

  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Before I start catching up I have a rant/confession. I hate hate HATE people who leave the queue and then expect to go back in the same place. I could just be a British thing, but I'm sorry, you left the queue, you go to the back! I was queuing up at reception to go the the gym at lunch and some lady came back and was like "Oh I just dropped my son off at the nursery I was here." Well Sh_t, the other day I realised whist in the queue that I left my hairband in the car, did that mean I could push back in when I got back? NO. I went to the back of the queue.
    But of course I just smiled and moved back, because I prefer to bottle up my anger and spew it back up all over the internet.

    Rant over. Happy Friday everyone!

    That is so British. We moan about lack of queue etiquette, and then we go all polite when people misbehave. You're right though. Rude!
    Same in restaurants. We b*tch and complain about the food and then the waitress comes to ask if everything's ok, and we're all "Oh, yes, fine thank you".

    Oh nope. I will send it back and get a new one or send it back and get it taken off my bill. I refuse to pay for food that is awful.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    misskarne wrote: »
    I usually weigh in on Sundays, but I am away this weekend (long weekend, woohoo!), so I weighed in on Friday morning. Before I did, I caught a glimpse of my side-view in the bathroom mirror, frowned and thought, "My tummy looks visibly smaller. But that can't be right. Must be an optical illusion."

    I was right! I'd got a woosh, lost 1.2kg in a week, bringing my total loss to 5.3kg and taking me under 105kg for the first time in over a year! I may have done the happy dance around my bathroom. It's not much, but it's something, and it's going to be even better soon, I am determined!

    Also, I promised myself a new jacket for skating when I got under 105. Guess I get to go shopping now, woot!

    Congrats,and happy shopping!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    levan11 wrote: »
    I confess to being a lurker! This is my first post ever but I have been reading this thread since day one and joined the group because I couldn't bear the thought of all of you wonderful people that I don't know leaving me behind. I can relate to so much of what has been said here and it truly keeps me coming back to this site. I wanted my first post to be something interesting and exciting but I am at a loss and a bit short on time at the moment so I promise that I will post a real honest to goodness confession soon!

    And welcome! Looking forward to the confession. :)
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    I have to do my weekly food shop today and although my other half is not a fan of cakes or biscuits, he is a total ice cream fiend so I pick him up some every week (he is not dieting with me). Every week I spend a good 5 minutes staring at the lollies and tubs I refuse to buy myself while feeling slightly envious of the way my OH can guilt-free devour his. Even more so since I spotted a new Daim bar chocolate tub.

    Is a lolly a popsicle or a lollipop? Also for those in England what do you guys refer to as a pot? Is it a pot of yogurt, oats, or porridge?
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Rabbit914 wrote: »
    qmamabear wrote: »
    I eat less during the day when I know I'll be drinking that night. Keeps me under my calories with a bonus of getting intoxicated cheaply thanks to the empty stomach. Maybe not the healthiest habit in the world...

    I must confess this is my plan today.

    Today is the day that I get to see New Kids on the Block in concert. Don't judge. I've loved them for forever and have never seen them in concert. I hope they don't play anything new as I don't know anything new, only what my 14 year old self rocked out to so long ago. I only want to hear those gems while getting intoxicated which as a 14 year old loving NKOTB never thought would ever occur. Aww dreams do come true. ;)

    Have fun:).
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,512 Member
    Last week a couple friends and i had a girl's night, we went to in-n-out for milkshakes and fries. Immediately after we drove across the street to tacobell for nachos and crunchwraps. We were giggling like schoolgirls the whole time (tacobell staff must of thought we were stoned lol). The adventure was totally out of character for all of us...we are very clean eaters and self identify as health nuts. Everyone need a guilty pleasure day once in a while. I regret nothing!
    tigerThea wrote: »

    I'm definitely extroverted and I prefer the stalls on the end!

    I do too. I also remember reading somewhere that the first stall is usually the cleanest because people tend to bypass that one in favor of one farther from the door. And no, I don't have sources to cite so back offa me![/quote]

    I'm positive it's completely true, I saw it on Mythbusters. [/quote]

    Yup. I love Mythbusters... before my stupid DVR died before I could transfer them off to my external hard drive, I had every episode ever made recorded and I watch 3-5 episodes/week, even though I've seen all of them, generally multiple times.

  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    LH85DC wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    it's national donut day!
    in honor of this sacred day, dunkin is giving out a free donut with the purchase of any beverage.
    never forget ;)

    I can't believe I just found this out, after having already had breakfast. So now I'll be having a donut and an iced coffee for lunch.

    My confession of the day - today I woke up and really wished that my fiance and I had decided to elope. I love my family and am looking forward to the chance to meet extended family on his side that I've never met, but it gets so stressful trying to keep everyone happy. Even the people that 'just want to help' are stressing me out right now! I prefer to do things myself, because I'm a perfectionist, and I'm running out of small tasks to give to people that want nothing more than to be involved.

    Ok, I feel better now. Back to work

    I'm still behind, hence I'm checking this thread while not at work which I usually don't do. So forgive me if this was already asked. When are you getting married? How many people are invited?
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    mantium999 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    mantium999 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    mantium999 wrote: »
    mantium999 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    mantium999 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Confession: Honestly, I'm not happy with the thread being stickied. We'll very likely get an influx of sarcastic, unkind, or snarky people ruining our nice thread mojo. *sniffle* :'(

    Call me jaded, but that was my first thought too.
    mantium999 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    mantium999 wrote: »
    What value does this thread bring to General Diet and Weight Loss Help that warrants a sticky status? If page count is a factor, there are plenty of "who wants to see who naked" discussions in Chit Chat that are probably more worthy than this.
    Ok, serious answer, after thinking about it a little. Honestly, I believe this thread alone has kept a bunch of us here on MFP - people who may have wandered off, lost their motivation, felt intimidated to ask questions, or unsupported elsewhere. If one person improves their health and wellness by being part of this thread, then, yes, it warrants sticky status.

    I have no problem with the existence of this thread. I just stand by the belief that suggested reading (ie, stickies), should be educational and pertain to the topic of the forum. As far as fun items to give people a reason to return to the site, that's what Chit Chat is for. But that's just me, don't let me rain on your parade. Obviously this thread is popular, just not informative.

    "Informative" is a matter of opinion. I, for one, feel VERY "informed" when Pancake announces that he has to pee or we get health updates on various pets.

    I now know 100% more about the Muslim religion than I knew a week ago. And this is a good thing.

    I've learned a bunch of terms for unusual phobias.

    I know how many more exotic varieties of Pop Tarts and peanut butter and breakfast cereal exist in countries other than Canada.

    Knowledge is good. :)

    Sure, informative is a matter of opinion. And I also agree that knowledge is good, I seek out lots of it! I simply fail to see the value of directing members, often times who are new, who are seeking information and knowledge about General Diet and Weight Loss (the purpose of this particular sub-forum) to this particular thread. And thank you for making my point with examples of non-diet/weight loss things your learned from this thread.

    It was tongue in cheek, as I'm sure you realized. Although I do think Pop Tarts and peanut butter and cereal fall into the diet category.

    There have been hundreds of diet/fitness/weight loss questions and tips posted throughout this thread, you just have to wade through 783 pages to find them. Several of us have learned a rather effective upper body workout right here.

    A few effective tips, among 783 pages, warranting a status of a helpful thread. Got it.

    For the sake of ceasing to derail the purpose of THIS particular thread. I confess to having 3 IPAs last night, BEFORE hitting the weights.

    Well, hello, Snarkmeister...

    Listen, we aren't suddenly convening before some sort of MFP Supreme Court (and you aren't some sort of Chief Judge (though you do appear to be embracing a role akin to that of a Prosecuting Attorney)), and we don't suddenly need to justify the actions of someone (let alone, someone who has nothing to do with this thread!) doing something we never requested in the first place (and, frankly, involves a reality some of us don't *want*) -- and so we shouldn't be expected to have you or anyone else 'set up kleig lights', and expect us to 'subject ourselves to interrogation' (as though you were some sort of self-appointed attorney, judge, and jury... or some such entity hellbent on seeing a perceived form of 'justice' done)...

    If you don't want to participate in the thread, then please, by all means, move on...! -- that is, unless you need to rant about something (other than 'this', or 'us', that is), in which case you are welcome to rant away...!

    The world has enough people p*ssing on others -- there's no need to add to *that* 'status quo' (which, not-so-ironically, is part of what this thread is about -- assisting, being helpful, not judging, etc.)...

    (...and yeah, my not sprinkling your sudden sarcasm-laced insults with 'rose petals' is not exactly representative of 'this thread'... however, it is a rare thing for rudeness to 'swoop in' on this thread... and I can't stand behavior that reminds me of my favorite bumper sticker -- Mean People Suck...)

    Hi there aggressive one! I have no desire to see this thread removed, pretty sure I made that clear. But I stand by what I believe to be a valid point regarding MFP choosing this as a helpful thread within the context of the sub forum in which it exists. Not attacking the participants of this thread, not the purpose of this thread, simply stating that it's purpose isn't necessarily on point with the purpose of why a thread should be a sticky. Sorry you have such a personal attachment and felt offended as a result, but I prefer logic over emotion.

    she's not agressive, she's being honest.
    if you're struggling so much with the purpose of this thread, and can't see how it might help newbies who are normally ripped apart for the most simplest of questions elsewhere, that's on you, not us.

    There's no struggle, the purpose of this thread is not currently related to General Diet and Weight Loss. Again, I have not said it serves no purpose, it just doesn't serve the purpose of this sub forum to the point of being a sticky. New members should have a central location, supported by MFP, to find valuable info to assist them in gaining the knowledge requires to successfully navigate through the contention that occurs in the forums. There are no questions in here that are being clarified, so I don't follow your argument of it being a safe haven for newbies. Is this designed to educate? I don't see it if it is. If you have a rational argument as to what this brings to newbies as far as helping them reach their fitness or weight goals, I'm all ears, but don't chastise me for making a valid comment that none have been able to debate within the context of my point.

    Off the top of my head from just the past few weeks:
    Binge eating related to stress, hormonal issues, depression, and death in the family
    Overeating due to travel for work or vacation
    Undereating due to underlying disordered behavior
    Dealing with a family member who potentially has an eating disorder
    How to handle food situations when you have out of town guests
    Unlogged food, the potential psychological impact, and whether or not it's better to log it or ignore it
    Workout schedule interruptions due to illness or injury
    Advice for starting new workout routines or expanding existing ones
    Recommendations comparing and contrasting different lifting programs
    How to deal with alcohol in relation to eating and overeating
    How to deal with alcohol addiction and its impact on health and weight

    Exactly which of these is not relative to General Diet and Weight Loss?

    You also hit the nail on the head

    Thank you for actually engaging, I appreciate a good debate, especially with one who cares. Do you feel that a single thread, addressing all of those topics, quite briefly, and scattered throughout 789 pages, is helpful to the average new member? I really am not picking a fight, and appreciate different points of view. Here's mine, in more detail, since a couple seem to either care, or are perturbed by my presence. And my confession, is that my point of view is from a former newbie, who came to this sight with many assumptions, unknowns, and misguided beliefs that I held to be true. It took me a long time to understand what people talk about, and fight about, in these forums. And longer still to piece together how that all applies to what I am trying to achieve. I simply want to see new members have an easier time than I did. So here is the picture, as it is in my head....

    New member joins, hoping to lose weight and gain knowledge about how to reverse whatever caused them to be where they are today. They head to the forums, to read up on current discussions, since that's what forums tend to be about. They signed up, and signed in, for the purpose of learning how to make a plan. The MFP goal setting confused them somewhat, so forums seem to be a good place to go for help. They bypass the chit chat, because they are here for a purpose. General Diet and Weight Loss seems a reasonable place to start. But they are quickly overwhelmed by numerous threads debating the validity of various acronyms they don't understand. They see a link, right at the top, created by MFP staff, "Most Helpful Posts", so they figure, good place to start, especially if it's suggested by MFP. Where I lose the story is how, with 789 pages of randomness, even if there are some good topics in here, is this thread useful enough to be given the status of "most helpful posts", as it equates to General Diet and Weight Loss. Especially for the newbies that we all seem to care about??? I accept that this thread has value to many. I accept that mental reprieve is useful, especially for the overwhelmed. The responses and number of pages alone are evident that this has become a repository for that. But, with complete honesty, I can't see how it is one of the most helpful threads in regards to THIS particular sub topic. It doesn't focus on General Diet or weight loss, and is nothing more than hundreds of pages of what happens to be on someone's mind at that point in time. Let the thread live on, but don't raise it to the level of most helpful, when there are still very simple topics that new members don't understand, and would benefit by threads clarifying the basics, without clutter.

    I can't make it any more clear than that, so if anyone really wants to continue a debate, which I am happy to do, I offer to do it via PM, or a new post. Hope everyone has a pleasant evening.

    I really wanted to comment on this and didn't want to wait while I was off work (but I'm really busy at work and shouldn't be on here but whatevs.... It is currently 8:25 my time and I am sure many others have already responded given how fast this thread moves.

    I was a previous newbie and still quite a newbie to forums in general. For months I didn't even realize threads were "stickied". Until yesterday, I didn't even know what "stickied" meant. I think that this thread, all 790 pages so far have been really informative. As a newbie who doesn't know where to start and, perhaps doesn't know the etiquette of forums (or the search function of forums) may post questions that have been posted before. We have all seen the same threads about the same topics ("I am counting all my calories and not losing weight... why?"; or I am going to do this detox or that detox") and then get blasted by others who have been on here for a long time. Here is a safe place to ask those questions without being judged and that in itself is VERY helpful IMHO.

    I feel that if you have a "supportive" community that will understand the hardships most of us experience and feel safe in expressing whatever it is that they are struggling with is very helpful. here, you can ask any dumb question without fear that you are going to be judged for simply not knowing or understanding. There is so much mis-information out there and if I were to go into a different thread and ask a question simply because I don't know something and then got blasted and bullied and target with gifs (eventhough they are quite funny), I would be discouraged and would probably leave all together and start all over. Or I would feel so bad about what happened that I would leave and comfort myself with food and will be worse off than I was before.

    Even though there is a lot of randomness in this thread, I feel many people struggle through their journey because of the support in this thread when they may have just given up because everyone on here is so nice and supportive no matter what any individual is going through. That in itself is helpful and if this thread can help bring people together so we can all support each other in battling our own demons without fear of being thrown to the wolves then I would say that warrants a sticky status.

    (also many of us are introverts with very few friends IRL and I feel we all crave a little support, even if it is virtual).

    I totally agree! While being part of this thread, I have now logged almost 100 days in a row and have lost 15 pounds during that time! You guys rock! Thanks for all the support you provide!
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    Kalici wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Confession: When I am at work and have to go #2, I take my phone with me so I can't read this thread :wink:


    I hate when I have to poop really badly & someone is in the stall right next to me.

    Is is funny b/c it is so true!!

    I also hate (and I am not sure if I have posted this here or in the "Things That Make You Irrationally Angry" thread when there are multiple open stalls and you give yourself some space and someone take the stall right beside you. Okay, this just downright pisses me of when people do this.

    Me too! Seriously there are five other stalls open down the line and you take the one right next me? Okay creep-o...

    Ugh! Happens all the time at work! I hate it!

    I just remembered a study that I heard about in 1st or 2nd year psych about bathroom stall selection... assuming availability of empty stalls, introverts will tend to choose stalls at the ends whereas extroverts will choose stalls in the middle.
    See, now elsewhere in this forum I'd immediately be taken to task for not providing peer-reviewed citations to back that up, and someone would dig up (and post links to) a dozen studies refuting the findings of the original one, and here I can just toss it out there as an amusing little tidbit of trivia.

    and when i read that i think dude! i stick to the ends! this makes sense!!

    i was in one of those snarky threads where they were jumping all over this dude for saying he read something in an article, but then couldn't produce it to prove what he said was true and then the mob took over to "prove him wrong." i x'd outta that one pretty fast, but it made me absolutely terrified to post anything.

    I'm definitely extroverted and I prefer the stalls on the end!

    I do too. I also remember reading somewhere that the first stall is usually the cleanest because people tend to bypass that one in favor of one farther from the door. And no, I don't have sources to cite so back offa me!

    That makes sense. Damn it, now I am going to war with myself over feeling safer in the farthest stall or making my germaphobe side happy by being in the closest.

    Mythbusters did an experiment on this an found it to be confirmed or plausible. I love that show!
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Maybe we should make a group..?
    I'll do it if everyone's in. Let me know what you think.
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I don't see it as stickied...
    It's part of the list in the top sticky.

    I'm in for a group!

    Me too, if you'll have me.

    Oh please, please can I hang with the cool kids in the group too?! :D

    You two are the cool kids!
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I'm so very behind on this thread. 17 pages.

    Since only one of the 4 swimsuits my husband bought worked out, he ordered 3 more a couple days ago. I have decided that I'm going to start tanning so I can have some color for our trip. Hopefully, I can at least have a decent base before we go.

    We haven't seen or heard from my stepdaughter since Memorial Day. If anyone is keeping track, that's almost 2 weeks. I'm going to message her tonight or tomorrow if she doesn't bother showing up. I'm done with her *kitten* and I'm done being taken advantage of.

    Uh, that's not good. I was wondering what the status was with that. Who will be taking care of her cat and your house while you're on vacation? You weren't relying on HER to do it, obviously.

    I've been meaning to ask about her but didn't want to bring you down @MoHousdon because you've been so excited about your trip.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I close, but packing up now to head out. Want to stop at grocery store to pick up carrots before heading to the barn. Worked from home today so I get to rid tonight! Think of me on page 800!

    I find it hilarious that this is the first post of page 800.

    Haha I got a chuckle out of that too:).
  • krissyreminisce
    krissyreminisce Posts: 284 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Ok folks! I wasn't going to look at this thread again until tonight but I had to jump on to share my excitement. After months of getting close and then jumping up I am officially at goal weight today! Actually .4 below. 210+ days later and 31 lbs. Yay!!!!!

    Congrats! I'm so excited and happy for you! :grin:
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @Glinda1971 I really think I may have nightmares tonight after googling "trypophobia" and hitting images oh my lord how disgusting. I do not think you're weird at all I think I have the same thing and never knew what it was!

    Ditto! I was like AH can't unsee, can't UNSEE!

    Someone should pass around the eye bleach.


    I know I apologize I should've just looked at it, thrown up, and gone on my merry way! I can be dramatic at times, trust me I know, but I apologize for making such a huge deal out of it. I was just very disturbed :|

    I felt the same way. The funniest part is someone mentioned this earlier in either in this thread or another one & stupidly I Googled it then too.
  • krissyreminisce
    krissyreminisce Posts: 284 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Confession: When I am at work and have to go #2, I take my phone with me so I can't read this thread :wink:


    I hate when I have to poop really badly & someone is in the stall right next to me.

    Is is funny b/c it is so true!!

    I also hate (and I am not sure if I have posted this here or in the "Things That Make You Irrationally Angry" thread when there are multiple open stalls and you give yourself some space and someone take the stall right beside you. Okay, this just downright pisses me of when people do this.

    Me too! Seriously there are five other stalls open down the line and you take the one right next me? Okay creep-o...

    Ugh! Happens all the time at work! I hate it!

    I just remembered a study that I heard about in 1st or 2nd year psych about bathroom stall selection... assuming availability of empty stalls, introverts will tend to choose stalls at the ends whereas extroverts will choose stalls in the middle.
    See, now elsewhere in this forum I'd immediately be taken to task for not providing peer-reviewed citations to back that up, and someone would dig up (and post links to) a dozen studies refuting the findings of the original one, and here I can just toss it out there as an amusing little tidbit of trivia.

    and when i read that i think dude! i stick to the ends! this makes sense!!

    i was in one of those snarky threads where they were jumping all over this dude for saying he read something in an article, but then couldn't produce it to prove what he said was true and then the mob took over to "prove him wrong." i x'd outta that one pretty fast, but it made me absolutely terrified to post anything.

    I'm definitely extroverted and I prefer the stalls on the end!

    Outlier! :*

    I heard about that study circa 1983ish and it always gives me a chuckle when I'm in a public bathroom and find myself automatically heading for the end stalls. Extreme introvert here.

    I'm an introvert but I choose the first stall because at my work it is also against the wall. So only one person can be next to me and I'm not surrounded. ¬_¬
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    edited June 2015
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I'm probably going to go over on my calories today because I had a donut for breakfast, ya know, celebrating National Donut Day and all. I confess that I would eat another donut in a heart beat if I wasn't working out directly after I get off work. If I could, I'd eat one WHILE working out. Also, after talking with a friend earlier this week, I realized that I can't remember the last time I had a brownie. I plan on remedying that this week if at all possible.

    Today while in the cafeteria at work I saw brownie brittle with salted caramel. It took every fiber of my being not to buy those. Pretty proud of myself!
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    levan11 wrote: »
    I confess to being a lurker! This is my first post ever but I have been reading this thread since day one and joined the group because I couldn't bear the thought of all of you wonderful people that I don't know leaving me behind. I can relate to so much of what has been said here and it truly keeps me coming back to this site. I wanted my first post to be something interesting and exciting but I am at a loss and a bit short on time at the moment so I promise that I will post a real honest to goodness confession soon!

    Glad you joined in! Welcome and holding you to a juicy confession!
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    I have to do my weekly food shop today and although my other half is not a fan of cakes or biscuits, he is a total ice cream fiend so I pick him up some every week (he is not dieting with me). Every week I spend a good 5 minutes staring at the lollies and tubs I refuse to buy myself while feeling slightly envious of the way my OH can guilt-free devour his. Even more so since I spotted a new Daim bar chocolate tub.

    Is a lolly a popsicle or a lollipop? Also for those in England what do you guys refer to as a pot? Is it a pot of yogurt, oats, or porridge?
    They're all asleep! A lolly or an iced-lolly is a popsicle. Not sure about the pot question... Definitely yoghurt (English spelling!) is sold in 'pots'. Aren't they everywhere? The term 'porridge pot' is one I've only ever heard in the story about the magic one which kept on producing porridge! Might be an old term. Porridge is the same as oatmeal.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    misskarne wrote: »
    I usually weigh in on Sundays, but I am away this weekend (long weekend, woohoo!), so I weighed in on Friday morning. Before I did, I caught a glimpse of my side-view in the bathroom mirror, frowned and thought, "My tummy looks visibly smaller. But that can't be right. Must be an optical illusion."

    I was right! I'd got a woosh, lost 1.2kg in a week, bringing my total loss to 5.3kg and taking me under 105kg for the first time in over a year! I may have done the happy dance around my bathroom. It's not much, but it's something, and it's going to be even better soon, I am determined!

    Also, I promised myself a new jacket for skating when I got under 105. Guess I get to go shopping now, woot!
    Fab! Congratulations!
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    I'm starting to get a little concerned over here, AF is as of now 3 days late. Ugh! (May or may not be a little TMI)

    You must've missed the dog poop posts. That's not even remotely TMI. Good luck with whichever way you want this particular worry to go :)

    Thank you. I'm wondering if me doing this weight loss thing seriously is affecting that. I don't want to get my hopes up for the other as it's a slim chance, but I wouldn't mind it. Except, I'd have to quit my job again....
    Fingers crossed for you then!