

  • manbre
    manbre Posts: 6 Member
    Hi I'm Brenda I am 53started working out again after 3years need to get motivated again
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member

    I just watched this video of a man about our age who set a record for how long he could hold a plank
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,324 Member
    Barbie - Go George! ! ! :drinker:
    So glad Katla put you right about the emoticons. :laugh:

    Be back later - chilli squid and shiritaki noodles calls. 200 cals. With piles of weeds from the garden. :D

    Heather UK
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Happy Wednesday!

    I just learned how to do a split screen as I read so I can take notes. I am so behind - only read through p. 4 so will see if I can paste comments.

    Deedee ~ Congrats on retirement

    Michelle ~ you must be a very thrifty shopper. I can clip coupons but never remember to use them. My DIL saves lots of money clipping coupons and this has helped tremendously with two pre-school children in day care.

    Mary ~ sorry about the house problems. I hope you and your hubby will find a workable solution

    N Pole Penny ~ it sounds like you live in a place this Ga gal just can’t imagine. What made you decide to leave the state for the frozen north?

    Rosie ~ the weight will come off. I have been so bad lately about overeating and drinking too much wine. But, I know that I will keep logging my food as it is a lifetime commitment. Got on the scaled this AM and found that I am up 2 pounds. This is when I’m just trying not to gain anymore although in truth I need to lose 30 lbs.

    Pip ~ riding your cat around on the bike sounds hilarious.

    Kept the 2 grans on Monday ~ fixed breakfast, DGS played on the computer, DGD loves to draw and used lots of paper and glue and scissors, took them to Walmart for a toy, went to the mall to ride the carosel, Happy Meals for lunch, and then more play before I took them to DIL's school.

    Yesterday, we took the Pom to a vet clinic that deals with allergies. Poor dog had staph, mold spores, and an infected ear. This is after we continuously try to keep him bathed and sprayed with antiseptics/fungus sprays. Ended up getting more antibiotics, ear drops, and flea meds. $430 but this Dr. spent at least an hour with us and I think he will help us to finally figure out what is bringing on all these infections (allergies?? thryroid?? other??).

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Dipping into the posts like a hummingbird… so many too many to touch all…

    Welcome to all the newbies… I’ve been here just over a month, felt so welcome here…

    Mary from Minn – wish the Texas thing had worked out – hope the next choice is the best thing of all.

    Penny at the Pole – I married an Alaskan. He did tell me he was a southern boy, just didn’t mention it was Southern Alaska until a while later… :smiley: He’s down here in Texas ‘cause he just couldn’t stand to be cold anymore… actually bought five acres of desert off the Internet before he moved down here! He deals with the hundred-plus-degree weather better than I do in the summers.

    Cheri in Fairlawn – I only dip in where I can, and they haven’t pitched me overboard yet, no worries.

    @cranor130 – All you have to do is better than yesterday… I think we sabotage ourselves most easily by thinking we have to do it all today, and get it all right. One step further, one calorie less than the day before. That’s all…

    Heather in the UK – I’m so sorry that the rental is being a beast… hope it gets better.

    Terri in Milwaukee – I’ve recently been up at midnight hungry for the first time in… oh, ever. Everybody’s given you great advice, so I’ll take theirs, too!

    @workfmhomediva – just got my fitbit, enjoying it so far – just tell us what you’d like us to call you!

    – welcome! This is, indeed, a motivational place…

    - your puckish sense of humor makes me smile every blessed time...


    [img]http://www.freesmileys.org/custom/image/red%5E_%5Etahoma%5E_%5E1%5E_%5E0%5E_%5ELooking for Mr. Protein Bar%5E_%5E.gif[/img] For those looking for protein: Anyone tried Quest Bars? They’re a little expensive – I order them direct from the company, because we live at the back of beyond. They’re about $2 a bar, shipped. If you actually live someplace where there are actual stores, you can often find them at GNC and some smoothie bars carry them. Their website is https://www.questnutrition.com/, if you want to find out more about them. I like them because:
    • They never have more than a gram or two of sugar--sugar over a few grams can make me quite ill.
    • They don’t have sugar alcohols, like the Atkins stuff—which, not to be impolite, make me fart like a pet ‘coon.
    • They ALWAYS have 15 to 17 grams of fiber, and 20 grams of protein.
    • Calories range from 160 up to about 210, according to the flavor. I don’t like the chocolate flavors, but some people swear by them. I won’t order them off Amazon anymore, those tend to be older… but straight from the company, they’re quite fresh. I like the peanut butter and jelly and the vanilla crunch bars.
    • They’re one of the very few bars that don’t feel they have to coat things in chocolate to get people to buy them.
    • And they actually keep me satisfied and feeling full for a couple hours.
    [img]http://www.freesmileys.org/custom/image/grey%5E_%5Etahoma%5E_%5E1%5E_%5E0%5E_%5EMy Fitbit Flex is seriously cool!%5E_%5E.gif[/img] Kinda loving this little booger… Haven’t worn a watch in years—I was in such high-stress positions that one more added stress would have pushed me over into the screaming meemies, so I just stopped wearing watches. Plus I was so heavy I wouldn’t wear anything that constricted me, so no necklaces, bracelets, anything like that. Quick history for the new chums: Ten years ago, I weighed 303 lbs, had a gastric bypass at 45 yrs old, lost down to 137, gained ten pounds a year back over last seven years, goal is to lose down to 136 by December. Anyway, I digress.
    • It’s lightweight, I forget it’s there.
    • Says my sleep efficiency was 89%, slept 6 hrs 52 min, woke up 8 times, restless 13… apparently that’s normal-ish.
    • Today will be my first run of my usual route with it, so I’m really interested to see whether it and my old stu-pedometer end up anywhere near the same thing.
    • Already synced it with MFP, so it’s catching my calories up from here, which is cool…
    • Was less than $100 – and NO SUBSCRIPTION, which also makes me happy. That’s why I never got a Body Bug.
    We leave for Dallas early in the morning tomorrow for my favorite niece’s high school graduation. Can’t wait! Also get a chance to see my sis for the first time in a long while… Texas is a BIG state, and her husband and mine are both workaholics. We do know how to pick men who know how to work. Getting them to stop long enough to go visit family is a chore, however.

    I’ll check in when I can, but will be on a tablet, most likely, so less verbose. Might be a relief! smiley-rolleyes008.gif

    Lisa H in West Texas

    Totally stole this from someone else: "You are not a dog, stop treating yourself with food."

  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Now I've read through p 5. LOL

    LENORA Aka Grits ~ Hello to a fellow Georgian. I grew about 12 miles out of Forsyth, GA in a small community surrounded by all my cousins and grandparents. Have to say that I have lived in an Atlanta suburb for the last 45 yrs and would really miss being close to everything. However, we never ever go in to downtown Atlanta. I just drive through to go see my mom in a nursing home.

    DrKatie ~ Glad you are enjoying your Ninja. Do the smoothies fill you up?

    NC Carol ~ I laughed about your messy son. When my son and his two young ones comes, the house is a complete disaster within 30 minutes. The other day when DH bought them toys, I said they could not open them until they picked up everything. It was immaculate within minutes. But, a big mess again in no time.

    Terri ~ Sorry about your midnight raids. Maybe you should try eating more before you go to bed. I think carbs in the evening help you sleep better. JMHO My problem is binging on the carbs right before I go to bed because I didn’ t eat enough earlier.

    Cynthia ~ so sorry about the graves. My brother lives in a house that was originally built during the 1860’s. There are raised cement graves out in the field and I have heard that there are slave graves in the woods near the field. He is hoping to be buried there but I don’t know if his wife will carry out that wish.

    Mikesmom ~ Love the photo.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,324 Member
    edited June 2015
    With reference to Lisa's "You are not a dog" quote - today I dumped more than half of the lovely orange cake I posted a photo of a long while back. It was not the biggest success I have ever had and DH wasn't eager to finish it off so I got my courage together and DUMPED it! ! ! ! ! I was taking to heart the quote I have used on this site when I am telling others what to do :embarassed: "You are not a dustbin, throw the leftovers in a real one!" Yeah! I did it! :drinker: It hurt though. :ohwell:

    Also proud of myself today for another reason. DH was going to cricket. I am dropping him off because of his recent operation. We were in bed talking at 8.50. (We have breakfast in bed) I said I would take him but I would be all sweaty, unwashed and just finished my exercises. That was ok by him. I had finished the machines section of my routine (they are in the spare bedroom) when the phone went. It was my friend with cancer so I made a quick decision to talk to her rather than to finish my strength training. I then took DH to the cricket. Then, wait for it......... I came home and finished my strength training, starting with twenty full pushups! ! ! ! ! ! ! I felt I had to do it with you all cheering me on. :blush:
    Then, I did 600 words writing ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Even more amazing! I must be getting self disciplined in my old age or something! :laugh: I am so proud of this because I used to be a self cheating saboutager. Any excuse would do me.

    Then after lunch, delicious, I went outside, (I am mildly agoraphobic) and planted two of those pesky plants that DSIL gave me and did a bit of weeding.

    Now to reward my good efforts with an episode of "Escape to the Continent" about Sweden. :DB)

    Penny - on my bucket list is a cruise round the coast of Norway up into the Arctic Circle and round to Archangel in Russia. DH won't come with me as he hates lots of people, he hates boats and he hates the cold. :laugh: I have decided to reward myself for selling my ÷×=* rental with this trip next summer! ! ! Just made that decision today. >:)B) It will be expensive not sharing a cabin, but I AM WORTH IT! ! ! ! ! ! ! :drinker: :laugh: Can't wait! I have never been to Norway, but I have been to Denmark to do experimental theatre, to Sweden briefly on the way to Finland and to Finland for a month to visit friends and explore the country.

    Love to all. E to the C calls!

    Heather in SUNNY Hampshire B) UK
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Sneaking in at work.....and trying to keep up.
    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • luuznit061
    luuznit061 Posts: 8 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hi Everyone, I am not new to logging food and exercise into MyFitnessPal, but I am new to joining a group and posting. This group sounds right for me. I lost about 22 pounds and have been holding steady around 155-160. This is still too much weight for me. I have been in a group of 4 ladies over the last couple years, not under MyFitnessPal, and that has helped me to keep the 22 off, but I need to get busy need to lose about 25 pounds. How do you get the "ticker" to show up. I set it up, but I guess no right :)
    Happy to join the group
    Brenda - VA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    morning peepheads, poop here (formerly known as pip)

    lagopus - when you sign your post, "penny at the pole" i'm picturing you by a pole, you know, pole dancing? lololol..

    skimmed thru a lot of posts this morning. my mind is on 2 very important events that happened on this day. with regards to our cat, yeah, we got a lot of looks, he was a stud.

    first the happy one... Bullwinkle is 10 today!!!!!!!!!!85e3287s6l16.jpg

    then, one year ago today, I lost my sister Eleanor ;0(

  • luvinlife2012
    luvinlife2012 Posts: 23 Member
    So yesterday was a bust...woke up yucky. BP was 140/102 (I have not been diagnosed hypertensive and am not on meds). I have a stressful job - I manage a customer service department of 60. I LOVE LOVE LOVE black coffee. Caffiene and stress are definite triggers as well as job when I don't manage it. Add to that a stressful Sunday of suppressed emotions from sending off a fine young man to Marine Boot Camp. Today is better. I slept 11 hours, didn't get a work out in, but I feel much better and will do some stairs in a while.

    Sherry in Tulsa
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited June 2015
    Ha! I knew I was running further than that stu-pedometer was registering - I'm such a geek. The Fitbit sez my old route was 3.37 miles! I ran over four miles on Monday and didn't know it. I'm feeling so virtuous right now. So I better shut up, 'cause that's when I usually do something stupid like go inhale a cheesecake.
    S'posed to get up to 95 today, emoticon-object-012.gif so I'm glad I got my run out of the way early... Looking forward to a couple of days of "running" on an elliptical at the hotel. It was always my favorite. If things get too busy for me to check in (doubtful, other than tomorrow, when we'll be driving all day), everyone have a great few days, and I'll "seeya" Sunday.

    Lisa H from West Texas
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Poop, you are lucky that you have little hair. And, see, you don’t have to change your profile handle, to change the name you want to be called. Just sign each post with it, like a good little sh*( ,opps I mean a good Poop.

    Sue, welcome back. Ya know, even when you are a little blue, this is a good place to visit. Our wonderful rays of sunshine are not only good for weightloss. Have fun with that GD. (((Hugs)))

    Kim, I agree that sometimes we just have to satisfy that craving to remind ourselves that it’s not worth it. Glad it was a good burger, though. How long you going to hold off before going for the cheesecake?

    Rori, sorry to hear about your knee. I hope it heals quickly.

    Michele, it’s good that you found a new pool exercise even if you don’t do it often. I am curious about the band on the bottom of your foot??? Isn’t it nice to have that new lady named “Poop”. I’ll bet she rides a bike a lot.

    Mary, is this rental a long term situation? If you are going to get a house sometime in the near future, I wonder why you would not store the things you were going to take to the big house? About a moving sale two weeks in a row, the answer is Yes. We actually had one 3 weeks in a row and sold a lot each week. I’m sending the bestest thoughts for the rest of this move to go well for you. (((Hugs)))

    Becca, sorry to hear about your night. That gets to be a problem for a lot of us, although I’m happy to say it has never kept me up all night. It’s so hard to know, enough fiber, not enough fiber, what to do. All I know is that when I have that problem, my back hurts like it did before my back surgery. Hope you are a big loser at TOPS!

    Joyce, I have actually been thinking about getting a donut lately. So far, it hasn’t happened but I won’t be surprised. I know what you mean about feeling healthy, but then look at my meds to see why. At least it better than all the people that take tons of meds and still don’t feel helathy.

    Workfromhome, welcome. You will find this a very supportive group of ladies. Come often and chat when you feel like it. Tell us a bit about yourself and please sign each post with the name you want to be called. Good luck.

    Penny, thanks for the additional information. We just don’t know many of Santa’s helpers, so it brings us many questions. Is this a permanent assignment or do you see an end in sight? Just so interesting.

    Manbre, welcome. Come often and hopefully you will find what you need here.

    Peach, I do hope you can finally get that poor Pom healthy. I hate spending that kind of money on our dogs, but ya just have to do anything you can for them. After all, they are family.

    Lisa, I hope you have a wonderful time in big D. It even looks like you might hit a day or two without the downpours. Safe travels.

    Heather, I know the wound will heal quickly and you should feel great about dumping that cake. Yes I know there are kids starving “somewhere in the world”, but that cake wasn’t going to get to them anyway. Good girl!! OMG and Wooo Hoooo, Cheer, cheer, Way to go!!!! I’m so proud of you and inspired that I might do a little more of my exercises today. Aren’t you proud of you???? And what a wonderful reward to look forward to, cruising in the Artic frozen areas of the world. Yes, you are worth it! Hear us cheering all the way.

    Luuznit, welcome. This is a great place for support and good information as well. Come often and join right in. Please tell us a bit more about yourself to help us get to know you. Also it would be great if you’d sign each post with the name you’d like us to call you. A general location is good also, to give us a frame of reference. We are glad to have you.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.
    I have been struggling with my exercises since I got back from the cruise. It is so much easier to keep doing things we have made become habit, than to start over with them. I have been doing something every day, but not back up to my full routine. I’m a bit inspired today, so will definitely do more than I’ve been doing. Also, DH is taking me out to lunch, so I need to burn some calories to compensate for what I may eat.

    I hope you all accomplish what’s on your list today and stay healthy.

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    edited June 2015
    :) Pip.....Poop......happy birthday to Bullwinkle....... :'( sorry about your sister

    [img]http://www.freesmileys.org/custom/image/grey%5E_%5Egeorgia%5E_%5E3%5E_%5E0%5E_%5EAll Dancing is great%5E_%5E.gif[/img] about pole dancing....one of my long time friends on MFP who is from Georgia does pole dancing as one of her major sources of exercise and is in awesome shape

    smiley-happy110.gif just got back from walking the dogs for almost three hours while listening to more of "Year of No Sugar".....what an awesome book.

    194904olsgis3xqe.gifNow time for a shower before going to line dance

    <3 Barbie
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    edited June 2015
    DamitJanit wrote: »
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Poop, you are lucky that you have little hair. And, see, you don’t have to change your profile handle, to change the name you want to be called. Just sign each post with it, like a good little sh*( ,opps I mean a good Poop.

    Myrtle Beach, SC

    you crack me up, yes I am a good little s#*t !!! i'm even a bigger poop!!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbie: Thanks for sharing the link about the new plank record holder. I am so impressed that he is using this platform to speak out about our wounded warriors and do something to help them. I am also impressed that he was able to be so articulate speaking about his cause while holding the plank.

    Heather: Have I missed something about your rental selling? I know you’ve wanted to sell it for a long time.

    Pip: I am so sorry about the loss of your sister. The anniversary of her passing must be difficult. Happy Birthday to Bullwinkle.

    Lisa: I gave up running long ago because it damaged my knees. An eliptical is a much better choice, IMHO. Enjoy your trip and hotel time.

    I had a good discussion with DH about the RV situation. I told him that I want to take care of the things we already have, not add something more to take care of. We’ve scheduled the boat mechanic to come and work on our navigation system problems on the sailboat and do a general spring tune-up but he’s busy and won’t be able to get to it until a few weeks from now. We also need new sails and will be investigating options. The old ones are pretty much worn out and have actually needed replacement since our last trip to the San Juan Islands and British Columbia a few years ago. There are also home maintenance things I’d like to do. Interior painting is on that list, and a check on the condition of our windows. Neighbors have been replacing windows due to dry rot problems. We had ours worked on several years ago and they’ve been doing okay since, but it is time to have them checked again.

    Yoga today! I skipped the spin class yesterday because I was tired. My neighbor was not able to go to Zumba and I chose to have a day off. We had planned to meet my cousin across the river in Washington today, but they have a conflict. The weather isn’t appealing for a boat ride anyway. We’ve postponed until Friday.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    June Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!
    It's a slow morning here so I thought I'd catch up.

    Michele on NC...glad you enjoyed the picture. We were on Castle Island which is in the inner harbor of Boston. Boston Harbor was badly polluted about 30 years ago (Aeorosmith sang about it) and after a massive cleanup effort is it now clean enough to swim in and enjoy watersports.

    Becca...I feel your pain (in the a**). Ironically, before I began eating so diligently, I was as regular as a clock. Now, I find myself "blocked up" to the point that a laxitive is in order about every 2 weeks. I am going to try Benefiber, I see that Lesley in Tazmania is using it for extra fiber and the reviews look promising. This may be TMI but we're all friends here and friends share the good, the bad and the ugly.

    Lisa H...I also have a fitbit flex but didn't like that it tracked steps through my arm movement and didn't like the plastic band (it clashed with some of my finer outfits, LOL). I was annoyed that it wasn't tracking my steps when I went grocery shopping (pushing the cart with both arms), or that I had to remember to swing my left arm all the time. I did a little research and found that some people wore their fitbit on their ankle or bra so I devised a sleeve for it to slip into with a velcro closure. This way all my steps are accounted for even if my arms are tied up. Just thought I would pass that along.

    Heather...congratulations for throwing out the cake and for finishing your workout. I know what you mean about these friends silently cheering us on. Glad you shared so we could pat you on the back. I also have a very difficult time throwing out food, the result of living with parents who survived the war. I use the same mantra when forcing myself to throw out food but use the term garbage can instead of dustbin. Perhaps one of us can be your cabin mate on that fabulous cruise. Good for you for treating yourself and not being aftraid of going it alone.

    Cheri...I know all about losing sloooooowly. I tend to lose only .2-.6 lb/week also. In April I lost a whole pound 1 week and danced off the scale. My theory is that I won't sag as much if I lose that slowly. Unfortunately no one told my arms that. At least I know I am losing and every ounce adds up. Don't be discouraged.

    Sue in TX...glad your house was safe from the floodwaters. It must be so scary to live through a flood. I hope you dry out soon and you don't sink on the golf course. I too was going through a bit of blues, I just ride it out the best I can and wait for it to pass. Hope you're feeling better. If there is some piece of jewelery you don't know who to give to, feel free to send it my way!!

    I see shiritake noodles mentioned a few times, where can you buy them? I don't eat pasta anymore and need something to put under a really tastey, low cal turkey marania sauce that Trader Joe's sells. I was using spaghetti squash but they are out of season now. I ordered a spirilizer from ebay to make veggie noodles but it's on a slow boat from China (literally) and won't be here for about a month.

    Time to get back to work.
    Everyone have a great day!

    Chris in MA
  • dbrinkmeyer
    dbrinkmeyer Posts: 96 Member
    Ladies I just found this thread and thought I would jump into it. I have been silent on MFP for awhile because it was so much to keep up with. I've been journaling on my own but with the difficulty I am having with my commitment, I decided to come back.

    I'm looking for an accountability partner that I can exchange progress with every day.

    So here's why.

    In an attempt to save my small company, we bid on (and won) and incredible amount of work on the west coast. My husband and I have relocated to Boise for four months to handle everything. Our staff is back in OKC but we are understaffed. The crew is great but there is so much to do that the pressure of it all can seem quite overwhelming.

    My youngest child stayed behind to finish the school year and will be flying out here on Tuesday. I think that will help me. My other children work for our company and everyone has been pitching in, but it is surprising how much they are expressing that they miss me even though I talk to them through chat several times a week.

    My second child is getting married in November. I don't like my bat wing arms and even though I was in pretty good shape at daughter #3's wedding a couple of years ago, I was really disappointed at how I looked in my size 10 dress.

    I was in boot camp in those days but have injured my shoulder so badly that I am staying away from push-ups and doing modified shoulder exercises.

    I want to be back to a size 4-6 by the wedding. I am currently an 8-10. I'm focused on size not weight since I always carry a bit more than other people my exact size.

    I have very detailed daily, weekly, and 12 week goals.

    I am the kind of person who will absolutely commit when another person is involved. So, I'm looking for someone to say they want to check in with me every day and hold each other mutually accountable on a 12 week plan.

    that's it.

  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited June 2015
    Oh Poop you naughty thing! :blush: I don't do pole dancing, though I've heard it's terrific exercise. Probably just what I need to strengthen my core muscles. Hmmm... Maybe I should give it a try after all.

    Heather, I do recommend the cruise along the coast of Norway because it's beautiful! (Much more scenic beauty than Denmark, Sweden and Finland have to offer.) At the same time, try to budget/plan for the excursions they offer at some of the stops. Otherwise you're likely to go stir-crazy! After a few days on a cruise ship, it's a relief to get out where you can smell and touch the flowers.

    We have a holiday home farther south in Norway and those ships pass by all the time in the summer. Here's what it can look like. The ship on the left is one of the standard coastal steamers of "Hurtigruten". It's actually quite large, but is dwarfed by the one on the right. That's Queen Mary 2, one of the biggest cruise liners in the world. I'd go with Hurtigruten. :smile:


    Penny at the NORTH Pole
    QM2.jpg 69.2K
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone! To be honest, I was a little surprised tt I woke up at all this morning. Last night I was feeling really awful, with splitting headache and pressure in my chest (but no arm pain). I did take a nitro, which helped the chest pain but made the headache 10 times worse. But apparently I slept pretty well and this morning things are better. My weight is once again stuck. I think that number is just painted on the little glass on the scale. It never seems to change. Oh well, at least it’s not going the other direction again.

    I’m going to try the Word method of replying and see how it goes. These are not in order. I’m kind of working backwards.

    Pip, Poop, Hurray! Pippity, Poppity, Poop! I dearly love your sense of humor. Please don’t ever leave us. Later, LOVE Bullwinkle! So sorry about losing your sister!

    Brenda, Welcome!

    Luzznit061, Welcome!

    Barbie, I watched the link you sent. Amazing! I’ve never even tried a plank because I have such bad knees.

    Heather, I had to laugh about you eating piles of weeds from the garden. My weeds don’t seem edible to me. Good for you about dumping the orange cake. I’m afraid I would have dumped the weeds and eaten the orange cake.

    PeachStateGal, I’m sorry your poor Pom has such problems. It’s hard when we can’t make them feel better. Glad you had fun with the grands.

    Lisa, Glad you are loving your fitbit. I got the flex too, and love it, but now am seriously wanting the new one that tells time. I can’t count the number of times I’ve lifted my wrist to see the time and it wasn’t there. If it feels like you are wearing a watch, then it should tell the time! But they are great for incentive. Something tangible to track our efforts. It’s sad, but I have sometimes not walked at all because my fitbit was dead and I wouldn’t get credit for it.

    Lenora, I like GRIT better than SLUTS, but I like Lenora best of all. Do you live in Atlanta? I have a friend whose daughter works at the Aquarium there and has been posting photos of the newborn Beluga Whale. About cemeteries, I just read an article in the news about a woman who stole several headstones from a cemetery to line her fire pit and driveway! The police drove up and there they were, all lined up in the driveway. Amazingly stupid and heartless.

    Dr. Katie, I don’t have a Ninja, but do have one something like it. I love making no-salt salsa in it. Small batches, just for me. In fact, I don’t think I’ve used it for anything else.

    OK, that Word method works, but if I use bold type in Word it goes away when I come back to MFP, so have to re-do the bold here. Seems like a lot of work, especially when I have to scroll up and down to get to the bold button when I'm at the bottom of the message. I'm so lazy, it's pathetic.

    I am determined to get away from the computer today and do something constructive. I think that was part of my problem yesterday. So, I hope you are all having a wonderful day!
