

  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    And I totally want to be Fitbit friends with everyone in here.

    I was wondering whether people would be up for challenges, not super competitive, but things like how many steps in a day/weekend or how many calories burned in a weekend. The idea motivate and give goals, rather than be winners and.losers and.moves away from scale victories
    And not just for Fitbit not Fitbit based, although we could have.Fitbit challenges

    If anyone is interested, I'll start a thread in the bat cave

    I'll be in!! In honour of us becoming Fitbit friends and your super great step count I went for an hour walk this morning and am at 8,200 steps for the day so far.

    But if we do it in the bat cave everyone with counters can play!
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    And if anyone else with a Fitbit wants another friend pm me!!

    I only have 2 friends on there.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Ok since we are going to be more accountable and post what we do each day to motivate each other I figure if I post what I do and not what I was supposed to do then it won't work. Since none of you will know what I intended. So my goals for today:

    Walk 25000 steps (not hard at barn)
    Run 1 hour
    Address my chairs comments on my prospectus
    Not envy @MoHousdon her husband or her vacation.

    Edited to add I may not be able to achieve the last one. :)

    Edited again for no alcohol

    That's a great idea! My goals for today are:
    - Get at least 30 minutes of exercise after iftar today.
    - Stay within my calorie goal and drink plenty of water.
    - Do some actual housework--I admit that I've been majorly slacking today, so I'm adding that for some accountability. :p
    - Write up a bunch of motivating sticky notes to post around the house. Fitbit, here I come! ;)
    LH85DC wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LH85DC wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ok guys I am on the fence about something. I got asked out on a date this weekend. I don't date because in reality I don't have a lot of free time and I am certainly not wanting to take any time away from my son. But in spite of all this I am considering going. What's a girl to do?

    Do you like date asker guy? If the answer is yes, then I say GO FOR IT!

    I do like said guy lol

    Well, then, buy yourself something pretty (sexy, but tasteful) and go and enjoy yourself. If you just get a meal and decent conversation but it doesn't go anywhere, at least you have a pretty new dress to wear later. But if it DOES go somewhere, I think we all expect to be invited to the wedding. :smiley:

    Hmmm sexy sounds like something I haven't done in a long time :) And of course you would all be invited honestly I feel closer to you guys lately than most of the people IRL :)

    You HAVE to show us your choices before choosing though. I LOVE helping people pick out clothes and I've NEVER helped anyone get ready for a date before, well, besides myself of course. :smiley:

    The bold part: me too!

    Mo, I just ordered a couple of dresses from Modcloth for a wedding and I'm not sure which I want to wear! It's an afternoon ceremony but evening reception at a mountain lodge, so I went for more "fun" than "formal"...

    This pink one
    Or this black embellished one (comes with straps)

    When they actually arrive it might turn out that I hate the fit of one or both, but I couldn't decide and had to order both. All my cocktail dresses are either very winter-y (long sleeves, heavy fabrics, etc.) or too big, or make me look like a waitress (because I have an extensive collection of black cocktail dresses that I wore while bartending.)

    There's a crazy four-hour gap between the ceremony and cocktail hour, though, so we were going to change, go for a hike, and come back and change back, so maybe I'll wear the pink one for the ceremony and the peacock one for the reception? Is that attention-grabby or weird?

    I love love LOVE that peacock dress! But... I'm old school, so no black (or white) at weddings for me. Or is that concept passé now?

    Black is very commonly worn at evening weddings here (at least the formal, hotel ballroom or whatever kind.) But I've read it's less common in the American South and in smaller cities/rural areas (where it's more traditional, I guess.) I even see black bridesmaids dresses quite often now.
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @peleroja both of those dress are AWESOME!! I'd wear the formal one for the ceremony and the fun one for the reception where you'll be dancing the night away!! That's just my opinion though, both dresses are fabulous, you have excellent taste!!

    I thought the polka dots were more "daytime" than evening - I guess maybe I think it's weird to wear a black dress like that for an afternoon thing? Especially for an outdoor ceremony?

    This is not my realm of expertise, though, because I normally just go to work events and wear the same couple of navy or black super conservative dresses, all high neck and sleeves and stuff.

    I agree with you: I'd wear the pink one for the ceremony and the black one at night. That one would be super fun to dance in and if anyone even implies that you're taking attention away from the bride maybe tell a little white lie and say you spilled something on the pink one.

    Or, maybe I'm a terrible person for thinking this way? Personally, I don't care about weddings being ALL about the bride. They eat up an enormous amount of my time on a weekend, so I'm going to look good and enjoy it!

    I'm pretty much that person too because I mostly hate weddings so it's hard to have a good time. Even my own was hard to deal with and it was tiny and very nontraditional. But the whole spend a whole weekend, drive (or fly) for hours, get an expensive hotel room, wait around forever between the ceremony and reception, eat a mass-produced hunk of chicken or "prime rib" at a table full of people you barely know with a glass of mediocre Merlot, sit through hard-to-hear speeches and bouquet tossing and dances and "funny stories" while drunk randos get gropey and terrible music just not my idea of a good time.

    I attend happily for people I really care about because I love them, but I'm always kind of shocked when I hear someone say they like weddings. Everything about them (apart from the actual ceremonies, which are usually nice) makes me unhappy.

    Could NOT agree with you more! My husband and I are really role reversed in almost every aspect, including this one. He LOVES weddings. He gets way too excited and spends way more time figuring out what he's going to wear than I do. I dread them.

    And, I've worn black to the past two weddings we've gone to. It's easier to wear for an all-day thing that involves food and drinks. Much more forgiving if someone bumps into you and causes a spill.

    I'm exactly the same way. I hate attention, dressing up, and having people look at me. I don't dance, the vegetarian meals are usually not very good/filling, I don't drink...the list goes on and on.
    When we have gone to weddings, I have worn black every time.

    Yes ma'am! We are twins. I do drink, but I'm very careful at weddings. Nothing like being unsteady on my high heels to completely ruin a whole look! Plus, if I am the designated driver I have more say over how long we stay.

    All of this! Having people look at me and making conversation with people I don't know well, wedding food, etc etc...they're such terrible events for me. I'm also horrified by the expense and the wastefulness. The idea of spending $30,000 on one party makes me die a little inside. I could do so much with that money! I don't care if that's judge-y (as it's not directed towards anyone in this thread...) I just don't get it.

    And re:'re all wonderful people and all, but wedding cake is definitely not sufficient compensation for having to attend an entire wedding reception, haha.

    Most of the time it's not even good cake, just sickly sweet and covered in stale fondant. Such a sad dessert.

    I do like the "dessert table" trend, though...but still. Definitely doesn't soothe my wedding pain.

    My friend - who happens to be a trained pastry chef (!!!!) - is making our cake as her gift to us. She's going to make her basics, and the if I decide that the spice cake should be cinnamony-er or something, she'll adjust.

    I am a bit over excited by the fact that I will not have terrible wedding food. Because that's what's going to save me from boredom. ;)

    Food tasting has been our favorite part of wedding planning so far! haha. we're actually having a pie buffet instead of cake, because neither of us are big cake fans. And we found a local pie store that makes DELICIOUS pies. The hardest part was deciding which five flavors we wanted!

    For food we went with a local caterer who works out of a kitchen at her farm, and focuses on fresh, local ingredients. I'm so so so excited. And she's ordering bread from a local bakery, so it'll all be fresh and delicious. Yum! I hope people end up liking it, I'd hate for everyone to think that we had bland, so-so wedding food.

    While this sounds fabulous I think you should fly SusieQ in to cater your wedding.

    Why didn't I think of that!?!? Maybe we can add some hummus into the menu in @Susieq_1994 's honor

    Ooh, that would be lovely. When the less traditional ballroom weddings have buffets, I always pile my plate with hummus and pita bread. I love it!
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    LH85DC wrote: »
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    I've had an interesting challenge handed to me! :)

    I've been pestering my husband and telling him that I want a Fitbit, because I think it'll motivate me to move around more so I can "win" steps and calories. ;) He thinks it's an unnecessary fitness gadget, and that I should probably just move around more by myself. :p

    So, to motivate me a little (since I've been struggling a lot lately, as you all know, and he's been trying to find ways to help me with it) he gave me a challenge: If I can get my weight down to 65 kg by my birthday, he'll buy me a Fitbit. I'm currently at 69.3, and my birthday is on the eighth of October, which means I have 3.5 months to lose 4.3 kilos--very doable.

    So, by putting it out here, I'm hoping you guys will help me stay accountable so I can win myself a Fitbit for my birthday! ;) (He'd probably buy it for me anyway, but I really want to win this challenge.)

    Your birthday is the same day as my (late) mum's.

    I got my fitbit to track my sleep, but found it really motivates me to increase my steps. Last weekend I racked up 29,007 steps one day and my SO asked me if I'd ever broken 30K... I said I hadn't... and I was seriously considering trying for another 993 steps just so I could hit 30K... even though I was exhausted.

    You can totally do this!!

    How do you get so many steps? I spent a big chunk of my day on my feet and I'm going to hit 13,000 (new personal best).

    I'm honestly really curious. Maybe I have a setting wrong or something.

    I tend to get a lot of steps, 11 or 12,000 on an average day, and usually a lot more on the weekend. We make a special effort to walk the dog every day (2 to 3 miles) on top of our normal routines and we have a goal to hike every weekend. We don't achieve that goal every weekend, but we try! The most steps I have hit was 40,000, and that was on a camping day - hiking 16 miles, setting up camp, getting firewood, etc.

    Same here..I get a lot of steps every day. Before I got sick the other week and took some days off/got lazy...I was getting around 25,000-30,000 a day. That's with my daily circuit training video, running on the treadmill, and going for two separate 3mile walks with my son. Now, I'm getting more like 15,000 for my low end...still a lot, but not compared to what I was doing. I'm actually taking today off(which is crazy for me because I hardly ever have rest days) so I will be much lower today.
    I'd love to add new Fitbit friends! Let me know if you guys start adding each other! :)
    Hope everyone has a great day.
    I'm nervous because the last 2 days were high calories for me..and I'm starving today but not doing any exercise...nervous I'm going to go over AGAIN!!
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    @kelly_c_77 I sent you a pm.

    @riderfangal how was your date?
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    My confession - now that the 170's aren't too far off I'm going to have to really watch I don't over restrict in an attempt to get their faster.

    I just have to keep reminding myself that it took me 20 years to gain this weight so as long as it's gone by next year it's good.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    I've had an interesting challenge handed to me! :)

    I've been pestering my husband and telling him that I want a Fitbit, because I think it'll motivate me to move around more so I can "win" steps and calories. ;) He thinks it's an unnecessary fitness gadget, and that I should probably just move around more by myself. :p

    So, to motivate me a little (since I've been struggling a lot lately, as you all know, and he's been trying to find ways to help me with it) he gave me a challenge: If I can get my weight down to 65 kg by my birthday, he'll buy me a Fitbit. I'm currently at 69.3, and my birthday is on the eighth of October, which means I have 3.5 months to lose 4.3 kilos--very doable.

    So, by putting it out here, I'm hoping you guys will help me stay accountable so I can win myself a Fitbit for my birthday! ;) (He'd probably buy it for me anyway, but I really want to win this challenge.)

    Your birthday is the same day as my (late) mum's.

    I got my fitbit to track my sleep, but found it really motivates me to increase my steps. Last weekend I racked up 29,007 steps one day and my SO asked me if I'd ever broken 30K... I said I hadn't... and I was seriously considering trying for another 993 steps just so I could hit 30K... even though I was exhausted.

    You can totally do this!!

    How do you get so many steps? I spent a big chunk of my day on my feet and I'm going to hit 13,000 (new personal best).

    I'm honestly really curious. Maybe I have a setting wrong or something.

    SO and I were at a car show. We walked for over 7 hours pretty much non-stop.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    3rd I my age group today at a local 5k. Won a shirt and $. Yay me!

    I think this is going to post side ways

    ETA yep sideways

    Good stuff!! Congrats!
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    I've had an interesting challenge handed to me! :)

    I've been pestering my husband and telling him that I want a Fitbit, because I think it'll motivate me to move around more so I can "win" steps and calories. ;) He thinks it's an unnecessary fitness gadget, and that I should probably just move around more by myself. :p

    So, to motivate me a little (since I've been struggling a lot lately, as you all know, and he's been trying to find ways to help me with it) he gave me a challenge: If I can get my weight down to 65 kg by my birthday, he'll buy me a Fitbit. I'm currently at 69.3, and my birthday is on the eighth of October, which means I have 3.5 months to lose 4.3 kilos--very doable.

    So, by putting it out here, I'm hoping you guys will help me stay accountable so I can win myself a Fitbit for my birthday! ;) (He'd probably buy it for me anyway, but I really want to win this challenge.)

    Oooh your birthday is the day after mine!

    Great challenge, you can really focus on the goal. Can you put notes on the cupboard doors in the kitchen to help?

    Do you have stairs to your apartment? Can you aim to walk up and down them 10 extra times a day or something?

    I love my Fitbit, I have a flex, it really motivates me to move more.

    If anyone wants to be friends on Fitbit, I'm up for that

    I sent you a pm with my email address to be friends on Fitbit. I have a flex too.

    I think I have my stride length messed up on there - almost 13,000 steps and it only gave me 2.74 miles walked.

    I think so too... 3.4 miles (my lunch hour walk) is about 7K steps. My 29K worked out to 13 miles.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member

    I think that's a great idea! I was thinking that I should post some sort of reminders around the house for when I'm feeling munchie or down, to try and keep me focused. Any suggestions for what to write? All I could think of was something like... "65 kg = Fitbit!" ;)

    Yup, I live on the top floor in a four storey apartment, so I could definitely do some stair-climbing! The neighbors might think I'm nuts, which is the only thing that has stopped me from doing that until now, but I should totally get over that...

    Put up notes that say 1 biscuit = 20 star jumps or do i need this chocolate more than I need that Fitbit? Things that are meant to make you stop and think whether you really need that food or if it's boredom binging.

    Yeah get over the neighbours, although I bet if you explained it was to increase fitness, they'd cheer you on.

    I have no idea what a star jump it, but that sounds like a good idea. :) I hope they'll work!

    This is Saudi Arabia and the middle of a big city... I can assure you that no cheering on would be done; they would just think that I'm crazy. :D

    I think the Fitbit thread is an awesome idea! Definitely motivating. :) But I won't be able to join in until my birthday. :'(
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Boo I wish I had a Fitbit so I could be friends there with y'all! I have an up24 that my dad bought for me so I guess beggars can't be choosers!

    @pofoster21 I'm right there with you trying my darnedest not to envy @mohousdon on her honeymoon with her hubby!!

    With all the wedding talk I figured I'd throw in my 2 cents. When I was engaged we were going to do the whole justice of the peace thing and then have a big reception/party and do our wedding 'registry' for our honeymoon!

    If I ever get engaged and plan to be married again, unless the in laws are footing the bill I plan on doing the same thing I wanted to before :)
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    And I totally want to be Fitbit friends with everyone in here.

    I was wondering whether people would be up for challenges, not super competitive, but things like how many steps in a day/weekend or how many calories burned in a weekend. The idea motivate and give goals, rather than be winners and.losers and.moves away from scale victories
    And not just for Fitbit not Fitbit based, although we could have.Fitbit challenges

    If anyone is interested, I'll start a thread in the bat cave

    I'll be in!! In honour of us becoming Fitbit friends and your super great step count I went for an hour walk this morning and am at 8,200 steps for the day so far.

    But if we do it in the bat cave everyone with counters can play!

    Wow, that's awesome! I didn't know that a long walk could bring you close to 10000 steps. :o I'm totally going to take advantage of that information...
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Yesterday was insanely busy for me, I did not get here at all.....

    Last night I had some serious grief bacon again, because weekends are very tense around here because of the silence between me and my SO. I am going to have to try really hard today to not binge on junk because of this stress. Stress eating is one of my biggest weaknesses. This is the third weekend in a row and I do not see it getting better any time soon......
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    12,047. I did it!!

    @riderfangal is tonight your date night?

    Good work girl!

    Yes it is date night. The nerves are starting to get to me but I have an escape all set up in case it goes badly lol

    Was it the usual 'emergency call'?

  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    I've had an interesting challenge handed to me! :)

    I've been pestering my husband and telling him that I want a Fitbit, because I think it'll motivate me to move around more so I can "win" steps and calories. ;) He thinks it's an unnecessary fitness gadget, and that I should probably just move around more by myself. :p

    So, to motivate me a little (since I've been struggling a lot lately, as you all know, and he's been trying to find ways to help me with it) he gave me a challenge: If I can get my weight down to 65 kg by my birthday, he'll buy me a Fitbit. I'm currently at 69.3, and my birthday is on the eighth of October, which means I have 3.5 months to lose 4.3 kilos--very doable.

    So, by putting it out here, I'm hoping you guys will help me stay accountable so I can win myself a Fitbit for my birthday! ;) (He'd probably buy it for me anyway, but I really want to win this challenge.)

    Oooh your birthday is the day after mine!

    Great challenge, you can really focus on the goal. Can you put notes on the cupboard doors in the kitchen to help?

    Do you have stairs to your apartment? Can you aim to walk up and down them 10 extra times a day or something?

    I love my Fitbit, I have a flex, it really motivates me to move more.

    If anyone wants to be friends on Fitbit, I'm up for that

    I sent you a pm with my email address to be friends on Fitbit. I have a flex too.

    I think I have my stride length messed up on there - almost 13,000 steps and it only gave me 2.74 miles walked.

    I think so too... 3.4 miles (my lunch hour walk) is about 7K steps. My 29K worked out to 13 miles.

    I think it might be linking to the gps in my phone. Because today I'm at over 3 miles.

    Yesterday a lot of my steps were in the cemetery and a lot of back and forth to the car to get the plants, soil etc. to plant flowers on my grandparents grave since my parents are getting a little old to do it now.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Sitting on sofa shaking and feel sick
    There was a massive spider on my living room floor. I have managed to despatch it, but I feel so ill now. Stupid phobia

    You are braver than me, my friend.....if there is a spider in my living room, I just leave.....I don't need to use the living room that badly, I have a bedroom I can hang out in, lol.
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    @Italian_Buju I'm sorry things are stressful for you right now. Sending you a hug 'cause that's all I got.
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    edited June 2015
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    And I totally want to be Fitbit friends with everyone in here.

    I was wondering whether people would be up for challenges, not super competitive, but things like how many steps in a day/weekend or how many calories burned in a weekend. The idea motivate and give goals, rather than be winners and.losers and.moves away from scale victories
    And not just for Fitbit not Fitbit based, although we could have.Fitbit challenges

    If anyone is interested, I'll start a thread in the bat cave

    I'll be in!! In honour of us becoming Fitbit friends and your super great step count I went for an hour walk this morning and am at 8,200 steps for the day so far.

    But if we do it in the bat cave everyone with counters can play!

    Wow, that's awesome! I didn't know that a long walk could bring you close to 10000 steps. :o I'm totally going to take advantage of that information...

    Before I got my Fitbit I google mapped a lot of landmarks and got the distances for them. For example, to the next sideroad and back to my house is exactly 1 mile. Then I could log my walks -if I walked there and back in 20 minutes then that was 3 mph pace.

    I know it's hot there but maybe you could figure out how long the mall is or something and use that do that you know your distance and pace.

    ETA - then you can figure out your stride length and have a good idea of how many steps you took. It's more work and math but you might find it motivating.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    I've had an interesting challenge handed to me! :)

    I've been pestering my husband and telling him that I want a Fitbit, because I think it'll motivate me to move around more so I can "win" steps and calories. ;) He thinks it's an unnecessary fitness gadget, and that I should probably just move around more by myself. :p

    So, to motivate me a little (since I've been struggling a lot lately, as you all know, and he's been trying to find ways to help me with it) he gave me a challenge: If I can get my weight down to 65 kg by my birthday, he'll buy me a Fitbit. I'm currently at 69.3, and my birthday is on the eighth of October, which means I have 3.5 months to lose 4.3 kilos--very doable.

    So, by putting it out here, I'm hoping you guys will help me stay accountable so I can win myself a Fitbit for my birthday! ;) (He'd probably buy it for me anyway, but I really want to win this challenge.)

    We'll help. When you start to struggle we'll all post Fitbit, Fitbit, Fitbit at you like a mantra.

    I love my Fitbit!

    I love mine too, I hope you get it @Susieq_1994
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    And I totally want to be Fitbit friends with everyone in here.

    I was wondering whether people would be up for challenges, not super competitive, but things like how many steps in a day/weekend or how many calories burned in a weekend. The idea motivate and give goals, rather than be winners and.losers and.moves away from scale victories
    And not just for Fitbit not Fitbit based, although we could have.Fitbit challenges

    If anyone is interested, I'll start a thread in the bat cave

    I'll be in!! In honour of us becoming Fitbit friends and your super great step count I went for an hour walk this morning and am at 8,200 steps for the day so far.

    But if we do it in the bat cave everyone with counters can play!

    Wow, that's awesome! I didn't know that a long walk could bring you close to 10000 steps. :o I'm totally going to take advantage of that information...

    Before I got my Fitbit I google mapped a lot of landmarks and got the distances for them. For example, to the next sideroad and back to my house is exactly 1 mile. Then I could log my walks -if I walked there and back in 20 minutes then that was 3 mph pace.

    I know it's hot there but maybe you could figure out how long the mall is or something and use that do that you know your distance and pace.

    I did exactly that with my outdoor walks, but I have no idea how I'd do it for mall walks! But I don't actually like to log my walks to get calories, because I'm really sedentary otherwise and I consider them as just getting in my 5000 sedentary steps, which means I'd be eating more than I'm supposed to. I have no idea how big the mall that I like to walk in is, though--I just know it's huge. O.o I wonder how I could figure THAT out...