

  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @nonoelmo you and your SO are too cute together! <3
    Thank you. We suit each other.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    @MoHousdon gorgeous ring & glad to hear your step daughter took the cat off of your hands!
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi @Susieq_1994!
    @orangesmartie, I hope you can work things out soon! Thank you for sharing your story with us.

    Edited because I can't type.
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    @MoHousdon - Love the ring. So glad you had an awesome time!
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    My daughters hair!.... I brush it constantly. Knotted up. I keep pushing her to be more SELF AWARE and start doing things for herself and without prompts. The struggle is real.

    I will say I am quite proficient at simple braids though. I need to learn to french braid.

    You sound like a fabulous dad!
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    So I finished Survivor 30 last night and today I'm on 29 (I prefer it to the other Blood vs. Water because there are new people). Going to try to be a bit more productive today, though.
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Talking of 'girly' things, I'm right there with you. I really need a new sewing machine and I want this one with the fire of a thousand suns. It's stupid expensive, and doesn't have all the features I need, but it's sooooo pretty....

    I still need to learn how to run the one I own!!! My mother sewed a lot and I never learned from her before she passed. That is something truly missed out on.

    I know the feeling. My Grandma was a seamstress extraordinaire. She had 6 grandkids and I was the only girl so I had loads of amazing handmade dresses (pity I was such a tomboy). I taught myself to sew a few years after she passed. I wish I'd started sooner when she was still around. I haven't tried clothing (although I can do basic alterations) but I'm a dab hand at patchwork and quilting. It can be done, just be prepared to think your first few projects are amazing then a couple of months later to realise they were rubbish! It's fun to learn (and to improve).
  • ohgeeque
    ohgeeque Posts: 224 Member
    It makes me feel bad when I'm trying to eat healthy and people are eating fried, greasy, salty, sugary, etc. foods right in front of me. I know it shouldn't effect me so much, but it does :disappointed:
    It isn't always easy to watch people eating what you really want. So, I don't judge. I just remind myself that they will have spammy pimples, watery bloat and rotten teeth and I will remain FABULOUS!

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Hi guys, checking in. I went camping over the weekend and it was pretty nice. It was my kid's first time camping in the actual outdoor woods. I know people do it, but I was very worried about camping with any babies, so this year was the first year I felt comfortable. They loved it, and I'm so glad because I plan on taking them out a lot this summer.

    The thread is messed up for me and I lost my spot. If I missed anything someone said to me, I'm sorry. I haven't heard back from the police about my sister yet. I guess they don't care as much if someone pretends to be you as a witness instead of a criminal.

    Thirdly - I saw someone mention Goodreads. If anyone wants to add me, you can! I love sharing books with friends.

    I added you. :)

    My name is Tammy, and my Siamese kitty Max is my profile pic there.

    Trying to fix so I can link...

    Ok, I created a profile and added you both!

    Hope this works to link to me

    Nice! I think Goodreads gives much better book recommendations than Amazon. Amazon is always recommending books that I bought from them. I already read that!

    I never heard of goodreads, I am going to check it out after I finish catching up. But if we share book recommendations it won't do much to link to me... I mostly read historical romances these days as my poor brain can't handle anything else. :)

    I read some of those, too , when I get in a mood. I read one that had Fabio on the cover the other day. Fabio...LOL

    Is that from the 1980s?

    Probably. I didn't look at the copyright. I get books at the used book store, and they have discounted books for 25 cents and I grab whatever catches my attention. Some are from the 70's and 80's, but I've read some really good books that way.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    kateyb94 wrote: »
    Sometime I like to read success stories from morbidly obese/highly overweight people who have lost hundreds of lbs to make myself feel guilty about not wanting to do the work for the 20 lbs from my cw to my gw.

    Same reason I watch my 600 Lb Life and The Biggest Loser. No shame. :)
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Kalici wrote: »
    I've never been a fan of pickles. I can't imagine them fried. :s

    Blasphemy! However, to be helpful I will have all your dill pickles. The sweet pickles can go die in a fire though.

    Amen to that! I hate when I grab a pickle, pop it in my mouth, and then find out it is a sweet pickle. Gag.
  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    @pofoster21 - Love the shoes, although not sure how you walk in those! I can't wait until I drop some more weight so I can wear cute shoes again. I wear tennis shoes to work at the moment. It helps me to get in more steps. Also, we have a program that awards leave time every quarter if you get a certain number of minutes of exercise every month. Totally worth it!

    Platforms. I keep telling you ladies this. Seriously. Try them.

    Agreed...I hate wearing heels, but I can wear wedges all day long!
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    My 20 year old boy got his "proposed treatment plan" from the dentist. I don't think there's a tooth that doesn't need something. We're talking about $15k worth of dental work. I don't have any words. I want to throttle him.

    Wow! I was sharing with my 7 year old that I knew some people with kids who didn't brush their teeth when they were his age and now their teeth are ruined. He was mortified and brushed extra well last night and this morning!
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    That sewing machine! I want!

    Mine is just a basic little Brother but it is pale pink - I can't claim responsibility for that though as it was my mother's before she decided she needed a fancier one.

    I'm glad you all understand my feelings about frying food in the house. Soooo stinky. We don't have an exhaust fan over our stove either (or anywhere in the kitchen), so everything I cook lingers unless I open the windows. Not too practical in our minus 40 degree winters either as it's a recipe for a burst water pipe.

    The smell of Saturday morning bacon haunts me all weekend, too, it's terrible.

    So this doesn't help in the winter, but fry outside! I used to have a fry daddy that I could plug in, so I would plug it into the outdoor outlet and fry away. I'm debating setting up my camping stove outside the next time I do fried chicken to keep the fry smell outside, and I feel like that should work as well.

    Re gross girls: I was an odd combination of total tomboy that loved to get dirty and rough house, but I would do it while wearing the most frilly dresses possible. My face and hair was always a super-mess though.

    My daughters hair!.... I brush it constantly. Knotted up. I keep pushing her to be more SELF AWARE and start doing things for herself and without prompts. The struggle is real.

    I will say I am quite proficient at simple braids though. I need to learn to french braid.

    I have long hair, down to nearly the bottom of my back. Sometimes I discover massive knots that seem to take up residence in my ponytail. I am 32 and need to be more self aware too!!

    <3 loooove me some long hair. Brings out the *RAWR* in me. :naughty:
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Haha @lilaclovebird you were such a cute little girl!!

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Well, this is totally not a real problem, but pity party commenced. (Warning this is rather lame and I really just need to be told suck it up buttercup).

    I hate how bothered I am by numbers on the scale. I'm recomping currently - which should not include weight gain as I am not attempting to bulk - but I've been over the top number I would like to be at for a couple of weeks now. I know it's probably just DOMS as Stronglifts is kicking my butt and my clothes fit the same if not better, but it really gets to me and I'm considering reducing calories even though I know its a bad idea for recomp progress but I'm letting the scale rule me.

    I don't like how I let the scale rule me in general. On one hand it's good - even though I was using hair ties to extend the buttons on my pants instead of buying a bigger size - it wasn't until I saw 150 on the scale, which meant 25 BMI and officially over weight that I decided to do something about it. It's also great because I don't have to track food, make sure I stay in my 5 pound range and all's well. But then I have days like today and want to throw a giant pity party because the scale says a number I don't like which is actually not a real problem and I need to suck it up.

    Pity party over. Sorry it's a lame pity party.

    It's not lame at all. I admit the scale rules my life too...not that I want to..but it does. It can ruin my day...even when I know it's just water weight from the day before.

    LOL I used to be like that and I still weigh a few times a week but now if it's < then I am YAAAY! If it's > then I am like WHATEVER *flips bird* Haha.

    Ha ha I have on many occasions sworn at my scales. mostly the B word (Both B words) and once the C word when I was really angry.

    It took me a long time, cuz I could only think of one B word. Then I remembered, you're across the pond and have a second B word that is not at all a cuss word in the States. More coffee needed this morning.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    @pofoster21 - Love the shoes, although not sure how you walk in those! I can't wait until I drop some more weight so I can wear cute shoes again. I wear tennis shoes to work at the moment. It helps me to get in more steps. Also, we have a program that awards leave time every quarter if you get a certain number of minutes of exercise every month. Totally worth it!

    Platforms. I keep telling you ladies this. Seriously. Try them.

    Agreed...I hate wearing heels, but I can wear wedges all day long!

    Ooh, I have a pair I need to share. Maybe I'll fashion show my shoes on the Batcave thread after I get back from vacay.
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I would refuse to eat certain foods as a kid. My father would not allow me to leave the table. After 2 or 3 hours my mother would come in and BEG me to eat. Nope. No way. To this day I won't eat the exact same foods.

    So, what are the foods that you won't eat? As kids we had to eat a couple bites of everything, I now do the same thing to my kids. I think it made me more willing to try new foods. The only foods, that I can think of right now, that I won't eat are cooked carrots (unless they are mixed in something like vegetable soup), lima beans, and brussel sprouts. I'm also not a huge fan of melon, in general, but I'll eat it if I have to.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    My 20 year old boy got his "proposed treatment plan" from the dentist. I don't think there's a tooth that doesn't need something. We're talking about $15k worth of dental work. I don't have any words. I want to throttle him.

    Wow! I was sharing with my 7 year old that I knew some people with kids who didn't brush their teeth when they were his age and now their teeth are ruined. He was mortified and brushed extra well last night and this morning!

    That's pretty awesome! Our thread is making positive changes for generations to come!
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    My 20 year old boy got his "proposed treatment plan" from the dentist. I don't think there's a tooth that doesn't need something. We're talking about $15k worth of dental work. I don't have any words. I want to throttle him.

    Wow! I was sharing with my 7 year old that I knew some people with kids who didn't brush their teeth when they were his age and now their teeth are ruined. He was mortified and brushed extra well last night and this morning!
    I wish I was smart enough to have done that at his age!