20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • eatless83
    eatless83 Posts: 158 Member
    Hi everyone it's been a while since I posted...but it doesn't mean I haven't been reading all your posts! ;-)

    The last 2 months have been pretty tough gaining and losing the same 4lbs still...on the bright side though I haven't given up I've come too far to throw it all away!

    I start today the same weight I was 2 months ago so fingers crossed I see a shift in the scales in the south direction!

    Have a good week everyone

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I been having fun today
    just checking to see If I could post a glitter message and come back here to post it and look like I did yippee
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    I'm so happy for you, Marie! It's good that posting can be fun again for you. :)

    Janice, I hope you're feeling 100% again soon!

    Faye, kick that scale's butt! :)

    Connie, get all the rest you need, it helps!

    Sounds like you had a nice relaxing day, Nancy. :)

    I stayed busy today, had some good gym time, and got a lot of cleaning done. I get my foster babies tomorrow, and I start back at school on Tuesday, and we have house showings on Wednesday, and then school again Thursday and Friday, and then going to the in-laws again on Saturday. So I needed to get that cleaning done while I could! Going to be very busy these next few weeks. It's good though. :)
    I'm loving my Fitbit. The sleep monitoring is pretty neat, and the step/calorie counter is pretty cool too. It's saying I burn enough calories to eat almost 2,200 calories a day and still lose weight every week, but I do not trust that! Think I'll stick with what's been working, though I'm considering upping my calories to 1,500 a day in a week.

    Hope everyone has a great Monday tomorrow! Let's all make it count. :)

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Morning Losers,

    I had a great week of losing but alas the weekend away with eating and drinking and we had chinese food last night.
    I did not get on the scale this morning because of sodium. I was not feeling great today so I passed on Yoga class and
    maybe a walk later. It rained last night and its cloudy and gloomy out today.

    Our cruise weekend was fun and I didn't overdue eating and everyone had fun. We did get into a bit of trouble on the
    way home. Our motor quit on our sailboat and we had to be towed into our sailing club. We were just under 3 miles out.
    We towed in by dingy and a motor. A new experience for both of us. Tying a dingy to the side of the boat and
    motoring in by dingy. I started at the helm and Dave was in the dingy and then we switched as we got closer
    to docking the boat. I wasn't sure I could do that so I went into the dingy. It was stressful but we made it in safe and
    sound. It poured rain after we got in and we never got a chance to eat lunch so we stayed and had a sandwich and
    then packed up to go home.

    I will be packing again today for a week at our family cottage and I will have NO WiFi so I will not be able to
    communicate until I get back. The cottage is in Northern Ontario on a lake. I may go into the city and use
    Tim Horton's cafe Wi Fi to check in we will see.
    I will be seeing my grandson on the way there and back so that will be a great chance for a hug and a kiss.

    So take care until I return and be mindful this week and good luck on the weight lifting.

    Ontario, Canada

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Buddies, Well I got my big screen Computer and it is great. love it This is the first day of my return back to 1-1-1/ One protein, one carb. and one fat per meal/ will still remain on a plant food plan. still not eating gluten. I found out I cannot not eat too many carbs for I gain 4 lbs. on the plant food plan by eating way to much carbs beans and fruits..... my protein will be 1/2 c of beans and one piece of fruit my carbs and a resemble amount of veggies. and my fat will come from plant base oil. like nuts seeds and etc.

    Look like we are getting a slow start here this morning

    <3 Marie

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, losers! Happy Monday!

    Marie..glad to see you are back in action!
    Faye..good to see you, too!
    Ray..awww kittens!
    Nancy..lazy days of doing what you want when you want are wonderful, aren't they?
    Janice..glad you are feeling better.

    It's gonna be a hot one here so Cooper and I got out early. I did not have to drag him out from under the bed so maybe he getting used to early morning walking. Even so, the humidity does a job on him so when he's ready to come back, I don't force him to go farther. No pool for me today..exercise at home for a change!

    Make it a great day, losers!
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good Morning Everyone,
    Hope you had a great weekend.
    Plan on getting my exercise today and doing some house cleaning.
    Have a good day.
  • eatless83
    eatless83 Posts: 158 Member
    It's a drizzly morning in what is usually a sunny Singapore today!! Fingers crosses it clears up

    Today is my 130th login - I have surprised even myself. I think I have truly found something I like and that works for me! Thanks to you all for making it so easy to keep coming back!

    I have a gym session today for my exercise and I have pre-ordered a tuna and beatroot salad for my lunch with honey mustard vinaigrette ;-)

    Shirley - your boating experiences sound like a great adventure even when they do go wrong!

    Have a good day losers


  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Honey........ I'm home!!!!!!!! It was an awesome ferry ride home. Stayed under calories every day but didn't do much for exercise. Logged over 10000 steps in Friday and Saturday due to shopping. So now back to "normal". Got the car unloaded. Took 3 hours to get everything from the car where it belongs. We had 5 flats of fresh strawberries that we cleaned and vacuum packed for freezing. That way we have fresh berries year round. Then we had Costco stuff to put away. So needless to say I got a workout just from coming home. And then to top everything off it is 73 here at home. And for us locals yes that is hot. My ankles are really swollen because of that but they will feel better after I get the chance to get back to the swimming pool tomorrow.

  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Welcome home, Esther! I need to save up some grocery money and hit up a Costco soon. And all those berries sound good!

    Faye, that salad sounds good!

    Shirley, that sounds like quite the adventure! And have fun with family "off the grid". ;)

    Connie, my foster kittens are tiny little squeakers. My two cats don't know what to think about this situation.

    Marie, I hope you'll continue to see good progress on your plan. :)

    Hope you had a good day, Nancy!

    I had originally thought I'd be fostering 3 kittens, but turns out it's only 2. It makes it easier that way for sure. They're only about 10 days old so they're quite distraught during feedings, crawling all over and finding it hard to focus on where the milk is coming from. We managed to get them fed though and they're sleeping now. I'll feed them again around 1:00 a.m. and then I'll be up again at 5:00 a.m. for another feeding. They'll be on a 4 hour feeding schedule. It will be interesting! Haha. In the end though it's all worth it, and I'm sure I'll have a hard time letting them go.

  • beehappy27
    beehappy27 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm in! I'm 205 my goal is 155!
  • beehappy27
    beehappy27 Posts: 9 Member
    Oops I just noticed the date on this discussion! Hey we can try for next year's Easter
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    beehappy27 wrote: »
    Oops I just noticed the date on this discussion! Hey we can try for next year's Easter
    beehappy shhh all of us misfits are too. well not all some has met there goal but following us for their support and we appreciate that very much.
    Welcome to our thread.


  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, losers! Happy Tuesday!

    Welcome back, Esther!

    Another 100 degree day here! I got the dog out at 6:15, had breakfast and will be heading for the gym in a few minutes.

    Make it a great day, losers!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited June 2015
    connie you have already hit 100 degree? We hit 97 one day but not reach 100 yet.
    Yes I did do a lot of reading yesterday. Did not know I missed so much. I am getting a lot more request wanted to be friends now. I have lost 2 lbs of the 4 pounds gain I had enjoying all of that fruit and carbs I may leave off fruit for 2 weeks just like Shirley's SBD program To see if I can shake it up to get to the 170,s. How close are you to the beach?

    <3 Esther you were a busy girl on you return home. I bet your girls was glad to see you. That 73 sounds lovely I bet Connie would like to see that

    <3 Faye good see you posting

    <3 Nancy I know you will be around soon. So good morning to you

    <3 Good morning Rachel take care of those babies.

    <3 good morning Beehappy/ y ou are welcome on this Mitfits bunch but Connie has a 4th of July
    challenge that is more currant here is the link Connie has it running pretty smoothie for such a large group most of us post at both places I have not posted much there for my computer been down and was having to used an I pad an my bad eyes could not read it very good. But now My daughter got me set p on a bigger screen than the one I had. What name do you want us to called you. Here is the link


    I will be over to visit with the 4th of July thread after our WalMart day. at the grocer store..

    <3 Marie

  • Eninad
    Eninad Posts: 204 Member
    We're at 110 out here with extreme advisory for 113. I am indoors as much as possible, usually until September. That's why I bought a recumbant bike, to offset the outside walking I won't do during Summer. Heat sucks the life out of me and I retain so much water, but I have to keep hydrating or I'll get headaches, grumpiness and fatigue. I'm pretty sure that's why the scale is same this week as last when I was 1.5 down just on Sunday.

    I'm glad I log. I know my food and things are steady not high, so it's just water. Without logging I'd probably quit.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    " Without logging I'd probably quit." Without logging and paid for personal training, I know I would quit. LOL

    Marie..We are about 2.5 hours from Myrtle Beach. High today..104
  • Eninad
    Eninad Posts: 204 Member
    edited June 2015
    My spouse reminded me that even though I'm within calories, my sodium over the last few days has been higher, plus I did harder biking, so he's not concerned in the slightest. Muscles, water, salt... retention is real, the weight is not. I'm just tired of seeing 207.

    I need to remind myself how elated I was when I first saw it though. I was over the moon.

    "Oh my goodness 207!!! WOW, can you believe I'm at 207??!!!

    ...I believe it, move along now body! Hahahahaha. Perspective, trying to get some.
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Well gang. I am so proud of myself. I had all you can eat buffets twice while I was gone. And for 36 hours there is really nothing to do but eat sleep and read or crochet in my case while on the ferry. The steel decks are really hard on normal joints so I really have a very difficult time walking on board. But I actually lost a pound while I was gone!!!!!!!!!! I was 238 before I left but I didn't change my weight on MFP because I expected to gain the few pounds back. So I am officially logging in my weight at 237 today. I didn't exactly make the best choices of food and I ate back most of my exercise calories while gone but I still stayed under calorie while gone. I had to hit a Dairy Queen at least ones. And my girls wanted to go to KFC. Plus all you can eat Chinese food and prime rib buffet doesn't help either. But overall I think I did really good. And Marie I just heard on the radio there is a tropical storm headed for Texas. Keep your rubber boots close by. B)

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies,
    Just getting home from a very busy day. I am on the Memorial Meals Committee at my church and we had a Funeral Friday
    and one today. It is usually about 5 hours of work but is very rewarding as the families seem to enjoy sitting down and visiting
    with their family as we serve the meal.

    Well on a happy note I was down .9 lb. this morning. Was good to see the scales in my favor today. I believe that is my lowest
    so far. Have not done anything different other than a little more intense exercise as Connie suggested. It is a slow go for me but I
    plan to be here for as long as it takes and then maintainance!!!

    Connie, Hope you make it ok in that heat!!! Think about you so often!!!

    Marie it is good to see you back with your posts on your new computer.

    Esther, You are so amazing!!! If I could lose weight like you do I would do a happy dance.

    Rachel, Good luck with your kittens. You are a special person to take on that job.
