

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    lhannon - ROFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I shared it with some of my co-workers here

    UPDATE ON THE EYEBALL SITUATION - got an appointment for the eyeball at 1:40pm PST. having someone drive me and my bike to my house and i'll then drive to the doc and get me checked out

    This is good news. I hope things go well with the eye doctor. :flowerforyou:

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited June 2015
    When I'm not recording it, I'm pretty much giving myself permission to lie to myself, as far as I'm concerned. Not trying to get all freaky about it--but I very conveniently "forget" what I eat. I "estimate" what a serving is. Not sure who I think I'm kidding, but I know who's gaining the weight. And I cannot, will not do that to myself anymore. I'm worth my own honesty, finally, even if I don't like the end number much.

    Lisa, I am so with you on this one. I'm a "closet" eater, eating after Jack, my hubby, would go to bed. Before he retired, he flew for an international cargo carrier and was gone for 8-10 days at time and I would eat everything in sight. Of course I had to make sure it was all gone before he got home so he wouldn't know. As IF everyone couldn't see my size and know I was over eating. We are very cruel to ourselves when we try to fool ourselves. I go to bed now when he does, if not before, and I have been honestly logging everything I eat. That has not come easy for me. Thanks for sharing, makes me realize there are others like me DOING IT and I can do it too.

    BTW loving the book so far :)

    Janetr, OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Planning a 65th Birthday party for hubby on the 28th. Will have about 18 people with kids, grandkids and best friends from next door. The dinner will be fine cuz I'll have food that is fine for me to eat, but cake and ice cream, ugh. I'm going to start now planning exactly what I will and won't eat and stick with it. It will be a fun time tho with all our kids. My kids and grandkids are out of state or we would really have big group.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    Waiting 4 the eye doc. I hate AC! I am cold in here
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Hear that, I was so cold at my grandson's graduation it was almost painful. Let us know about the eye when done there.
  • tampico65
    tampico65 Posts: 10 Member
    I am new at using my fitness pal. I registered a while ago (almost a year ago) but wasn't successful and didn't lose any weight This is my second time and I lost 5 lbs so far in 5 weeks not a whole lot but I am happy and most importantly I feel better. The one thing I noticed is that I am an emotional eater and crave "chines food" or "Japanese food" or any of my favorite foods when I am sad, loner or stressed Do you have any suggestions for me?? I could really use your advise.

    I guess my goal for this week will be to stay within my 1450 calories per day
    Bring healthy lunches and snacks to work.
    Swim twice a week and go to the gym once a week
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Thot I would share a little about why/how I decided to have gastric bypass surgery. My grandson was in a drug rehab facility, he was 19 then. I was always encouraging him telling him he could do it. He has been in and out of drug treatment centers since he was 16, he's almost 22 now. He would call me some times when he had phone privileges. I talked about losing weight with him...it was always a constant "diet". He said gramma you and I are the same, we both have addictions. You need to decide what's best for your future and then do it one day at a time. When he hung up I sit there and cried and cried, I couldn't stop. It dawned on me that I was expecting something of him that I was not willing to face myself. I was asking him to do something I was not willing to do myself. He didn't think he could face the rest of his life without getting high, I was SURE I couldn't face the rest of my life without sugar and all the other food I craved constantly. My husband had talked several times to me about bariatric surgery, I'd tried to do it nicely but said no thanks. Then one day at the doctor's office he said have you ever considered weight loss surgery, I said as a matter of fact my husband mentioned it the other day. From there I went full steam ahead, as I do most things. The surgery was 18 months ago and I haven't regretted it for a moment, not to say that I haven't had cravings and I have eaten some sweets and other things. My fight now is to keep it off. This post is long and drawn out, sorry and thanks for listening. Glad I found this group, I found a renewed determination in keeping it off.

    BTW my grandson completed and graduated in April from his rehab program and is working as an intern at the same facility helping others with conquering their addictions. I was there to cheer him on and he didn't recognize the lady who walked in with his Mom. Life is good.

    That is an AWESOME story, thanks for sharing with us. Congratulations to both you and your grandson and the special relationship you have with each other.
    Chris in MA
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,780 Member
    Hi all!

    468 new posts??? Nope. No can do. I tried ... Really tried because I am interested in your lives ... But it's starting to cause me stress, so I just jumping in at this point.

    I had a busy week at work ... Nearly 12,000 steps for three days ... Knees were not happy! This saddened me because my knees were much better last year when I was strength training and lighter. Must, must get back to strength training!

    We are overwhelmed with yard work, unexpected vehicle repairs and now the purchase of a wheelchair van while we wait for the state to approve accessibility modifications .. Yes, that saga continues! And it's so stupid! My house is a train wreck ... Arghh!

    Positives are my older son is making significant progress in his physical and mental health. This has been a long time coming ... I see light at the end of the tunnel.

    Son with migraines is also discovering ways to manage his health ... He's doing better!

    I hope to get something... Anything really cleaned this weekend, but am also filling in for our adult Sunday school class ... So have to prepare for that ... Too many distractions!

    Beth in WNY

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Chris in MA thank you. It's not always easy for me to share that story, but it gives insight to my motivation.
  • elizabeth50inCalifornia
    I am hiking a section of the PCT in California no less! We will begin our hike out of Mt Shasta. I love northern California and the scenery should be beautiful. The elevation is 7000 to 7400 ft for this portion. I am doing hikes at the local ski area with an elevation of 7200 to 7400 ft and in the surrounding mountains. This is one of the backpacking trips with REI Adventures as it is my 1st attempt at backpacking in 30 years and figured I needed all the help I could get.


    Sounds amazing! What a bold choice to tackle something like that! I am very impressed! Thanks for showing us what is possible!

    Elizabeth in CA[/quote]

    I did the quote thing wrong... I am not doing the hike! Marci is the brave soul tackling the PCT. I was just giving her kudos. I hope to one day. All respect and admiration to Marci.

    Elizabeth in CA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Howdy Ya'll,
    well im over 10,000 steps, went to the gym early early, worked all day, have some cabinets in, and We have INTERNET~~~ had to the phone company out and we had to get a new modem(gee really) we got a modem router combo and now we can actually not get bumped off.. whoooo hooo
    Pip~ hope your eye is ok...
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Beth, so glad you just jumped in instead of trying to catch up. :sweat_smile: I'm also very happy that you're seeing some light at the end of the tunnel.

  • AgnesGrey
    AgnesGrey Posts: 7 Member

    Lisa, I am so with you on this one. I'm a "closet" eater, eating after Jack, my hubby, would go to bed. Before he retired, he flew for an international cargo carrier and was gone for 8-10 days at time and I would eat everything in sight. Of course I had to make sure it was all gone before he got home so he wouldn't know. As IF everyone couldn't see my size and know I was over eating. We are very cruel to ourselves when we try to fool ourselves. I go to bed now when he does, if not before, and I have been honestly logging everything I eat. That has not come easy for me. Thanks for sharing, makes me realize there are others like me DOING IT and I can do it too.

    BTW loving the book so far :)

    Janetr, OKC

    I do that too!! When I go shopping I would usually bye a couple of donuts (my nemesis) and eat them in the car on the way home than hide the package until I could throw it away unnoticed. Or hide M&M's in my home office and snack on them while I was working. I The voice in my head would come up with great excuses why it was OK. I am trying to remember to tell that voice to "shut the #@&%$^ up!!!"

    I heard a motivational speaker say "The devil hates progress" I'm trying to remember that whenever I'm tempted to backslide into my bad habits.

    Agnes, WA
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 402 Member
    bkrimpet ~ I read the article you referenced and it sure is confusing. I do take statins and my good cholesterol is very high and my bad cholesterol is low. Love being able to go to "My Chart" through Wellstar to visit all my test results on line.

    We ate Chinese today and I feel like I did pretty good. Only ate part of the rice and had chicken with broccoli which is pretty low. Passed on the egg roll and fried wing. Yay!

    I agree that article is confusing. I am just searching for info to analyze so I can ask good questions at the doctor's. It seems that there is an awful lot of misinformation and many people have built in agendas, including drug companies, researchers,television doctors, national health associations, new age practitioners and diet gurus. I need to find what works for me, and if statins work for you and possibly me down the road, that is great!
    I love Chinese! Happy you could give up the fatty stuff. Why does it have to taste so good? But I think my taste buds are changing a bit.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited June 2015

    I do that too!! When I go shopping I would usually bye a couple of donuts (my nemesis) and eat them in the car on the way home than hide the package until I could throw it away unnoticed. Or hide M&M's in my home office and snack on them while I was working. I The voice in my head would come up with great excuses why it was OK. I am trying to remember to tell that voice to "shut the #@&%$^ up!!!"

    I heard a motivational speaker say "The devil hates progress" I'm trying to remember that whenever I'm tempted to backslide into my bad habits.

    Agnes, WA

    I like that, easy to remember. I have one posted that says "You were made for more than to become a victim of your own poor choices." Thanks for sharing with us.

    Janetr7476 Oklahoma City
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Joke of the day:


    A police officer in a small town stopped a motorist who was speeding down Main Street.

    "But officer." the man began, "I can explain,".

    "Just be quiet," snapped the officer. "I'm going to let you cool your heels in jail until the chief gets back..."

    "But officer, I just wanted to say...."

    "And I said to keep quiet! You're going to jail!"

    A few hours later the officer looked in on his prisoner and said, "Lucky for you that the chief is at his daughter's wedding. He'll be in a good mood when he gets back."

    "Don't count on it," answered the fellow in the cell. "I'm the groom."

  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
    edited June 2015
  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
    Just stopping here to say hello. This summer is very busy for me, but in a good way.
    I include you all in my prayers each day especially those of you struggling with health challenges for yourselves or loved ones. Also, sending a BIG "well done" B) for all of you staying with your food and exercise plans. My food and exercise has been so up and down lately but I'm determined >:) this will not beat me! You all, my fitness pal, and my Fitbit keep me strong. I will not give up even if the scale shows little progress.
    What beauty this group has created. I laugh at the jokes, and am sad right along with you; so far I learned food struggles from person to person are more similar than I ever thought, and being nude is self affirming!
    Pip- how's the eyeball?

    Rosie in So Cal

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Gave blood yesterday, and today still kind of tired. You all write like authors and I can't keep up with yas! Will try to *talk* more tomorrow.... Health and happiness from Becca by the Beach that has less Blood.....
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Hi all!

    468 new posts??? Nope. No can do. I tried ... Really tried because I am interested in your lives ... But it's starting to cause me stress, so I just jumping in at this point.

    I had a busy week at work ... Nearly 12,000 steps for three days ... Knees were not happy! This saddened me because my knees were much better last year when I was strength training and lighter. Must, must get back to strength training!

    We are overwhelmed with yard work, unexpected vehicle repairs and now the purchase of a wheelchair van while we wait for the state to approve accessibility modifications .. Yes, that saga continues! And it's so stupid! My house is a train wreck ... Arghh!

    Positives are my older son is making significant progress in his physical and mental health. This has been a long time coming ... I see light at the end of the tunnel.

    Son with migraines is also discovering ways to manage his health ... He's doing better!

    I hope to get something... Anything really cleaned this weekend, but am also filling in for our adult Sunday school class ... So have to prepare for that ... Too many distractions!

    Beth in WNY

    Sometimes it doesn't just rain, it POURS.!!! I know the feeling. A friend of mine said one day...
    "Lillian, just set the timer for 1 hour, do that task that you really don't enjoy doing for just one hour. then go and do another task for an hour"

    I know peeps.... everyone thinks you are jumping all over the place. But sometimes that is the only way I can deal with the overwhelming tasks.

    in West Central Saskatchewan