

  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    I've spent these past few months and weeks so ridiculously stressed out and worried about everything. Between everything with Raelynn, our financial situation, and some other personal issues, I've been stretched so far thin it blows my mind. Hopefully now, I can breathe and shift a little of my focus to getting ready for tax school in 2 months (I have to go to a 10 week class each year to keep my job and certification) and get back to trying to get fit/healthier/lose weight. I know things are still going to be a bit rough and Raelynn isn't totally "out of the woods" as they say, but I'm finally feeling like I can somewhat breathe again, which is wonderful.

    I'm SO glad things are working out for your family and the stress is lifting! Sounds like everything is starting to fall into place.
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Random things I hope to do one day:

    1) Kick down a door. Don't know why, it just looks fun. But based on how attempting to kick a fence board down went, I don't think I'll be very good at kicking in doors.

    2) Flip a table when I'm mad. Preferably someone else's table, with their stuff on it.

    Life goal! Kicking down the door would be fun too. I need to build up some more leg strength before that happens though.

    Confession: I like kicking/punching things.

    I feel stupid kicking/punching anything. I have puny hands and am not particularly physically violent. I more rage with words. When I try to be violent (break something, rip something up, punch something) I feel stupid and ineffective. I just rant and yell and swear alot (but not here of course).

    Oh, this is me too! I have tiny hands and feet a Russian coach at the rink has labelled "Cinderella feet". Which of course makes me look even MORE ridiculous at my present weight.
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    I've spent these past few months and weeks so ridiculously stressed out and worried about everything. Between everything with Raelynn, our financial situation, and some other personal issues, I've been stretched so far thin it blows my mind. Hopefully now, I can breathe and shift a little of my focus to getting ready for tax school in 2 months (I have to go to a 10 week class each year to keep my job and certification) and get back to trying to get fit/healthier/lose weight. I know things are still going to be a bit rough and Raelynn isn't totally "out of the woods" as they say, but I'm finally feeling like I can somewhat breathe again, which is wonderful.

    I'm SO glad things are working out for your family and the stress is lifting! Sounds like everything is starting to fall into place.

    Thank you!

    I really need to learn other ways to channel all my stress besides food. I guess that would be some motivation to get my butt in gear if I'm gonna run with all our CMM people! :wink:

    Apparently, you can take a loan out on a 401k, so we may or may not have done so to take care of some things. Good news, we had a good bit left, so we may be actually able to finally go on our first real anniversary trip next weekend, since our anniversary happens to be next Saturday! I've been wanting to go back to Charleston, so we'll see! It's probably going to be just a day trip, as I don't want to disrupt Raelynn's routine too much by us going away overnight right now.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Random things I hope to do one day:

    1) Kick down a door. Don't know why, it just looks fun. But based on how attempting to kick a fence board down went, I don't think I'll be very good at kicking in doors.

    2) Flip a table when I'm mad. Preferably someone else's table, with their stuff on it.

    Life goal! Kicking down the door would be fun too. I need to build up some more leg strength before that happens though.

    Confession: I like kicking/punching things.

    Confession: I have done both of these things. The door was flimsy or I was Hulk kind of angry.

  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    So TMI alert but here's a thought (you've been warned).

    As previously bemoaned, a lovely side effect of pregnancy is the slowing down of one's bowel and all the delightful consequences associated therewith.

    While I finally managed to 'lighten my load' earlier today after a few days of stalling, it occurred to me that perhaps this is nature's way of readying the body for birth. I swear I had to do breathing exercises to get through it!

    I feel better now...

    As I don't have children and therefore have never given birth, this scares me :#

    I've given birth 4 times with no drugs and I don't recall ever having this problem. I only recall the last one being difficult to push. He was also the only omen induced though, so that's what I blame it on.

    I have horror movie scenes running through my head. What is this?!?

    ETA: I think I figured it out. "The only one induced" right?

    Yes... sorry, my bad. I am a precipitous deliverer and my doc didn't want to not make it to the hospital for #4 so she induced 10 days early.

  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Random things I hope to do one day:

    1) Kick down a door. Don't know why, it just looks fun. But based on how attempting to kick a fence board down went, I don't think I'll be very good at kicking in doors.

    2) Flip a table when I'm mad. Preferably someone else's table, with their stuff on it.

    I love #2 and feel like I need more information about the sidenote to #1...

    The fence board? We were taking down part of my fence so naturally we wanted to try kicking some boards down. I kicked - nothing. Kicked again - nothing. Determined now, I put EVERYTHING I had into a kick. Well the board came off that time, and my leg continued through, and I scraped my entire calf down the cross board on the bottom. :angry:

    Generally, whenever I try to do something fun I end up hurting myself in some way.

    Oh no! So I know that must of hurt, but it really is funny. I hope it's funny to you too, in retrospect. Silver lining - you DID do it!

    I would hurt myself too. I was always the scraped up kid at my grandparents' farm. I stabbed my boot with a pitchfork once. Thank God for the boots though, I was bad to wear sneakers to the barn...
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    So TMI alert but here's a thought (you've been warned).

    As previously bemoaned, a lovely side effect of pregnancy is the slowing down of one's bowel and all the delightful consequences associated therewith.

    While I finally managed to 'lighten my load' earlier today after a few days of stalling, it occurred to me that perhaps this is nature's way of readying the body for birth. I swear I had to do breathing exercises to get through it!

    I feel better now...

    As I don't have children and therefore have never given birth, this scares me :#

    I've given birth 4 times with no drugs and I don't recall ever having this problem. I only recall the last one being difficult to push. He was also the only omen induced though, so that's what I blame it on.

    I have horror movie scenes running through my head. What is this?!?

    ETA: I think I figured it out. "The only one induced" right?

    Oh my goodness this was one funny typo. Did he have 666 carved on his head too?

    No, but he was born on 06/13/06 at13:06. :)
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    I am known at work for making really good cakes, usually from scratch. Today one of the guys is leaving to take a job out of state, so they asked me to make him a German chocolate cake. I made it- box mix, can of frosting. Everyone is raving about how good it is. I don't know whether I should be flattered or disappointed.

    ETA: Yay me, I can follow directions!

    German Choc cake is the one I'm the most tempted to do this with. I never make anything out of a box (My kitchen would have to be on fire first lol) but German Choc Cake from scratch tastes almost exactly like a box mix. If anything, scratch made is less sweet and mild chocolate flavor. The cake is a cinch to make, but the frosting is a PITA. Making the caramel base and throwing in the pecans and stirring til your arms hate you on extremely low heat drives me nuts... My mom asks for a GC Cake every year for her birthday and I do it but every year I swear I'm substituting Duncan Hines...Then no matter how cold/cooled off the cake is, even if you do a crumb coat, frosting it is HARD.

    This is the mix I used:

    It is delicious! It has a separate packet of coconut pecan mix to add in before baking. It is super moist! I baked it in a 9 x 13 pan and frosted it with whatever brand of coconut pecan frosting I grabbed first. (Betty Crocker, I think?)
    Edit: because spelling is hard.

    Would I be driven out of the thread if I admitted that I'd most likely HATE German Chocolate cake? I hate nuts in everything (they can only be eaten alone, unless we're talking nut butter), and I really hate coconut in desserts--and in everything else. I can only eat it plain and fresh.
    German chocolate cake has a special place in my heart. My dad used to buy one for everyone on their birthday, thinking it was our favorite cake. The truth is it wasn't the favorite cake of any of us... except for my dad. I think he convinced himself everyone loved it as much as him. Now it always makes me think about him <3

    I also do like German chocolate cake, and I'm not a big cake person. I love coconut!

    Apparently I loved licorice allsorts as a kid. I have no independent recollection of this.

    My father buys me a HUGE tin of them every Christmas as a result.

    I don't much care for them any more. Next tin is going to the office for the vultures to devour.
    :lol: Gotta love dads.

    I am one of the only people I know who actually likes licorice. I'm not really a fan of licorice flavored jelly beans, but I like licorice allsorts. I'd take em off your hands!

    You can send me a tin as well. I used to walk to the deli for my mom to pick up her order of sliced meats and cheeses and Mr. Anderson would give me a stick to eat on the way home. Some times it was a soft bendy one and that was super good, but if I got all A's or could tell him the names of three books I had read in the last week, he'd give me the super great hard sticks.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    So, I finally heard back about "first steps" today. Apparently, it is through a daycare, and only for 4K, they do have a 2 and 3K, but you have to enroll them in daycare, whereas the 4K you have the option to not send them to daycare and just do the half day class.

    Since we can't afford a daycare, we looked over our finances again and talked things over, and I re-enrolled Raelynn back in the private church preschool she was in for 2K last year.

    The director there was more than happy to have her come back, and will actually be teaching Raelynn's class this year, so she will be familiar with someone already and it may be an easier transition. I feel stupid now for pulling her out to begin with, but I was going off the doctor's recommendation, and she wanted to get the district involved in some way or another.

    The good thing is, the district sends out speech therapists to the 3 and 4K classes to screen for any issues, so she would still be evaluated and if she qualifies for help, could also get OT through the district.

    Another good thing, there was a guy quit at hubby's job recently, and they gave hubby an additional part of his route permanently. This means his route goes up roughly $1000 or so in production which equals to a few hundred dollars more on his commission each month, so we will be able to afford her tuition this year! I'm not overly religious by any means, but when I say I believe God makes a way for things to happen, I mean it!

    I've spent these past few months and weeks so ridiculously stressed out and worried about everything. Between everything with Raelynn, our financial situation, and some other personal issues, I've been stretched so far thin it blows my mind. Hopefully now, I can breathe and shift a little of my focus to getting ready for tax school in 2 months (I have to go to a 10 week class each year to keep my job and certification) and get back to trying to get fit/healthier/lose weight. I know things are still going to be a bit rough and Raelynn isn't totally "out of the woods" as they say, but I'm finally feeling like I can somewhat breathe again, which is wonderful.

    I really appreciate all the kind words and well wishes, you've kept me going and motivated countless times! I'll definitely keep you all updated as things go along and with Raelynn's progress! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    This is wonderful news!!! In with the good air, out with the bad air.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    I made an honest effort to catch up tonight. I REALLY did. But I am smurfing tired.

    Worked 14 nights straight and then stayed up all day on Thursday for my girls day with Alycia. We hung out at the pool and then went home that night and slept until 4am where Sgt. Sexy Pants said something mildly insulting(we're not going there). I'm trying not to be mad about it anymore but it's difficult.

    Anyway, I'm back at work and super tired. I've gained 4 pounds of beer/wine/meatloaf sandwiches/tacos. But it was delicious. If I ever catch up on my sleep I will get back to working out properly but until then, I am off to do my rounds.
  • overlook237
    overlook237 Posts: 160 Member
    misskarne wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Random things I hope to do one day:

    1) Kick down a door. Don't know why, it just looks fun. But based on how attempting to kick a fence board down went, I don't think I'll be very good at kicking in doors.

    2) Flip a table when I'm mad. Preferably someone else's table, with their stuff on it.

    Life goal! Kicking down the door would be fun too. I need to build up some more leg strength before that happens though.

    Confession: I like kicking/punching things.

    I feel stupid kicking/punching anything. I have puny hands and am not particularly physically violent. I more rage with words. When I try to be violent (break something, rip something up, punch something) I feel stupid and ineffective. I just rant and yell and swear alot (but not here of course).

    Oh, this is me too! I have tiny hands and feet a Russian coach at the rink has labelled "Cinderella feet". Which of course makes me look even MORE ridiculous at my present weight.

    :) I have the opposite problem. My feet aren't overly huge (I wear an 8.5), but my hands are. Like, ENORMOUS. And now that I've lost weight and have tiny wrists, they look even bigger, like I've attached catchers' mitts to the ends of my arms. On the plus side, if I ever learn how to play the piano, I can probably span an octave and a half or maybe even two!
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    For those who want to know, This is why I am mad at Sgt. Sexy Pants:

    He sent me a text about how he was talking to another coworker

    "She's talking about how she and her father hate the Chinese because they bombed Pearl Harbor."

    I was stunned into silence. I finally responded with
    "I don't even have words..."

    He said: "Are you trying to figure out how that is wrong?"

    I said: "Seriously?! You think I'm THAT dumb?! The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor!"

    He said: "Well now that you googled it."

    All in all, not REALLY anything to be mad about but I gave him a big piece of my mind about how I have not one but TWO parents who served in the United States Armed Forces and my Grandfathers fought in WW2 so of COURSE I would know who bombed Pearl Harbor.

    I bond with my father watching all kinds of war documentaries and I just can't believe he... I really just. UGH!

    I can't believe he thinks so little of me and I'm wondering if I will get past it or not.

    Any tips are welcome. I did send him a text saying I didn't know he thought so little of my intellect and that he really hurt my feelings. I have gotten nothing back. :disappointed:
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    For those who want to know, This is why I am mad at Sgt. Sexy Pants:

    He sent me a text about how he was talking to another coworker

    "She's talking about how she and her father hate the Chinese because they bombed Pearl Harbor."

    I was stunned into silence. I finally responded with
    "I don't even have words..."

    He said: "Are you trying to figure out how that is wrong?"

    I said: "Seriously?! You think I'm THAT dumb?! The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor!"

    He said: "Well now that you googled it."

    All in all, not REALLY anything to be mad about but I gave him a big piece of my mind about how I have not one but TWO parents who served in the United States Armed Forces and my Grandfathers fought in WW2 so of COURSE I would know who bombed Pearl Harbor.

    I bond with my father watching all kinds of war documentaries and I just can't believe he... I really just. UGH!

    I can't believe he thinks so little of me and I'm wondering if I will get past it or not.

    Any tips are welcome. I did send him a text saying I didn't know he thought so little of my intellect and that he really hurt my feelings. I have gotten nothing back. :disappointed:

    Tip (1) get some rest before you decide anything / say anything more on the subject. That gives you better perspective and clarity of thought.
    (2) Journal. Write all your crappy feelings out just to help you acknowledge them and sort through them. When I do this I challenge myself to also dig deeper and see if other things or other people are bothering me that I am channeling to whatever situation I think is bothering me. Sometimes there is. I also challenge myself and dig and figure out what I WANT from a situation. I also examine overall pattens, is this part of a pattern?
    (3) When you are not actively upset with him talk to him. The way you word it is up to you. I would probably say something along the lines of:
    What I understood from you was that you were saying / implying ______(whatever words you want to use saying that you felt he doubted your knowledge of these events). Ask him if that is what he meant. Listen to what he says and how he says it. Follow up questions so that you understand where he is coming from. Once you have some answers take more time to sort through his answers and examine yourself. Was there a misunderstanding? Do the answers you got from him satisfy you? Are you being treated the way you need to be treated? Respected? Etc. Do this examining by yourself and in your own time and then decide the next actions.

  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    My son just bummed a Quest bar off me. Guess I will have to try s'mores next round......
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    I think this long weekend I may actually bake and get some cleaning done. There is also ribfest this weekend, if the weather holds I am forcing the mancreature to join me after the gym for Lunch xD

    I love ribfest!!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    I am known at work for making really good cakes, usually from scratch. Today one of the guys is leaving to take a job out of state, so they asked me to make him a German chocolate cake. I made it- box mix, can of frosting. Everyone is raving about how good it is. I don't know whether I should be flattered or disappointed.

    ETA: Yay me, I can follow directions!

    That's awesome! Did you admit it was box?
    Yes! I owned it! Thursday night is my regular girls' bike group ride. I knew I would be pretty late getting home and didn't want to take the time to make one from scratch. I usually at least make frosting from scratch, but didn't even bother this time. Apparently, there are plenty of people here who can't even make a decent cake using box mix. :neutral:

    Man, I bet frosting from scratch is AMAZING!

    Oh, it is. And super easy, too--I HATE frosting in a can, ever since I tasted frosting from scratch. You just can't go back!

    I'd love to hate frosting in a can.

    I polished off the leftover tub in one night.

    When I bought the brownie ingredients, I also grabbed a tub of frosting just in case I needed to jazz them up. I ate about a quarter of it (with a spoon, @Italian_Buju just in case you were wondering) while waiting for the brownies to cool enough to sample.

    Once I'd decided the brownies didn't need frosting, I then ate some more frosting out of the tub.

    Clearly, I need to make frosting from scratch so I can break this nasty habit.

    Just frosting on a spoon? I think that would be yucky!
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    I don't think I mentioned this because I didn't want to mention it while I was actually traveling.
    On my last trip, the first outbound flight I accidentally and totally unknowingly took a canister of mace or pepper spray through TSA. I had put it in my bag for when I was on the road with SO earlier this summer and thought I might hike solo while he biked. I forgot it until I cleared security and was hanging out at the gate. Oddly enough a coworker mentioned bear spray and his brother hiking and I realized I *might* have forgotten to take it out of my bag. I put my hand on the outside pocket and there it was, cleared the Xray machine no problem. I walked back and explained it and turned it in. I figured if I just threw it away and it was discovered it would cause a huge kerfuffle. I figured that once I knew I had it that it would be knowingly taking it on a flight (and I had two flights to go that day) and that seemed that I could get into trouble for that if caught. So I turned it in. TSA accepted it and thanked me and I was on my way.

    This is the fourth time I've accidentally and unknowingly taken a banned "weapon" through security. The other three flights I had a leatherman tool that had slipped into the lining of my bag. It was not until the fourth Xray that it was found. I was able to mail it to myself.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I don't think I mentioned this because I didn't want to mention it while I was actually traveling.
    On my last trip, the first outbound flight I accidentally and totally unknowingly took a canister of mace or pepper spray through TSA. I had put it in my bag for when I was on the road with SO earlier this summer and thought I might hike solo while he biked. I forgot it until I cleared security and was hanging out at the gate. Oddly enough a coworker mentioned bear spray and his brother hiking and I realized I *might* have forgotten to take it out of my bag. I put my hand on the outside pocket and there it was, cleared the Xray machine no problem. I walked back and explained it and turned it in. I figured if I just threw it away and it was discovered it would cause a huge kerfuffle. I figured that once I knew I had it that it would be knowingly taking it on a flight (and I had two flights to go that day) and that seemed that I could get into trouble for that if caught. So I turned it in. TSA accepted it and thanked me and I was on my way.

    This is the fourth time I've accidentally and unknowingly taken a banned "weapon" through security. The other three flights I had a leatherman tool that had slipped into the lining of my bag. It was not until the fourth Xray that it was found. I was able to mail it to myself.

    PLEASE Don't judge me but I laugh at TSA and their attempts to 'protect us' as we fly. HAHAHAHAHA!

    But when I go to the airport I am always very respectful and treat them all with dignity because they do still have the power to ruin your life.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    edited August 2015
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    For those who want to know, This is why I am mad at Sgt. Sexy Pants:

    He sent me a text about how he was talking to another coworker

    "She's talking about how she and her father hate the Chinese because they bombed Pearl Harbor."

    I was stunned into silence. I finally responded with
    "I don't even have words..."

    He said: "Are you trying to figure out how that is wrong?"

    I said: "Seriously?! You think I'm THAT dumb?! The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor!"

    He said: "Well now that you googled it."

    All in all, not REALLY anything to be mad about but I gave him a big piece of my mind about how I have not one but TWO parents who served in the United States Armed Forces and my Grandfathers fought in WW2 so of COURSE I would know who bombed Pearl Harbor.

    I bond with my father watching all kinds of war documentaries and I just can't believe he... I really just. UGH!

    I can't believe he thinks so little of me and I'm wondering if I will get past it or not.

    Any tips are welcome. I did send him a text saying I didn't know he thought so little of my intellect and that he really hurt my feelings. I have gotten nothing back. :disappointed:

    Tip (1) get some rest before you decide anything / say anything more on the subject. That gives you better perspective and clarity of thought.
    (2) Journal. Write all your crappy feelings out just to help you acknowledge them and sort through them. When I do this I challenge myself to also dig deeper and see if other things or other people are bothering me that I am channeling to whatever situation I think is bothering me. Sometimes there is. I also challenge myself and dig and figure out what I WANT from a situation. I also examine overall pattens, is this part of a pattern?
    (3) When you are not actively upset with him talk to him. The way you word it is up to you. I would probably say something along the lines of:
    What I understood from you was that you were saying / implying ______(whatever words you want to use saying that you felt he doubted your knowledge of these events). Ask him if that is what he meant. Listen to what he says and how he says it. Follow up questions so that you understand where he is coming from. Once you have some answers take more time to sort through his answers and examine yourself. Was there a misunderstanding? Do the answers you got from him satisfy you? Are you being treated the way you need to be treated? Respected? Etc. Do this examining by yourself and in your own time and then decide the next actions.


    @nonoelmo Thanks for the excellent advice!

    First thing is first, I need to get a new journal...I ran out of pages in my old one. :tired_face: So I'll likely be hitting up the store on my way home.

    Second, I did realize that his comment came at the end of the 'I'm not feeling good enough for anyone/anything' week. So it would have been easy for me to misinterperet something as an insult. I'm planning on talking to him Sunday morning, hopefully I wont be as frustrated by this and I will have gotten a SERIOUS workout AND snoozefest in.

    Oh and Update on the Tinea Versicolor, I have two anti fungal soaps on the way, I now use BioOil topically after an antifungal cream. It helps with the smell and has rosemary oil in it and it has some antifungal properties. In addition, I spray myself with rose water to try and keep the icky smell away. I'm looking forward to my antifungal soaps getting here, hopefully I can kill these 'sunspots' for good!

    I have considered using Lavender and Thyme oils because they also supposedly have good anti fungal properties and smell WAY better than Tea Tree oil... :grimace:

    ETA: Thank you for all of the positive comments during my 'I'm not feeling good enough' days. I REALLY appreciated it.

    This thread is truly the best. :heart: :grin:
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    @Susieq_1994 It's great to have you back! You were sorely missed.

    @Italian_Buju I use smurf because that's what I did waiting tables and we couldn't curse in front of guests. It just kinda stuck, and I smurfing love you for noticing. :heart:

    @FroggyBug :heart: