

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,332 Member
    edited August 2015
    I've been on here 3 years ! :noway:

    Heather UK

    PS Meg - I can't imagine what stress you are going through. You are one strong woman. :flowerforyou:
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hi Friends.
    Mary: Thank you for the advice on how to do squats. I’m going to have to research that and set a goal to get to vertical.

    Heather: Cheering hearing that your legacy came in. Great to hear that you’re getting started typing your memoir.

    Joyce: What a beautiful house you have been hiding behind the bushes. Tons of curb appeal.

    Alison: I’m so glad you’re having a nice, peaceful getaway.

    Becca: Wish you were my neighbor. Had to laugh seeing your son using the rotary phone. I also collect pint glasses. Most go to my brother as birthday and holiday gifts.

    Beth: Oweeee! Perhaps a hot bath with Epsom salts will help your back. For shingles, I know people who have had success with acupuncture.

    Dr. Katie: Lucky son to have you and mama helping with the cleaning and feathering of his new nest. Good for you for sticking to your eating and exercise plan.

    DJ: Invest in the small travel size bottles for your toiletries. Less is more. I’ve whittled my travel bag to ‘the essentials’. Lotion, shampoo and conditioner are available in every hotel, so I don’t pack them any more.

    Lisa: Gorgeous quilt. What an amazing gift.

    Lillian: DGC are adorable.

    Sylvia: Safe travels home.

    Katla: Thanks for recommending Allrecipes app. As a new smartphone user, I’m going ga-ga for apps.

    MNMargaret: What a deal. I was just thinking I need to check out Kohl’s in my area. I pass one all the time, but have never shopped there.

    Rebamae: Prayers going up for the sweet child.

    Gayle: I have been on this thread a couple of years. Have had the good fortune of meeting some of these ladies face to face when they have come through the Denver area. Later this month I’ll get to meet Michele (Exermom) and Carol (NC) when I go to Hickory for a business trip. I can’t imagine a better support system for this journey to radiant good health.

    Meg: Hope you can sort things out with the DD’s baby. What stress indeed. You have the patience of a saint.

    Janetr: I moved to Colorado from Hawaii, and never imagined I could love mountains. For you, and any others who love the Rocky Mountain region, here are some snaps from yesterday’s hike. Location is a little slice of heaven called Garden of the Gods, about 1.5 hours south of Denver, outside of downtown Colorado Springs. The conditions were perfect and we've had so much rain the wildflowers are still out.


    Stay well. We can do this.
    Colorado Foothills
    August Goals
    • Burn 2300 calories per week
    • Eat mindfully
    • Meditate 3x per week
    • Call someone once a week just to check in.
    • Finish reading “Clean Gut”

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Rori -my parents and two oldest sisters were born in Colo. Springs. I love the garden of the Gods. Thanks for sharing your pics.

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    My nephew just let me know that my BiL was moved out of ICU this afternoon. He is too weak to feed himself or walk, he will have to have physical therapy. He's a fighter. Thanks for your continued prayers and healing third.

    Janetr OKC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Becca-what adorable pictures! It is fun going down memory lane.

    Bkrimpet- good for you getting your DD to join MFP and 2 lbs down! That is nice to have an accountability buddy!

    Drkatiebug- glad to hear that you got so much accomplished with DS new place!

    Lillian beautiful! Your grandson and granddaughter are so cute!

    Lisa-what a beautiful quilt! You do such nice work. I can't believe you do so much with as busy as you are.

    Grits - I had my eyeliner and lips tattooed. That was around 15 years ago. I don't remember that my eyelids swelled very much. My lips did though and then a couple layers of skin sloughed off. You will love it when it is done. Probably won't hurt anymore than your eyebrows did.

    Tammy-I do it both ways. If I really try to be strict I log in everything I plan on eating in the morning. If it is a day that I am going to be out and about I do it as I go. You have to find out what works best for you.

    Katla- it sounds like you and your DH will have a nice vacation soon.

    Heather- our neighbors have two children and one of them loves to scream really loud! They also have two dogs that like to bark whenever we are out in the yard. Those of you with dogs, do you think they will stop barking eventually? They drive my husband nuts.

    Beth-I'm glad you're feeling better today. It usually takes my back one to two days if it isn't out too badly the longest it took to get back to normal was two weeks.

    DJ - LOL my DH put up two new light fixtures yesterday. It used to freak me out because he never turn the electricity off. So kudos to you! You are a brave woman!

    MNMargaret - yay! What a score on the swimsuit! I love going to the pool. Can you dive as well?

    Allison-welcome back home! I hope you guys had a great time together. You need to post a picture of you and Tom on your profile!

    Barbie-yay! I love the StrongLifts 5X5. I am glad that you tried it.

    Vicki - it is nice of you to let your DS and family have a garden at your house. It also gives you some family time.

    Rori- Beautiful pictures! I've been there before. My DH daughter and boyfriend are moving to Colorado next weekend. They are going to be 30 minutes out of Denver.

    I had a great day with my DSisand my DS nL we went shopping for my sisters dress for her son's wedding next weekend. We had a great day! Now it is time for my DH and I to take a walk. Have a great night everyone!

    Rebamae- i'm so sorry to hear that! We will be praying for them.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,680 Member
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    My way of thinking is that every stranger is a friend I haven't met yet. I suppose this is a naive way of thinking but Im not living in New York, or someplace where I have to have my guard up 24/7 so it has worked the best for me so far. I also meet a new person every day of my life. Either at the grocery store, on the street, but I introduce myself to everyone I feel comfortable in doing so. Like today, at the beginning of the bike trail there is a bench, and a couple was sitting there. I start out by saying, "Are either of you cherry tomato lovers?" The husband put up his hand and I said, "I just picked these, they are still warm from the sun". Found out they live in my apartment complex, and so that is how I immerse myself into the world.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,975 Member
    edited August 2015
    17761776 wrote: »
    Some of u have been chatting for sometime, can u share how long??? Gayle Minneapolis
    :) I found this thread in 2009 and jumped right in....I was on my umpteenth attempt to drop the pounds that had stayed with me for decades and had no idea that it would work this time.....after a few months, the woman who moderated this thread went on vacation and asked me to fill in and I've been starting it up again every month since then....the women on this thread have become the sisters I always wanted and I can't imagine my life without all of you.

    <3 Barbie


    This is my picture in 2009 and more recently

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Hello all!
    We made it to the Nesselrod B&B in Radford VA! We are first timers at this and I have to tell you we may never go the hotel route again! The nicest man runs the place and basically said my home is yours! Beautiful place! My husband starts his interviews tomorrow from 830-700 and Tues 830 till 3 when we will head home. I just might never leave the B&B. Just cuddle up in the living room with Buddy the house dog my kindle, crochet and protein drink till he's finished on Tues! I'll post pics when I have better Internet connection.
    Thinking of you all!
    Cheri from NE Ohio currently in Radford, VA
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    17761776 wrote: »
    Some of u have been chatting for sometime, can u share how long??? Gayle Minneapolis
    :) I found this thread in 2009 and jumped right in....I was on my umpteenth attempt to drop the pounds that had stayed with me for decades and had no idea that it would work this time.....after a few months, the woman who moderated this thread went on vacation and asked me to fill in and I've been starting it up again every month since then....the women on this thread have become the sisters I always wanted and I can't imagine my life without all of you.

    <3 Barbie


    This is my picture in 2009 and more recently

    You look great!!! One problem I can't figure the initials.. Got dear husband, help. Gayle Minneapolis
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Barbie - you made an amazing transformation! We appreciate all you do for us by keeping this thread going for all of us. We hope to be as successful as you!

    Cheri - Have a relaxing time at the B&B. Good luck to your DH with his interviews. Looking forward to the pictures.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    I could not get out of bed and walk this morning. I tried to catch up on my iPad time, then church, then Wal-mart and back to DS's house to help. My father and my son put the table and chairs together that my parents bought him. He also cut the grass and changed out the locks. I finally found some mini blinds that worked "good enough" for the smaller bedroom windows, got those hung and pulled out the nasty carpet and padding from the walk-in closet. I still need to get up the little strips of wood around the edges with carpet nails sticking up in them. Mama and I caved and are going to paint the green closet for him.

    We are still waiting on the landlords to spray for bugs and put the baseboards back in the living room and one bedroom. I'm not really sure why they are missing in the first place. DS's walkway looks awesome. It would look better if we would fill in between with gravel, but we aren't spending the money for that on a rental. The rocks he's found so far have been free. We also need to haul about two truckloads of junk from the yard to the dump. DS has been piling it up by the shed, but we will have to do it for him, because he works during the hours when the landfill is open.

    I'm depressed about my weight. I've been working like a crazy person and staying within my calorie allotment, yet I was up 3 lbs this morning. I know it's water because my rings are tight on my finger (they are usually very loose), but still! I did have a NSV this morning that helped a little. I bought a sleeveless dress with a shrug at the beginning of the summer, ordered it online in my usual size, but it was super tight and uncomfortable around the arms. Well, it was comfortable today! So, I am definitely a little smaller in that area.

    Oh, one last thing. Yes, I skipped my walk this morning, but I did it tonight after supper. Go me!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,680 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Barbie - you made an amazing transformation! We appreciate all you do for us by keeping this thread going for all of us. We hope to be as successful as you!

    Cheri - Have a relaxing time at the B&B. Good luck to your DH with his interviews. Looking forward to the pictures.

    Mary from Minnesota

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    MNMargaret, I guess there is “no” excuse to not start swimming again. But then there never way. Lol Way to go on the swim suit!!! I love bargains like that!

    Reba, prayers on their way!! So sad.

    Allison, sorry the trip was shorter than you expected. Was it a pleasant trip for the most part? I think, I too, am trying to figure out where Tom’s head is at, as they say. At least out of all of this, I hope he is being civil and talking to you nicer. Glad you could get away. Wow you did get a deal on a swim suit!!

    Carol, sorry you didn’t like the new hair color. I can still put on eye liner, but I have decided if I’m in a rush, no one notices if I don’t wear any. I just put eye shadow a bit heavier near the lashes and put on mascara. With my glasses I don’t really think it’s noticeable for all my trouble. Lol I’d just be too big a chicken to have mine tattooed. And I do use a mirror with 5X magnification. Lol

    Barbie, you talked about people criticizing when they are not succeeding….I also find it strange that those same people that don’t succeed will ask what you are doing to lose weight and then immediately start telling you about some diet they are on/or have heard of. *shakin’ head*

    Gayle, I have only been with this group of ladies since Nov. last year. The thing is, they made me immediately feel at home and part of the family. Some have been here much longer. We really don’t care how long someone has been here if they are committed to the journey and serious about getting/staying healthy. smiley-happy020.gif I only wish I had found MGP and this group of ladies about 10 years earlier.

    Vicki, glad you get an easy day at work. Hope you get your early to bed night’s rest. (((Hugs)))

    Meg, it is so hard when our children (at any age) need help but just don’t take it. And especially when they won’t do what they need to do to protect and take care of themselves. My heart goes out to you and your DD for what she’s going through. I’ll keep you in my prayers.

    Rori, beautiful pictures. Looks like a wonderful day.

    Barbie, love seeing both pictures. I had never seen the before. Thanks for sharing. I can’t get over what a tiny thing you are. (((Hugs)))

    Cheri, glad you like the B & B. Our one and only experience was not as good and DH swore he’d never visit one again. Lol

    Do any of you know the difference in Oat Bran and Oat Flour? Or even Oat Cereal? I made more Bran Muffins today and am running low on Oat Bran, so was looking online about ordering more. Thus the questions.

    I wish you all a happy and healthy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • pjnva
    pjnva Posts: 17 Member
    New to the group I am a 54-year-old female that had a heart attack on Monday while at work. That was my ahh ha moment. Thank God it was a minor attack (if there is such a thing), in any case I got the message loud a clear.

    PJ in Virginia just like mi Id
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Did an hour of balance games on the Wii today. The plan for tomorrow is to do one segment of the Butt Lift DVD, hold my plank, and then take the extremepump class.

    This is the week we have off from senior bowling. Next week we go early for a meeting, free bowling, and then the fall season starts the following week.

    Exercised then it was so nice out this a.m. that I put the weed killer down, came in and read the paper. Boy, did I have a stomach ache! Went to WalMart (wanted to get more feta cheese, I'll probably make another one of those spinach/feta crustless quiches, only this time I'll put in the salt) Went in the pool, made the ice tea to have at rummikub Tuesday. I keep forgetting that we don't have bowling tomorrow. Maybe I'll ice the cupcakes tomorrow for Rummikub Tuesday.

    Mary from MN - I don't have arthritis...yet. I do have osteoporosis. I think that's one of the main reasons why I want to do exercises just about every day, to put stress on the bones. I know that's one of the advantages of lifting weights

    Joyce - last year they discontinued the tax free weekend in NC so this year they're promoting "better than tax free" sales. I don't know how that's going to go.

    Lisa - awesome quilt!!! Love how you did the sides. Thanks for sharing the significance of the quilt. You are one special lady, that's for sure. I don't know how you find the time with all you do, especially now

    Lillian - how adorable those kids are! I'd just love to pinch those cheeks, but you can do it for me

    Sylvia - so sorry for your hips and knees. That's just aweful. I've always wanted to go to Mount Airy

    Lenora - I buy the same way as you, at the end of the season. The biggest problem I sometimes run into is that one color is in popularity one season (like purple was big one year, another it was shocking pink) but then the next year you can't find anything to match the shorts/pants/watever it is you bought.

    Tammy I actually log my food both ways, before I eat it and after. Usually, I'll prelog my dinner because I know what I'm going to have and I'll usually prelog my breakfast for the same reason. During the day I usually jot down on a piece of paper what I ate. But I do find it good to prelog my dinner so I can see where I stand for the day. Can I afford to have such-and-such. A lot of time I try to include a snack that I know I'm going to have in the evening, just so that I don't go over on the calories (which reminds me, I need to log a snack)

    DJ - that's a gorgeous shade of blue! We have a bunch of those rubber duckies to put in the pool, probably will put them in the spa when we have the pool social so that they fall into the pool as they go over the waterfall. I like kale, but right now I just can't bring myself to eat it plain, but in a soup...fantastic, just like spinach. It probably wouldn't be bad with some sort of sauce on it, but I'm not into sauces. Yes, a light bulb certainly would help turn the light on....lol

    pip - I didn't know that whenever a bike rider gets hit and killed by an automobile, they erect a "ghost bike" in that person's memory. What a neat idea!

    MNMargaret - I got a few swim suits at Kohl's for something like $8. The only problem was that they didn't really hold up under all the chlorine that the Y uses. But then again, at $8 I can afford to lose a few suits

    Rebamae - you got those prayers

    Beth in WNY - Personally, I would be more willing to pay extra for good quality furniture.

    Gayle in MN - I know I've been on here a few years. It used to be that under your name they'd list when you became a member, wish it was still that way

    I remember there used to be a way to see all the posts that a person made. Is it still that way? How do you view them if it is?

    Meg - It must be extremely frustrating with dd. My heart goes out to you

    janetr - such good new about your BIL

    drkatiebug - yea on that NSV. Sometimes it just takes our bodies a while to catch up with itself and know that we've lost weight. Don't give up hope, it'll happen, probably when you least expect it.

    Michele in NC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Meg – Ugh, nothing's worse then trying to save someone who won't be saved. I've been thru some rough spots with my girls too and it is so very stressful. (((Hugs)))

    Barbie – wow wouldn't know that it was the same person. What a change, you are proof it can be done.

    Cheri – I had not been to a B&B until Jack and I got married and went to one on our wedding/honeymoon. They had a tiny little chapel and the nicest couple ran it. He was an ordained minister and performed the ceremony and she was an outstanding cook. Made us three-course breakfasts. There were home made cookies on the bed when we walked in the room. For an additional amount they provided the wedding cake, champagne for toasting, a photographer and my bouquet in the color of my choice. It was all so grand. I keep telling Jack I want to go back. I probably have some pics somewhere. Looking forward to seeing your pics.

    DrKatie – I understand the being down about your weight. I truly am just staying off the scale, its not budging so I just quit. I have been retaining fluid too with the heat and my feet and ankles are swollen and my rings tight also. BUT some of my clothes are much loser, so I'm just gonna keep on keeping on. It will happen, hang in there. (((Hugs)))

    Michele – Thank you for so much for the kind thots of my BiL. I hope he continues. He's been thru so much for the last several years. I just was hoping he would have at least a few years of quality living to make up for all he's been thru.

    Michele/Everyone – has anyone heard from Carol I the last few days? I don't know if I missed a post but I haven't seen her for a couple of days and know she was in pain and down. I hope all if okay.

    Janetr OKC
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Did an hour of balance games on the Wii today. The plan for tomorrow is to do one segment of the Butt Lift DVD, hold my plank, and then take the extremepump class.

    This is the week we have off from senior bowling. Next week we go early for a meeting, free bowling, and then the fall season starts the following week.

    Exercised then it was so nice out this a.m. that I put the weed killer down, came in and read the paper. Boy, did I have a stomach ache! Went to WalMart (wanted to get more feta cheese, I'll probably make another one of those spinach/feta crustless quiches, only this time I'll put in the salt) Went in the pool, made the ice tea to have at rummikub Tuesday. I keep forgetting that we don't have bowling tomorrow. Maybe I'll ice the cupcakes tomorrow for Rummikub Tuesday.

    Mary from MN - I don't have arthritis...yet. I do have osteoporosis. I think that's one of the main reasons why I want to do exercises just about every day, to put stress on the bones. I know that's one of the advantages of lifting weights

    Joyce - last year they discontinued the tax free weekend in NC so this year they're promoting "better than tax free" sales. I don't know how that's going to go.

    Lisa - awesome quilt!!! Love how you did the sides. Thanks for sharing the significance of the quilt. You are one special lady, that's for sure. I don't know how you find the time with all you do, especially now

    Lillian - how adorable those kids are! I'd just love to pinch those cheeks, but you can do it for me

    Sylvia - so sorry for your hips and knees. That's just aweful. I've always wanted to go to Mount Airy

    Lenora - I buy the same way as you, at the end of the season. The biggest problem I sometimes run into is that one color is in popularity one season (like purple was big one year, another it was shocking pink) but then the next year you can't find anything to match the shorts/pants/watever it is you bought.

    Tammy I actually log my food both ways, before I eat it and after. Usually, I'll prelog my dinner because I know what I'm going to have and I'll usually prelog my breakfast for the same reason. During the day I usually jot down on a piece of paper what I ate. But I do find it good to prelog my dinner so I can see where I stand for the day. Can I afford to have such-and-such. A lot of time I try to include a snack that I know I'm going to have in the evening, just so that I don't go over on the calories (which reminds me, I need to log a snack)

    DJ - that's a gorgeous shade of blue! We have a bunch of those rubber duckies to put in the pool, probably will put them in the spa when we have the pool social so that they fall into the pool as they go over the waterfall. I like kale, but right now I just can't bring myself to eat it plain, but in a soup...fantastic, just like spinach. It probably wouldn't be bad with some sort of sauce on it, but I'm not into sauces. Yes, a light bulb certainly would help turn the light on....lol

    pip - I didn't know that whenever a bike rider gets hit and killed by an automobile, they erect a "ghost bike" in that person's memory. What a neat idea!

    MNMargaret - I got a few swim suits at Kohl's for something like $8. The only problem was that they didn't really hold up under all the chlorine that the Y uses. But then again, at $8 I can afford to lose a few suits

    Rebamae - you got those prayers

    Beth in WNY - Personally, I would be more willing to pay extra for good quality furniture.

    Gayle in MN - I know I've been on here a few years. It used to be that under your name they'd list when you became a member, wish it was still that way

    I remember there used to be a way to see all the posts that a person made. Is it still that way? How do you view them if it is?

    Meg - It must be extremely frustrating with dd. My heart goes out to you

    janetr - such good new about your BIL

    drkatiebug - yea on that NSV. Sometimes it just takes our bodies a while to catch up with itself and know that we've lost weight. Don't give up hope, it'll happen, probably when you least expect it.

    Michele in NC

    Yes I can view the posts. Not sure how I found the site? Not listed under group but stared. You all seem so connected
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    DamitJanit wrote: »
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    MNMargaret, I guess there is “no” excuse to not start swimming again. But then there never way. Lol Way to go on the swim suit!!! I love bargains like that!

    Reba, prayers on their way!! So sad.

    Allison, sorry the trip was shorter than you expected. Was it a pleasant trip for the most part? I think, I too, am trying to figure out where Tom’s head is at, as they say. At least out of all of this, I hope he is being civil and talking to you nicer. Glad you could get away. Wow you did get a deal on a swim suit!!

    Carol, sorry you didn’t like the new hair color. I can still put on eye liner, but I have decided if I’m in a rush, no one notices if I don’t wear any. I just put eye shadow a bit heavier near the lashes and put on mascara. With my glasses I don’t really think it’s noticeable for all my trouble. Lol I’d just be too big a chicken to have mine tattooed. And I do use a mirror with 5X magnification. Lol

    Barbie, you talked about people criticizing when they are not succeeding….I also find it strange that those same people that don’t succeed will ask what you are doing to lose weight and then immediately start telling you about some diet they are on/or have heard of. *shakin’ head*

    Gayle, I have only been with this group of ladies since Nov. last year. The thing is, they made me immediately feel at home and part of the family. Some have been here much longer. We really don’t care how long someone has been here if they are committed to the journey and serious about getting/staying healthy. smiley-happy020.gif I only wish I had found MGP and this group of ladies about 10 years earlier.

    Vicki, glad you get an easy day at work. Hope you get your early to bed night’s rest. (((Hugs)))

    Meg, it is so hard when our children (at any age) need help but just don’t take it. And especially when they won’t do what they need to do to protect and take care of themselves. My heart goes out to you and your DD for what she’s going through. I’ll keep you in my prayers.

    Rori, beautiful pictures. Looks like a wonderful day.

    Barbie, love seeing both pictures. I had never seen the before. Thanks for sharing. I can’t get over what a tiny thing you are. (((Hugs)))

    Cheri, glad you like the B & B. Our one and only experience was not as good and DH swore he’d never visit one again. Lol

    Do any of you know the difference in Oat Bran and Oat Flour? Or even Oat Cereal? I made more Bran Muffins today and am running low on Oat Bran, so was looking online about ordering more. Thus the questions.

    I wish you all a happy and healthy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC

    I agree wonderful caring group of women!!!! We all have the same goal and same journey. I always say " dance in your uniqueness, without it your a real bore". Gayle Minneapolis
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Oh, I have read so many posts I have lost count and C.R.S. (as for names).

    Many, many prayers being sent up for baby who had seizures. I had febrile seizures and my Mother never had to take my temperature because when my fever hit 101.1 degrees - I'd have a seizure! My DYS had his first seizure about the age of 16 months and scared me to death. He stopped breathing and was turning blue. I picked him up and he was in the exact same position he had been lying on the bed. Like a doll with his arms spayed out and up. I scream and Louis was on the landing before I could come out of the room. I do not know if I threw him or if he came up the final 5 steps to grab him; I was headed down to call the EMTs - bypassing a phone right behind me. Thankfully, we lived close enough to the hospital that I could hear their sirens before I even hung up the phone. By that time, he was crying and such. EMTs checked him over and asked if we wanted them to take him to the hospital or did we want to drive him. My recommendation is to let the EMTs take him - they see EMT patients quicker than others because it is considered a 'real' emergency. Some city hospitals are like 'clinics' to people who don't have any insurance and their triage nurses don't always think that a 'healthy looking baby' who 'might' have had a seizure as an 'emergency'. We said we'd take him ourselves and I asked the nurse in the ER to call his pediatrician; but, the pediatrician who was taking his calls (one of his recent partners) would not come unless the child was admitted. Nothing showed up on any of the tests they did and I was told to take him home and 'watch him'. NO $#*T - I sat in a chair by his bed with my hand on his back all night. Early the next morning as soon as I 'thought' someone would actually answer the phone I called my regular pediatrician and told the girl who answered what had happened. She put me on hold, and a few minutes later she told me that the MD wanted to see him. I told her that neither of us were 'dressed' ... and she said, "Dr. Smith said RIGHT NOW and besides you won't be the first mother he has seen in a nightgown and robe. So off we go. I told him what had happened - exactly and he told me to get him dressed and wait and he'd talk to me in a few minutes. I don't know what he did or said, but some heads rolled that day! When he came back he started asking questions about babies under the age of 2 years dying in my family. I knew exactly what he was talking about and I got hysterical. I was afraid that he (DYS) might have been a SIDS baby if I had not seen him having this seizure. After that, whenever he was 'sick' I slept in the same room as he did. Seizures can be scary no matter who is having them or how often a parent or spouse has seen them. When I was Lithium Toxic and they could not get my Lithium level down - I started seizing non-stop (Louis can't watch a MD show on TV where they show someone seizing that way). He said that was exactly what I was doing and it 'hurt' to watch me do so. The 'kidney specialist' treating me told him that the 'only' way they could get the lithium out of my system was to flush my kidneys and he could not garantee that I would even 'survive' the procedure. My husband told him to do so, if I was going to die anyway he wanted every procedure that could help me done. I don't remember about 3 weeks of my life while in the ICU. I hope they can find out what is causing the seizures and there is a medication that they can put him on. I take Dilantin, Lamictal, and another seizure medication that when taken with my bipolar meds acts like an anti-anxiety pill (but it always gives me an added bit of protection against seizures as well). My son had seizures until he was about 7 (maybe 8). When he was a baby he was on Phenobarbital (common seizure meds for a baby). He would rock in the bed, so hard that every morning we had to tighten the screws in his bed. I've tired to come off the Dilantin to be put on a different medication because even a smallest amount affects my 'gums' and when I get down to a certain level - I'll have a seizure; so that is out for the moment anyway.

    As for my diet - I am sure that they will wean me off the shakes (especially) for a replacement meal under a certain number of calories or two meals under a certain number of calories. I made one from the list I got and I thought I would be starving in a few hours; but, I wasn't. A 4oz piece of chicken, 2 veggies, and something sweet. I was full all afternoon. I was told to drink as much water as I could after the shakes and after the meals because that would help keep me from feeling hungry. I'm actually working really hard to lose the weight. Although this week has not been a good week for me. Getting in that pool every day before the afternoon thunder bumpers come along. When I have it all to myself I can do a lot! Tonight I went 'over' by 490 calories; but, I was hungry and hungry doesn't get it for me. If I had drank my lunch, I would have had to bypass the stuffed mushrooms and rice. WTH, it was my DDnL's birthday - what am I to say - sorry I am on a diet or start over tomorrow eating healthy! Yep, I made the right choice.