

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I confess that I love being on airplanes. There is just truly amazing to me about it. I always want the window seat so I can stare out the window. My favorite time on a plane was when I left early in the morning, while it was dark and the full moon and stars were out. So breathtakingly beautiful.

    My brother got to fly a jet at his military academy and I am extremely jealous, though I would probably be nervous if I were ever actually given the chance to fly one. This jealousy partially comes from admiring and adoring astronauts and knowing that most of them were pilots before moving on to outer space. I would love to be an astronaut, but I don't think I'm cut out for the job. :tongue:

    Chris Hadfield's book, An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth, is amazing!

    And I am the opposite. I detest flying. I get physically sick, so flights aren't fun for me. I'm getting better, but there have been times where I've made it through without vomiting, only to collapse once I made it into the terminal. It's not due to anxiety, I actually think it's an inner ear thing - driving in a car with the windows down can cause the same kind of nausea, depending on how the wind hits the vehicle. This is part of the reason I don't travel much. It's hard to be excited about a trip knowing I have to fly. And sometimes the flights are so bad it takes me 3 or 4 days to recover (just in time to come back home). And I have to get on a plane on Sunday :'(

    I will agree on the window seat - but for me it's so I can fall asleep and not be disturbed by people needing to get by lol.

    I really enjoy flying normally. All the walking past other gates and I want to say screw DC I want to go to Paris, Madrid, Brussles, Italy, etc.

    I'd love to go to DC - so much history there. But I would also love to go see Madrid, Brussles, Italy, (go back to Paris). One day, I will take 2 months off work and hubby and I are going to to to Europe and see everything we possibly can see. He hates flying (planes are just not big enough for a 7'2" frame - even the bulk head and emergency rows are tough) as he has a anxiety, control issues, and a bit of claustrophobia. Which is why we would have to fly once to Europe (there and back) and take the train for all the countries in between.

    Taking the train in Europe is great. I did that when I studied there. My plan when I get laid off is to go work at a horse farm in Ireland. Then maybe move to France. I am starting to feel like a caged bird in my everyday life.

    DC is a wonderful city. I highly recommend it. I am actually headed for Leesburg VA for "strike training". When the union workers go out on strike (if they do) I will be a central office technician. I did this last strike 3 years ago. I LOVED it. I am actually looking forward to it...nice break from work.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Finally boarded. 17k steps later. Just covered that Jamba juice! 80 calories to spare.
  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    margfish wrote: »
    I don't know why I'm suddenly having such a hard time staying on track lately. I don't even remember it being this hard when I first started and had tons of bad habits to break and zero fitness level. WTF?! I haven't had any days that were 100% awful - I've kept up with my exercising and I'd say about 75% of my eating has still been fairly healthy. But I keep screwing up, and I hate that.

    Like yesterday: I was hungry while I exercised (walking) and instead of ignoring it like I should've, I actually ate a bunch of Chex mix while I was walking. Talk about defeating the purpose (and I obviously wasn't pushing myself hard enough if I could stuff my face while walking either). What a waste.

    I weighed myself yesterday morning and I'm up 3 pounds and at the same weight I was in the beginning of May. Might be water weight; might not. Regardless, it's like any of the work I've done these past few weeks was for nothing because of all the screw-ups. I just wish I could tap into some of the motivation I've had in the past and push through this. I don't know if it's because I'm burnt out or if I'm letting my emotions of late (stressed and depressed about being unemployed) take over where food is concerned. But I'm really tired of feeling like this. :/

    Not for nothing! Think how much you might be up if you weren't getting it right 75% of the time plus still exercising! It's easy to completely give up, but you're hanging in there. Just focus on one day at a time.

    And please explain to me how you were walking around with a pocketful of Chex mix?! ;) I love that, haha. Reminds me of Napoleon Dynamite.

    That made me laugh for like five minutes, and I really needed it - thank you! :) And to explain: I walk in my basement and we have a pantry down there. It was pretty easy to grab the bag and get right back to my walking. But walking around with a pocket full of Chex mix on a daily basis doesn't sound like a bad idea actually ;)
    My confession for today: I have plans to go shopping to buy some summer clothes. I need a few pairs of capris and a few shirts to go with them but I have no motivation to do anything. Hubby and I have just the one vehicle and normally it isn't a problem since I am usually at work during the day and he uses it for his job. But today, I just want the truck and I just want to drive. I don't want to walk to the bus stop, wait for buses, sit on trains, or do any of that. I also want to go to the store to pick up groceries for dinner but again, don't even feel like walking there even though walking is the only exercise I can do right now. I thought about buying online but I really hate buying clothes w/o trying them on.

    I also need to pull my dandelions, just because they are dandelions and they must all die. Normally that would give me some satisfaction (DIE DANDELIONS DIE!!!) but all I want to do is be lazy - but then I feel guilty for being lazy.

    Maybe I will just watch a movie...

    Yes, yes they must! They're worse than ever this year. I'm embarrassed to say that my neighbor caught me standing outside shouting, "Get off my lawn!" at the weeds like a crazy person, LOL! I just came back in from outside after nearly 2 hours of weed pulling, and it was very cathartic. :)

    our city administration has decided that they are no longer considered a "noxious weed" and don't kill them anymore. There is more yellow than grass. They are such an eyesore.

    My whole yard is being overtaken with them so I've suggested that we all just give up and decide that dandelions will now be our lawns. We can all have nice yards of yellow.

    Yeah - who decided grass was where it's at anyway?!
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,837 Member
    Sadly, I confess...if I ever were to get divorced, though I like to think different, I would probably be "that older guy" that hooks up with someone younger...then feel all creepy about it.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Sheesh. You all have been busy today. Lots of good stuff and some newbies.

    I went to the doctor to discover what I had feared. Strep. I wanted a few more days off work but not like this. I used my last PTO day today so tomorrow I have to use a vacation day. Sucks! My mom took me to the doctor and now she's cleaning my house. It's really nice being taken care of.

    Ugh, sorry to hear that. I guess the zinc won't help in this case. :( That's very sweet of your mom though!
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    Chaelaz wrote: »
    Sadly, I confess...if I ever were to get divorced, though I like to think different, I would probably be "that older guy" that hooks up with someone younger...then feel all creepy about it.

    On the radio morning show the other day, they were discussing the age ranges of men and women's "ideal" match. They went over the stats for women from 20's up to 60's, and generally, they were looking for someone within 5 years as their own age. For the men from 20's up to 60's, they were looking for someone in the 20-21 range. "That" older guy isn't as rare as you think.
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement, everyone! I'm feeling better today, and if we get out of work on time I'm going to the rink, but if we don't, I have a date with Jillian. :)

    And thighs are really where it's at anyway; my coach could easily tell you that my lack of leg strength and stamina are my two weakest areas.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,837 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    ["That" older guy isn't as rare as you think.

    @JPW1990 I know it isn't rare. Have many a friends who upon getting divorced suddenly find themselves in the company of much younger company. I shake my head as a older guy, but honestly there is a LOT of draw to it. Mostly it can capture that feeling of fleeting youth. Ya know, Jerry Lee Lewis "Middle Aged Crazy, trying to prove he still can...".

    I am pretty grounded, but who knows. Was just thinking out loud. No plans for divorce or younger women at this point. :)

  • Nerdycurls
    Nerdycurls Posts: 143 Member
    edited May 2015
    I am a huge emotional eater when I'm stressed. Left to my own devices, I could probably down a bunch of fries, Jimmy John's sandwiches, cake, chocolate and ice cream in one sitting. I think I HAVE downed an entire carton of ice cream in one sitting. Of course, I was crying at the time...
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    Lefty1290 wrote: »

    My sweet girl, Chloe. This was taken soon after I got home from dogsitting. She really missed me. I missed her snuggles.

    Looks like a much skinnier version of my fat cat "Kitty" (creative name right?)
    I am soooo far behind on this thread due to my 4 day weekend... I may never catch up!

    I was caught up and now am super behind again and--I confess!--skimming.

    Love the additional adorable animal photos.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Kalici wrote: »
    I'm very pale like a bunch of you have said you are. I used to try tanning, but it didn't take. I've never had a tan or a sunburn in my life. I finally stopped trying and embraced my day walker skin. I sometimes get embarrassed by it, but I figure if people don't like it screw them. Being able to blind people with the color of my skin is a super power! ;)

    My daughter shares your super power. In our house we call it rockin' the Casper. :)

    I'm also very pale & once had a co-worker comment on how white I was after coming back from Hawaii for the second time. The first time I went to Hawaii I had learned my lesson the hard way. Over there the heat is very dry & I thought well it's not as hot & humid like it is in Pennsylvania so I don't need to cake on the sunblock. Ugh! Huge mistake! I had huge welts all over my one arm from a horrendous sunburn. Luckily they didn't hurt, but it definitely taught me to be more vigilant while out in the sun.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    I prelogged my food today... I gave myself 4 servings of cherries (because I LOVE cherries) but I can't remember if I've already had 2 or 3 servings already :(

    I hate when I weigh something & then two minutes later cannot remember how much it weighed LOL.

    Haha, I do that all the time

    LOL! At least I'm not alone.

    I have OCD & sometimes recheck my diary to make sure I put in the right calculations when I do remember to put them in.

    I have also started to delete my days when I am done so I can't go back & double check them the next day to make sure it is right.
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    My cellphone decided to do a Peter Pan off my bicycle cell phone mount today. Landed face down in front of my tire and I ran over it. End result = cracked screen. So maaaad right now.

    Sorry. I know it's not funny, but it's kind of funny.

    I unfriended you in my mind for like 2.6 seconds. Punishment served. :p

    pofoster21 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    My cellphone decided to do a Peter Pan off my bicycle cell phone mount today. Landed face down in front of my tire and I ran over it. End result = cracked screen. So maaaad right now.

    So sorry!

    Thanks :)
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I confess that I love being on airplanes. There is just truly amazing to me about it. I always want the window seat so I can stare out the window. My favorite time on a plane was when I left early in the morning, while it was dark and the full moon and stars were out. So breathtakingly beautiful.

    My brother got to fly a jet at his military academy and I am extremely jealous, though I would probably be nervous if I were ever actually given the chance to fly one. This jealousy partially comes from admiring and adoring astronauts and knowing that most of them were pilots before moving on to outer space. I would love to be an astronaut, but I don't think I'm cut out for the job. :tongue:

    Chris Hadfield's book, An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth, is amazing!

    And I am the opposite. I detest flying. I get physically sick, so flights aren't fun for me. I'm getting better, but there have been times where I've made it through without vomiting, only to collapse once I made it into the terminal. It's not due to anxiety, I actually think it's an inner ear thing - driving in a car with the windows down can cause the same kind of nausea, depending on how the wind hits the vehicle. This is part of the reason I don't travel much. It's hard to be excited about a trip knowing I have to fly. And sometimes the flights are so bad it takes me 3 or 4 days to recover (just in time to come back home). And I have to get on a plane on Sunday :'(

    I will agree on the window seat - but for me it's so I can fall asleep and not be disturbed by people needing to get by lol.

    I really enjoy flying normally. All the walking past other gates and I want to say screw DC I want to go to Paris, Madrid, Brussles, Italy, etc.

    I'd love to go to DC - so much history there. But I would also love to go see Madrid, Brussles, Italy, (go back to Paris). One day, I will take 2 months off work and hubby and I are going to to to Europe and see everything we possibly can see. He hates flying (planes are just not big enough for a 7'2" frame - even the bulk head and emergency rows are tough) as he has a anxiety, control issues, and a bit of claustrophobia. Which is why we would have to fly once to Europe (there and back) and take the train for all the countries in between.

    Sans commuter traffic, DC is awesome. I live about 90min south but used to visit all the time. About to start visiting again now my daughter is almost 10.
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    My cellphone decided to do a Peter Pan off my bicycle cell phone mount today. Landed face down in front of my tire and I ran over it. End result = cracked screen. So maaaad right now.

    Otter Box Defender Series Case - totally worth the money.

    I had a case on it and it would have been ok had I not ran it over in the process. lol
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I've kind of lost my drive to keep on track, which is really stupid since I'll have to be seen in a swimsuit in a little more than a month. I just want to eat and drink what I want and not give a crap. I think I might be depressed because of all the crap that's going on right now with my stepdaughter (not going into that) and my kitty being gone.

    I did have an NSV yesterday while cleaning out my closet. I have a pair of BCBG boots that have always been tight on my calves. I put them on yesterday and I actually had a little bit of room where they weren't suffocating my legs. I felt pretty good about that.

    I've been there pretty much the entire month of May. It sucks. But, like you I had an NSV last week. I put my tankini on - the same one I bought when I got married 5 years ago and the top has "grown" and is to big to wear in public (will wear it while in the yard sun bathing. Made me feel a bit better to see the results of all the tracking.

    Then today I went to Marshall's to see if I can find some good capris. I didn't find anything (they only had about 3 pairs in my size and they were something my great-grandmother would wear) but I found a bunch of dresses that I liked. One was a size 12 calvin Kline and it was just a bit too tight but I was able to zip it up. I felt awesome (was a size 16-18 at one point). So I bought a pair of quite white heals for summer. First new pair summer sandals in 3 years. I like feeling pretty.

    My point being, is even though it is a struggle to stay on track a lot of the time, there is progress :)

    I hope you feel better.

    Thanks, @smashley_mashley . Congrats on your NSV's as well! I think sometimes, those can be far more rewarding than the stupid scale numbers.

    I also like feeling pretty. I get irritated that age appropriate clothes in most stores look like old lady clothes that I wouldn't wear out of the dressing room, much less in public.

    I am having a hard time finding a swimsuit that is both flattering, body conscious (not sure I spelled that correctly), cute and not $370. I can't really wear a one-piece for several reasons. I have a long torso, so by the time I get it pulled up to cover my chest, I look like Borat. I also am rather flat chested so unless that baby has some serious padding, I end up looking like a 10 year old prepubescent girl. Plus, all the slimming ones don't go any smaller than an 8 so that's not an option either.

    I feel very whiney today. Sorry about that.

    Finding clothes with a long torso is challenging! Growing up, bodysuits were really popular for awhile...that was not a comfortable phase of my life!

    I hated the stir-up legging pants that were popular in the '80's & early '90's, Jelly shoes since they hurt my feet, & the fact there were no fashionable plus sized clothing for pretty much anyone. I remember hating how most of the clothes were either plastered with Tweety Bird, Taz, Mickey Mouse or looked like a floral pattern an 80 or 90 year old grandma would wear.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Kalici wrote: »
    I'm very pale like a bunch of you have said you are. I used to try tanning, but it didn't take. I've never had a tan or a sunburn in my life. I finally stopped trying and embraced my day walker skin. I sometimes get embarrassed by it, but I figure if people don't like it screw them. Being able to blind people with the color of my skin is a super power! ;)

    My daughter shares your super power. In our house we call it rockin' the Casper. :)

    I'm also very pale & once had a co-worker comment on how white I was after coming back from Hawaii for the second time. The first time I went to Hawaii I had learned my lesson the hard way. Over there the heat is very dry & I thought well it's not as hot & humid like it is in Pennsylvania so I don't need to cake on the sunblock. Ugh! Huge mistake! I had huge welts all over my one arm from a horrendous sunburn. Luckily they didn't hurt, but it definitely taught me to be more vigilant while out in the sun.

    I'm pale but by choice- I can tan really easily but I'm super OCD about having sunblock on anytime I'm outside! I'm terrified of wrinkles and skin cancer :#
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Francl27 wrote: » bummed. I had my youngest son Sept 2014 and it was a horrible pregnancy (actually both of mine were but his was the worst), complete with severe Hyperemesis (basically you throw up 30-40-50x/day and break blood vessels in your face, damage your esophageal lining, etc.) I had a home health nurse come and give me IVs every other day because I literally couldn't eat or drink anything. I still threw up constantly, just not as much.

    It did serious damage to my teeth. Most of my enamel has worn off, teeth are rotted out, etc. I've been working on fixing my teeth since last Oct. We have spent $10k (seriously) just since March on root canals/crowns and we are TAPPED out. That was AFTER the $3k insurance covered. Our credit cards are maxed, savings is gone. Since Oct it's been 4 root canals/crowns, 8 fillings, 1 tooth pulled.

    I go in tonight to have the dentist check another tooth that I'm thinking he has to pull. Awesome. That'll be like another $400 :( Never mind the constant mouth soreness and losing pieces of the tooth.

    I'm OVER IT. I just want to scream/cry/hit things. I'm tired of constantly being in pain and being broke from it. It's not fair to my children that $ that could be used for their care is going to my stupid teeth :( I'm also mad that I'm 33 and having dental work done like I'm 50.

    Oh that's awful. I'm sorry. I get horribly frustrated at health care costs too :(

    So on Monday we went out to lunch with friends... They picked Friendly's. There was *one* option under 500 calories on the menu (and the rest was pretty much 800 calories or more). And it was a salad. I had checked their menu online and there was some turkey dish I wanted to get but it wasn't in the menu there. So I got a bit bitchy about it because I didn't want a salad (before the friends showed up though!). Ended up having the salad anyway because I was starving (and it was ok). But everyone else got some 1500+ calories dishes. They're all obese. I felt extremely self conscious ordering my salad with fat free dressing... One of the women was the one who asked me how I stayed 'so skinny' on Sunday too. I guess she knows now.

    I did get an ice cream cone, and I ordered one scoop and they gave me two. Not too happy about that either, but I was actually under my goal by 200 that day at least. And it was good. But yeah, I don't understand why they'd do that?

    My sister & I were going to take my Grandmother to Friendly's for her birthday the one year & decided against it since the calories were so high & they had no healthier options on the menu. We ended up choosing Perkins & I did end up getting something a little higher calorie, but I love that they have so many more options when it comes to high & low calorie foods.

    I wonder if Cracker Barrel releases their nutrition info?
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    Francl27 wrote: » bummed. I had my youngest son Sept 2014 and it was a horrible pregnancy (actually both of mine were but his was the worst), complete with severe Hyperemesis (basically you throw up 30-40-50x/day and break blood vessels in your face, damage your esophageal lining, etc.) I had a home health nurse come and give me IVs every other day because I literally couldn't eat or drink anything. I still threw up constantly, just not as much.

    It did serious damage to my teeth. Most of my enamel has worn off, teeth are rotted out, etc. I've been working on fixing my teeth since last Oct. We have spent $10k (seriously) just since March on root canals/crowns and we are TAPPED out. That was AFTER the $3k insurance covered. Our credit cards are maxed, savings is gone. Since Oct it's been 4 root canals/crowns, 8 fillings, 1 tooth pulled.

    I go in tonight to have the dentist check another tooth that I'm thinking he has to pull. Awesome. That'll be like another $400 :( Never mind the constant mouth soreness and losing pieces of the tooth.

    I'm OVER IT. I just want to scream/cry/hit things. I'm tired of constantly being in pain and being broke from it. It's not fair to my children that $ that could be used for their care is going to my stupid teeth :( I'm also mad that I'm 33 and having dental work done like I'm 50.

    Oh that's awful. I'm sorry. I get horribly frustrated at health care costs too :(

    So on Monday we went out to lunch with friends... They picked Friendly's. There was *one* option under 500 calories on the menu (and the rest was pretty much 800 calories or more). And it was a salad. I had checked their menu online and there was some turkey dish I wanted to get but it wasn't in the menu there. So I got a bit bitchy about it because I didn't want a salad (before the friends showed up though!). Ended up having the salad anyway because I was starving (and it was ok). But everyone else got some 1500+ calories dishes. They're all obese. I felt extremely self conscious ordering my salad with fat free dressing... One of the women was the one who asked me how I stayed 'so skinny' on Sunday too. I guess she knows now.

    I did get an ice cream cone, and I ordered one scoop and they gave me two. Not too happy about that either, but I was actually under my goal by 200 that day at least. And it was good. But yeah, I don't understand why they'd do that?

    My sister & I were going to take my Grandmother to Friendly's for her birthday the one year & decided against it since the calories were so high & they had no healthier options on the menu. We ended up choosing Perkins & I did end up getting something a little higher calorie, but I love that they have so many more options when it comes to high & low calorie foods.

    I wonder if Cracker Barrel releases their nutrition info?

    I've always had a difficult time getting nutrition info for cracker barrel.

  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Confession: I have been hate shopping online all morning because my husband has not yet acknowledged my birthday. Amazon loves me, though.

    Whoo! What did you buy? Sorry about him not acknowledging your birthday. You should've said you want to watch 16 Candles with me & see if he got the hint.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    Congrats-peleroja and Tubbs :smiley: Celebrate!

    Confession-Sometimes this thread is a bad influence. I was eating some of that Peanut Butter and Co white chocolate peanut butter and ate a bunch of it. My reasoning was, well the people from the thread do it sometimes so I'm normal. :|

    I need to get back on track. I've been eating too much each day since Sunday.

    I'm not blaming anyone but myself of course. I love this thread still.

    We all have those bad days, weeks, & months. I'm sure you'll be back on track in no time. For a few months at least when I was off from work I would binge on at least 2,500-5,000 calories a day & it took me a long time to get back to eating somewhat normally again.

    I confess that I did judge a poster who blamed this thread for eating treats everyday & that we talk about foods & particularly sweets too much.
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    edited May 2015
    Cracker Barrel has the nutrition information for their low calorie stuff. And I was able to find this. I wonder if they're going to have to start providing more nutrition info because of that FDA mandate or whatever.