40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Good morning Cool Kids!
    I'm back from an adventurous motorcycle tour of the backroads of northern cal. No cell service anywhere. It was great. Dirty, hot, but great. I'll find a couple of good pics to post later this week.
    Work will continue to be intense for the next couple of months to meet this deadline, then should mellow out. My check-ins may be inconsistent, but know that I'm reading your posts and cheering you all on!
    There were 282 new messages... :/ ... it will take me a little while to catch up with you all, but I'm so glad to see all the familiar faces and some new ones.
    Today was bicycle to work day. Tomorrow will be the little motorcycle.
    Have a wonderful one!
  • nickpnh
    nickpnh Posts: 111 Member
    Back from vacation, +1.5 pounds (Wahhhh) which is not so bad considering. But working on getting it gone. I did swim, paddle board, bike, walk and more so it helped balance the smores and hot dogs.

    Berry bushes are ready to be picked, pumpkins are flowering and all my flowers are in beautiful bloom.

    100th day so I have the consistency in logging in, now I need to log everything and keep those calories in goal.
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Good Afternoon Friends, it has been while since I checked in but wanted to let you all know I am thinking about you.

    I have been cycling on my new bike and that has been amazing. I am challenging myself to some pretty good hills. Eating has been so/so last week with the holiday I kind of lost track but I getting back in the saddle again. I got a cardio workout in at lunch to blow off some steam, it helped. Work has been extremely intense and I am having a hard time not losing it. I will, I can succeed!!!
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "Day: 52 of P90X/P90X+ hybrid Yoga X"=Done!
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    Well I'm talking the night of from Kickboxing. My butt still hurts from Mondays workout Anna my lats and shoulder blades hurt from last night's kettlebell and Kickboxing! May just do some abs and yoga, or is its nice maybe the kids and I will go hiking for a bit.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Hey Cool Kids.

    After the thunderstorm passed, I took an old canoe down to the pond. It was too late to get in much fishing, but still enjoyed the view.


    I heard one of the frogs say without his GPS, he could never find the way back to his pad after a night on the town.


  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    How beautiful!!
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "Day: 53 of P90X/P90X+ hybrid Abs/Core Plus"=Done!
  • lcantrell65
    lcantrell65 Posts: 228 Member
    Hi, everyone.

    I will be celebrating the 1st anniversary of my 49th birthday in September. :p I am terribly out of shape and on blood pressure medication. I am very happy to stumble across this thread and find that I am not too old to do something about my situation. It looks like I have 292 pages of motivating posts to work my way through. But for now, I am off to the basement for an appointment with Chalene Johnson and some Turbo Jam.
  • nickpnh
    nickpnh Posts: 111 Member
    Welcome newbies and hi to all the regulars although summer is slowing down the regular traffic.
    Hope all are well. At my doctor's appt I was 0.2 heavier than last year :-( I had done very well on MFP last spring, then car accident and low motivation from lingering injury, bounced up about 10lbs, at least I am back to my last spring success. And looking to build on that.
    Make it a great day!
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Nick - Great job on only being up that much at your doctor appt after all you have been through. Great job!

    Larro - Beautiful pictures, I love the lily pads!!!
  • sheria41
    sheria41 Posts: 2 Member
    hey is this club still existing; I see the post are over 3 years old. If so, I would love to join. I am 40+ starting a new weight loss journey and would love to engage in conversation with like minded people. so let me know :)
  • Midwestwineguy
    Midwestwineguy Posts: 7 Member
    I'm interested as well in joining this group. I'll be 45 soon and finding it a little more challenging to lose weight (but still doing ok) than when I was younger. :D
  • normatamayo
    normatamayo Posts: 2 Member
    43 soon ....seems like loosing a pound has become a never happening thing...frustrating. Any suggestions?
  • codehandle
    codehandle Posts: 12 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hey folks. Started losing at 41. Down 80+ lbs so far in the last year. I eat paleo, I've been doing 5x5 for 6 months. After about 20 years of fighting obesity I finally found a combination that works for me thanks to stronglifts.com and myfitnesspal.com ... There's before and after photos on my profile.

    Feel free to ask me what I did, I'll let you know... but I firmly believe that diet and exercise are not one-size-fits-all ... and I came to that belief through a long personal journey.
  • donnadaavid
    donnadaavid Posts: 4 Member
    Hi y'all. Am 42 and started with MFP about 10 days ago. Looks like I have lost 2kg since then, at least my scale says so. I still have another 15kg to loose but am pretty motivated. My major concern however is my belly. I have 2 kids and didn't have them so early in my life so the belly is not going down as it should. I guess age makes a whole lot of difference.
    I have even considered lipo sculpture for my belly but I would rather not do surgery. I am however very concerned about my belly and will try ANYTHING that works that won't require surgery. As long as someone guarantees me that it will work
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Afternoon Cool Kids.

    My grand niece is in from Denver for three weeks. That means I have to remember to call Bell Hitch Bad Word while she is here. I bought a couple of cheap rod and reel combos in town today in case she wants to go fishing. My little trip yesterday evening has gave me the urge.

    Welcome to the newbies. Yes we are still here. At least some of us are, anyway.

    Hello to everyone else, even those of you who are spending the summer in the Witness Protection Program.

    To those of you who are having problems making the scale go down, how I did it was with moderate exercise, lots and lots of stir-fry {and other raw or lightly cooked veggies}, lean meats like fish, turkey and chicken breast. And of course all the other stuff you will hear here until your mind goes numb on you. Like don't drink your calories, don't do fast {or processed} food, don't do mindless snacking, don't have too much salt, don't have too much sugar. If you weigh and measure everything you eat, stay under your calorie goal and do a little cardio, you will lose weight. But be warned, belly fat is the last to go. I've lost 70 pounds, from 240 down to 170, and I still have a poochy belly. It takes time and hard work to get your abs in shape. Like Caramel would say {if she were here}, it's hard being overweight. It's hard being fit. Pick your hard. Good luck to all of you.

  • Nataliegetfit
    Nataliegetfit Posts: 395 Member
    Larro, I love the lilly pads with the water drops on them, beautiful. I am sure people are busy with summer and everything. I am still here, some days I do better on my eating and excercising than others. We are going away for 3 days soon here with our cousins, so I hope to not do too bad eating out. The cousin we are going with eats a plant based diet, and knows I am dieting my way, but I also don't want to feel like she's watching everything I eat either. Anyway, it should be interesting, and I know the kids will have fun together so that's great. Have a great weekend everyone.
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    43 soon ....seems like loosing a pound has become a never happening thing...frustrating. Any suggestions?
    Eat at a calorie deficit and move more?
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    edited July 2015
    I'm still here, doing the usual. Kickboxing on Monday, kettlebell on Tuesday and my butt and traps/lats were so sore from those two days I took last night off. Hit up combat conditioning tonight which is, as usual, a crazy mix of kettlebell, trx, cardio and weights. Tomorrow is self defence and Saturday will be kettlebell and Kickboxing and then the hubby and I are going out of town for the night sans kids! Our 12 th wedding anniversary was last weekend (20 years together)so we're headed on the motorbike to Collingwood to a b&b and the spa. So looking forward to it.

    I was finally down a smidge last week, here's hoping the trend continues. I've been trying to eat began 9am and 8pm and fast or drink lemon water outside of that. Other than the 2 beers in having now of course!