

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,673 Member
    For all you runners out there, especially if you listen to music while you run: Please be careful and alert to your surroundings. Three days ago, a jogger was hit by a car along the side of the road here in small town Iowa. Five in the morning. She has moderate to severe brain damage, and is still in a coma. PLEASE be careful! There are idiots behind the wheels, messaging, eating and drinking, chatting on the phone, and not paying attention to the road.

    oh trust me, i'm aware and i know how people, drivers can be. when i ride i used to wear earphones and listen to music too. i was very aware of cars, etc (i'm a road rider). i kept wearing them out so now i have a speaker that i use, no more earphones.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,673 Member
    preliminary results -
    stats for the day -
    beach to chowder run 2015 (according to strava) - 25.46min, 8.19min. mi, 5k = 399c
    walk - 13.53min, .71mi = 111c
    total cal 510cal
    according to the timed chip on the bib i did 25.29min and 8.15minute mile
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,673 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,084 Member
    Penny I agree with Alison stunning!

    Pip Congrats on the race.

    The garden tour was more of an architectural tour than garden. Homes built between 1840's -1904. This is an example of one on the homes we looked at. I do think they tried to cover too much in the time we had. br05g3z95mhs.jpg
    Still it was fun to see an urban garden tour.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Pip, the woman who took first...did she run in those shoes? They look like house slippers.

    Those are slippers. What test r u guys taking. She may have gotten first but I like my legs better than hers, especially the quads, take that! :0P

    Pip I like your legs better too.


  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Agnes - When we went out to dinner two weeks ago, I looked up nutritional values for the restaurant before we left. Knew exactly what I was going to order. It helps to plan ahead. I also like that some of the menus are now including the amount of calories, etc.

    A friend of mine works for an ad agency and they have a large chain restaurant as a client. She works on their menus and told me that there is a new law that requires chain restaurants to post the calorie count on their menu. I don't know if it is a national law or just here in Massachusetts. I also look at the menu before eating out to decide what I am going to have and how I have to adjust the other meals in the day.

    Went bathing suit shopping for upcoming Mexico vacation, it wasn't pretty. Did not buy one, enough said.

    Will catch up later.

    Chris in MA

    I saw that too on the news. It will be a Federal law.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    edited June 2015
    smiley-happy026.gif Pip, I'm not very competitive so just finishing the race would be enough for me, but I understand your disappointment at coming in second.....you are first in my book....thanks for the great pictures...you and Kirby are darling

    smiley-happy026.gifPenny, I love your pictures....if I had my way, I'd live much farther north than I do

    smiley-happy026.gifNancy, I tried the quiz but since I don't eat meat, pasta, bread, or pizza, I couldn't answer very many questions....I'm glad it worked for you

    smiley-happy026.gifLesley, I am so glad you are back....I love reading your posts about your exercise program...good news about your daughter's progress.

    smiley-happy026.gifCheri, I am a big reader and get my books from the library, paperbackswap.com, and half.com.....I just learned how to download audio books to my phone from my local library.

    smiley-happy026.gif I rarely order anything that's actually on the menu at a restaurant (except Mexican--no rice or beans or Asian--no rice), instead I see what ingredients they have and order salads without certain things (croutons, cheese, meat, dressing) or grilled fish with sides of steamed veggies and sliced tomatoes. It's usually the sauces and dressings that are the big calorie offenders. I never order dessert.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Stats for today:
    22,000 steps
    three hours of dog walking in beautiful spring weather
    over an hour on the exercise bike while knitting and watching golf on TV with hubby

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif

    My word for 2015 is "now"---I won't wallow in the past or waste time worrying about the future


  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Just marking my place.

    Carol in NC who seems to be a bear
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    edited June 2015
    barbiecat wrote: »
    smiley-happy026.gifCheri, I am a big reader and get my books from the library, paperbackswap.com, and half.com.....I just learned how to download audio books to my phone from my local library.

    I was so happy when I learned how to download audio books from our library onto my phone. I was in treatment with a physical therapist for my chronic tension headaches and when he learned that I was laying in bed at night reading for up to 3 hours holding my tablet (e-books) or a hardback books he was not happy. I was told to immediately cease reading in bed! Glory be that was the only way I could fall asleep for heaven's sake! He said it was not good for my neck as evidenced by the fact that I was waking up with these tension headaches 4-5 of the 7 days in a week. I learned how to download the library's audio tapes to my phone and I now listen to them at night before bed. What a difference it has made! I also listen to the audio books during my fitness walks. I get so involved in listening to a good book that I can just walk and walk and walk!


  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,382 Member
    Did 1 hr Jari Love workout -- 30 min of Extra Ripped 1000 (I didn't realize that she also did cardio DVD's) and 30 min of her Body Rock DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do her BootCamp DVD.

    Exercised, then went to the farmers markets (didn't get anything), then went to Food Lion to see if that one carries things that I need but they don't, then went to Hamrick's. They had bathingsuits on sale, I got one for about $13 and another for about $20. I think I'm going to return the $20 one since what I use it for I can get away with even buying one at WalMart where they are cheaper. Came home and we cut the grass in the backyard then I went into the pool. I need to leave to lector at the church tonight then tomorrow I need to be there to serve. I think they made a mistake and put me on Sundays because I usually go on Saturdays. Update: I just realized that I totally forgot to take out that paper liner in the bathing suit

    At Food Lion I found this iced cookie cake. I usually don't get them, but it's in a NASCAR theme. I think Vince'll like it. At WalMart I got him this battery operated fan since they don't turn the a/c up very much at this bowling alley and once he was complaining of the heat

    As I was finishing up weedwacking, I felt a few drops. sure enough, as we were putting the extension cord away, the drops got bigger. Guess we couldn't have planned it any better. The only thing we really didn't get to was sweeping the sidewalk, but that's OK

    - so glad you came back! You've been missed a lot. Best wishes for your daughter. Thanks for turning me on to Jeannette Jenkins' DVD's

    Lillian - worked outside today and wasn't nautious

    - I remember I was very worried the year I turned 42 since that's the age my mother was when she died. Once I got past that, I was fine, but 42!!!

    - I one time got Vince a cake decorated like Cookie Monster. Of course, there was lots and lots of blue icing on it. Well, after he had that blue icing his pee was green! Then we realized it was because of the blue icing. You do have a miracle auto repair guy there -- honest and reasonably priced. Don't let him go

    Joyce - I feel bad when I bring my own food, but at the same time I know that if I didn't, I'd be sick. Like when we had the bowling party. I know the guy was making hamburgers, hotdogs, or brats. I also know that should I have one full one, my stomach would be saying "now just what the **** are you doing?". So I did bring my own sandwich and really enjoyed it. Sometimes people think I'm a vegetarian, but I'm not. I just don't care at all for deep fried food or food with lots of mayo dressing.

    Alison - so glad you got your earring fixed

    Lisa - here's hoping everything goes well with your grandchild and you get to see him in July

    poop - all the best for your run (and take care of those eyes, we want you around for a long time). I can't remember ever NOT wearing glasses. Update: congrats on the run. I don't think I could ever do that, so I admire you for it. Hope you keep your first place spot. I'll be looking forward to reading about it. Update Update: Oh no, dethroned. Well, you just can't let that happen next year, that's all there is to it

    Carey - the thing is (about the electrolytes) when we were putting down all the riverrock, I was shoveling and hauling riverrock. Let me tell you, that's no light work. And sweating! I usually would finish off a 54oz container of water. I'd be out in the hot sun for hours at a time. And not once did I feel nautious. One time we went to lunch with friends of ours and he said to Vince "who's that black lady sitting across from you?" I went thru more sunscreen than you could even think of.

    Lenora - Vince is on a pool forum and he asked people in places like Texas and Arizona how they keep their pool cool. They told him about this "chiller" that you can make out of PVC pipe. Let me know if you need more info about it. We have an autofill on our pool, when the water gets too low it automatically fills it. By the same token, if the pool gets too full, there is a drain that takes it out.

    drkatiebug - how wonderful that you got so much in your collections. That was such a thoughtful thing to do

    Carol/peach - I hate it when I have to take my glasses off at water aerobics and can't see the clock or some other things. But on the positive, I'm terrible with names and I just say that I really can't see since I don't have my glasses on.....lol

    Kat - hope you get that job. Great goals

    CynthiaT - I'm with you, I'd prefer not to put any sweenener in my body rather than an artificial one.

    DJ - will having a stick of gum be enough for you? A few years ago we had a 50/60's social for the Newcomers. I could really relate to the 60's but I had a hard time with the 50's since I didn't live thru them.

    Beth - I always say "I'll be dead and buried and the dirt will still be here". And it will! Great bp

    Agnes - where did you go for dinner? Maybe it was the dressing, was there cheese on the salad, croutons, bacon?

    janetr in OC - congrats on hubby no longer having to pay

    terri - sounds like you have a good plan for eating the next few days

    Penny - breathtaking. thanks so much for sharing

    yanniejannie - *We* didn't get much rain, not sure about DeeDee

    Miriam - so glad you got the girls! You sure do have one big heart. One of our cats gets one pill in the a.m., a capsule around dinner time, and then 1/2 of a pill in the pm. Actually, when he gets the pills, the other cats see it as "treat" time so cheapo me buys a bag of Fancy Feast and portions that into bags. They don't get that in their dishes so to them it's a "treat".

    kari - how wonderful that your daughter is coming home

    Chris in MA - if I'm not mistaken, that law goes into effect for any restaurant that has over something like 15 outlets

    hmmmm...everytime I click on the link for the quiz (I'd be interested in it), I keep getting the page that asks you for your email. Is there something that I'm not doing right?

    I forgot who but someone mentioned terriyaki tofu. Well, I bought some. How do you eat yours? Do you put it in a salad, or use it like a veggie patty?

    Michele in NC
  • PatsyFitzpatrick
    PatsyFitzpatrick Posts: 335 Member
    Tomorrow is Father's Day and I really miss my dad. I wish I had more time with him. My kids came late to us (DH) So as he got older I was so busy with my own. I do not remember just sitting enough to hear his stories. Now my kids are grown and I have time but he is already gone. The greatest generation has almost all gone. Have a wonderful day with the Dad's in your life tomorrow.

    Lutz Fl
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    hmmmm...everytime I click on the link for the quiz (I'd be interested in it), I keep getting the page that asks you for your email. Is there something that I'm not doing right?
    Michele in NC

    You have to put in your e-mail then they will send you a link in a few minutes to the actual quiz!

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Barbie, thanks for the podcast. I’ve saved it and will listen to it in a bit.

    Agnes, too bad about that rich salad. What some of us do is look up the restaurant before we go out, as many have the calories listed on their menus on line. I know many dressings are high in calories, but what was in that salad???

    Janetr, I didn’t mean to get on my soapbox when responding to you (sorry). The devil just slipped it underneath me before I knew what happened. I hope you know it was not directed at you but was a general response. Hey, great deal on DH’s ex getting married!!! That was a nice raise. I hope ya’ll sent her a great wedding gift for giving you such a gift? LOL

    Terri, I like MIO too. I just like the flavor if/when I get tired of plain water. I don’t count my coffee as water intake but I do my tea. I tend to drink lots of iced tea, being a true southerner.

    Nancy, congrats on being a loser! How nice to eat and lose and yes if we eat too little that scale won’t budge sometimes.

    Penny, beautiful pictures!!! I’m not so fond of heights either, so not sure I would have made it as far up as you did. Good for you, and what a view!!!

    Pip, sorry you didn’t get 1st place but you are still My # 1! I can’t even imagine running with your eyes bothering you the way they are. You time sounds terrific to me. I love the pictures!!!! You are just a “Pip”. Dayuum, girl, you look good. I didn’t look that good when I was 25.

    NMMargaret, I would have liked that tour. I appreciate gardens but actually more into houses.

    I don’t know if I’m a bear or a turtle because I can’t get to the quiz. “( I got the email but the address just takes me back to the screen where I put in my email.bash.gif

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    As always, I appreciate all of you and your commitment to this lifestyle. Treat yourselves well.

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Love ya, <3
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Michele, aren't cats funny! I am so glad you are willing to give your pet pills. So many end up dumped at the shelter if they develop a chronic illness. This one has hyperthyroidism. The last one I fostered also did. I have also fostered one that was Hypothyroid- very unusual in cats so he had to get canine pills! I have a three legged kitty, but she is on her last days- congestive heart failure I think. Vet doesn't know, but having a hard time breathing and lost a lot of weight.

    Cheri, I read for hours at night. By about seven my body hurts so much that I have to get "flat", although with the pile of 6 pillows I use, I am not really flat. But I get the weight off my legs and hips, support my bum shoulder, and read and read. I have to alternate activity and lying down throughout the day too. On a good day I can work up to about four hours, on a bad day it is half hour spurts. When the girls have activities, and during the summer, I have to really push myself to keep going. But when I am down, I am usually reading, or doing Sudoku. I am on disability for the arthritis. At fifty I was diagnosed with bone on bone. And replacements are not an option. I am too young, and then where do you stop? Knees, hips, but then the ankles, toes, hands, wrists, elbows, shoulder and spine still hurt. Oh well. It did make it possible for me to take the girls for my sister. She is a hospital administrator and they would have been with a nanny all the time. Not what they needed.
    My fancy house.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited June 2015
    Applebee's went well. I had the 7oz. sirloin and brought half home and ordered double veggies instead of veggies (steamed broccoli, zucchini, carrots) and garlic mashers. I did have my French onion soup as an appetizer; I love that stuff!!! DD and DH shared a huge platter of Beef Nachos which I did not even touch; something that I would have done if my willpower was waning. Came in well under calories for the day. Came home and had my daily hot chocolate for dessert. Tomorrow I'm making a carrot cake for DH; we have a book for him too.

    Spoke with some nice dog owners at the dog park tonight with Gemma. Going to dig up some of the prolific brown eyed Susans and take for one of the women tomorrow.........lol, I warned her that they'll spread all over. We are pulling them out of the lawn all the time; they reseed themselves like mad and refuse to stay in the bed. But the birds/butterflies do love them. Hope they survive being transplanted in this awful heat and humidity.

    DJ.........Congrats on lowering your BP, WTG!!! I know mine is lower when my weight is down and even 10 pounds can affect it.

    Nancy.........They wanted my email address; otherwise I would have loved to take the test. I get so much spam every day, I hesitate to let myself open for more.

    Poop.........You are right, your quads are much better!!!!! Good time! On to the 10K! Loved the pictures!

    G'nite, ladies,

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member

    Cheri, I am sure you burned as many calories painting as a fitness walk would burn. Plus think of all the bending and stretching. I haven't painted my bathroom yet, but I replaced the floor and put in a new sink. The floor is vinyl that looks like light oak flooring.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    MNMargaret - Love the pic of the house. I'd have loved to go on the tour too.

    Janetr, OKC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,673 Member
    Nancy, I'm afraid I had to guess on that quiz. Honestly, I've never noticed if I get sleepy after a particular meal or if I have more energy in the morning. I'm not really in tune with my body. :s And I haven't had a caffeinated drink in 35 years, so had to guess on that too. My results were Bear though, which kind of feels right somehow.


    i think i'm kinda in tune w/my body and i still had to guess on some of that stuff
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    DJ - "Janetr, I didn’t mean to get on my soapbox when responding to you (sorry). The devil just slipped it underneath me before I knew what happened. I hope you know it was not directed at you but was a general response. Hey, great deal on DH’s ex getting married!!! That was a nice raise. I hope ya’ll sent her a great wedding gift for giving you such a gift? LOL"

    Oh no, I truly appreciate the help. I do lie to myself, rationalize and pin the blame on those around me. One of the exact reasons I've been up and down so much in weight my entire adults life. I tell everyone I have last 1500# and they said WHAT? I really have lost lots and gained it all back and got heavier so many times I can't count. I am here for all the help I can get and I love it. Please "tell me like it is" I do enough "stroking" all by myself. lol

    Janetr OKC
  • Charm4u76132
    Charm4u76132 Posts: 94 Member
    Thanks to those who shared your animal Diet Type. This is fun! We have a few Bears and an Otter. Is anyone a Lion (very low carb/high protein and fat), Monkey (high carb/ lower protein/ low fat) or Giraffe Diet Type (vegetarian type) based on the test?

    Pip - Great seeing your race results and great pics! Agree--You have better legs. :) Looking forward to seeing a pic of you and your hubby after he goes to the fake 'n bake. When is your trip to Vegas?

    MN Margaret - Beautiful, historic home. Where is it located?

    Some, or all, of my walking tomorrow will be with Aubrey yorkie and while at the ranch visiting my much loved QH mare, Charm. Can't wait to see her. We've so much rain here in N. Central TX that she has 'scratches' on her back heels. This is a type of skin infection or dermatitis that appears as crusty, scab like material on top of the hair. I washed it real good yesterday with equine anti-fungal shampoo. Then dried it and applied antibiotic ointment and generic diaper rash cream. Previously used generic anti-fungal cream, which helped a bit but it was not gone with the additional rain we've had this week. Read on several horse forums that it's usually a combination of fungus and bacteria. Many people suggested rotating the above creams. Am interested to see if it helps.

    Have a good evening All! - Nancy in still Wet TX