

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    edited May 2015
    Good morning!!! I think I slept 10 hours last night, so I feel pretty good this morning. Yesterday I spent the day with one of my favorite pottery friends, shopping in Kansas City. The excuse for going was to go to the clay supplier up there, but we never actually made it there. Instead, we went to the huge city market and stuffed ourselves on fresh fruit and bought a few things to bring home. I got some beautiful baby red potatoes. One of the things she got was root beer flavored milk, which she said tasted like a root beer float. Then we visited the big art museum here to see my friend's pottery on display in the gift shop. That was great! Then, we went to the Country Club Plaza and walked around. Then went to Ikea! Among other things, I found some neat black and tan striped square bath mats to put on the floor in the new van. I only got two but later wished I had bought four more because they work so well. They will protect the black carpet and can be washed in the machine. Next time I'll get more.

    It's still rainy here today. We don't have the flooding they have in Texas, but we are awfully saturated. The rivers are all out of their banks a little bit. I wish we could send it to California.

    While I was gone yesterday hubby rearranged the furniture a little bit in the great room, putting the sofa and recliner a little closer to the tv. I'm not wild about it. The whole point was to rotate the area rug so the corner that Bruno chewed up would be hidden by the sofa, and it is, so I guess that's what matters. It must have been hard to do by himself. It's a big sectional sofa and a heavy marble and wrought iron coffee table, so I won't complain. I think he even vacuumed the rug! I didn't think he knew how the vacuum works!

    Today I'm going to the studio to do some drafting that needs to get on this months bill, so I'd better get busy. Have a great day!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited May 2015
    Annr: Your grocery shopping technique is fabulous!

    Yanniejannie: I’ve been using Neutrogena sunscreen for years and love it. I’ve been using Neutrogena Beach Defense SPF70 for the last two years. It lasts all day unless I get wet.

    Meg: Good sleep is a very good thing. If I don’t get enough, my brain goes on strike and that is NOT okay.

    Peachstategal: Your “little sneak” is a real charmer.

    Patceoh: Thanks for the link. I agree with the message completely. I don’t have a fitbit, pedometer, or other device. I have a watch. I count calories, avoid junk as much as possible, & spend more time moving. It is working out very well for me. The article didn’t talk about the importance of sleep, but I think it is also vital to get enough good quality sleep to create a lifestyle that supports brain function.

    Janet: I like riding a horse AND scrubbing scum off of my boat. Call me crazy.

    Mary from MN: Congratulations on your successful moving sale. I like your “get it done” style.

    Heather: I’ve had to leave drinking behind. It messes up my thinking ability too much. I’ve discovered that I’m much smarter and more articulate with enough sleep and no alcohol.

    Barbie: Count me as a member of the obsessive food tracking, calorie counting & exercising contingency. I am much healthier & happier than I used to be.

    Lonemaple: You’ll catch on to the thread system.

    May Goals Report:
    1. Log every bite and swallow. Done, even if I go over.

    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength. This has morphed into 5 days a week most of the time because I go to the gym with my neighbor when she does Zumba. It has also led me to be a little too generous with my calories from time to time, under the theory that I’m burning it all off.

    3. Have fun every day. Yes!!!

    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more! This remains a struggle. I’m still too likely to grab a sugar free soft drink.

    5. Eliminate alcohol. I had an alchoholic beverage and noticed immediately how much it impacted me. It was a good reminder that this goal needs to stick!

    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly. I make it regularly and have been very pleased with my improved thinking, mood and energy levels.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    June Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.


  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    edited May 2015
    Allison: so sorry about DFIL. Just remember he's not himself and that you're a wonderful woman trying to do a whole lot....

    Finished the cemetery today, in the rain. My amazing guy even came with me to give his opinion on inscriptions that were hard to decipher etc. <3 So starting sometime this week they will be clearing the cemetery, and all the stones I've personally touched and cataloged will be taken to the dump (or whatever they do with them). At least everything's available digitally now.

    Oh yes...anyone use a juicer? How/when/etc.?

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Booklovers, I have just a quick ask--It's one of the many hazards of having writers amongst you, and indeed, Heather's ask reminded me. If you did pick up an electronic or print copy of This Little Pig, A Flak Anders Mystery, my novel, from Amazon, and you've had a moment to read it... please take a moment to select the link to the book title and tap out a review. I'm genuinely not asking everyone to pop in and write five-star reviews, am asking for your honest opinions. If it wasn't your cup of tea, please do say so. Then again, if you were happy with it, please don't hesitate to say so. :blush:

    There are hurdles that have to be gotten over in this biz, and the ten-review hurdle is one of them... am up in the middle of book marketing research all day, can you tell? My second book of the summer "She's Thinking Out Loud," is out this next week... if you'd like a preview, you can find excerpts and a quick survey here. This is the one that's a collection of my op-ed columns over the last ten years. Not for sale yet, still finishing up last changes.

    Back to the grind...
  • Gilly139
    Gilly139 Posts: 67 Member
    Hi all, looking forward to joining in a bit more in June. Have been suffering from the dreaded cold like so many more on here, so nothing much to report. Not been able to swim. Have managed to go to work. Congratulations to all on garage sales, house moving, holidays and weight losses. Commiserations to all who have had bad things in their lives.
    See you next month.
    Gilly, Suffolk UK

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Happy Sunday. I am working today and it is going to be a great day. Went to church last night and it really hit me in the head. So looking for the postive and remember God has my back. Going to be a beautiful day weather wise. When I get off tonight we are going to tie-dye shirts for our CMA group. Sounds like there will be several of us doing it at my house. Went out last evening and got the purple dye. I have never done this before so should be interesting.

    Pat--What a cutie.

    pip--Congrates on your win of a shirt.

    Linda--Hope you have a better start to June. I will try and friend you on fitbit. I am not sure what I am doing but will try.

    Joyce--Sounds like they went all out for the nursing home. I do enjoy things like that. We go to the veterans home here a couple times a year and do movies, bingo, different things and I enjoy talking with the members. They just want to be treated like people. Bless you for doing what you did. and to DH and the group.

    Cynthia--Sorry to hear about your ankle. Please take care of yourself.

    Janet--Glad to hear your sale went well and thank you for taking the signs down so quickly.

    I am so looking forward to June. Feel like a new month, new start is just what I need. Take it slow ladies and remember we are not in this alone.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,722 Member
    stats for the day, took it easy all except for the run, i hate hills:
    jog- 45min, 10.52ap, 3.5incline whole time, 5.3-5.7speed every other song w/6.5speed burst, 4.14mi = 409c
    rowing machine- 10min, 73aw, 1784meters /.11mi = 106c
    other- 20min, pruning = 35c (best)
    total cal 550
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Sunday is work in soil day.....woooohooo... :smile: I cut some spinach leaves and will toss them in my wild rice concoction for lunch. There is some sort of netting around the plots at the community garden, and grass has grown thru it. So I was pulling and kind of folding the weeds over until I could pull it out. Definately got my exercise!
    Yep ladies, even though my husband puts me in situations ( the sugary bakery momet yesterday), that are stressful, I think it is making me stronger. I am proud of myself.
    So this morning I had the other half of my smoked salmon wrap for breakfast hahaha. It started the day off with a bang for sure! (that and 2 cups of coffee).
    To the gal that visited the nursing home, I commend you! I visited my father when he was at a nursing home with his Alzheimers, and its not an easy thing. I remember singing opera to my father, and a lady that was sitting there just cried. Turned out she was a Ballet Mistress (teacher) and singing one of my Italian arias brought it all back. My father leaned abit towards me, and my sister said, "you have his attention". Its a tough place, and many people do get forgotten there.
    Well time to create lunch! type later peeps!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Howdy ladies. It’s a nice day here although a bit chilly. Went to church then DH took a long nap; he’s still not feeling that great. Then a big BBQ chicken dinner and now we are waiting to see if the bf actually shows up to help with the jeep. If not I hope we can take the bikes out. I’ve been wanting to for ages and I’m afraid it’s going to get too hot soon.

    Had a lovely dinner with our best friends last night at this great place called Brother Sebastians. It’s been around for almost 40 years and the food is to die for. It’s one of those places where you can sit, eat, and chat for hours.

    Lillian: hope your walk helped!

    Vicki: you should post some pics of the tie dye adventure!

    Peach: what a darling little boy. He does have that mischievous glint in his eyes, doesn’t he?

    DrKatie: I’m not sure which is better but whole wheat would have more fiber! LOL

    Linda; hope you are feeling better soon. Speaking of men being ill, I will never again accuse my hubby of being a baby when sick. He had what I thought (and I’m a crtical care/ED nurse) was a bad cold and I was giving him all sorts of crap for wanting to stay in bed and sleep so much. He had to go in for a chest CT (he has a “spot” in his lung that is being watched) so a couple days later he gets this call from out dr’s nurse “Are you feeling ok?” Turns out he had pneumonia! My bad!

    Annr: your day sounds like so much fun!

    Ohiomom: I remember you! Welcome back!

    Janet: glad your sale went well!

    Beth: let’s BOTH do better in June. I was “ok” but had some spectacular failures! I’m here for you!

    Barbie; poor slug family!

    Lisa: welcome aboard!

    Fancy: good news about your sale too!

    Michele: I’m grateful my hubby still takes care of things when he’s sick (except for the pneumonia story above!)

    Joyce; I got to “fire in a resident’s room and completely forgot what the story was about! Hope the poor guy was ok!

    Cynthia: Omgoodness!!! Sending you (((hugs)))

    Heather: glad that weight is gone! I knew it would be!

    Well so the bf is not coming over so we are going out with the bikes. My May report: I increased my step goal to 8000 and made that about 50% of the time so will keep the same. I get there easily if I am at work, but not at home. Exercise 4 hours a week….NOT. I’ve been getting in about 2. So that’s staying the same too.

    I was going to write something else, but now can’t remember lol. Well enjoy the rest of your Sunday! I have leftover steak with mushrooms and hollandaise sauce awaiting me after my bike ride! Take care, Meg from chilly Omaha
  • cruznvso
    cruznvso Posts: 2 Member
    Cruznvso here from Canada..... New to the group... Time to lose some weight & get Physical.... Love my treadmill/walking......... Hopefully to eventually get back into my skinnier clothes.... Need lots of encouragement/ motivation....
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    evening ladies~
    Annr~ that was me, I try and go down daily to see my DFIL ,as my husband and I are the only ones that truly care.. my SIL and BIL went down today but havent been down in a long time and they are his POA... but they do live an hour away..
    I have gotten quite close with the residents down there.. love em like family...
    did more cooking today and the DH painted,
    we are finally getting rain that we so desperately need. but with that it messes with Dish Network so no t.v.
    well Tomorrow starts a new month and I will try and get back on the band wagon with my eating....
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Hello, everyone! I am back from Texas. I do not plan on looking at the scales for at least a week!

    There have been 222 posts since I last had the chance to read so I'm not even going to try to catch up.

    I want to share something with y'all...I had a date while I was in Dallas!! The first "first date" since 1980. :astonished::scream: It was nice and I enjoyed it but, man, was it strange! I have no idea if there will be another, especially since he lives in Georgia. We shall see.

    Anyway, hope everyone is doing well. See you in June!

    Carol in NC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Cynthia – So sad!!!! Hopefully this is a quick mend…

    Heather and Lillian – my solution to unwanted plants is to re-gift them – quickly!!! I put a new piece of tissue or wrap around them and bring them to someone… done!

    Heather and Barbie - That is so true! Measure everyday ( or most) do some regular exercise and be realistic, no beating one self up. I have not been as good as I should be about measure everything and I am sitting on a plateau because of it.

    Alison – If it was DFIL who called you the awful F word (fatty) try to remember that he is really out of it… if it was DH – there is NO EXCUSE, how dare he! You are taking on a ton of stress and his behavior and then he calls you names? - however do you think that carving out a bit of time for you to work out would help with the stress? You might want to just stop making DH’s lunch and use that time to walk or stretch or do a dvd…

    Carol – did you go planning the Date, or someone you met at your conference? How fun, someone asked me when my last date was and I think it was in 2001, so I am sure it would feel strange to go out with someone.

    So I am going to Seattle leaving June 11, driving with Emily (my god daughter), we’ll be in Medford for a night then into Seattle, the 13/14 is my god son’s college graduation, then on the 15th I’ll leave to drive home Emily will stay with her brother for a few days and fly home … I have a house/Levi sitter coming in. But I had been looking for a place to stay in Medford on my way coming and going.. best I could find was a $77 a night room with a queen bed… so I figured we were sharing… Then yesterday I got online to see if anything had opened up and Airbnb to the rescue… so we are staying in 2 rooms at a house going up and I will have one room and share a bath with the owner on the way home for a total of $78!!!! Yeah!!!
    While I am in seattle I have commitments for Saturday evening and all day Sunday, but not sure about during the day on Saturday… There will be a lot of family there, but I don’t always get included – long story -… so I am staying at the Mediterranean Inn (out of my price range, but they are paying) any suggestions of fun free stuff nearby? I will have my car.

    May goals:
    Walk every day 100% yeah! And I upped my step goal to 11,000 on my fit bit and only missed one day.
    Log everyday The pits!
    Eat slower - a little better, I am trying to set my fork down between each bite.
    Plan and do a fun thing every week – 100%
    Week 1 – had a friend visit for a couple of days – went to our big second hand store (Savers) and for $23 got 3 pair of walking shoes and a pair of hiking boots – all very gently used. Score!

    Week 2 – had Mom for a 4 day visit, tried some new recipes, salmon, shrimp and clams…. Yummy. Did a new walk with the dog that had a long tough hill, and we made it!

    Week 3 – reconnected with my hiking friends and hiked Brushy Peak. Also made divinity as a test run for a candy class I am teaching this summer, excellent, and even better gave most of it away.

    Week 4 – finished one more portion of my front yard “re-model”. Did a walking tour in San Francisco

    Kim from N. California
  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    Evening, all! Sounds like you've all had a busy weekend, as have I. Unfortunately, I had a lot of work to do so spent much of the weekend on my laptop. I did take some breaks and got a little exercise in AND had a pretty good weekend, food-wise. All in all, a pretty good weekend!

    I'm still reading the May thread, so that I will feel somewhat up to date with all of your lives. I hope that June will be a great month for us all! I'll be traveling for a week in June and that will be the week that will take the most will-power to stay on track. Hopefully, logging everything will help me as it has done in the past.

    Have a good evening; see you all in the June thread!
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Carol, you go, girl! Even if that date doesn't lead to more, you've jumped in. Now the next "first date" won't be so bad. I honestly can't imagine dating again. This August will be 40 for me and my husband. Yes, I am out of the loop on that one, for sure.

    Lisa, I just bought your book based on the one review that was written. Is that one of us??? I look forward to reading it.

    Today has been nice, but I still need to get in 3000 steps. If I do, I will have met the 10k challenge for every day of the challenge. If ends today, so you better believe I am going to do it.

    That's all the commenting I have in me for now.
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Monday and 01 June here in Tassie,
    It is snowing but NOT sticking and is COLD.
    My Wii Gold's boxing will NOT load argh!
    Did my weigh/BF%/tape this morning and posted to Tom's BigBurn. In 2 weeks I have LOST 1% body fat and 2 Kgs total weight. I have LOST 4 inches off waist, 1 inch off abs, 1 inch off hips and 1 inch off chest, and inches lost on legs and arms. Happy with that.
    Yesterday we drove to Latrobe and had a 70 minute walk along the River and round Pig Island. never been on Pig Island before and a great walk. Blaize loved it
    Need to keep doing what I am doing and keep the Fibre levels UP
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Dr. Katie, thanks for the buy! Don't think the one review was from this group, no.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Well, just found out that the scoundrel is married! Insert favorite curse word here.
  • M3lodica
    M3lodica Posts: 8 Member
    Hello All,

    Since there are two Lisas here, I'll add a B after my name. I was asked about moving across country, yes, I did it as a single mom with two teenage sons and a tween daughter. It wasn't easy, but I'm glad I did it. I love California and have been able to make a better wage than I did in NC. I loved NC too, though.

    I don't know you all very well yet, but I'm starting to get a feeling for who you are. I agree totally about finding an exercise regime that you like and can make part of your life. I used to mountain bike a lot in NC and here I live very close to some beautiful mountains with great trails. The problem is I've had some work accidents that messed up my knees and back so I have a recumbent stationary bike in my bedroom that I'm actually riding while I write this post.

    I have three grown children now and married a man with five children, who are grown now but weren't when we married eight years ago. We now have three grandchildren who we both adore.

    I hope I have something to contribute and look forward to learning about you all.

    Lisa B.
    So Cal
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    edited June 2015
    smiley-happy110.gif Here is the link to the new thread for June....I hope I will see all of you there, ready to continue on this journey.
