

  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I messaged her about making other arrangements for the cat if she's not going to be living with us. I'm not sure how she'll respond but it needed to be done. I'm going to take my meds and pass out now. Nighty night.

  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I messaged her about making other arrangements for the cat if she's not going to be living with us. I'm not sure how she'll respond but it needed to be done. I'm going to take my meds and pass out now. Nighty night.
    I hope she responds in a reasonable manner.

  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    I think I'm going to take a break from logging for a little while, I'm so overwhelmed right now with everything.

    The good news is, I have a doctor's appointment July 9th, so hopefully I'll get some help.

    Raelynn had a 3 year old checkup on Monday, and her pediatrician is referring us for services through the school district for her. (Special needs, SPD and Anxiety) I'm glad someone is finally listening!

    I'll still be here checking in, and once things get better I'll try to start logging again. Y'all are more than welcome to add me as well, I'd love to have y'all as friends!

    Good luck with your daughter! Hopefully you don't disappear from this thread altogether!
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I was looking earlier and it seems as if the modern gift for the 15th anniversary is a watch. The traditional is crystal, but I really can't think of anything crystal my husband would like. I think I'm going to get him a watch but I'm not sure how to sneak it to Florida with us without him know what it is. Do they allow wrapped items in a suitcase or carryon? I would hate for it to get lost of broken on the way there, so I would feel safer if it were in my carryon or in my backpack. Any suggestions on nice but not Rolex-priced time pieces? I was thinking Bulova or Citizen. Are those nice?!

    Also, T-10 DAYS!!!

    You can wrap it and put it in the carry on. Do not put it in the suitcase, they sometimes inspect the suitcases and things can go missing. They will xray the carry on when you go through security, but it will be fine. The only thing you have to take out of the bag as you go through security is your laptop and small electronics.

    The last time I flew and checked a bag I had a lovely note from the TSA when I opened my bag.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    edited June 2015
    I am really apt to forget to pack socks. I remembered! A rare day.

    Remember (pages ago) I love beautiful undergarments - I pack about twice as many undergarment selections as I need so I'll have the exact right color combination / cut / fit and strap type for every outfit and options should I change my mind. Other than that I pack light.

    I forgot to complete checking into my flight (I thought I had) so I'm boarding at the end of the line.

    I always have a psychological need to use the restroom on a flight - I usually ignore it b/c it is so inconvenient.

    My most embarrassing moment EVER was on a flight - it is completely hilarious to me now - but at the time I thought I'd die of humiliation.

    ~~~~ok have a great weekend. This is a super great group of people.
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Hi all,

    Sorry I haven’t been around for a while. Well I’ve been reading, but not posting. I’m having a really bad couple of weeks and I didn’t want to dump it all on you guys. However, I have missed you all immensely. Its strange how much I rely on this thread for fun and motivation. I don’t think you’ll ever know how much you have all helped motivate me.

    My diet and exercise has gone out of the window, the binge monster is well and truly in situ and my brain is telling me all sorts of horrible things, about how fat and unfit I am, and always will be, and theres little point trying. And no matter how much weight I lose, my boyfriend will still never love me and I’ll never be able to climb the mountain and blah blah blah blah.

    I look in the mirror and I hate what I see. I’m so fat and just can’t see how I’m going to get it off. And I know binge eating isn’t going to help, but I seem totally incapable of controlling it.

    There’s a bit of an issue going on between my boyfriend and I. We need to address it, but I am avoiding the issue. Because, irrational me says he’s going to tell me all the things I don’t want to hear (that I believe about myself). So the poor guy has been getting a really hard time, for something I *think* he might say. I’m not being very grown up about things at the moment.

    Most of the problem is I have not been taking my anti-depressants properly. I miss lots of days at a time, and that is obviously contributing to the blackness. Rationally I know I can fix that. I have reminders on my phone and email to take it, but I mostly just ignore them. I don’t know why. I know they help.

    And just to make another excuse, theres a lot going on. My mum has cancer and is having her operation today. Her recovery time means I need to be home to have Charlie (2yo nephew) a lot more, which interferes with my life a bit, and well just excuses really. I feel overwhelmed with everything.

    I’m sorry to dump this all on you, but a couple of people here told me it might help to get it out. And a big thank you to those of you who messaged me to check in: @pofoster21, @girldownsouth and @nonoelmo @Lois_1989. I really did appreciate it, and it was nice to think people noticed and cared enough to send a note. I hope I can remember to do the same for others.

    I am trying to remember that today is a new day and all I can do is try. And some advice given to me in a message was that you will be able to help me with that. And I know its true. As a support group, you lot are amazing.

    And I have been reading and reading to get back to this... I am so glad you are back!!! I have missed you and this thread will totally helps me. Whatever the problems with the boyfriend if you love each other it'll work out. And don't worry about that mountain! You can totally kick its a**. And frankly, i know you keep complaining about your weight, but the picture from the mountain doesn't look like you are 'so fat' so get that right out of your head! We are here for you! And good luck with your Mom's surgery.

    Thank you *hugs* i have really appreciated your support over the last couple of weeks.

    The boyfriend problem is actually very small, and nothing more than most couples have (just getting a bit thoughtless). i blew it out of proportion. I know we'll correct it.

    I'm sorry i keep complaining - i will try not :D
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    Has anyone seen @noaddedsugarx around recently? Just thinking about her and her grandmother and hoping she's doing all right.

    I was wondering the same thing. It's been a while.

    has anyone messaged her?
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    When it finally comes time for a cheat meal... It some how magically turns into a cheat day... Then cheat week... And it only gets worse from there :/ Then after those awful cheat days, I decide I'll start again Monday. EVERY. DANG. TIME. Lol

    I don't know if this is helpful or not (I'm still relatively new to this whole thing), but I don't do "cheat meals". If I am craving something, I just make sure it fits into my daily calorie allowance or I work out extra to make it fit. I don't view food as "good" or "bad" I just view as "good" or "gross". I hope you can get back on track. Good luck. too! Definitely helped my "relationship" with food. If I want it, I make room for it, or balance out my calories the rest of the week!

    I agree with this as well. A while back we got on the topic of Poptarts to the point that I had to go out and get some. I had one to get it out of my system. A month later i still have a few left.

    I did that. i had to buy poptarts when i saw them because of this thread. I inhaled way too many and then threw the rest in a bin, just so I wouldn't eat them

  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    Morning all. Just checking in. Meds taken. Am now going to walk up to Charlie's school to do swimming with his class. I do it every friday.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    edited June 2015
    Morning/Afternoon/Evening everyone! I woke to many an email this morning. I'm really touched that it was noticed I haven't been around lately, normally this isn't the case. I apologise for not being around, work is a bit like the bus service at the moment. As in you get nothing, and then everything happens all at once and I've been drowning in paper work. Many pages will be skipped over on here I'm afraid, but I won't be able to read it today, I plan on clearing my desk of paper and being up-to-date by the end of the day today, but I will have a really good reading session over the weekend I think :wink: I might even have to make notes.

    Miss you all! <3
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Here is a happy Hedgehog for everyone.


    This is how all of you make me feel.

  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    misskarne wrote: »
    I know you hate people apologising for asking you questions, @Susieq_1994, but I only do because I feel like that stereotypical ignorant privileged white girl, and I don't want to offend.

    So...there is that - robe, I'm sorry, I don't know the word for it - the long black one with the head and face covering. But it gets to 60C in Oman, right? So, do the women not die of heatstroke?

    That's alright, it doesn't offend me! :)

    It's called an abaya, and most of them don't cover the head or face--They're basically just black dresses. I wear one myself. The headscarf and niqab (face covering) are all separate pieces. There is one that has a head covering attached as well, but these are mostly worn by older ladies, as it's just an older style.

    That said, I wear the abaya and headscarf. I don't find it hot, personally--I actually find it cooler than when I wear "regular" clothing like skirts and blouses because the abaya tends to be very lightweight. It's also because I've been covering for a very long time--If I didn't cover, I'd probably feel hotter due to the sun burning my skin!

    My sister wears a niqab, and according to her, it did feel very hot in the first week, but she says it doesn't feel like that anymore now that she's used to it.

    Just an add-on: The abaya isn't a must, Islamically. Women are encouraged not to wear very bright colors for the purpose of attracting men (yes, men have a rule that involves not attracting women--it isn't a sexist rule), but you're allowed to wear whatever color you like, as long as you're covered properly.

    I prefer the abaya in Saudi Arabia because everyone wears it (I've seen like... two people so far that didn't... Even the non-Muslims wear it!) and I just don't want to stand out. In Oman, I often wear regular colored dresses, skirts, blouses, etc. Unless I'm lazy. Because the abaya is really easy to just throw on and be done. ;)
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    misskarne wrote: »
    I know you hate people apologising for asking you questions, @Susieq_1994, but I only do because I feel like that stereotypical ignorant privileged white girl, and I don't want to offend.

    So...there is that - robe, I'm sorry, I don't know the word for it - the long black one with the head and face covering. But it gets to 60C in Oman, right? So, do the women not die of heatstroke?

    Ah, and one more thing. (The edit function is being dumb)

    Nobody goes outside if they can help it in the summer! Regardless of what you're wearing, you're going to get heatstroke staying out there... Everyone hides in air-conditioned buildings all day long, where it's nice and safe from the blazing sun. ;)

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Morning all. Just checking in. Meds taken. Am now going to walk up to Charlie's school to do swimming with his class. I do it every friday.

    Yay life feels normal early am buddies are back. And swimming sounds awesome! I need to get back to the pool....
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Hi all,

    Sorry I haven’t been around for a while. Well I’ve been reading, but not posting. I’m having a really bad couple of weeks and I didn’t want to dump it all on you guys. However, I have missed you all immensely. Its strange how much I rely on this thread for fun and motivation. I don’t think you’ll ever know how much you have all helped motivate me.

    My diet and exercise has gone out of the window, the binge monster is well and truly in situ and my brain is telling me all sorts of horrible things, about how fat and unfit I am, and always will be, and theres little point trying. And no matter how much weight I lose, my boyfriend will still never love me and I’ll never be able to climb the mountain and blah blah blah blah.

    I look in the mirror and I hate what I see. I’m so fat and just can’t see how I’m going to get it off. And I know binge eating isn’t going to help, but I seem totally incapable of controlling it.

    There’s a bit of an issue going on between my boyfriend and I. We need to address it, but I am avoiding the issue. Because, irrational me says he’s going to tell me all the things I don’t want to hear (that I believe about myself). So the poor guy has been getting a really hard time, for something I *think* he might say. I’m not being very grown up about things at the moment.

    Most of the problem is I have not been taking my anti-depressants properly. I miss lots of days at a time, and that is obviously contributing to the blackness. Rationally I know I can fix that. I have reminders on my phone and email to take it, but I mostly just ignore them. I don’t know why. I know they help.

    And just to make another excuse, theres a lot going on. My mum has cancer and is having her operation today. Her recovery time means I need to be home to have Charlie (2yo nephew) a lot more, which interferes with my life a bit, and well just excuses really. I feel overwhelmed with everything.

    I’m sorry to dump this all on you, but a couple of people here told me it might help to get it out. And a big thank you to those of you who messaged me to check in: @pofoster21, @girldownsouth and @nonoelmo @Lois_1989. I really did appreciate it, and it was nice to think people noticed and cared enough to send a note. I hope I can remember to do the same for others.

    I am trying to remember that today is a new day and all I can do is try. And some advice given to me in a message was that you will be able to help me with that. And I know its true. As a support group, you lot are amazing.

    And I have been reading and reading to get back to this... I am so glad you are back!!! I have missed you and this thread will totally helps me. Whatever the problems with the boyfriend if you love each other it'll work out. And don't worry about that mountain! You can totally kick its a**. And frankly, i know you keep complaining about your weight, but the picture from the mountain doesn't look like you are 'so fat' so get that right out of your head! We are here for you! And good luck with your Mom's surgery.

    Thank you *hugs* i have really appreciated your support over the last couple of weeks.

    The boyfriend problem is actually very small, and nothing more than most couples have (just getting a bit thoughtless). i blew it out of proportion. I know we'll correct it.

    I'm sorry i keep complaining - i will try not :D

    Its not complaining. It's expressing your feeelings. There is a difference. :) Express away!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I am really apt to forget to pack socks. I remembered! A rare day.

    Remember (pages ago) I love beautiful undergarments - I pack about twice as many undergarment selections as I need so I'll have the exact right color combination / cut / fit and strap type for every outfit and options should I change my mind. Other than that I pack light.

    I forgot to complete checking into my flight (I thought I had) so I'm boarding at the end of the line.

    I always have a psychological need to use the restroom on a flight - I usually ignore it b/c it is so inconvenient.

    My most embarrassing moment EVER was on a flight - it is completely hilarious to me now - but at the time I thought I'd die of humiliation.

    ~~~~ok have a great weekend. This is a super great group of people.

    Ummmmm ok so WHAT was that embarrassing moment? Now I MUST know!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I was looking earlier and it seems as if the modern gift for the 15th anniversary is a watch. The traditional is crystal, but I really can't think of anything crystal my husband would like. I think I'm going to get him a watch but I'm not sure how to sneak it to Florida with us without him know what it is. Do they allow wrapped items in a suitcase or carryon? I would hate for it to get lost of broken on the way there, so I would feel safer if it were in my carryon or in my backpack. Any suggestions on nice but not Rolex-priced time pieces? I was thinking Bulova or Citizen. Are those nice?!

    Also, T-10 DAYS!!!

    You can wrap it and put it in the carry on. Do not put it in the suitcase, they sometimes inspect the suitcases and things can go missing. They will xray the carry on when you go through security, but it will be fine. The only thing you have to take out of the bag as you go through security is your laptop and small electronics.

    The last time I flew and checked a bag I had a lovely note from the TSA when I opened my bag.

    Has happened to name a few times. And they broke a portable dvd player on me once and my suitcase on another occasion.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    I can't see gifs or any image really on the Android app. :/

    Really? I can. Are you on an older phone?
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Man after reading for like 8 hours to catch up I admit to being a bit disappointed this is all I get this am. I know tonight will be busy again. I'll try to catch when 1000 occurs!
  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I was looking earlier and it seems as if the modern gift for the 15th anniversary is a watch. The traditional is crystal, but I really can't think of anything crystal my husband would like. I think I'm going to get him a watch but I'm not sure how to sneak it to Florida with us without him know what it is. Do they allow wrapped items in a suitcase or carryon? I would hate for it to get lost of broken on the way there, so I would feel safer if it were in my carryon or in my backpack. Any suggestions on nice but not Rolex-priced time pieces? I was thinking Bulova or Citizen. Are those nice?!

    Also, T-10 DAYS!!!

    You can wrap it and put it in the carry on. Do not put it in the suitcase, they sometimes inspect the suitcases and things can go missing. They will xray the carry on when you go through security, but it will be fine. The only thing you have to take out of the bag as you go through security is your laptop and small electronics.

    The last time I flew and checked a bag I had a lovely note from the TSA when I opened my bag.

    I did too a couple of times while I was travelling to the states. And I think the people who flew out of Lynchburg (which I did only one, then drove to Dulles the rest of the time because it was a terrible flight to Charlotte and I hated the idea of missing my transatlantic flight because the tiny connection was messed up) got one every time. I think that was probably because they have a quota and there aren't many people on that flight heading to international destinations, so they just do then all.