Magnificant Mama (Closed Group) May 2011



  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    How long does it take to pump the 3 -4 oz in one sitting? (I assume you are using a double breast pump.) Which pump are you using?

    My office is moving buildings while I am on leave. I will have to go into what appears to be the locker room to pump but at least I wont have to sit in a bathroom stall to do it. I am hoping to pump about 3 times during my work day. But that also means I have to add some time to my workday which sucks. (one of the pump breaks will be my lunch break).
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi HKystar
    I came across this website a few weeks ago with info about alternative vaccinations schedules, they even list alt frielndly docs by state.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Not much new going on here. Had my Dr's appointment yesterday. I'm 1cm dilated and 50% effaced, and they did the strep test. I start going every week now. Hospital bag is packed and carseat is in the Jeep, and now we wait.....

    I would love to be a stay at home mom, but at this point it doesn't work out for us. My degree puts me into a higher income bracket at this point, since my husband's field took quite a hit with the economy. Fortunately, we are in a good enough financial situation that he will be able to stay home with the baby and be a stay at home Dad, something he is really looking forward to.

    Sheri - Ask your hubby if he has any tips for mine re: being a stay at home Dad.

    I coupon here and there, but I only get stuff that is cheaper than the off brand, and is something I will use. I do my coupon shopping at Kroger, and ours doubles up to $1. I do all of my other shopping at Aldi, I :heart: Aldi!! I do have a few things that I buy name brand, no matter the price (Kraft Miracle Whip) but I try to stock up when it's on sale. For most things, I'll buy whatever is cheapest, no matter the brand.

    Still researching vaccinations, so I'm not 100% sure what we're going to do at this point, but I'm thinking about a modified schedule.

    Had a dream last night that I was breastfeeding the baby and it was going SO WELL! Latch was perfect, not painful, it was so awesome - except for one thing - our baby was a GIRL! :noway: Not that having a girl wouldn't be awesome - I just hope she likes blue! :laugh:
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Megan – yea for summer vacation!!!

    Regina – I’m so sorry about your cat.

    Maureen – hubby and I have separate accounts as well but our savings is a joint account. We make the same amount of money to the penny so we split all the household bills equally, but neither of us wanted to get up our separate accounts. I don’t think it’s fair to make him pay my student loans (although he did pay off my car after we got married) so he always has more money than I do, but he fills my gas tank several times a month so I guess everything evens out. I don’t see anything wrong with asking your BF to pay for some baby stuff, it’s his baby too.

    Katrina – Oh I’m so sorry about the shots, poor baby.

    Lynn – you’re so close!!!! I can’t wait to see pictures of Joshua!

    I’m not sure what I’m going to do about pumping when I go back to work. I originally said I wanted to be done breast feeding by the time my maternity leave was up but now I’m not sure. My brothers ex gave me her Madela electric double pump. We normally have an empty office here that the nursing moms use to pump but right now every office is taken and I’m in a cubical so I can’t exactly pump at my desk. I was told by HR that they have to provide a space for me to pump, I just hope that “space” isn’t the bathroom. :ohwell:
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    AND on the subject vaccines, did anyone see on Fox News yesterday that in WV a judge is forcing parent to vaccinate? Some mom is suing saying it's the parents descision. She made a good argument. The APA interviewed saying it protects other children when you vaccinate, but the mom replied, if they are all vaccinated then what do they need protection from? Good point. But I know too there are some adults that haven't been being one of them, so some diseases are still around. Plus I've never had chicken pox or measles. Can you still get the measles?:embarassed:

    I think that measles is actually one of those things coming back because people assume that other people's vaccinated children will stop it from spreading so they don't need to vaccinate. Mumps is another one. Measles is more prominent right now in Africa / India etc, but because people stop vaccinating for it, it also nabs those "holes" in Europe / US population as well. There are not many cases in the US each year (only several dozen compared to hundreds of thousands before the vaccines) but they're usually in [non vaccinated] babies. I would assume that # would rise as more people potentially choose not to vaccinate.

    I have no problem with most vaccines, though I usually try not to get the "new" ones if possible. I figure overall the risks of not are higher than the risks of. Especially since there is no verified link to autism etc.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Hykstar- I am the higher earner too which is why I work instead. However I am super fortunate to work 5-1 and get lots of family time.

    Katrina- walgreens is awesome their milk and eggs usually cost less than the store. They also have bread about to expire for a buck and ours takes coupons. The other day I got 2 doz eggs a loaf of bread and allergy medicine for the boys for $9.04

    Aldi is awesome if you have one. Cheap produce and eggs here at least for $0.29! I got 15 lbs strawberries, 4 lbs blueberries, and a loaf of bread for $20 yesterday. And that was at what I consider an expensive produce price of $1.49 a lb - usually they go in the summer $0.99, but not this year with the way food prices have been! I freeze them for waffle topping / pancakes / smoothies etc.

    I don't think I have bought anything at Walgreens in YEARS. They are insanely expensive overall. Even with coupons and sales!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Ron -- I hope they can work out somewhere for you to pump that isn't the bathroom.... But, um, I WORK in HR and I'm pretty sure I'll be be pumping in the bathroom because there really isn't any other place to do it in the building. :ohwell: I've even thought about bringing my nursing cover and pumping in my car. My pump has a battery power adapter. And I think I may actually do that whenever the weather is decent enough.

    On couponing -- Basically, for couponing to really pay off you need to change the way you shop. You can't really shop for most things on an "as needed" basis and have coupons save you money. You have to pair coupons with really good sales and then stock up (in a way that makes sense for your family) and that's when the name brand stuff ends up being dirt cheap (WAY cheaper than generic at times). With couponing, I try to stock up enough to get me through the next 4-6 weeks if I can because I know by then there's going to be another sale and more coupons out for the same items. This is why those "extreme" couponers don't make any sense to me at all. They're also frustrating for those of us who coupon in a reasonable way. I have to figure out when is the best time to shop so that I can actually get the things I need that are on sale before some idiot comes in with 100 coupons for the same item and clears the shelves. It's not about what's right or wrong or legal or even ethical, it's about CONSIDERATION for others. :grumble: I'll get off my soapbox now. :laugh:
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Jamie, Katrina, and other mamas - what is the normal amount of shots given at their 2 month appointment, and what are they for? Assuming there is no modified schedule...
  • jamielangner
    jamielangner Posts: 165
    On couponing -- Basically, for couponing to really pay off you need to change the way you shop. You can't really shop for most things on an "as needed" basis and have coupons save you money. You have to pair coupons with really good sales and then stock up (in a way that makes sense for your family) and that's when the name brand stuff ends up being dirt cheap (WAY cheaper than generic at times). With couponing, I try to stock up enough to get me through the next 4-6 weeks if I can because I know by then there's going to be another sale and more coupons out for the same items. This is why those "extreme" couponers don't make any sense to me at all. They're also frustrating for those of us who coupon in a reasonable way. I have to figure out when is the best time to shop so that I can actually get the things I need that are on sale before some idiot comes in with 100 coupons for the same item and clears the shelves. It's not about what's right or wrong or legal or even ethical, it's about CONSIDERATION for others. :grumble: I'll get off my soapbox now. :laugh:
    I feel exactly the same way you do, I stopped watching the show because it makes me mad to see 200 deodorants lined up in their garages.. they can't possibly use all of that!
    Jamie, Katrina, and other mamas - what is the normal amount of shots given at their 2 month appointment, and what are they for? Assuming there is no modified schedule...
    Hayley got Hep B at the hospital so at her 2 month she got 1 oral one (Rota) and 3 shots in her leg (DTaP: Diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis vaccine, IPV: Inactivated poliovirus vaccine, PCV: Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine)
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    meokk - thanks for the post! The Dr Sears schedule is actually the one I want to go with. It means more visits for Baby S but less shots each time.
  • RFrick
    RFrick Posts: 408 Member
    I keep meaning to weigh in on the vaccine conversation and I don't think I have yet. Pardon me if I did and I'm repeating myself! :embarassed: Vaccines scare me to death because of the possibilities of autisem. I know it's not 'proven' but there's enough people out there that tell of having a perfectly normal child until the vaccines that it just makes you wonder... But, that being said, it doesn't scare me enough to do away with all of them. I talked to my Dr. about it and he said that some of the vaccines out there he just doesn't feel like are really necissary. aka: chicken pox, flu and maybe a couple others. Yea, chicken pox and the flu are miserable, but not necessarily life- threatening to a healthy child. From what I have gathered it's not so much the actual disease part of the vaccine that is harmful, but all the preservatives and extra stuff in them. (the stuff that's in anti-freeze??? really???) My Dr. feels like that in small doses you have a better chance of everything being fine. He doesn't like to give more than two vaccines at a time although I think he did give three once. If DS needed more than two at a certain age he would have me come in a couple weeks later just for the shots. A pain, yes, but worth a bit of peace of mind for me. I wish Annabelle were around for this conversation. I'm sure she would have a bit of a different view to throw in since I think I remember her saying that they choose not to vaccinate their children at all. Let's try to remember to ask her when she gets back...
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Jillian- I am a high school teacher. I would love to be a SAHM until my kids were in school but I don’t see that in the cards for us. I do get great vacations though!

    All you ladies on shots- I don’t think I will be able to take the baby to get her vaccines, I will just feel so awful. That will be very difficult.

    Couponing- I have tried it but I like to buy as needed. We don’t have tons of extra storage in our house to stock ahead of time. I think I am going to use Amazon mom for a lot of my diapers, I should probably sign up for that soon.

    Megan- I am so glad you get summer vacation now so you can stay at home with your LO a little longer!

    Bethe- Thank you for the info. After talking to a lot of people, I am much less worried about the test and the catheter. I am glad to hear it is a possibility to not have one (maybe)

    Regina- So sorry about your kitty :(

    Maureen- Let me know if you find a schedule you like! I have not put much thought into it yet.

    Jamie- I don’t know about the breast milk for Brielle- I don’t know much about it!

    Those of you who pump, How long does it take you usually? I teach so I will have a lunch hour/planning period to pump….

    Lynn- haha I keep getting worried that little Elise will come out a boy!

    Ron & others- I think I will have to pump in the bathroom at school (in the teacher’s lounge) I don’t know where else I could do it.

    When should I be looking for a pediatrician to use?

    I had a dr. apt today. It went well. I was up 4 lbs but she was very glad about that because in the last six weeks I hadn’t gained at all. I don’t know how it is possible because I throw up everything (well not everything) but she said it is all baby. Baby measured great and the HB was great. I was telling her about on corner of the bottom on my bump is the hardest and heaviest… she felt around and said it’s the babies back, she said its too soon to tell but she is fairly certain that means baby is head down.
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member

    Those of you who pump, How long does it take you usually? I teach so I will have a lunch hour/planning period to pump….

    When should I be looking for a pediatrician to use?

    I will be pumping at school too, Anne. I was worried because next year my planning and lunch is in the same hour, and that is not enough to pump once a day. I started looking up breastfeeding laws and they have to give you adequate time in order to do so. I already talked to my counselor (that who does our scheduling at my school - we are super small) and informed her of what I'd be doing. The superintendent's secretary called me the next day to see about how many time periods I would need during the day so that my classes would have coverage. You might want to go ahead and talk to someone about it, because in order to build a good supply and make sure your milk keeps coming in I think you'd need more than once a day.

    We kept meaning to talk to a ped. previously, but we didn't. I had heard great things about one, so when we went to the hospital and they asked who we were using, I wrote down her name. I knew we could change if we didn't like her afterward. She turned out being awesome!

    Thank you for the info Jamie!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I will be pumping at school too, Anne. I was worried because next year my planning and lunch is in the same hour, and that is not enough to pump once a day. I started looking up breastfeeding laws and they have to give you adequate time in order to do so. I already talked to my counselor (that who does our scheduling at my school - we are super small) and informed her of what I'd be doing. The superintendent's secretary called me the next day to see about how many time periods I would need during the day so that my classes would have coverage. You might want to go ahead and talk to someone about it, because in order to build a good supply and make sure your milk keeps coming in I think you'd need more than once a day.

    We kept meaning to talk to a ped. previously, but we didn't. I had heard great things about one, so when we went to the hospital and they asked who we were using, I wrote down her name. I knew we could change if we didn't like her afterward. She turned out being awesome!

    Thank you for the info Jamie!

    We are on block scheduling. So if my lunch and off period are back to back I will have about 2 hours. Can i pump at the start and end of that? I don't really know how it works.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    How long does it take to pump the 3 -4 oz in one sitting? (I assume you are using a double breast pump.) Which pump are you using?

    My office is moving buildings while I am on leave. I will have to go into what appears to be the locker room to pump but at least I wont have to sit in a bathroom stall to do it. I am hoping to pump about 3 times during my work day. But that also means I have to add some time to my workday which sucks. (one of the pump breaks will be my lunch break).

    It usually takes me about 5-10 mins, I got 6 oz this morning which I was completely stoked about because I only had time to pump 3 times. I have a medela double electric, it is a backpack thing so most people have no idea what I am carrying around.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm so glad the vaccination topic came up again. Ever since someone mentioned it last week I've been trying to figure out what the crap I think I want to do since we NEED to start researching and talking to pediatricians STAT. I'm liking the Dr. Sears alternative schedule and it's so much more in line with what I'm comfortable with (though I'm still not sure I'll be giving my child a Hep B vaccination -- that can be done much later at any time, IMO).

    I'm worried about all the pediatricians we've been considering because they're all on the same hospital campus as the Children's Hospital. I just have a feeling they're all very heavy into sticking with the CDC. But what I don't understand is why a pediatrician would have a problem with an alternative schedule. I'm going to be really confused and insulted if they won't even seriously consider an alternative schedule from the CDC schedule. Afterall, the result is exactly the same -- a "fully vaccinated" child.

    My #1 concern is giving so many vaccinations at once. If my baby has serious side effects, I want as narrow of a list as possible of what could have caused them. I also have a concern about how much stress so many vax at once could put on a LO's immune system. I don't think those are unreasonable or unmanageable concerns. I really hope we can find a pediatrician close to our house and near the children's hospital who agrees.
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    I will be pumping at school too, Anne. I was worried because next year my planning and lunch is in the same hour, and that is not enough to pump once a day. I started looking up breastfeeding laws and they have to give you adequate time in order to do so. I already talked to my counselor (that who does our scheduling at my school - we are super small) and informed her of what I'd be doing. The superintendent's secretary called me the next day to see about how many time periods I would need during the day so that my classes would have coverage. You might want to go ahead and talk to someone about it, because in order to build a good supply and make sure your milk keeps coming in I think you'd need more than once a day.

    We kept meaning to talk to a ped. previously, but we didn't. I had heard great things about one, so when we went to the hospital and they asked who we were using, I wrote down her name. I knew we could change if we didn't like her afterward. She turned out being awesome!

    Thank you for the info Jamie!

    We are on block scheduling. So if my lunch and off period are back to back I will have about 2 hours. Can i pump at the start and end of that? I don't really know how it works.

    Ideally you would want to pump on the same schedule that your LO eats, which for me is about every 3 hours. So when I was at school the other day I pumped at 8:30, 11:30, and 2:30. If you still plan on nursing on the weekends, during vacation and such I would make such your supply is there when your baby nurses. Of course I'm new at this too, so someone else may know a little more than I do. I just know that the more you nurse/pump, the more milk you have (or a more stable supply), the less you nurse/pump the quicker your milk will dry up.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Lynn- I’ll have to get a straight answer out of him on that. I do know that being a stay at home parent is much more difficult than going to work. Your job never ends and there are no sick or vacation days. And yeah in your dream breastfeeding was perfect, IMO it starts out pretty easy, gets difficult and gets easy again. With my other 2 I gave up when it got difficult but this time around I stuck to it and I LOVE breastfeeding. And I cant believe Joshua can come any day now.

    Ron- Don’t worry about it right now, a lot can change between now and then and maybe a spot will open up. I actually had to pump in the bathroom today because I had our full charge bookkeeper there. She comes in on payroll days since she processes the checks and does all of the taxes. I guess I will have to learn to do so once every two weeks. It really wasn’t that bad.

    Mel- I agree with the vaccines, I always ask questions of anything I’m not sure about. I LOVE my pediatrician because he spends time answering all of our questions and doesn’t just rush us in and out. Ummm strawberries, they have been in horrible condition that last few times I looked, I can’t wait to make strawberry pie! Maybe not all Walgreens are alike, we usually are able to get free toothpaste, super cheap medications, tissue, ect.

    Julie- Not sure that pumping in your car is a real good idea, you have to wash the breast shields and that wouldn’t be a whole lot of fun bringing them in to wash, especially since you’ll most likely drip milk. And then not to mention having to store the milk, I bought a mini fridge to keep in my office so I don’t creep anyone out.

    Regina- I was not very informed with my other kids but after an autism scare with my 4 year old I looked into it a lot and asked tons of questions. My coworker said that thimerosal is the additive that can cause harm and that you can ask your doctor for thimerosal free vaccines. We did that last year when we got the flu shot which I am against and will never do again.

    Anne- Yay for a good appointment, pumping does not take me long at all. You just have to have a good double electric pump. I am a wuss about shots for the kids and have always made hubby be the “bad guy” and hold them while the shots were being given then I baby them. I never had to look for a pediatrician, we belong to Kaiser so one was assigned to us when our first was born. I guess we lucked out because whenever we have to see anyone else it just is not the same. Ours doesn’t accept new patients because he is the best hahaha. Your girls will want relief and you will be uncomfortably full if you only pump 2 times in 2 hours the whole day. You HAVE to be given time to pump, I have not looked into how much time but then again my job is flexible.

    Megan- I try to do it every 2-3 hours because she eats every 2-3 plus I spend about and hour on the road a day so I know more or less that I need 12 oz a day. The one thing I have learned is that you breast will continue to produce for baby so if I come home from work and she has already eaten I will pump and then feed her at her next feeding, even if it is just 30-60 mins after. She has never seemed fussy and I see that she is getting it, I think that the pump does the job but not as well as baby so baby will always get more

    I did ask hubby about alternative schedule he feels that it is not necessary, it is just prolonging the pain the baby goes through. I do plan on getting as many vaccines thimerosal free as possible and avoid the flu shot, I think that you have to do your research and have a discussion with your pediatrician before your mind can be completely made up. Lots of people do not give chicken pox vaccine but I do vaccinate against it, just because it may not harm you while youre young and healthy doesnt mean it wont harm you later in life. The one thing I never had to think about was that HPV vaccine for girls, now I have something that I have to look into, I guess I have plenty of time to make up my mind on that since I think they give it around age 12
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    Bf is willing to go with the alternative schedule I laid out. He understands my reasoning and it makes perfect sense to him. I want her vaccinated but like Julie my concern was how many shots we give her. I wouldnt wanna be given like 4 shots in one sitting and I am a full grown adult. Why would I want to put her through that? And also if there is an allergic reaction, how would we know which shot caused it?

    (that is just my opinion and based on what I read and what I decided was best for me - vaccinations are a sensative topic with some people and i dont want to come across as bashing anyone else's decision - I respect every parents choice for themselves!)
    That is the schedule I have found. I like it but also want to use it as the site suggests a tool for open discussion with the dr (in addition to seeing the vaccination requirements of the daycare).
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Totally understandable, me and my friend use the same dr and she does selective vaccination so he is open. Just keep looking until you find a dr that will work with u. There are lots