Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member

    JFT, Saturday, August 1
    1) Power Sculpt 11AM
    2) PT exercises for knee
    3) Refrain from mindless eating after dinner

    Did those^ except I forgot my resistance band, so I now have a second one I keep in my purse.

    JFT, Tuesday, August 5
    1) Meet with teammates to discuss coaching
    2) Learn a Zumba routine for my workshop next week
    3) Eat breakfast mindfully
  • vicky1947mfp
    vicky1947mfp Posts: 1,527 Member
    JFT -having dinner out and will NOT have alcohol with dinner.

    Keep to my allotted calories

    Walk 10,000 steps

    Drink 6 glasses water(this is hard for me)
  • leanlicorice
    leanlicorice Posts: 84 Member
    Just for today:
    - I will focus on who I am now, rather than who I used to be.
    - Mindfully eat meals and ensure I eat at regular intervals.
  • WellingTX
    WellingTX Posts: 617 Member
    For today, I will again stay away from chips, work out for 1:20 and stay under my calorie goal.
    Today, I will enjoy the day working at home treasuring the time with our aged puppy dog. Not much time left.[/quote]

    Gave in to a bag of pop chips and was over my net calorie goal by 512. Great work out day, 1:23 including 1.5 miles at 17:07. Enjoyed the day working at home. Little dog still has fight left in her. Hit 150 days on MFP and was able to check off another 5 pound lost box (need 5 days in a row.)

    For today I will stay away from chips. stay under my calorie goal, work out for 1:20.
    For today I will reach out to two work friends and let them know that I appreciate and value their support and friendship.
  • kiela64
    kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
    Today I will stay under my calorie goal (+ half exercise cals), drink enough water, go to the gym and see where I'm at after this break, and weigh myself for the first time in a few weeks!
  • krdews
    krdews Posts: 124 Member
    krdews wrote: »
    Just joined the "no late night snacking challenge' so that's my goal today along with drinking the large glass of water on my desk before I leave @ 5PM!

    Fail... I managed to drink water; but snacked on some dried cherries and pecans. It was not that bad; but really trying to kick this late night snacking thing when I'm really not hungry.

    Today... drink more water and no late night snacking!
  • brubalcaba
    brubalcaba Posts: 8 Member
    I have been doing better but I guess I am still eating too much! Yesterday I was hungry ALL day:( I had plenty of protein and fiber so not sure what's up with that.... But it's a new day!
    Mow back yard
    Stay within my calories( trying not to use my exercise calories but haven't made it yet)
    Get on here in the evening
  • michelle1173
    michelle1173 Posts: 158 Member
    edited August 2015

    1. Log calories
    2. Clean up inside the house and come up with a to-do list
    3. I know I won't be lazy while I'm out, but don't be too lazy once I get home.

    4. Get out of bed by 7:30 AM
    5. Post by 8 AM.

    I was slow with #4 and #5 but otherwise I did well.

    1. Log calories
    2. **Clean up inside the house and come up with a to-do list (plans just changed so I need to actually get a lot done in this area since I'll be at home)

    4. Get out of bed by 5:45 AM for appointment
    5. Post goals by 8:30 AM
  • kellibee2000
    kellibee2000 Posts: 87 Member
    New to MFB community boards, this looks like an awesome thread!
    1. Eat mindfully, what I've planned
    2. Study for exam after work
    3. Pack gym clothes for tomorrow

    So happy I found this, hope I can hit today's goals!
  • shawnt85
    shawnt85 Posts: 24 Member
    Just for today i will:
    1.Go for a long walk after I eat lunch
    2.Go to the gym
    3.Not nap when I get home from work
  • jenean52
    jenean52 Posts: 80 Member
    Errands and work today. Planning will be the key to todays success.
    1. Stay within alloted calories
    2. Ride bike 30 mins
    3. 10 pints of water
    4. Peaceful thoughts
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    So I've been doing kind of a cool thing. I go to this thread and then I challenge myself to do the same things as the person above me! There have been some great ideas out there. So today I'm following Jeanean52's lead and I'm going to do these four things:
    jenean52 wrote: »
    1. Stay within alloted calories
    2. Ride bike 30 mins
    3. 10 pints of water
    4. Peaceful thoughts

  • vicky1947mfp
    vicky1947mfp Posts: 1,527 Member
    So I've been doing kind of a cool thing. I go to this thread and then I challenge myself to do the same things as the person above me! There have been some great ideas out there. So today I'm following Jeanean52's lead and I'm going to do these four things:
    jenean52 wrote: »
    1. Stay within alloted calories
    2. Ride bike 30 mins
    3. 10 pints of water
    4. Peaceful thoughts

    Great idea. <3
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Happy Wonderful Wednesday to each of you! B)

    I realize I have been MIA but back today. Actually, I have decided to do my list in the mornings that way I can judge what I can do b/c of the leg.

    1. stay on plan
    2. no late night snacking - kitchen closes at 9:00
    3. I am going to totally do the office during the month of August. So I will do a bit each day, maybe not Sundays?
    4. Dinner in the crock pot (which is already done :p )
    5. START doing upper body exercises which I was going to do 2 weeks ago

    See you all tomorrow!!

  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    @ruby70 I told all of my family yesterday - I AM READY FOR FOOTBALL!! I had to laugh when I read yours.
    In my case it is Kansas State University football.
    Believe me I have already done the sons football when they were younger.
  • vicky1947mfp
    vicky1947mfp Posts: 1,527 Member
    JFT -having dinner out and will NOT have alcohol with dinner. :)

    Keep to my allotted calories :)

    Walk 10,000 steps :)

    Drink 6 glasses water(this is hard for me) :)

  • vicky1947mfp
    vicky1947mfp Posts: 1,527 Member
    JFT -having dinner out and will NOT have alcohol with dinner. :)

    Keep to my allotted calories :)

    Walk 10,000 steps :)

    Drink 6 glasses water(this is hard for me) :)

    Yeah me!!!!
  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    Just for today,

    I will not worry about recent insomnia,
    I will thoroughly enjoy a long bike ride with a friend
    I will be the most supportive mom i can possibly be, and give myself a break for not being 4 people. (4 kids with very different "needs", from ages 9 to 22)

    Happy Thursday everyone! and "yay, Vicky" :)
  • AuntieAnon
    AuntieAnon Posts: 23 Member
    Hi, everyone! I'm currently sitting at around 222 lbs, which is still too too too much for me.

    Just for today, I'm going to walk five miles: 2.5 to walk through the forest and up a steep hill, and then the same back again. It's gonna be a hot and humid day, so wish me luck! I'm gonna break a sweat. :sweat_smile:
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,309 Member
    JFT Tuesday 4/08
    1. Keep to basic calories :)
    2. 10,000+ steps :)
    3. Buy an outfit for wedding on 18th August :( I wasn't in form for this so will do it at the weekend
    JFT Wednesday 5/08
    1. Keep to basic calories
    2. 10,000+ steps; 40+ strength; 40+ flexibility
    3. Shop for food, keep it healthy

    @krdews I should join this 'No late night snacking challenge :lol:

    @krdews I joined the challenge :) I left the kitchen at 8.30pm and went to upstairs and watched a TV in the bedroom. It's better to keep busy.

    :grin: Achieved yesterday's goals.

    JFT Thursday 6/08
    1. I need to find an outfit for the 18th. I am the mother of the bride and don't want to let her down. I do have a lovely, flattering outfit form my 'thin' wardrobe as a back up, though. Haven't found anything which matches it.
    2. Stay under basic calories
    3. No late night snacking
    4. De clutter dining room