

  • Lefty1290
    Lefty1290 Posts: 551 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    Due to circumstances, my grandma (mom's mom) has to move in with us for a few weeks...and I have to share my room. She's moving in on Friday. There goes my solitude and privacy.

    The worst part is, I barely know her. I've seen her maybe a handful of times that I can remember in my life, most recently about two years ago. She is not a good "grandma." She has never been interested in knowing me or my siblings.

    My own grandma is a stranger. This is gonna be awkward.

    I also barely know my mom's siblings; three aunts and an uncle. They have never lived really close to me ever; those three aunts are in Florida and I'm in Ohio.

    It's weird because I'm so close with my paternal grandparents and my aunts/uncles/cousins.

    It's just weird how you can be close with one side of your family and the other is foreign; when I see my mom's family, it's like meeting them for the first time, every time.

    Sorry to hear that. Maybe she will try to get to know you?

    It was the same for my family. I have always been close to my mom's side but not my dad's.

    My grandma is similar. She has never treated us the way she treats the rest of the grand kids. She always spoiled the rest of her grand kids but never really cared about my sister and I. For example, she gave the rest of them money/jewelry/toys and gave my sister and I dinner place mats for Christmas (we are all around a similar age so I'm not sure what was up with that).

    I love her and everything but (and this makes me feel kinda bad) I don't really want a close relationship with her because she never seemed to want to know us anyway.

    I know, I feel bad for feeling that way, too.

    That's awful how your grandma treated you and your sister. My grandma hasn't wanted anything to do with any of her grandkids.

    I forgot to add that I'm not close to my dad's younger sister and her husband; they and one cousin are really stuck-up and snobby to my family and they only treat us that way.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    So, I don't know if anyone remembers my wedding drama from way back in April*, but the short story is that my "best friend" would rather never talk to me again that work out our issues. I feel like I've broken up with a spouse. She and I have been friends longer than I've known my husband. I don't even really understand how she got this mad, and she won't tell me. And that is why I'm taking the Boo Radley challenge (not really, but I'm very sad).

    *Cliff notes: She was helping me plan, I decided to elope for many valid reasons, she couldn't make it, she felt I cut her out.

    I remember that. It always stinks to lose a friendship. It was your day.

    Also, never loan money to a friend. I have been without one of my best friends for years because I loaned her something like $600 in 2004 (which I never saw again, even though she took her kids to Cancun with her tax refund a few months after the loan). Honestly, I don't even care about that money. We've been trying to rebuild the friendship over the past couple of years, and it's been really tough - even harder because I don't live in the same town anymore.

    i lost my best friend about 10 years ago over trivial crap. we went to high school together, college together, shared an apartment at one point and were basically joined at the hip.

    i loaned her money so we could go see tori amos together and she paid me back, so all cool. she wanted to go to more shows and i was always in charge of getting the tickets. even though i was only making minimum wage at the time, i had the stupidity of youth on my side and a discover card in my pocket, so i could always come through. two shows popped up that were in the 2-3 hour away range and i bought the tickets for us. i'd also loaned her money for a concert t-shirt and a bunch of books she wanted. about a week before the concert she tells me she can't go, doesn't have the money. didn't really seem to care that the tickets were already paid for. got in a massive fight on the phone and i got really frustrated and hung up on her.

    i tried calling her the next day but she wouldn't answer the phone. i left her messages saying that even though she didn't have the money, i still had the tickets, so we might as well go and have fun. no reply. also, prior to the fight, i had entered an essay contest to have our seats upgraded to the front row at the show, then found out after the fight that i had won. but me still being a total doormat wanted to surprise her with the upgrade, so i kept leaving her messages alluding to how totally awesome this show was going to be. i probably left her about a dozen messages, up to the morning of the show. no answer, no reply. i tried calling her from my phone at work, she answered (not knowing the number) i said hi, and she hung up.

    i waited a few months and sent her a couple emails. nothing. then after a couple years i tried reaching out to her again...nothing. i never heard another word from her. i still miss her :/

    Oh wow. Well, for what it's worth, you're better off without her. Total overreaction and selfishness from her.
  • Lefty1290
    Lefty1290 Posts: 551 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    Due to circumstances, my grandma (mom's mom) has to move in with us for a few weeks...and I have to share my room. She's moving in on Friday. There goes my solitude and privacy.

    The worst part is, I barely know her. I've seen her maybe a handful of times that I can remember in my life, most recently about two years ago. She is not a good "grandma." She has never been interested in knowing me or my siblings.

    My own grandma is a stranger. This is gonna be awkward.

    I also barely know my mom's siblings; three aunts and an uncle. They have never lived really close to me ever; those three aunts are in Florida and I'm in Ohio.

    It's weird because I'm so close with my paternal grandparents and my aunts/uncles/cousins.

    It's just weird how you can be close with one side of your family and the other is foreign; when I see my mom's family, it's like meeting them for the first time, every time.

    I can relate. I have some weird family dynamics. Losing your privacy and solitude would be really difficult, but I say give it a chance. She may turn out to be a super awesome person! Initially, it will be awkward, but just be yourself and I hope it works out well for all of you!

    Good advice, thank you. :)
  • ronrhoda
    ronrhoda Posts: 91 Member
    I actually eat unhealthy one day a week! If I want Pizza or ice cream I have it! Usually it's on a weekend!
    We leave on vacation Saturday and I will most likely whack my diet way out! 2 weeks!!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    festerw wrote: »
    The Smart Ones Chicken Strips and Fries I just had for lunch merely angered me, so I'm eating 2 Oreo Pop Tarts as well.

    I laughed out loud at this.
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I have to confess that although I've been feeling this way for a while now (not sure why) I lost all interest in continuing to work at my current job yesterday while talking to the owner of my company. It's not even that I want a DIFFERENT job, I just don't want to work. at all. period. Honestly, if it weren't for the benefits I get (really inexpensive insurance, 2 weeks of vacation, 3 sick/personal days, free fitness center, and a pretty decent wage), I would quit and be a SAHM even though my daughter is 13.

    You know, it's funny, so many people I know wish they could be a SAHM... but I wish I could work, lol! I'm not a people person but I still miss human interaction. Honestly, if it wasn't for Internet I'd feel very lonely, I think. I moved here 5 years ago and I really have no friends (except a couple other moms I talk to once a week after school while the kids play). Mostly it's the sense of accomplishment I'm missing... but I guess I never really felt it while I was working either. It is sad when the only things I accomplish in a day is catching up on laundry, doing groceries, and cooking dinner (and making laundry soap. Which I still haven't done).

    I mean, I enjoy the free time obviously, but I'm afraid in 10 years I'll look back and will have accomplished absolutely nothing, and won't even be able to find a job.
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Skipping 4 pages just to say that I found the Halo Top ice cream at Wegmans. They only had vanilla.

    And I'm completely shocked because it's actually VERY good.

    Confession: Part of me wishes you had said it was terrible. The other part of me is totally going to my Wegmans tomorrow.

    I want to go again now and buy the last 3 pints LOL. But I'm lazy. And I have too much ice cream in the freezer.

    I don't think it's sad, but if you are feeling unfulfilled then my suggestion would be to start pursuing things now that interest you since you have time. If you do want to get back into the work force eventually then now is the time to start volunteering places, adding skills to your resume, taking skills-refresher courses, etc. Try it until you find something you like!

    I just have no idea what I want to do, which really doesn't help, lol. I'm not going to worry about it until September at least... then we'll see.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    Jumping in on the name thing- I am Cecilia, named after my grandfather Cecil. One of my first bosses called me CC, which I morphed to Ceci. (My family calls me C-ya) My married name is of Greek origin and I love that I have a unique name!

    I named my daughter Samantha (would have been Samuel if a boy), because I wanted a Sam. (She goes by Sami now.)

    I love the name Cecilia! So pretty! I don't have kids or pets so I name my cars :) My first car in high school and college was named Goldie because she was gold, I know real original! My second car was named Grace because she was the color grey and my car now her name is Cecily! I call her Cess the sesspool haha even though I keep her very tidy! I named her Cecily because she's a Civic! My next car is going to be a Buick Encore and I've already decided to name her Bianca <3

    PS. My dad said cars are always girls so I've always just named them girls names!

    Fun fact: In Arabic we don't have a gender neutral word like "it" to call objects, so all objects have a gender and are either male or female, so we call them he or she depending on which gender the word falls under. Cars are, in fact, female. ;)

    That is cool. Do you get to pick the gender? So can you decide a car is female and a table male? And someone else decide the reverse? Or is everyone aligned?

    Arabic has the most convoluted grammar rules in the universe, and there are tons of them. It's not easy to explain (or understand...)

    Basically, words ending with a certain letter called "ta marboota" are female, conventional "female" words like "pregnant" are female, all body parts that come in pairs like eyes or hands are female, and the names of the alphabets are female. Clear as mud, right?!

    It is confusing (and yes, ignore my earlier post...I was reading backwards!).

    So, crew, @Susieq_1994 's story is fabulous and I highly recommend reading it (yes read the whole thing as I am off today, but now really need to get off the chair and get to the barn!) and it was wonderful. I was sad a bit at a plot twist at the end but highly worth reading!!!! Great job, Susieq!

    Aww, thank you so much for the shameless plug! I'm so floored that you and @FluffySandwich both seemed to like my writing. :) I'm flattered! I keep telling my husband about it over and over... Poor guy. ;)
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Another slightly embarrassing confession:

    If I have alcohol in my hand, I will spend no time at all drinking the whole thing. I don't do it on purpose, I guess I'm just a fast drinker! Everyone is always telling me to slow down, which is a little bit embarrassing :lol: I just poured myself champagne and drank the thing like I would a soft drink, forgetting it contained alcohol!! Guess practice makes perfect :/ I don't know how people drink so slowly.

    ... I will make myself sick one day.

    If I don't put my drink down I will finish it quickly too. I make a point to set it down every couple sips.

    I either fly through my drink, or it takes me FOREVER to finish something. I also prefer virtually everything (iced and hot) at near room temperature. I'm weird.

    Nope, I drink everything (except white wine) at room temperature. Everyone thinks I am weird too!

    You, I like.

    I hate anything and everything at room temperature. Whether it be food, water, juice, or hot drinks--Everything has to be at one extreme or the other or I won't eat/drink it. Except cookies. My tastebuds were born for the beauty of room temperature chocolate chip cookies...
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Confession: I'm not on facebook as I don't often (this thread exception) put much online. I felt that with my career I may at some point need a high security clearance and just felt as I have friends of all types I didn't want to be judged by their opinions (especially as I might not share their opinions) I have a LinkedIn and a twitter and they are strictly professional.

    Background: I am very middle of the road politically. I took a quiz and am really not any particular party. I read up and vote on each thing individually and ignore the sound bites and hype and noise. I was on Facebook for a short time. Every time my aunt posted to my page trying to get dramatically far to one side politically I'd make a donation in her honor to the person she opposed.

    My mom's family are really, really into politics; problem is, one side of the family is vehemently on one side and the other is on the opposite side. They love to fight about it on Facebook. -_-
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    edited June 2015
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Confession: I'm a bad friend. My best friend is moving into a new house in a couple weeks. She created an event thing on Facebook asking people to come help them move. I have no desire to help them. I hate moving myself, why would I want to move someone else? I'm also not overly fond of her family, or her husband and his family (who will be there). What makes me feel worse about my laziness is that she's 8 months pregnant and isn't able to do any of the moving/lifting. In my defense she will have (at least) her husband, 2 brothers-in-law, 1 sister-in- law (and her boyfriend), and most likely both sets of parents moving them. So... with 7-9 people helping, do I really need to be there? I feel terrible, but I still don't want to do it.

    Sometimes I feel like an alien from outer space. I see you all describe situations like this and I'm left blinking and wondering if it is normal to expect other people to help you move. I'd probably be suckered into it just because I wouldn't know whether or not I was supposed to do it. I don't think you should do it just because you feel terrible though.

    I'm the same way. I don't get the "expectation". Then again I'm known as the meanie in real life because I drive a full size truck. It's often "assumed" I can / will help since I have a truck to help haul! NO. If I'm going out of town do I expect to drive your economy-sized car to save gas? Well alright then. Hire movers or figure it out. No one touches my truck. (sorry, rant, touchy subject for me)

    My husband also has a truck (it's a lowered [read slammed] 63 long bed Chevrolet with VERY little ground clearance) and people are constantly asking him to help them move/haul things. He is a wonderful man so he rarely says no even when it could cause damage to his truck. He's just too nice sometimes. Well, most of the time.

    Oh, he's MUCH nicer than me! There is no way I'd use a 63' Chevy to help people move. That would be a "show" car, not one used for hauling. I'm selfish, though.

    I'm also the opposite: I prefer my trucks lifted. That way I can see everything in traffic that is happening around me and if anyone pulls out in front of me they get a grill in their rearview mirror.

    You're the one blinding me with their headlights? :tongue:

    Not on purpose! I'm a very courteous driver until someone else is an idiot. Then it's GAME ON. Well, not so much anymore. Way too many crazies out there. I have a friend who is a super aggressive driver (I'm not). Some girl cut him off so he gestured at her rudely. At the next stop sign SHE got out of her car and started pounding on his window. Then she saw that his wife was in the car so she went for her instead. Pulled open the passenger side door and the two "ladies" ended up scrapping in the street. Literally, rolling around on the ground in the street. I still can't get over that. THAT is definitely NOT me!

    Yikes! Stories like that are the reason that I just mutter stuff under my breath(can't really say anything out loud due to my son being in the car most of the time)..I would never flip someone off or anything like that..too scared. Funny story though....My best friend tailgates people a lot. One time, she pulled up to a stop sign and the woman in the car in front of her got out and walked up to her window. My friend rolled her window down and the woman said, "If you don't get off my *kitten*, I'm going to KICK your *kitten*"!! That obviously freaked my friend out so she waited a few minutes before driving again. So anyway, a bit later down the next road she sees an accident. It's the woman who yelled at her...she got into an accident with a truck carrying 5 port-o-potties (sp?) and they all tipped off the back of the truck around her car. (Just want to say...the accident part isn't funny. I would never wish an accident on someone. But the fact that a bunch of portable toilets tipped over on her is pretty funny to me). My friend was pretty glad to have waited before following the woman after being confronted... :)
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    Due to circumstances, my grandma (mom's mom) has to move in with us for a few weeks...and I have to share my room. She's moving in on Friday. There goes my solitude and privacy.

    The worst part is, I barely know her. I've seen her maybe a handful of times that I can remember in my life, most recently about two years ago. She is not a good "grandma." She has never been interested in knowing me or my siblings.

    My own grandma is a stranger. This is gonna be awkward.

    I also barely know my mom's siblings; three aunts and an uncle. They have never lived really close to me ever; those three aunts are in Florida and I'm in Ohio.

    It's weird because I'm so close with my paternal grandparents and my aunts/uncles/cousins.

    It's just weird how you can be close with one side of your family and the other is foreign; when I see my mom's family, it's like meeting them for the first time, every time.

    Sorry to hear that. Maybe she will try to get to know you?

    It was the same for my family. I have always been close to my mom's side but not my dad's.

    My grandma is similar. She has never treated us the way she treats the rest of the grand kids. She always spoiled the rest of her grand kids but never really cared about my sister and I. For example, she gave the rest of them money/jewelry/toys and gave my sister and I dinner place mats for Christmas (we are all around a similar age so I'm not sure what was up with that).

    I love her and everything but (and this makes me feel kinda bad) I don't really want a close relationship with her because she never seemed to want to know us anyway.

    I know, I feel bad for feeling that way, too.

    That's awful how your grandma treated you and your sister. My grandma hasn't wanted anything to do with any of her grandkids.

    I forgot to add that I'm not close to my dad's younger sister and her husband; they and one cousin are really stuck-up and snobby to my family and they only treat us that way.

    Dinner place mats!? :(
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    Jumping in on the name thing- I am Cecilia, named after my grandfather Cecil. One of my first bosses called me CC, which I morphed to Ceci. (My family calls me C-ya) My married name is of Greek origin and I love that I have a unique name!

    I named my daughter Samantha (would have been Samuel if a boy), because I wanted a Sam. (She goes by Sami now.)

    I love the name Cecilia! So pretty! I don't have kids or pets so I name my cars :) My first car in high school and college was named Goldie because she was gold, I know real original! My second car was named Grace because she was the color grey and my car now her name is Cecily! I call her Cess the sesspool haha even though I keep her very tidy! I named her Cecily because she's a Civic! My next car is going to be a Buick Encore and I've already decided to name her Bianca <3

    PS. My dad said cars are always girls so I've always just named them girls names!

    Fun fact: In Arabic we don't have a gender neutral word like "it" to call objects, so all objects have a gender and are either male or female, so we call them he or she depending on which gender the word falls under. Cars are, in fact, female. ;)

    That is cool. Do you get to pick the gender? So can you decide a car is female and a table male? And someone else decide the reverse? Or is everyone aligned?

    I'm guessing they are always the same. In Spanish, they have the same thing like "el sol" and "la cucaracha" if you see "el" in front of something, it's masculine, "la" for feminine.

    But who made the decision?? Who got to pick?

    I don't have any idea, and I'm actually trying to look it up because I'm interested too, but so far I'm having no luck. I've found a wikipedia article explaining the purpose of noun genders, but it doesn't have a "history of" section.

    I have absolutely nothing to back it up, but my hypothesis is this: Languages developed naturally between people to help them communicate, and each language developed its own conventional patterns. Later on, when people wanted to be able to teach or pass on the language, they studied the conventions and patterns of the spoken language and made rules out of those conventions and patterns. Does that make sense?

    Gosh, I said conventions and patterns a lot of times.
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    edited June 2015
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Another slightly embarrassing confession:

    If I have alcohol in my hand, I will spend no time at all drinking the whole thing. I don't do it on purpose, I guess I'm just a fast drinker! Everyone is always telling me to slow down, which is a little bit embarrassing :lol: I just poured myself champagne and drank the thing like I would a soft drink, forgetting it contained alcohol!! Guess practice makes perfect :/ I don't know how people drink so slowly.

    ... I will make myself sick one day.

    If I don't put my drink down I will finish it quickly too. I make a point to set it down every couple sips.

    I either fly through my drink, or it takes me FOREVER to finish something. I also prefer virtually everything (iced and hot) at near room temperature. I'm weird.

    Nope, I drink everything (except white wine) at room temperature. Everyone thinks I am weird too!

    You, I like.

    I hate anything and everything at room temperature. Whether it be food, water, juice, or hot drinks--Everything has to be at one extreme or the other or I won't eat/drink it. Except cookies. My tastebuds were born for the beauty of room temperature chocolate chip cookies...

    I agree with all of this :smile: I always put ice in my water because I can't stand it even slightly warm.
  • sunshine3359
    sunshine3359 Posts: 5 Member

    I don't feel skinny but with my weight I am good, I just look big especially on sides and lower stomach. What do you think?
  • Noelv1976
    Noelv1976 Posts: 18,948 Member
    I skip out of work early at times because no one accounts for me.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member

    I don't feel skinny but with my weight I am good, I just look big especially on sides and lower stomach. What do you think?

    Seriously? Girl you look great!
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Confession: I'm a bad friend. My best friend is moving into a new house in a couple weeks. She created an event thing on Facebook asking people to come help them move. I have no desire to help them. I hate moving myself, why would I want to move someone else? I'm also not overly fond of her family, or her husband and his family (who will be there). What makes me feel worse about my laziness is that she's 8 months pregnant and isn't able to do any of the moving/lifting. In my defense she will have (at least) her husband, 2 brothers-in-law, 1 sister-in- law (and her boyfriend), and most likely both sets of parents moving them. So... with 7-9 people helping, do I really need to be there? I feel terrible, but I still don't want to do it.

    Sometimes I feel like an alien from outer space. I see you all describe situations like this and I'm left blinking and wondering if it is normal to expect other people to help you move. I'd probably be suckered into it just because I wouldn't know whether or not I was supposed to do it. I don't think you should do it just because you feel terrible though.

    I'm the same way. I don't get the "expectation". Then again I'm known as the meanie in real life because I drive a full size truck. It's often "assumed" I can / will help since I have a truck to help haul! NO. If I'm going out of town do I expect to drive your economy-sized car to save gas? Well alright then. Hire movers or figure it out. No one touches my truck. (sorry, rant, touchy subject for me)

    My husband also has a truck (it's a lowered [read slammed] 63 long bed Chevrolet with VERY little ground clearance) and people are constantly asking him to help them move/haul things. He is a wonderful man so he rarely says no even when it could cause damage to his truck. He's just too nice sometimes. Well, most of the time.

    Oh, he's MUCH nicer than me! There is no way I'd use a 63' Chevy to help people move. That would be a "show" car, not one used for hauling. I'm selfish, though.

    I'm also the opposite: I prefer my trucks lifted. That way I can see everything in traffic that is happening around me and if anyone pulls out in front of me they get a grill in their rearview mirror.

    You're the one blinding me with their headlights? :tongue:

    Not on purpose! I'm a very courteous driver until someone else is an idiot. Then it's GAME ON. Well, not so much anymore. Way too many crazies out there. I have a friend who is a super aggressive driver (I'm not). Some girl cut him off so he gestured at her rudely. At the next stop sign SHE got out of her car and started pounding on his window. Then she saw that his wife was in the car so she went for her instead. Pulled open the passenger side door and the two "ladies" ended up scrapping in the street. Literally, rolling around on the ground in the street. I still can't get over that. THAT is definitely NOT me!

    That's very scary! I do have road rage, I yell (to myself), and have flipped off people before - trust me, they deserved it. But NOTHING is so bad that people should be fighting physically. I don't like when people go out of their way to mess with people. If someone cuts me off, I'll ride their bumper for a bit, but then I'll let it go. I've made my point, why make it worse?
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »

    I don't feel skinny but with my weight I am good, I just look big especially on sides and lower stomach. What do you think?

    Seriously? Girl you look great!

  • Noelv1976
    Noelv1976 Posts: 18,948 Member
    @sunshine3359 ummm.....what are you talking about? you're perfectly fine.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Confession: I'm a bad friend. My best friend is moving into a new house in a couple weeks. She created an event thing on Facebook asking people to come help them move. I have no desire to help them. I hate moving myself, why would I want to move someone else? I'm also not overly fond of her family, or her husband and his family (who will be there). What makes me feel worse about my laziness is that she's 8 months pregnant and isn't able to do any of the moving/lifting. In my defense she will have (at least) her husband, 2 brothers-in-law, 1 sister-in- law (and her boyfriend), and most likely both sets of parents moving them. So... with 7-9 people helping, do I really need to be there? I feel terrible, but I still don't want to do it.

    Sometimes I feel like an alien from outer space. I see you all describe situations like this and I'm left blinking and wondering if it is normal to expect other people to help you move. I'd probably be suckered into it just because I wouldn't know whether or not I was supposed to do it. I don't think you should do it just because you feel terrible though.

    I'm the same way. I don't get the "expectation". Then again I'm known as the meanie in real life because I drive a full size truck. It's often "assumed" I can / will help since I have a truck to help haul! NO. If I'm going out of town do I expect to drive your economy-sized car to save gas? Well alright then. Hire movers or figure it out. No one touches my truck. (sorry, rant, touchy subject for me)

    My husband also has a truck (it's a lowered [read slammed] 63 long bed Chevrolet with VERY little ground clearance) and people are constantly asking him to help them move/haul things. He is a wonderful man so he rarely says no even when it could cause damage to his truck. He's just too nice sometimes. Well, most of the time.

    Oh, he's MUCH nicer than me! There is no way I'd use a 63' Chevy to help people move. That would be a "show" car, not one used for hauling. I'm selfish, though.

    I'm also the opposite: I prefer my trucks lifted. That way I can see everything in traffic that is happening around me and if anyone pulls out in front of me they get a grill in their rearview mirror.

    You're the one blinding me with their headlights? :tongue:

    Not on purpose! I'm a very courteous driver until someone else is an idiot. Then it's GAME ON. Well, not so much anymore. Way too many crazies out there. I have a friend who is a super aggressive driver (I'm not). Some girl cut him off so he gestured at her rudely. At the next stop sign SHE got out of her car and started pounding on his window. Then she saw that his wife was in the car so she went for her instead. Pulled open the passenger side door and the two "ladies" ended up scrapping in the street. Literally, rolling around on the ground in the street. I still can't get over that. THAT is definitely NOT me!

    Yikes! Stories like that are the reason that I just mutter stuff under my breath(can't really say anything out loud due to my son being in the car most of the time)..I would never flip someone off or anything like that..too scared. Funny story though....My best friend tailgates people a lot. One time, she pulled up to a stop sign and the woman in the car in front of her got out and walked up to her window. My friend rolled her window down and the woman said, "If you don't get off my *kitten*, I'm going to KICK your *kitten*"!! That obviously freaked my friend out so she waited a few minutes before driving again. So anyway, a bit later down the next road she sees an accident. It's the woman who yelled at her...she got into an accident with a truck carrying 5 port-o-potties (sp?) and they all tipped off the back of the truck around her car. (Just want to say...the accident part isn't funny. I would never wish an accident on someone. But the fact that a bunch of portable toilets tipped over on her is pretty funny to me). My friend was pretty glad to have waited before following the woman after being confronted... :)

    Oh my! That is some karma for you right there! Hilarious! About the port-o-potties, not the accident.