

  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    salembambi wrote: »
    I just walked by the local high school on my lunch break. Confession: so glad I'm years beyond high school. Question: did high school aged girls always look like hookers? The amazingly short shorts with crop tops/sport bras! Holy *kitten*-child, Batman!

    are you serious ? calling young girls *kitten* and hookers?sexualizing them nice

    they can wear whatever they want just like any other girl or women


    Was it the "absolutely" the "no" or the "judgment" that tripped you up?

    Amen. And I agree about clothes, heck some things that 10yo girls wear make me shake my head sometimes.

    Me too. And I seriously question their parents judgement.

    Sometimes I wonder if their parents know how they're dressing. I've heard of kids wearing one outfit leaving home and changing at school.

    I would do that in high school. Change in the back of the bus. But I don't remember it being that extreme. I had a catsuit that I would wear under ripped jeans (oh, the 90's!). My mom hated that catsuit. LOL

    As well she should have. Really, a catsuit?! I think we all need to see pictures.

    I don't think I have any. It was long-sleeved and flowered and zipped up the back. The cloth would show through the rips in the jeans. I thought I was pretty awesome in that. Wish I had the body I had then.

    ETA: I feel like I should add this from Wikipedia: A catsuit is a close-fitting one-piece garment that covers the torso and the legs, and frequently the arms.[1] They are usually made from stretchable material, such as lycra, chiffon, spandex.

    How did you use the restroom while wearing this thing?! This is why women go to restroom in pairs. :smiley:

    Well, you didn't wait until the last minute, that's for sure!

    I'm all about the jumpsuits right now and to pee, you have to undress to the waist and kind of sling it over one arm...let's just say I won't be wearing them to any festivals this year with any kind of port-o-potties because they are exceedingly difficult to keep off the floor.

    Also, on the clothing note, I grew up in that part of the 90s where crop tops AND low-rise jeans were in style at the same time, so I'm just relieved that at least the trend now seems to be high-rise bottoms with the crop tops so you only see the upper half of the stomach. Way cuter.

    I remember how bad I wanted a pair of low rise Levi's when their "belly button" commercials came out. Remember those?

    Definitely! I also had a pair of super-low-rise jeans that had a LACE UP fly instead of a zipper or buttons...klassy klassy klassy. Looking back I cannot believe my mother let me out of the house in them as I think you could see my hipbones above the waistband. I definitely wore those to school though...

    I had a pair of pants like that too. LOVED them. Christina Aguilera wore pants in a couple videos that laced up on the hips, and I wanted a pair so bad!

    ETA: Although the fashion may be different, I suppose teenage girls are the same lol.

    Right? I see teens around and I'm mostly just relieved that there aren't visible g-strings like when I was their age. The leggings and crop tops are not nearly as offensive or revealing, thankfully. And I love that lots of very loose, flowy tops and dresses are trendy now. Way better than those painted-on ultra low-rise jeans and tube tops I loved...not to mention the platforms and huge wedge heels. I had a pair of six-inch wedge sandals that laced up my calves too about fifteen years ago...eesh. Ooh, and the huge chunky highlights on the flatironed hair.

    I'm not even 30 yet so it's a little early for pearl-clutching but I seriously think teenagers today don't look nearly as, uh, trashy as my high school classmates did.

  • crfischer4
    crfischer4 Posts: 8 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I just now finished my protein shake. It was warm and gross and tasted nothing like chocolate cake @quiksylver296

    Unless I have a huge dinner, I'm going to have a hard time hitting my calorie goal today. I'm just not feeling like eating. I just want to lie down under a blanket and not be working. I will force myself to walk the treadmill at lunch so at least I can get some kind of physical movement today.

    side note, does anyone have any experience with Anthropologie? I found the CUTEST swimsuit on there yesterday but I didn't want to fork over the money if it's not good quality or has a crap return policy, etc.


    What do you think? Now, I won't look anywhere close to what she looks like, but I think it's sexy pinuppy but still super modest and conservative.

    It's a great suit and anytime I don't buy something I really want I regret it and spend $ on something I will always consider inferior. Go for it. I bought one dress at Anthropologie and it was well made and unique. Totally worth it.

    I don't know anything about their return policy, but Anthropologie is known for good quality.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    Dnarules wrote: »
    Is it weird that I try to save earthworms trapped on the pavement of the green way I use? Fortunately only one person has seen me since its quiet out here.

    Nope, I save them too. :) I actually saved some from a parking lot when I was going in for my MRI a few weeks ago. It was hard to save them without bending my knees too much. One thanked me by sliming me. I just felt bad because they were going to be run over by cars otherwise.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    salembambi wrote: »
    I just walked by the local high school on my lunch break. Confession: so glad I'm years beyond high school. Question: did high school aged girls always look like hookers? The amazingly short shorts with crop tops/sport bras! Holy *kitten*-child, Batman!

    are you serious ? calling young girls *kitten* and hookers?sexualizing them nice

    they can wear whatever they want just like any other girl or women


    Was it the "absolutely" the "no" or the "judgment" that tripped you up?

    Amen. And I agree about clothes, heck some things that 10yo girls wear make me shake my head sometimes.

    Me too. And I seriously question their parents judgement.

    Sometimes I wonder if their parents know how they're dressing. I've heard of kids wearing one outfit leaving home and changing at school.

    I would do that in high school. Change in the back of the bus. But I don't remember it being that extreme. I had a catsuit that I would wear under ripped jeans (oh, the 90's!). My mom hated that catsuit. LOL

    As well she should have. Really, a catsuit?! I think we all need to see pictures.

    I don't think I have any. It was long-sleeved and flowered and zipped up the back. The cloth would show through the rips in the jeans. I thought I was pretty awesome in that. Wish I had the body I had then.

    ETA: I feel like I should add this from Wikipedia: A catsuit is a close-fitting one-piece garment that covers the torso and the legs, and frequently the arms.[1] They are usually made from stretchable material, such as lycra, chiffon, spandex.

    How did you use the restroom while wearing this thing?! This is why women go to restroom in pairs. :smiley:

    Well, you didn't wait until the last minute, that's for sure!

    I'm all about the jumpsuits right now and to pee, you have to undress to the waist and kind of sling it over one arm...let's just say I won't be wearing them to any festivals this year with any kind of port-o-potties because they are exceedingly difficult to keep off the floor.

    Also, on the clothing note, I grew up in that part of the 90s where crop tops AND low-rise jeans were in style at the same time, so I'm just relieved that at least the trend now seems to be high-rise bottoms with the crop tops so you only see the upper half of the stomach. Way cuter.

    I remember how bad I wanted a pair of low rise Levi's when their "belly button" commercials came out. Remember those?

    Definitely! I also had a pair of super-low-rise jeans that had a LACE UP fly instead of a zipper or buttons...klassy klassy klassy. Looking back I cannot believe my mother let me out of the house in them as I think you could see my hipbones above the waistband. I definitely wore those to school though...

    I had a pair of pants like that too. LOVED them. Christina Aguilera wore pants in a couple videos that laced up on the hips, and I wanted a pair so bad!

    ETA: Although the fashion may be different, I suppose teenage girls are the same lol.

    Right? I see them around and I'm mostly just relieved that there aren't visible g-strings like when I was their age. The leggings and crop tops are not nearly as offensive or revealing, thankfully. And I love that lots of very loose, flowy tops and dresses are trendy now. Way better than those painted-on ultra low-rise jeans and tube tops I loved...not to mention the platforms and huge wedge heels. I had a pair of six-inch wedge sandals that laced up my calves too about fifteen years ago...eesh. Ooh, and the huge chunky highlights on the flatironed hair.

    I'm not even 30 yet so it's a little early for pearl-clutching but I seriously think teenagers today don't look nearly as, uh, trashy as my high school classmates did.

    Oh ya, I forgot about that... I wasn't one to have my underwear hanging out, but there were lots of girls out like that. I guess I can no longer talk about "kids these days" when it comes to fashion choices :blush:
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    edited May 2015
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Also I haven't seen @Susieq_1994 around for a bit. Did she say she was going to be away and I'm forgetting? Hope she's okay!

    Aww, thanks for remembering me! I'm reading (always, always reading. I'll never let myself fall behind!) but not really posting today because I'm really upset and stressed out about a situation going on with my in-laws right now that I'd rather not go into. I can't seem to think or focus on anything else EXCEPT the stupid situation, and so I don't have anything else to talk about, really. :(

    Editing to add: Plus, as a Muslim, I don't really have any trashy-clothes-in-high-school stories. ;) The worst thing I ever did was take off my scarf and hide it in my bag on the first day my mom insisted I wear it (I was twelve at the time) because it was a non-Muslim high school and I was worried that people would make fun of me since I hadn't been wearing one up until then...
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    @peleroja I was finally able to see the wedding pictures from my tablet! Beautiful!
  • noaddedsugarx
    noaddedsugarx Posts: 169 Member
    edited May 2015
    ShibaEars wrote: »

    Oh ya, I forgot about that... I wasn't one to have my underwear hanging out, but there were lots of girls out like that. I guess I can no longer talk about "kids these days" when it comes to fashion choices :blush:

    I remember girls used to pull their thong up on purpose so it was showing and the Head Teacher called a girls assembly in school to stop it from happening.

    Ps. When I'm on this board I find myself constantly questioning if I should Americanize words cos a lot of you are from there. I've thought this about Mum/Mom, sunbeds/tanning beds, Head teacher/Principal, bum/butt, *kitten*/*kitten* and I'm sure there's more... B)
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    You kids and your newfangled low rise jeans. In my day, we wore these, and we liked them:




  • noaddedsugarx
    noaddedsugarx Posts: 169 Member
    edited May 2015
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    salembambi wrote: »
    I just walked by the local high school on my lunch break. Confession: so glad I'm years beyond high school. Question: did high school aged girls always look like hookers? The amazingly short shorts with crop tops/sport bras! Holy *kitten*-child, Batman!

    are you serious ? calling young girls *kitten* and hookers?sexualizing them nice

    they can wear whatever they want just like any other girl or women


    Was it the "absolutely" the "no" or the "judgment" that tripped you up?

    Amen. And I agree about clothes, heck some things that 10yo girls wear make me shake my head sometimes.

    Me too. And I seriously question their parents judgement.

    Sometimes I wonder if their parents know how they're dressing. I've heard of kids wearing one outfit leaving home and changing at school.

    I tried to do that once. My dad knew. To this day I have no idea how he knew. I wasn't even wearing anything that bad, I just wasn't allowed to wear shorts to school period, no matter the length. I swear he left work to bust me.

    That made me laugh. Busted for wearing shorts. You hussy! ;)

    I know right! My dad was really serious haha.
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    Once every week or two I buy a dozen chocolate donuts, get to the office early & leave them in the break room anonymously, and get grim satisfaction out of watching the same people who say to me "I need to eat like you" chow down.

    I'm laughing so hard at this while I'm thinking that I shouldn't be.....but I can't help it! Evil genius!!

    @xMrBunglex I remember this confession. I remember that I REALLY wanted donuts after reading it too.

    Still, even after 700+ pages, my favorite confession was one that a lady was worried that it wouldn't be too long before her husband used her excess tummy flab for a blanket. I still laugh every time I think about that.

    How did I miss that? I don't remember that post.

    I don't remember that either! My favorite is still @IAmTheGlue pine cone diet! Still makes me chuckle!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    So I have that kid (who is 7, mind you) who had diarrhea all over the pool during his swim lesson. I want to hide in a little hole and seriously I need a drink, even though I'm already 400 calories over maintenance and I don't even drink...
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    So I am on holiday next week, and I'm not sure I will have access to Wi-Fi. I am sad about possibly losing my streak (130 days today!). Also, please don't forget about me in the next week!

    How could we forget you? Is this the trip to Arizona?
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    So I have that kid (who is 7, mind you) who had diarrhea all over the pool during his swim lesson. I want to hide in a little hole and seriously I need a drink, even though I'm already 400 calories over maintenance and I don't even drink...

    Aww, sorry. And poor kid.
  • Mary657339
    Mary657339 Posts: 3 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    sigh...When I found that I couldn't eat peanut butter in moderation, and had to get it out of my apartment ASAP, I not only threw it away-I drowned the jar in water first so I wouldn't be tempted...

    I can't believe I shared that.

    I love whipped peanut butter.but when I buy it I litterly eat the entire container in one day that's pathetic I know
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    You kids and your newfangled low rise jeans. In my day, we wore these, and we liked them:




    Yep, same here. I also had a ton of jeans that had zippers at the ankle. Big time saver, since I housed all my jeans otherwise.

    I inadvertently showed thong any time I squatted at work in the late 90's, it wasn't on purpose!! The rise of your jeans can only be so low before stuff starts showing.
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    So I have that kid (who is 7, mind you) who had diarrhea all over the pool during his swim lesson. I want to hide in a little hole and seriously I need a drink, even though I'm already 400 calories over maintenance and I don't even drink...

    Oh no! (Hugs!) Even though I'm pretty sure you were one of the ones that didn't like that sort of thing.
  • noaddedsugarx
    noaddedsugarx Posts: 169 Member
    I have to confess I don't own a single thong/g-string. I don't find them comfortable at all. To be fair I think I need to go shopping for some sexier underwear. Mine are all polka dots and boy shorts :|
  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    I got an iPhone upgrade, and not only does my new headphone jack work (*jumping for joy*) but it counts the miles you've walked! I'm sure it overestimates but that's pretty cool. I might be walking a lot more thanks to this combination.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I have to confess I don't own a single thong/g-string. I don't find them comfortable at all. To be fair I think I need to go shopping for some sexier underwear. Mine are all polka dots and boy shorts :|

    I just went from granny panties to bikinis, lol. Forget thongs for me!