

  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    So, I don't know if anyone remembers my wedding drama from way back in April*, but the short story is that my "best friend" would rather never talk to me again that work out our issues. I feel like I've broken up with a spouse. She and I have been friends longer than I've known my husband. I don't even really understand how she got this mad, and she won't tell me. And that is why I'm taking the Boo Radley challenge (not really, but I'm very sad).

    *Cliff notes: She was helping me plan, I decided to elope for many valid reasons, she couldn't make it, she felt I cut her out.

    I remember that. It always stinks to lose a friendship. It was your day.

    Also, never loan money to a friend. I have been without one of my best friends for years because I loaned her something like $600 in 2004 (which I never saw again, even though she took her kids to Cancun with her tax refund a few months after the loan). Honestly, I don't even care about that money. We've been trying to rebuild the friendship over the past couple of years, and it's been really tough - even harder because I don't live in the same town anymore.

    i lost my best friend about 10 years ago over trivial crap. we went to high school together, college together, shared an apartment at one point and were basically joined at the hip.

    i loaned her money so we could go see tori amos together and she paid me back, so all cool. she wanted to go to more shows and i was always in charge of getting the tickets. even though i was only making minimum wage at the time, i had the stupidity of youth on my side and a discover card in my pocket, so i could always come through. two shows popped up that were in the 2-3 hour away range and i bought the tickets for us. i'd also loaned her money for a concert t-shirt and a bunch of books she wanted. about a week before the concert she tells me she can't go, doesn't have the money. didn't really seem to care that the tickets were already paid for. got in a massive fight on the phone and i got really frustrated and hung up on her.

    i tried calling her the next day but she wouldn't answer the phone. i left her messages saying that even though she didn't have the money, i still had the tickets, so we might as well go and have fun. no reply. also, prior to the fight, i had entered an essay contest to have our seats upgraded to the front row at the show, then found out after the fight that i had won. but me still being a total doormat wanted to surprise her with the upgrade, so i kept leaving her messages alluding to how totally awesome this show was going to be. i probably left her about a dozen messages, up to the morning of the show. no answer, no reply. i tried calling her from my phone at work, she answered (not knowing the number) i said hi, and she hung up.

    i waited a few months and sent her a couple emails. nothing. then after a couple years i tried reaching out to her again...nothing. i never heard another word from her. i still miss her :/

    I'm sorry, that really sucks. Actually, let me correct that. I'm sorry, she really sucks. You deserve better.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    Due to circumstances, my grandma (mom's mom) has to move in with us for a few weeks...and I have to share my room. She's moving in on Friday. There goes my solitude and privacy.

    The worst part is, I barely know her. I've seen her maybe a handful of times that I can remember in my life, most recently about two years ago. She is not a good "grandma." She has never been interested in knowing me or my siblings.

    My own grandma is a stranger. This is gonna be awkward.

    I also barely know my mom's siblings; three aunts and an uncle. They have never lived really close to me ever; those three aunts are in Florida and I'm in Ohio.

    It's weird because I'm so close with my paternal grandparents and my aunts/uncles/cousins.

    It's just weird how you can be close with one side of your family and the other is foreign; when I see my mom's family, it's like meeting them for the first time, every time.

    Sorry to hear that. Maybe she will try to get to know you?

    It was the same for my family. I have always been close to my mom's side but not my dad's.

    My grandma is similar. She has never treated us the way she treats the rest of the grand kids. She always spoiled the rest of her grand kids but never really cared about my sister and I. For example, she gave the rest of them money/jewelry/toys and gave my sister and I dinner place mats for Christmas (we are all around a similar age so I'm not sure what was up with that).

    I love her and everything but (and this makes me feel kinda bad) I don't really want a close relationship with her because she never seemed to want to know us anyway.

    I know, I feel bad for feeling that way, too.

    That's awful how your grandma treated you and your sister. My grandma hasn't wanted anything to do with any of her grandkids.

    I forgot to add that I'm not close to my dad's younger sister and her husband; they and one cousin are really stuck-up and snobby to my family and they only treat us that way.

    Dinner place mats!? :(

    Yea, worst part was my sister is younger than me and she was happily playing with her place mat. I am a couple years older so I realized that we got screwed. My sister is so cute. :)

    I know it seems silly complaining about a gift but at the time I was like what? Why did everyone else get cool stuff!?

  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    Oh man, I love the Sims. I haven't played in a long while, but I did some pretty messed up things with them.

    Once I made a home for a family of Sims (in the Sims 2) and killed them off in different ways (removing the ladder from the pool, trapping them in a room, leaving the oven to catch on fire, etc). Once they were all dead, I let another Sim move into the newly haunted house and watched him go insane from all the ghosts coming out all over the place :tongue:

    I also made a Sims Survivor game where I made a bunch of Sims, trapped them all in fenced off enclosings, and the one who survived the longest got to be moved into a mansion I designed specifically for the winner of this game. I really liked designing houses. Now that I think about it, it was kind of a weird (more boring) version of The Hunger Games :neutral:

    Now I want to get back into playing the game.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    Kalici wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    So, I don't know if anyone remembers my wedding drama from way back in April*, but the short story is that my "best friend" would rather never talk to me again that work out our issues. I feel like I've broken up with a spouse. She and I have been friends longer than I've known my husband. I don't even really understand how she got this mad, and she won't tell me. And that is why I'm taking the Boo Radley challenge (not really, but I'm very sad).

    *Cliff notes: She was helping me plan, I decided to elope for many valid reasons, she couldn't make it, she felt I cut her out.

    I remember that. It always stinks to lose a friendship. It was your day.

    Also, never loan money to a friend. I have been without one of my best friends for years because I loaned her something like $600 in 2004 (which I never saw again, even though she took her kids to Cancun with her tax refund a few months after the loan). Honestly, I don't even care about that money. We've been trying to rebuild the friendship over the past couple of years, and it's been really tough - even harder because I don't live in the same town anymore.

    i lost my best friend about 10 years ago over trivial crap. we went to high school together, college together, shared an apartment at one point and were basically joined at the hip.

    i loaned her money so we could go see tori amos together and she paid me back, so all cool. she wanted to go to more shows and i was always in charge of getting the tickets. even though i was only making minimum wage at the time, i had the stupidity of youth on my side and a discover card in my pocket, so i could always come through. two shows popped up that were in the 2-3 hour away range and i bought the tickets for us. i'd also loaned her money for a concert t-shirt and a bunch of books she wanted. about a week before the concert she tells me she can't go, doesn't have the money. didn't really seem to care that the tickets were already paid for. got in a massive fight on the phone and i got really frustrated and hung up on her.

    i tried calling her the next day but she wouldn't answer the phone. i left her messages saying that even though she didn't have the money, i still had the tickets, so we might as well go and have fun. no reply. also, prior to the fight, i had entered an essay contest to have our seats upgraded to the front row at the show, then found out after the fight that i had won. but me still being a total doormat wanted to surprise her with the upgrade, so i kept leaving her messages alluding to how totally awesome this show was going to be. i probably left her about a dozen messages, up to the morning of the show. no answer, no reply. i tried calling her from my phone at work, she answered (not knowing the number) i said hi, and she hung up.

    i waited a few months and sent her a couple emails. nothing. then after a couple years i tried reaching out to her again...nothing. i never heard another word from her. i still miss her :/

    I'm sorry, that really sucks. Actually, let me correct that. I'm sorry, she really sucks. You deserve better.

    yes to this
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    festerw wrote: »
    The Smart Ones Chicken Strips and Fries I just had for lunch merely angered me, so I'm eating 2 Oreo Pop Tarts as well.

    I laughed out loud at this.
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I have to confess that although I've been feeling this way for a while now (not sure why) I lost all interest in continuing to work at my current job yesterday while talking to the owner of my company. It's not even that I want a DIFFERENT job, I just don't want to work. at all. period. Honestly, if it weren't for the benefits I get (really inexpensive insurance, 2 weeks of vacation, 3 sick/personal days, free fitness center, and a pretty decent wage), I would quit and be a SAHM even though my daughter is 13.

    You know, it's funny, so many people I know wish they could be a SAHM... but I wish I could work, lol! I'm not a people person but I still miss human interaction. Honestly, if it wasn't for Internet I'd feel very lonely, I think. I moved here 5 years ago and I really have no friends (except a couple other moms I talk to once a week after school while the kids play). Mostly it's the sense of accomplishment I'm missing... but I guess I never really felt it while I was working either. It is sad when the only things I accomplish in a day is catching up on laundry, doing groceries, and cooking dinner (and making laundry soap. Which I still haven't done).

    I mean, I enjoy the free time obviously, but I'm afraid in 10 years I'll look back and will have accomplished absolutely nothing, and won't even be able to find a job.
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Skipping 4 pages just to say that I found the Halo Top ice cream at Wegmans. They only had vanilla.

    And I'm completely shocked because it's actually VERY good.

    Confession: Part of me wishes you had said it was terrible. The other part of me is totally going to my Wegmans tomorrow.

    I want to go again now and buy the last 3 pints LOL. But I'm lazy. And I have too much ice cream in the freezer.

    I don't think it's sad, but if you are feeling unfulfilled then my suggestion would be to start pursuing things now that interest you since you have time. If you do want to get back into the work force eventually then now is the time to start volunteering places, adding skills to your resume, taking skills-refresher courses, etc. Try it until you find something you like!

    I just have no idea what I want to do, which really doesn't help, lol. I'm not going to worry about it until September at least... then we'll see.

    I'm the same way, which is why this topic interests me. I'm fortunate that I really like my career and the field that I'm in. But as far as hobbies and interests??? Other than working out, I've got nothing. I don't feel empty or unfulfilled but a while back when I was trying to figure out this part of me I read something that says, "What do you enjoy doing so much that you completely lose track of time?" Um. Blank. Not a thing. Still trying to figure this one out!

    I feel like I keep busy, until someone asks me what I do for fun, or in my spare time and I don't really have anything to say. Ummm... workout... walk my dog... I play a lot of Sims... Then I feel like a loser lol.

    I used to play Sims but got bored with the last one because it's so hard for the kids to make friends! So it was taking me days for them to get married, and I had no idea how old their fiance really was until they moved in, then they turned into elders before having babies... I just got frustrated. The lifetimes are either too long or too short for me. I wish we could manually adjust it... I'll get back to it when they make a pets expansion.
    Actually for 10 years my main hobby was MMORPGs, but I got bored with the last one and haven't found another one I want to do... I like RPGs but I'm picky about gameplay, couldn't get into Oblivion for that reason, but absolutely love the Dragon Age series. But I finished the 3rd one in a month. And 3rd person games make me sick.

    My hobbies... Um. I'd say reading but I'd be lying, I used to read a LOT but nowadays it just takes me a long time to get into a book... and I still haven't recovered from the ones I read a few months ago... and what I really want is to read the new parts of the series I've started reading, not really starting something new... if that makes sense. Plus I hate reading if there are any distractions, or if I only have a limited time to do it... so the best time is the evening... but then I'd rather watch some shows.

    So I guess my hobbies are working out, wasting time online, TV shows, and movies (but I'm picky about what I see). I'm still watching X files, on season 3 now, at this rate and with my Summer shows starting again, it's going to take me all Summer to finish the series, which is totally fine... Something to do.

    I love singing though. I should look into joining a choir again. Had to stop when we got the kids. But I suck at reading music so it's not always easy either.

    So basically... I'm a very boring person.

    Are you talking Sims 3? You can adjust life span, and I have because I hate having them as babies for a long time. The kids I just get to meet & talk to friends in school so I don't have to work at it, then they can meet people at work. Usually when I find a friend I want an a (adult) sim to marry I make it happen in one date lol. Romantic Interest>BF/GF>Fiance>Wife/Husband in one go lol. There is a pet expansion, you can have cats, dogs & horses, and can "capture" wild animals like birds, lizards & rodents. There are even unicorns you can befriend and adopt (I've only been able to do it once).

    In case you haven't noticed, I play this game entirely too much.

    I used to play the thing all day long before I met my husband. I make their lifespan as long as I possibly can (except newborn babies, because they're boring), then I give the toddlers educational games and toys until all possible skills are at as high of a level as possible. I loved the whole teaching them to talk/walk and playing with blocks to increase logic and stuff.

    Then when they became children I got to choose their traits because they were such prodigies as toddlers... ;) And I'd get the kids into painting and fishing and music and reading until their skill levels were as high as they could get... And so on. By the time they reached adulthood, they had a level 10 in almost every skill. The perfect human! ;)

    My Sims game actually spanned three generations before I stopped playing. My original character was a grandma! I have to admit that I was looking forward to her dying because I wanted her ghost to live in my house...

    I am so confused by all these Sims posts....what a weird game, lol.
  • arv51862
    arv51862 Posts: 115 Member
    Wow, This is a tough one but it will feel good to get the 'secret' off my chest...
    My profile pic, It's not really me...
    Whewwww, I feel better already ! =)
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    festerw wrote: »
    The Smart Ones Chicken Strips and Fries I just had for lunch merely angered me, so I'm eating 2 Oreo Pop Tarts as well.

    I laughed out loud at this.
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I have to confess that although I've been feeling this way for a while now (not sure why) I lost all interest in continuing to work at my current job yesterday while talking to the owner of my company. It's not even that I want a DIFFERENT job, I just don't want to work. at all. period. Honestly, if it weren't for the benefits I get (really inexpensive insurance, 2 weeks of vacation, 3 sick/personal days, free fitness center, and a pretty decent wage), I would quit and be a SAHM even though my daughter is 13.

    You know, it's funny, so many people I know wish they could be a SAHM... but I wish I could work, lol! I'm not a people person but I still miss human interaction. Honestly, if it wasn't for Internet I'd feel very lonely, I think. I moved here 5 years ago and I really have no friends (except a couple other moms I talk to once a week after school while the kids play). Mostly it's the sense of accomplishment I'm missing... but I guess I never really felt it while I was working either. It is sad when the only things I accomplish in a day is catching up on laundry, doing groceries, and cooking dinner (and making laundry soap. Which I still haven't done).

    I mean, I enjoy the free time obviously, but I'm afraid in 10 years I'll look back and will have accomplished absolutely nothing, and won't even be able to find a job.
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Skipping 4 pages just to say that I found the Halo Top ice cream at Wegmans. They only had vanilla.

    And I'm completely shocked because it's actually VERY good.

    Confession: Part of me wishes you had said it was terrible. The other part of me is totally going to my Wegmans tomorrow.

    I want to go again now and buy the last 3 pints LOL. But I'm lazy. And I have too much ice cream in the freezer.

    I don't think it's sad, but if you are feeling unfulfilled then my suggestion would be to start pursuing things now that interest you since you have time. If you do want to get back into the work force eventually then now is the time to start volunteering places, adding skills to your resume, taking skills-refresher courses, etc. Try it until you find something you like!

    I just have no idea what I want to do, which really doesn't help, lol. I'm not going to worry about it until September at least... then we'll see.

    I'm the same way, which is why this topic interests me. I'm fortunate that I really like my career and the field that I'm in. But as far as hobbies and interests??? Other than working out, I've got nothing. I don't feel empty or unfulfilled but a while back when I was trying to figure out this part of me I read something that says, "What do you enjoy doing so much that you completely lose track of time?" Um. Blank. Not a thing. Still trying to figure this one out!

    I feel like I keep busy, until someone asks me what I do for fun, or in my spare time and I don't really have anything to say. Ummm... workout... walk my dog... I play a lot of Sims... Then I feel like a loser lol.

    I used to play Sims but got bored with the last one because it's so hard for the kids to make friends! So it was taking me days for them to get married, and I had no idea how old their fiance really was until they moved in, then they turned into elders before having babies... I just got frustrated. The lifetimes are either too long or too short for me. I wish we could manually adjust it... I'll get back to it when they make a pets expansion.
    Actually for 10 years my main hobby was MMORPGs, but I got bored with the last one and haven't found another one I want to do... I like RPGs but I'm picky about gameplay, couldn't get into Oblivion for that reason, but absolutely love the Dragon Age series. But I finished the 3rd one in a month. And 3rd person games make me sick.

    My hobbies... Um. I'd say reading but I'd be lying, I used to read a LOT but nowadays it just takes me a long time to get into a book... and I still haven't recovered from the ones I read a few months ago... and what I really want is to read the new parts of the series I've started reading, not really starting something new... if that makes sense. Plus I hate reading if there are any distractions, or if I only have a limited time to do it... so the best time is the evening... but then I'd rather watch some shows.

    So I guess my hobbies are working out, wasting time online, TV shows, and movies (but I'm picky about what I see). I'm still watching X files, on season 3 now, at this rate and with my Summer shows starting again, it's going to take me all Summer to finish the series, which is totally fine... Something to do.

    I love singing though. I should look into joining a choir again. Had to stop when we got the kids. But I suck at reading music so it's not always easy either.

    So basically... I'm a very boring person.

    Are you talking Sims 3? You can adjust life span, and I have because I hate having them as babies for a long time. The kids I just get to meet & talk to friends in school so I don't have to work at it, then they can meet people at work. Usually when I find a friend I want an a (adult) sim to marry I make it happen in one date lol. Romantic Interest>BF/GF>Fiance>Wife/Husband in one go lol. There is a pet expansion, you can have cats, dogs & horses, and can "capture" wild animals like birds, lizards & rodents. There are even unicorns you can befriend and adopt (I've only been able to do it once).

    In case you haven't noticed, I play this game entirely too much.

    I used to play the thing all day long before I met my husband. I make their lifespan as long as I possibly can (except newborn babies, because they're boring), then I give the toddlers educational games and toys until all possible skills are at as high of a level as possible. I loved the whole teaching them to talk/walk and playing with blocks to increase logic and stuff.

    Then when they became children I got to choose their traits because they were such prodigies as toddlers... ;) And I'd get the kids into painting and fishing and music and reading until their skill levels were as high as they could get... And so on. By the time they reached adulthood, they had a level 10 in almost every skill. The perfect human! ;)

    My Sims game actually spanned three generations before I stopped playing. My original character was a great grandma!

    I've restarted the Legacy challenge so many times I can't count, but I've never gotten past 4 generations. I think the problem is I never want to move anyone out of the house, so I'm trying to juggle the original couple, their kids, their kids' spouses, and their grandkids in one house. I get to the point I'm trying to carve out little closet spaces to give the new kids their own room, because I don't have room to expand the house anymore and have them get from their room to the car/schoolbus in time to get to work or school on time.

    Then there's me, cold heartedly kicking them out as soon as they reach young adulthood. I keep one that I like the best to continue the game.

    Every time I start over I say that's what I'm going to do, that or only let the couples have one kid each, but I always give in. Doesn't mean I'm totally soft hearted, though. I have deleted doors on small rooms in non-legacy games to see how long it takes them to die, too.

    What does this even mean?? LOL
    I am surprised that so many people seem to play this kids had a Sim game once, but all I remember was them looking for a job or something? It was so strange....
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    festerw wrote: »
    The Smart Ones Chicken Strips and Fries I just had for lunch merely angered me, so I'm eating 2 Oreo Pop Tarts as well.

    I laughed out loud at this.
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I have to confess that although I've been feeling this way for a while now (not sure why) I lost all interest in continuing to work at my current job yesterday while talking to the owner of my company. It's not even that I want a DIFFERENT job, I just don't want to work. at all. period. Honestly, if it weren't for the benefits I get (really inexpensive insurance, 2 weeks of vacation, 3 sick/personal days, free fitness center, and a pretty decent wage), I would quit and be a SAHM even though my daughter is 13.

    You know, it's funny, so many people I know wish they could be a SAHM... but I wish I could work, lol! I'm not a people person but I still miss human interaction. Honestly, if it wasn't for Internet I'd feel very lonely, I think. I moved here 5 years ago and I really have no friends (except a couple other moms I talk to once a week after school while the kids play). Mostly it's the sense of accomplishment I'm missing... but I guess I never really felt it while I was working either. It is sad when the only things I accomplish in a day is catching up on laundry, doing groceries, and cooking dinner (and making laundry soap. Which I still haven't done).

    I mean, I enjoy the free time obviously, but I'm afraid in 10 years I'll look back and will have accomplished absolutely nothing, and won't even be able to find a job.
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Skipping 4 pages just to say that I found the Halo Top ice cream at Wegmans. They only had vanilla.

    And I'm completely shocked because it's actually VERY good.

    Confession: Part of me wishes you had said it was terrible. The other part of me is totally going to my Wegmans tomorrow.

    I want to go again now and buy the last 3 pints LOL. But I'm lazy. And I have too much ice cream in the freezer.

    I don't think it's sad, but if you are feeling unfulfilled then my suggestion would be to start pursuing things now that interest you since you have time. If you do want to get back into the work force eventually then now is the time to start volunteering places, adding skills to your resume, taking skills-refresher courses, etc. Try it until you find something you like!

    I just have no idea what I want to do, which really doesn't help, lol. I'm not going to worry about it until September at least... then we'll see.

    I'm the same way, which is why this topic interests me. I'm fortunate that I really like my career and the field that I'm in. But as far as hobbies and interests??? Other than working out, I've got nothing. I don't feel empty or unfulfilled but a while back when I was trying to figure out this part of me I read something that says, "What do you enjoy doing so much that you completely lose track of time?" Um. Blank. Not a thing. Still trying to figure this one out!

    I feel like I keep busy, until someone asks me what I do for fun, or in my spare time and I don't really have anything to say. Ummm... workout... walk my dog... I play a lot of Sims... Then I feel like a loser lol.

    I used to play Sims but got bored with the last one because it's so hard for the kids to make friends! So it was taking me days for them to get married, and I had no idea how old their fiance really was until they moved in, then they turned into elders before having babies... I just got frustrated. The lifetimes are either too long or too short for me. I wish we could manually adjust it... I'll get back to it when they make a pets expansion.
    Actually for 10 years my main hobby was MMORPGs, but I got bored with the last one and haven't found another one I want to do... I like RPGs but I'm picky about gameplay, couldn't get into Oblivion for that reason, but absolutely love the Dragon Age series. But I finished the 3rd one in a month. And 3rd person games make me sick.

    My hobbies... Um. I'd say reading but I'd be lying, I used to read a LOT but nowadays it just takes me a long time to get into a book... and I still haven't recovered from the ones I read a few months ago... and what I really want is to read the new parts of the series I've started reading, not really starting something new... if that makes sense. Plus I hate reading if there are any distractions, or if I only have a limited time to do it... so the best time is the evening... but then I'd rather watch some shows.

    So I guess my hobbies are working out, wasting time online, TV shows, and movies (but I'm picky about what I see). I'm still watching X files, on season 3 now, at this rate and with my Summer shows starting again, it's going to take me all Summer to finish the series, which is totally fine... Something to do.

    I love singing though. I should look into joining a choir again. Had to stop when we got the kids. But I suck at reading music so it's not always easy either.

    So basically... I'm a very boring person.

    Are you talking Sims 3? You can adjust life span, and I have because I hate having them as babies for a long time. The kids I just get to meet & talk to friends in school so I don't have to work at it, then they can meet people at work. Usually when I find a friend I want an a (adult) sim to marry I make it happen in one date lol. Romantic Interest>BF/GF>Fiance>Wife/Husband in one go lol. There is a pet expansion, you can have cats, dogs & horses, and can "capture" wild animals like birds, lizards & rodents. There are even unicorns you can befriend and adopt (I've only been able to do it once).

    In case you haven't noticed, I play this game entirely too much.

    I used to play the thing all day long before I met my husband. I make their lifespan as long as I possibly can (except newborn babies, because they're boring), then I give the toddlers educational games and toys until all possible skills are at as high of a level as possible. I loved the whole teaching them to talk/walk and playing with blocks to increase logic and stuff.

    Then when they became children I got to choose their traits because they were such prodigies as toddlers... ;) And I'd get the kids into painting and fishing and music and reading until their skill levels were as high as they could get... And so on. By the time they reached adulthood, they had a level 10 in almost every skill. The perfect human! ;)

    My Sims game actually spanned three generations before I stopped playing. My original character was a great grandma!

    I've restarted the Legacy challenge so many times I can't count, but I've never gotten past 4 generations. I think the problem is I never want to move anyone out of the house, so I'm trying to juggle the original couple, their kids, their kids' spouses, and their grandkids in one house. I get to the point I'm trying to carve out little closet spaces to give the new kids their own room, because I don't have room to expand the house anymore and have them get from their room to the car/schoolbus in time to get to work or school on time.

    Then there's me, cold heartedly kicking them out as soon as they reach young adulthood. I keep one that I like the best to continue the game.

    Every time I start over I say that's what I'm going to do, that or only let the couples have one kid each, but I always give in. Doesn't mean I'm totally soft hearted, though. I have deleted doors on small rooms in non-legacy games to see how long it takes them to die, too.

    Evil! I never thought of trying that... :o Do they actually die in there?!

    In sims 3 they take FOREVER. They keep wetting themselves and passing out from exhaustion, but every time they do it refills those bars some. You have to wait for them to starve to death. I miss in Sims 2 where you could just delete the pool ladder and let them drown if you needed a ghost on your property. It's easier in 3 if you have someone who wants to see or study ghosts to just camp them out at the cemetery all night.

    OK, this is the last comment I will make on this game tonight, but just wanna say, from what I am reading here, ya'll play some messed up video games! Ever hear of pacman or mario or something?? LMAO
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I put a movie on, made it less than 5 minutes in, then came on here. The movie has been paused for over 15 minutes. I'm so terrible about watching movies at home. It'll take me 2 1/2 hours to watch a 90 minute movie :lol: At least I'm by myself.

    It can take me DAYS to watch a movie at home, lol.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    festerw wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Confession - I'm completely procrastinating on filling the dishwasher.

    The wife and I both hate doing that, we will use every dish in the house before loading it. If I had unlimited funds the first thing I would do is hire someone to load the dishwasher.

    I would hire someone to do my laundry. I hate doing laundry. I FULLY REALIZE it just involves sticking a bunch of clothes into a stupid machine, and then sticking them into another stupid machine. Doesn't matter. Still hate doing laundry.

    Will it make you jealous if I tell you that I have a fully automated washer that will wash, spin, and then dry the clothes, all in one machine? o:)

    Editing to add: Speaking of household chores that I can't stand... I hate, hate, HATE ironing.

    Um there is such a thing? Who makes it?

    I have a washer/dryer all in one too. It's pretty common in the UK where space is at a premium. I don't have a dishwasher though. Jealous of you people moaning about loading the dishwasher!

    Same. If someone asks if I have a dishwasher, I say "Yes", and point to myself.

    We do all our dishes by hand too.....don't you have to prewash most things before the dishwasher anyway?

    We're planning on naming our next dog Prewash.


    Here's my little prewash guy. My older girl is a lot bigger and can easily reach inside... I turned my back for a second and the little dude had figured out how to extend his reach.


    AW! <3 Adorable!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    Due to circumstances, my grandma (mom's mom) has to move in with us for a few weeks...and I have to share my room. She's moving in on Friday. There goes my solitude and privacy.

    The worst part is, I barely know her. I've seen her maybe a handful of times that I can remember in my life, most recently about two years ago. She is not a good "grandma." She has never been interested in knowing me or my siblings.

    My own grandma is a stranger. This is gonna be awkward.

    I also barely know my mom's siblings; three aunts and an uncle. They have never lived really close to me ever; those three aunts are in Florida and I'm in Ohio.

    It's weird because I'm so close with my paternal grandparents and my aunts/uncles/cousins.

    It's just weird how you can be close with one side of your family and the other is foreign; when I see my mom's family, it's like meeting them for the first time, every time.

    Sorry to hear that. Maybe she will try to get to know you?

    It was the same for my family. I have always been close to my mom's side but not my dad's.

    My grandma is similar. She has never treated us the way she treats the rest of the grand kids. She always spoiled the rest of her grand kids but never really cared about my sister and I. For example, she gave the rest of them money/jewelry/toys and gave my sister and I dinner place mats for Christmas (we are all around a similar age so I'm not sure what was up with that).

    I love her and everything but (and this makes me feel kinda bad) I don't really want a close relationship with her because she never seemed to want to know us anyway.

    I know, I feel bad for feeling that way, too.

    That's awful how your grandma treated you and your sister. My grandma hasn't wanted anything to do with any of her grandkids.

    I forgot to add that I'm not close to my dad's younger sister and her husband; they and one cousin are really stuck-up and snobby to my family and they only treat us that way.

    Dinner place mats!? :(

    Yea, worst part was my sister is younger than me and she was happily playing with her place mat. I am a couple years older so I realized that we got screwed. My sister is so cute. :)

    I know it seems silly complaining about a gift but at the time I was like what? Why did everyone else get cool stuff!?

    Not silly! My grandma goes the exact opposite direction, gives everyone a check for the exact same amount at holidays to not show favoritism. I love that lady! My daughter is actually named after her, middle name, because she is so awesome. Unfortunately at 93 she has lost most of her mobility and pretty much just says she's ready to go now...heartbreaking!

  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    I was having dinner with my family, and my uncle was talking about how his roommate like metal "like KISS and stuff" and I just kind of automatically whispered "KISS isn't metal" without thinking. Only my friend heard and she laughed at me. Apparently I have elitism tourette's.

    Also, my taste in music is kind of cheesy and my current guilty pleasure is 80's heavy metal which I wasn't even alive for. I am currently listening to warlock and I have a stupid grin on my face. Why?? (Is this what pop does to most people?)
  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    Also, I almost never cry during movies, so I always look like kind of an *kitten* >.> Not during the titanic, not even during marley & me and I get really emotional about dogs.
    But I was getting teary during Mad Max: Fury Road. Go figure. (That was a really, really good movie though.)
  • Katsville
    Katsville Posts: 28 Member
    OK, this is the last comment I will make on this game tonight, but just wanna say, from what I am reading here, ya'll play some messed up video games! Ever hear of pacman or mario or something?? LMAO

    Haha I agree - Mario Bros sounds like a more pleasant choice to me!

  • qn4bx9pzg8aifd
    qn4bx9pzg8aifd Posts: 258 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure my frustration recently at trying to keep up with this thread is whenever I click on this thread it takes me to the last post instead of where I left off. Then I have to page back. Then I miss posts. Then I'm behind anyway.

    In light of that, I'm probably the only person that is actually happy when @Francl27 double (or triple) posts because that's one less post I have to catch up on!
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Seconded. Also, sorry @Francl27 I think it's funny and I love your various reactions when it happens. :smile:
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Me too! I know it's annoying to you but I do enjoy your responses!
    Oh, my, yes... I, as well, enjoy said responses, and find them highly entertaining... :)

    ...and from among them all... the post with "FFS" simply 'hangin' in the wind', as a lone, eyeroll-accompanied, tone-of-voice-infused-with-frustration, to-the-point, first-initials-mashed-up form of 'middle finger'... resulted in my immediately-triggered laughter resembling a kind of choking-cough that had suddenly 'Heimliched itself out' (followed as it was, by 'a case of the giggles' (and the closest I ever get to sounding like a little kid))... lol ;)
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Here I am, 2am, bringing up the rear and finally caught up for today.....

    Tomorrow I am going to ribfest with my daughter.....can't wait, bring on the meat (and funnel cake)!

    Can someone please explain this whole jail profile photo thing? How does it look like the are in jail, and how do they get out??

    I am almost done rewatching the first season of OITNB for the third time, and I have to say, most of the inmates have good qualities even though we are seeing what they did wrong too.....except for Pennsatucky.....I cannot stand her!

    Healy is a super moron too, what is up with his lesbian fetish?

    I am just gonna name some random things since I do not know what else to write about at this time, since I seem to be here all alone...

    Like I said earlier my favorite show ever was Queer As Folk

    I used to love Better Off Ted and was super mad that it got cancelled so early.

    I LOVED LOST until the finale, then I was not impressed.

    I just finished season one of Hannibal and am not sure if I want to go on, I find it kind of confusing.

    I love the movie Brokeback Mountain. It is one of the only romantic movies I like. My heart aches at the end of it, and I never get away without a tear or two. I can watch that movie again and again.

    I love indy movies and foreign films.....some real hidden gems are out there:

    The Separation
    Life Is Beautiful
    The Skin I Live In
    The Stoning of Soraya M.

    I love reading, but am super slow and it takes me forever to finish a book.

    Right now I am reading Unbearable Lightness by Portia de Rossi (Ellen's wife). It is pretty good.

    I love old Stephan King.....Rose Madder was one of the best books he has ever written....right up there with Green Mile.

    Are You There Alone is a great book at Andrea Yates is a sad but amazing story.

    Gone, But Not Forgotten is the best fiction book I have ever read.

    Also, if anyone has not seen the movie Gone Girl, go see it, NOW.

  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Also, I almost never cry during movies, so I always look like kind of an *kitten* >.> Not during the titanic, not even during marley & me and I get really emotional about dogs.
    But I was getting teary during Mad Max: Fury Road. Go figure. (That was a really, really good movie though.)

    Marley and Me made me cry like a baby.....I got bored in the middle and missed a bunch of it and STILL cried at the end....animal stuff really gets to me though!

    I went and saw Hostel 2 at the movies with a friend that got mad at me for laughing at some tense scenes.....I could not help it!
  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    Also, I almost never cry during movies, so I always look like kind of an *kitten* >.> Not during the titanic, not even during marley & me and I get really emotional about dogs.
    But I was getting teary during Mad Max: Fury Road. Go figure. (That was a really, really good movie though.)

    Marley and Me made me cry like a baby.....I got bored in the middle and missed a bunch of it and STILL cried at the end....animal stuff really gets to me though!

    I went and saw Hostel 2 at the movies with a friend that got mad at me for laughing at some tense scenes.....I could not help it!
    If you want to cry about dogs tonight you should watch this :P it's like 7 minutes but I was definitely getting teary.

    And I would almost definitely have laughed too XD I have an inability to take things like that seriously when they take themselves too seriously.
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    I cry a lot in movies. Especially war movies. I bawled most of the way through The Water Diviner.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    festerw wrote: »
    The Smart Ones Chicken Strips and Fries I just had for lunch merely angered me, so I'm eating 2 Oreo Pop Tarts as well.

    I laughed out loud at this.
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I have to confess that although I've been feeling this way for a while now (not sure why) I lost all interest in continuing to work at my current job yesterday while talking to the owner of my company. It's not even that I want a DIFFERENT job, I just don't want to work. at all. period. Honestly, if it weren't for the benefits I get (really inexpensive insurance, 2 weeks of vacation, 3 sick/personal days, free fitness center, and a pretty decent wage), I would quit and be a SAHM even though my daughter is 13.

    You know, it's funny, so many people I know wish they could be a SAHM... but I wish I could work, lol! I'm not a people person but I still miss human interaction. Honestly, if it wasn't for Internet I'd feel very lonely, I think. I moved here 5 years ago and I really have no friends (except a couple other moms I talk to once a week after school while the kids play). Mostly it's the sense of accomplishment I'm missing... but I guess I never really felt it while I was working either. It is sad when the only things I accomplish in a day is catching up on laundry, doing groceries, and cooking dinner (and making laundry soap. Which I still haven't done).

    I mean, I enjoy the free time obviously, but I'm afraid in 10 years I'll look back and will have accomplished absolutely nothing, and won't even be able to find a job.
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Skipping 4 pages just to say that I found the Halo Top ice cream at Wegmans. They only had vanilla.

    And I'm completely shocked because it's actually VERY good.

    Confession: Part of me wishes you had said it was terrible. The other part of me is totally going to my Wegmans tomorrow.

    I want to go again now and buy the last 3 pints LOL. But I'm lazy. And I have too much ice cream in the freezer.

    I don't think it's sad, but if you are feeling unfulfilled then my suggestion would be to start pursuing things now that interest you since you have time. If you do want to get back into the work force eventually then now is the time to start volunteering places, adding skills to your resume, taking skills-refresher courses, etc. Try it until you find something you like!

    I just have no idea what I want to do, which really doesn't help, lol. I'm not going to worry about it until September at least... then we'll see.

    I'm the same way, which is why this topic interests me. I'm fortunate that I really like my career and the field that I'm in. But as far as hobbies and interests??? Other than working out, I've got nothing. I don't feel empty or unfulfilled but a while back when I was trying to figure out this part of me I read something that says, "What do you enjoy doing so much that you completely lose track of time?" Um. Blank. Not a thing. Still trying to figure this one out!

    I feel like I keep busy, until someone asks me what I do for fun, or in my spare time and I don't really have anything to say. Ummm... workout... walk my dog... I play a lot of Sims... Then I feel like a loser lol.

    I used to play Sims but got bored with the last one because it's so hard for the kids to make friends! So it was taking me days for them to get married, and I had no idea how old their fiance really was until they moved in, then they turned into elders before having babies... I just got frustrated. The lifetimes are either too long or too short for me. I wish we could manually adjust it... I'll get back to it when they make a pets expansion.
    Actually for 10 years my main hobby was MMORPGs, but I got bored with the last one and haven't found another one I want to do... I like RPGs but I'm picky about gameplay, couldn't get into Oblivion for that reason, but absolutely love the Dragon Age series. But I finished the 3rd one in a month. And 3rd person games make me sick.

    My hobbies... Um. I'd say reading but I'd be lying, I used to read a LOT but nowadays it just takes me a long time to get into a book... and I still haven't recovered from the ones I read a few months ago... and what I really want is to read the new parts of the series I've started reading, not really starting something new... if that makes sense. Plus I hate reading if there are any distractions, or if I only have a limited time to do it... so the best time is the evening... but then I'd rather watch some shows.

    So I guess my hobbies are working out, wasting time online, TV shows, and movies (but I'm picky about what I see). I'm still watching X files, on season 3 now, at this rate and with my Summer shows starting again, it's going to take me all Summer to finish the series, which is totally fine... Something to do.

    I love singing though. I should look into joining a choir again. Had to stop when we got the kids. But I suck at reading music so it's not always easy either.

    So basically... I'm a very boring person.

    Are you talking Sims 3? You can adjust life span, and I have because I hate having them as babies for a long time. The kids I just get to meet & talk to friends in school so I don't have to work at it, then they can meet people at work. Usually when I find a friend I want an a (adult) sim to marry I make it happen in one date lol. Romantic Interest>BF/GF>Fiance>Wife/Husband in one go lol. There is a pet expansion, you can have cats, dogs & horses, and can "capture" wild animals like birds, lizards & rodents. There are even unicorns you can befriend and adopt (I've only been able to do it once).

    In case you haven't noticed, I play this game entirely too much.

    I used to play the thing all day long before I met my husband. I make their lifespan as long as I possibly can (except newborn babies, because they're boring), then I give the toddlers educational games and toys until all possible skills are at as high of a level as possible. I loved the whole teaching them to talk/walk and playing with blocks to increase logic and stuff.

    Then when they became children I got to choose their traits because they were such prodigies as toddlers... ;) And I'd get the kids into painting and fishing and music and reading until their skill levels were as high as they could get... And so on. By the time they reached adulthood, they had a level 10 in almost every skill. The perfect human! ;)

    My Sims game actually spanned three generations before I stopped playing. My original character was a great grandma!

    I've restarted the Legacy challenge so many times I can't count, but I've never gotten past 4 generations. I think the problem is I never want to move anyone out of the house, so I'm trying to juggle the original couple, their kids, their kids' spouses, and their grandkids in one house. I get to the point I'm trying to carve out little closet spaces to give the new kids their own room, because I don't have room to expand the house anymore and have them get from their room to the car/schoolbus in time to get to work or school on time.

    Then there's me, cold heartedly kicking them out as soon as they reach young adulthood. I keep one that I like the best to continue the game.

    Every time I start over I say that's what I'm going to do, that or only let the couples have one kid each, but I always give in. Doesn't mean I'm totally soft hearted, though. I have deleted doors on small rooms in non-legacy games to see how long it takes them to die, too.

    What does this even mean?? LOL
    I am surprised that so many people seem to play this kids had a Sim game once, but all I remember was them looking for a job or something? It was so strange....

    Your sims can die by all kinds of normal things, like old age, or a house fire. If, for whatever reason, you want to kill one off, you can help them along. In the one you quoted, I did it by locking them in a room with no door so they couldn't escape, couldn't eat or bathe. It's not the best way to do it, because it takes forever. After they die, the grim reaper appears, and you have a chance to beg for their life with another sim. If you don't, or if that doesn't work, you end up with a little urn of ashes, or you can place it outside and it turns into a gravestone. After that, the ghost of the dead person will wander around the house at night, which is a good thing if you have sims who want to see ghosts, or a bad thing, if you have a sim who has an anxiety disorder.