

  • AgnesGrey
    AgnesGrey Posts: 7 Member
    DH and I went out for dinner last night. Thought I was being good and ordered a salad. When I got home and logged it, I found out it was 950 calories. Just about the highest caloric item on the menu. A salad?!?!? I could have had a small steak and steamed veggies for half those calories. From now on MFP is going to be my menu when we go out. Lesson learned.

    Thanks for letting me vent.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Very cute baby!

    DJ - you reminded me of Johnny Carson when he would tell fortunes.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Agnes - When we went out to dinner two weeks ago, I looked up nutritional values for the restaurant before we left. Knew exactly what I was going to order. It helps to plan ahead. I also like that some of the menus are now including the amount of calories, etc.

    Tonight we have a birthday party for two of the step-grandsons. DH's ex will be there so I will wear the "skinniest" clothes I own lol She's never even acknowledged my 125# weight loss at all. The very best part of this story is she remarried two weeks ago and DH no longer has to pay the $1700/month alimony. Now that's a celebration :p

    Thanks to all of you on here for your encouragement and understanding and the cudos on my weight loss this week. I do retain fluid badly so the first couple of weeks will show a good loss, it slows down after that.

    I so appreciate everyone's comments and input on here. It gives me new ideas/strategies plus a renewed determination and faith that I CAN do this. Thank you all.

    DJ Myrtle Beach - thanks also for the occasional well placed kick in the rear. I definitely need to work on lying to myself and placing my success and failures on others. I am the only one responsible for me.

    Janetr, Oklahoma City
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Saturday ! ! !

    Plenty going on this weekend, so dropping in with a page full of notes, then I will try to catch up again tomorrow or Monday.
    Peach - Congrats on the Chinese dinner. Broccoli is SO healthy.

    Beth - Hugs!

    Agnes - I like "the devil hates progress". I'm going to use that one. Thanks!

    Becca - Thanks for donating blood. My Dad and I will do that on July 4. My sister used to go with us, too. When my Mom was having troubles, she used to imagine every time she was given blood, that it came directly from one of us, and that calmed her about her health problems. My veins are so easy that I usually get the students. It feels so good to help so many people. I love the V-8 juice that my donation site offers, my Dad loves the fresh baked cookies. Again, thanks for donating and saving a life (or more).

    Poop - glad you got a treatment for you eye(s). I hope all is better soon. Update: good luck running like the wind. I have never had eye surgery, but my vision has been so bad for so long that I have worn soft contact lenses since the age of 10. They have NEVER been able to make glasses that don't give me a headache.

    Michele - I like MiO fit drops added to my water when I feel like my electrolytes are low. DS likes the Gatorade Gummies. Please be careful, heat exhaustion and heat stroke are scary and serious.

    Lesley - Welcome Back. Hugs and Prayers!

    Sylvia - The best deals I ever found on Packer stuff was at Goodwill. But I'm guessing that is because I am in Wisconsin. Funny thing is, when I worked for Shopko in Minnesota, the "powers that be" sent us MUCH more Wisconsin stuff than Minnesota stuff. If you have the time, you can get some stuff (flags, earrings, clocks, etc) from www.wincraft.com . My Dad is a die-hard Wisconsin fan, I still tease about being a Chicago fan, and DS and DH are still sticking with Minnesota teams. It can be interesting in this house during games. I'm glad you found something acceptable to the grandkids.

    Lisa - Hugs for the custody situation.

    DH wants to go to the Casino Buffet tonight, so I'm planning on focusing on fruits and vegetables today, then protein, fruits, and vegetables at the buffet. Then Dad wants to go to the Moose buffet tomorrow for breakfast; same plan. I won't log, because it just won't affect my choices, and I'll get back at it on Sunday lunch or Monday morning. Fingers crossed that the plan is "good enough" this time. I suspect it will be, since I have a better idea of hunger and full lately.

    In the many times I visited a nutritionist, I was told that coffee is NOT to be considered part of water consumption, because it helps dehydrate us. In fact, I was told that a woman should drink an extra glass of milk for every cup of coffee, to replace the electrolytes and calcium that coffee robs from our bones. Granted, until MFP this is pretty much the only bit of information I actually listened to, because I was not ready to make the changes to create a weight loss scenario in my life, but I consume more dairy than coffee (and I LOVE my coffee) and I have strong bones. As far as post-bypass surgery, I have no information.

    DS struggled at baseball last night. In fact, the whole team looked like they hadn't played or practiced in 2 weeks (which is the truth, since we've had rain many nights lately). DS struck out all 4 times at bat, which is rare. He also dropped an easy pop-fly. He did get many other outs, but that one drop stuck in his craw. He did pitch a few innings, and that went well, but that's about it for yesterday. I didn't tape his shoulder, so he is only doing lower body weights today. My Dad visits his Mom today, so I'm going to try to sneak off and ride his bike awhile, to hopefully curtail the damage that could happen at all the buffets this weekend.

    My phone linked itself to myfitnesspal when I downloaded MFP shortcut to my phone. It updates a few times per day.

    Time to get off the computer.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,673 Member
    Well peeps- Kirby ran a 7.58 minute mile and according to my strava app I did an 8.19minute mile, last year I ran it in 8.31minute mile pace. Yes it is on the beach. About 1/2 way thru on the way back we had to run against the wind!! Ugh.. We will c later if we get to defend our 1st place spots, I will let u know. Eyes r ok
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Poop..........Glad you and Kirby both made it successfully!!! Both times are fantastic. Very glad you got your eyes checked and treated. Hoping for firsts for you both!

  • Charm4u76132
    Charm4u76132 Posts: 94 Member
    Superb Saturday to All.

    I've was off plan for 3 days (W-F). Amazingly, the scale went Down! I practiced portion control and tried to choose something healthy, so that really helped. Ate more calories than I have been, so was probably eating too little. Felt good not to play the macros number game for 3 days. Kept walking, but need more this weekend to meet my weekly goal.

    [/Agnesb] I've also been shocked to find out that restaurant salads are extremely high in calories and fat. Glad we can check it out on MFP next time before we eat something. Thanks for sharing that here. :)

    Have a great day, everyone! - Nancy
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited June 2015
    Today's walk went up the mountain behind our holiday place. The slope is steep and I'm a bit afraid of heights. A bit? To be honest, I sometimes panic when I can't see anything solid between the edge of the mountain I'm on and the valley, 500 feet below. When it gets too steep I can still climb, but I have to go slow and choose what I rest my eyes on. Today I walked two-thirds of the way up and crawled the rest, looking mainly at the ground right in front of me.

    As long as there are trees around me I'm okay, though, so I could enjoy this halfway-up view without feeling my heart in my throat.


    When we got well above the tree line we took a nice long break and ate an apple each. As we sat there, we heard thunder from across the fjord. Apparently a slab of snow had fallen from the top of the mountain. We managed to spot the tail end of the avalanche – just a white line of snow trickling down a crease in the mountainside. It probably contained a couple tons of snow but looked tiny from a distance.

    I wrote earlier that the village is squeezed onto the relatively flat area between the fjord and the mountains. That's pretty clear from this picture. In distance the hike was only 1½ miles but we gained quite a lot of altitude. That also shows here. (Yikes!) Going down, I scooted half the way on my rear end or crabwalked, sort of a reverse plank.


    This is the mountainside where "our" golden eagles nest. We didn't see the eagles today, but we saw clear evidence of their presence in the form of skeletal remains of hares and one superb 16-inch feather. Eagle feathers aren't protected in Norway so there was nothing to stop us from taking it home. But we left the hare bones where we found them.


  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Oops, I was so excited for our Poop that I hit post w/o the rest of it. Here goes:

    Barbie.....Will go back to listen to the podcast later, thanks.

    Carol (peach)...........Yay for the Chinese decisions..........I can't imagine breakfast at Taco Bell, not for me. DH and DD would do it though.

    Beth.........Sorry you don't have the van yet but thrilled that both sons are doing so well!

    Rosie.......Loved the beauty shop pic!

    Michele.......I saw both you and DeeDee got rain yesterday..........please send some, it seems to go north or south of us. Pink pee?? LOL, guess I never ate enough of them, something to try for!!!

    Lesley.........So glad that somebody found the right words to lure you back!!!!!!!!! I think we all love having having a friend in Tasmania.........good grief, never thought I know someone there!!! Best to your daughter and ((((hugs)))) to both of you.

    JanetM.........Thanks for all the great info; Maybe I'll try the "fruit thing"

    Lisa............crapweasel; new one on me, I need to use that around here just to see reactions. Seriously, good luck with keeping custody in your family, gorgeous baby!

    Lillian.........Spit out tea reading your excellent point about it hard to get 10,000 steps in a boat, oh, the images that came to me!!!!!!

    Janet...............Kudos on that 3.5 loss!!!! Super!

    Joyce.........Thought of you as I sat and shredded some more this am...............

    I started cooking for myself as I was sick of certain people here turning up their noses when I mentioned what I'd be cooking and they are pretty much on their own a few nights a week.........nobody has starved yet. BUT, I've noticed "my" food disappearing..........DH finished off my Hungarian dill mushroom soup and DD ate the last two thirds of the veggie, egg, and ricotta frittata I made.......I suppose this is progress for them but, da*n, I wanted that frittata myself.

    Taking DH out for his Father's Day meal tonight, he picked Applebees, not my fav. now to find what I can eat there.

    Random info..........for fluid replacement Pedialyte is now being used by some athletes over Gatorade, can't give you reason, just see it at races.

    I always have counted my teas and coffee as water but I only drink decaf.

    Welcome newbies and hi to everyone I missed this time around!!!

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited June 2015
    Penny...........What absolutely superb breathtaking pictures!!!!! Thank you so much for sharing them with us!!!!! I assume the fjord is tidal; does the village ever flood? Do the hurricanes ever get that far?
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited June 2015
    Thanks, yanniejannie. Breathtaking is exactly what it was up there smiley-scared001.gif *gasp* *gasp* *gasp*

    Yes, the fjord is tidal. In the pic, the tide is out. When it's in, the water reaches pretty much to the green. Sometimes the tide comes up even higher, but even then we're safe because most of the houses are well above the high tide line. The buildings closest to the water are almost all boathouses.

    Hurricanes? Naw, but this is one of the windiest places in the world. If you take your hurricanes and average them out over the year, that's us. No hurricanes, but lots of storms and gale force winds. Exciting!
  • Charm4u76132
    Charm4u76132 Posts: 94 Member
    edited June 2015
    Wanted to share something that's fascinating and may be helpful. Check out metabolic diet types.

    There's a great book, 'Metabolic Typing' by William Wolcott. It contains a thorough assessment that helps you determine if you're a Protein Type, Mixed Type or Carb Type. Then you eat according to your diet type for health, wellness and weight management.

    Protein Types need low or very low carb, with higher amounts of protein + fat (40-30-30, or less carbs)
    Mixed Types need a balance between carbs, protein and fat (50-30-20)
    Carb Types need higher amounts of carbs with much lower amounts of protein and fats (65-20-15)

    It all makes perfect sense and works great. I'm not carb sensitive, so can cut carbs severely, but never lose any weight and feel terrible. If I eat high carb and very low fat, I'm constantly hungry, have no energy and quickly crash. Discovered that I'm a Mixed Type, so if I eat a balanced diet, I feel great and shed weight.

    Dr. Mercola calls this system 'Nutritional Types'. There is a free assessment and lots of free info. on his website at: www.mercola.com

    If you want to take it a step further, The Hauser Diet breaks it down into 5 diet types, and uses fun animal names. There is a book, a free quiz to determine your diet type and lots of free info. at: www.hauserdiet.com

    It would be fun to discuss this as a group. Please take the free quiz at: http://www.caringmedical.com/nutrition-for-healing/hauser-diet-quiz/

    Let us know your diet type results. I'm a Bear Diet Type (same as mixed type). What diet type are you?! Enjoy! - Nancy
  • Charm4u76132
    Charm4u76132 Posts: 94 Member
    edited June 2015
    Very pleased to have found MFP and this wonderful Group!

    Grateful to have shed 9 lbs. in the past month. Since 6/1, I've released 5 lbs. (avg. of 2.5 lbs. per week). This has been in spite of low thyroid and a hormone imbalance. Went to dr. yesterday. Blood testing revealed I have too much estrogen relative to testosterone. My T dropped in half from just 4 months ago. No wonder I've been feeling tired and like not doing anything. Both hormones cause weight gain, plus stubborn weight loss resistance--just what I don't need (eye roll). Anyway, am getting the bio-identical hormone pellets inserted again on Mon. (6/22). These have been a great help! They will rebalance my hormones and increase my energy quickly.

    Really have had to push myself to start walking again and to keep walking daily. Exceeded my initial goal of walking 3x week for 30 minutes. Have walked a total of 240 minutes weekly (4 hours), since 6/1 when I restarted my health and fitness journey on MFP and with this group. Yay! I'm feeling better eating a more balanced diet for my Diet Type. Doing some tweaking on this and am starting my somewhat revised healthy eating plan on Monday. Looking forward to more variety, health and balance.

    Can't wait to hear more about all of your success as well!

    Best Regards, Nancy
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    <----In answer to questions, the photo is me before I got fat. I have it posted as inspiration, and also to remind myself that BMI is totally bogus. At the time I was 5'2", weighed 125 pounds, you could count my ribs by looking at me, and was considered overweight by BMI. I have a very large frame and big muscles.

    My girls are now almost 8 and 10 and a half. They were 5 and 8 when I got them. Dad is a raging alcoholic, both parents got in to meth, and both are sociopaths with long histories of mostly financial fraud but also DUIs and domestic abuse charges. Dad is currently in jail for a DUI and going to Oklahoma to face the domestic abuse charge. Mom is wanted on a federal warrant for mail fraud. We are in the process of terminating parental rights, but nothing is final. So when I found out earlier this month that the parents had come to Iowa I had to take the girls and flee. Mom is still loose just 25 miles from here living in a homeless shelter. Hopefully when the dad is in OK she will follow him.

    Mia - I take the girls to the shelter to socialize the cats, and we have the same problem. We want to take them all home with us. I am fostering two right now from the shelter. One needs a pill twice a day. She was there 8 months and no one even considered her. The other one was so terrified that she hissed at everyone. She was there 3 years before I discovered her since she hid in the cube in the cage. She spent the first month at our house hiding under the bed, but now headbutts us for attention. But I still cannot pick her up or hold her still. She must have been abused. Three of my cats are strays that showed up in my yard and didn't leave. So I took them to the vet, got them neutered, shots, and the older two are in and out. The two that were babies are content being inside kitties. They are healthier and cleaner (no fleas) inside. Three are from the shelter years ago. Four my vet asked me to foster when they were 3 weeks old, bottle feed them. I couldn't part with them when they got old enough. Two are from another shelter. My dog I took away from a man that was beating her when she was just a puppy. Rescued her sister too, but found a home for her.

    Lenora- Your cat sounds adorable. The cat I mention above that was at the shelter for three years now "hunts" the girls' beany babies and drops them at my feet. I usually have about 8 by my bed and computer each day. She is quite vocal as she brings them to me (part Siamese, they are talkers).
    As for adding cold water to a pool, I work out in my hot tub which I keep at 104 degrees. It helps my arthritis so much! I half swim, hanging on to the side and kicking my feet in the foot well. Then I sit in the foot well and do arm strokes.

    Annr - Good for you giving blood. I used to do it often, but these past two years I just forget to do it. Too much else to cope with!

    Lilymay- I have had a similar reaction when I thought I was doing the right thing, drinking lots of water when gardening in the heat. A couple of times I almost passed out. Once I was tending the downtown flower garden in my small town and had to lie down in the flower bed. I went across the street to get something to drink, and found the Gatorade with no sugar. That took care of the problem and ever since then I make sure to drink that when I am gardening in the heat.

    Janet- I love it when I hear people have 2 or more cats. Thank you!

    Beth in WNY- My middle son has severe mental health issues and is on disability. He has PTSD from his dad's abuse, Bipolar Disorder type 2 (severe depression and rare mild highs) from my side of the family, ADHD from his dad's side of the family, a severe social phobia from his dad, and some OCD traits. He is pretty much unable to get out at all, only to grocery shop, and has no friends. And of course, physical issues from the lack of activity as well as from being born with club feet. It is so distressing. I am so glad to hear your son is making progress. Recovery (not cure) is possible but it is hard work.

    Barbie- I was not diagnosed with celiac until my 50s which is why I have severe arthritis in every joint and other health issues (multiple hernias, things related to poor nutrition, etc.). I found that I could drastically cut back on my antidepressant medicine after a couple of years of being gluten free in spite of having Bipolar Disorder with severe depression all my life. AND I have not had one migraine since going gluten free. I had them once a month before! I had symptoms since I was a toddler, but they were always chalked up to stress, depression, meds, or "irritable bowel syndrome" which is just a catch phrase for "I don't know what is causing your problems". I suspect that more and more people with irritable bowel syndrome will eventually be diagnosed with celiac as awareness spreads. In the past, docs were not taught about celiac in med school or later. It was considered to be so rare they were not likely to ever see it. But now we know it is much more common, and does not always look like a wasting disease. I know I craved sugar because it was about the only thing my body could absorb. Now I just have to break the habit of eating so much sugar. I am not craving it like I was, but I still stress eat.

    Cheri- I am a big book reader too! I buy myself about 20 from Hamilton Booksellers (cheap!) for my birthday once a year (no one else gives me any presents). And I am in heaven when they arrive!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,673 Member
    Well I guess it's a 10k for me next year, I finally got dethroned from the 1st place spot we both got 2nd place in our age group and I got 5th overall for the women again. I think he got 14th overall the men. I will know more when I get home
  • KateKyi
    KateKyi Posts: 106 Member
    @Nancy I took the test and Im a bear too. I wonder how many bears are here. Maybe we will all turn out to be bears.
    Had a wobbly day today. Been cold all day. For a change I have been hungry all day too. I think exercise stops me being hungry but then again it could just be that Im feeling a little off today. I ate within my calories but could have eaten a horse. Word for today is restraint.
  • AgnesGrey
    AgnesGrey Posts: 7 Member
    Nancy - I'm a bear as well. The difficult part for me is reducing the fresh fruits and vegetables that are simple carbs. I love corn, peas, apples and oranges. The sample eating plan looked great, a nice variety. Portion control is a big part of it I think.

    Pip- Congratulations on your race. There's nothing wrong with 2nd. It's way better than I could have done.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,673 Member
  • JanetMMcC
    JanetMMcC Posts: 410 Member
    Left the house at 7:30a, got back 3 hours later.
    Started with 5 minutes running, my new record. While I was running yesterday (4 mins), another woman came walking the other way. We greeted each other. She asked how I was doing. I panted. She said, "Ma'am? Ma'am? Do you have life insurance?" ! I said, "Yes, through work," thereby, I'm sure, cutting short a sales pitch.
    Paid $10.90 for a daily pass to the nearby gym, did their "quick circuit" to try a variety of machines. Apparently the only way to get a contract without having them take it out directly is by paying for a year upfront. Online complaints about this gym and every other one I've looked at are almost uniformly about continuing to debit after 30 days notice that someone's quitting.

    Joyce K - yeah, allergies are mizbel, and Puffs or Kleenex with aloe are wonderful.
    --I'll keep my fingers crossed for your nevvys' growth.

    Allison - Glad you're taking care of your foot. And you found the heron earring! Yay!

    Gilly - what fun meeting your new grandbaby, and all the other grands!

    Lisa - you're welcome, re fluid.
    --And thanks for the ticker info. Inserting it into each message sounds like more trouble than worth.
    --And thanks again, re the Fitbit. If I put MFP on my iPhone, MFP logs iPhone steps rather than Fitbit. And I didn't see any Fitbit adjustment before I put MFP on the iPhone, though I saw steps logged. Is a puzzlement.
    --I never knew any of my grandparents. My father's father died when he was 3, and my mother disliked his mother, who died when I was about 10. My mother's mother died when she was 18, and she hated her father (with, from all I've learned, good reasons).
    The only part of my extended family that I got to know as a kid were my mother's sister, her husband and those cousins, who came from Saskatoon to Virginia to visit us every so often. I didn't think of it at the time, but now I'm so grateful that Aunt Jacquie and Uncle Ivo made that effort.
    --Fingers crossed for the custody hearing.
    --Cute baby!

    Lenora - your description of the accident must have been in pages I skipped. Apologies. I'm glad your nephew's surgery went well. Fingers crossed for recovery.
    --There oughta be a way to stop those dogs from killing cats, including those that aren't Muxter-Tuxter. One of these days, that propensity will get Will taken to court.
    --Good moving!
    --Glad you were able to get the cap replaced. I've had to spend weekends chewing on the other side.
    --Yup, the Irish saying for rain with sun is "the devil's beating his wife." I have no idea why.

    peep - best of luck with the run! (later) Well done! Great improvement, AND against the wind!
    --My eyes were 20/200 6/500 when I applied to college in the waybackwhen, but your problems make me see how lucky I've been. I wore contacts for a while but got out of practice after leaving them in too long, and just went back to glasses. If I ever have a whole bunch of extra money (a whole bunch because there are so many things we need first) I'll do the laser surgery.

    MNMargaret - love the hearafter joke.

    Lillian - Thanks for the insight about nasal length. My schnozz got me called Bozo and McConnaughnose by 2 different groups of kids in 6th and 7th grade, but it does hold up glasses well. :) Me, I'm on trifocals, though I have to choose between a good reading Rx or a good one for computer distance, and go with the latter.

    JanetR - woohoo indeed! THREE AND A HALF POUNDS! <confetti poppers>
    --And huzza for the ex's marriage.

    Carol in the peach state - did you eat the whole gross biscuit? :) I have to admit that I prolly woulda.

    Kat - best of luck with the interview!

    Penny - I've lived in bowl-shaped New Orleans so long that my legs would probably give out on your mountains.
    --Gorgeous photos!
    And it takes a lot of guts to climb mountains in spite of acrophobia. <doffing hat>

    DJ, aka Janet the First aka Original Janet - those are NET calories, not total.
    Here's total.
    Those low nets are generally on good exercise days. I don't do it on purpose, mind you - I just, for whatever reason, skip breakfast or lunch or I fall asleep before supper.
    My lowest total calories here was 588 on May 23, a Saturday (my weekends are usually Fri-Sat, and I tend to eat more at work than at home).
    Breakfast: Skinny Pop 100-cal popcorn
    Lunch: Roll-up of 1 pc Damascus Bakerise whole-wheat roll-up (80 c), 1.6 oz turkey breast (49), 1 Tbsp sugar-free orange marmalade (10); 2 bell peppers, 1 orange and 1 red (64)
    Dinner: missed it. Don't remember why.
    Snacks: freeze-dried grape slices (45), 100-cal yog, with frozen cherries (90).
    My lowest total calories since then was 748 this week's Thursday. That was the day I had like 300 calories left after work (OK, she said, checking her diary, 450), so I walked around the neighborhood to get enough for a satisfying supper, extending the walk a bit because I was so close to 10000 and wanted to get there ... and then fell asleep without eating.
    Anyone here's welcome to friend me and look at my food diary. :)
    --GREAT BP! And yes, weight loss likely the reason. WAY to GO!

    Agnes -- yeah, salads can be deceiving. A tip - always get the dressing on the side, and have the restaurant leave out croutons. Dip the back of the fork onto the top of the dressing, then pick up a bite of salad. Eating that way, I use at most a Tbs of dressing, and still get the taste.
    Denny's fried chicken strips Cobb salad is 930 cals, but making it a grilled chicken cobb brings it down to 660.
    If you have it with blue cheese dressing, that's 110 cal, while low-fat balsamic vinagrette is 35 and fat-free Italian is 9.
    They don't show croutons, but sauteed bread adds up fast, too. One package of fast-food croutons is about 46, I read at fatsecret.com -- but restaurants tend to use a lot more than you get in those little packets.
    As I see JanetR mentioned (:)), if you're going to a chain restaurant, you can often find their nutritional value charts on their websites, and plan ahead.
    I did that the last time I hit Wendy's. Their salad calories are
    Spicy Chicken Caesar: 780
    Apple pecan chicken: 590
    BBQ Ranch chickeen: 580
    Strawberry Fields chicken: 550
    Asian cashew: 380
    So I went with Asian cashew. One reason for the big diff is dresing: 90 calories, while lemon garlic Caesar is 220, BBQ Ranch 190, Pomegranate vinaigrette 140.
    The cashews are a better calorie bargan than pecans - 80 v 110. And it doesn't have croutons, for another 90 saved.
    The chicken breast is 120, salad blend 90 (a bit more than some because of edamame)
    Spicy chicken Caesar, on t'other hand, staarts with fried chicken, 260 cal, with 110 from fat compared to the grilled breast's 10. The casear salad blend is 210 calories, 130 from fat (the salad mix includes cheese). Then there's that 220-cal dressing, plus 90-cal croutons.
    Strawberry Fields salad blend is only 60 cal, and its chicken is the same as the Asian. But its dressing is 160, blue cheese 120, and bacon and sunflower seeds 45 each. You could easily drop 140c by using half the dressing and setting aside half the blue cheese crumbles. Or use half of one container of dressing, and save another 40.

    Terri - read the links I posted, anent coffee and tea. a) the diuretic effect wears off for regular drinkers and b) you'd have to drink a lot more coffee (and more concentrated caffein) than is at all likely to get a net liquid loss.
    Log the buffets anyway. You know you ate it, and logging is a good habit.

    Nancy - Way to go on healthy choices and portion control!
    --And on the pounds released, AND learning why you've been wiped out all the time. Cool on the rebalancing.

    yanniejannie - you're welcome. :)
    Another freezable breakfast, if you have enough calories, is: toasted whole wheat English muffin, egg, Canadian bacon.
    Too funny about "your" food disappearing into the guts of Certain People. Even though you were justifiably p*ssed off about the missing frittata. (Maybe next time, a sign: EAT THIS AND DIE. I'M SAVING IT FOR MY LUNCH.?)

    miriam - A doc told me decades ago that I had IBS. However, maybe 5 or 10 years ago, the symptoms disappeared after I was put on a series of 3 ever-stronger antibiotics for a persistent cough. So apparently my gut flora included something nasty.
    --Our cats have all been foundlings, shelter cats or (in the case of our current senior) the vet's please-take-me cage. (The vet doesn't have that any longer.) I started with a badly flea-bitten adult stray (Captain Scratch), added Tina because an acquaintance had brought her over the 22-mile Lake Pontchartrain Causeay for someone who then didn't take her, and really didn't want to drive back with her. The clowder grew with Phineas Fogg (someone ratted on a cat lady, who had to distribute her excess; he was a blue-cream tabby, and, having early learned Carl Sandburg's poem starting "The fog walks on little cat feet," I'd always wanted a cat that walked on little fog feet (they always thunder through my house)). The clowder has remained at three ever since. More recent arrivals include Phantom (an urchin appeared at the door, saying "Miss Barbara (landlady) says she doesn't want a kitten but maybe you might"), and Phoebe (after Tina's death, a friend who's allergic to cats found a pet-me-slut kitten at a plant nursery and bruoght her to us). Then came Newt (I was feeling depressed on my 50th b'day, and went to a local shelter's cat room) Mist (abandoned at a restaurant; she was lighter than Phineas Fogg, in both weight and color). Smoke Jaguar, our current senior, was the vet's take-me cat; he was there when Mist died of cancer, and Larry couldn't resist. Lydia was a cat at a shelter that was about to lose its home. Larry couldn't bear to get another cat for a year or so after Newt died. His brother Justin, who lives with us, finally persuaded him. Jessica Nightshade, now about 3/4 grown, was from a third shelter.
    So sorry to hear about your son's many troubles. Justin was born 2 months early 57 years ago, had a stroke almost immediately, so his left side is weak, and is somewhat agoraphobic and has other emotional problems. He's quite intelligent but seems to me to have the emotional development of a 13-year-old - very self-centered with few social skills, zero empathy and a belief that chores (putting away the dishes is his only household chore) are to be put off for several days - and half-done after being reminded. But I think your son has things a lot worse. My sympathy.
    I also love to read - I can't remember not being able to read or to swim. The walls are all "decorated" with bookshelves, which are full and stacked. My brothers gave me a Kindle a few years ago, and I've got hundreds more there. I love their sales - I've bought quite a few at $1 to $3.
    Are you familiar with Project Gutenberg? It's a project to create free text files and ebooks from public domain books. www.gutenberg.org

  • kariliz2
    kariliz2 Posts: 7 Member
    Penny and Pip, thanks for sharing the pics!
    Today was my first weekend home in four weeks and next week we have visitors. Weekends are my cleaning time so when I am away the housework suffers -- so much to do to get the house back in shape. I decide to tackle the garden early and put my back out. aside from the pain I am so upset. I had an appointment with a personal trainer this afternoon and was so psyched to start working more on strength. Now who knows when??? And this is when I turn to food for comfort. Waah, there goes the whole carton of eggs.

    But the silver lining is that I talked to DD and she was supposed to start a new job next week but paperwork was held up so she is coming home for a couple days to help me clean. It's been a while since she's been home so I am happy about that.
    Wwalking helps once DH stands me up, so at least I can still do that. Chiropractor on Monday - a little nervous about it.

    Flat on my back for now... Kari