

  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »

    Hey, thanks! Going to have to jump in on that thread. This one is SO busy I tend to run out of time to check others and I miss some things.

    You aren't missing anything. I was waiting for some info earlier and ventured out to read some others.
    Just a lot of arguments about sugar and why I'm a loser if I overeat stuff that tastes good.

    I'm really not crazy about the new trend that's popped up this week: if you can't quote your doctor word for word, your doctor is an idiot and you should fire them immediately, because forum posters know what's best.

    You do realize that all of the posters have stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night, right? So that means they are not doctors, but make good decisions. And they got that going for them. Which is nice.

    At least I know who to call if I start having chest pains.
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Started having intense belly pains this morning and went to the ER... Found out after 6 hours that it's ovarian cysts... one is 1.7 inch and the other 1.3 inch. I guess it explains why I gain water when I ovulate and only lose it after my period. Yikes. But the first thing I did when I got home, once I was sure it wasn't a digesting issue, is have some streak and broccoli... and a big bowl of ice cream and two cookies. But I still have 1100 calories left today.

    And really hoping the pain doesn't come back.

    Did you schedule an appointment with your gyno? They usually like to keep an eye on those things and take them out if they get much bigger especially if you're having pain. And you're right, the pain is really bad!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Started having intense belly pains this morning and went to the ER... Found out after 6 hours that it's ovarian cysts... one is 1.7 inch and the other 1.3 inch. I guess it explains why I gain water when I ovulate and only lose it after my period. Yikes. But the first thing I did when I got home, once I was sure it wasn't a digesting issue, is have some streak and broccoli... and a big bowl of ice cream and two cookies. But I still have 1100 calories left today.

    And really hoping the pain doesn't come back.

    Did you schedule an appointment with your gyno? They usually like to keep an eye on those things and take them out if they get much bigger especially if you're having pain. And you're right, the pain is really bad!

    I don't have one... bad history with GYNs and my insurance stopped working with the last one too. Now I have to find another one... again.
  • kingskid207
    kingskid207 Posts: 19 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    crfischer4 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I would just like to take a moment and send out a heartfelt thank you to whomever the wonderful person was who began this thread. I've read 10 of the 700+ pages and I've laughed so much that I cried. The bible says laughter is as good as medicine so I should be healthy for the rest of my life! I've also learned A LOT! Also, I would like to thank all the ladies and gents who have taken the time and mustered up the courage to post some of their confessions here; I wish you all the best as you (we) walk through our struggles. Remember: try to find the positive in the crappiest situations, make lemonade when you're dealt a lemon, and you have waaaaay more depth to you than you give yourself credit for! Be encouraged!!!

    Well, when you get to page 718, WELCOME!

    By the times she gets to 718 we will be on 1000+

    I'm not even going to try and read back. My friend loves this thread so I'm going to try and pay more attention to it. You all crack me up.

    Why, hello there! You've entered the best place on the Internet.

    Thanks guys! I gave up and decided to skp ahead, which WAS page 725, but now I see it's at page 740! :( Oh well. I'd like to hug you all and encourage you all and high-5 you all! This thread rocks!!
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Started having intense belly pains this morning and went to the ER... Found out after 6 hours that it's ovarian cysts... one is 1.7 inch and the other 1.3 inch. I guess it explains why I gain water when I ovulate and only lose it after my period. Yikes. But the first thing I did when I got home, once I was sure it wasn't a digesting issue, is have some streak and broccoli... and a big bowl of ice cream and two cookies. But I still have 1100 calories left today.

    And really hoping the pain doesn't come back.

    Did you schedule an appointment with your gyno? They usually like to keep an eye on those things and take them out if they get much bigger especially if you're having pain. And you're right, the pain is really bad!

    I don't have one... bad history with GYNs and my insurance stopped working with the last one too. Now I have to find another one... again.

    I hate the doctor search. I went to a GYN last year, but I'll be searching again this year. He spent an extremely short amount of time on me and absolutely refused to renew my synthroid.
  • kingskid207
    kingskid207 Posts: 19 Member
    AlciaMode wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    So I mentioned earlier that the swimsuit I wanted was sold out. My husband felt bad so he went on Amazon and picked out 4 similar suits and ordered them for me. My confession, I don't deserve such a fantastic man, I'm just glad he doesn't know that. ;)

    What a guy!!!

    I second that statement. Can we clone him?

    Tee-hee. I'm married to his brother-from-another-mother :wink: My husband would do the same (or call my bestie cousin and get her to do it cuz he's wonderful but technically challenged!) lol!
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Started having intense belly pains this morning and went to the ER... Found out after 6 hours that it's ovarian cysts... one is 1.7 inch and the other 1.3 inch. I guess it explains why I gain water when I ovulate and only lose it after my period. Yikes. But the first thing I did when I got home, once I was sure it wasn't a digesting issue, is have some streak and broccoli... and a big bowl of ice cream and two cookies. But I still have 1100 calories left today.

    And really hoping the pain doesn't come back.

    Did you schedule an appointment with your gyno? They usually like to keep an eye on those things and take them out if they get much bigger especially if you're having pain. And you're right, the pain is really bad!

    I don't have one... bad history with GYNs and my insurance stopped working with the last one too. Now I have to find another one... again.

    I'm not a big fan of the doctor either but those cysts can be scary stuff and they need a close watch. Please take care of yourself and find someone to make sure you stay healthy :) Good luck, and I hope you'll be feeling better soon.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,369 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Started having intense belly pains this morning and went to the ER... Found out after 6 hours that it's ovarian cysts... one is 1.7 inch and the other 1.3 inch. I guess it explains why I gain water when I ovulate and only lose it after my period. Yikes. But the first thing I did when I got home, once I was sure it wasn't a digesting issue, is have some streak and broccoli... and a big bowl of ice cream and two cookies. But I still have 1100 calories left today.

    And really hoping the pain doesn't come back.

    That sounds really painful... are they going to treat them at all? Remove them? I just have this vague notion that sometimes they rupture (I could be wrong).

    Yep, found out last summer that hanging out at the ER is a great way to curb eating. Went there straight after work (duh!!) to have something investigated and got stuck there for 6 hours without supper, on a day when I'd had a minimal lunch. There is a coffee shop on the hospital site where I could have grabbed a muffin or something, but no one ever said, "Gee, you'll be sitting here for two hours while we wait for test results, go get yourself a snack". I kept getting passed from technician to technician in the cogs of the great medical machine with no consistent contact, so there was no one I could even ask.
  • kingskid207
    kingskid207 Posts: 19 Member
    I've been extremely, extremely depressed today. I've only gotten out of bed to pray my five daily prayers and then got right back into it to cry and sleep and cry and sleep some more. I figured that if I slept long enough, I might not wake up again. Didn't quite work, as you can see. *sigh*

    On a related confession, I feel so guilty that I can suffer from severe depression when I have such a wonderful life. A wonderful husband, a beautiful apartment, everything I need or want at my fingertips. So many people have nothing and so many people want to live, so what right do I have to want to die? Also, what in the world is so wrong with me that I would feel this way when my life is almost perfect, especially when compared to my childhood? One of the supreme mysteries of the universe. :-/

    It's understandable to feel like that, but you should try not to (easier said than done, I know). Depression is not something you can control by out thinking it. You have no reason to feel guilty. Im sorry you're having a hard day/time right now. Hang in there.

    Yes, please hang in there. Being alone with our thoughts sometimes makes our feelings worse. Don't hide, please speak with someone about your feelings - perhaps your family doctor....? I'm really sorry....
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    LH85DC wrote: »
    My poor pup has been so sick for a week now, just kinda tired and lethargic, plus a little sick to his stomach. Still eating (for the most part), but nothing seems to agree with him. Trying to get him in to see the vet in the next day or two - hopefully it's nothing serious and he just ate something bad! He might be almost seven years old, but he's still my baby

    Hope it's just a passing thing and he's back to normal soon!

    Mine have a nasty habit of eating *ahem* excrement (not sure if it's their own or the other dogs', not that it matters) which sometimes causes issues, although not as often as you'd expect.

    It takes a strong stomach to clean up a puddle of vomited feces, let me tell you.

    (Sorry if this post puts anyone off their lunch)

    I worked at a doggie daycare for a while before I had my son and let me tell you, there were many days where I thought I was going to lose my lunch trying to clean up after the dogs would get sick from eating too much poop. OMG, seriously so disgusting!!! :(:(

    Horses will do this too. Weird. At least horse poop isn't too gross... mostly grass!
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Started having intense belly pains this morning and went to the ER... Found out after 6 hours that it's ovarian cysts... one is 1.7 inch and the other 1.3 inch. I guess it explains why I gain water when I ovulate and only lose it after my period. Yikes. But the first thing I did when I got home, once I was sure it wasn't a digesting issue, is have some streak and broccoli... and a big bowl of ice cream and two cookies. But I still have 1100 calories left today.

    And really hoping the pain doesn't come back.

    If it becomes pain that doubles you over, please do not hesitate to go back to the ER as that could indicate ovarian torsion. Sorry, it's the ultrasound tech taking over here.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »

    Hey, thanks! Going to have to jump in on that thread. This one is SO busy I tend to run out of time to check others and I miss some things.

    You aren't missing anything. I was waiting for some info earlier and ventured out to read some others.
    Just a lot of arguments about sugar and why I'm a loser if I overeat stuff that tastes good.

    So, same-old, same-old, huh? Good to know. The threads can get extremely repetitive.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    I confess, I am looking forward to cutting up some of the Italian sausage and brats I cooked on the grill yesterday and mixing into spaghetti sauce to consume tonight. Pasta is good. The biggest question is, do I still have room for ice cream? We shall see Zur.

    Pretty sure you need the ice cream to balance out the spicy Italian sausage and brats, right?
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Started having intense belly pains this morning and went to the ER... Found out after 6 hours that it's ovarian cysts... one is 1.7 inch and the other 1.3 inch. I guess it explains why I gain water when I ovulate and only lose it after my period. Yikes. But the first thing I did when I got home, once I was sure it wasn't a digesting issue, is have some streak and broccoli... and a big bowl of ice cream and two cookies. But I still have 1100 calories left today.

    And really hoping the pain doesn't come back.

    Did you schedule an appointment with your gyno? They usually like to keep an eye on those things and take them out if they get much bigger especially if you're having pain. And you're right, the pain is really bad!

    I don't have one... bad history with GYNs and my insurance stopped working with the last one too. Now I have to find another one... again.

    I know you have issues with this, but if you can get to see an OB/GYN I'd encourage it. I have a few of these cysts and twice they ruptured. Sent me to the ER in extreme pain. BOTH times I was wrongly diagnosed with kidney stones. Curiously, I never passed them nor did they show up on the dye tests, but they were insistent that's what it was. Come to find out it was ruptured cysts. Super painful.
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    I resent people that have weight loss surgery. I feel like they are cheating. Not because they are taking the easy way out, but that they have the option. The most difficult way is my absolute only option ever. I suffer from envy.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    crfischer4 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I would just like to take a moment and send out a heartfelt thank you to whomever the wonderful person was who began this thread. I've read 10 of the 700+ pages and I've laughed so much that I cried. The bible says laughter is as good as medicine so I should be healthy for the rest of my life! I've also learned A LOT! Also, I would like to thank all the ladies and gents who have taken the time and mustered up the courage to post some of their confessions here; I wish you all the best as you (we) walk through our struggles. Remember: try to find the positive in the crappiest situations, make lemonade when you're dealt a lemon, and you have waaaaay more depth to you than you give yourself credit for! Be encouraged!!!

    Well, when you get to page 718, WELCOME!

    By the times she gets to 718 we will be on 1000+

    I'm not even going to try and read back. My friend loves this thread so I'm going to try and pay more attention to it. You all crack me up.

    Why, hello there! You've entered the best place on the Internet.

    Thanks guys! I gave up and decided to skp ahead, which WAS page 725, but now I see it's at page 740! :( Oh well. I'd like to hug you all and encourage you all and high-5 you all! This thread rocks!!

    Yes, yes it does! Welcome! I know you've posted several times already, but this thread moves so quickly I struggle to keep up with it, particularly on the weekends because I try to stay off the internet.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    karenwill2 wrote: »
    I resent people that have weight loss surgery. I feel like they are cheating. Not because they are taking the easy way out, but that they have the option. The most difficult way is my absolute only option ever. I suffer from envy.

    Not judging, but that's kind of like resenting diabetics for taking metformin. Believe me, the things you need wrong with you to qualify are their own nest of snakes, and don't always go away with surgery.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    My desk is covered with papers relating to a project. I am not currently working on this project. They just make me look busy.

    This is too funny!
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,369 Member
    I keep getting bumped ahead and missing posts, which I don't realize exist unless someone quotes them later.