

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Yanniejannie- that German Shepherd sounds fantastic I am so glad that he is with his handler! Keep cool!

    Mia- you are remarkable! Congrats on the 140 loss. You are doing exceptionally well. It shows that you have strength and determination!

    Mary for Minnesota
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    janetr7476 - we met 9/16/96 and married 6/22/2002

    Wow you guys have been together for a long time and still are love birds. I love that. Jack and I met in 2007 and got married in 2009. I wouldn't have believed I'd ever get married again, but here I am. :)

    yeah, I feel ya. he is my #4. lololol

    Jack is my third, and LAST. Lol

    LOL! I'm DH's 3rd (which was the "charm") :smiley: ,my 1st. Married 43 years now and still blissfully happy. We do have our moments when each of us could probably 'murder' the other; but, we never go to bed mad at one another. Our first date was the date that the Alabama Governor got shot campaigning for POTUS. He had to tie up my string sun dress before we went out. Bought specially for that reason. HA! I had gone to a company baseball game; but, it really wasn't a 'date-date'. One of his co-workers (a woman with 3 young children) flirted with him shamelessly. I had been the 'prize' of a bet between the men and women of his office; 'if Louis asked me out, would I agree'? I did and he turned and walked out of the door of the deli I worked in while going to school. Then I did not see him for 3 weeks (out-of-town working). I figured he must have been 'married' or something. We talked on the phone for 3 hours in 3 consecutive days and we got to know one another before our 'first date'. Beautiful eyes! Oh, and the women in the office won the bet. LOL!

    Great story, love it and thanks for sharing :) Jack and I met on line, yep I know, crazy!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    ChelleA65 wrote: »
    Good morning ladies.

    I love reading all of your posts. So... had a big scar in the last few weeks. As a breast and uterine cancer survivor, I went for my yearly checkup and they found a lump. (this would only happen to me). They biopsied it quickly, and I spent four days in misery waiting for the results. Went yesterday and got great news. Scar tissue. That was the good news. The bad news. I have gained 5 pounds since October when my sister passed away from cancer. That is not an excuse, but it has really affected me emotionally. Anyway, I am morbidly obese. I broke down in the doctor office, in total disbelief. My eating is good for the most part. I plan my meals and they are healthy choices. I know my downfall. I cannot eat one bite of anything I should not eat, because they I will just keep eating it. I need to STAY AWAY. I explained to him that without exercise, I do not budge, but the weight makes me hurt...ALL OVER. He gave me a shot of cortisone in each knee and one in my right ankle to eliminate the selling and pain. I feel like I am at the bottom of the ocean and need to swim up to breathe. This is no longer something I can think about, this is something I must do. No excuses anymore.

    Diet is like a marriage. You can't cheat and expect it to work.

    Machelle from Alabama

    :) Machelle,when I started here I didn't have as much weight to lose as you do but I was just as sad and discouraged. I started here on day one by making a plan for what I would eat for the day and posted it in my food diary and then stuck with the plan even though twice during the day a loved one offered me food that wasn't on my plan. I have been planning ahead ever since although not always posting ahead of time. It has been through trial and error, success and failure that I have made a list of foods I never eat and foods that I eat only in measured portion on special occasions. Also foods that aren't allowed in my house. I have had to treat this journey as a matter of life and death. I can't see your food diary so I don't know what you define as healthy eating, but I know that my definition of healthy eating has been revised many times in the years I have been on this journey.

    do not be discouraged and never, never, never give up.

    <3 Barbie from NW Washington
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    I'm very interested with all your experiences teaching swimming. I never had swimming lessons when I was a kid. My dad taught us what he could, but mostly we just paddled around trying not to drown. Even now, when I swim laps, I dont do it the way it's supposed to be done. I know that, but I do what's comfortable for me. So I can't help them learn proper strokes, and don't get in the pool during swim lessons (none of the parents do) but I do swim with them other times when we go to the pool. I've been watching some swimming videos on YouTube lately though, getting some tips to use to help them. I wish the lessons at the Y were one-on-one, but they aren't. The two girls are in a class with three other kids, and the little guy's class has about 7.


    I'm sure my technic in teaching this one little boy has probably met with a lot of 'you should not have done that'. We've laughed about it several times since. I was a lifeguard at the camp for 3 years. There were a total of 15 of us, and we'd rotate around doing other things at camp, such as crafts, baseball, and such. I think the rest of the group decided they'd do exactly what told them to do or else they might meet with the same fate. Surprisingly, I went to the same summer camp when I was little as well; and I cried throughout swimming lessons. One summer when we were little our Daddy took my middle sister and I out in the ocean on rafts; and we got carried out in a rip tide. He was able to push my sister out of the rip tide and then she was able to get to shore. The lifeguards had to come after us; Daddy was getting tired treading water and

    Le trying to keep me on the float because when he leaned on it for support, it would start leaning over towards him. As we got into shore, they took the float away from me and I stood up, only to be hit by a wave that took me under for a second, I realized that swimming was supposed to be 'fun' and I actually learned how to swim in the ocean. Went back to summer camp and was able to swim in the pool with no trouble.

    Lenora a/k/a GRITSandSLUTS
  • muscadinejelli
    muscadinejelli Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone. Noob to these boards here, trying again to stay motivated. I live in western Montana, need to lose about 90 pounds, and will probably not post here every day. Though I will try!!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    I think children do better one-on-one (or in small classes). I had at least 15 - 20 kids in my class; mostly around the age of 5-7 (mostly 6-year-olds). Usually, one of the other lifeguards would help if they did not have anything else to do and they were off their shifts. The children seem to want to please a teacher and will try whatever you tell them to do. Some did not want to put their heads/faces in the water, some only will go under if they hold their noses. You have to 'convince' them that going under will not make the water go up their noses (unless they suck in). Teaching them to blow out of their noses, as if they are blowing their noses is a good trick. I'd hold a towel under their noses and tell them to blow out their noses as if it was stopped up (and keep their mouths shut). No matter what you do while swimming or how you do it, you have to keep your mouth shut in the process or you will get choked and panic. My DnL that lives next door does not 'swim' well; but, she swims. The girls have to keep their boat jackets on whenever they go to the lake or are in the boat fishing. That is the law here in GA; but, they sure do 'gripe' about it. The city pool was open from 9:30AM to 10:30PM, with a 2 hour break starting at noon and open again at 2:00. That's when we stayed and did our swimming or horsing around. We emptied and cleaned the pool after 6:00PM on Sundays and filled the pool again during the night. It 1/2 the size of an Olympic pool. Did the checking of chemicals on Monday AMs. We really had a lot of fun during that time. Other than the time I got pushed in the shallow end and broke my tailbone for a 2nd time. I could not stand up; and my at-the-time boyfriend came in after me. It wasn't as bad as the first time I broke it in cheerleading practice; but, it still hurt. I can predict rain because of it, now.
  • ChelleA65
    ChelleA65 Posts: 23 Member
    Fancy 0626- Thank you
    Barbiecat- I actually have a 14 day menu plan. I appreciate your ideas. I will proceed forward and never never never give up!!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    Hello everyone. Noob to these boards here, trying again to stay motivated. I live in western Montana, need to lose about 90 pounds, and will probably not post here every day. Though I will try!!

    Montana, the state that never ends! welcome. just post to say hey there.... keep in touch, we're here for ya!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    Janetr - my DH and I met on line too! That was 12 years ago. We were married 18 months later. :love:

    Heather UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    Tom and I met online 20 years ago,been married for 18
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Janetr - my DH and I met on line too! That was 12 years ago. We were married 18 months later. :love:

    Heather UK

    That's great. I really have heard from many that have met that way. We moved in together after six months, married a year after that. Together for over 8 years now. Thanks for sharing.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Tom and I met online 20 years ago,been married for 18

    Wow so it DOES happen. Lol

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Happy Tuesday. I had a very nice couple days off, but I see there has been almost 400 posts since I was last here. What an active group we are.
    Weigh in this morning I was up just over a pound. I have to get this snacking, stress eating under control. One day at a time. I find most the time I eat without thinking about it. I have to stop and think. One thing is my blood pressure was down the last couple days. Sunday we went on a motorcycle ride and I put my hair up under the helmet since it is longer this year. Didn't really think about it, now the back of my neck is sunburned and tender. My own fault. Time to get sun screen out.

    Lisa--Got your book yesterday and started reading last evening. Enjoying it.

    Lesley--Good to see you back. Keeping you and DD in our prayers.

    Janetr--I agree saving the $1700 a month is something to celebrate. I know when my DH was done paying child support it sure made a positive difference to us.

    Pip--I agree you are a star in my book, just for doing the race and finishing.

    I am up to page 64 so going to mark my place and be back tomorrow. One Day at a Time.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Happy Tuesday afternoon! Went to work and had a quiet office day and what a beautiful day it was here. I took my after lunch walk outside. Amazing being able to walk outside at the end of June!

    GRIT (and others) its so important to know how to swim. We just had a drowning here on Fathers’ day. A dad and three kids were fishing the river when the bank gave way. The girls went in and he went in after them. He did not know how to swim and drowned. Some fishermen jumped in and got the girls.

    Janetr: I actually live in Papillion which is just south of Omaha, one of the many suburbs.

    Tina; enjoy your trip!

    Barbie: meatless stew…yum. I love vegetarian meals

    Pip: fabulous results!

    Yvonne: welcome to the group although I must say your picture makes you look way too young to join us LOL!

    Michele: I have heard of a blow dryer on cold, but never hot. I’ll have to get him to try that thanks!

    Mary: how is the moving going? I never want to do that again!

    Renny: your DGDs sound so cute! Well I guess I don’t know if they are boys or girls, but they do sound like you love them up!

    Kim: so nice to see you again!

    JanetMM: must be hot down there!

    Joyce: I guess the answer to your question depends on where you go. In our BSN program, only a couple of classes, usually non-clinical electives, are totally on line. My three main courses have about 1/3 of content on line to give the students a break. Our MSN program is on line, which is starting to be typical. How awful about the kitty but so glad your daughter took care of it! I bet hubby’s diarrhea gets real old!

    Heather: I too like that control of routine

    Alison so sorry about the fight. I am doing a partial kitchen remodel and can’t choose a thing!

    KMHilinski: glad you feel better now!

    Cheri sending hugs to help with the stress

    Machelle: stress itself can make you gain weight. I would say only gaining 5 pounds is a victory. Have you tried
    swimming or water aerobics? I go and the people there who are really obese with joint issues say it’s so much better than weight bearing exercise.

    Tere great way to respond to acting out!

    Naiomi: glad to see you again!

    Mia: glad you were safe in the storms

    Vicki: I’m happy to see you again!

    OK ladies I need to get going here. Take care to all, Meg from Omaha (or close by!)
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    DamitJanit wrote: »
    Cheri, as long as DH can find a new job, what’s to stress about? (hee hee) Just think of it as a new adventure. The one really nice thing is, we are portable and go anywhere with you. smiley-dance019.gif

    Love ya, <3
    Myrtle Beach, SC

    I should explain a bit. I have known and been married to my husband for 30+ years. We met at the University of Virginia while we were both in graduate school. We have moved so many times that it is second nature to us. Started in Charlottesville, VA and after graduation moved to Gaithersburg, MD. My husband is a native New Yorker and thought how much fun it would be to go home....moved to Howard Beach, Queens, NY. Lasted 6 months. Enter Portland, CT where we had our 2 children (Rosalyn now 26 yo and Benjamin now 24 yo). They were both born on the same day 2 years apart but that is another story. Mitch's parents retired to Florida and we thought let's move there before we are old and crotchety and let the kids enjoy their grandparents. Enter Parkland, Fl for 11 years. I then said well let's go live near the other grandparents for a while so we moved to Carmel, IN. Husband has now been through several jobs/careers at this point. He gets downsized and we moved to Fairlawn, OH where we are currently where he will probably be downsized out of a job again. Hence the job search. As a child we lived in Connecticut, Wisconsin and Ohio several times in each state.

    So moving is nothing new to me! Sometimes we moved ourselves sometimes his company did it for us.
    The stress comes from the hubs who at 55 yo is suddenly aware of his limited use in the job market. The stress comes from the fact that I don't really want to move anymore. The stress comes from just not knowing what is next or how long this process will be. The stress comes from knowing that I may be moving even further away from my kiddos. They are both in Chicago about a 6 hour drive from here. The stress of having to find new specialist and doctors. Just all kinds of stress.

    So I will embrace it once again and I will prevail over the process and know that it is yet another adventure in our lives. I am in a different place this time around mentally and physically so I think I have a better handle on things.

    Thanks to everyone for the support. Means sooooo much to me. I will keep you informed.

    And of course you all will be coming with me! :)<3

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies :flowerforyou:

    Tere :) Of course I would bail you out!!!!

    I can not imagine someone kicking my dog :mad:, I would probably get arrested too :frown:!

    Wishing everyone health and happiness <3 !

    DeeDee in steamy NC
  • SlenderClassyElegant
    SlenderClassyElegant Posts: 62 Member
    edited June 2015
    Well the cabinets are in, they are coming to measure for countertops today, and they will install the other upper cabinets today, and then put in the dishwasher.. will be another 3-4 weeks for countertops I think.. and still trying to figure out the floor
    *grandmallie: I envy you your kitchen. DH hasn't spoken to me for 3 days because I wanted to change the color of our new dishwasher from white to stainless steel. I've been crying and overeating for 3 solid days. I usually overeat when he gives me the silent treatment.

    I went from happy to miserable in the space of one morning. Help, ladies, I'm drowning :(
    I seriously don't know what I said to make him so mad.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Well the cabinets are in, they are coming to measure for countertops today, and they will install the other upper cabinets today, and then put in the dishwasher.. will be another 3-4 weeks for countertops I think.. and still trying to figure out the floor
    *grandmallie: I envy you your kitchen. DH hasn't spoken to me for 3 days because I wanted to change the color of our new dishwasher from white to stainless steel. I've been crying and overeating for 3 solid days. I usually overeat when he gives me the silent treatment.

    I went from happy to miserable in the space of one morning. Help, ladies, I'm drowning :(
    I seriously don't know what I said to make him so mad.

    I used to go through this with my husband. It was really bad when the kids were little and daddy would disappear into the bedroom for the entire weekend. Or he would give me the silent treatment for the most random life things that happen normally in ones life. It made me act angry all the time and overeat and stress to no end making it look like things were normal with the kids.

    We ended up in therapy because I told him his behavior was anything but normal and if he didn't go to therapy with me then he would lose me AND the kids. He went. Part of the problem was unbeknownst to us he had Aspergers. That explained so much of his behavior. Also the therapist worked out something with me to say to him when he turned on the silent treatment.

    "I understand that you are upset/bothered by something right now. I will not ask that we sit down and discuss it. I am giving you (4 hours, 6 hours, 24 hours- figure out a time allotment that you can live with) to figure this out and then the silent treatment you are giving me is to be over. We will move on from there with no silent treatment with the issue being resolved or not. Do you understand?"

    It went something like that and quite honestly over time he stopped doing it to me and the kids great relief.

    Hang in there ladies. Stand up for yourself and don't accept this behavior.

    Cheri (who has been there and is feeling your pain.)
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Whew, it's been a busy couple of days so once again, I'm just poking my head in and waving hello. As for the self destructive weekend, wish it had been more fun than it was! Right now what I'm struggling with is getting bored and eating All The Things because I don't want to get off the sofa and do anything.

    I think it's partly just a matter of getting used to my husband's work schedule - with his new job he works weekends. On his days off I work, so it's hard for us to get time to do stuff together. Plus our new town is a good ways from any friends, making it a little harder to do spontaneous get-togethers. It doesn't help that both the A/C and the radio in the car that's here during the day have quit working. It's time to start saving up for a new (to us) car but in the meantime I guess it's good motivation to go ahead and take the bicycle out when I run local errands... I won't arrive any sweatier than I do in the car!

    Need to start going to the monthly art crawl here and making some local friends! In the meantime, if I'm not doing anything else I've certainly got plenty of unpacking to do.

    -Yvonne (the other one)
  • SlenderClassyElegant
    SlenderClassyElegant Posts: 62 Member
    csofled wrote: »
    Part of the problem was unbeknownst to us he had Aspergers. That explained so much of his behavior. Also the therapist worked out something with me to say to him when he turned on the silent treatment.
    Cheri (who has been there and is feeling your pain.)

    Thanks, Cheri. I swear I've often wondered if he has high-functioning Asperger's. That sounds terrible, doesn't it. But I used to think it was me.

    anywya, thanks for letting me vent. I'll get over it; I always do.

    Jen in CA