3 Exercises For A Strong/Aesthetic Physique



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    jmule24 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    brower47 wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    gtmfitness wrote: »
    Wow......After coming back to my computer I did not expect to see so many notifications.

    And I already guessed it....90% of them are saying to squat.

    Listen......I used to squat. A lot actually.

    The most I have ever squatted was 350lbs for 2 reps. Is that breaking records? No of course not. But I was happy with it at the time.

    But when I looked in the mirror I was not happy with that I saw.

    skipping to the point...

    My legs were too big....IN MY OPINION goodness I can't even express my own opinion here.

    Anyway they:

    chaffed together
    I had stretch marks on my hips, thighs, and butt
    I looked funny in nice jeans or dress pants

    I didn't like it and had the damn courage to chill on squats even though "everyone" says to do them
    They are a fantastic exercise for adding leg mass. I am not denying that.

    But I see fitness as a tool to enhance my life. So I am going to use the exercises I know will produce the body I want. Shoot I only train 3 hours a week haha. (can't wait to hear the comments on this one!)

    I am not training for bodybuilding....I am not training for a physique competition. I train to be strong, look good, and in a way that does not interfere with my lifestyle. Because I would much rather be doing other things than living in the gym or kitchen.

    Okay sparky- the big problem is is that you came in here trying to give advice to people on stuff- and the reality is you kind of gave shoddy advice and purposefully chose to move away from an exercise (god lord why i have no idea but whatever to each their own) but to blatantly just disregard your ENTIRE lower body in your "3 exercises for a strong aesthetic physique" post- is ridiculous.

    70% of your mass is made up in "lower body" (meaning legs and trunk) which are effectively and efficiently trained by squats and deads.

    Secondly to come in here and say- well it's for males not for females- that's *kitten* sexist and ignorant.

    No one gives a crap how long you train- Honestly: 3 x 60 min sessions is MORE than adequate for someone who has a decent base- so you're over thinking our estimation of what is required to maintain a body. Did I mention no one gives a crap about that?

    But you can't just stroll in and give off the cuff highly sexists advise because YOU have chosen to ignore your lower body- that's BAD.

    I do almost NO direct upper body work and I have a solid lat spread-big 3 have done a really great job for that and selecting over all exercise instead of isolations has served me well.

    Teaching newbs big compound lifts and steering them away from complicated unnecessary for them isolations is generally better than telling them to avoid all lower body.

    And finally- I effing HATE when guys go- squats and nice a$$es are for girls. seriously- it's stupid.


    (edit- for spelling and things)

    I think this might have struck a nerve. Well said. Only, do you have something against pancakes? :#

    LOL No, pancakes are delicious!!!! (especially with big ripe blueberries in them!!!!
    But they belong on my plate and I want to eat them. Pancake *kitten*- do not want on my plate and I do not want to eat them. It was funny- I was at my old gym once- and these two gangly teenagers were complaining about squats and I was literally right there and I was like WHY- squats are great. And they were like not really... 'but- butts are great' - nah- that's for girls.
    I just looked at them- here a woman way out of their "league" if you will was telling them she liked a nice *kitten* and they were disagreeing with me!!! I was like DUDE THIS IS LIFE ADVISE HERE!!! HOW YOU GONNA IGNORE THE HOT GIRL TELLING YOU WHAT SHE LIKES!!!!

    I want to be able to slap a nice *kitten* too. why is that a guy only thing?!?!?! :( pout pout
    I'm going to start a group I think- He Squats Bro- so I can fully objectify and oogle man butt- because a good perky squat man butt is a beautiful thing.

    Why so much flat butt shaming? Why do so many people think they can speak for the majority?

    'Most women don't like pancake assses,' sounds an awful lot like, "most men prefer curves to bones.'

    The word 'bones' is used to disparage thin women just as 'pancake' was used by you to disparage men with less developed or genetically smaller Hineys. OP was full of bad info and needed correcting (which you did nicely early on) but there's no reason to swing that big sword of self righteousness and wind up cutting far more people than just your intended target.

    you must be a blast at parties...

    The horse in which she rode in on, is quite too high for her to descend from........

    Why because she has an opinion different to yours. How dare she

    go back and read the previous four pages...
  • jmule24
    jmule24 Posts: 1,382 Member
    jmule24 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    brower47 wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    gtmfitness wrote: »
    Wow......After coming back to my computer I did not expect to see so many notifications.

    And I already guessed it....90% of them are saying to squat.

    Listen......I used to squat. A lot actually.

    The most I have ever squatted was 350lbs for 2 reps. Is that breaking records? No of course not. But I was happy with it at the time.

    But when I looked in the mirror I was not happy with that I saw.

    skipping to the point...

    My legs were too big....IN MY OPINION goodness I can't even express my own opinion here.

    Anyway they:

    chaffed together
    I had stretch marks on my hips, thighs, and butt
    I looked funny in nice jeans or dress pants

    I didn't like it and had the damn courage to chill on squats even though "everyone" says to do them
    They are a fantastic exercise for adding leg mass. I am not denying that.

    But I see fitness as a tool to enhance my life. So I am going to use the exercises I know will produce the body I want. Shoot I only train 3 hours a week haha. (can't wait to hear the comments on this one!)

    I am not training for bodybuilding....I am not training for a physique competition. I train to be strong, look good, and in a way that does not interfere with my lifestyle. Because I would much rather be doing other things than living in the gym or kitchen.

    Okay sparky- the big problem is is that you came in here trying to give advice to people on stuff- and the reality is you kind of gave shoddy advice and purposefully chose to move away from an exercise (god lord why i have no idea but whatever to each their own) but to blatantly just disregard your ENTIRE lower body in your "3 exercises for a strong aesthetic physique" post- is ridiculous.

    70% of your mass is made up in "lower body" (meaning legs and trunk) which are effectively and efficiently trained by squats and deads.

    Secondly to come in here and say- well it's for males not for females- that's *kitten* sexist and ignorant.

    No one gives a crap how long you train- Honestly: 3 x 60 min sessions is MORE than adequate for someone who has a decent base- so you're over thinking our estimation of what is required to maintain a body. Did I mention no one gives a crap about that?

    But you can't just stroll in and give off the cuff highly sexists advise because YOU have chosen to ignore your lower body- that's BAD.

    I do almost NO direct upper body work and I have a solid lat spread-big 3 have done a really great job for that and selecting over all exercise instead of isolations has served me well.

    Teaching newbs big compound lifts and steering them away from complicated unnecessary for them isolations is generally better than telling them to avoid all lower body.

    And finally- I effing HATE when guys go- squats and nice a$$es are for girls. seriously- it's stupid.


    (edit- for spelling and things)

    I think this might have struck a nerve. Well said. Only, do you have something against pancakes? :#

    LOL No, pancakes are delicious!!!! (especially with big ripe blueberries in them!!!!
    But they belong on my plate and I want to eat them. Pancake *kitten*- do not want on my plate and I do not want to eat them. It was funny- I was at my old gym once- and these two gangly teenagers were complaining about squats and I was literally right there and I was like WHY- squats are great. And they were like not really... 'but- butts are great' - nah- that's for girls.
    I just looked at them- here a woman way out of their "league" if you will was telling them she liked a nice *kitten* and they were disagreeing with me!!! I was like DUDE THIS IS LIFE ADVISE HERE!!! HOW YOU GONNA IGNORE THE HOT GIRL TELLING YOU WHAT SHE LIKES!!!!

    I want to be able to slap a nice *kitten* too. why is that a guy only thing?!?!?! :( pout pout
    I'm going to start a group I think- He Squats Bro- so I can fully objectify and oogle man butt- because a good perky squat man butt is a beautiful thing.

    Why so much flat butt shaming? Why do so many people think they can speak for the majority?

    'Most women don't like pancake assses,' sounds an awful lot like, "most men prefer curves to bones.'

    The word 'bones' is used to disparage thin women just as 'pancake' was used by you to disparage men with less developed or genetically smaller Hineys. OP was full of bad info and needed correcting (which you did nicely early on) but there's no reason to swing that big sword of self righteousness and wind up cutting far more people than just your intended target.

    you must be a blast at parties...

    The horse in which she rode in on, is quite too high for her to descend from........

    Why because she has an opinion different to yours. How dare she

    Nope, she's entitled to her opinion as am I. The way in which she is parading around this thread is something to be desired by many........

    I see her white knight has come to rescue her!!!
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,261 Member
    jmule24 wrote: »
    jmule24 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    brower47 wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    gtmfitness wrote: »
    Wow......After coming back to my computer I did not expect to see so many notifications.

    And I already guessed it....90% of them are saying to squat.

    Listen......I used to squat. A lot actually.

    The most I have ever squatted was 350lbs for 2 reps. Is that breaking records? No of course not. But I was happy with it at the time.

    But when I looked in the mirror I was not happy with that I saw.

    skipping to the point...

    My legs were too big....IN MY OPINION goodness I can't even express my own opinion here.

    Anyway they:

    chaffed together
    I had stretch marks on my hips, thighs, and butt
    I looked funny in nice jeans or dress pants

    I didn't like it and had the damn courage to chill on squats even though "everyone" says to do them
    They are a fantastic exercise for adding leg mass. I am not denying that.

    But I see fitness as a tool to enhance my life. So I am going to use the exercises I know will produce the body I want. Shoot I only train 3 hours a week haha. (can't wait to hear the comments on this one!)

    I am not training for bodybuilding....I am not training for a physique competition. I train to be strong, look good, and in a way that does not interfere with my lifestyle. Because I would much rather be doing other things than living in the gym or kitchen.

    Okay sparky- the big problem is is that you came in here trying to give advice to people on stuff- and the reality is you kind of gave shoddy advice and purposefully chose to move away from an exercise (god lord why i have no idea but whatever to each their own) but to blatantly just disregard your ENTIRE lower body in your "3 exercises for a strong aesthetic physique" post- is ridiculous.

    70% of your mass is made up in "lower body" (meaning legs and trunk) which are effectively and efficiently trained by squats and deads.

    Secondly to come in here and say- well it's for males not for females- that's *kitten* sexist and ignorant.

    No one gives a crap how long you train- Honestly: 3 x 60 min sessions is MORE than adequate for someone who has a decent base- so you're over thinking our estimation of what is required to maintain a body. Did I mention no one gives a crap about that?

    But you can't just stroll in and give off the cuff highly sexists advise because YOU have chosen to ignore your lower body- that's BAD.

    I do almost NO direct upper body work and I have a solid lat spread-big 3 have done a really great job for that and selecting over all exercise instead of isolations has served me well.

    Teaching newbs big compound lifts and steering them away from complicated unnecessary for them isolations is generally better than telling them to avoid all lower body.

    And finally- I effing HATE when guys go- squats and nice a$$es are for girls. seriously- it's stupid.


    (edit- for spelling and things)

    I think this might have struck a nerve. Well said. Only, do you have something against pancakes? :#

    LOL No, pancakes are delicious!!!! (especially with big ripe blueberries in them!!!!
    But they belong on my plate and I want to eat them. Pancake *kitten*- do not want on my plate and I do not want to eat them. It was funny- I was at my old gym once- and these two gangly teenagers were complaining about squats and I was literally right there and I was like WHY- squats are great. And they were like not really... 'but- butts are great' - nah- that's for girls.
    I just looked at them- here a woman way out of their "league" if you will was telling them she liked a nice *kitten* and they were disagreeing with me!!! I was like DUDE THIS IS LIFE ADVISE HERE!!! HOW YOU GONNA IGNORE THE HOT GIRL TELLING YOU WHAT SHE LIKES!!!!

    I want to be able to slap a nice *kitten* too. why is that a guy only thing?!?!?! :( pout pout
    I'm going to start a group I think- He Squats Bro- so I can fully objectify and oogle man butt- because a good perky squat man butt is a beautiful thing.

    Why so much flat butt shaming? Why do so many people think they can speak for the majority?

    'Most women don't like pancake assses,' sounds an awful lot like, "most men prefer curves to bones.'

    The word 'bones' is used to disparage thin women just as 'pancake' was used by you to disparage men with less developed or genetically smaller Hineys. OP was full of bad info and needed correcting (which you did nicely early on) but there's no reason to swing that big sword of self righteousness and wind up cutting far more people than just your intended target.

    you must be a blast at parties...

    The horse in which she rode in on, is quite too high for her to descend from........

    Why because she has an opinion different to yours. How dare she

    Nope, she's entitled to her opinion as am I. The way in which she is parading around this thread is something to be desired by many........

    I see her white knight has come to rescue her!!!
    I am not white
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    jmule24 wrote: »
    jmule24 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    brower47 wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    gtmfitness wrote: »
    Wow......After coming back to my computer I did not expect to see so many notifications.

    And I already guessed it....90% of them are saying to squat.

    Listen......I used to squat. A lot actually.

    The most I have ever squatted was 350lbs for 2 reps. Is that breaking records? No of course not. But I was happy with it at the time.

    But when I looked in the mirror I was not happy with that I saw.

    skipping to the point...

    My legs were too big....IN MY OPINION goodness I can't even express my own opinion here.

    Anyway they:

    chaffed together
    I had stretch marks on my hips, thighs, and butt
    I looked funny in nice jeans or dress pants

    I didn't like it and had the damn courage to chill on squats even though "everyone" says to do them
    They are a fantastic exercise for adding leg mass. I am not denying that.

    But I see fitness as a tool to enhance my life. So I am going to use the exercises I know will produce the body I want. Shoot I only train 3 hours a week haha. (can't wait to hear the comments on this one!)

    I am not training for bodybuilding....I am not training for a physique competition. I train to be strong, look good, and in a way that does not interfere with my lifestyle. Because I would much rather be doing other things than living in the gym or kitchen.

    Okay sparky- the big problem is is that you came in here trying to give advice to people on stuff- and the reality is you kind of gave shoddy advice and purposefully chose to move away from an exercise (god lord why i have no idea but whatever to each their own) but to blatantly just disregard your ENTIRE lower body in your "3 exercises for a strong aesthetic physique" post- is ridiculous.

    70% of your mass is made up in "lower body" (meaning legs and trunk) which are effectively and efficiently trained by squats and deads.

    Secondly to come in here and say- well it's for males not for females- that's *kitten* sexist and ignorant.

    No one gives a crap how long you train- Honestly: 3 x 60 min sessions is MORE than adequate for someone who has a decent base- so you're over thinking our estimation of what is required to maintain a body. Did I mention no one gives a crap about that?

    But you can't just stroll in and give off the cuff highly sexists advise because YOU have chosen to ignore your lower body- that's BAD.

    I do almost NO direct upper body work and I have a solid lat spread-big 3 have done a really great job for that and selecting over all exercise instead of isolations has served me well.

    Teaching newbs big compound lifts and steering them away from complicated unnecessary for them isolations is generally better than telling them to avoid all lower body.

    And finally- I effing HATE when guys go- squats and nice a$$es are for girls. seriously- it's stupid.


    (edit- for spelling and things)

    I think this might have struck a nerve. Well said. Only, do you have something against pancakes? :#

    LOL No, pancakes are delicious!!!! (especially with big ripe blueberries in them!!!!
    But they belong on my plate and I want to eat them. Pancake *kitten*- do not want on my plate and I do not want to eat them. It was funny- I was at my old gym once- and these two gangly teenagers were complaining about squats and I was literally right there and I was like WHY- squats are great. And they were like not really... 'but- butts are great' - nah- that's for girls.
    I just looked at them- here a woman way out of their "league" if you will was telling them she liked a nice *kitten* and they were disagreeing with me!!! I was like DUDE THIS IS LIFE ADVISE HERE!!! HOW YOU GONNA IGNORE THE HOT GIRL TELLING YOU WHAT SHE LIKES!!!!

    I want to be able to slap a nice *kitten* too. why is that a guy only thing?!?!?! :( pout pout
    I'm going to start a group I think- He Squats Bro- so I can fully objectify and oogle man butt- because a good perky squat man butt is a beautiful thing.

    Why so much flat butt shaming? Why do so many people think they can speak for the majority?

    'Most women don't like pancake assses,' sounds an awful lot like, "most men prefer curves to bones.'

    The word 'bones' is used to disparage thin women just as 'pancake' was used by you to disparage men with less developed or genetically smaller Hineys. OP was full of bad info and needed correcting (which you did nicely early on) but there's no reason to swing that big sword of self righteousness and wind up cutting far more people than just your intended target.

    you must be a blast at parties...

    The horse in which she rode in on, is quite too high for her to descend from........

    Why because she has an opinion different to yours. How dare she

    Nope, she's entitled to her opinion as am I. The way in which she is parading around this thread is something to be desired by many........

    I see her white knight has come to rescue her!!!

    She has been very entertaining though.

  • jmule24
    jmule24 Posts: 1,382 Member
    jmule24 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    brower47 wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    gtmfitness wrote: »
    Wow......After coming back to my computer I did not expect to see so many notifications.

    And I already guessed it....90% of them are saying to squat.

    Listen......I used to squat. A lot actually.

    The most I have ever squatted was 350lbs for 2 reps. Is that breaking records? No of course not. But I was happy with it at the time.

    But when I looked in the mirror I was not happy with that I saw.

    skipping to the point...

    My legs were too big....IN MY OPINION goodness I can't even express my own opinion here.

    Anyway they:

    chaffed together
    I had stretch marks on my hips, thighs, and butt
    I looked funny in nice jeans or dress pants

    I didn't like it and had the damn courage to chill on squats even though "everyone" says to do them
    They are a fantastic exercise for adding leg mass. I am not denying that.

    But I see fitness as a tool to enhance my life. So I am going to use the exercises I know will produce the body I want. Shoot I only train 3 hours a week haha. (can't wait to hear the comments on this one!)

    I am not training for bodybuilding....I am not training for a physique competition. I train to be strong, look good, and in a way that does not interfere with my lifestyle. Because I would much rather be doing other things than living in the gym or kitchen.

    Okay sparky- the big problem is is that you came in here trying to give advice to people on stuff- and the reality is you kind of gave shoddy advice and purposefully chose to move away from an exercise (god lord why i have no idea but whatever to each their own) but to blatantly just disregard your ENTIRE lower body in your "3 exercises for a strong aesthetic physique" post- is ridiculous.

    70% of your mass is made up in "lower body" (meaning legs and trunk) which are effectively and efficiently trained by squats and deads.

    Secondly to come in here and say- well it's for males not for females- that's *kitten* sexist and ignorant.

    No one gives a crap how long you train- Honestly: 3 x 60 min sessions is MORE than adequate for someone who has a decent base- so you're over thinking our estimation of what is required to maintain a body. Did I mention no one gives a crap about that?

    But you can't just stroll in and give off the cuff highly sexists advise because YOU have chosen to ignore your lower body- that's BAD.

    I do almost NO direct upper body work and I have a solid lat spread-big 3 have done a really great job for that and selecting over all exercise instead of isolations has served me well.

    Teaching newbs big compound lifts and steering them away from complicated unnecessary for them isolations is generally better than telling them to avoid all lower body.

    And finally- I effing HATE when guys go- squats and nice a$$es are for girls. seriously- it's stupid.


    (edit- for spelling and things)

    I think this might have struck a nerve. Well said. Only, do you have something against pancakes? :#

    LOL No, pancakes are delicious!!!! (especially with big ripe blueberries in them!!!!
    But they belong on my plate and I want to eat them. Pancake *kitten*- do not want on my plate and I do not want to eat them. It was funny- I was at my old gym once- and these two gangly teenagers were complaining about squats and I was literally right there and I was like WHY- squats are great. And they were like not really... 'but- butts are great' - nah- that's for girls.
    I just looked at them- here a woman way out of their "league" if you will was telling them she liked a nice *kitten* and they were disagreeing with me!!! I was like DUDE THIS IS LIFE ADVISE HERE!!! HOW YOU GONNA IGNORE THE HOT GIRL TELLING YOU WHAT SHE LIKES!!!!

    I want to be able to slap a nice *kitten* too. why is that a guy only thing?!?!?! :( pout pout
    I'm going to start a group I think- He Squats Bro- so I can fully objectify and oogle man butt- because a good perky squat man butt is a beautiful thing.

    Why so much flat butt shaming? Why do so many people think they can speak for the majority?

    'Most women don't like pancake assses,' sounds an awful lot like, "most men prefer curves to bones.'

    The word 'bones' is used to disparage thin women just as 'pancake' was used by you to disparage men with less developed or genetically smaller Hineys. OP was full of bad info and needed correcting (which you did nicely early on) but there's no reason to swing that big sword of self righteousness and wind up cutting far more people than just your intended target.

    you must be a blast at parties...

    The horse in which she rode in on, is quite too high for her to descend from........

    Why because she has an opinion different to yours. How dare she

    But....for curiousity sake..... Do you squat? Do find men attractive who have a flat rear end? Or do you prefer some meat to grab on to?
  • jmule24
    jmule24 Posts: 1,382 Member
    jmule24 wrote: »
    jmule24 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    brower47 wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    gtmfitness wrote: »
    Wow......After coming back to my computer I did not expect to see so many notifications.

    And I already guessed it....90% of them are saying to squat.

    Listen......I used to squat. A lot actually.

    The most I have ever squatted was 350lbs for 2 reps. Is that breaking records? No of course not. But I was happy with it at the time.

    But when I looked in the mirror I was not happy with that I saw.

    skipping to the point...

    My legs were too big....IN MY OPINION goodness I can't even express my own opinion here.

    Anyway they:

    chaffed together
    I had stretch marks on my hips, thighs, and butt
    I looked funny in nice jeans or dress pants

    I didn't like it and had the damn courage to chill on squats even though "everyone" says to do them
    They are a fantastic exercise for adding leg mass. I am not denying that.

    But I see fitness as a tool to enhance my life. So I am going to use the exercises I know will produce the body I want. Shoot I only train 3 hours a week haha. (can't wait to hear the comments on this one!)

    I am not training for bodybuilding....I am not training for a physique competition. I train to be strong, look good, and in a way that does not interfere with my lifestyle. Because I would much rather be doing other things than living in the gym or kitchen.

    Okay sparky- the big problem is is that you came in here trying to give advice to people on stuff- and the reality is you kind of gave shoddy advice and purposefully chose to move away from an exercise (god lord why i have no idea but whatever to each their own) but to blatantly just disregard your ENTIRE lower body in your "3 exercises for a strong aesthetic physique" post- is ridiculous.

    70% of your mass is made up in "lower body" (meaning legs and trunk) which are effectively and efficiently trained by squats and deads.

    Secondly to come in here and say- well it's for males not for females- that's *kitten* sexist and ignorant.

    No one gives a crap how long you train- Honestly: 3 x 60 min sessions is MORE than adequate for someone who has a decent base- so you're over thinking our estimation of what is required to maintain a body. Did I mention no one gives a crap about that?

    But you can't just stroll in and give off the cuff highly sexists advise because YOU have chosen to ignore your lower body- that's BAD.

    I do almost NO direct upper body work and I have a solid lat spread-big 3 have done a really great job for that and selecting over all exercise instead of isolations has served me well.

    Teaching newbs big compound lifts and steering them away from complicated unnecessary for them isolations is generally better than telling them to avoid all lower body.

    And finally- I effing HATE when guys go- squats and nice a$$es are for girls. seriously- it's stupid.


    (edit- for spelling and things)

    I think this might have struck a nerve. Well said. Only, do you have something against pancakes? :#

    LOL No, pancakes are delicious!!!! (especially with big ripe blueberries in them!!!!
    But they belong on my plate and I want to eat them. Pancake *kitten*- do not want on my plate and I do not want to eat them. It was funny- I was at my old gym once- and these two gangly teenagers were complaining about squats and I was literally right there and I was like WHY- squats are great. And they were like not really... 'but- butts are great' - nah- that's for girls.
    I just looked at them- here a woman way out of their "league" if you will was telling them she liked a nice *kitten* and they were disagreeing with me!!! I was like DUDE THIS IS LIFE ADVISE HERE!!! HOW YOU GONNA IGNORE THE HOT GIRL TELLING YOU WHAT SHE LIKES!!!!

    I want to be able to slap a nice *kitten* too. why is that a guy only thing?!?!?! :( pout pout
    I'm going to start a group I think- He Squats Bro- so I can fully objectify and oogle man butt- because a good perky squat man butt is a beautiful thing.

    Why so much flat butt shaming? Why do so many people think they can speak for the majority?

    'Most women don't like pancake assses,' sounds an awful lot like, "most men prefer curves to bones.'

    The word 'bones' is used to disparage thin women just as 'pancake' was used by you to disparage men with less developed or genetically smaller Hineys. OP was full of bad info and needed correcting (which you did nicely early on) but there's no reason to swing that big sword of self righteousness and wind up cutting far more people than just your intended target.

    you must be a blast at parties...

    The horse in which she rode in on, is quite too high for her to descend from........

    Why because she has an opinion different to yours. How dare she

    Nope, she's entitled to her opinion as am I. The way in which she is parading around this thread is something to be desired by many........

    I see her white knight has come to rescue her!!!
    I am not white

    Oyyyyy........please read the community guidelines if you're unsure of what one is.....

  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    jmule24 wrote: »
    jmule24 wrote: »
    jmule24 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    brower47 wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    gtmfitness wrote: »
    Wow......After coming back to my computer I did not expect to see so many notifications.

    And I already guessed it....90% of them are saying to squat.

    Listen......I used to squat. A lot actually.

    The most I have ever squatted was 350lbs for 2 reps. Is that breaking records? No of course not. But I was happy with it at the time.

    But when I looked in the mirror I was not happy with that I saw.

    skipping to the point...

    My legs were too big....IN MY OPINION goodness I can't even express my own opinion here.

    Anyway they:

    chaffed together
    I had stretch marks on my hips, thighs, and butt
    I looked funny in nice jeans or dress pants

    I didn't like it and had the damn courage to chill on squats even though "everyone" says to do them
    They are a fantastic exercise for adding leg mass. I am not denying that.

    But I see fitness as a tool to enhance my life. So I am going to use the exercises I know will produce the body I want. Shoot I only train 3 hours a week haha. (can't wait to hear the comments on this one!)

    I am not training for bodybuilding....I am not training for a physique competition. I train to be strong, look good, and in a way that does not interfere with my lifestyle. Because I would much rather be doing other things than living in the gym or kitchen.

    Okay sparky- the big problem is is that you came in here trying to give advice to people on stuff- and the reality is you kind of gave shoddy advice and purposefully chose to move away from an exercise (god lord why i have no idea but whatever to each their own) but to blatantly just disregard your ENTIRE lower body in your "3 exercises for a strong aesthetic physique" post- is ridiculous.

    70% of your mass is made up in "lower body" (meaning legs and trunk) which are effectively and efficiently trained by squats and deads.

    Secondly to come in here and say- well it's for males not for females- that's *kitten* sexist and ignorant.

    No one gives a crap how long you train- Honestly: 3 x 60 min sessions is MORE than adequate for someone who has a decent base- so you're over thinking our estimation of what is required to maintain a body. Did I mention no one gives a crap about that?

    But you can't just stroll in and give off the cuff highly sexists advise because YOU have chosen to ignore your lower body- that's BAD.

    I do almost NO direct upper body work and I have a solid lat spread-big 3 have done a really great job for that and selecting over all exercise instead of isolations has served me well.

    Teaching newbs big compound lifts and steering them away from complicated unnecessary for them isolations is generally better than telling them to avoid all lower body.

    And finally- I effing HATE when guys go- squats and nice a$$es are for girls. seriously- it's stupid.


    (edit- for spelling and things)

    I think this might have struck a nerve. Well said. Only, do you have something against pancakes? :#

    LOL No, pancakes are delicious!!!! (especially with big ripe blueberries in them!!!!
    But they belong on my plate and I want to eat them. Pancake *kitten*- do not want on my plate and I do not want to eat them. It was funny- I was at my old gym once- and these two gangly teenagers were complaining about squats and I was literally right there and I was like WHY- squats are great. And they were like not really... 'but- butts are great' - nah- that's for girls.
    I just looked at them- here a woman way out of their "league" if you will was telling them she liked a nice *kitten* and they were disagreeing with me!!! I was like DUDE THIS IS LIFE ADVISE HERE!!! HOW YOU GONNA IGNORE THE HOT GIRL TELLING YOU WHAT SHE LIKES!!!!

    I want to be able to slap a nice *kitten* too. why is that a guy only thing?!?!?! :( pout pout
    I'm going to start a group I think- He Squats Bro- so I can fully objectify and oogle man butt- because a good perky squat man butt is a beautiful thing.

    Why so much flat butt shaming? Why do so many people think they can speak for the majority?

    'Most women don't like pancake assses,' sounds an awful lot like, "most men prefer curves to bones.'

    The word 'bones' is used to disparage thin women just as 'pancake' was used by you to disparage men with less developed or genetically smaller Hineys. OP was full of bad info and needed correcting (which you did nicely early on) but there's no reason to swing that big sword of self righteousness and wind up cutting far more people than just your intended target.

    you must be a blast at parties...

    The horse in which she rode in on, is quite too high for her to descend from........

    Why because she has an opinion different to yours. How dare she

    Nope, she's entitled to her opinion as am I. The way in which she is parading around this thread is something to be desired by many........

    I see her white knight has come to rescue her!!!
    I am not white

    Oyyyyy........please read the community guidelines if you're unsure of what one is.....

    LOL I cannot believe she said I am not white. Where was the word knight that follows the word white?

  • myfelinepal
    myfelinepal Posts: 13,000 Member
    jmule24 wrote: »
    jmule24 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    brower47 wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    gtmfitness wrote: »
    Wow......After coming back to my computer I did not expect to see so many notifications.

    And I already guessed it....90% of them are saying to squat.

    Listen......I used to squat. A lot actually.

    The most I have ever squatted was 350lbs for 2 reps. Is that breaking records? No of course not. But I was happy with it at the time.

    But when I looked in the mirror I was not happy with that I saw.

    skipping to the point...

    My legs were too big....IN MY OPINION goodness I can't even express my own opinion here.

    Anyway they:

    chaffed together
    I had stretch marks on my hips, thighs, and butt
    I looked funny in nice jeans or dress pants

    I didn't like it and had the damn courage to chill on squats even though "everyone" says to do them
    They are a fantastic exercise for adding leg mass. I am not denying that.

    But I see fitness as a tool to enhance my life. So I am going to use the exercises I know will produce the body I want. Shoot I only train 3 hours a week haha. (can't wait to hear the comments on this one!)

    I am not training for bodybuilding....I am not training for a physique competition. I train to be strong, look good, and in a way that does not interfere with my lifestyle. Because I would much rather be doing other things than living in the gym or kitchen.

    Okay sparky- the big problem is is that you came in here trying to give advice to people on stuff- and the reality is you kind of gave shoddy advice and purposefully chose to move away from an exercise (god lord why i have no idea but whatever to each their own) but to blatantly just disregard your ENTIRE lower body in your "3 exercises for a strong aesthetic physique" post- is ridiculous.

    70% of your mass is made up in "lower body" (meaning legs and trunk) which are effectively and efficiently trained by squats and deads.

    Secondly to come in here and say- well it's for males not for females- that's *kitten* sexist and ignorant.

    No one gives a crap how long you train- Honestly: 3 x 60 min sessions is MORE than adequate for someone who has a decent base- so you're over thinking our estimation of what is required to maintain a body. Did I mention no one gives a crap about that?

    But you can't just stroll in and give off the cuff highly sexists advise because YOU have chosen to ignore your lower body- that's BAD.

    I do almost NO direct upper body work and I have a solid lat spread-big 3 have done a really great job for that and selecting over all exercise instead of isolations has served me well.

    Teaching newbs big compound lifts and steering them away from complicated unnecessary for them isolations is generally better than telling them to avoid all lower body.

    And finally- I effing HATE when guys go- squats and nice a$$es are for girls. seriously- it's stupid.


    (edit- for spelling and things)

    I think this might have struck a nerve. Well said. Only, do you have something against pancakes? :#

    LOL No, pancakes are delicious!!!! (especially with big ripe blueberries in them!!!!
    But they belong on my plate and I want to eat them. Pancake *kitten*- do not want on my plate and I do not want to eat them. It was funny- I was at my old gym once- and these two gangly teenagers were complaining about squats and I was literally right there and I was like WHY- squats are great. And they were like not really... 'but- butts are great' - nah- that's for girls.
    I just looked at them- here a woman way out of their "league" if you will was telling them she liked a nice *kitten* and they were disagreeing with me!!! I was like DUDE THIS IS LIFE ADVISE HERE!!! HOW YOU GONNA IGNORE THE HOT GIRL TELLING YOU WHAT SHE LIKES!!!!

    I want to be able to slap a nice *kitten* too. why is that a guy only thing?!?!?! :( pout pout
    I'm going to start a group I think- He Squats Bro- so I can fully objectify and oogle man butt- because a good perky squat man butt is a beautiful thing.

    Why so much flat butt shaming? Why do so many people think they can speak for the majority?

    'Most women don't like pancake assses,' sounds an awful lot like, "most men prefer curves to bones.'

    The word 'bones' is used to disparage thin women just as 'pancake' was used by you to disparage men with less developed or genetically smaller Hineys. OP was full of bad info and needed correcting (which you did nicely early on) but there's no reason to swing that big sword of self righteousness and wind up cutting far more people than just your intended target.

    you must be a blast at parties...

    The horse in which she rode in on, is quite too high for her to descend from........

    Why because she has an opinion different to yours. How dare she

    Nope, she's entitled to her opinion as am I. The way in which she is parading around this thread is something to be desired by many........

    I see her white knight has come to rescue her!!!
    I am not white

  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    jdscrubs32 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    jdscrubs32 wrote: »
    I wonder what OP thinks of men doing hip raises

    IDK but I know how some women feel about men doing weighted hip thrusts.

    Enlighten me @yopeeps025 please as all I get are strange looks from guys in my gym when I do them unfortunately:(

    Oh we are talking about the gym. I usually do hip thrust as an accessory to my squats so to a gym woman who is smart at knowing a workout plan would know why I lift how I lift.

    I go to a community college gym that apparently has a lot of people who didn't lift in high school or lay offs. I shouldn't be getting compliments doing 135x10 on back squats.

    Thatis funny someone said that to you. When I do my weighed hip thrust the only thing people comment to me about is "you should use a towel to cover the bar." Maybe I should practice the hook grip and smash my thumb in between my body.

    I haven't done hip thrust in a gym that has more than 5 guys who I can say are stronger than me. Especially in what I train which is the big three.

    I use a squat sponge because I hated the bruises on my hips. I also haven't done them in a while (I injured my tailbone over a year ago, and it still hurts; they've been dropped because they aggravate the pain). My issue is that there's nowhere convenient in my gym to do them, so I have to steal a barbell from the bench press, drag it over to a different bench across the gym, go get weights, and then attempt to get the plates on the bar without a stand (plus, I'm always covered in rust by the end of this process).

    I'm very whiny when it comes to my gym. But, it's relatively cheap.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    jmule24 wrote: »
    jmule24 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    brower47 wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    gtmfitness wrote: »
    Wow......After coming back to my computer I did not expect to see so many notifications.

    And I already guessed it....90% of them are saying to squat.

    Listen......I used to squat. A lot actually.

    The most I have ever squatted was 350lbs for 2 reps. Is that breaking records? No of course not. But I was happy with it at the time.

    But when I looked in the mirror I was not happy with that I saw.

    skipping to the point...

    My legs were too big....IN MY OPINION goodness I can't even express my own opinion here.

    Anyway they:

    chaffed together
    I had stretch marks on my hips, thighs, and butt
    I looked funny in nice jeans or dress pants

    I didn't like it and had the damn courage to chill on squats even though "everyone" says to do them
    They are a fantastic exercise for adding leg mass. I am not denying that.

    But I see fitness as a tool to enhance my life. So I am going to use the exercises I know will produce the body I want. Shoot I only train 3 hours a week haha. (can't wait to hear the comments on this one!)

    I am not training for bodybuilding....I am not training for a physique competition. I train to be strong, look good, and in a way that does not interfere with my lifestyle. Because I would much rather be doing other things than living in the gym or kitchen.

    Okay sparky- the big problem is is that you came in here trying to give advice to people on stuff- and the reality is you kind of gave shoddy advice and purposefully chose to move away from an exercise (god lord why i have no idea but whatever to each their own) but to blatantly just disregard your ENTIRE lower body in your "3 exercises for a strong aesthetic physique" post- is ridiculous.

    70% of your mass is made up in "lower body" (meaning legs and trunk) which are effectively and efficiently trained by squats and deads.

    Secondly to come in here and say- well it's for males not for females- that's *kitten* sexist and ignorant.

    No one gives a crap how long you train- Honestly: 3 x 60 min sessions is MORE than adequate for someone who has a decent base- so you're over thinking our estimation of what is required to maintain a body. Did I mention no one gives a crap about that?

    But you can't just stroll in and give off the cuff highly sexists advise because YOU have chosen to ignore your lower body- that's BAD.

    I do almost NO direct upper body work and I have a solid lat spread-big 3 have done a really great job for that and selecting over all exercise instead of isolations has served me well.

    Teaching newbs big compound lifts and steering them away from complicated unnecessary for them isolations is generally better than telling them to avoid all lower body.

    And finally- I effing HATE when guys go- squats and nice a$$es are for girls. seriously- it's stupid.


    (edit- for spelling and things)

    I think this might have struck a nerve. Well said. Only, do you have something against pancakes? :#

    LOL No, pancakes are delicious!!!! (especially with big ripe blueberries in them!!!!
    But they belong on my plate and I want to eat them. Pancake *kitten*- do not want on my plate and I do not want to eat them. It was funny- I was at my old gym once- and these two gangly teenagers were complaining about squats and I was literally right there and I was like WHY- squats are great. And they were like not really... 'but- butts are great' - nah- that's for girls.
    I just looked at them- here a woman way out of their "league" if you will was telling them she liked a nice *kitten* and they were disagreeing with me!!! I was like DUDE THIS IS LIFE ADVISE HERE!!! HOW YOU GONNA IGNORE THE HOT GIRL TELLING YOU WHAT SHE LIKES!!!!

    I want to be able to slap a nice *kitten* too. why is that a guy only thing?!?!?! :( pout pout
    I'm going to start a group I think- He Squats Bro- so I can fully objectify and oogle man butt- because a good perky squat man butt is a beautiful thing.

    Why so much flat butt shaming? Why do so many people think they can speak for the majority?

    'Most women don't like pancake assses,' sounds an awful lot like, "most men prefer curves to bones.'

    The word 'bones' is used to disparage thin women just as 'pancake' was used by you to disparage men with less developed or genetically smaller Hineys. OP was full of bad info and needed correcting (which you did nicely early on) but there's no reason to swing that big sword of self righteousness and wind up cutting far more people than just your intended target.

    you must be a blast at parties...

    The horse in which she rode in on, is quite too high for her to descend from........

    Why because she has an opinion different to yours. How dare she

    Nope, she's entitled to her opinion as am I. The way in which she is parading around this thread is something to be desired by many........

    I see her white knight has come to rescue her!!!
    I am not white
    It's a metaphor.

  • jmule24
    jmule24 Posts: 1,382 Member
    jmule24 wrote: »
    jmule24 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    brower47 wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    gtmfitness wrote: »
    Wow......After coming back to my computer I did not expect to see so many notifications.

    And I already guessed it....90% of them are saying to squat.

    Listen......I used to squat. A lot actually.

    The most I have ever squatted was 350lbs for 2 reps. Is that breaking records? No of course not. But I was happy with it at the time.

    But when I looked in the mirror I was not happy with that I saw.

    skipping to the point...

    My legs were too big....IN MY OPINION goodness I can't even express my own opinion here.

    Anyway they:

    chaffed together
    I had stretch marks on my hips, thighs, and butt
    I looked funny in nice jeans or dress pants

    I didn't like it and had the damn courage to chill on squats even though "everyone" says to do them
    They are a fantastic exercise for adding leg mass. I am not denying that.

    But I see fitness as a tool to enhance my life. So I am going to use the exercises I know will produce the body I want. Shoot I only train 3 hours a week haha. (can't wait to hear the comments on this one!)

    I am not training for bodybuilding....I am not training for a physique competition. I train to be strong, look good, and in a way that does not interfere with my lifestyle. Because I would much rather be doing other things than living in the gym or kitchen.

    Okay sparky- the big problem is is that you came in here trying to give advice to people on stuff- and the reality is you kind of gave shoddy advice and purposefully chose to move away from an exercise (god lord why i have no idea but whatever to each their own) but to blatantly just disregard your ENTIRE lower body in your "3 exercises for a strong aesthetic physique" post- is ridiculous.

    70% of your mass is made up in "lower body" (meaning legs and trunk) which are effectively and efficiently trained by squats and deads.

    Secondly to come in here and say- well it's for males not for females- that's *kitten* sexist and ignorant.

    No one gives a crap how long you train- Honestly: 3 x 60 min sessions is MORE than adequate for someone who has a decent base- so you're over thinking our estimation of what is required to maintain a body. Did I mention no one gives a crap about that?

    But you can't just stroll in and give off the cuff highly sexists advise because YOU have chosen to ignore your lower body- that's BAD.

    I do almost NO direct upper body work and I have a solid lat spread-big 3 have done a really great job for that and selecting over all exercise instead of isolations has served me well.

    Teaching newbs big compound lifts and steering them away from complicated unnecessary for them isolations is generally better than telling them to avoid all lower body.

    And finally- I effing HATE when guys go- squats and nice a$$es are for girls. seriously- it's stupid.


    (edit- for spelling and things)

    I think this might have struck a nerve. Well said. Only, do you have something against pancakes? :#

    LOL No, pancakes are delicious!!!! (especially with big ripe blueberries in them!!!!
    But they belong on my plate and I want to eat them. Pancake *kitten*- do not want on my plate and I do not want to eat them. It was funny- I was at my old gym once- and these two gangly teenagers were complaining about squats and I was literally right there and I was like WHY- squats are great. And they were like not really... 'but- butts are great' - nah- that's for girls.
    I just looked at them- here a woman way out of their "league" if you will was telling them she liked a nice *kitten* and they were disagreeing with me!!! I was like DUDE THIS IS LIFE ADVISE HERE!!! HOW YOU GONNA IGNORE THE HOT GIRL TELLING YOU WHAT SHE LIKES!!!!

    I want to be able to slap a nice *kitten* too. why is that a guy only thing?!?!?! :( pout pout
    I'm going to start a group I think- He Squats Bro- so I can fully objectify and oogle man butt- because a good perky squat man butt is a beautiful thing.

    Why so much flat butt shaming? Why do so many people think they can speak for the majority?

    'Most women don't like pancake assses,' sounds an awful lot like, "most men prefer curves to bones.'

    The word 'bones' is used to disparage thin women just as 'pancake' was used by you to disparage men with less developed or genetically smaller Hineys. OP was full of bad info and needed correcting (which you did nicely early on) but there's no reason to swing that big sword of self righteousness and wind up cutting far more people than just your intended target.

    you must be a blast at parties...

    The horse in which she rode in on, is quite too high for her to descend from........

    Why because she has an opinion different to yours. How dare she

    Nope, she's entitled to her opinion as am I. The way in which she is parading around this thread is something to be desired by many........

    I see her white knight has come to rescue her!!!
    I am not white


    Wut? Do u even internet????
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    jmule24 wrote: »
    jmule24 wrote: »
    jmule24 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    brower47 wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    gtmfitness wrote: »
    Wow......After coming back to my computer I did not expect to see so many notifications.

    And I already guessed it....90% of them are saying to squat.

    Listen......I used to squat. A lot actually.

    The most I have ever squatted was 350lbs for 2 reps. Is that breaking records? No of course not. But I was happy with it at the time.

    But when I looked in the mirror I was not happy with that I saw.

    skipping to the point...

    My legs were too big....IN MY OPINION goodness I can't even express my own opinion here.

    Anyway they:

    chaffed together
    I had stretch marks on my hips, thighs, and butt
    I looked funny in nice jeans or dress pants

    I didn't like it and had the damn courage to chill on squats even though "everyone" says to do them
    They are a fantastic exercise for adding leg mass. I am not denying that.

    But I see fitness as a tool to enhance my life. So I am going to use the exercises I know will produce the body I want. Shoot I only train 3 hours a week haha. (can't wait to hear the comments on this one!)

    I am not training for bodybuilding....I am not training for a physique competition. I train to be strong, look good, and in a way that does not interfere with my lifestyle. Because I would much rather be doing other things than living in the gym or kitchen.

    Okay sparky- the big problem is is that you came in here trying to give advice to people on stuff- and the reality is you kind of gave shoddy advice and purposefully chose to move away from an exercise (god lord why i have no idea but whatever to each their own) but to blatantly just disregard your ENTIRE lower body in your "3 exercises for a strong aesthetic physique" post- is ridiculous.

    70% of your mass is made up in "lower body" (meaning legs and trunk) which are effectively and efficiently trained by squats and deads.

    Secondly to come in here and say- well it's for males not for females- that's *kitten* sexist and ignorant.

    No one gives a crap how long you train- Honestly: 3 x 60 min sessions is MORE than adequate for someone who has a decent base- so you're over thinking our estimation of what is required to maintain a body. Did I mention no one gives a crap about that?

    But you can't just stroll in and give off the cuff highly sexists advise because YOU have chosen to ignore your lower body- that's BAD.

    I do almost NO direct upper body work and I have a solid lat spread-big 3 have done a really great job for that and selecting over all exercise instead of isolations has served me well.

    Teaching newbs big compound lifts and steering them away from complicated unnecessary for them isolations is generally better than telling them to avoid all lower body.

    And finally- I effing HATE when guys go- squats and nice a$$es are for girls. seriously- it's stupid.


    (edit- for spelling and things)

    I think this might have struck a nerve. Well said. Only, do you have something against pancakes? :#

    LOL No, pancakes are delicious!!!! (especially with big ripe blueberries in them!!!!
    But they belong on my plate and I want to eat them. Pancake *kitten*- do not want on my plate and I do not want to eat them. It was funny- I was at my old gym once- and these two gangly teenagers were complaining about squats and I was literally right there and I was like WHY- squats are great. And they were like not really... 'but- butts are great' - nah- that's for girls.
    I just looked at them- here a woman way out of their "league" if you will was telling them she liked a nice *kitten* and they were disagreeing with me!!! I was like DUDE THIS IS LIFE ADVISE HERE!!! HOW YOU GONNA IGNORE THE HOT GIRL TELLING YOU WHAT SHE LIKES!!!!

    I want to be able to slap a nice *kitten* too. why is that a guy only thing?!?!?! :( pout pout
    I'm going to start a group I think- He Squats Bro- so I can fully objectify and oogle man butt- because a good perky squat man butt is a beautiful thing.

    Why so much flat butt shaming? Why do so many people think they can speak for the majority?

    'Most women don't like pancake assses,' sounds an awful lot like, "most men prefer curves to bones.'

    The word 'bones' is used to disparage thin women just as 'pancake' was used by you to disparage men with less developed or genetically smaller Hineys. OP was full of bad info and needed correcting (which you did nicely early on) but there's no reason to swing that big sword of self righteousness and wind up cutting far more people than just your intended target.

    you must be a blast at parties...

    The horse in which she rode in on, is quite too high for her to descend from........

    Why because she has an opinion different to yours. How dare she

    Nope, she's entitled to her opinion as am I. The way in which she is parading around this thread is something to be desired by many........

    I see her white knight has come to rescue her!!!
    I am not white

    Oyyyyy........please read the community guidelines if you're unsure of what one is.....

    LOL I cannot believe she said I am not white. Where was the word knight that follows the word white?

    Should we be talking about this? Are we allowed to? It is interesting how a black knight is bad and a white night is good. Not trying to make this into a racial debate.

    IDK OP already ruined this thread in my opinion and now it's pure entertainment with what else follows.
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    edited July 2015
    Can't do 1 and 3 with my trashed shoulders. LOL.

    I adore calf raises. Those, it doesn't matter too much if you have a machine or freeweights because the ROM is so small, but throw on 400+ pounds, and I feel like a rockstar....lol!

    Loved leg extensions, too, before my knee started bothering me. I think I've managed to stabilize it now. I'd do it with 90lbs. Not a lot, but for some odd reason, all the football players would manage to find angles where they could slam weights around and still have a view when I was on that machine.

    They had an INSANE crunch machine. Looked like this: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/ab-crunch-machine

    But it took plates.

    I had crazy abs before kids. I could put over 100lbs on that sucker. None of the football team would come NEAR it when I entered the weight room because I would outdo them all.

    Basically, I liked the stuff I was good at. ;) I had no real plan except "do stuff." I was 16-18 at the time.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    auddii wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    jdscrubs32 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    jdscrubs32 wrote: »
    I wonder what OP thinks of men doing hip raises

    IDK but I know how some women feel about men doing weighted hip thrusts.

    Enlighten me @yopeeps025 please as all I get are strange looks from guys in my gym when I do them unfortunately:(

    Oh we are talking about the gym. I usually do hip thrust as an accessory to my squats so to a gym woman who is smart at knowing a workout plan would know why I lift how I lift.

    I go to a community college gym that apparently has a lot of people who didn't lift in high school or lay offs. I shouldn't be getting compliments doing 135x10 on back squats.

    Thatis funny someone said that to you. When I do my weighed hip thrust the only thing people comment to me about is "you should use a towel to cover the bar." Maybe I should practice the hook grip and smash my thumb in between my body.

    I haven't done hip thrust in a gym that has more than 5 guys who I can say are stronger than me. Especially in what I train which is the big three.

    I use a squat sponge because I hated the bruises on my hips. I also haven't done them in a while (I injured my tailbone over a year ago, and it still hurts; they've been dropped because they aggravate the pain). My issue is that there's nowhere convenient in my gym to do them, so I have to steal a barbell from the bench press, drag it over to a different bench across the gym, go get weights, and then attempt to get the plates on the bar without a stand (plus, I'm always covered in rust by the end of this process).

    I'm very whiny when it comes to my gym. But, it's relatively cheap.

    The first 45 plate is always annoying getting on a bar when it is on the floor.
  • SJMask89
    SJMask89 Posts: 69 Member
    Where the deadlifts at though?
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,261 Member
    jmule24 wrote: »
    jmule24 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    brower47 wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    gtmfitness wrote: »
    Wow......After coming back to my computer I did not expect to see so many notifications.

    And I already guessed it....90% of them are saying to squat.

    Listen......I used to squat. A lot actually.

    The most I have ever squatted was 350lbs for 2 reps. Is that breaking records? No of course not. But I was happy with it at the time.

    But when I looked in the mirror I was not happy with that I saw.

    skipping to the point...

    My legs were too big....IN MY OPINION goodness I can't even express my own opinion here.

    Anyway they:

    chaffed together
    I had stretch marks on my hips, thighs, and butt
    I looked funny in nice jeans or dress pants

    I didn't like it and had the damn courage to chill on squats even though "everyone" says to do them
    They are a fantastic exercise for adding leg mass. I am not denying that.

    But I see fitness as a tool to enhance my life. So I am going to use the exercises I know will produce the body I want. Shoot I only train 3 hours a week haha. (can't wait to hear the comments on this one!)

    I am not training for bodybuilding....I am not training for a physique competition. I train to be strong, look good, and in a way that does not interfere with my lifestyle. Because I would much rather be doing other things than living in the gym or kitchen.

    Okay sparky- the big problem is is that you came in here trying to give advice to people on stuff- and the reality is you kind of gave shoddy advice and purposefully chose to move away from an exercise (god lord why i have no idea but whatever to each their own) but to blatantly just disregard your ENTIRE lower body in your "3 exercises for a strong aesthetic physique" post- is ridiculous.

    70% of your mass is made up in "lower body" (meaning legs and trunk) which are effectively and efficiently trained by squats and deads.

    Secondly to come in here and say- well it's for males not for females- that's *kitten* sexist and ignorant.

    No one gives a crap how long you train- Honestly: 3 x 60 min sessions is MORE than adequate for someone who has a decent base- so you're over thinking our estimation of what is required to maintain a body. Did I mention no one gives a crap about that?

    But you can't just stroll in and give off the cuff highly sexists advise because YOU have chosen to ignore your lower body- that's BAD.

    I do almost NO direct upper body work and I have a solid lat spread-big 3 have done a really great job for that and selecting over all exercise instead of isolations has served me well.

    Teaching newbs big compound lifts and steering them away from complicated unnecessary for them isolations is generally better than telling them to avoid all lower body.

    And finally- I effing HATE when guys go- squats and nice a$$es are for girls. seriously- it's stupid.


    (edit- for spelling and things)

    I think this might have struck a nerve. Well said. Only, do you have something against pancakes? :#

    LOL No, pancakes are delicious!!!! (especially with big ripe blueberries in them!!!!
    But they belong on my plate and I want to eat them. Pancake *kitten*- do not want on my plate and I do not want to eat them. It was funny- I was at my old gym once- and these two gangly teenagers were complaining about squats and I was literally right there and I was like WHY- squats are great. And they were like not really... 'but- butts are great' - nah- that's for girls.
    I just looked at them- here a woman way out of their "league" if you will was telling them she liked a nice *kitten* and they were disagreeing with me!!! I was like DUDE THIS IS LIFE ADVISE HERE!!! HOW YOU GONNA IGNORE THE HOT GIRL TELLING YOU WHAT SHE LIKES!!!!

    I want to be able to slap a nice *kitten* too. why is that a guy only thing?!?!?! :( pout pout
    I'm going to start a group I think- He Squats Bro- so I can fully objectify and oogle man butt- because a good perky squat man butt is a beautiful thing.

    Why so much flat butt shaming? Why do so many people think they can speak for the majority?

    'Most women don't like pancake assses,' sounds an awful lot like, "most men prefer curves to bones.'

    The word 'bones' is used to disparage thin women just as 'pancake' was used by you to disparage men with less developed or genetically smaller Hineys. OP was full of bad info and needed correcting (which you did nicely early on) but there's no reason to swing that big sword of self righteousness and wind up cutting far more people than just your intended target.

    you must be a blast at parties...

    The horse in which she rode in on, is quite too high for her to descend from........

    Why because she has an opinion different to yours. How dare she

    Nope, she's entitled to her opinion as am I. The way in which she is parading around this thread is something to be desired by many........

    I see her white knight has come to rescue her!!!
    I am not white
    It's a metaphor.
    jmule24 wrote: »
    jmule24 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    brower47 wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    gtmfitness wrote: »
    Wow......After coming back to my computer I did not expect to see so many notifications.

    And I already guessed it....90% of them are saying to squat.

    Listen......I used to squat. A lot actually.

    The most I have ever squatted was 350lbs for 2 reps. Is that breaking records? No of course not. But I was happy with it at the time.

    But when I looked in the mirror I was not happy with that I saw.

    skipping to the point...

    My legs were too big....IN MY OPINION goodness I can't even express my own opinion here.

    Anyway they:

    chaffed together
    I had stretch marks on my hips, thighs, and butt
    I looked funny in nice jeans or dress pants

    I didn't like it and had the damn courage to chill on squats even though "everyone" says to do them
    They are a fantastic exercise for adding leg mass. I am not denying that.

    But I see fitness as a tool to enhance my life. So I am going to use the exercises I know will produce the body I want. Shoot I only train 3 hours a week haha. (can't wait to hear the comments on this one!)

    I am not training for bodybuilding....I am not training for a physique competition. I train to be strong, look good, and in a way that does not interfere with my lifestyle. Because I would much rather be doing other things than living in the gym or kitchen.

    Okay sparky- the big problem is is that you came in here trying to give advice to people on stuff- and the reality is you kind of gave shoddy advice and purposefully chose to move away from an exercise (god lord why i have no idea but whatever to each their own) but to blatantly just disregard your ENTIRE lower body in your "3 exercises for a strong aesthetic physique" post- is ridiculous.

    70% of your mass is made up in "lower body" (meaning legs and trunk) which are effectively and efficiently trained by squats and deads.

    Secondly to come in here and say- well it's for males not for females- that's *kitten* sexist and ignorant.

    No one gives a crap how long you train- Honestly: 3 x 60 min sessions is MORE than adequate for someone who has a decent base- so you're over thinking our estimation of what is required to maintain a body. Did I mention no one gives a crap about that?

    But you can't just stroll in and give off the cuff highly sexists advise because YOU have chosen to ignore your lower body- that's BAD.

    I do almost NO direct upper body work and I have a solid lat spread-big 3 have done a really great job for that and selecting over all exercise instead of isolations has served me well.

    Teaching newbs big compound lifts and steering them away from complicated unnecessary for them isolations is generally better than telling them to avoid all lower body.

    And finally- I effing HATE when guys go- squats and nice a$$es are for girls. seriously- it's stupid.


    (edit- for spelling and things)

    I think this might have struck a nerve. Well said. Only, do you have something against pancakes? :#

    LOL No, pancakes are delicious!!!! (especially with big ripe blueberries in them!!!!
    But they belong on my plate and I want to eat them. Pancake *kitten*- do not want on my plate and I do not want to eat them. It was funny- I was at my old gym once- and these two gangly teenagers were complaining about squats and I was literally right there and I was like WHY- squats are great. And they were like not really... 'but- butts are great' - nah- that's for girls.
    I just looked at them- here a woman way out of their "league" if you will was telling them she liked a nice *kitten* and they were disagreeing with me!!! I was like DUDE THIS IS LIFE ADVISE HERE!!! HOW YOU GONNA IGNORE THE HOT GIRL TELLING YOU WHAT SHE LIKES!!!!

    I want to be able to slap a nice *kitten* too. why is that a guy only thing?!?!?! :( pout pout
    I'm going to start a group I think- He Squats Bro- so I can fully objectify and oogle man butt- because a good perky squat man butt is a beautiful thing.

    Why so much flat butt shaming? Why do so many people think they can speak for the majority?

    'Most women don't like pancake assses,' sounds an awful lot like, "most men prefer curves to bones.'

    The word 'bones' is used to disparage thin women just as 'pancake' was used by you to disparage men with less developed or genetically smaller Hineys. OP was full of bad info and needed correcting (which you did nicely early on) but there's no reason to swing that big sword of self righteousness and wind up cutting far more people than just your intended target.

    you must be a blast at parties...

    The horse in which she rode in on, is quite too high for her to descend from........

    Why because she has an opinion different to yours. How dare she

    Nope, she's entitled to her opinion as am I. The way in which she is parading around this thread is something to be desired by many........

    I see her white knight has come to rescue her!!!
    I am not white
    It's a metaphor.
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    jmule24 wrote: »
    jmule24 wrote: »
    jmule24 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    brower47 wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    gtmfitness wrote: »
    Wow......After coming back to my computer I did not expect to see so many notifications.

    And I already guessed it....90% of them are saying to squat.

    Listen......I used to squat. A lot actually.

    The most I have ever squatted was 350lbs for 2 reps. Is that breaking records? No of course not. But I was happy with it at the time.

    But when I looked in the mirror I was not happy with that I saw.

    skipping to the point...

    My legs were too big....IN MY OPINION goodness I can't even express my own opinion here.

    Anyway they:

    chaffed together
    I had stretch marks on my hips, thighs, and butt
    I looked funny in nice jeans or dress pants

    I didn't like it and had the damn courage to chill on squats even though "everyone" says to do them
    They are a fantastic exercise for adding leg mass. I am not denying that.

    But I see fitness as a tool to enhance my life. So I am going to use the exercises I know will produce the body I want. Shoot I only train 3 hours a week haha. (can't wait to hear the comments on this one!)

    I am not training for bodybuilding....I am not training for a physique competition. I train to be strong, look good, and in a way that does not interfere with my lifestyle. Because I would much rather be doing other things than living in the gym or kitchen.

    Okay sparky- the big problem is is that you came in here trying to give advice to people on stuff- and the reality is you kind of gave shoddy advice and purposefully chose to move away from an exercise (god lord why i have no idea but whatever to each their own) but to blatantly just disregard your ENTIRE lower body in your "3 exercises for a strong aesthetic physique" post- is ridiculous.

    70% of your mass is made up in "lower body" (meaning legs and trunk) which are effectively and efficiently trained by squats and deads.

    Secondly to come in here and say- well it's for males not for females- that's *kitten* sexist and ignorant.

    No one gives a crap how long you train- Honestly: 3 x 60 min sessions is MORE than adequate for someone who has a decent base- so you're over thinking our estimation of what is required to maintain a body. Did I mention no one gives a crap about that?

    But you can't just stroll in and give off the cuff highly sexists advise because YOU have chosen to ignore your lower body- that's BAD.

    I do almost NO direct upper body work and I have a solid lat spread-big 3 have done a really great job for that and selecting over all exercise instead of isolations has served me well.

    Teaching newbs big compound lifts and steering them away from complicated unnecessary for them isolations is generally better than telling them to avoid all lower body.

    And finally- I effing HATE when guys go- squats and nice a$$es are for girls. seriously- it's stupid.


    (edit- for spelling and things)

    I think this might have struck a nerve. Well said. Only, do you have something against pancakes? :#

    LOL No, pancakes are delicious!!!! (especially with big ripe blueberries in them!!!!
    But they belong on my plate and I want to eat them. Pancake *kitten*- do not want on my plate and I do not want to eat them. It was funny- I was at my old gym once- and these two gangly teenagers were complaining about squats and I was literally right there and I was like WHY- squats are great. And they were like not really... 'but- butts are great' - nah- that's for girls.
    I just looked at them- here a woman way out of their "league" if you will was telling them she liked a nice *kitten* and they were disagreeing with me!!! I was like DUDE THIS IS LIFE ADVISE HERE!!! HOW YOU GONNA IGNORE THE HOT GIRL TELLING YOU WHAT SHE LIKES!!!!

    I want to be able to slap a nice *kitten* too. why is that a guy only thing?!?!?! :( pout pout
    I'm going to start a group I think- He Squats Bro- so I can fully objectify and oogle man butt- because a good perky squat man butt is a beautiful thing.

    Why so much flat butt shaming? Why do so many people think they can speak for the majority?

    'Most women don't like pancake assses,' sounds an awful lot like, "most men prefer curves to bones.'

    The word 'bones' is used to disparage thin women just as 'pancake' was used by you to disparage men with less developed or genetically smaller Hineys. OP was full of bad info and needed correcting (which you did nicely early on) but there's no reason to swing that big sword of self righteousness and wind up cutting far more people than just your intended target.

    you must be a blast at parties...

    The horse in which she rode in on, is quite too high for her to descend from........

    Why because she has an opinion different to yours. How dare she

    Nope, she's entitled to her opinion as am I. The way in which she is parading around this thread is something to be desired by many........

    I see her white knight has come to rescue her!!!
    I am not white

    Oyyyyy........please read the community guidelines if you're unsure of what one is.....

    LOL I cannot believe she said I am not white. Where was the word knight that follows the word white?

    Should we be talking about this? Are we allowed to? It is interesting how a black knight is bad and a white night is good. Not trying to make this into a racial debate.

    IDK OP already ruined this thread in my opinion and now it's pure entertainment with what else follows.

    No racial debate needed just advised I am not white.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Can't do 1 and 3 with my trashed shoulders. LOL.

    I adore calf raises. Those, it doesn't matter too much if you have a machine or freeweights because the ROM is so small, but throw on 400+ pounds, and I feel like a rockstar....lol!

    on the sitting down calf raise free weight machine?
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,261 Member
    jmule24 wrote: »
    jmule24 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    brower47 wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    gtmfitness wrote: »
    Wow......After coming back to my computer I did not expect to see so many notifications.

    And I already guessed it....90% of them are saying to squat.

    Listen......I used to squat. A lot actually.

    The most I have ever squatted was 350lbs for 2 reps. Is that breaking records? No of course not. But I was happy with it at the time.

    But when I looked in the mirror I was not happy with that I saw.

    skipping to the point...

    My legs were too big....IN MY OPINION goodness I can't even express my own opinion here.

    Anyway they:

    chaffed together
    I had stretch marks on my hips, thighs, and butt
    I looked funny in nice jeans or dress pants

    I didn't like it and had the damn courage to chill on squats even though "everyone" says to do them
    They are a fantastic exercise for adding leg mass. I am not denying that.

    But I see fitness as a tool to enhance my life. So I am going to use the exercises I know will produce the body I want. Shoot I only train 3 hours a week haha. (can't wait to hear the comments on this one!)

    I am not training for bodybuilding....I am not training for a physique competition. I train to be strong, look good, and in a way that does not interfere with my lifestyle. Because I would much rather be doing other things than living in the gym or kitchen.

    Okay sparky- the big problem is is that you came in here trying to give advice to people on stuff- and the reality is you kind of gave shoddy advice and purposefully chose to move away from an exercise (god lord why i have no idea but whatever to each their own) but to blatantly just disregard your ENTIRE lower body in your "3 exercises for a strong aesthetic physique" post- is ridiculous.

    70% of your mass is made up in "lower body" (meaning legs and trunk) which are effectively and efficiently trained by squats and deads.

    Secondly to come in here and say- well it's for males not for females- that's *kitten* sexist and ignorant.

    No one gives a crap how long you train- Honestly: 3 x 60 min sessions is MORE than adequate for someone who has a decent base- so you're over thinking our estimation of what is required to maintain a body. Did I mention no one gives a crap about that?

    But you can't just stroll in and give off the cuff highly sexists advise because YOU have chosen to ignore your lower body- that's BAD.

    I do almost NO direct upper body work and I have a solid lat spread-big 3 have done a really great job for that and selecting over all exercise instead of isolations has served me well.

    Teaching newbs big compound lifts and steering them away from complicated unnecessary for them isolations is generally better than telling them to avoid all lower body.

    And finally- I effing HATE when guys go- squats and nice a$$es are for girls. seriously- it's stupid.


    (edit- for spelling and things)

    I think this might have struck a nerve. Well said. Only, do you have something against pancakes? :#

    LOL No, pancakes are delicious!!!! (especially with big ripe blueberries in them!!!!
    But they belong on my plate and I want to eat them. Pancake *kitten*- do not want on my plate and I do not want to eat them. It was funny- I was at my old gym once- and these two gangly teenagers were complaining about squats and I was literally right there and I was like WHY- squats are great. And they were like not really... 'but- butts are great' - nah- that's for girls.
    I just looked at them- here a woman way out of their "league" if you will was telling them she liked a nice *kitten* and they were disagreeing with me!!! I was like DUDE THIS IS LIFE ADVISE HERE!!! HOW YOU GONNA IGNORE THE HOT GIRL TELLING YOU WHAT SHE LIKES!!!!

    I want to be able to slap a nice *kitten* too. why is that a guy only thing?!?!?! :( pout pout
    I'm going to start a group I think- He Squats Bro- so I can fully objectify and oogle man butt- because a good perky squat man butt is a beautiful thing.

    Why so much flat butt shaming? Why do so many people think they can speak for the majority?

    'Most women don't like pancake assses,' sounds an awful lot like, "most men prefer curves to bones.'

    The word 'bones' is used to disparage thin women just as 'pancake' was used by you to disparage men with less developed or genetically smaller Hineys. OP was full of bad info and needed correcting (which you did nicely early on) but there's no reason to swing that big sword of self righteousness and wind up cutting far more people than just your intended target.

    you must be a blast at parties...

    The horse in which she rode in on, is quite too high for her to descend from........

    Why because she has an opinion different to yours. How dare she

    Nope, she's entitled to her opinion as am I. The way in which she is parading around this thread is something to be desired by many........

    I see her white knight has come to rescue her!!!
    I am not white
    It's a metaphor.

    So what
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    edited July 2015
    And...um, I'm a butt girl. ;)

    "Huge capped delts" are something gym bros love. Women like aesthetics over bulk. And nice legs and butt are...mmm. LOL.

    And...dude...we had the same max for squats! How cute is that??? I did 350 back in high school. Scared the pee out of me (no one there could spot me, and we didn't have proper power racks) so I mostly stuck with high reps at 250 instead--3x12. My thighs were 19.5". So I'm not sure why yours had so much hypertrophy for so little weight.
This discussion has been closed.