walking miles with my girls....
    Yard work walking miles....3.25 miles......

    Total Thus far May 13th.........62.50 Walking Miles....
  • ScrAgnX
    ScrAgnX Posts: 368 Member
    Ride: 21.8 miles

    Went for a quick Lactate Threshold ride after work.

    May 2015 Total to Date: 98.8 miles
    Walk/Run: 14.8 mi. (Target: 25 mi.)
    Cycling: 84.0 mi. (Target: 200 mi)

  • bjdavidson964
    bjdavidson964 Posts: 266 Member
    New and excited about this thread! 100 miles is a bit ambitious for me but will give it a shot. Here's where I am so far ...

    5/2: 3.11 mile jog (my first 5k!)
    5/2: 1.38 mile walking dog
    5/3: 6.70 mile jog
    5/5: 3.52 mile jog & 0.68 mile walk
    5/7: 4.25 mile jog
    5/8: 2.40 mile jog & 3.82 mile walk
    5/9: 13.50 miles stationary bike
    5/10: 6.12 mile jog & 1.00 mile walk
    5/12: 3.60 mile jog & 1.00 mile walk
    5/13: 4.12 mile jog

    Total: 55.20 miles of 100 miles
  • yazminetw
    yazminetw Posts: 85 Member
    May 2015 miles to date:
    3/2 - 3 miles jogging
    3/7 - 7 miles stationary bike
    3/11 - 10 miles stationary bike, 1.5 miles elliptical
    3/13 - 10 miles stationary bike

    Total - 31.5/100
  • SteveCro
    SteveCro Posts: 788 Member
    5-6 12.84 miles road bike
    5-8 1.6 walked around at Ft Harrison State Park
    5-9 2.8 hiked a trail
    5-13 1.8 walk 4.0 mph

    Boy this is going to be tough.... Busy the next three weekends.

    Total May- 19.0
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    jeanniewes wrote: »
    Hang in there girlinahat! We all have our up's and downs. It is that we dont let our downs get the best of us!!!

    Total Thus far May 13th.........62.50 Walking Miles....

    thank you and agreed!!! I'm going to use it to make myself work harder and push more!! (although am aching a fair bit today, scaffolding is heavy and not something I regularly shift being fairly office-bound!)

    Great results so far peoples, nearly halfway through May and some of us seem to be nearing a 100 mile target!!
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    edited May 2015
    dble post
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Jeannie, you sure one little hard worker! We finally got our garden in the ground too. Running a bit late this year... But hoping for a bumper crop!

    You guys are nailing this thing! I just love reading all the progress. :)

    48.93 total miles
  • mandybaker100
    mandybaker100 Posts: 17 Member
    Finally found my pedometer so that I could estimate the miles per zumba class. Tonight's 60 minutes was 5988 steps with is 3 miles, all but the missing 12 steps.

    May to date - 83.7 miles and 270 minutes zumba, another 13.5 miles,making a total of 97.2 miles. Nearly half way there.