

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    I just skimmed the last two days' of posts, since I am on the road.

    Cholesterol issues- I was struggling, and did not want to take statins. My nurse practitioner prescribed NIACIN- a vitamin. She started me at 500mg and worked me up to 2000mg a day. My cholesterol and triglycerides are totally normal now. If you try it, be sure to get the sustained release type. The "flush" that you feel, while uncomfortable, actually means the niacin is working to open up the capillaries and flush out your circulatory system.; For me the flush feels like an itchy sunburn and I do turn bright red all over, but your body does adjust and it stops being a problem. It is suggested to take it at night, so you aren't aware of the flush, but for me, at first, it was so bad it woke me up. But well worth it!

    Cheri, if you do have to move, remember, you may have a contact in your new city right here in this group. It seems to me that a lot of the geography is covered. And the people in this group may have friends or family in your new city as well. But I hear you about moving. AND about the difficulty getting a job at age55. I think that is why my disability application went through so quickly- the combination of my issues (depression and arthritis) and my age. I had been searching for a couple of years- used up all my savings. Scary to have no cushion and realize that social security is my only income for the rest of my life. But anyway, back to your issues, hang in there and vent here lots. Talking about it really does help. And know that we are all here for you!

    The girls and I hiked on the backside of the mountain above Boulder yesterday, about five miles total. I took pics but cannot post until I get home.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: “Fat Chatters?” We chat about all sorts of other things, too. :bigsmile: :devil: On a more serious note, I hope the doctors can do something to improve your DH’s quality of life. He seems to be having a really bad time lately. :broken_heart::heart:

    Alison: IMHO, Bill Gates is the walking, talking epitome of Aspergers. :bigsmile:

    Debbieclark11: If you’re doing things right, this weight loss is a slow process. It is also a new way of life. Welcome to a wonderful group of supportive and wise women. MFP will automatically assign a calorie goal based on your weight. As you lose weight, your allowed calories decreases but never below 1200. Some women here are at a lower number but they are medically supervised. Do not be in a rush. This is the race between the tortoise and the hare. You know who wins in the end. Barbie’s advice about nutrition is golden. :flowerforyou:

    Lisa: I love the story of your romance with your DH. It puts a big smile on my face. :heart:

    We leave for Eastern Oregon later this morning. I can usually get onto the internet and DSIL’s house, so I hope to check in regularly. I do all my logging on my phone, so that is never a worry. Have a good day!

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    June Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited June 2015
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Cheri - Wow, in my book all those moves pretty much make you Wonder Woman! I hate moving, and after two moves in the last six months I hope I never have to do it again. It's a tough job market, especially for older workers, so I feel for you and your husband. Mine is only recently employed in a new career after a prolonged period of unemployment. Glad you are taking care of yourself.

    Renny - I'm with you, wishing MFP would make it easier to find my own posts. Otherwise I'm afraid I'll be like that crazy old auntie who repeats the same story over and over because she can't remember what she's already told you.

    Janetr - My ex and I married really young and stuck it out for 11 years, which was probably 10 years longer than we should have. I met my current husband online, back in the days when you could chat on computer bulletin board systems with other people who were local. It wasn't a dating site or anything like that, just a bunch of friends. We were friends for a long time before we started dating, and he is still my best friend. Our 24th anniversary was in April so I guess he's a keeper.

    JanetM - I'm with you, I can manage as much fruit as I can eat. But for me the challenges is veggies rather than protein. It's because I can eat the fruit raw, which makes it easy to use for breakfast and snacking without leaving my desk. I'm not that fond of most raw veggies, so it's harder to work them into my diet. As a consequence, we eat a lot of salads with dinner.

    Mollywhippet - LOL! About the "antelope"... I was wondering if you lived near a game ranch or something! Around here canteloupe is much easier to come by. Autocorrect is so funny sometimes.

    Lisa - What a beautiful love story!

    No weight loss this week - bummer. Not sure why, as I thought I was doing pretty well, but that's OK. I'll just have to work harder this week. The exercise is key for me - I can count calories all I want, but if I'm not getting regular exercise it's very hard to lose. Wish there was a pool nearby, as I do love to swim!

    Today I'm going to try to take a couple of hours off work and go for a motorcycle ride, despite the heat. It's good for my mental health, and my motorbike has been sitting in the garage for over a month now as we got ourselves moved and settled.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    good morning again kiddo's~
    well I have been up since 3, so have got alot done,,,,
    went to feed my DFIL , he cracks me up....
    his siblings and niece are coming to see him today.. then from there I went to my neighbor's wake,she was a sweet lady she lived to be 93... then from there came home and mowed the lawn....showered changed and now sitting, and then will go to work for 1
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hello all,

    I have recently shared bits and pieces of my life in an Asperger's marriage. It has resonated with some of you. I wanted to recommend a book that my therapist recommended upon my husband's diagnosis and it was/continues to be our asperger's marriage bible. The title is Alone Together- Making an Asperger Marriage Work by Katrin Bentley. The author penned the following poem and upon reading it my marital life came into focus. I know it is lengthy (I typed it phew!) but worth a read.

    Cheri (happily married to a loving husband of 32 years) :)<3

    The Cactus and the Rose

    A long time ago I was a rose and you were a beautiful, strong and reliable cactus.
    I loved your strength, your confidence and your appearance, but I found it hard to live with you in the desert.
    You wanted me to suit you, and started to cut off my green leaves. The ground in the desert was dry, the climate harsh and I desperately needed water to live.
    Slowly I started to wither and lose my flowers.
    I missed the nice garden soil, the fertilizer and all the other colourful plants, but somehow I felt that I didn’t fit into the garden environment anymore.
    My remaining leaves had become tougher and I almost looked like a cactus!
    I learned to ignore the harsh sun and the sandstorms. I stopped to feel thirsty.
    In fact I stopped to feel much at all… That was easier on one hand, but sometimes I remembered how I used to enjoy the refreshing raindrops on my leaves after a morning shower, or the gentle touch of a butterfly passing by.
    I felt strange there next to you in the desert. I had no idea that you were a cactus, I wasn’t aware that this plant existed.
    I was confused and desperately tried to turn you into a rose. That must have been so difficult for you! You tried to be one and as long as you did everything like a rose you were loved by me and all the other roses, but as soon as you behaved like a cactus everybody turned away from you.
    Finally you gave up and avoided all the gardens.
    You became even more of a cactus, why should you make an effort, when all you got was resentment for not being what everybody else wanted you to be?
    You retired back into solitude, finding your own company more pleasant than being with others.
    The roses didn’t only turn away from you, they also left me out, and after all we didn’t have much in common anymore. I was a troubled and withered plant, no fun to be with! They wanted to spend their days talking about different fertilizers, a topic on which I had nothing to contribute.
    So I joined you in your solitude and learned to gain strength from within myself.
    Oh yes, I missed my colourful times in the garden, because as much as you will always be a cactus, I will always be a rose!
    One day I found a book on cactuses! I gave it to you to read and we both agreed that the description of this plant matched you perfectly. You seemed so relieved to know that you were not just an unusual rose, but a beautiful, strong and resilient cactus.
    I was overjoyed too, because I realized that a cactus has different ways to show love. All those times when I felt so cold and lonely I was actually treasured by you, it just wasn’t easy for me to see.
    There are lots of books on cactuses, but there are not any specific ones on roses.
    I promise I’ll never give up trying to understand the needs and joys of a cactus. All I hope for is that you are prepared to learn about roses and let me be one. I need to be what I am as much as you need to be what you are. Instead of trying to turn each other into the same plant we can learn to accept our differences.
    After all, I admired your strong cactus features when we first met, and I am sure that you were taken by my colourful rose petals.
    Now I am not blooming as much as I once did, but my roots are still there in the ground and I’m sure that with a bit of water and fertilizer I will be able to flower again. Maybe even more, because I will not only be a colourful rose, but also a strong one.
    If we keep nurturing each other we will be able to turn our relationship into something special, and our children will grow up with the reliable, strong and interesting characteristics of the cactus as well as the wild, sensitive and colourful features of the rose.
    Let’s be what we are and enjoy it!

    Alone Together-Making an Asperger Marriage Work- Katrin Bentley-2007
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Mia: From 36 to 18 is an outstanding accomplishment! I started out as a 22W and am now in a comfortable 18W. My goal is to a size 12W. A regular 12 would be good but I have so much junk in my trunk and I don’t think it will ever be the same size as the rest of me. When I don’t eat on time my blood sugar levels drop and I turn into a monster – sometimes angry and sometimes a crying nut. After one episode my brother demanded that I carry a protein bar in my purse at all times. I do and have only had to eat one. I throw them out every 60 days or so cause they tend to get smashed up from all the other stuff in my purse.

    Machelle: I started out at 273 with back pain, knee pain, and respiratory problems. I am down to 244.1 – no back pain and no knee pain. The respiratory problems are manageable except for an occasional flare. It has not been an easy journey and I have often fallen off the wagon but I do manage to get back up. It is difficult and sometimes painful to exercise when you are carrying excess weight but you must try even if it’s just a little bit. You might want to try water aerobics as it is not so physically stressful.

    Cheri: This group has come to mean so much to me too. Not just to talk about losing weight, but just for sharing stuff about everyday life. It is wonderful that we can take each other with us no matter where we go. OMG! I love your reaction to the silent treatment. I think I might switch up because your few sentences say it all.

    Joyce: Sending you hugs and healing prayers for your DH.

    Allison: Congratulations on receiving your IPad mini!!!

    Sylvia: Please make sure you tell us more about eating?? Antelope?

    My Love Story - I met the SO 11 years ago. I had a huge oak tree come partially out the ground during a hurricane. It was hung up in other trees two yards away and never fully fell. I had several tree companies give me quotes between $4,000 and $3,500 to take it down. This was not really feasible for a single parent of two teenager so I didn’t get it done. On a Monday morning, I had some guys come back inquiring whether I would let them take it down for the reasonable amount of $700. I said absolutely! On Tuesday a gentleman walking down the street with a chain saw in hand inquired. I told him that I just had someone else coming and they were taking it down on Thursday. He inquired of the amount and I told him. He asked me if I would allow him to take it down for $500 on Wednesday. I said of course and he did. On Wednesday evening he returned to get paid and brought the SO with him. The SO was covered in sawdust, had on combat pants and boots, looked like a generally crazy person and just stared at me. The best I could do was offer him a shot of Jack Daniels because I felt like I needed one myself. He was making me nervous! Anyway, apparently he decided that I was to be his friend and would call occasionally or blow his car horn when he passed through. Then we dated for a year before deciding to consolidate our households. A few years after we met he told me his side of the story. He said the guy that cut the tree down asked him to climb the tree and get it down. The SO after looking at the tree said it would take 2 climbers to get it down so he called in another climber. It took them the better part of a day to get the job done. He then advised the guy that he was charging him $900 for climbing and cutting the tree down. Of course the guy advised him that he was only getting a total of $500 for the whole job. The SO said he had to come to see what kind of woman could get a $4,000 job done for $500 and then decided that he needed to keep me with him. We’ve been getting officially married for a while now. I’ve postponed it a couple of times now but I reckon we’ll get on with it in the next 12 months or so.

    Tere in Richmond VA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Michele in NC – I am not the poster with the teriyaki tofu, but I do eat tofu so I thought I’d tell you how I use it. I usually use tofu in place of meat in a meal. Tofu by itself is rather tasteless so I use it in dishes where it has been marinated and the final dish has a sauce. When you start with a block of tofu that you are going to marinate that you press the water out of the tofu block before putting it into a marinade.

    So specifically, Teriyaki Tofu has been marinated in teriyaki sauce. For that I would use cubes of tofu with a variety of vegetables in a stir fry. You could also just cut the tofu into slabs and heat them up as “cutlets” and serve a vegetable on the side. I don’t do “cutlets” these days because I have always fried my cutlets to get some texture on the outside edges. I’ve heard that baking the tofu gives them texture, but I haven’t tried that yet.

    ½ cup tofu = 94 cal; 10.1g protein; 5g fat
    ½ cup chicken (white meat) = 121 cal; 21g protein; 3.1 fat

    Mia in MI

    June goal - log food every day
    Word of the month – persevere

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    So far Country USA has been fun. We walked over 6 miles yesterday (mostly because we lost my car for an hour). The hotel fitness center is sad; the seat on the bike is rock hard.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    morning peeps - have an eyeball app. later so took the day off. may go to work if i have time, i dunno.
    so these how we met our honey's - which one should i tell, #1, #2, #3 or #4 lololololol

    stat for the day:
    spin - 2 classes bk 2 bk- 82ar, 83aw, 9-17g, 31.2mi = 826cal
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited June 2015
    PIP-I think I'm curious about all four of yours! I do vaguely remember you talking about Kirby and your DH that passed away at such an early age. But the other two might be interesting as you are very interesting.

    Katla- it doesn't matter how old they are, they will always be our babies! Too bad we can't send some rain from Texas over there.

    Joyce- I am so sorry to hear about what your DH is going through. Great love story!

    Allison- yay! Glad you got your iPad mini. The first thing I would've put on it would have been MFP as well LOL

    Lisa - Great love story! I bet it was hard to keep your hands off of him. He looks very hot and loving holding the baby!

    Katla- have a safe trip! I hope you and your DH have a lot of fun.

    Yvonne- no weight-loss is frustrating but the good news is that at least you did not gain. Sometimes our bodies have to just recoup. Just keep up doing what you're doing and it will come off. If not there are people on here that have great suggestions on getting over a plateau.

    Tere- what a romantic SO you have!

    Good morning ladies! I did my strong lift 5X5 exercises. I added sumo squats to my routine. They are supposed to be very beneficial to your butt and outside upper thighs where your butt and thighs connect. Now I am going to try to finish packing all the little odds and ends up in the house. I am going to take a load of fragile items and bring it to the new house today. Then my DH and I will pack The rest of our furniture tonight I hope. Except for of course our bed TV and weightlifting equipment will be staying here until the day before we close.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    fanncy - oh they r definitely interesting. i will type more when i get back from my eye app and get my nails and toes did.... can't type worth poop with this broken nail. a lot of people that know me say i should write a book and it would make a great movie. i'm just too lazy.. haha
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Best Buds - Flash hugging Charro7mhjdxf4tgim.jpeg
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Best Buds - Flash hugging Charro

    That is so adorable!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited June 2015
    Janetr -" My ex and I married really young and stuck it out for 11 years, which was probably 10 years longer than we should have. I met my current husband online, back in the days when you could chat on computer bulletin board systems with other people who were local. It wasn't a dating site or anything like that, just a bunch of friends. We were friends for a long time before we started dating, and he is still my best friend. Our 24th anniversary was in April so I guess he's a keeper."

    I'm loving all these stories of meeting and marriage. I certainly am surprised and realize I'm not the only one that found true love on the internet. We did meet on a dating site for local people. Thanks for sharing :)
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited June 2015
    @Cheri - Wow, that was terrific and an eye opener for all of us. Thanks for sharing.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited June 2015
    @Tere - That's a terrific love story. Marry that man!!

    I've gone from a size 24W to a 12P. I'm 5'2" and still overweight but at 65 I can deal with it. Going to work at it one day at a time. I did have gastric bypass tho and it happened so quickly I couldn't keep up with it. I would go buy smaller clothes and then they would be too big, sometimes before I even wore them. I was always buying them about two sizes too big and everyone got after me to stop buying too large. I gained about 11 lbs and was beginning to get down and depressed. My dietcian gave me a swift kick in the pants told me to watch her video "10 Reason WLS Patients Gain Back Weight" Absolutely got me off the "pitty wagon" and back to basics and LOGGING absolutely everything I put in my mouth. About half way to taking the 11 lbs back off.

    You're doing a great job. :)

  • RMLthin
    RMLthin Posts: 1 Member
    edited June 2015
    I'm 51 mother of 2 young adults and have a desk job.
    I have just recently started back to the gym after an extremely long break.
    over the last decade I have really let myself go and had some rather tough knee and ankle injuries to recover from.
    The knee was a vehicle accident that severed the ACL and tore the other major ligaments and fractured bones.
    The ankle was a major break that also required surgery and lots of rehab.

    My goal is to get healthy and back to a lighter ME!
    I plan on hitting the gym M-F for 30 minutes of cardio (treadmill or elliptical) to start.
    week 1 was great - I made it everyday on the treadmill
    week 2 was pretty good - I had 1 business event and made it the other 4 days
    week 3 was a complete bust - I had a week long business function
    week 4 - only 2 days in and both were 30 minutes on the elliptical YEAH!

    Renee from Carrollton, TX
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    morning peeps - have an eyeball app. later so took the day off. may go to work if i have time, i dunno.
    so these how we met our honey's - which one should i tell, #1, #2, #3 or #4 lololololol

    stat for the day:
    spin - 2 classes bk 2 bk- 82ar, 83aw, 9-17g, 31.2mi = 826cal

    I had an appointment to check my left eye today; have some sort of infection in it. Gave me drops, should be better in a week; then will have my regular eye check. These past 5 days have been 'awful'. Wanted to pull my eyeball out and dip it in clean, clear, water; but, that would not have helped (unless I had a glass eye); then I couldn't see. Dominant eye is one with infection. Hurts like a SOB! Sorry . . . but, it does!