

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Sheeeeesh people. Can't check the forums this morning and I'm 6 pages behind?
    jorinya wrote: »
    I can't wait to go home for the holidays and rub it in peoples face that I am not thinner than them. All the horrible comments they made about my weight will be thrown back at them without me having to say a word. Those that thought themselves thinner than me are now over twice my weight? Oh how the tables have turned!!

    Hahaha I know the feeling!!!
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Feeling like crap today. I had a bad night of emotional eating..estimated 2000 calories over my goal ( I tend to not measure/weigh foods when I binge). I've done way worse..some days up to 5000 over! Anyway, I woke up today with an extra 3 pounds of water weight. Still did my workout though..running 8 miles with that bloated feeling is NOT FUN, but I did it. I knew I had a binge coming on at some point because tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of my mom's death. Since that day last year, I have become a completely different person..I can't accept it, can't move on, can't find peace. I've become angry over little things and find comfort in eating. I gained 12 pounds because of it...would have been much worse if I didn't work out every day to counteract all the emotional eating/binges. I've been pretty good over the past two months..losing six of those extra pounds. I just need to get through today and tomorrow and really focus on finding a different way to deal with my emotions. I already feel like I'm going to give in again today though. :( Ugh! Sorry to be a downer.

    I'm so sorry. I remember taking it very hard when my father died, and we were not even that close. You won't forget, but it will get better.
    ythannah wrote: »
    Food-related confession: I'm completely fed up with long pasta like spaghetti and linguine. Manual dexterity isn't my strong suit and I get so bored with twirling it into a manageable forkful, which seems to take me an extraordinary length of time, and I end up losing most of the sauce in the process so all I taste is the noodle. And there is usually some trailing end that I can't manage to train onto the fork that thwaps me in the chin anyway. I gave up ordering these types of noodles in restaurants long ago since I can't manage to eat them gracefully.

    We had some leftover meat sauce and the SO made it with linguine last night (which obviously prompted this confession!). After the first couple of mouthfuls, I decided "screw it" and started hacking it up into smaller pieces with my knife. What the hell, I was in the privacy of my own home, who cares if I commit Pasta Sacrilege?

    I break my long pasta in two before I put them in the water as well. They fit easier in the pan that way and it's less annoying to eat! But I still like long pasta better because you can fit more on your fork and it's easier than stabbing 100 pieces of rottini or something.
    MissLaaber wrote: »
    I just got the a call from my mom saying she put our family dog down, we had him for 9 years. I'm sad even though I haven't lived at home in over 4 years.

    I'm so sorry. I was so sad when I learned that my mom had to put my cat down too, and I hadn't seen him in 6 years... he was an awesome cat.
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    Wow, 100 new posts! You guys be crazy...

    Today's confession: It REALLY p*sses me off that you can't outwork a bad diet.

    The last month, I've been logging everything as usual, breakfast, lunches & snacks have been on point, but after analyzing the data, noticed my avg cals per day have been quite a bit higher. Exercise burn has been at its usual levels, avg about 550 cals a day. I usually net about 11-1200 cals per day after exercise, but this last month it's been more like 1700. And not good calories either, a lot of crap at home after work. Chips, cake, cookies. Bad habit creeping back in, getting complacent, I've figured this out for years, blah blah blah.

    End result? a 5 lb gain for May.

    The fire has been lit.

    Thanks for the compliment! :)

    I thought you could outwork a bad diet if you were male. All the males in my family do it. They workout simply so that they can continue to eat their fast food, drink pop/soda, and satisfy their steak and bacon obsession. Sorry it's not that way for you, but you will be better off in the long run!

    Some guys can. I'm not one of them, unfortunately!

    Being fit & trim, I am the freak in my family...everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, is overweight. My younger brother looks like John Candy. If I stop watching it & stop exercising I can put on 5 lbs in 10 days, no problem. It's a main focus of my life to stay fit & trim, and I've been on it for 8 years now.

    Here's my DL photo from 2007, at 240 lbs:

    And here's my new one, taken last month, at 175:

    Oh wow... Incredible.

    But yeah, same here, no problem putting on 5 pounds in 10 days I'm sure.

    I don't have much of a confession. Been procrastinating on doing dishes and cleaning the fridge, although that's a great appetite killer.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    This morning I went to take the last lemon Fibre 1 bar from the cupboard. I got so ripped off. They're supposed to be 25g, this one felt super small so I tossed it on the scale (still in the wrapper) and it weighs 9g. 9 GRAMS! :'(
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    edited May 2015
    I have read so many of these, figured I should contribute...
    My confession is, I hate my body. I just had my third child 2 months ago and I have refused to look at myself in the mirror. When I joined MFP 3 years ago I had lost 70 lbs. I have gained it all back and then some. I feel like a failure and its really eating me up inside. My husband is so sweet and understanding and I feel like I am pushing him away because I am so unhappy with myself. It makes me sad that my self worth totally depends on the number on the scale. :neutral:

    You had a baby! Yay! Now give yourself a break! You did the weight loss thing once and you can do it again. Welcome to the thread and (Hugs)!
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    I'm very pale like a bunch of you have said you are. I used to try tanning, but it didn't take. I've never had a tan or a sunburn in my life. I finally stopped trying and embraced my day walker skin. I sometimes get embarrassed by it, but I figure if people don't like it screw them. Being able to blind people with the color of my skin is a super power! ;)

    My daughter shares your super power. In our house we call it rockin' the Casper. :)

    I'm also very pale & once had a co-worker comment on how white I was after coming back from Hawaii for the second time. The first time I went to Hawaii I had learned my lesson the hard way. Over there the heat is very dry & I thought well it's not as hot & humid like it is in Pennsylvania so I don't need to cake on the sunblock. Ugh! Huge mistake! I had huge welts all over my one arm from a horrendous sunburn. Luckily they didn't hurt, but it definitely taught me to be more vigilant while out in the sun.

    I'm pale but by choice- I can tan really easily but I'm super OCD about having sunblock on anytime I'm outside! I'm terrified of wrinkles and skin cancer :#

    You are very smart! (say the hypocrite tanning addict) I gave it up several years ago, but started again this past March. I love it! But I seriously need to stop.

    I love tanning, even if it isn't PC! Wish I could fit it into the budget this summer, but daycare and after-school care is not cheap!
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    This morning I went to take the last lemon Fibre 1 bar from the cupboard. I got so ripped off. They're supposed to be 25g, this one felt super small so I tossed it on the scale (still in the wrapper) and it weighs 9g. 9 GRAMS! :'(

    WTFFFF.... I would have been so annoyed! That flavor is a good one, too.
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    Chaelaz wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    ["That" older guy isn't as rare as you think.

    @JPW1990 I know it isn't rare. Have many a friends who upon getting divorced suddenly find themselves in the company of much younger company. I shake my head as a older guy, but honestly there is a LOT of draw to it. Mostly it can capture that feeling of fleeting youth. Ya know, Jerry Lee Lewis "Middle Aged Crazy, trying to prove he still can...".

    I am pretty grounded, but who knows. Was just thinking out loud. No plans for divorce or younger women at this point. :)

    honestly, this is why at 34 i'm pretty sure i'm gonna be alone.
    totally not judging you (after my parents divorced my dad spent years dating younger gals and then five years ago married a girl that is ONE year older than ME. i judge him ;) )
    anytime i go out i can't help but feel like i don't belong. there are young, stunning girls EVERYwhere, i can't imagine anyone settling for my older, pudgy butt. plus i'm also pretty sarcastic and b*tchy. B)
    but seeing how i'm the reason my current relationship tanked, i really don't have anyone else to blame.
    it's still kinda disappointing though.

    I would too!

    Don't give up on finding someone, I'm only 29 and sometimes it's hard since most gals my age are married or in committed relationships but most the time I'm happy as I have the rest of my life to be with someone may as well enjoy my "singleness" now. You'll find someone!! You are very pretty!

    omg you are so freakin cute, but that's not me, it's kate winslete from eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. :) i envy her hair SO MUCH!
  • harpsdesire
    harpsdesire Posts: 190 Member
    Confession.... I don't enter my weight at my weigh-in if I've gained, I just wait for the next week to enter it. :( How terrible is that?

    It's almost certainly just normal fluctuations but for some reason I always expect that if I do everything MFP says and weight everything I should LOSE 1 POUND A WEEK even though I know deep does that's not how any of this works.
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    This morning I went to take the last lemon Fibre 1 bar from the cupboard. I got so ripped off. They're supposed to be 25g, this one felt super small so I tossed it on the scale (still in the wrapper) and it weighs 9g. 9 GRAMS! :'(

    omg i would be enraged! i would call and demand coupons for ripping me off.
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    Food-related confession: I'm completely fed up with long pasta like spaghetti and linguine. Manual dexterity isn't my strong suit and I get so bored with twirling it into a manageable forkful, which seems to take me an extraordinary length of time, and I end up losing most of the sauce in the process so all I taste is the noodle. And there is usually some trailing end that I can't manage to train onto the fork that thwaps me in the chin anyway. I gave up ordering these types of noodles in restaurants long ago since I can't manage to eat them gracefully.

    We had some leftover meat sauce and the SO made it with linguine last night (which obviously prompted this confession!). After the first couple of mouthfuls, I decided "screw it" and started hacking it up into smaller pieces with my knife. What the hell, I was in the privacy of my own home, who cares if I commit Pasta Sacrilege?

    I started using rotini or penne when my kids were toddlers, because it's much easier for them to pick up... they are all bigger now, but we have never gone back. So much easier to eat. I'm with you!
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    Confession: Between full-time work, full-time school, and all the in-law health stuff, I'm approaching rock bottom energy levels. I simply do not have anything left to pull from the tank.

    Which naturally only makes me feel totally guilty.

    Also, I have a huge (non-school) certification exam next Saturday and I am woefully underprepared because of everything else going on. Depending on how the next 8 days go, I will not be all that surprised if I fail it. So it goes.

    You have so much on your plate right now. Is there a way to postpone the certification? I hope everything settles down for you soon. (Hugs)
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    I'm very pale like a bunch of you have said you are. I used to try tanning, but it didn't take. I've never had a tan or a sunburn in my life. I finally stopped trying and embraced my day walker skin. I sometimes get embarrassed by it, but I figure if people don't like it screw them. Being able to blind people with the color of my skin is a super power! ;)

    My daughter shares your super power. In our house we call it rockin' the Casper. :)

    I'm also very pale & once had a co-worker comment on how white I was after coming back from Hawaii for the second time. The first time I went to Hawaii I had learned my lesson the hard way. Over there the heat is very dry & I thought well it's not as hot & humid like it is in Pennsylvania so I don't need to cake on the sunblock. Ugh! Huge mistake! I had huge welts all over my one arm from a horrendous sunburn. Luckily they didn't hurt, but it definitely taught me to be more vigilant while out in the sun.

    I'm pale but by choice- I can tan really easily but I'm super OCD about having sunblock on anytime I'm outside! I'm terrified of wrinkles and skin cancer :#

    You are very smart! (say the hypocrite tanning addict) I gave it up several years ago, but started again this past March. I love it! But I seriously need to stop.

    I love tanning, even if it isn't PC! Wish I could fit it into the budget this summer, but daycare and after-school care is not cheap!

    Definitely. I no longer have those expenses so I can afford it although I know I shouldn't. Pretty bad though when oldest grandson comes over and I'm not home and he asks grandpa, "Is grandma tanning?" Has a strange ring to it. In my defense the grandma of my other 2 grandchildren is at the tanning salon almost every day the same time I am.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    I'm very pale like a bunch of you have said you are. I used to try tanning, but it didn't take. I've never had a tan or a sunburn in my life. I finally stopped trying and embraced my day walker skin. I sometimes get embarrassed by it, but I figure if people don't like it screw them. Being able to blind people with the color of my skin is a super power! ;)

    My daughter shares your super power. In our house we call it rockin' the Casper. :)

    I'm also very pale & once had a co-worker comment on how white I was after coming back from Hawaii for the second time. The first time I went to Hawaii I had learned my lesson the hard way. Over there the heat is very dry & I thought well it's not as hot & humid like it is in Pennsylvania so I don't need to cake on the sunblock. Ugh! Huge mistake! I had huge welts all over my one arm from a horrendous sunburn. Luckily they didn't hurt, but it definitely taught me to be more vigilant while out in the sun.

    I'm pale but by choice- I can tan really easily but I'm super OCD about having sunblock on anytime I'm outside! I'm terrified of wrinkles and skin cancer :#

    You are very smart! (say the hypocrite tanning addict) I gave it up several years ago, but started again this past March. I love it! But I seriously need to stop.

    My best friend had melanoma when we were in our early twenties and I've been watching my mom deal with all the consequences of being a sun bathing beauty her whole life! So just trying to avoid all of that :)

    I tanned for a couple of years in my 20's. Getting a tan started is TOUGH for me because I'm blindingly pale. My mother is a redhead, and I'm whiter than she is.
    I confess that I stopped not because of the fear of melanoma but because my friend who is 10 years older than me LOOKS more like 20-25 years older than me due to her decades of tanning, skin like leather.
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    edited May 2015
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    This morning I went to take the last lemon Fibre 1 bar from the cupboard. I got so ripped off. They're supposed to be 25g, this one felt super small so I tossed it on the scale (still in the wrapper) and it weighs 9g. 9 GRAMS! :'(

    WTFFFF.... I would have been so annoyed! That flavor is a good one, too.

    I agree. I was eating the brownie bars for a while and they did not agree with me at all. I tried the lemon ones at costco and they were so good. I bought a small box and they were good on the tummy.

    I would have felt extremely ripped off but at least you have some calories for later. I never weigh pre-wrapped foods like granola bars - maybe I should start.
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    omg i would be enraged! i would call and demand coupons for ripping me off.

    I would SO do that! I like saving money and getting free (or discounted stuff). Do It!
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    This morning I went to take the last lemon Fibre 1 bar from the cupboard. I got so ripped off. They're supposed to be 25g, this one felt super small so I tossed it on the scale (still in the wrapper) and it weighs 9g. 9 GRAMS! :'(

    omg i would be enraged! i would call and demand coupons for ripping me off.

    The slickdealer in me would do the same. 2+ vouchers in the mail to me plzkthx.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Sheesh. You all have been busy today. Lots of good stuff and some newbies.

    I went to the doctor to discover what I had feared. Strep. I wanted a few more days off work but not like this. I used my last PTO day today so tomorrow I have to use a vacation day. Sucks! My mom took me to the doctor and now she's cleaning my house. It's really nice being taken care of.

    Ugh. That is the worst and what I almost guessed it would be (I was REALLY hoping it wouldn't be though). I'm so sorry you have to use vacation days for that! :(

  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    Confession: I meant to make pulled pork in the slow cooker today. Put the rub on it yesterday and let it sit overnight. Completely forgot and now it is too late and I it won't have enough time to cook :( I just have to remember to do it tomorrow.
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    MissLaaber wrote: »
    I just got the a call from my mom saying she put our family dog down, we had him for 9 years. I'm sad even though I haven't lived at home in over 4 years.

    (Hugs)! It's never easy to lose a furry family member!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    This morning I went to take the last lemon Fibre 1 bar from the cupboard. I got so ripped off. They're supposed to be 25g, this one felt super small so I tossed it on the scale (still in the wrapper) and it weighs 9g. 9 GRAMS! :'(

    I agree with the others, contact them and complain about it!
  • harpsdesire
    harpsdesire Posts: 190 Member
    Confession: I meant to make pulled pork in the slow cooker today. Put the rub on it yesterday and let it sit overnight. Completely forgot and now it is too late and I it won't have enough time to cook :( I just have to remember to do it tomorrow.

    ^^ Me every time I plan to make a crockpot meal.

    It's so great when I remember, though. Ugh the ease and tastiness! If only it didn't take me 2-3 tries to remember to put it in the crockpot before work.
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,454 Member
    Now I will be weighing all my prepackaged bars....